Young people do not want to gain experience from scratch. Big kids. Why young people don’t want to grow up, and their parents don’t want to let them swim freely

    Recently, situations have increasingly arisen when young people are only interested in the size of their salary, while the work itself is of little interest. From the beginning of the creation of the company until the moment of writing this article, a lot of young people passed through our HR department. Some were truly talented, others not so much. A considerable number of young people underwent internships. And everything would have been fine if one very sad fact had not become obvious in the end.
    Question: “What do I need to do?” sounds many times less often than the question: “How much will they pay me?” It seems that young people expect to be paid just because they were born, got up in the morning, went out into the street and crossed the threshold of the building. Banal hard work is completely absent, and among the majority. So what is the reason? Why don't young people want to work?

    Demographics, however, explain only one aspect of employment trends. Over 50 year olds no longer work because they are more numerous, but also because companies are hiring them more often. There is another point to consider: youth unemployment. Last November it plunged to 39.4%, its highest peak since October. In fact, four Italians aged 15 to 24 did not find a job in ten. Again, more than in general, between 15 and 64 years of age, as an approximation, more than one in every ten people is unemployed.

    Of course, this thesis cannot be applied to everyone. Nobody disputes that there are a lot of young people who are eager to get a job. workplace. But where are they all? The fact is that they have all already taken their strong place in offices, factories or other places. The rest of the youth remain at home, exposed to two personal enemies - laziness and a heightened sense of self-esteem (if you want - importance).

    Between 15 and 24 years, this number increases: four out of ten. Recapitulating: there are more unemployed among young Italians than among all working age groups, and, as a rule, more than 50 people are hired more easily because they are larger. Clearly reading the data, there is some positive signal. For example, youth unemployment is increasing because the number of inactive people is decreasing, i.e. those who are not studying and not looking for work. Therefore, many children tried to get into the world of work.

    I'm saying he didn't do it. According to Claudio Negro of the Anna Kulisifov Foundation, which cares about employment, it is essentially not true that youth unemployment is increasing: it is true that youth employment is increasing too slowly to replenish the level of unemployment accumulated over the years, and this is still too great.

    These personal enemies can be successfully attributed to shortcomings of personal character and upbringing. Even from school, it becomes clear who can become who. Teachers equally try to provide knowledge to everyone, including the children of representative and wealthy families who are unshakably confident in their superiority. But in life, things often don’t work out as planned. If someone feels chosen, there can always be someone who is even cooler. Or maybe some kind of force majeure will simply occur, which will completely turn everything upside down. Quite often, young people are burdened with their arrogance and thoughts that somewhere someone wants to hand over a large sum just like that.

    Are there job opportunities in the world for young people? In this context, there is a demand for technicians, for whom the firms account for 15% of the recruitment planned between January and March. And “the biggest challenges in finding are specialized, technical and skilled workers.” In particular, businesses complain about the recruitment of engineers and architects, executives, physicists and natural scientists, health professionals and specialists in business and economics. Research that should reward graduates.

    On the contrary, in 41% of cases only a diploma is available to companies high school, and in four techniques this degree does not matter. In 66% of cases, companies are also looking for experienced personnel. The same demand for graduates of 4 people or electronic engineers, among graduates, the ability to use the Internet is considered essential not only for those who have a high school title with a computer address, but also for a third of graduates with administrative and a quarter of them with an email address . So, while the grandchildren are studying, the grandparents are working.

    The antipodes of the characters described above are people who feel responsibility, or more precisely, an increased sense of responsibility. People with this approach will do any work honestly and efficiently. Of course, it is impossible not to take into account hard work. These are, perhaps, the two main qualities that young people need to cultivate in themselves to get a job.

    In a country where, according to Istat, youth unemployment reaches 40%, “bambucchio 0” refuse to make artisans. At the same time, a survey was conducted among 100 entrepreneurs, according to which 35% of this trade is likely to disappear within 10 years. Even 65% of surveyed entrepreneurs report “serious violations of the state, regions and various institutions on the topic of training.” The lack of a culture of education, says the study, “becomes a hidden aid for those who want to destroy this manufacturing sector” by 45%.

    How can the state help? Helping educate the younger generation. Young people don't believe in this anymore, they don't think that by becoming a craftsman there will be a future for them. Speaking is Bruno Crivelli, who points to the problem of generational change: "Concrete help can come from institutions, recreating young people in the potential of this work, as we believed at their age."

    It seems that this inflamed sense of self-esteem has already become a real problem for the country. This is especially evident in the capital. It’s hard to believe that among all the stupid pathos of the capital’s youth, there will be people who will really forget about their arrogance, will show respect for their superiors and colleagues, and will conscientiously fulfill their duties, without thinking exclusively about the material side. Moreover, such representatives love money very much, so questions about the size of their salary may immediately start pouring in.

    Even Pasquale Bruni has the same idea: Politics doesn't believe in young people, that's the point. If he believed it should help us preserve and educate future generations. To do this today, we need to do a thousand bureaucratic practices. “There has certainly been a serious downturn for our profession.” Thus, Italy is losing its productive and cultural heritage, says Giuseppe Gullo, managing director Stefan Hafner. At the same time Luca Palmiro: It is difficult to find young people who are still ready for agility, they are more focused on marketing, technology and communications.

    Perhaps these judgments are too harsh, but when you have to deal with a certain situation very often, it just begins to drive you crazy. Although it bears repeating, there are always good exceptions to any rule.

    I would still like to end the discussion on a positive note. What can save the new generation from an excessive sense of self-importance? They won’t be sorting through their whole life. No, definitely not all of it. After all, such stages of life as growing up and, as a result, rethinking what is happening and one’s place in life are inevitable. It just comes to some earlier, to others later. Various government programs for youth act as catalysts in this maturation and rethinking, and this is also great. But the main thing depends on the person himself. If a young man is not afraid of responsibility and is ready to accept it, if he knows that material rewards are given for quality work done, and not just like that, he will always find good job and your place in life.

    It would be nice if the Italian state gave young people an investment in our sector. Training is fundamental to our work, as is familiarity with the profession. Licia Mattioli is convinced that problems can arise by uniting. And this is one of the areas where synergies with institutions can work. Training is still a problem because technical schools are not advertised correctly. Just like with the chef profession, if we explain to young people that they can become the next Benvenuto Cellini, we will have more children taking up the job.

The steady aging of Russia's population is exacerbated by the fact that young people - those who are just starting their working lives - do not want or cannot work.

In large cities (like Moscow or Volgograd) today more than a third of residents are pensioners. And their number, judging by the demographic perspective, will only grow. While the working people are feeding the elderly. But there are fewer and fewer breadwinners. Those who are entering adulthood today do not seem to be at all eager to work, at least where they are offered.

There are also more optimistic opinions. Roberto Monin, owner of the Venetian jewelry company of the same name, believes that he has never had problems with young people and that his children really love the craft. David Ragionieri is "proud to middle age his company is 33 years old,” acknowledging that “it’s not easy to find young people who aren’t attracted to a job where you get your hands dirty, and you have to be able to convey passion for that job.” Guido Damiani is decidedly optimistic: In our laboratories, almost all of us are young, because we have the ability to train and learn very much, and we tend to sit next to a worker who has been working with us for more than half a century. with an eighteen year old who is doing an apprenticeship.

According to Rosstat, in age group from 20 to 24 years old, the share of unemployed in recent years has not fallen below 18%, while the national average is almost two times lower - about 10%.

Some young unemployed people, however, do not experience any discomfort. They have heard that it is “accepted” to work, but they do not see earnings as a “way of a civilized existence.”

Chiara Carli also said the same thing: At the production level, there seems to be a return to management, a desire to do. This is very positive, the young people in the company are ready, they send power and energy to everyone. It is not true that young people do not want to do this work. Young people are already motivated if someone offers them a job, there are no loopholes. Once laws encourage the recruitment of young people with tax benefits, there is a boom in permanent contracts. It is important that these disadvantages continue to provide long-term employment for the boys.

The administrative director of a large company, returning from the traditional presentation of his company at the economics department of Moscow State University, looked discouraged. Those interested in employment, not only in this company, but also with competitors, could be counted on one hand.

Diagnosis of a professional “headhunter”: they don’t want to and they can’t! This is also part of life - children of wealthy parents sincerely do not understand: why work? They already have everything. An acquaintance of mine, at the wedding of his son and the daughter of a new Russian, spent a long time begging the bride's parents: out of three gifts - an apartment, a car, a dacha - to leave only two. Otherwise, young people will have no incentive for career growth at all. However, this category of young people is relatively small.

Vincenzo Giannotti states: We have 120 boys in our school, and all of them are young men with a great desire to do and of any social status. Every year, young sentries graduate from schools with 80% of young people returning to find work. Maria Grazia Galimberti - Encyclopedia of boys.

Human activity that creates a country's wealth. Joint labor and capital are the two elements that make up the income of a country: the labor factor consists of all those employed; The capital factor is the sum of the means of production owned by entrepreneurs or shareholders. The world of work is a very diverse universe, made up of many jobs and professions and those who perform them. For the supply and demand of labor - a special "commodity" - extensive national legislation supports contractual rules between trade unions and employers.

As for everyone else, thanks to the media, their ideas about living standards are practically no different from European ones.

This means that they are determined to receive not the average Russian salary of 10 thousand rubles, but at least the European one.

Hence the ideas about desirable professions. According to the Levada Center, the top five most prestigious professions are lawyer, director/manager, doctor, banker and economist. As a matter of fact, these are professions that became extremely in demand in the early 1990s.
As a result, almost every second university considered it necessary to acquire a law or economics department, a department of political science and PR, or a journalism department.
At the same time, vocational schools closed as unpromising and unprofitable, and the vocational education system was destroyed.

The flow of people entering and exiting the labor market moves according to precise rhythms, like a dance. In a crowded city, there is a large cinema, filled inside and outside: every seat inside is a workplace. There are red chairs in the front row, other less comfortable chairs, simpler chairs stacked in the upper galleries: but it is important to note that all the seats are occupied. There are even those who managed to occupy two chairs and those who temporarily occupy the seat left by a free spectator who decided to stretch his legs.

The less fortunate spectators are hidden by a curtain and forced not to see the stage, but are allowed to remain inside: they are cassantegrati. This movie has a rule: everyone who finds a seat has the right to hold it until they have seen the entire show, which is prohibited for children under 15 and lasts about 46 years, which is the average life expectancy.

In the end up to 70% of manufacturing employers talk about a shortage of personnel(the average age of qualified workers in this field is around 55 years), but young people stubbornly do not want to go there. Even despite the competitive salary. He cannot due to lack of education.

And in prestigious nominations, where there is already great competition, young people obviously lose to their older comrades.

Nowadays, most people find jobs through the flow of people leaving them because new jobs created by companies are limited. Also, much the same as in a chair game, once an empty seat is occupied by those already in the room, there is an advantage in a high-speed race with those who enter only at that time.

To increase the ranks of those who wait, in Italy there are many women and, above all, many young people, because at the end of the line are those who come last, that is, the new generations. In Italy, the percentage of employed people among young people and women is significantly lower than in other Western countries.

Including the fact that their level of training is significantly lower than that of those who are now over 30 (if only because the level of university education has been steadily falling over the past ten years). And because in prestigious and moneyed industries, most positions are occupied by people who are not at all old.

Growth prospects for today's youth will appear by the age of 50, when their older comrades retire.

Tank of labor. We can think of strength as a large reservoir of water that increases in volume every year. The level corresponding to working age is determined by three “taps” and a “reset”. The first is the demographic tap, consisting of young people who have reached the threshold of working age.

Demographics can be changed by socio-cultural factors - the second tap - such as extended education, which delays the entry of young people into the labor market, or an increasing number of women who want to be part of the labor force: in fact, not all those who enter work, intend to work. Finally, at the other end of the working age, lengthening or shortening must be taken into account retirement age, which depends on the specific legislation of the country. The third tap is the one that regulates immigration and emigration: when an area grows rapidly, it attracts a stream of workers from other countries, legally or illegally.

How can one not recall the good Soviet distribution system! Back then, however, young specialists from the capital were afraid that they would be sent to raise yet another virgin soil, complete the construction of the BAM, or simply raise the cultural level of a remote village. Today they are not afraid. And... they risk joining the army of unemployed.

Some, however, are looking for their BAM - the “great American dream”. According to some estimates, up to ten thousand people are sent to the United States annually under the Work & Travel program alone. In America and Western Europe, they agree to the most unprestigious jobs, since Americanized dishwashers and ticket sellers for attractions manage not only to live in the USA, but also to save several thousand dollars - the amount that they would earn in their homeland within a year.

Migration flows resemble real waves, capable of increasing or depleting water levels. In this tank, the "unloading" is represented by pensioners, laid-off people who give up hope of finding work, emigrants and the deceased. Their output is from a loose working net for beginners, which allows the water to not increase too much.

The reservoir of labor is of an ideal size where, by being a constant change between entry and exit, new generations can find work without being stuck in unemployment for long. A small glossary of work. People who are looking for work. Finding your first job.

However, few take root there either - the problem is in their life attitudes. One of the laws of prosperity in the West: business can be successful only when it pursues a high social goal. Among our students in the 1980s and early 1990s, sociologists say, 30–40% named “benefiting society” and “being a to the right people" Among current students, only a few set this goal (5–10% of students).

Others are looking for work. Inactive at working age. Looking for work, but not actively. Those who are not looking, but would like to work and are immediately available. Who don't want to work or who aren't immediately available. Inactive during non-working hours. Population of working age.

This is the relationship between the labor force and the people of working age. This is the ratio of the number of employees to the working age population. It is the relationship between job seekers and the workforce. The main purpose of an economic system is to create jobs for those who want to work. This is not only for obvious economic reasons, but also because having a job gives every citizen rights, responsibilities and dignity.

According to sociologists, distinctive features of the already practically formed youth labor market in Russia - employers offer temporary and/or low-paid part-time work. Moreover, this is done through youth employment centers, the same social institutions, which are designed to solve the problems of young people.

For the majority, in the absence of real prospects, issues of labor and employment acquire a political overtones.

We are not as far away from repeating the French experience with mass protest rallies against the law of first hire as it seems at first glance. As the classic of Marxism taught, a revolutionary situation develops when “the upper classes cannot, but the lower classes do not want to.” It seems that our leaders do not want and cannot correct this situation. Until now, the activity of the authorities has been aimed only at extinguishing conflicts, but not at resolving the social problems of young people. But the lower classes cannot and do not want to work where they are offered.

According to the ZIRCON group, only for last year the share of young people ready for illegal actions increased by 1.4–2 times. To the question: “Do you allow participation in the boycott of the authorities?” – “yes” was already answered by 34% of respondents versus 23% a year ago. And this layer is replenished by low-income groups of the population. Those very young people who did not find or did not want to find a job.

Oleg Serlov