The name of the disco is Youth Day. Scenario of an entertainment program for a disco (competitions) - “Disco Star”

Admit it, sometimes you can't sleep at night...? Do you want something like this...? Casinos, night bars, night clubs, all this is expensive and necessarily requires a glass, or even a dozen bottles of champagne. Young people don’t need to warm themselves up artificially, the energy is overflowing, and oh, how you don’t want to sleep at night!!! What if you start a disco in the open air park at midnight, for example, after prom at school, or somewhere in the dance hall... or... anywhere. Prepare a music program in advance, make good advertising for the night disco, think about, of course, ensuring that transport is ready to take the night owls home, and include this in the ticket price. Find sponsors who would be happy to help young people have a good rest. Let's start with a simple disco, although let's call it the Moonlight Ball. The following meetings in this series can be turned into discos with a carnival, and meetings with famous people, with fireworks, etc. The main thing is to start. Try from simple to complex. The Lunar Ball invites you.

I Presenter: Lunar Ball! Lunar Ball!

Who danced at the lunar ball?

Who met love at the lunar ball?

Who will answer that there is a “Moon Ball”?

II Presenter: I will answer the questions at once:

We don't know what a lunar ball is yet!

These questions cannot be answered immediately,

After all, the lunar ball has not yet begun!

I Presenter: Well, then I open it!

Ladies! Gentlemen! I appeal to your attention!

Let the fanfare sound!

We are opening the ball!

We welcome music with joy and a smile!

After the fanfare has sounded, a waltz sounds and the couples of the ballroom dance ensemble dance.

I Presenter: So, in the best Russian traditions, we opened our Lunar Ball! Tonight the music will sound for several hours, the beauty of the dancing will take your breath away, your heart will beat joyfully from the beauty of your smiles and the sparkle of your eyes!

II Presenter: By the way, the eyes shine with an extraordinary radiance only in the light of the moon! It’s strange that declarations of love most often occur during the moonlight! But this happens everywhere, in all countries and in any weather!

I Presenter: There is nothing strange about this! The moon is so mysterious, so amazing! In Japan, for example, just as one admires cherry blossoms, one admires the moon, guessing in its outlines and in its lighting a sign of fate.

II Presenter: Our moon has risen above us today to bring friends together, to give lovers the opportunity to be together, to dance, joke and even play pranks. For those who haven't met yet, don't be discouraged, dance will introduce you. I announce the first lunar dance marathon.

15 min.1st dance block.

I Presenter: Well, gentlemen, lunatics, now I can say for sure that the ball is open! You did a great job with your first marathon, and we still have many dance routes ahead! Today on our lunar expedition there will be groups with us... (the presenter lists the groups whose records will be performed at the disco).

II Presenter: Today with us in search of a moonstone for the prom queen are those brave souls who will take part in fun competitions, lotteries, etc. The gentleman with the most smiling moon icons will introduce his lady and name her prom queen! I understand that we live in a democratic society, and it would be possible to arrange elections for the queen, but somehow we are all tired of the slogans “Vote, or you will lose,” or “Vote, and you will win!” Here, today, we are all winners, because... we can have fun and dance together!

I Presenter: That's right! One little girl I know says to her mother: “Don’t put me to bed! I don’t want to sleep, I want to live!” This is how today we live this moonlit night in the world of music and smiles and we will even see not in a dream, but in reality the queen, the queen of the moonlit ball!

II Presenter: The lunar ball continues. Remember, in one of her hits Sofia Rotaru sang: “Moon, moon, flowers, flowers! How there is not enough love and kindness in the world.” We hope that you all love each other today and that is why we are all kind!

I Presenter: Our next dance marathon will take place along the routes of love together with the group... Let's dance and listen about love! Love is the main reason for all life on earth. Love each other and life!

2nd block of musical numbers – 15 min.

I Presenter: Do you remember that in the names of lunar craters, peaks, oceans, valleys there are many words about beauty, courage, love... For example, “Valley of Love...”. And which of the brave souls will now come to our podium to understand the word “Moon” itself and some words in which the root “lun” is present, i.e. with related words, and with words related to the moon!?

II Presenter: Remember, lucky daredevils are awarded Smiling Moon badges, which give them the right to participate in the appointment of the prom queen. We ask the ladies to inspire their gentlemen to participate in this simple competition and let them go for a few minutes!

I Presenter: So, let's start the vocabulary marathon. 10 seconds to think about your answer!

And now the questions:

1. What does the word “moon” mean?

2. What is another name for the moon? (Crescent Moon)

3. Can the satellite of any planet be called the Moon? (Yes, you can, if it's not artificial satellite)

4. How many moons does Saturn have? (10 moons)

5. What is lunar? (Space rocket heading towards the Moon)

6. Who is a harrier? (Bird of Prey, as well as a gray-haired man)

7. What is sleepwalking? (Walking in your sleep)

II Presenter(after awarding the winners with moon icons): We thank the brave souls! And now we invite the ladies who will continue the vocabulary marathon! And, by the way, if there are many moon icons, obtained through their own labor, or the labor of gentlemen, ladies can participate in determining the queen of the ball! If you ladies, even on your own, accumulate more badges than all the other contenders, you become prom queen!

I Presenter: So, for the ladies, the next lunar vocabulary competition is a neologism competition! Those. we need to come up with new polysyllabic words where the word “moon” is involved. For example, everyone knows the complex word lunokhod - an automatic self-propelled vehicle that moves on the moon!

II Presenter: And I came up with a word - a neologism, as you put it - “moon eater”!

I Presenter: Who is this?

II Presenter: This is a terrible monster that eats the moon! After all, Korney Chukovsky, for example, had a crocodile swallow the sun! And I have a “moon eater”!

I Presenter: So, everything is clear to everyone! Let's start the competition of “lunar” neologisms!

II Presenter:(after awarding badges): By the way, if we took up lexicology, in the first competition for gentlemen, the word “sleepwalking” can be added to the definition of “sleepwalking” - “dancing while others are sleeping.”

I Presenter: I agree! So, dance while others sleep! Or - dance sleepwalking - a new phenomenon in the history of sleepwalking!

3rd dance block – 15 min.

I Presenter: Do you know, dear guests of the lunar ball, that “lunatics” are also called “som-nam-bu-la-mi”. What a word!

II Presenter: No, don’t be afraid, there will be no more verbal duels, but there will be a pantomime competition, we will become somnambulists, who, with movements as in a dream, will show us something from the life of sleepwalkers and non-sleepwalkers, and we will guess what kind of life it is!

I Presenter: So, a competition without words, although... Task words in envelopes delivered here by lunar mail. We invite ladies and gentlemen. Read your “convertible” task and show it with mime so that the guests of the ball will understand and guess! If you were understood and guessed, you get a badge, if you were not understood... alas.

Tasks for the somnambulist competition:

1. Pantomime the work at the dacha.

2. Show a disco.

3. Show a trip to Japan.

4. Show that you were accidentally “slammed” inside a large refrigerator.

5. Show me the kindergarten.

6. Show the flight of a rocket to the Moon.

7. Show the TV program “Beaumonde”.

8. Show the Olympic Games.

9. Show the kennel club.

10. Show heavy rain.

II Presenter(after awarding badges): And now another version of the somnambulist competition. You move in your sleep and talk about what you see. At the word “stop,” the next participant begins to move, show and tell. A story of three or four sentences is also in envelopes. The one who is absolutely serious and artistic wins the competition. But guests can laugh as much as they want! The assignment envelopes contain stories that will become known to the participants only when they open their envelope.

In envelopes:(the presenter can interrupt the reader with the word “stop”)

1. I’m walking along a tightrope in the circus, suddenly a cake falls on my head, I start licking the cream and fall into the arena.

2. Now I have a watermelon in my hands. I want to cut it but I can’t, the watermelon begins to howl and scream for help.

3. Everyone sit quietly. I am a scary ghost. I’m about to scare you all with my loud, homeric laughter - ha ha ha.

4. I am sailing on the sea, suddenly someone meets me goldfish. She says to me: “What do you want?” And I told her: “A thousand dollars.” And she told me: “I’m not a new Russian, I don’t have currency.”

5. I fly to the stars, on one star I meet Kirkorov, I tell him: “Hello, Filya!” And he told me: “You yourself are Piggy!”

6. I'm running from a gang of robbers, clutching my wallet! They catch up: “Life or wallet!” I say that there is no life, and there is nothing in the wallet either, because... There is an economic crisis in the country. The bandits faint (collectively), and I run on.

7. I’m sitting and watching TV. On the screen it’s either erotica or “In the Animal World.” And I need the “Guess the Melody” program, I start crying, I cry long and bitterly. And the host of this musical guessing game leans right out of the TV and says: “Good night, kids!”

I Presenter:(after awarding badges): The competitions were wonderful, and now there is a dance marathon, the paths of which will lead us to sunny Latin America. Sunny squared! Firstly, because it’s really sunny, and secondly, because when the moon shines for us, it’s day in Latin America, the sun shines there!

4th block - Latin American melodies.

II Presenter: So what, my friends? Are you tired of traveling to the Western Hemisphere? No? Amazing? What if we go to the Southern Hemisphere, fly across the equator and find ourselves, for example, in Australia, in a wonderful Luna Park!

I Presenter: Why waste time on a flight? We can open our own Luna Park at our Lunar Ball! How to do this? Here is the ribbon, here are the scissors! You are present at the opening ceremony of Luna Park! (Cuts the ribbon). We believe that once the ribbon is cut, the park is open, which means all the attractions are open! For example, a fun room! Instead of mirrors - jokes, of course, decent ones, we are in decent society!

II Presenter: Can I participate? I know one decent joke, about 30-40 minutes long! So...

I Presenter (interrupting): No, no, this doesn’t suit us. The joke should be very funny and very short.

Anecdote competition, awarding of badges.

I Presenter: And now - the carousel! Choose a figure on which you “roll”, and on behalf of this figure, say wishes for happiness, health, good mood, everything you want! For example: I choose a cockerel! On behalf of the cockerel, I wish everyone to get up earlier, enjoy the sun, not to cock over trifles, but if you have to fight, be brave, turn from a cockerel into an eagle!

Contest of wishes.

II Presenter: In our Luna Park, by the way, there is also a cool dance hall! Let's dance.

5th music block – 15 min.

I Presenter: From the dance hall we go straight through the alleys of the park to a huge, bright drum. This is the Luna lottery!

Buy tickets here without leaving the reel. The ticket costs an acrobatic sketch (you can do a handstand, Swallow, etc.).

I am selling this ticket - ticket no. Open the ticket, read the name of the prize! So, a box of chocolates! May you have more sweet moments in life!

Ticket No. 2 – selling for a song, win a prize!

Ticket number 3 – children's poem – prize.

Ticket number 4 – solo dance, prize.

Ticket number 6 – guess the melody with 7 notes, prize.

Ticket No. 7 – lucky – “Grand Prix” – I sell for the best lunar suit from improvised means, under the motto “Moonlight Dreams”.

Prizes or winnings awarded

along with smiling moon icons.

II Presenter: After the “Moon Lottery” - “Moon Round Dance”, around the “Moon Drum”.

6th music block – 15 min.

I Presenter: The ball is in full swing, but there is still no queen. It's time for her to “rule the show” and give us a little rest. We count the lunar icons that our ladies have. So, the most smiling natural satellites, i.e. the moon... We declare you the queen of the ball!

II Presenter: We’ll crown you right there! Here is your crown!

(Hands over a crown with the sign of the Moon).

I Presenter: But here is your first decree, read it.

Queen: Decree No. 1 “I am the highest highness, the queen of the Moonlight Ball, I order all ladies and gentlemen to never lose heart, to sing, dance, have fun, and if you love each other, get married!”

II Presenter: And here is your second decree!

Queen: Decree No. 2 “I am the Queen of the Lunar Ball, I order you to continue to stay awake at night, to come to lunar balls, and never be bored!”

I Presenter: Thank you, Your Highness, we are not going to be bored! Even if life is problematic, it is still very nice!

I Presenter: Well, we will continue the Lunar Balls! And now we'll be the queen moonstone hand over!

II Presenter: You know, I think I've lost it! We'll have to schedule the next Lunar Ball! Your Highness, do not order the execution, order the program for the next disco to be announced!

The Queen agrees.

The host announces the program for the next disco.

I Presenter: Today everyone learned a little about what a lunar ball is!

We part for a while.

We'll be back for the Lunar Ball!

We wish happiness to all our friends,

We are always, always welcome to see you!

Final dance marathon – 30 min.

Universal student

Competitive game program for universities, colleges and schools.

The stage is designed like a country club. A choir of girls in sundresses performs a Russian folk song. After the performance, the girls leave, and the presenters, Frosya and Snezhana, enter the stage from different sides. Frosya in a long chintz dress with polka dots. Snezhana is a typical city dweller in a fashionable outfit.

Frosya. Oh, Snezhana... (Looks at her.) How dressed up you are... What are you doing in our village?

Snezhana. Frosya! Nice to see you. I came to my grandmother for the summer to relax before studying at the institute. Can you imagine, I did it! There were five people in place. How are you? What are you doing?

Frosya. So I... also went to college!

Snezhana. And what, if not a secret?

Frosya. And the one where they sing. I’m the most important singer in my village. And I sing in the choir, (proudly) and solo. And arias from mogu operas, and Russian ones folk songs. You know, what a voice I have—you can hear it when I’m on a drinking binge at the other end of the village.

Snezhana. Have you been accepted to the institute?

Frosya. Not yet.

Snezhana. What do they say?

Frosya. They say: “Come tomorrow.”

Snezhana. If so, you shouldn’t be a student.

Frosya. Why is this still the case?

Snezhana. Yes, because they feed you “breakfast”. And a real student is immediately accepted.

Frosya. What kind of a real student is he?

Snezhana. Student is cool. He's a lot

what he can do and knows a lot... Just

station wagon

Frosya. I wonder if among these people (points to the audience in the hall) Is there such a supermarket? I'd like to see what he's like...

Snezhana. First of all, not a general store, but a station wagon. Not a store, but a jack of all trades who knows everything and can do everything. And secondly, let's try to choose such a student.

Frosya(solemnly). So, we choose a real generalist student. (Confused.) Oh, I just came up with an idea... How can we choose the most versatile student out of all the people? Snezhana. Yes, very simple. First, let’s decipher the word “student”.

Addressing the audience sitting in the hall.

The first letter in the word "student" is the letter "s". What do you think, dear viewers, what quality of a student can begin with the letter “c”? That's right, smarts. Come to us, please.

Frosya(interrupting). Ah, I understand! The next letter is "t". What should a student have? Starts with a "t"! Yeah, talent. Come to us.

Snezhana. And what quality inherent in a student begins with “y”? That's right, mind. Come here please.

Frosya. And “d” also has this... quality. What did you say? Goodwill? Fits. Stand next to me.

Snezhana. Does anyone know the student’s character trait starting with the letter “e”? Yes, that's right. Ruffiness. Please come and see us.

Frosya. There's a lot to be said for the letter "n". Who's brave? Yeah, there must be a “real” student. Come out.

Snezhana. The last letter is "t" again. Who will say the word? "Quiet"? So be it. Please come to us. So, we have seven contenders for the title of universal student.

All candidates line up on stage.

Frosya. Yeah... What will they do?

Snezhana. Like what? Complete various tasks. Whoever remains in the finals is a true universal student. Understood? Okay, I'll conduct the first round. (Addressing the players.) Dear players, a real student should look amazing in any outfit. So we’ll see how a London dandy suit suits you.

By the way, do you remember where this “dressed like a London dandy...” comes from? Yes. you are right, “Eugene Onegin”. But this is so, a question for backfilling. Frosya, bring the props.

A musical support group takes the stage. The props for the first game are brought out: trays on which gloves, top hats and bow ties are placed. They sing a ditty.

Girls, guys, dress up,

Get dressed quickly!

Here's the top hat, here's the gloves,

Well, put on a bow tie!

Snezhana. What kind of farce is this? Where did these people come from?

Frosya. This is not a farce. This is a choir where I am a soloist. Let them help us, okay? It's more fun with them.

Snezhana. Okay, let them stay. There will be musical accompaniment for our game. (Addressing the participants.) Dear players, your task is to put all this on as quickly as possible while the music is playing. Is the task clear? Then attention, let's start!

Participants complete the task to the music.

Snezhana. Stop the game! Thank you! (Addressing the loser.) Alas, my friend, you don’t look a bit like a London dandy, which is why you leave our qualifying round with this prize.

Assistants bring out a 2 liter bottle of sparkling water. The loser is escorted into the hall with a ditty.

My little darling drank water and swallowed all two liters. At night the tap was blown off and all the neighbors were flooded.

Snezhana. Our players passed the first test. What to do next?

Frosya. And I know. As you know, the highest grade for a student is a “personal” grade! (Addressing the players.) What other words ending in “but” do you know? For example: kazi-no, verete-no. Anyone who cannot remember the right word within 3 seconds will leave our game. Is the task clear? Then let's start!

Players name words.

The word “casino” has already been there, one... two... three! Alas, you will have to stomp from here to place. But don’t worry too much, we will give you a prize.

A support group appears. They sing a ditty. The loser is awarded a prize- domino- and he is escorted into the hall.

“Casino”, “spindle” - Everything ends with “but”. Your vocabulary is small, but Pushkin is of the highest class.

Snezhana. By the way, your prize - dominoes - also ends with “but”. But this is so, by the way, it had to be. And I have already come up with the next task that our applicants for the role of a real universal student must complete. Students are not very rich people, so they try to save money.

Frosya. Yeah, especially on the road. How many times have I seen them ride free on trams and trolleybuses in the city?

Snezhana. That's right, Frosya. They ride like hares. And hares, as you know, are jumping people. So I invite our applicants to hop on two legs like hares. Do you see the ears?

The assistants take out the bunny ears.

Your task is to run up to your ears, put them on your head and jump on two legs to return to your place.

Frosya. And the one who jumps last will lose. Is everything clear? Jump-jump, let's start!

Participants complete the task. The support group brings out a bunch of carrots, hands it to the loser, escorts him into the hall and sings a ditty. Four players remain on stage.

I decided to grow it myself

Bunny ears are long.

Do you want to become a student -

Eat more carrots.

Frosya. Snezhana, such a delicious carrot, it’s time for lunch. I'm hungry...

Snezhana. Okay, okay... Let's have a snack. Hand out candy to the audience. Candies need to be unwrapped and eaten.

Helpers hand out candy to participants and spectators in the hall and sing a ditty.

All the sweeties are like sweethearts, Well, mine is like a bubble, - He loves to eat only candies, He beats sack after sack.

Frosya. Dear viewers, has everyone eaten? In our village, everyone says the magic word after lunch. Do you know which one? That's right, "thank you." Let us also say together: “Thank you!” (The audience screams.) You're a loudmouth, though. Well done!

Snezhana. Yes, dear viewers, you have littered quite a lot here. And who will restore order? Pushkin?

Frosya. What about our players? I think that a real student should be able to put his room in order in an instant. You never know... Parents will come or the hostel commandant will drop by... Snezhana. Oh, Frosya, a smart idea. (Addressing the players.) Now we will choose the most decent one from you. Here are the bags for you. Attention: in 20 seconds you need to collect as many candy wrappers as possible in the hall. Is the task clear? Then let's start!

Music is playing. Players run into the hall and complete the task.

Snezhana. Stop the game! We ask the players to come up on stage. The girls will help you count the number of candy wrappers. And we all (addressing the hall) We know very well that the session will come soon and we will need to prepare for the exams.

Frosya. You will need to go to the library and re-read a lot of different books. Specify them. Although you can tear out pages from books and take them with you to the exam.

Snezhana. Frosya, what are you talking about? Nowadays there is a photocopier. You can simply photocopy the materials that you need to prepare for the exams. It's simple. Frosya. And brilliant. Like Pushkin. (Addressing the hall.) Let's play with you. It's like we went to the library. Repeat after me the words and movements.

The presenters pronounce the text and show the movements, the audience repeats.

We went to the library - (They march in place.)

One, two, left, right! We walked around a large puddle... (With their right hand they drew a large circle in the air.) Top-top... (They stomp.) slap-slap... (Clap their hands.) Here's a dog coming towards us... (By connecting the wrists with the palms, the dog’s mouth is shown.)

R-r-r-woof, r-r-r-woof! We ran away from her... (Running in place.) Wow, wow, wow, wow!

So we went to the library. Hello, big house for books! (Show a large circle with both hands.) We took the books we needed: This, this, this, this! (Point with index finger in different directions.) Oh, there's some cool stuff here: Wow! In! We tore out the sheets: And again, and again! (The right hand is used to “rip out” the sheets.)

Take glue, stick it in place You, you, you, you! (Points index finger at audience.) We glued the sheets: Like this, like this! (Show thumb hands.) We'd better be smarter. Yes? Yes! (Nods head.)

We'll go to the library - One, two, left, right! Let's go around the big puddle: Top, top, splash, splash.

And a dog comes towards us: R-r-r-woof, r-r-r-woof! We will run away from her: Wow, wow, wow, wow!

And let's go to the library. Hello, big house for books! Let's take the books we need: This, this, this, this! Oh, there's some cool stuff here: Wow! In!

We'll go to the photocopier now: (They march in place.) One, two, left, right! And we’ll ask my aunt to do it - Please, please! (Curtsy right, left.) Photocopies of leaflets: One, two, three, four! (Show one, two, three, four fingers.) Those that are needed, Yes? Yes! (Nod their head.)

Snezhana. We've played and that's enough - we need to see what our players have there?

The assistants call the number of candy wrappers collected by the participants in the hall.

Alas (addressing the losing player), we must say goodbye to you. And as a consolation, we give you this “vacuum cleaner” that will help you clean up your home. Thanks for the game, come into the hall.

Helpers bring out the prize- broom, sing a ditty and escort the player into the hall.

My little one is like a calf -

Just chew brooms,

Walked me home

Couldn't kiss.

Snezhana(addressing the players). And you

turned out to be the most decent


Frosya. And I also know when students

show their resourcefulness -

before the exam.

Snezhana. What, do they write cheat sheets? So this is

everyone knows.

Frosya. No, not only that. Also a freebie

call at night for "5" exams

pass. Yes, you can do a lot of things for free. And eat and drink... tea... six or at least five glasses.

Snezhana. I think that our candidates will not drink 5-6 glasses of tea for free, in order to avoid troubles, but now we’ll see how many balls they can grab for free. Balloons please! (The assistants carry out the sulky balloons.) Your task, dear players, is to take and hold in your hands as many of these balls as possible for 20 seconds. Is the task clear? Attention, let's start!

The music plays and the participants complete the task.

So the one who will now leave the stage has been decided. And of course, with a consolation prize. We give you all the balloons that you were able to grab.

The support group sings a ditty and escorts the loser into the hall.

Count your balls

Look, don't make a mistake.

You wanted everything for free

And you leave without glory.

Snezhana. You know, Frosya, but not everyone

students are used to taking exams

freebie. Some before the exam

spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. Let's

Now we will hold a competition that

Let's call it "twirl-twirl". Attention,

conditions of the competition.

The assistants bring out two balls and a long

tape attached to two pencils. A bright bow is tied in the center of the ribbon, marking its half.

Frosya. Dear participants, here is the ribbon marked in the middle. Your task is to hold the ball with your knees and wrap the tape around the pencil, trying to get to its middle as quickly as possible. Is the task clear? Then let's start!

The cheerleaders perform a ditty during which the players complete a task.

Who has a cute one, - I have an artisan. His fashionable walk took away my peace too. Snezhana(addressing the winner). In such a difficult struggle you became the winner, and with you (addresses another player) we have to part. As a consolation, we give you this chocolate so that the upcoming session will seem sweet to you.

The assistants bring out the chocolate, sing a ditty and escort the player into the hall.

Sit on the stump,

Eat some chocolate.

Take it to the exams

"Spurs" and a notebook.

Frosya(addressing the winner). You

We congratulate you on your victory. You and only

you become a universal student.

“Extras” come out and feign admiration for the student. They sing a ditty.

My dear fellow is great. He is a reader, he is a reaper... He is a brave man, he is a creator, He is also a player on the pipe!

Snezhana. There are countless qualifications that our universities have! Friends, let's not be lazy! Forward! To the students! Everyone learn!

Frosya. And to you, dear genius, I want to say that I will only look up to you. And on next year I will definitely go to college. That's for sure. I also want to give you this book with poems by another genius - A.S. Pushkin. and applause from the audience! Thank you. Go to the hall already.

The whole support group comes on stage and sings a ditty.

So we played with you, whether it’s good or bad, and now we’ll ask you to clap.

They bow and go backstage.

For adults and more

Freshman's Night

I Initiation as a student at a medical school.

" Gernet Nikolai Sergeevich

Equipment: chairs, ropes, steelyard, pens, paper.

The hall is dark. Music is playing. As the music volume increases, the lights turn on. In the middle of the stage, all the freshmen are sitting with their backs to each other - “prisoners”, tied in pairs with ropes. Around them, the aborigines of the Hippocratic tribe dance a ritual dance in a circle. The music ends, the presenters come out (with a peace pipe). They tell the story of the tribe, sitting on the skin of a dead bear.

Presenter 1. For many years, strange creatures of the Hippocratic tribe have been living in (name of your region). They walk on their hind limbs and wield the simplest tools - a fork, spoon and scalpel, which indicates the rudimentary state of their intelligence. In winter they hibernate. If they are woken up during a session, they become very aggressive. Men in spring and summer actively hunt for representatives of the fairer sex. They live with these reserves the whole winter.

Presenter 2. Individuals of the tribe are clearly divided into two categories: rational creatures and irrational creatures. I would like to pay special attention to the description of an unreasonable creature. Unlike the first, they sleep a lot, and in the most inappropriate places for this - during lectures and classes. At night they organize ritual dances, thereby attracting females. They drink a lot of fire water and, as a result of this, sometimes do not appear in the birth cave for a long time.

Suddenly African music sounds. The natives jump out of the hall and dance around the “captives” in a ritual of sacrifice.

Presenter 1. What horror! Guys! (Addresses the “prisoners.”) If you now cannot quickly unravel and untie all the knots on the rope while the music is playing, then you will be eaten by hungry natives. Your bones will be used for preparations, and students will study from them.

There is a competition going on. The guys got loose, and the natives retreated into the background, sat on the floor near the drums and beat the drums.

Presenter 2. Well done! Once you got out of this story, then you don’t care about anything else. Because in 6 years of living in this tribe...

Presenter 1. Provided that they earn this right to live in the Hippocratic tribe.

Presenter 2. Yes, yes, of course. Well, in 6 years you will still have to

to get out of such situations. For example, pay off all debts

elders by the end of the season.

The “prisoners” turn their chairs towards the audience and sit down.

Presenter 1(addresses Presenter 2). Look what kind of look they have. Dirty, in torn clothes. No personal hygiene. Let's help them dress up?

Presenter 2. I came up with it too! Yes, they can do it themselves. They have arms and legs, and their heads seem to still be on their shoulders. Come on guys, run to the masses and quickly dress yourself up for a meeting with the leader of the tribe. Your task: take any clothes and accessories from your fellow tribesmen and put yourself in order. But at the same time you need to look as original as possible.

Presenter 1. You have time - while the music is playing. As soon as it stops, you return to your seats.

Together. Get ready! Let's start!

Music is playing. After the competition, the guys return to their places on stage in a new look.

Presenter 2. Now everyone is ready to meet the tribe leader. All that remains is to choose the leader of the team, the most original one, who turned out to be the most enterprising, who managed to put on such outfits...

Presenter 1. Let's ask the audience to clap and evaluate the costumes of the “prisoners” and thus choose the team leader.

The audience appraises each “prisoner” with clapping. Drums begin to beat and music sounds, foreshadowing the appearance of the tribal leader.

Presenter 2. Quiet! I think I hear footsteps. The leader of the tribe is heading here.

The music intensifies. The leader of the tribe (a thin young man in a suit and tie) comes onto the stage. The face is covered by a large mask resembling general features rector He gives a speech, the presenter translates it into a language more understandable to everyone else.

Leader. Dear fellow tribesmen!

Presenter 1. Hello everyone!

Leader. I am glad to welcome you to this hall for such a solemn event as the initiation of a first-year student.

Presenter 1. It’s so cool that you can still, if not see, then hear me.

Leader. It is unlikely that anyone today needs to prove the importance and significance of science and higher education. Without this, the integration of our country into the world system is impossible. Without this young man In modern conditions it is difficult to succeed as an individual.

Presenter 1. Dude, do you understand that without a piece of paper you are a bug?

Leader. Today our university trains medical specialists for all (name of region). And they all find worthy use of their knowledge and skills acquired in (name educational institution), serve the noble cause of protecting public health.

Presenter 1. After this office you have a direct road to a remote village. You will mow the grass, dig potatoes, deliver a baby cow, buy it in stores and use vodka at your discretion in order to protect the health of your neighbor.

Leader. I wish you success in this difficult task.

Presenter 1. Hi all! Just don't get kicked out for debts.

Leader. And in conclusion, I want to present a priceless gift - the book “Advice to a Freshman.”

Presenter 1. In short, here's a brochure for you.

Music is playing. The leader hands over the books and leaves.

Presenter 1. So what should we do with these “prisoners”? And even loaded with recommendations for “self-survival”. Look, look, they are already buried in books.

Presenter 2. They are probably looking for how to survive.

Presenter 1. Let's check it out. Let's give them a little more time so that they remember all the names of the people from the book, on whom it directly depends whether our prisoners will live or not.

Leading 2 (addresses the “prisoners”). Quickly open the book and start remembering everyone who decides your destinies. You have time while the music is playing.

Presenter 1. Get ready! Let's start!

Music is playing. At the same time there is a game with spectators. Each half of the hall receives a pack of newspapers: the audience quickly unwraps the newspaper, while simultaneously passing the pack on, you should get a “ribbon” of newspapers across the entire hall. After the game, the hosts begin testing the “prisoners” for name knowledge.

Presenter 2. Enough, stop looking at the book and seeing....

Presenter 1. Prepared to answer questions. Tribesmen from

the audience can help you with their shouts.

Presenter 2. Question one. What is the name of the leader of the Hippocratic tribe? (Students say the name of the rector.)

Presenter 1. Who is the leader of a group of people who united to solve other people's problems? (President of the trade union committee.)

Presenter 2. Who is the best person to make cool amulets out of your fangs? (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry.)

Presenter 1. Who will provide a roof over your head? (Head of the dormitory.)

(Competitive and entertainment program)

Design: painted on the back of the stage big star and it says: “Disco Star.”
The host and DJ comes out against the background of disco music and lighting effects.

LEADING: Hello to all disco fans and non-fans! My name is Oleg. Many of you know me as a DJ, but today I will be in a slightly different role. I was entrusted with holding the “Disco Star” show competition. Most of our youth go to the disco, this is the only place where you can dance, jump, shake, scream your favorite song at the top of your lungs, go wild with all your heart, and for us adults they all seem the same, faceless, despite their age and style clothes, behavior. But each of them has its own personality, its own zest and is interesting in its own way. And that’s how interesting each of the participants in the “Disco Star” show program is to you, dear friends, remains to be proven today.

LEADING: As in all competitions, the performance of the participants will be assessed by a distinguished jury.

(The jury's presentation is accompanied by a musical soundtrack).

LEADING: The jury has been introduced, and the exciting moment of getting to know the contestants has arrived. I invite participants to the stage.

(Participants are being introduced.)

LEADING: Well, I think the contestants have made themselves known and you have a little idea about them. While they are preparing for the first competition, the lead singer of the group sings for you (…….)

LEADING: Thanks to the group (……). And we are starting the first competition, which we called “FEN-ERUDITE”.
Fandom is multifaceted and multifaceted, like youth itself, like life itself, and just as vast. That’s why we decided to test our contestants’ knowledge of music, but the test will be unusual and quite simple. For each contestant, we recorded three phonograms in different languages; after listening to them, they will have to remember, recognize or guess in which language this or that phonogram is performed. For three correct answers they receive 3 points, for two - two points and for one - 1 point, for three incorrect answers - zero points. So, go for it, our “erudite fans.” No feather or fluff to you!

(The first competition is taking place).

LEADING: Well, the guys did well in the first competition. It is clear that they love music, they know languages, if not completely, then, in any case, they can tell the difference. While they are preparing for the second competition, he sings for you (……..)

LEADING: We are starting the second competition, which we called “DISCO OUTFIT”. As a rule, guests are greeted by their clothes and seen off by their outfit, but outfit and outfit are different. For some it is a way of life, for others it is just clothing, and nothing more. And, of course, you don’t have to dress “according to the music”: punk means a leather jacket, and a rapper means dropped pants. But young people, unlike adults, want to look special, to be different from others, to conquer everyone around them, and if not to conquer, then, in any case, to attract attention.

LEADING: And now we will find out how much the contestants will conquer both you, dear viewers, and you, dear jury, with their imagination, invention, and their disco outfit. I invite participant number 1 to the stage in my disco outfit. Meet!

(The second competition is underway.)

LEADING: Yes, our contestants are masters at inventing and imagining, but we’ll see how much strength they have to improvise. In the meantime, he sings for you (……).

LEADING: As you already understand, dear viewers, the next competition will be related to improvisation. The guys prepared for almost all the competitions of this show, but we did not reveal the idea of ​​the third competition for them, i.e. they know the essence of it, that phonograms will sound for them. What kind of phonograms these are, and who will get which, the contestants do not know. After listening to them, they must improvise a dance, thereby showing you and me how much they control their body and know how to improvise.

(The third competition is underway).

LEADING: I think you will agree, dear viewers, that our contestants are great improvisers! And while they are preparing for the fourth competition, a group sings for you (………).

LEADING:“Disco stars,” I think, should not only dance well, control their bodies, improvise, and be erudites in music, but also have an ear, rhythm, be able to sing and hold themselves on stage. And our next competition is to determine how much our contestants have hearing, rhythm, voice, and the ability to hold themselves on stage.
Each contestant will be given a fragment of a famous song, he will perform this song along with a soundtrack. At a certain point, the sound will disappear, and the participant must continue to sing, and when the soundtrack starts again, he must fall in time with the soundtrack of the song. So, I invite participant number 1 to the stage.

(The fourth competition is underway).

LEADING: Well, the contestants coped well with the role of pop stars. And while they are preparing for the final competition on stage - dance theater (......).

LEADING: And now the last competition “Artistic”, in which we will try to identify the artistry and creative skills of the contestants. So, I invite participant number 1 to the stage.

LEADING: Thanks to the competitors. Each of them deserved applause for the right. While they are preparing for the final exit, the jury sums up the results. And the lead singer of the group sings for you (………).

LEADING: Friends! The most interesting and exciting moment of our program has arrived. Now we will find out the winner of the “Disco Star” competition. We invite competition participants to the final exit. The floor is given to the chairman of the jury.

(Phonogram, the chairman of the jury comes out. Announcement of results, award ceremony).

LEADING: We congratulate the winner of the competition, thanks to all participants, because thanks to you, the audience today good mood. We were happy for you and, of course, we were worried if something didn’t work out. Thanks to the sponsors (list of sponsors), thanks to the jury, and also a huge thank you, dear friends, dear viewers, for staying with us these two hours and supporting the contestants with your friendly applause.
Goodbye, see you again!

Move more!

Rhythmic music sounds. In the middle of the dance hall, members of an aerobics or shaping group perform exercises. At the end, the presenter comes out wearing clothes with elements of a sports style.

Leading: Good evening, Friends! I welcome you today to our hall at the sports and gaming disco “Move More!”

Who doesn't know catchphrase: “Movement is life.” Movement is always and in everything. Movement to the shining heights of perfection... Movement can replace any medicine, but no medicine can replace movement. Start moving with me in one of the most popular games, "Tag".

Its conditions are as follows: you, the players, scatter around the hall, and I, “Fifteen,” catch up with you. The one I stain becomes "Fifteen". And so on, as long as this cheerful music plays.

The game is underway.

Presenter: Well done! We warmed up well and moved very well. Your faces turned red. And this makes me happy.

healing power physical exercise the ancient sages noted.

Thus, Plutarch called the movement “the storehouse of life,” and the famous Hippocrates, who lived 104 years, persistently preached moderation, staying on the fresh air, “daily friction and bodily exercise.”

I invite you to move your body in the fiery “Lambada”. A prize awaits the best dancer.

Music is playing. Dance break.

Host: Thank you! All of you were incomparable in this dance. We were especially captivated by... (names). Here's our prize! But that's not all. Now you will be the “head” of the train - the “engine” in the very active game “Train”. In this game, we all stand in a line behind each other, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train – the “locomotive” – runs quickly and often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train. The unhooked one will have to complete my task.

A melody sounds. The game is underway. The presenter brings out

Unhooked into the center of the dance hall.

Host: My friends! The invaluable benefits of physical exercise in the struggle for a long creative life were also emphasized by the most prominent authorities in medicine, biology, and physiology of later times. “Movement as such can replace any means in its action, but all medicinal products peace cannot replace the action of movements.” The statement belongs to the famous 18th century French doctor Tissot. Today these words, I think, are very relevant. The game that I now want to offer you is named after the animals that are found in Australia. What kind of animals are these? That's right, kangaroo! And the game is called "Kanguroball". The peculiarity of the movement of kangaroos is that they push off with both legs at the same time, and do not step over like other animals. They tie a scarf around your legs below the knees so that you cannot walk. But on the other hand, you will move perfectly, jumping and kicking the ball. I'm splitting you into two teams. Each team, jumping with their legs tied, will pass the ball to each other for five minutes and try to score a goal against the opponent. The team that scores the most goals wins. The game is played without goalkeepers.

Music is playing. The game is underway. The winning team

Awarded with prizes.

Presenter: The problem of the bygone 20th century - the century of technological progress - is physical inactivity - a sedentary lifestyle. You can counteract this with the help of physical training and regular exercise. And now we will all say our unanimous “no” to physical inactivity! And the popular group (name of the ensemble) will help us with this.

Dance break.

Then the host invites 8-10 people.

Host: I really liked how you fought physical inactivity just now. And that's why I want to offer you a quick dance as a competition task. During the dance, the music will periodically stop. You must, despite the lack of music, not lose the rhythm and not disrupt the choreographic pattern. The winner will be the one who, having fulfilled these conditions, dances to the end in the most original and best way.

A competition is taking place. The presenter awards the winners.

Host: Many wonderful people have carried their love for physical labor and passion for sports throughout their lives - they drew inspiration from them, creative forces, and found useful rest. Every person is able to organize his life so as not to expose it to the danger of the disease of the century - a heart attack, even if this life is stressful and sometimes chaotic...

Our sports and gaming disco continues, and I offer you the game “Pass the Disc”. I invite you to create two teams of 6 people. Let's line up in two columns. I give the last numbers of each team a disc - an unbreakable record. copyright - http://site At my signal, they pass the disk over their heads to the number in front, who passes it to the next one, etc.

The first number to receive the disc runs with it to the end of his team and sends the disc forward... This continues until the sixth number takes his previous place. The team that finishes the game first wins. Let's start!

Music sounds. The game is underway. Awarding the winners.

Presenter: Our next outdoor game is called “To meet my beloved.” After all, movement and love, like twins, are inseparable from each other. And you have to fight for love. And struggle is, first of all, a movement. Five pairs participate in our game. The girls stand in one line, and the young people sit (also in a line) at the other end of the hall, sitting on chairs like on horses. Thus, having saddled the chairs, young people should gallop to their beloved. The participant who does it the fastest wins.

Music is playing. The game takes place and the winner is awarded.

Host: (to the winner and the girl): As I said earlier, you have to fight for love. And struggle is movement. And now I suggest you move a little more in the game “Catch the Girl”. We blindfold you and your partner. Take a scarf in your hands, and when you catch up with the girl, you must throw this scarf over her shoulders. And you, girl, take the whip in your hands, running away from the young man, hit the floor with it.

The game is underway.

Host: It’s no secret that modern technological progress and comfortable living conditions have significantly reduced motor activity person. Lack of movement negatively affects people's health and performance. The output is therefore in active motor mode. Health, longevity, physical culture are inseparable concepts from each other. Move, move more!

Music is playing. The dance program continues.

How to hold a youth party at home

The word “party” exudes coziness, intimacy, and comfort. The party can be held in a small room: room, living room, salon, cafe; but not in huge halls.

Party- this is always a circle of familiar people (friends, relatives, classmates, colleagues). A party also means the pleasure of spending time with friends and girlfriends.

For any party master (as well as for good specialist in any field) it is clear that in order for the party to be successful, it is necessary to learn certain nuances.

At a party, everyone will eat and drink, but a party is not just a banal dinner, even if it is perfectly prepared. Here they talk, argue, discuss, but the party cannot be considered a discussion club or a reading conference. At the party, everyone plays games and participates in competitions. It should not be equated with sports competitions or a gambling establishment. Although there is dancing at the party, it is not only dancing.

Here you can show an entertaining number, but this does not mean that this is a concert. It also means a vacation designed for a group of people, which takes place in a cozy room and includes food, communication, songs, dances and games. This holiday must include dancing, since a New Year's party without dancing is tantamount to soup without salt. Dancing is a separate, independent part of the evening or can be arranged along the way.

Party scenario (for youth)

A party for young people according to the script is held by two hosts: a boy and a girl, made up as a grandfather and grandmother.

Grandmother, going on stage: Look, grandfather! How many people have gathered here! Oh, what's going on? What kind of party?

Grandma: Oh, it’s like you and me. Drink some tea and sleep.

Grandfather: Almost like that, grandma. They’ve just had some tea, now they’re hanging out, getting ready to listen to the music and going to bed.

Grandmother: Well, you and I, grandfather, before going to bed, we’ll warm up, listen to songs with the young people and go to bed. Start the gramophone, put on our favorite one.

Grandfather: Which one is this?

Grandma: Yes, where Serebryannikov and Tolkunova sing... “outside the window, September is shaking the wires...”.

Grandfather: What are you doing, grandma? Yes, they will fall asleep to this song. You need something groovy, mischievous.

Grandma: Well, then start it quickly, otherwise we talk a lot, but they are silent, bored.

Grandfather puts a disc on the player. The song “Fashionable Dance” from Disco Accident plays from the speakers.

Grandfather and grandmother: Everyone dances!

Grandfather: That's it, I'm tired. Let's get some rest, grandma.

Grandma: What a rest. They just started everyone up. Everything started well for us, but something is missing.

Grandfather: I want a queen!

Grandma: Oh, you don’t want to get hit with a stick!

Grandfather: Stop! You need to choose a ball queen, or even better, a princess.

Grandma: Oh, how to choose them? The cutest ones, or what?

Grandfather: This is corny. It's an unusual evening for us. Let's do this, let the tallest lady be our queen, and the smallest one a princess.

Grandma: We ask our ladies, the contenders, to go on stage. Grandfather, take a ruler and measure it.

The queen and princess of the ball are chosen.

Grandfather: That’s it, we’ve decided! Here they are, our beauties!

Symbolic crowns are placed on the heads of the girls.

A. Barykin’s song “Prom Queen” is playing.

Grandma: Now you can rest. I have a bottle here. Pepsi. Big. Let's play it among our male kings. A competition for them to show off their intelligence and surprise the girls. The magic liquid will be received by the one who shows us his handkerchief.

The boys show their scarves.

Grandfather: The candidates have been decided. How will we divide the prize?

Grandma: And the prize will be given to the one who has a large handkerchief.

The young men unwrap their scarves. The winner of the party is awarded.

Grandfather: Warm-up was successful! Now we need two teams of five people for a literary competition!

The task is this: each participant must write two lines of a remembered poem on a piece of paper. Then all of these lines together make up a poem. The winner is determined by the hall.

Grandma: Why, we are all for the young! Old people are honored and respected in our state. We also need to listen to something for our souls.

Grandfather: Yes, I know what will suit both us and the guests of the evening. There is one song, advanced and creative grandmothers sing. I forgot what to call them.

Grandma: Yes, they are from Buranov. Buranovsky grandmothers.

The song is playing: Party For Everybody performed by the Buranovsky Babushki.

Everyone is dancing.
Grandfather: Well, you give it to grandma! Look, the sand has started to fall off you. I’m not young anymore, to dance like that.

Grandma: Look at yourself. The beard is on one side, the mustache is unkempt. You'll soon be left in the dust!

Grandfather: Grandma, you don’t understand anything. This is youth returning. I gained more energy from communicating with young people. Eh, I’ve probably lost about forty years.

The song of the Christmas group “Molodist” is playing.

During the performance of the song, the grandfather and grandmother take off their makeup and turn into young people.

Grandma Girl: Miracles though! What have we become?

Young grandfather: This is nanotechnology. Youth, music and dancing will make anyone look younger. Well, if so, let's continue the party with a disco. Have fun, people!

Disco script "Dance and have fun."

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys! We welcome you today to our hall at the “Dance and Have Fun” game disco.

Today we will relax, have fun, play and most importantly dance! So let's start the same! Are you ready to rock?

The answer is “Yes! "Well, then let's go!"

Game "Snake". All those present form a chain or are divided into several command chains. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward. At the same time, the “head” shows various dance movements as he wants - waves his arms, lunges, goose-steps, etc. Everyone else must repeat the movements after her. When the “head” gets tired, she turns to the next player, strokes his head and moves to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “gags”. The competition lasts as long as the music plays.

Presenter: Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our entire program. The one who is most active today will receive good prize! So it's worth the fight!

Our evening program:

First - dancing!

Second - fun dancing!

Third - fast dancing!

Fourth - slow dancing!

Fifth - dance until you drop! All in all:

Disco, disco!

This is fun, this is fun

Mountains of jokes, a lot of laughter!

This is what disco means!

I offer a gaming disco!

Dance game “Changing”. Everyone spins in pairs arm in arm, as soon as I say the word “Changing”, everyone immediately begins to look for another partner and also continues to spin arm in arm to the music, etc.

Game "Growing Dance". Turn on any music and choose two players who will start dancing with each other. Then stop the music. The dancers separate, and each of them chooses a different partner. Now 2 couples dance until the music stops. Then everyone chooses a new partner, and 8 people dance. This continues until everyone is dancing.

Game "Train". In this game, we all stand in a line behind each other, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train – the “locomotive” – runs quickly and often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

I will name the part of the body that you should grab onto during the movement (stomach, shoulders, ears, head, belt, etc.). Are you ready? The answer is “Yes! "Then let's go!

Presenter: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

All participants in this competition stand in a circle and put their hats on their heads.

Listen to me carefully and complete my tasks:

1 put your right hand on your neighbor’s head;

2 remove the hat from your neighbor with your right hand and put it on your head;

3 remove the hat from your head and shout “Hop”;

4 put both hands on your neighbor’s shoulders and close the circle;

5 take off your hat, bow and say "Mercy"

Are you ready? The answer is “Yes.” Well then, let's go!

Competition “Hats” (Props: 8 hats, 8 prizes)

Irga "Nesmeyana". Princess Nesmeyana is selected from the participants, then those who wish to participate in the competition are invited to the stage. They need to make Nesmeyana laugh with their dance without touching her.

Game "Dancing by name". During the disco, the host announces that now only those who hear their name will dance. For example: now all Sashas and all Elenas are dancing. You can call several names at the same time.

Game "Tapes". The presenter asks a group of girls and boys to stand separately. He takes several ribbons in his hand (in the middle of the ribbon). Girls take the ribbons from one end, and boys from the other. The presenter releases the tapes and moves away. Boys and girls wind up the ribbons and meet, forming pairs for a slow dance.

"Dance game" The children form a stream of boys and girls. The usual game is going on, accompanied by fast music (As soon as the music changes to slow, the resulting couples dance a slow dance)

Game "Object in a circle." Those who want to participate in the game form a large circle in the hall. One of the participants is given an object: a ball, balloon. A fast phonogram is turned on, and the object is passed from participant to participant in a circle. The melody suddenly stops, and the participant who is holding the object in his hands at that moment is eliminated from the game. Elimination occurs every time the tune stops until the last participant remains, who becomes the winner.