Hairstyle and hair color test. How do you know which hair color is right for you? What hair color suits me: Video

You've probably heard the phrase that if a woman changes her hairstyle, her life immediately changes for the better. The same can be said about hair color. If you want to change your color and become brighter, but don’t know which color will suit you best, take our test! Answer 5 simple questions and calculate your total points. As a result, you will discover the most suitable hair color for you!

How often do you go to the salon to get yourself in order?

A. Once every six months, when I feel that my hair needs professional care.

B. Every 2 months to recolor or get a haircut.

B. Every time the roots grow.

How much time do you spend on your hair every morning?

A. 10 minutes, no more. My principle: “Wash and go.”

B. No more than 30 minutes. It's important for me to look good, but I can't devote more time to my hair.

Q. It depends, but quite often it takes me more than an hour to do my hair.

What principle do you most often follow when changing your hairstyle?

A. I value simplicity, easy to install and does not require special care.

B. I don’t want to be the same.

Q. Hairstyle is one of the important components of my image, so it should always be “on point.”

What's your everyday makeup look?

A. None, I often go without makeup.

B. Only the basics: mascara, concealer and lip gloss.

Q. Mascara, concealer, powder, eyeliner, eye shadow and other products that help me experiment.

You're late for a work meeting and you only have 5 minutes to spare. Which hairstyle will you choose?

A. I'll put my hair up or make a ponytail.

B. I’ll braid a casual braid – it’s fashionable and quick.

B. Work can wait, I have to look good.

What hair color suits you: test results

Most answers are A

It is no coincidence that nature has awarded each person a certain hair color! Yours definitely suits you, and you hardly need to change anything.

If you want to add shine to your hair and richness to the color, try dyeing it in the same tone or one close to your natural color. If you are not a supporter of drastic changes, then you can try the new summer trend - degrade - and slightly lighten the ends, as if they were a little bleached in the sun.

Most answers B

It seems like it’s high time you updated your look! Don't be afraid to experiment with hair color. You can be different - brunette, blonde and red-haired. But don't forget that dyed hair requires special care!

To preserve the beauty and health of your hair, choose coloring products that do not contain ammonia - they are less durable and wash off quickly enough. This will allow you to try different colors that suit your mood and settle on one.

By the way, highlighting and coloring are great ways to change without practically changing your hair color.

Most answers B

The time has come dramatic changes! If you're a brunette, try going lighter. If you are the owner of blond curls, light brown and red shades, and even light chestnut, as well as its darker variants, will probably suit you.

But don’t forget that hair color dictates its own rules in makeup. Once you decide on your hair color, choose the right palette to match your new look.

When a woman decides to radically change her life, the first thing she does is go to the hairdresser. The master can change the hair length, shape or color. An experienced specialist is able to determine the ideal shade for each girl at one glance, but how to determine suitable color hair yourself? To do this, you need to know your color type, coloring and take into account the color of your eyes and the natural shade of your hair. More details about everything below.

Natural hair color

Looking at yourself in the mirror, it's impossible to see natural hair, even if they have never been painted. The fact is that their upper strands are always exposed to the sun and fade. Moisture and dirt give dark shades to your hair, so before determining your hair color, you need to wash and dry your hair. After this, you need to select a control strand from the back of the head and look at it when sunlight.

This is exactly how professional colorists work, determining the natural shade of curls. It is important not to use artificial lighting, as it can give the hair different additional shades.

Skin tone

You can determine the appropriate hair color from a photo only if the girl in it is completely without makeup. This is necessary for a correct analysis of skin tone and undertone. There are 6 main tones:

  • very light;
  • light;
  • average;
  • olive;
  • dark;
  • dark.

Skin belonging to any of the tones can be cool, warm or neutral, which are the undertones. It should also be remembered that African women may well have a cold undertone, and women from northern countries may have a warm undertone, everything is strictly individual. Before determining your hair color, you need to pay attention to the shade of the veins on back side wrists.

Cool undertones are characterized by blue or purple veins. Such skin against the background of a white sheet of paper in sunlight can take on a bluish tint, and silver jewelry looks much more impressive on girls than gold jewelry.

Warm skin glows yellow against a white background in the sun. The veins have olive or green, and gold takes place of honor in a jewelry box.

Neutral undertones are very rare. The veins are blue-green, and jewelry made of gold and silver look equally good. In sunlight, the skin has a slight greenish tint.

Eye color

With age, season or state of health, the skin can change its shades, but the eyes remain the same for life. You can determine hair color from a photo with a natural eye shade almost without error.

Black eyes are found in women from Africa, Asia or the Mediterranean. Shades of dark chocolate or black will suit them. To add extravagance, you can add strands of red, copper or caramel color to your look.

All shades of brown, copper and red suit brown eyes. You can turn into a blonde with this shade of eyes only by using warm-colored paint. For those with a light walnut shade, it is better not to use light colors, they will make the look faded.

Green eyes are the least common. Their owners suit shades of milk chocolate, red, copper, gold, caramel and wheat. Contrasting black or ash tones will ruin the look.

For gray-eyed beauties, a lot depends on their skin tone. If it is warm, then soft shades of wheat and milk chocolate are suitable. Black color will age you, but for those with cold skin, ash, platinum or dark chestnut are ideal.

WITH blue eyes of any shade the situation is similar. If you have skin, you should choose black or skin that emphasizes the beauty of light honey, caramel, wheat or red shades.

Extremely rare lilac eyes go perfectly with raven, ash or silver hair.

Appearance color type

Many girls ask the question: “How to determine which hair color suits me?” This largely depends on the conditional category, which is characterized by natural features of appearance. Each of the four color types is named after a specific time of year.

The “spring” girl is often decorated with freckles and quickly blushes in the sun. Her hair and skin are light, and her eyes are blue or gray. Such beauties should not dye their curls black, chocolate, cognac or chestnut; they need gentle pastel colors. Shades of caramel, honey, nut or sandalwood. If the skin is too light, then ash tones are suitable, but gold tones will have to be abandoned.

The summer color type is characterized by pale or slightly olive skin that turns cool brown in the sun. The hair is shades of brown, light brown or ash, and the eyes are gray, blue or hazel. In this case, the shade of wheat will suit light girls, and the “Black Tulip” paint will suit dark girls.

“Autumn” beauties have a golden hue, covering with an even bronze tan in the sun. Often there are freckles and moles, eyes of different shades of brown or green. Hair can be brown, copper or red tones, rarely light blonde. It is better to dye your hair in chestnut, cognac, copper or reddish shades. Cold black and ashen colors should be avoided.

A “winter” beauty with porcelain white skin and natural black hair can look equally good with any cool-toned hair color.

The eyes of such girls are most often blue, gray or dark brown. The skin can be olive and the hair ashen, but very rarely. Warm tones for curls are not suitable at all.


Before you determine your hair color, you need to know your coloring. To do this, you should know exactly what colors suit a girl in everyday life. If almost all casual wear and cosmetics in pastel colors, then the color is light or muted. Most often it is “spring” or “summer” and very rarely “winter”. Warm shades of blonde are suitable for fair ladies, and “mouse” colors are suitable for muted ladies.

If bright clothes suit your face, and the eye color contrasts with the iris, the color is bright. Most often these are the “autumn” and “winter” color types. It is better for them to choose chestnut or chocolate tones.

When contrasting colors predominate in the wardrobe, the color will be contrasting. For girls with dark skin, light shades of hair are suitable, and for those with fair skin - dark curls.

Before choosing a color, remember that dark colors Gives hair visual volume. Red, platinum or blue-black shades will highlight skin imperfections, but a correctly selected red tone will suit almost everyone.

Before choosing their hair color, girls with freckles need to decide whether to hide them or highlight them. Red and ginger colors will distract the eye from the pigmentation on the face, and golden or chestnut shades will focus on it.

Paint selection

There is one more recommendation on how to determine whether your hair color is suitable. To do this, you just need to try it. Should be selected tinted shampoo according to all the recommendations listed and color your curls with it. The unsatisfactory result will be washed off in a few days and will not change the appearance, and if you are completely satisfied with the shade, then you can safely fix it on your hair with dye.

Ideal option

If even after this you are still tormented by doubts about the choice of color, but you really want to change the image, you should choose the “ombre” coloring technique. The roots of the hair at 5-7 cm do not change and remain a natural shade, and the remaining length is dyed in the color you like with a gradual stretching of the color from closer to natural to lighter towards the ends. This effect allows you to get additional volume of curls while maintaining a smooth transition.


Each of us has probably experimented in reality or at least in our fantasies with our own

And sometimes there come periods in life when you want to change radically, and first of all externally.

But it is very important to choose the right color for your new look that suits you as a person. Let's check what it is, your hair color?

1. It is impossible to identify the gender of its owner from a hair sample.

2. By the structure of the hair, you can tell what substances have ever been in the bloodstream of its owner, even drugs.

3. There are about 5 million hair follicles on the human body. All of them are formed in utero, when the embryo is about five months old.

4. Wet hair often lengthens by up to 30 percent compared to dry hair.

5. Up to 20 hairs can grow in the same place over the course of a person’s entire life.

6. Hair ranks second among the fastest growing tissues in the human body. In first place is the bone marrow.

7. The ancient Greeks associated blonde hair with prostitution. They also believed that after death, people with red hair become vampires.

8. One hair can support 100 grams of weight. If the average person has about 100,000 hairs, then one person with his hair can support the weight of two elephants.

9. The only living part of the hair is the root, which is located under the skin.

Choosing hair color is a responsible matter, because the whole appearance is at stake - whether it will be attractive or inharmonious depends largely on the hair color.

Hair color determines a lot - from a woman’s psychological self-awareness to color scheme wardrobe If you radically change your appearance, it may turn out that the things you purchased before the transformation do not suit your face as well as before.

Therefore, there is no room for error in choosing hair color, and in order to do everything correctly and achieve maximum result, you need to carefully analyze your appearance - color type, psychological state and personal qualities, as well as find an image that evokes pleasant associations in you. These three parameters do not always lead to one answer - one tone and hair color. For example, a woman wants to be a blonde with a golden tint like Marilyn Monroe, but she has a fiery character (which corresponds to the red color), and her natural color type is winter (black hair color is ideal). We will try to figure out what to do in such confusing situations in this article.

How to choose the right hair color?

To find out if your hair color is suitable, you first need to determine the color type. There are 4 main color types, which are determined depending on:

  • shade and color of the iris;
  • skin tones;
  • hair colors

Thus, by changing your hair color, you can strengthen or weaken the characteristics of your color type. To look brighter, you need to enhance the parameters of your color type, and the easiest way to do this is with the help of clothing and hair color.

Next, what you should pay attention to when choosing a hair color is character. Aggressive colors - black and platinum white - suit bright women who like to be the center of attention. Muted and intermediate versions of these colors are suitable for gentle people who do not claim leadership and attention.

To like yourself in the mirror, you need to find a kind of ideal, type, and in choosing your hair color, get closer to it. This will ensure good mood and self-confidence.

Who suits red hair color?

Red is classic autumn color not only in nature, but also in the theory of color types. The “autumn” woman has brown, cognac or green eyes, red eyes and a warm skin tone. Dark complexions are rarely found in this color type.

But a spring color type with blue eyes and a warm skin tone can also wear red hair, provided that it should not be saturated.

Who is it suitable for? chocolate color hair?

Chocolate hair color can be cold or warm. “Warm” chocolate suits the autumn color type because it harmonizes with the warm shade of the iris and skin.

Chocolate with a cold tint is a lightened version of black, and therefore it suits girls with summer and winter color types.

Who suits black hair color?

Black hair color is a winter option. Winter is distinguished by a cold, dark or light skin tone and a bright iris of cold shades - blue, for example, or has brown eyes.

Who suits caramel hair color?

Caramel is an ideal option for autumn and spring color types. This is an intermediate option between blonde and chestnut color, and therefore is ideal for girls with soft, rounded features.

A warm shade of appearance - iris and skin tone - is the main condition for harmony with caramel color.

Beauty and some tips below.

Methods for selecting colors before painting

There are two ways to clearly see how a particular hair color will look. The first one was announced: visit a virtual beauty salon without leaving home. You just need to upload a photo and enjoy a huge selection of hairstyles and color palettes.

Choose a photo that shows your face and ears as open as possible. Ideal option will be a passport photograph. If there is no such photo, don’t be upset. The result of color selection will not become worse, but the combination of hairstyles and head will be asymmetrical.

The second option looks somewhat hooligan: it involves visiting a wig store and trying on the latter. Why hooligan, you ask? Trying on a bunch of goods and not purchasing anything is not the most desirable option for a store seller. Therefore, we recommend that you choose the first option and, while drinking tea in your slippers, choose the appropriate option.

Choosing a color based on the color type

If before this you considered yourself to be a completely unique person, then you will be disappointed. All people in the world are divided into only four color types, named after the seasons: winter, summer, spring, autumn. There are two subtypes, dividing color types into contrasting and non-contrasting types. Let's consider the features of the definitions adopted in the beauty industry.


Winter is characterized by typical parameters: boiling white skin, which tends to quickly get injured under straight sun rays . In order not to confuse this color type with its summer counterpart, you will have to apply several injuries to your hand: pinch a section of skin between your fingers and turn sharply. The remaining blue trace will indicate that your color type is winter, red - summer.

This type of appearance is suitable for hair coloring blue-black. Any manifestations of red and brown are contraindicated– completely alien colors will not decorate you, but will age you by a couple of years. From warm and light shades, choose a wheat or honey shade without red. Ash gray color is suitable.


Appearance is characterized cool shades of eyes and hair. The pronounced difference in contrasts indicates the subtype of contrasting and non-contrasting summer. In the first case, the color of the skin and hair has a sharp combination from the opposite: light skin and dark hair. In the second: a soft combination of light or dark tones of exterior elements.

It’s not difficult to understand what hair color is suitable if you have a contrasting summer attitude - it will always have golden notes. The low-contrast subtype is emphasized by chestnut shades, which have prevailing red notes in the spectrum.


Spring presented in tender sensual blondes with bright eyes and eyebrows, whose skin has a milky tint and is often light age spots. If you recognize yourself in the description, pay attention to the honey colors, all shades of light brown and light red.


Natural red hair, freckled skin with a pinkish tint- typical representatives of the autumn color type. Global experiments with appearance are not recommended, will only do natural color hair. It can be lighter or darker, vary in shade, but the base part must certainly be associated with red and yellow pigment.

You can determine the color type using online tests, in the plural, presented on the Internet. Answer a few simple questions honestly, and the computer will respond to your request. It is worth noting that the accuracy of such a test is questionable: you can conduct it after you determine the color type based on your external physical characteristics and compare the result.

Becoming blonde, brunette or brown-haired: who is contraindicated

The desire to dramatically change hair color, and with it normal life quite understandable. However, you should not trust the momentary impulse - the wrong hair color will have to be removed long and painfully. In addition, hair health will deteriorate after such risky procedures. Let's consider the pitfalls that various types carry:

  • Blonde
    You can become a blonde if you are sure that your face is perfect. White hair will highlight all the imperfections of your facial skin. Sores, pimples - everything will be noticeable. However, with white hair color you will get a vulnerable, gentle and dreamy look. It is recommended fat girls, as it visually lengthens the face.
  • Brunette
    If nature has not rewarded you dark color hair, and you really want it, we recommend double-checking your compatibility several times. You should not paint yourself black if you are over forty years old: alas, you will look forty-five, or even more. But at a young age it is enough to have expressive eyes and dark skin so that black hair color will turn you into a queen. Dark shade on hair is highly not recommended for girls who are overweight: it will emphasize the imperfection of forms.
  • Brown haired
    The chestnut shade on the hair is very successful and suits most color types. It is suitable in case if the original color was not much lighter than the desired one. Blondes who turn brown will look older.
  • Redhead
    Red color is not suitable for young girls with blond hair and transparent skin. If you are this type, don't make the mistake of leaving this color for the ladies for whom it suits. Also, bright brunettes should not dye their hair red.
  • Red, purple
    These shades look artificial and are suitable for a very small number of girls and women. Use these colors as a second color in addition to your original hair color.

Be careful about your appearance and do not allow rash decisions to become a reason for it to change for the worse. Choose your hair color according to your color type and avoid prohibited shades. We found out in the article how to understand what hair color suits you: use the recommendations above and you will always be irresistible.