I will never lose weight and will always be fat. I will never lose weight, and I will always be fat. It seems to me that I will never lose weight.

I experimented with diets many times and always wanted to lose weight. I always don’t have enough time to prepare food with my rhythm of life: work, gym, family. At the end of a hard day at work, the last thing I want to do is cook dinner.

At my first workout, my trainer said: “The way you eat is the reason why you will never lose weight.” It was at that moment that I realized that a well-thought-out menu was my key to success.

The idea had been ripening in my head for a long time, and it all sounded quite common sense: once a week you set aside a day, make a menu and make preparations for future use. Having waited until Sunday, I made a grocery list, went to the store and started cooking.

First of all, I boiled a dozen eggs: they can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and within a week we will definitely eat them. Then I made apple oatmeal, which is great for breakfast, dessert, or even as a snack. In addition, for breakfast I fried PP cheesecakes, which, by the way, turned out to be not great, but still edible. They can be stored in the freezer and defrosted in the microwave.

For lunch I had 4 types of side dishes: rice, buckwheat, vegetables and potatoes.

For the side dishes, I made slow cooker cutlets, chicken breast, turkey fillet and chicken fillet. After that, I started combining everything with each other. My husband’s portions, naturally, turned out to be a little larger than mine. There wasn't enough side dish for everything, so I just froze the leftover meat for the future.

From one blogger I spotted a great way to add flavor to rather bland dishes: you need to fry the onion, add garlic and spices to it, a little herbs to taste and mix with butter at room temperature. After this, you need to twist the resulting mass into a sausage and voila! I cut off pieces from the cooled sausage and added them to my husband’s cooled dishes. The whole secret is that when defrosted, the butter will melt and give off its delicate taste. This is what it looks like:

For breakfast on Monday I had an egg and pre-made chia seed pudding. On training days, I took snacks with me, such as a banana and a protein bar. Already on the first day it became clear that taking care of food in advance was a great idea!

By the middle of the week, I was very tired of the monotonous diet, but it freed up an extra hour in the evenings, which I spent on relaxing with my family.

Conclusions from my experiment:

  • This method saves a lot of time during the week - it only takes a couple of hours on a weekend. Not that much, right?
  • No more headaches over the question: “So, how can I cook this today?”
  • It helps a lot in losing weight: you won’t eat anything extra if every meal is precisely planned.

True, the menu turned out to be quite monotonous and boring. There wasn't enough freshly prepared food! But whether it’s worth it or not is up to you to decide. For me personally, saving time turned out to be the main advantage, and I think that I will continue this experiment for now.

✪ YOU WILL NEVER LOSE WEIGHT if... 4 problems that you hardly thought about and their solution [Click to view]

You understand that you need to lose weight. You probably tried to do this more than once, but time after time you didn’t like the result or the weight came back again and you gave up...why did this happen? And most importantly, WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT? Let's figure it out! My name is Artyom Strelyaev and I am a nutrition consultant with five years of experience and the creator of the group “How to eat properly - Rostov - BalanceFood -”. Together with my family and girlfriend, we lost 69.5 kg (mother - 8 kg, both grandmothers -14.5 and -27 kg, girl -20 kg) and gained the missing +7 kg (me), as well as more than 100 satisfied clients received results from -5 to -37 kg. Every day I encounter similar problems as yours and I will share some solutions. I recommend saving this topic to your timeline, it will be worth your time, believe me. To do this, click Class - . First, the facts: In Russia, the number of people who are overweight and obese is growing. 10 years ago, 19% of the population were obese, today - already 23%. More than 50% of Russians are overweight or obese. Most people (58%) believe that the main reason for gaining weight gain is an unbalanced diet

Leading nutritionists in the world confirm these data; according to their estimates, the cause of weight gain in 70% - 85% of cases is an unbalanced diet and lifestyle. It is logical that diet correction is the most popular way to lose weight, BUT: Satisfaction with the chosen method is extremely low - 80% of people do not achieve the desired result. The achieved result is unstable: 33% return to their previous weight or gain more. As a result, more than 60% of the Russian population who tried to lose weight are still not satisfied with their weight. As a result, let’s take 10 women who are trying to lose weight through nutrition and 8 won’t succeed! A devastating defeat of the beautiful half of the population from excess weight. But 2 will still achieve what they want. What do these 2 women who have lost weight for a long time do that the rest do not do? First of all, they take a comprehensive approach to solving problems. Below is a detailed description of some of them and their solutions. 1) Nutritional: continuous diets, habits. Diets. Needless to say, we are guilty of this. Almost every second woman from time to time goes on a diet related to the desire to lose weight. overweight. And 90% of diets end with a “yo-yo” effect: the weight goes away, and then comes back with “gain”.

Women rush from one diet to another. Doctors have already given a name to this behavior - “pendulum syndrome”. Moreover, the most harmful diets are short-term ones, which promise weight loss in the shortest possible time, for example, “minus five kilograms in a week.” In fact, if kilograms go away, it’s not fat, but liquid. In a couple of days everything will come back - and even be added from above. A proper diet includes several principles, firstly, a balanced diet is required. Secondly, physical activity. Thirdly, taking supplements (vitamins, microelements), which in fact should be constantly included in the diet. Only the combination of these three points will help achieve the desired result. But hoping to lose weight only through one thing is ineffective and often harmful to the body. Thanks to these three points, Briton Alan Oates lost weight; in a year and a half he lost an incredible 120 kg! Before that, 55-year-old Alan weighed 210 kilograms, often could no longer breathe normally, and felt a constant lack of oxygen. At first he started walking every day, and then running. He turned to the doctor so that he could make up a proper diet. And I started taking special supplements to improve my metabolism. Eating habits It turns out that a person acquires the habit of overeating even during intrauterine development. Scientists from the Faculty of Medicine at Cambridge, during a study on rats (unfortunately, or fortunately, we are physiologically similar) studied how the female’s diet during pregnancy affects the eating habits of children in the future. It turned out that if expectant mother eats incorrectly and insufficiently, then subsequently the offspring will have a sedentary lifestyle and a tendency to overeat. Therefore, it is important that a person who decides to take the path of losing weight has properly developed habits. “Baby, eat another piece. For mom, for dad, just like that, smart girl!” “Peter, did you fall? Well, here’s some candy for you, just don’t cry.” “Until you finish eating everything, you won’t leave the table!”

Admit it, how many times in childhood did you hear such speeches from your parents, and even more so from your grandparents. The reflex became almost unconditional: feed, finish, eat. From childhood, a cult of food is formed in us. It doesn’t matter whether it’s joy or sorrow, pain or good, a lot to do or idleness - you need to eat something. The older the child gets, the more strongly this stereotype becomes entrenched in him. This stereotype is fueled every day by caring relatives - the sight of a half-eaten bun and thin arms causes them genuine horror. The child sees his overweight parents, sees their huge plates of borscht and macaroni and cheese, and from childhood considers this to be natural, normal food. He does not think about the consequences, he is not interested in what cellulite, hypertension and shortness of breath are. He simply eats what is given to him, often through force, if only they would leave him alone and let him go for a walk. Then he gets older... Grandma's pies are replaced with hamburgers, milk with carbonated drinks. Increasingly, families with young children gobble up fast foods with gusto. fried potatoes. Look around you. “Have you ever wondered why so many girls aged 14-16 look like fully formed women?”

This girl is 16 years old... Girls and their parents do not care that this is not the norm, that this is not at all the result of genetics and hormonal growth. It's all a myth. Muscle tissue at this age cannot yet form. Correct “adult” proportional forms are FAT hidden under elastic, toned skin. And these “beauties” in 10 years are the most likely candidates for the diagnosis of 3rd degree obesity. Parents will be surprised to look at photographs from ten years ago and not understand where that young, chiseled fashion model went. Mommy, in order not to traumatize the child’s psyche with hints about her gluttony and laziness, takes her to the doctor, they take tests for all kinds of hormones and shrug when they hear the verdict: healthy. “Well, daughter, it’s genetics. Grandma was fat, I’m fat, but you’ll be as slender as I am.” And the daughter, having received an “justification” from her mother, resigns herself to this thought and continues her previous way of life. SOLUTION: You yourself have probably already tried to change your diet, now do everything with a professional. Contact a nutrition consultant, nutritionist or other specialist who will select your diet balanced nutrition, will recommend specialized products and will monitor you if you can’t do it yourself. Fortunately, there are now solutions for every budget. 2) Attitude. People often expect quick results. For example, in February a woman decided to return to her former shape for the beach season, lose 20 kilograms, pump up her butt and generally become her best self. However, achieving this in two or three months is simply unrealistic. And when a month later the arrow on the scale shows that the woman has lost only a kilogram, her ardor subsides, she thinks that nothing is working out. In fact, everything is going as it should, she just wanted everything and quickly. In addition, people believe that positive behaviors have a greater impact on goal achievement than negative ones. For example, for a person on a diet, refusing a delicious donut seems like a feat. However, having eaten a donut, he most likely will not consider it a crime. So, many people think that they have already done enough to lose weight and relax. For example, people think that because they exercise, they can afford to eat more than before, but this is not true. A successful weight loss process requires deep motivation. It helps activate hormones that promote fat breakdown. You must clearly imagine the result of the weight loss marathon and desire this result. As the psychologist Ph.D. says. Anna KARABISHEVA. - For some, the incentive to lose weight may be the desire to return a loved one. Someone realized that by gaining kilograms, they were losing their health. And, for example, 21-year-old Grace Qualley lost 55 kilograms because she was afraid that the groom would not be able to carry her out of the registry office in his arms during the wedding, as required by the ritual. In six months, starting with Christmas, Grace lost 55 kilograms. Almost half of its weight. Before that, he was 124 kilograms.

A healthy lifestyle is a lifelong commitment. SOLUTION: as it was said in one of the KVN skits: “That’s not the problem! All your problems are in your head!!! - Sorry, I don’t understand you! “I’m saying your head is LIKE THIS, you understand?!” There is only one way out: change your attitude towards yourself, your body, your life in general. You can contact a psychologist, read books on self-development, or do special things. exercises, for example, sometimes it’s enough to just sit down and sum up some intermediate results of your life. Take a photo of yourself in your underwear and look at the photo, so you can evaluate yourself from the outside. Then write on paper what you don’t like about yourself and your life (appearance, well-being, relationship with your partner, etc.), then describe what will happen to you and your life if you don’t change anything in a month, a year, 5, 20 years. All this, except for taking photographs =), it’s better to do it outside the house, take a walk in the park and think about your life. 3) Environment. If those around you constantly overeat, then there is a good chance that you will follow their example.

Indeed, overweight people eat a lot, and fatty and high-calorie foods. It is clear that they feed their children or grandchildren the same way. Thus, from an early age the child gets used to a certain way of eating. It takes a lot of effort for him to change his mind. And it’s not a fact that he will want to apply them. If a person is surrounded by adherents of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle and he is forced to eat with them, then he simply will not have the opportunity to eat incorrectly. And if, say, you work in an office and you don’t have time to full lunch, you prefer sandwiches, cookies, buns, sweet yogurt or other fast food. In your heart, of course, you understand that such food is harmful to the body, but if all your colleagues dine on pancakes or pizza, and you suddenly refuse, then they will look at you as a renegade. They will also decide that you are disdainful of eating with them. Therefore, it is easier for you to eat like this or go with everyone to a fast food establishment than to take care of your figure and health. If you maintain a relationship with a company that is interested in, say, fitness and regularly visits gyms, then the likelihood is quite high that you will follow their example so as not to look like a “black sheep.” It is clear that then the chances of you getting fat become less. But if your closest friends are prone to a sedentary lifestyle and passive recreation, then, most likely, you will lead such a lifestyle, since friendship implies spending leisure time together.

SOLUTION: It is not necessary to kick out your husband who loves to eat, or stop communicating with overweight friends, it is more important to find people who like to eat a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. Now in almost every city, or even district, there are Healthy Lifestyle Clubs and Support Groups for those who want to lose weight, go there. If you don't love that much positive people, then sign up for a yoga or fitness section or go to the nearest stadium and start working out on your own, and then look and find 2-3 new girlfriends. 4) Physiology and genes. The same problems that many women complain about, but only a few have.

What happens if you have learned to eat a balanced diet, lead an active lifestyle, if your environment supports you, and you can only envy your attitude towards results, but you are not losing weight? The reason lies deeper. Perhaps it's a matter of physiology. There are factors that may prevent you from losing weight even at this level. There are four physiological aspects to pay attention to: oxygen delivery; blood sugar level; system for the release and breakdown of adrenaline; digestive system. Let's be honest. In 85% of cases, people lose weight by eating a balanced diet and doing exercise. Some are faster, some are slower. But there are 15% of people who do everything required and do not lose weight. What's the matter? Let me make an analogy. Our body is like a garden. Sun and water mean training and healthy eating. But if you plant a garden on sick soil, you will not receive fruit. By the way, some of these problems can again be solved through nutrition, which a nutritionist can help you with and improve your diet. Read the solution for what to do about it. Genes.

Scientists from Cambridge have found a gene that weakens the ability of cells to produce glucose and fatty acids and thus slows down metabolism. People with special genes are prone to being overweight. Well, or vice versa. Therefore, you often need to start losing weight not with a diet, but by treating the problem at the genetic level. So the complaints of obese people that they have a weak metabolism are justified. And of course, heredity is quite a significant factor in the development of excessive fatness and obesity. However, this does not mean at all that you need to give up and get fatter. The main thing is to find the right doctor who will study your gene “pedigree” and then put together the right complex, which includes proper nutrition, physical activity, etc. SOLUTION: first, consult a doctor and get a diagnosis before drawing independent conclusions about your metabolism, physiology or genes based on descriptions of signs of the disease found on the Internet. Further, do not part ways if there is a diagnosis. You can achieve results, it’s just that the process will be a little more difficult and longer. If the doctor says the opposite, then perhaps he simply does not know how to achieve this, contact another specialist. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY OUT, dietetics and medicine do not stand still! TOTAL: I think you will agree with famous phrase A. Einstein: “The greatest stupidity is to do the same thing and hope for a different result,” why do people still go on diets, get fat and believe in miracles? I don’t know, really, it’s a mystery. But now you know exactly what to do about it. Finally, answer yourself a couple of questions. Are a beautiful figure and good health part of your understanding of a happy life? Without this, will you be fully satisfied? Just think about it! Living most of your life and not being truly happy... Maybe it's time to change that?! Please rate my article, what you liked or didn’t like, what caught your attention. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments - I will answer each one. cares about you and your health. That's why our group is collecting for you best tips from professional nutritionists, doctors, psychologists, athletes and coaches. You will learn how to eat right, exercise and how to lose weight without harm to your health. Best exercises for girls, Home workouts, Effective nutrition programs, Ways to look younger, Rules healthy eating, Basics of a healthy life, Personal consultations (details) In all sections you can find something interesting for yourself! Join us!

Nutritionists, food bloggers and trainers tell you why you need to set goals for yourself, refuse processed foods (even those labeled healthy lifestyle), chew food slowly and eat from small plates. The first part of the material is available

Alina Bykova Food blogger

You will always think about how you need to lose weight.

Thinking about losing weight and actually losing weight are two different things. Obsession and manic calorie counting are the path to psychological disorder. American doctor Stephen Bratman even came up with the concept of orthorexia nervosa. This is an unhealthy pursuit of healthy eating. While the term does not officially refer to medical ones. But experts who have conducted research on orthorexia are confident that in the near future it will be on the list of psychological diseases.

Keep food on hand

Do you hear the aroma of food and your stomach instantly begins to growl? I think everyone knows this feeling. In this case we are talking about imaginary hunger. To learn to control your appetite, you need to recognize the signals your body sends. Psychologist and nutritionist Ian Chosen Bays identifies 7 types of hunger: stomach hunger, cellular hunger, olfactory hunger, eye hunger, mouth hunger, mental hunger and emotional hunger. The names speak for themselves! True hunger is when you really need to eat and replenish the energy reserves of your stomach. It is accompanied by rumbling in the stomach, loss of strength and energy. All other types of hunger are a response to beautiful picture, aroma, nervous tension, lack of some substances in the body.

Eat from large plates

The size of the plate matters. Empty dishes create a feeling of completed action (or, as Gestaltists say: completed Gestalt). Now imagine how much more you need to eat for your own psychological comfort from a “restaurant” size plate. Hence the extra calories!

The signal of satiety reaches the brain only 15 minutes after the stomach is full. If you still don't feel full, you can add a supplement. But again, in a small plate.

Psychologists say: the color of the dishes also matters. Blue reduces appetite, white excites.

Eat in front of the TV or computer

It has been proven that eating in front of the TV or computer is a recipe for overeating. By being distracted by watching a movie or reading the news, you prevent your brain from receiving a signal of saturation in a timely manner. Result: you eat more than you need. Eating should be “mindful,” especially if your goal is weight loss.

You don't chew food well

Digestion begins in the oral cavity. Chewing is a “signal” for the salivary glands to produce secretions, and a “signal” for the body that food will now enter it. Saliva contains a large number of digestive enzymes that begin the breakdown of carbohydrates and starch into simple sugars. The longer the chewing process lasts, the easier it is for the gastrointestinal tract to digest food and take everything useful and necessary from it.

Ulyana Kuzora Sports nutritionist

Don't set goals for yourself

Often we dream about the unattainable, and when we evaluate the result, we get upset and return to where we started. Goals must be realistic! A safe weight loss rate for the body is no more than 4 kg per month. Not 10, not 15, or even 7. Weight loss is a long process. It doesn’t happen that with a wave of a magic wand you will become slim. Normally, the body is able to burn up to 160 g of lipids per day. With an integrated approach, those who regularly play sports lose from 500 to 900 g of adipose tissue per week. Hence the numbers. Minus 2 kg in two days is water, not lipids.

Focus on physical activity, but don't watch your diet

Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to get your dream figure, even if you “live” in gym. The process of losing weight depends 70% on diet and only 30% on adequately selected physical activity. Before training, your meal should consist of complex carbohydrates - “fuel” for energy. They ensure a slow and steady flow of glucose into the blood, ensuring normal muscle function. During training, you can and should drink water to stimulate your metabolism. After physical activity, metabolism works intensely for several hours. To prevent your body from “eating” your muscles, provide it with protein and carbohydrates (but not fats) - they will be used to restore muscle tissue.

Continue to eat processed foods

Today it has become fashionable to label semi-finished products as “recommended for proper nutrition” or indicate low calorie content. How do you like the version of dumplings with an energy value of 180 kcal? It would seem: eat and be happy. But semi-finished products and proper nutrition are two incompatible things. They contain a lot of harmful additives - taste enhancers, trans fats, flavors and dyes. The list can be endless. Such products cause irreparable harm to the stomach!

Drink a latte with syrup

Latte with syrup is a “calorie bomb”. 450 g latte even without syrup - 250 kcal. Two cups is already 500. There is not much left for “normal” food, from which the body will receive vitamins, minerals, micro- and macronutrients. These are extra and empty calories that our body does not need at all.

You don't have breakfast

By skipping breakfast, you disrupt the rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract. By ignoring the morning meal, the feeling of hunger accumulates during the day, and then results in a “belly feast” in the evening. Result: extra pounds and centimeters. A hearty and healthy breakfast is the key good mood, good metabolism and an excellent source of energy.

Set yourself too strict limits

If you suddenly exclude all the foods your body loves and are familiar with from your diet, your brain will begin to rebel! In this case, the saying “forbidden fruit is always sweet” applies. The more “no”, the more frequent eating breakdowns. All “harm” must be removed gradually. Better yet, find the right time and place for them and correctly calculate the “dose”.

Yulia Pogotskaya Personal trainer

You exercise every day

Many people refer to the fact that they train different muscle groups. But the body needs time to recover. With daily training this is physiologically impossible. The optimal number of sessions for a healthy person: no more than 4 times a week for 40-90 minutes.

Don't increase the load

Beginners progress quickly. But at a certain point the body gets used to the load, and the process stops. There must be proper periodization in training. The load should be divided into cycles: rest, development of strength indicators, muscle mass gain, relief, etc. Progress requires stress. If it does not exist, there will be no development.

Skip water during exercise

You definitely need to drink water! It delivers oxygen to cells and promotes more active fat burning. Training is stressful for the body. Refusal of water leads to exhaustion and fatigue. There is no fixed norm. Drink as desired. If you are actively sweating, increase the amount of water. When you don't feel thirsty, try to take a few sips every 10-15 minutes.

Nata Dunaevskaya Founder of the blog about proper nutrition

Are you interested in PP baking?

I am an opponent of PP baking and do not recommend getting carried away with it if you are watching your weight. Even if it contains coarse flour and lacks butter, margarine and sugar, it is high in calories. Carrot cake made according to all PP rules contains at least 300 kcal. If you end every meal with “healthy” baked goods, you won’t lose weight!

Prepare complex dishes

The path to proper nutrition needs to start with a simple and understandable menu: porridge, baked fish, boiled breast, fresh and stewed vegetables. Multi-ingredient dishes are less digestible and take longer to digest and are often higher in calories.

Neglecting home treatments

Contrast showers, wraps, cupping massage and other home treatments improve blood circulation and make weight loss more effective.

But they have contraindications - consult a specialist before starting the course.

You don't take into account real conditions

When creating your menu, consider the region you live in! Mango on Samui is very different in the content of nutrients from what is sold in our supermarkets. The menu should include more local fruits and vegetables - they are the healthiest.

Looking for excuses

If your significant other does not share the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, this is not a reason to refuse them. You can prepare PP dishes in parallel with regular ones. Any excuse is a manifestation of laziness. Look for opportunities, not reasons.

Interview and text: Natalia Kapitsa

Even as a child, I realized: slim is equally beautiful. And if you're a woman, the implication is that you should be thin, or at least strive to be thin. The heroines of the TV series I watched and the books I read were afraid to eat a sandwich with jam, so as not to spoil their figure, and went on diets. Anime and manga characters were like one with stick legs and a wide distance between the thighs.

In childhood and adolescence we don't evaluate the world around us critically. We simply absorb what we are given. I turned out to be a capable student and at the age of 18-19 I made attempts to lose weight from my absolutely healthy and quite slender 55 kg. I drank yoghurts, ate fruits, thought that I was unlucky to be born a woman, it was very difficult not to eat. It's good that at least I'm not naturally fat. I have learned to blame myself for “extra” food and lack of desire to “watch my figure.”

Everything was fine until I broke up with my boyfriend at the age of 19. The relationship was difficult, the breakup too, and I didn’t eat for several days. I was sad, listened to music, that’s all.

I lost several kilograms. And then I came across a 40 kg group and a closed group of diaries on VK. “Just what you need!” - I thought and plunged into the atmosphere of daily reports, tracking other people's food and counting calories.

I learned about calories and that to lose weight you need to spend more than you consume. I have a calorie counter on my phone. A day was considered good when I ate 800 calories, bad - if I ate 1200. And yes, I considered this to be proper nutrition.

I understood that something was wrong with me. But it seems she didn’t suspect exactly how much. I photographed food, looked at food, counted calories to the nearest one, walked and ran to “meet my activity quota,” fell asleep hungry, weighed myself every day, my bones were visible. I weighed 48 kg.

On the left is a photo from then. Right - now.

The period of euphoria has passed. My whole life has become a struggle with delicious food. I became nervous because constantly I wanted to eat something high in calories. At some point I couldn't hold back.

The trigger was my loss at a major karate competition. I took 4th place and did not receive a medal. Immediately after the performance, I ate a pack of waffles from the machine and washed them down with a cappuccino. How delicious it was! Then I ate cheesecake and something else. After returning to the hotel, I went to the store, picked up a basket of sweets and ate them half the night. My stomach is swollen. I felt both disgusting (terrible sensations in my stomach) and amazing (it was very tasty). This hunger could not be satisfied. For a month or a month and a half I ate too much sweets and gained weight.

I didn’t understand the essence of the problem then. I didn’t think about where my desire to lose weight came from and why being slim is a woman’s responsibility. I decided that I was simply doing everything wrong, and, after taking a little rest, I made a new attempt. This time, I thought, everything will be different.

I “sat on the PP”. What did this mean? The calorie content was higher, sweets were allowed (but only a little and in the morning), a lot of protein. I also ran 6-10 km every (!) day and did strength training based on video training. I wanted much more than one strip of chocolate at breakfast, but I swallowed my saliva and ate oatmeal, because “you have to watch your diet,” otherwise you are “weak-willed, you can’t even control what you eat.” Now this sounds to me like “Can’t you control whether you breathe or not? Weak-willed!”

The craving for food reappeared, which had subsided after gaining weight. I made a ritual out of every meal because I didn’t get full. I started collecting chocolate. I bought sweets and put them on the bottom shelf of the dresser. I didn’t eat, of course.

I remember how I was supposed to start an internship at the radio - where I have now been working as a producer and presenter for three years. On that radio, where I so wanted to get, but at that time the thought of an internship brought only discomfort due to the fact that I would not be able to fully devote myself to improving my figure. After all, this will prevent me from training twice a day and preparing five meals a day, photographing plates on the windowsill. I tightened my diet more and more because the weight did not go away.

Radio really fascinated me, and after a month of internship I stayed. Autumn has arrived and the graduation year has begun. It became even more difficult for me to control my diet. I counted calories to the nearest one and ate for 1200-1600.

At the same time, I studied and Very I worked a lot: full-time study at the journalism department, children's karate training, gadget reviews and now an internship on the radio. I was actually in great shape - I had lost weight, my muscles were visible. True, below 54 kg weight at all did not decrease, but at the slightest assumption of “forbiddenness” it rose one and a half kilograms up.

The stress was piling up. One day I ate too much and vomited. After that, I realized that was it.

By that time, I knew about body positivity, but I couldn’t apply it to myself. Yes, "a girl can be any shape and weight" but not me, I should be thin!

And then my eyes opened, and I finally thought: who benefits from me being fixated on my figure? Fitness and weight loss industries? Who came up with the idea that a woman should look a certain way and be undernourished? Who benefits from the fact that I began to study much worse and directed my resources not to self-realization (what I was madly striving for before this story), but to worries about the “right” food? Isn't this a tool to control girls? Is this suppressing my potential through cultural cliches and beauty standards?

After all, no matter how successful and smart you are, if you are fat, everyone will talk about it and judge you. It's as if fat prevents you from using your brain and doing good things.

I started eating whatever I wanted and gaining weight. I didn't mind the uniform. I worked, studied, and I did it all much better.

I gave myself permission to eat absolutely whatever I wanted. Without any “buts” and at least some semblance of a system. I absolutely sincerely stopped thinking about my figure and weight gain and focused on studying, work and my psychological comfort.

The kilograms stuck instantly. At first, I couldn’t go even three hours without food, preferably something sweet. After literally a week, I no longer ate until my stomach hurt, but only to the point of discomfort (which is also not very good, but it was progress). This continued until the new year.

I studied literature about intuitive eating. The most best book, which I recommend to everyone who has encountered problems after dieting - Svetlana Bronnikova “Intuitive Nutrition”.

On New Year holidays I still couldn't resist eating cheese and honey in large quantities, all 10 days I lay in bed, did nothing and ate. I was just waiting for it to be over. My weight was 61 kg. After the New Year, my appetite returned to normal.

Every time I wanted to eat, I sat down and thought: what do I want? How will I feel after this? The further I went, the easier it was for me to “get to the point.” My appetite and caloric intake gradually decreased. If at first I constantly wanted Oreos, then after a couple of months I realized that I love cottage cheese. If it's just a food option and not "you have to eat protein."

But as soon as I wanted sweets or fast food, I ate it without a twinge of conscience. Burger at midnight? Please. Would you like some more dessert? How will you feel after it? If it's good, eat.

Food is no longer divided into “bad” and “good”. Food was divided into what I want now and what I don’t want. I learned to stop when I'm full. Important note: when really I’m full, and not when it seems like “it’s time to stop,” but at the same time I really want to eat more. If I wanted five more candies after lunch, and without these five candies I didn’t feel full, I ate them.

Yes, I eat candy for pleasure and exactly as much as I want. Food is a way to gain pleasure, and this is absolutely normal. I legitimized my desire to eat because it’s delicious, because I’m watching a movie, because I’m sad - and... I quite calmly learned to stop after being full and in such situations.

It turned out that if everything is in order in your head, then it’s quite difficult to overeat. I listened, listened, listened to myself. I began to crave eggs, buckwheat, cheese, apples. Over the course of a year, my weight dropped by several kilograms. Yes, this process was very long, but it did not require practically anything from me except attention to myself. No constant thoughts about food or volitional efforts. My opinion: this is only possible if sincerely give up the desire to lose weight.

A year after starting my intuitive eating, I was still a little chubby, but my mental health was in perfect order, and I started training at the gym. I train hard: barbell, base, complete lack of cardio, lifting weights. I chose exactly the type of activity that does not depress me and gives me pleasure. It doesn’t bother me at all to lift a 70-kg barbell; I enjoy the feeling of tension. But running on a treadmill for half an hour is not. Not right away.

I didn’t even notice how my body was changing, but nine months after I started training, I suddenly realized that I had lost weight. The weight has gone, there is less fat, and relief has appeared.

I eat sweets or fast food every day. I train three times a week for an hour and enjoy it. I don’t have “breakdowns” - I eat what I want. I've never been in such good shape before.

It took a lot of effort and time to find this path. Without public pages and pages about body positivity and intuitive eating, this would hardly be possible, which is why I write about it in such detail. Just know that it's possible. There is no need to hate yourself and mock your body and psyche.

I am talking and will talk about this in contrast to the pages screaming about the need for “clean” nutrition, humiliating overweight people who do not exercise, and repeating the need to “monitor your diet” as a manifestation of “self-respect.” Guys, self-respect is listening to your desires and not harming yourself, and not striving for yours appearance to please the fit girl Masha from Instagram.

Read more detailed story on the heroine’s Instagram.

Losing weight is a complex and painful topic. Everyone loses weight from time to time—those who need it and those who don’t. But for many, the weight is stupid, and a chiseled figure remains only a dream. There can be a lot of reasons: lack of sports or any physical activity, hormonal imbalance. But sometimes these thousand reasons include quite obvious things that you don’t even notice.

1 Eat from a large plate

Yes, its size matters. Firstly, when you haven’t eaten everything, or part of the space is left empty, you don’t have the effect of a completed action and satisfaction from food. Secondly, your brain does not have time to receive a signal about saturation, and you have already overeaten instead of adding more - the plate is too big.

2 Take your mind off food

I don’t have time for lunch - I eat while working, I don’t have time for dinner - I combine it with watching a TV series. Bad news: the brain again does not understand that it has eaten and asks for more.

3 You don’t watch your diet

Even after a hard workout, you run to fast food for a juicy burger, hoping that you burned 1,000 calories. Don’t even dream, you’ll get them back quickly.

A hunger strike is also not an option. It leads to eating disorders and irreparable consequences for the body (bulimia, organ failure, just Google it).

The correct option: choose a diet (Google and a nutritionist again), follow it and make sure that the diet is balanced. Yes, you need fats too. All in all, .

4 You perceive food as a reward

I’m tired at work - I’ll eat a donut, I quarreled with my loved one - my sweet potato, run here. Well, I deserve it!

Undoubtedly, yes, but I’m not going. Psychologists are sure that losing weight is also an important process in your head. The result depends on your attitude. Do you want a healthy and fit body? Start thinking sensibly and treating food like fuel, the main task of which is to ensure the good functioning of the body.

5 Obsessing

Can't think about anything other than losing weight? A slippery slope that leads to a nervous breakdown - what kind of diet is that? Treat everything wisely. Losing excess weight or getting in shape is the same ordinary task as going to work. True, you will have to put in more effort. But if you choose the right comfort diet, everything becomes much easier.

6 You drink coffee with syrup and sugar

The most naive form of self-deception is not sweets. Another thing - your morning coffee contains at least 400 calories (it’s better to eat a banana).

7 You set strict limits for yourself

There are several options.

  1. You count calories even in lettuce leaves like a maniac.
  2. You are obsessed with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, veganism, you know that lactose is harmful, and gluten is equal to death, and other dances around a fashionable fire.
  3. You have chosen a strict diet and extra no-no, even if circumstances require it, and your stomach is literally churning.

These three points are warning signs that you have a nervous breakdown (or will soon). Breathe deeply, understand that a healthy lifestyle is, first of all, a comfortable lifestyle option and arrange for it. There will be no breakdowns in your diet and weight loss will be comfortable.

8 Don't give up alcohol

Are you all about fashion, sports, diet, proper nutrition, but the weight still doesn’t come off? Remember how often you skip a glass, two, a bottle. And also, how often the count goes to liters.

Alcohol retains water in the body, disrupts the water-salt balance, and contains many calories. You don’t have to become a teetotaler, but as long as you drink regularly, don’t even dream about losing weight.

9 You can't control your appetite

This process is entirely within your control. The first task is not to confuse hunger with a feeling of thirst and instinct (when a colleague nearby enthusiastically chews French fries, your mouth involuntarily fills with saliva). It wouldn't hurt to get tested. Maybe the constant craving for sweets is not hunger, but a symptom of hypoglycemia or a lack of endorphins?

10 You can’t recognize your true need

A goal can only be achieved if it exists. Sit down and honestly admit to yourself whether you want to lose weight or whether everything suits you. Until there is a clear “yes”, there will be no result.