The tulle has turned grey, what should I do? How to wash tulle from grayness and yellowness - methods and features of the bleaching process. How to quickly and easily bleach tulle at home? Follow our advice

In modern interiors, tulle can be found in a variety of shades, but white still remains a classic. Airy tulle curtains in many interiors are traditionally combined with curtains and drapes, but are increasingly playing first fiddle in window design. White tulle can be matte, glossy, lace, patterned... The main thing is that it maintains perfect whiteness. But how can you return it to yellowed tulle curtains? Is it really necessary to buy new ones?

The yellowness that appears after long use or storage of tulle spoils the beauty of this wonderful material. Now in stores there are tulle fabrics in the colors of ivory, vanilla, and peach - but these colors have nothing to do with that yellowish tint that spoils snow-white curtains. White tulle is prone to fading, which is why it acquires a brownish tint. And if there is also smoking in the house, this shade becomes yellow-gray. The view is terrible. But tulle can still be saved!

Experienced housewives do not recommend using traditional “Whiteness”. When using this product, the fabric becomes thinner, and after 2 - 3 bleaching, the delicate material will literally crawl apart under your hands. And the effect will be noticeable only after a couple of applications, and then “Whiteness” will not give quite the result that you expect: the tulle will take on a yellowish tone.

Innovative whitening products also do not always give the desired result. Some of them are too aggressive. Yes, and they are expensive.

Do you want to restore the former beauty of old and yellowed tulle fabric without breaking the bank? We invite you to get acquainted with seven ways to return it to its cloudy whiteness using the simplest household products that you probably have in your home.

We use salt

Any old-school housewife knows how to bleach old tulle using ordinary table salt. This will require 3 - 5 tablespoons of salt and a regular portion of washing powder. By the way, it is not even necessary to take bleaching powder: the main active substance will be salt. The whitening algorithm is simple:

1. Dissolve salt and powder in a container with warm water (bath or basin).

2. Soak the tulle in this solution. Leave for at least 3 - 4 hours. If the fabric is heavily soiled, it is better to leave it to soak overnight.

3. Wash the curtains.

4. Make another saline solution (this time without the powder) and rinse the fabric in it.

The only disadvantage of this economical whitening method is the need for long soaking.

We use starch

You can bleach tulle curtains at home using another product that can be found in every kitchen - starch. The method is also simple:

1. Wash the tulle as usual - by hand or in a washing machine.

2. Take 250 g of starch and dilute it in a basin or bath with warm water.

3. Soak the curtains in this solution for 5 - 6 hours.

4. Without wringing or drying the tulle, immediately hang it on the curtain rod.

This method is good because tulle will not only return white, but will also keep its shape perfectly. True, it will require a long soaking.

Method three - using peroxide and ammonia

Cotton tulle can be bleached with three percent hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

1. Pour hot water into the basin (required temperature - 60 degrees).

2. Dilute 2 - 3 tablespoons of peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia in water. Mix better.

3. Soak the fabric in this solution and leave for 30 minutes.

4. Rinse the curtains thoroughly.

5. Gently squeeze without twisting.

6. Dry.

Plus - low cost and speed of whitening. There is also a downside: this method is only suitable for curtains made of natural cotton.

The whiteness will be!

Surprisingly, green paint applied to abrasions can also return tulle to its snow-white appearance.

1. Wash tulle curtains.

2. Pour warm water into a glass.

3. Add 7 drops of greenery to it and mix thoroughly.

4. After a few minutes, check to see if there is any sediment. If it is not there, the product can be safely used for whitening. If there is sediment, stir the mixture again and strain it.

5. Pour 10 liters of water at a temperature of 35 degrees into a basin.

6. Pour the contents of the glass into the basin and stir.

7. Soak the washed tulle in a basin for 5 minutes. During this time, you need to turn the fabric over a couple of times so that the solution is well distributed.

8. Hang the fabric over the bathtub and let the water drain. No need to squeeze.

It’s cheap and simple, but this method also has a drawback: if the solution is poorly mixed, green stains will appear on the tulle.


Do you want to know how to make tulle truly snow-white? Take good old blue. The whitening process will not cause any difficulties:

1. Wash the tulle.

2. Pour 10 liters of water into a basin (optimal temperature - 35 degrees).

3. Pour 0.5 teaspoon of blue into the basin and stir thoroughly. It is important that there are no lumps left, as they can leave marks on the curtains.

4. Rinse the washed tulle in a basin with blue.

5. Rinse again, but this time with clean water.

You can also bleach tulle fabric using bluing in a washing machine. To do this, add 1 cap of blue to the container for conditioner or rinse aid instead of these products. If the dirt is strong and the volume of tissue is large, you can add 1.5 caps.

You will have truly snow-white tulle with minimal effort required, especially if you prefer to machine wash. But there is a risk of stains appearing on the fabric due to insufficient stirring of the product. Therefore, after machine washing with blue dye, hand rinsing is recommended. Please note that some washing machine models do not stir bleach thoroughly enough.

Potassium permangantsovka

When the question arose of how to bleach curtains at home, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers took potassium permanganate and laundry soap.

1. Take 72% laundry soap and grate it.

2. In a bowl of warm water, stir the shavings thoroughly until they are completely dissolved.

3. Dissolve a little potassium permanganate in a glass of water. Stir until there is no sediment.

4. Pour the potassium permanganate solution into soapy water and stir.

5. Soak the tulle for 30 minutes.

6. Wash the curtains after soaking in the usual way - manually or in a machine.

And again, the disadvantage of this method, like that of bleaching with brilliant green, is still in the same stains that can arise due to insufficiently thorough mixing of the product.


A generation ago, in many homes there were clothes tongs used for boiling. And two generations ago they were in every family. Nowadays, few people boil their laundry because of the labor-intensive nature of this method. But this method allows you to bleach curtains at home if they are very yellowed.

1. Fill a metal bucket with water. You can use a large saucepan.

2. Dissolve washing powder or 100 g of soap shavings (from grated laundry soap) in water.

3. Place the bucket on the fire and wait until it boils.

4. Place tulle in water and boil it for an hour. Use tongs to stir.

5. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, remove the tulle and rinse in clean water.

The combination of several methods of bleaching tulle curtains requires adherence to a certain sequence. First - digestion, then - washing with the addition of peroxide and ammonia. Well, then, if a little yellowness remains, you can use two more bleaching methods: using salt (use it first) and starch. Leave the bleaching method with starch for last, as it fixes the shape of the dried tulle.

Over time, tulle from bright sun turns yellow, and turns gray from settled dust. Just washing it doesn't improve it. color scheme. It’s easy to restore the former whiteness of nylon or other tulle at home yourself. Let's consider several effective recovery methods appearance tulle at home.

How to remove yellowness and grayness?

Tulle is practical to use and gives a special touch to the room. Thrifty owners use the slightest opportunity to restore the whiteness of tulle products on our own. To whiten tulle, they use the achievements of modern science or products proven by the skills of previous generations.

Before bleaching, the tulle must be shaken off any accumulated dust. Soak it in a warm solution of any soap and wash it. Instead of soap, you can use washing powder. After washing, rinse thoroughly with clean warm water.

Using very hot water will turn the fabric yellow, which will be difficult to remove in the future.

Folk remedies

Using salt:
  • After washing and rinsing, place the tulle in a solution of table salt for 3 hours (dissolve the salt in water at the rate of 250 g of table salt per 1 liter of water). Rinse 2-3 times in clean cool water.
  • Dissolve 100 g of laundry detergent and 100 g of rock salt in 1 liter of hot water. Bring the prepared mixture to a warm state, adding cold water. Soak the tulle for 12 hours. Wash and rinse using plenty of clean water. After this bleaching, the tulle becomes bright white.
Using blue:

Since in chemical composition blue (powder or liquid) there are not only dyes, but also stain removers; blue is used to restore the whiteness of nylon tulle. Faint shade blue will only emphasize the whiteness.

5 g of blue powder or half a capful of liquid fraction are dissolved in 12 liters of water. In this solution, the tulle product is rinsed at the end of the main wash. Upon completion of rinsing with bluing, it is necessary to rinse the tulle in clean water.

Diamond Green:

The usual pharmacy “green stuff” is not only a good antiseptic, but also an excellent bleaching agent for nylon tulle. IN large quantities- This is a difficult to wash off dye, but in small quantities it is an excellent bleach. 10 drops of “green stuff” are initially dissolved in 200 ml of water at room temperature. The solution should stand for 30 minutes.

Upon completion of ordinary washing, the tulle is soaked in 12 liters of warm water mixed with the prepared solution of “green stuff”. It is necessary to ensure that the precipitate of “green stuff” in the aqueous solution does not fall into the container prepared for bleaching. Constantly turning the tulle over after 10 minutes. hang to dry without spinning.

How to bleach tulle at home using salt and greens You can find out by watching the video provided.

Pharmaceutical potassium permanganate:

Add a pre-prepared saturated aqueous solution of potassium permanganate to the solution of laundry soap (to dissolve quickly, you can grate it) (all grains should melt). The resulting mixture has a light pink tint with soapy foam. The tulle is soaked in an emulsified liquid for 40 minutes. Then wash and rinse as usual.

Potato starch:

Stir 300 g of potato starch into 12 liters of water. Soak pre-washed and dried tulle in the resulting solution for 4.5 hours. After the soaking time has passed, pull out the tulle, let it drain and hang it on the window without squeezing to dry.

Baking soda:

Bleaching with baking soda is used as an additional means of soaking before washing. Mix 10 liters of warm water, 100 g of detergent and 40 g of baking soda. Place for 30 minutes. tulle into the produced solution. It is better to wash by machine with an additional rinse.

with one more effective method You can find out how to bleach tulle using soda by watching this video.

Soda ash:

Dissolve 25 g of soda ash and 15 g of hydrogen peroxide in 2 liters of warm water. Soak the tulle for 2 hours, constantly turning. After soaking, rinse thoroughly several times in water. Dry without squeezing.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia:

The combination of these two components is an excellent bleach for both nylon and cotton tulle.

  • Fast method. 50 g of hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy version - 3%), dilute 25 g of ammonia with 10 liters of hot water. Wet the fabric for 40 minutes, turning it over with wooden tongs or a stick from time to time. After the specified time, rinse thoroughly in water without squeezing and hang to dry.
  • Night method. Prepare a solution of 5 liters of cold water and 150 g of ammonia. Leave the soaked fabric for 10-12 hours. After this, rinse thoroughly in warm water. Without squeezing, hang to air and dry.

For washing and soaking nylon tulle, use water no higher than +30°C.

The use of commercial bleaching agents

Modern industry offers several options for whitening products. According to their composition, they are divided into the following:
  • bleach "Whiteness";
  • bleach "Vanish";
  • "ASE";
  • "Nanny".

After using Whiteness bleach, tulle fabric may no longer “react” to softer bleaches.

2. Oxygen-containing. Most effective when used for bleaching nylon tulle. The main ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. In combination with other washing components, it is recommended for whitening in washing machines. Their representatives:
  • liquid bleach "BOS";
  • "Cashmere";
  • "Lavadia White";
  • "Oxygen bleach."
3. Optical. Bleaching agents contain microparticles of luminescent dyes. After application, they give the impression of snow-white fabric due to the settling of dye particles on the fibers. Here we can highlight:
  • "OV-1";
  • "QUANTEX";
  • "Irgafos 168 FF";
  • CBS-X.

When purchasing bleach, carefully study the recommendations for use for tulle fabrics. Stick to them strictly.

How to bleach tulle in a washing machine?

It is recommended to bleach tulle in a washing machine by adding bleach to the washing powder.

Liquid bleach can be added after adding water to the drum of the machine. A good way is to soak the tulle in a bleach solution before washing.

When bleaching tulle in a washing machine, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Before loading the tulle into the drum of the washing machine, carefully shake off any accumulated dust;
  • It is better to fold tulle products and pack them in a transparent bag and never crumple them;
  • Pour powder and bleach into different compartments for detergents;
  • do not often use chlorine-containing bleaches, because their regular use leads to an increase in yellowness on the tulle;
  • Bleaching and washing should be carried out in the “delicate” mode with a heating temperature no higher than +40°C;
  • tulle nylon fabrics should not be bleached together with cotton fabrics;
  • It is not recommended to use the “spin” function when machine method bleaching.

How to bleach old tulle?

The snow-whiteness of old tulle can be restored by using a set of methods described above. If the fabric is cotton, the boiling method has worked well.

Grate laundry soap into the selected container at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of water. Having immersed the tulle in water, put it on fire and after the soap has completely dissolved, boil for 1 hour. Rinse well alternately in salt and starch solution. Then the fabric will return to its former whiteness.

If it is nylon fabric, it cannot be boiled. Using the above-mentioned recipes for using hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and saline solutions, you can get good results. To restore the previous snow-white color, it is advisable to use industrial bleaches.

When using bleaches to restore the original color of tulle, follow the recommendations on the package.

Features of bleaching depending on the tulle material

Lightweight, with a mesh or patterned structure, sheer tulle is made from a variety of materials: silk, cotton, polyester and many others. Different types of fabrics require individual approach when bleaching.

Capron. Nylon tulle fabric is characterized by its lightness, airiness and wear resistance. Capron shows its “character” when bleaching. The best way bleaching - using table rock salt.

Veil. This fabric has a matte sheen and is soft to the touch. Such thin tissue is very sensitive to chemicals. For bleaching, it is better to use saline solution, blue, or brilliant green.

Organza. This fabric has increased rigidity compared to a veil. It is better to use oxygen-containing household chemicals and traditional methods bleaching tulle using starch and blue.

Microveil. In terms of rigidity, the fabric occupies an intermediate line between veil and organza. All traditional types of whitening are suitable.

Polyester. Tulle made from this material has increased strength and softness. It is not recommended to use hot water when bleaching. Repeated use of chlorine-containing bleaches affects the durability and preservation of the original whiteness of the fabric. Most positive result usually obtained using saline solutions, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Regardless of what material the tulle is made of, it must be washed before bleaching.

Safety precautions when bleaching tulle

When using a large number of preparations and bleaching products, you must adhere to very simple personal safety requirements:
  • use a plastic or metal enameled container for bleaching;
  • perform all work with gloves;
  • Hydrogen peroxide and chlorinated water are not compatible, so use purified water;
  • When using household chemicals, strictly adhere to the dosage indicated on the package.

Mixing pharmaceutical drugs should also not be allowed:
  • a combination of soda and ammonia or household chemicals emit fumes that are harmful to humans;
  • soda and brilliant green neutralize each other;
  • "Brilliant green" and hydrogen peroxide also neutralize each other.
Using tulle in modern design The interior is distinguished by its practicality and harmony. Knowledge of traditional methods of bleaching tulle, the ability to apply them correctly and regularly is the success of effective use of fabrics, which provides a significant opportunity to save on the purchase of new tulle or factory-made bleaches.

One day the housewife notices that the tulle on the window has acquired a yellowish tint. This happens often in bright sunshine. Washing at the same time returns purity and freshness to tulle curtains, but does not get rid of the yellowness. We'll have to deal with this separately.

Are you unsure whether to use strong chemical bleaches when washing tulle curtains? That's right, they can only be used if you are sure that the interaction of the bleach or stain remover you have is compatible with the material you have. In this case, strictly follow the instructions for use of the specific drug.

But you can do everything only with chemicals, because if you use them constantly, then soon the tulle on the windows will have to be changed. Delicate material will not withstand constant treatment with such substances.

We will deal with the yellowness that appears in a different way, using suitable means. But first, we’ll find out how to wash tulle at home.

Saline solution

Ordinary salt will be useful to us not only in the kitchen, it can cope with the yellowish tint on tulle curtains. You can only use salt on clean, already washed curtains. Determine the degree of yellowness that appears on the fabric: are your curtains just slightly yellowed or is it already a thorough yellowness? The degree of change in the material is needed to determine the concentration of the solution.

Slight yellowness

Stir salt (2 tbsp) in warm, but not hot water (1-2 l). Add a small amount of a suitable detergent. Add the resulting solution to a container with enough warm water to soak the fabric. Having placed the yellowed tulle in the resulting soap-salt solution, we leave it for a long time (from 4 to 12 hours).

Experienced housewives recommend doing the procedure in the evening, leaving the curtains soaked all night. Salt and detergent will do a great job on minor stains. After this, we wash the tulle again in any way, manually or in a washing machine.

Strong yellowness

In this case, we act almost the same way, only we affect the yellowness with a more concentrated solution. To prepare it, thoroughly stir salt (1 cup) in hot water(2.5 l). Allow the solution to cool to a temperature of 35°C to 45°C. Place the tulle curtain in a basin and fill it with the resulting salt solution. Straighten the curtain so that there is no fabric left that is not saturated with the salt concentrate.

It takes at least 12 hours for the salt to act, after which we wash it again and enjoy the whiteness returned to the curtains.


We will also find another assistant for combating yellowness on tulle curtains in the kitchen. This is starch that knows how to remove yellowness from tulle.

The way to use it is accessible and not complicated. We start the process by washing the curtains. At the end of washing, prepare a starch solution. Add starch (2 tbsp) to hot water (5-6 l) and stir it thoroughly. We use the resulting solution to soak the washed curtains in it. Leave for a few minutes (up to 5).

After exposure to starch, it is time to rinse and dry the material, to which the starch has returned its original whiteness.


You can also rid tulle of yellowness at home by using medicine- aspirin. Please note: not every aspirin tablet consumed by a person is suitable for this.

And if you have a regular and effervescent aspirin tablet in your medicine cabinet, choose the regular option for washing. The point is not only that such a drug is cheaper. The main thing is that effervescent aspirin contains vitamin supplements that can react in unexpected ways when interacting with the yellowed material.

So, we will need regular aspirin (4 tablets), which we will dissolve in warm water (5 l). After the medicine has completely dissolved, stir the water and put the yellowed tulle in there to soak.

To make the yellowness disappear, you need to leave the curtains in water with aspirin for 3-4 hours. After this, we carry out the washing process with rinsing and drying the curtains.

Ammonia and peroxide

In your medicine cabinet you can also find the necessary products to remove yellowness: ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Stir them in warm water (4-5 l), observing the following proportions: ammonia - 1 tbsp, hydrogen peroxide - 2 tbsp. The material, cleared of dust and dirt during pre-soaking or washing, is soaked in the prepared solution. Make sure the curtain is completely immersed in water with ammonia and peroxide, and leave it to soak and clean for 30 minutes. Then the curtain must be rinsed and dried.

Having become acquainted with proven products and knowing exactly what can be used to remove yellowness, you can easily return tulle curtains to their former whiteness.

Weightless tulle curtains decorate window openings, bringing comfort and harmony to the interior of the room. However, even with careful handling, the delicate fabric becomes dirty from dust and turns yellow.

Therefore, many housewives are concerned with the question of how to bleach yellow tulle and return it to its original beauty and freshness. There are many options for whitening, both industrial compounds and simple home remedies. Some of them are worth checking out.

Popular whitening methods

When choosing one or another washing method, you must take into account the characteristics of the material from which the tulle is made. The following recipes will help correct the situation and return the curtains to their original appearance.

  1. A concentrated saline solution will cope with even severe yellowness. To prepare it you will need 3 liters of hot water and 1 glass of salt. Soak pre-washed fabric in this composition, cooled to 40°C for 12 hours. After this, rinse and dry the product.

Another way to bleach yellow tulle using salt at home. Stir 2 tbsp in 2 liters of hot water. l. coarse salt, add a little detergent. Dilute the resulting composition with the required amount of warm water and soak the fabric for at least 6 hours. A soap and salt solution will do the job perfectly; all that remains is to wash and rinse as usual.

Other methods to recreate original whiteness

Not many people know that special substances such as blue or brilliant green can help cope with the problem. To remove yellowness from fabrics at home using brilliant green, you need to dilute 15 drops of the product in 1 glass of water at room temperature. Mix the composition thoroughly so that there is no sediment. The prepared mixture can be added to the water during the last rinse.

Blue is used in a similar way when rinsing. The second option for using blue is simpler. It is added to the conditioner compartment during machine washing.

When using brilliant green or blue, you should take into account one important nuance. To avoid leaving traces or stains on the white tulle that are difficult to get rid of, these substances must be thoroughly stirred.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to bleach tulle, you can use the boiling method. This simple and affordable procedure is suitable for canvases made from natural materials. Take a large container of water, add soap shavings or other detergent, stir and lower the item. Boil for at least an hour, let cool, rinse and dry.

On store shelves there is a huge assortment of industrial household chemicals that can easily produce whitening at home. Following the manufacturer's instructions, this manipulation is not difficult to perform, but when using this technique, it is worth considering some aspects.

Not all types of bleaches are suitable for bleaching delicate fabrics. Chemical preparations negatively affect the structure of fibers and lead to their damage. Delicate material will not withstand constant treatment with such substances. Also, do not forget that after using chemical bleaches once, you will most likely have to use only them in the future, since other methods will be powerless.

Old sun-bleached tulle is difficult to tidy up using just one method. This requires an integrated approach. First, it is recommended to boil the fabric in a soap solution, then rinse it in peroxide and ammonia, and only then bleach it in salt or starch.

  • if not indicated on the label temperature regime washing, then the optimal value will be about 40°C. In some cases, when boiling, the yellowness eats into the fabric even more;
  • It is recommended to soak and wash the fabric folded. This will prevent the appearance of numerous creases that are very difficult to smooth out;
  • when rinsing, add a little vinegar to the water to give the material freshness and shine;
  • It is not necessary to iron the tulle after washing. It is enough to let the curtains drip, gently wring them out and hang them on the curtain rod, where they will straighten out under their own weight.

Using tips that have been tested in practice for decades, you can bleach yellow tulle at home without harming the delicate and delicate material.

For the first time, decorating house windows with light, snow-white tulle curtains began in France. The fashion for such curtains quickly reached Russia. Light tulle curtains can now be found on the windows of most apartments in our country. Light, lace fabric makes the room cozy and gives it freshness. Unfortunately, over time, tulle may fade and acquire a yellowish or gray tint. You can return the original whiteness to the curtains in several simple ways.

Fast and effective ways to wash by hand

Not always machine washable is able to cope with tulle stains, so methods that have been proven over the years will come to the rescue. The choice of fabric wash will depend on the problem that needs to be dealt with. There are traditional methods combating all types of tulle pollution. They do not require much effort or time, and any housewife can find the components necessary for such washing at home. And then the tulle will become snow-white.

How to wash an old gray curtain until it's white?

Often the fabric from which the curtain is made becomes gray, losing its whiteness. This can happen from accumulated dust or settled tobacco smoke. You can return the original whiteness to curtains using several proven methods.


Whitening with salt was known in the homeland of tulle curtains - in France. Regular coarse salt will help you get rid of the gray tone of the tulle and make it snow-white without much effort.

In order for bleaching to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to soften the fabric threads before washing. To do this, just immerse the curtain in cool water for thirty minutes. If possible, the fabric can be rinsed under the tap every ten to fifteen minutes.

After this procedure, the curtains must be lowered into a container of water in which washing powder and a couple of large spoons of salt are dissolved. The temperature of the liquid must be high enough.

The fabric should be left in water for a minimum of eight hours. The optimal soaking time is considered to be 10-12 hours. After this, the curtains are washed in running water. This step will rid the fabric of salt marks and foam residues.

Another option for adding freshness to curtains using salt will take even less time. It is enough to immerse the pre-washed fabric in a saline solution for several hours and immediately return it to the window. The curtains will become truly snow-white and crisp, which will give the whole room freshness.

Hydrogen peroxide

A combination of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will help save cotton tulle that has turned gray from household dust and time that has settled on it.

It is worth noting that this method is only suitable for caring for natural fabrics, and can irreversibly damage synthetic ones.

Prepare the mixture: pour one large spoon of ammonia and two of hydrogen peroxide into cool water. Immerse the tulle in a container for thirty minutes and then rinse under running water. To avoid chemical burns on the skin of your hands, use rubber gloves.

Citric acid

A solution of citric acid will help remove dirt and rid the tulle of the gray tint that has appeared over time. This method will take very little time. The fabric must be washed with laundry soap, then rinsed and soaked for several hours in water with a dissolved sachet of citric acid.

Alternatively, you can use vinegar.

If after the first wash the curtains do not look snow-white, the procedure can be repeated two or three more times. Citric acid will help cope with even severe gray tint or ingrained dust.


Perfect for getting rid of gray fabric baking soda. This method does not require any costs, is easy to do and takes little time. To prepare the mixture, you will need one tablespoon of powder and baking soda per three liters of water. The soaked curtains are left in the solution for an hour. After which the fabric must be rinsed.

Perfect for removing grease and dust that has accumulated on curtains over time. soda ash. It differs from food in its high alkali content.

This soda should be used with caution: the substance can cause skin burns or cause allergies.

In addition, for silk curtains, bleaching with soda ash is contraindicated: there is a high risk of damage to the threads.

How to get rid of yellowness?

The snow-white fabric from which the curtain is made may turn yellow over time. The color of tulle is influenced by a huge number of factors. Once white tulle can turn yellow from tobacco smoke, heating, or fade in the sun.

It is worth noting that only as a last resort should you resort to strong chlorine-based bleaches. This limitation is due to the structure of the material: tulle is woven from a huge number of thin threads that are easily destroyed under the influence of an aggressive environment.

Simple folk remedies can help restore curtains to their original appearance.


Blue liquid can restore tulle curtains in a few minutes fresh look. To do this, after washing, just soak the fabric for ten minutes in water with two tablespoons of blue dissolved in it. For a stronger effect, it is recommended to turn the tulle over every two to three minutes.


To do this, hand-washed curtains are left in water with brilliant green dissolved in it. Ten drops per two to three liters of liquid is enough.

To enhance the effect, you can add ten tablespoons of regular salt into the container. Before immersing the fabric in water, wait until all the ingredients have dissolved.


Ordinary potato starch can gently bleach sun-bleached tulle made from synthetic fabrics. It will not damage the threads, and the curtains will become snow-white and will hold their shape better. To do this, you need to dissolve 300 grams of potato starch in a large amount of water.

Before bleaching, curtains should be washed by hand, gently wrung out and immersed in the prepared mixture for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, the fabric is rinsed again to remove excess starch and immediately hung.

This method will not only cope with yellowness, but also prevent its appearance in the future. The settling dust will not penetrate into the structure of the threads, so to give the curtains their original appearance, it will be enough to wash them.


The most common way to restore freshness to tulle is to rinse with white.

It is worth noting that this method can only be used once. Subsequent soaking of the fabric in it will not give the desired effect. In addition, this method negatively affects the curtains and leads to the destruction of the threads.

To get rid of stains on curtains using this bleach, just follow the recommendations on the package. And the specific odor that often remains on the fabric can be easily eliminated with the help of fabric softeners.


Aspirin tablets will help cope not only with the signs of ARVI, but will also return yellowed curtains to their original fresh look. True, only regular, non-effervescent tablets are suitable for this method. To whiten, you will need to dissolve a number of tablets in water equal to the number of liters of liquid. The curtains are left for three hours, after which they are washed.

This method is equally effective against yellowing and graying of curtains.

Potassium permangantsovka

Another inexpensive and quick method of bleaching curtains is using a solution of potassium permanganate. It is recommended to wash the curtains first, then immerse them in water with a glass of powder dissolved in it and a small amount of potassium permanganate. The color of the liquid should be deep pink.

Leave the fabric in the liquid for a couple of hours, squeeze it out carefully and hang it on the window. No additional washing required.

How to remove rust?

Rust stains can appear on tulle curtains for a variety of reasons. Most often they occur in places where fabric comes into contact with metal. For example, where the fastenings are located.

Such contaminants are alkaline, so they can be removed using various acids. The most common method for removing rust is citric acid or vinegar. It is recommended to apply a cotton pad soaked in these substances to the contaminated areas for an hour. Then just wash the curtains with powder.

However, if traditional methods do not help, you can resort to technical fluids. They are often sold in automotive departments. This substance is applied to the fabric with a syringe for several hours so that the active components begin to work. Specialized liquids can even deal with old rust stains.

How to bleach soot?

Soot stains are considered one of the most difficult stains to remove. They are difficult to wash from fabric, and in the case of tulle curtains, the process is complicated by the inability to use aggressive detergents and hot water. However, there are several ways to remove soot from curtains. First of all, the curtains must be washed in warm water using laundry soap. Then the contaminated areas are treated with dishwashing detergent or soda ash and left for half an hour.

As alternative way You can use turpentine to remove soot from curtains. It is applied pointwise to the stains, after which the tulle is washed using the usual method. You can also remove dirt with bleach.

Properly bleaching at home in an automatic washing machine

If it is not possible to bleach the curtains manually, you can resort to using an automatic washing machine.

To do this, you need to know a few subtleties so as not to damage the fabric:

  • The tulle removed from the cornice must be shaken off from accumulated dust. Before placing the fabric in the drum of the machine, it is recommended to fold it into a small rectangle. It is better to use soft powders suitable for children's clothes for washing.
  • The additive compartment can be filled with a delicate bleach, such as Vanish. It will not damage the fabric, but will do an excellent job of removing dirt. Instead of bleach, you can use baking soda and baking powder.
  • To avoid damaging the curtains during washing, select a delicate mode with a low temperature and set it to no more than four hundred revolutions per minute. To ensure that the curtains are not excessively wet, it is recommended to choose the double rinse method.
  • With this method of cleaning, the fabric will not be damaged or wrinkled much, which will make ironing easier or help you do without it.

Before choosing a method that will help return tulle curtains to their original snow-white color, it is worth finding out what material the curtains are made of. Washing methods that are suitable for some fabrics may severely damage others.

  • Nylon tulle. Nylon curtains require careful handling. Chlorine-based bleaches are not suitable for washing them. In addition, such curtains can only be soaked in cool water. Green paint, washing with blue or potassium permanganate will help to refresh nylon curtains. To keep the product in shape, it is recommended to add potato starch to the water.
  • Organza tulle. Organza is a fabric produced by weaving silk threads, viscose and polyester. This material is considered capricious, and careful care is required. Organza curtains are not tolerated high temperature water and strong washing chemicals. You can refresh such curtains by using ammonia in combination with hydrogen peroxide, and it is better to rinse them only in cold water.

  • Voile tulle. Voile curtains can add freshness to any room. But it is quite difficult to bleach such curtains at home. The veil is woven from thin threads that are easily damaged. Many housewives prefer to turn to specialists to refresh voile tulle. To wash such curtains at home, use laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide, or soak them in blue. In this case, it is better to choose a liquid temperature of no more than forty degrees.
  • Chiffon tulle. Chiffon fabric can be made from silk or cotton threads. Like other types of tulle, such curtains are not very durable. Machine washing is contraindicated for them. The best way to bleach chiffon curtains is to soak them in a saline solution. After this, the material can be washed carefully with soap.

  • Nylon tulle. Nylon curtains are now very popular due to their low price. This synthetic fabric can decorate a room no worse than organza curtains. It is worth considering that nylon cannot be washed in hot water. The recommended temperature for this fabric is thirty degrees. You can bleach nylon curtains using saline solution, starch or blue. And after washing they will have to be ironed: these fabrics will not take shape on their own on the curtain rod. It is recommended to iron synthetic curtains through gauze or cotton cloth, this significantly reduces the likelihood of damage.
  • Cotton tulle. Cotton curtains are the least demanding to care for. They can be washed in hot water and even boiled. Any method listed above is suitable for bleaching such curtains. It is recommended to add a little potato starch to the water when soaking and rinsing. This way, the curtains will be crisp, fresh and hold their shape perfectly.

And a few more tips:

  • Regardless of which washing method you choose, it is recommended to shake your curtains. This will get rid of household dust accumulated in the fabric.
  • Before you start washing, any tulle curtains must be soaked in cool water. The threads from which the fabric is woven will soften, and dirt will be much easier to remove.
  • Both when washing by hand and in a machine, the water temperature for washing tulle should not exceed thirty degrees. The only exception is curtains made of cotton; they can be washed in water of any temperature.
  • If you decide to wash the tulle in an automatic washing machine, then you need to select the minimum speed so as not to damage or tear the fabric. A special bag in which you can pack curtains will protect you from these troubles.
  • Before soaking and washing, it is recommended to carefully fold the fabric, avoiding creases. The curtains will take the desired shape faster on the cornice.

  • To make the curtains shine beautifully in the sun, you can add a tablespoon of vinegar to the rinsing water. A small amount of liquid will not affect the smell of the curtains.
  • When squeezing the tulle, avoid twisting. The creases that appear will be difficult to smooth out, and the threads will not return to their original state for a long time.
  • It is recommended to iron only cotton curtains. The remaining fabrics straighten perfectly and take shape under their own weight right on the cornice.
  • Carry out all manipulations with special gloves. This will protect your hands from possible chemical burns. If you use bleach, follow the instructions on the package and do not exceed the dosage of the substance.
  • You should not use several whitening methods at once. Many of the substances neutralize each other’s actions, and some are capable of producing vapors harmful to the body in combination.
  • For hand washing tulle curtains, it is better to use special non-chlorinated water.

One of the main tips for caring for tulle curtains is the timely removal of dirt. Many stains are easily removed in the first hours, but then become difficult to get rid of. In addition, regular washing of curtains will allow them to retain their original snow-white shade and correct flowing shape for much longer. It is enough to wash the tulle once every four to six months.

To learn how to properly wash tulle at home, watch the following video.