Traditions to celebrate the New Year. Traditions of seeing off the Old Year and preparing for the New Year. Where is New Year celebrated?

New Year- one of the most ancient holidays on Earth. It goes without saying that its traditions are rooted in the distant past. Moreover, over many centuries, the main traditions of celebrating the New Year have hardly changed. In fact, we celebrate this holiday in the same way as it was celebrated in England, France and Germany in the 16th century, during the Peter the Great era in Rus' and during the USSR.

The last option in the calendar is to click the shortcut multiple times to change the cycle of the corresponding week. This is a 2 week tutorial or building help run by a group of 30 volunteers at the start of the summer holidays without great demands to the qualifications of volunteers.

In the case of teaching, basically the volunteer selects a pair of textbook or learning project according to their own skills. The interest in volunteering is to provide students with a wealth of knowledge, and to bring learning in a fun and interesting way to inspire students to further study or also show other ways of maintaining education than students are used to. Training 3 hours a day. . Recreation volunteers go either as teachers or assistants on site, but cannot do both.

The main traditions of the New Year

An invariable attribute of the holiday is the Christmas tree, because trees personify the connection between man and nature and Higher powers and are a symbol of renewal. According to established tradition, the Christmas tree is decorated with bright toys and sweets two weeks before the New Year. The Christmas tree stands until Epiphany. To take it apart and throw it away beforehand is to divert wealth and good luck from the house.

It is accepted that volunteers are taught to be friendly speakers who are invited by the parent; begins with children at a school picnic; Let's play together with teachers and students in a volleyball tournament; visit other schools in the comparison area; attend various celebrations that take place in the village. On the other hand, local teachers can learn, for example, a local dance or cook local dishes.

We tend to learn takes the form of educational projects before, so this was a series of thematic observations. Educational projects we used in recent years. In each round, vacant factory goods shores would supply stores, as well as weakened government payments to corporate clients who could shop in stores. The game teaches children how prices are formed, or what role they play in the most suitable. Through repeated attempts and additions to theoretical knowledge, the children gradually honed their rammed earth powers. Photos of Building Bridges - from children, and classes are divided into teams and given the task of building a strong bridge with the most skewers and strings, and for 14 days volunteers with relevant qualifications and skills were coached. At the teams' final presentation, they measured that most bridges were fixed by gradually adding loads. The children were divided into three groups and sellers, shop owners and customers. . We believe that teaching children is more about fun projects; Children are more involved in the plot because he feels responsible for the outcome and takes away more knowledge from them; educational projects can better represent the parents and school of the final performance.

Another wonderful holiday tradition is a lush and rich table. It is believed that delicious and varied treats in New Year's Eve- a 100% guarantee that you definitely won’t go hungry all year. Certainly, New Year's table unthinkable without shamanism. The tradition of drinking sparkling wine in honor of the holiday appeared at the end of the 16th century, in France, the birthplace of this wonderful drink.

Note that it is very difficult to choose a good educational project for children of the lower classes, for example, in the case kindergarten probably almost impossible. Educational projects are not required, but only preferred. We recognize that a number of thematic and related activities may be of interest to all interested parties. Your ideas for educational activities with children, you give the application volunteering and can be a positive input into decisions about your adoption.

We want these volunteers to mostly go with the holiday volunteer group, but if they want to stay to help with other brontosaurus projects in the Himalayas, then we'll be happy to. When calculating acclimatization in the capital and the time required for movement, they are three weeks as the minimum time required for the entire trip to India as a volunteer holiday. Most volunteers in Little Tibet stay longer and travel.

Don't forget about gifts. The custom of giving memorable souvenirs for adults and gifts for children for the New Year arose in Germany, back in the 15th century, when the New Year was just beginning to be celebrated “in a modern manner.” You can also make gifts yourself. It is believed that such gifts bring great luck.

New Year is a holiday of love and forgiveness. Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, people forgive each other's offenses and exchange kisses.

The volunteering holiday will accept about 25 volunteers. Overall, the group consists of about 30 people. Despite the holiday of volunteering with a brontosaurus traveling in the Himalayas, greatest number volunteers per year. Preparation for the volunteer holiday takes place over two preparatory meetings and the volunteer is required to attend both meetings.

At a meeting with the volunteers, they got acquainted with each other and began to create a party that would head off to the Himalayas in the summer. At the first meeting, personal interviews necessary to receive volunteers are held. The first preparatory meeting is an opportunity for mutual understanding and mutual conviction about mutual cooperation. The subject of the second meeting is to precisely and stipulate what, who, when and how to teach or what will help. In the second meeting there is a school, also “how you take as much as possible from the path”, as well as ethical behavior in Little Tibet.

Fireworks and sparklers are also a wonderful custom to celebrate the New Year. After all, a festive night should be bright and bright. By the way, this tradition also appeared in Germany, at the end of the 16th century. It is believed that the best pyrotechnicians lived in this country.

Where is New Year celebrated?

Traditionally, New Year is considered a family holiday. Therefore, you should meet him at home, with family and friends. True, this does not mean that you need to spend the entire holiday this way. There is a nice custom on New Year's Eve to go out into nature and drink a glass of champagne on the edge of a snow-covered forest.

Finances are specific to volunteer recreation

The total amount of funding for volunteer activities includes directing. The minimum travel expenses are usually around 25,000 CZK. The average cost of volunteers for their stay is about 30 to 35,000 CZK. However, the value of voluntary action items contains is highly variable; You can find travel and overhead costs for the volunteering holiday in the paragraph below.

The amount of overhead costs depends on the volunteer's interests in the long term and will help to employ the principle of determining the amount of overhead costs, taking into account the complexity of the task explained at the first preparatory meeting. During their stay at school, they are required to pay for raw materials and prepared meals in the amount of approximately 110 CZK per day.

Fans of magnificent celebrations can go to the New Year's ball. The tradition of organizing costume balls and carnivals on New Year's Eve dates back several hundred years.

Without a doubt, New Year is the most joyful holiday. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate it very vigorously. Even if something doesn’t go well and “the cats are scratching at your soul,” on New Year’s Eve you should rejoice, walk, dance, dress up in fancy dress, congratulate friends and strangers. Under no circumstances should you be left alone and become limp. This is the main New Year's tradition. After all, according to legend, how you spend New Year’s Eve is how the whole next year.

The reason is that volunteers are focused as much as possible on the preparation and implementation of their assistance. Volunteers travel as a group in late June and July from Prague to Delhi and then from Delhi to Leh. Volunteers have about three days to acclimatize to the alpine environment. They can also identify the capital or its surroundings, as well as prepare a program after the end of their volunteering. Volunteers teach about 4 hours a day and then prepare for the next day or help for about 6 hours on site.

Once volunteering is completed, volunteers are placed with children who teach primarily during the family week and during the second week. Staying with families is usually the most powerful experience for volunteers. During the volunteer event, it usually begins with children on a picnic or trip or organized performances for the children's parents.

New Year is rightfully considered the most beloved and most long-awaited holiday. After all, we all remember very well the thrill with which each New Year's gift in childhood, the impatience with which every child waits for Santa Claus and waits for what he will bring us. But that was in childhood! Having matured, people begin to dream not about gifts, but about the fulfillment of their most cherished, most secret desires, and for this, one way or another, ancient Russians come in handy new year traditions, customs, signs.

After the exposure, volunteers organize their own program and set out on hikes, excursions to monasteries in India or the plains straight home. While volunteering at the school, volunteers live in the new school dormitory. Sleeping on a bed with mattresses in their own sleeping bag. They live in room four. In drinking water, electricity and internet connection the school. At school you can wash by hand in a bucket. During the volunteering holiday we prefer volunteers to swim in the river due to poor supplies drinking water school is good.

We celebrate the New Year on January 1 because three centuries ago Tsar Peter I issued a decree ordering us to celebrate this holiday on December 31. It was this decree that became the reason for the emergence of many Russian traditions, customs, and signs. The spruce, for example, became the main symbol of the New Year holiday, as was customary in all European countries.

During their stay, volunteers live with the families and children they teach. This can be a powerful experience for both parties, allowing both volunteers and families to create a realistic picture of life in the Czech Republic and Ladakh. Once accepted, volunteers are required to volunteer.

Violations may result in expulsion from the Volunteer Program. Volunteer skills are assessed based on a submitted cover letter, resume, and then in person at an initial preparatory meeting and subsequent personal interview.

By submitting an application and resume, you become an applicant for volunteering. o Your consent will be decided on the basis. Your acceptance of volunteers was decided by Coordinator Jeri Sazel. What happens between submitting the application on the check. Based on the submitted application and CV, we assess whether we will invite you to the first preparatory meeting. This could be, for example, when we receive a volunteer from the first preparatory meeting who will refuse to participate. Before completing your application: remember that the content of your application is the only document that can now affect whether you are invited to the first preparatory meeting.

The next royal decree read: "... Along large thoroughfares, noble people in front of the gates should make decorations from juniper and pine branches... and poor people should place at least one tree or spruce branch on the gates for each...". For the first time this New Year's holiday All Muscovites decorated their houses with branches of juniper, spruce and pine according to the patterns that were decorated in the Tsar's Gostiny Dvor.

We therefore recommend that you fill out the application very honestly. With the ending approaching academic year it's hard to tell whether the students or the teachers are enjoying it a large number vacation. While kids can't wait to get rid of the morning wake-ups, writing, testing and assignments, teachers sometimes worry that two months of "unblocked forgetting" isn't leaving too many marks on students' minds.

Wouldn't this be particularly suitable for weaker students who have learning difficulties, are less focused, are more difficult to understand and without regular exercise are unlikely to be able to retain it in memory, more suitable to learn at least a small lesson about the holidays? In addition, in the offer of bookstores and textbook stores for first-degree students, a variety of holidays, elders can use different collections tasks and exercises. When there are only a few examples each day, say half an hour a day, this kind of consolidation can help.

This custom was borrowed by the Russians from the Germans, who considered the spruce to be a sacred tree, in the branches of which lives the good “forest spirit” - the defender of justice, goodness and truth. The ever-green spruce symbolized longevity, eternal youth, courage, dignity and fidelity. Fir cones were a symbol of the fire of life, as well as the restoration of health.

Although strength regeneration occurs more quickly in childhood, students also clearly need rest. At the beginning of the holidays, children should definitely feel a change in their daily routine, enjoy sufficient sleep, and relax from normal responsibilities - preferably at the same time as a change in the environment, recommends psychologist Ivan Jakshova. That's why it's appropriate for her to include, for example, a family holiday, a grandparent's stay, or summer camp. Especially for junior schoolchildren It is not practical to replace precisely structured school days with unsupervised or unprogrammed inactivity at home.

The evening before the New Year was considered “generous.” Abundant festive table decorated with everything that I wanted to have in abundance. For the New Year, they cooked various compotes, infusions, and beer, served a lot of meat, cereal and flour dishes, and baked pies with a wide variety of fillings.

In the center of the table, it was customary to place the meat of a two or three week old pig, roasted on a spit, which was perceived as a symbol of beauty. Surely, more than once you have heard such a concept as “kolyada”. This word refers to all pork products that were prepared for Christmas or New Year. Each owner tried to stock up on pork, since this product fed the whole family until Lent.

However, on the issue of learning - in the sense of repeating school materials - the psychologist is clear. Even a child’s body needs to relax for healthy functioning, to get rid of ideas of learning and the lesson itself. It's good to have this kind of rest for children, at least during the first half of the holidays.

For children with normal intelligence there is no need to study holidays. The exception is boys and girls who are interested in new knowledge at school, want to read and view new textbooks, decide math problems. Don't let them go, but make sure they have enough movement to fresh air, says psychologist Jakshova.

The New Year's table should not include dishes from poultry, feathered game or a hare, because there was a belief that happiness could fly away or run away from home. Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians and Moldovans considered pancakes and kutia to be a traditional New Year's dish. Guests were treated to nuts, sweets or figurines baked from dough in the shape of domestic animals: cows, bulls, horses.

It was customary to celebrate the New Year in a new dress and shoes (it was believed that then you would wear new clothes all year). Before the New Year, we tried to forgive all insults and pay off all debts. On the eve of the holiday, windows and mirrors were washed in houses and broken dishes were disposed of.

In Rus', it was customary to prepare a very intricate dish for the New Year's table. It was not only expensive, but also required a very high level of skill from the cook. This was the recipe in general outline: a piece of anchovies was placed instead of stones in fleshy olives, which served as a filling for a gutted lark, which was placed in a fat partridge, and that in a pheasant. The last “wrapper” of the olives was suckling pig. This work of culinary art was invented by the French court chef and dedicated to the beautiful Catherine II. Soon, a rich nobleman found out the secret of this extravagant New Year's treat and quickly spread it among the nobility. Inviting guests to the Empress roast has become very prestigious.

But now let’s move on from traditions to the rituals of the New Year holiday...

At midnight, when the chimes strike 12 times, we all wish for the most cherished desires which must come true in the coming year. Many people also observe a more complex ritual. When the clock strikes 12, a wish is written on paper, then the paper is burned, and the ashes are stirred into a glass of champagne. Champagne must be drunk before the clock strikes the last stroke.

There are many other quite interesting signs associated with the New Year celebration. On New Year's Eve, in severe frost, water was frozen in a spoon. ABOUT good health and longevity is evidenced by ice in the bubbles, and illness or even death is indicated by a hole in the center.

There is another no less interesting custom: on the night of New Year, the girl put part of the festive dinner under her pillow. Before going to bed, she invited her betrothed to come and taste the prepared dish. The lover was supposed to appear to her in a dream.

People have had New Year's signs for a long time. I think it won’t hurt you to know some of them:

1. You cannot lend money on New Year's Eve, otherwise you will be in dire need of it throughout the next year.

2. If you want good luck to accompany you everywhere in the New Year, wear something new.

3. In order for there to be prosperity in the house, the New Year's table must be bursting with food and drinks.

4. If on January 1 the first guest in the house is a man, the year will be happy, and if a woman is the opposite.

5. Remember, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. Try not to swear, quarrel, cry or go to bed early on New Year's Eve.

6. To avoid causing trouble for yourself and any family members, do not do laundry on New Year's Eve.

7. If you throw trash out of your house before the New Year, expect troubles in the coming year and forget about well-being.

The most pleasant moment in celebrating the New Year is, of course, receiving gifts. If you want your gift to bring joy and pleasure to your family and friends, please note useful tips according to their choice.

Women do not like to be given: cheap perfume, lipstick, jewelry, sets of cheap soap, blouses, tights, frying pans, kitchen utensils and anything that reminds them of housekeeping. The exception is pre-agreed situations.

It is not advisable for men to give gifts: flowers, cufflinks, a tie, strong-smelling aftershave lotion or cologne, underwear, handkerchiefs, socks.

The child will be upset if you give him: clothes (without a toy), a smart book (“Schoolchild’s Encyclopedia”), school supplies, a souvenir that cannot be played with, but can only be placed on a shelf.