What is the difference between freshwater and sea pearls? Choosing pearls. Marine or freshwater? Differences by origin

Beautiful pearls are not only found in the sea. Some freshwater mollusks also have the ability to create mother-of-pearl beads inside their shells. Freshwater pearls look like those that were caught in the sea. And the process of its formation itself is almost exactly the same.

It creates equally impressive decorations:

  • Rings.
  • Earrings.
  • Graceful bracelets.
  • Luxurious necklaces, necklaces and beads.
  • Pendants and much more.

Up to 16 freshwater pearls can be found in one shell.

It is clear that they are collected in rivers where oysters live. And to obtain cultured material, special farms are created where oysters are grown, and foreign bodies are artificially placed in their shells, around which the mollusks begin to form pearls.

It is almost impossible to distinguish wild river pearls from cultured ones externally. Only very experienced practitioners can detect subtle differences between samples.

Appearance Each pearl is unique. Mollusks cannot create identical specimens, so real pearls are always unique.

The characteristics of each bead depend on the age of the mollusk, its stage of development, conditions, water composition and other factors. Under their influence, an element of one shape or another is formed, from an almost ideal sphere to an uneven irregular figure.

It is impossible to manage or control this process, because here the first violin belongs to the forces of nature. Therefore, even on special farms it is impossible to achieve a perfect spherical shape of pearls. Each of them has its own unique differences.

To find out how to distinguish sea pearls from river pearls, you need to know the main characteristics when assessing the quality of this material:

  • Gloss level. River specimens are not as bright as those created in sea ​​water. Their shine is not so noticeable, it is softer, more restrained, more subdued. If you place a sea pearl and a river pearl side by side, you will notice that the second one is duller.
  • Form. In any type of pearl you can observe the most whimsical and varied shapes of beads. But predominantly sea pearls are closer to a spherical shape, while freshwater pearls are more often oval and elongated.
  • Price. The cost of one river pearl is lower than the price of one sea specimen. This is primarily due to the fact that only one pearl is formed in sea shells, and about a dozen in river shells. Accordingly, the cost of cultivating freshwater pearls is significantly lower, which determines the affordable cost of each pearl. But when pricing, the quality of each copy is also taken into account.
  • Abrasion resistance. The layer of mother-of-pearl on marine specimens is usually thinner than on river specimens. Therefore, pearls from the sea lose their shine faster, as the thin nacre layer wears off. And river pearls remain shiny for many years.
  • Hue. In fresh waters, mainly milky pearls are formed. It is impossible to get black or pink pearls from rivers. But sea mollusks successfully cope with the task of creating pearls of a wide variety of shades.

As you can see, freshwater pearls have their own advantages. Therefore, it is a good choice to purchase. It is affordable, beautiful, durable. You will feel no less pleasant in jewelry with river pearls than in jewelry with sea pearls.

Varieties of freshwater pearls

The varieties obtained from river oyster shells are determined by the method of its extraction:

  • Natural or wild. It results from the completely accidental penetration of a foreign particle, such as a grain of sand, into the shell. The mollusk, trying to protect its internal space, begins to create layers of nacre around the foreign body. Over time, there are more and more layers, and a grain of sand turns into a pearl. Then the shell falls into the hands of a person, he opens it and discovers about a dozen beautiful beads that the diligent mollusk has been creating for years. Determining exactly where the oysters that create pearls are found is not easy. Typically, mining is carried out in places where large colonies of these creatures live. This is quite painstaking, time-consuming and costly work, which is why catching wild freshwater pearls is often considered unprofitable. It is carried out on a very modest scale.
  • Cultured freshwater pearls. This product is created on special farms and is a key way to obtain freshwater pearls. The essence of the technique used is that foreign particles are deliberately placed into the sink, and then the process is carried out in the same way as in natural conditions. The mollusk begins to work, building up pearlescent layers on the particle. As a result of his work, after a few years, the owner of the farm will receive ten or more pearls, depending on how many foreign fragments were placed in the shell.

All other types are not natural pearls, but their imitations.

Freshwater pearl farms operate all over the world. China is the leader in this area, although centuries ago people found wild pearls in sufficient quantities in deep Russian rivers to embroider sundresses and hats with them.

You can try to find a pearl-bearing shell now. But we must understand that this matter will require effort and time. It is important to choose oysters from the very bottom of a fresh reservoir.

There are several parameters that will allow you to calculate the shell hiding the pearl:

  • Deformed doors;
  • Defects, chips and other signs of damage;
  • Lumpy shell surface.

The shell must be opened to find out for sure whether there is a pearl in it.

Variety of freshwater pearls

The cultivation process produces beads that are closest in shape to a regular sphere. But achieving a perfect ball is almost impossible. The most common types of freshwater pearl shapes are:

  • Circle;
  • Button;
  • Pear-shaped;
  • Oval;

Each of the forms is beautiful in its own way. When choosing a product, make sure that all the pearls are of the same shape. This is one of the indicators of the quality of decoration.

If we consider the color richness, then freshwater pearls have almost nothing to boast of, especially in comparison with sea pearls. The color of mother-of-pearl is determined by the type of oyster and the conditions in which it functions.

In addition to milky shades, freshwater pearls can be gray, brownish, beige and greenish.

From fresh water it can be determined by its size:

  • Large, varietal. Has a diameter of 5-10 mm. The most expensive because it takes a lot of time to grow such a specimen. It is used in jewelry more often than all other types.
  • Beads. Has a diameter of 3-5 mm. It takes about a couple of years to obtain such a copy. Also widely used in creating jewelry.
  • Dust. Has a diameter of up to 3 mm. Used for embroidering exclusive clothing. These pearls also vary in price. It depends on the method of production, size, shape, shade. Expensive wild specimens have a diameter of 10 mm. Their cost is about $400 apiece.

Types of pearls are divided according to the type of mollusk that produces them. Shape and color are important in determining the type of pearl. For centuries, pearls have been perceived by humanity as a gift from the gods. It was just not clear how and why a beautiful pearl was born in a shell. At all times, pearls have been an expensive decoration.

With the beginning of large-scale production of cultured pearls on special farms, pearl jewelry has become available to most people. For a thousand years, pearl divers dived into the depths, risking their health, for the sake of excellent catch. The Chinese were the first to learn how to cultivate pearls. Back in the 13th century, they placed a foreign body into the body of the mollusk, which over time became covered with a layer of mother-of-pearl.

Types of pearls

Today, pearls are grown on special farms equipped with high-tech equipment under the supervision of specialists. But, like hundreds of years ago, a person cannot interfere with the process itself and influence the color or shape of the pearl. In addition, not all pearls meet quality standards. Ultimately, the result depends on nature.

Biologists care about the health of mollusks, because the quality of pearls, and, consequently, profit, depends on this. Today, all jewelry is made from cultured pearls. It is a mistake to consider cultured pearls to be artificial; they are natural pearls, but grown under human control.

  • A pearl grows on average in 3-12 years.
  • Experts cannot know in advance what kind of pearl the pearl will grow into.
  • It should be noted that the extraction of natural pearls is currently prohibited.
  • Today, 90% of the world's pearl production is concentrated in China.

Types of pearls - from sea to freshwater

The type of pearl depends on the mollusk that produces it and the place of birth. The geography of the origin of pearls is unusually vast. There are freshwater and saltwater pearls. Several centuries ago, pearls were also mined in Russia. In the 15th century in Russia, pearls were mined on Lake Ilmen and on some rivers in the Northwestern part of Russia. Freshwater pearls are also found in the rivers of Western Europe.

Types of pearls - Tahiti pearls

Tahitian pearls are harvested from the warm, clear waters off the coast of French Polynesia. Tahitian pearls range in color from gray to black and are naturally produced. Pearls are produced by large black-lipped clams Pinctada margaritifera. The pearls are large, about 10-12 mm in diameter. Tahitian pearls are of high quality, each pearl is unique.

Pearls are used to create exquisite jewelry, the cost of which on the market is quite high.

Types of pearls - sea pearls

Pearls are born in mollusks living in sea water. Saltwater pearls are valued many times more expensive than freshwater ones. Sea pearls are distinguished by a thick layer of mother-of-pearl, richness color range, overtones, that is, iridescence. The color of sea pearls can be white, yellow, cream, pink, blue, red, black. The color is affected by the quality and chemical composition of sea water and other environmental factors.

One type of sea pearl is ocean pearl. Such pearls grow in larger mollusks in sea bays with warm water. Growing pearls is much more difficult in the unpredictable ocean environment. Ocean pearl farms are located off the coasts of Australia, Indonesia and Hawaii. Ocean pearls are highly valued.

Akoya Pearls

One of the varieties of sea pearls is Akoya pearls. Akoya pearls grow in marine mollusks of the genus Pinctada fucata, living off the coast of Japan and China. It is worth telling more about this type of pearl.

The story should begin with the history of the invention of cultured sea pearls. The method was patented by the Japanese Kokihi Mikimoto in 1896. Mikimoto placed pearl beads into the shell of the mollusk, then put it back into the water. After a few years, the pearls became larger.

It was with Akoya pearls that Mikimoto began his venture. His goal was to create the highest quality saltwater pearls. In 1893, the first Akoya cultured pearl was produced, and three years later the method was patented.

In 1905, as a result of tireless research, the first perfectly spherical Akoya pearl was obtained. Over time, the method was improved. Entire plantations were created for the cultivation of pearls. Akoya oysters live in shallow water, at a depth of 1-1.5 meters. Mollusks prefer calm seas and moderate temperatures of 15-23 degrees.

Under these conditions, the perfect sea pearl is born. Akoya pearls range in color from white and pink to silver. Akoya clams produce relatively small pearls. Its dimensions range from 3 to 10 mm. Perfect Akoya pearls, some of the best in the world. Akoya pearl jewelry is a symbol of elegance and beauty.

  • Akoya pearls look beautiful on all women, regardless of age.
  • Akoya's classic pearl necklaces and bracelets are some of the most popular and best-selling items in the world.
  • Akoya pearls are grown on farms in China, Vietnam and Japan. Pearls grown in the warm waters off the coast of China are highly prized.

South Sea Pearl

South Sea pearls are the most expensive of all types of sea pearls. South Sea pearls are produced by the Pinctada maxima mollusk. All pearls produced by this particular mollusk bear this name. Most of the farms producing this type of pearl are located in the waters of Australia, the Philippines and Indonesia. The color of South Sea pearls ranges from champagne to deep gold.

Freshwater pearls

Freshwater mollusks are much smaller than their marine counterparts. Freshwater pearls are smaller in size than sea pearls. Although freshwater pearls have a thicker layer of nacre than sea pearls. Freshwater pearls are much cheaper than sea pearls. One shellfish can contain several pearls, which significantly reduces the price. The world's freshwater pearl production is located in China.

Baroque pearls

Often the mollusk produces an irregularly shaped pearl. The name is based on the French word barokue, which means bizarre. Irregularly shaped pearls can be either marine or freshwater. Baroque pearls often have a bizarre, unique shape and amazing color variations. Recently, designers have appreciated the beauty of Baroque, and prices for jewelry with Baroque pearls have skyrocketed.

Although, the beauty of a pearl is usually assessed by its shape, which is close to spherical. Perfectly round pearls are rated highest. Designer jewelry with Baroque pearls are quite expensive.

Mabe pearls

Mabe pearls have a hemispherical shape. This is an ideal precious insert for earrings or pendants, bracelets and rings. The flat base of the pearl is very convenient to work with and offers many options.

Mabe pearls can be either sea or river. The pearl is formed on the valve of the shell. Large-sized marine specimens are especially prized. How to care for pearls. When buying jewelry with pearls, be sure to ask what type of pearl it is. Reputable stores and professional sellers will definitely provide all the information about the product.

Pearls can be sea or river. Both of these types are beautiful in their own way, but differ significantly in cost. They can be easily identified independently by some characteristic features and properties. Freshwater pearls are similar to sea pearls in appearance and in the principle of formation. Both of them are often used in the creation of jewelry and jewelry. It is important to understand how to distinguish sea pearls from river pearls.

Pearls, if you follow the modern classification approved by the International Mineralogical Society, are not included in the class of minerals, but despite this, such stones are used quite widely by jewelers. Pearls can be obtained naturally, as well as cultivated, and each type is divided depending on the method of cultivation and place of origin: river or sea.

Pearls are considered the oldest breed which is widely known to people. In the Roman Empire, several names for the precious stone were used at once. Large and evenly shaped pearls were called unio, which translates as unique. The second name is Margarita.

In Russian, the name “pearl” arose around the seventeenth century, this word was taken from the Chinese language. If translated in detail, “zhonchu” includes two parts: zhon - real, and also foreign pearls.

In Rus', pearls with the highest quality parameters were called sloping or sliding. This word perfectly described good shape stone (it could roll).

Until the nineteenth century, pearls surpassed in value all known precious stones, and even diamonds. Although pearls were known to many jewelers already in the fifteenth century, they began to be widely used by the population at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth. In the “pre-diamond” era, such jewelry was the most elegant and elite.

Over time, attitudes towards this jewel have changed greatly. If during the Renaissance a scattering of pearls looked like an attractive decoration for any man’s suit, now every designer knows that this clothing for the stronger half of humanity should not contain a single pearl. This decoration can only be used by girls. The only exceptions may be mother-of-pearl buttons created by hand.

On the modern market you can find two main types of stone:

  • natural or cultured sea;
  • natural or cultivated river.

Growing a Gemstone

Currently, cultured freshwater pearls occupy the first place in the world market. Large quantity This stone comes to Russia from China, which supplies about a dozen tons of pearls every year. River stone grows freely even in wet and uncultivated rice fields. It is here that a more favorable microclimate prevails for mollusks, which can quickly multiply and form beautiful pearls.

Freshwater pearls are obtained from lake oysters. They live mainly in clean rivers with low water flows. The size of river mollusks can reach up to 18 cm in diameter, weight - up to 300 g, and their age - up to 50 years.

Mollusks that are found in river water belong to the family Unionidae. The most famous representative of this group in the territory European countries is margaritifera, which is valued by producers. Beautiful buttons are made from its shells. Experts say that mollusks quickly adapt to changes in physical, biological and climatic conditions. They are long-livers; in natural conditions, some individuals can live for about 250 years.

Unlike freshwater pearls, sea pearls do not have nuclei; they are grown using a nuclear-free method. In this case, experts place a piece of foreign tissue into the mantle of the mollusk, which quickly begins to be enveloped in layers of mother-of-pearl. This method is considered nuclear-free, since a special artificial ball nucleus is added to the pearls for this purpose. It is for this reason that lake stone has a thicker layer of mother-of-pearl, unlike sea stone.

The nuclear-free method allows the manufacturer to add several seeds to the mollusk and get two beautiful stones from one shell at once. One lake oyster can produce about fifteen pearls. As the pearls grow, it is important to turn them regularly so that they “break in” and become flatter. Correct smooth stones make up a small amount of mined jewelry, and therefore cost much more.

In a year and a half, one pearl gains up to three millimeters in height. In three years, this figure will increase to seven millimeters. In rare cases, they can be more than 10 mm, and the cost in this case increases many times over. River stone has gained wide popularity due to the variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Pearls can reach a diameter of up to 8 mm, but they medium size equal to 5 mm.

Solid mother-of-pearl is matte and does not have the characteristic shine of marine pearls, but is more resistant to damage and abrasion, which is very valuable for any piece of jewelry. The color is uneven and may change in some places from one shade to another, but all of them are not bright. You can find pink-orange, lilac, lilac, brown, pale purple, pure white and cream colored pearls.

Freshwater jewelry is often distinguished by its irregular shape. They can be in the form of a drop, an oval, etc. Completely round and large pearls are considered very rare.

Since the cost of freshwater pearls is less than that of sea pearls, this helps manufacturers create inexpensive jewelry.

Features of natural jewelry

Natural pearls are only those that were formed in nature without human intervention. The main condition for natural origin is human non-interference. As in ancient times, such pearls can be found very rarely, so even in modern conditions their cost is greatly inflated.

Mollusks are attacked by irritants very rarely. If there is no provocateur, then the pearl is not formed. The role of man in the formation of a pearl is that he places the irritant into the shell of the mollusk himself. Such a stone is classified as cultivated.

Since naturalness will determine the final price for pearls, difficult and expensive research is carried out to determine its quality. Only in this case can it be accurately determined whether a person intervened in the creation of such a breed or whether a real price can be set for it.

Natural sea pearls were mined only in the waters of the Persian Gulf. Already at the end of the nineteenth century, due to the barbaric use of shellfish and their extraction, pearls in this bay were almost extinct. Now only a single pearl is found in these places, which is sold through special auctions.

Natural pearls are now very rare, and their cost is very high. For example, necklaces made from natural pearls were sold at a Christie's auction in 2008 for 1.7 million. At the same event, a string of river jewelry went for 1.4 million.

Criteria influencing the assessment

Cultured and natural jewelry are judged using the same criteria. All over the world, evaluation is carried out according to the main system, which was created by the Gemological Institute of America.

Main indicators:

There are four main types of human-produced pearls on the jewelry market. Three types are grown in sea water, and one is grown in fresh water.

  • Akoya (marine type);
  • Black Tahitian (sea);
  • Freshwater Chinese (the second name is Chinese non-nuclear);
  • South Sea Pearls.

Differences by origin

Before purchasing pearl products, it is important to determine the difference between freshwater and sea pearls. These include:

Definition of counterfeits

Some selfish manufacturers create fake pearls that can be easily distinguished from natural ones. There are several methods that will help you quickly identify a fake stone:

If you follow the evaluation of pearls, then the quality is assessed according to seven main criteria, which will depend on the characteristics of the jewelry.

If a bracelet, ring or pendant with several pearls is being considered, the quality indicator is assessed on six points. If a whole string of pearls or a necklace is taken, then a seventh parameter appears, which is called selection. It is used only if several pearls are drilled and put on one common thread.

Pearls are perhaps one of the most famous natural stones. In many cultures it was valued for its beauty and unusual properties. The Slavs called such a stone “tears of joy.” There are sea and river pearls. Each of them has features. Often on the shelves you can find pearls cultured in freshwater reservoirs.

Sometimes there is something foreign in the body of a freshwater mollusk. This is where the pearl is formed. It usually appears in the area of ​​the valve closing muscle or on the upper part of the body fold (mantle).

Mother of pearl covers the inner wall of the shell. When a foreign particle enters, for example, a grain of sand or an insect larva, the nerve endings of the mollusk become irritated. As a response, the epithelial tissues divide and a special sac appears - a cyst. Next, the mantle secretes nacre, which forms a pearl.

Sometimes a clot of mother-of-pearl appears without a foreign body. It is necessary for the epithelial cells to be inside the mantle. This happens, for example, due to injury or pathology.

In fresh waters - lake and river - most stones are obtained from mollusks of the genera Margaritifera and Dahurinaia. First of all, these are pearl mussels: European, Daurian, Kamchatka. Pearls are also found in toothless and pearled pearls.

Freshwater pearls take three to twelve years to mature. The timing depends on the species, environment, and age of the mollusk. The older he is, the smaller the pearls. River mollusks produce small, irregularly shaped minerals.

In the 19th century, a lot of river pearls were mined in the Russian Empire, especially in the north of the country. Nowadays, minerals of different origins end up in jewelry workshops. They are mined and grown in Russia, China, Germany, Great Britain, and the USA. Cultivation is practiced on farms.

You can try to find a river pearl on your own. But it will take a long time and does not guarantee positive result. The shells are collected from the bottom. A sign that they contain a precious mineral are irregularities or tubercles on the valves.

Types of freshwater pearls

There are two types of river stone: natural and cultivated. The first is sought in habitats of suitable mollusks. Such pearls are rarely found on sale, since mining them is unprofitable. Although large natural specimens, if they good quality, with glitter - the most expensive. For example, in 2008, a single freshwater pearl was sold at Christie's for $713,000.

The cultivated product is obtained on special farms. The foreign body is implanted independently into promising species. The implant consists of mother-of-pearl, which speeds up the process, but in nature pearls usually mature faster. Then the oysters are sent into the pond, surrounded by nets.

The undisputed leader in the cultivation of freshwater pearls is China. They began to develop the direction here in the 70s of the last century. Mussels produce 15-35 pearls at a time. Just one shell of a mollusk brings 3-4 “harvests”.

Farm-grown pearls tend to be smooth and have more regular contours. It is difficult to distinguish them from natural ones. The following types are distinguished by shape: circle, pear, drop, oval, button, baroque.

More often you come across mother-of-pearl stones, less often - green, gray, brownish. There are no blacks. Freshwater pearls have approximately 120 shades. The color depends on the characteristics of the foreign particle, the composition of the water, and the type of mollusk.

Stones come in the following sizes:

  1. Pearl dust. Diameter - up to 3 mm. It is often used to decorate expensive clothes.
  2. Beads - stone up to 3-5 mm. Such specimens can be grown on farms in 1.5-2 years. They are used to make jewelry.
  3. High-quality freshwater pearls are the most expensive. It is more difficult to grow. Size - 5-10 mm in diameter. Better suited for jewelry.

Some species are sometimes confused with saltwater pearls. When grown on modern farms, their sizes have become comparable. Colors and other features are often similar. Differences between sea pearls:

  • rounder and smoother surface;
  • brightness, river - dimmer;
  • wide palette of colors - from white to black;
  • The mother of pearl layer is thinner.

Sea pearls

Natural black or bright pink river pearls are not found.

Healing and magical properties

The stone is used in medicine. The calcium carbonate in its composition normalizes the acidity of the stomach. Pearls are also used:

  • to strengthen the nervous system;
  • for hypertension;
  • for healing the kidneys and liver;
  • for eye diseases.

Different peoples attributed pearls magical properties. Europeans expected longevity from him, the Chinese - prosperity, the Arabs - protection from the evil eye.

Pearls do not always help a person. Decorations with them suppress the flight of thought of travelers, actors, and writers. The mineral plunges you into a world of dreams, sometimes gloomy ones. Capable of breaking a psychologically weakened person. It brings melancholy to the lonely. It is not advisable for children to wear products with mother-of-pearl beads.

Brings fidelity, peace and understanding to couples. Resists betrayal and unkind thoughts. In this case, the jewel becomes tarnished.

How to distinguish natural from fake

There are products made from fake pearls on sale. In addition, there are now technologies for growing beads without shellfish. It is important to remember the differences:

  1. Natural stones should be cool to the touch.
  2. If you throw real pearls on a table, they will easily bounce off the surface.
  3. You can lightly rub two stones against each other until a powder appears. Scratches on natural pearls disappear when you run your finger over them. On a fake, the mother-of-pearl may be worn off, revealing another material behind it.
  4. Gems are heavier.
  5. Counterfeits are often cheaper.
  6. Fakes have traces of paint around the edges. They look unnatural: the shine of the stone is too bright, the shape is spherical, too regular.
  7. Natural pearls differ from each other, artificial pearls can be the same in shape and color.

Stone selection

Even good freshwater pearls have flaws: spots, dents, bumps. Quality is determined by the main characteristics: size, origin, shape, brightness and others. Expensive copies undergo examination. The standards were developed by Americans. The assessment is based on 6-7 parameters. So, round ones are less common, so they are more expensive. River pearls are valued less than sea pearls.

When choosing jewelry, it is important to know:

  1. Jewelry where the size of the beads gradually increases or decreases is considered more beautiful and of higher quality.
  2. The pairing, geometry of parts, and overall impression are important.
  3. River pearls in jewelry sometimes come in different colors or are combined with others precious stones.
  4. Sets of beads, earrings, and rings are popular.
  5. Flaws are better visible against a dark background under strong but diffuse lighting.

Freshwater pearl jewelry is beautiful and usually inexpensive. They can be worn for a long time without loss of quality and can be inherited.

Jewelry with pearls is beautiful: mother-of-pearl spheres shining with soft light are a symbol of elegance and aristocratic impeccability. There are usually two types of natural pearls used in jewelry design: river and sea pearls. We'll tell you how to distinguish one from the other.

Gold brooch SOKOLOV 794004_s with pearls, cubic zirconia

By appearance

A pearl is a product of a mollusk’s reaction to a foreign body entering the shell: a grain of sand, an insect, a shell fragment. By enveloping the irritant with mother-of-pearl, the animal protects itself, resulting in the formation of a smooth shiny ball. Mollusks that produce pearls live both in the seas and oceans, and in rivers. Chemical composition water affects the quality, color and partly the size of pearls.


Pearls obtained from sea shells are usually larger. This is due to the composition of the water, as well as the time of cultivation and the type of oyster itself. If the beads of jewelry with pearls are small or medium in size - do not exceed 6-7 mm, most likely they are of freshwater origin, but the final conclusion must be made taking into account all other characteristics.

Necklace beads De Fleur 01401S1D9.5 with pearls


Sea pearls have a greater variety of colors: white, golden, cream, greenish, gray, chocolate and even black. The palette of freshwater pearls is more modest, mostly light shades: milky and cream. The color of sea pearls is uniform, but on river pearls you can often find barely noticeable spots.


Sea pearls used in jewelry production are close to a spherical shape, they are round or teardrop-shaped, freshwater pearls are often elongated, resembling an oval with uneven edges, a pear or a button; an ideal sphere is rare.


River mother-of-pearl “balls” have a soft matte shine, while shelf ones have a brighter, shimmering shine in the light. Reason: warm water sea ​​bays, affecting the “quality” and growth of nacre.

Gold brooch SOKOLOV 740190_s with pearls, topaz, cubic zirconia

Wild, cultured, cultured pearls – which is which?

It is difficult to find wild pearls for sale, except in original or designer works, as well as in specialized stores. Besides, this pleasure is not cheap.

In jewelry production, cultured pearls are mainly used, grown inside mollusks on special farms; the entire process (from placing a grain of sand in the shell to removing the mother-of-pearl ball) is controlled by people.

Cost of products

But even pearls grown on special farms vary greatly in price. The cost of pearl depends on the conditions and labor costs, and sometimes they differ greatly. Sea farms require constant attention: you need to monitor weather conditions, water composition, temperature - if there is a sharp change in indicators, the oysters may die. Therefore, sea pearls are usually an order of magnitude more expensive.

River and lake farms are more stable. The mollusks of these farms are capable of producing more pearls - on average up to twenty, while the sea ones - only one or two. Jewelry with freshwater pearls is more affordable and is only slightly inferior in beauty to expensive sea pearls.

Silver double-sided earrings “Russian Silver” S1340/1-54828 with pearls, cubic zirconia

Reading the information on the tag

Among other things, you can determine the type by the inscription on the tag. For example, figuring out what type of pearl is used to decorate jewelry by reading “freshwater cultured pearls,” “freshwater pearls,” or “saltwater pearls” is not difficult.

If you are buying jewelry abroad, look for the inscriptions Freshwater Cultured Pearls (freshwater), Saltwater Pearls (sea), as well as Akoya, Keshi, Kasumi, South Sea - types of sea pearls from certain regions: Japan, China, Philippines, etc.