Tattooed legs of girls. What do leg tattoos mean for girls? - Beautiful image options. Anklets

Tattoos are one of the most beautiful forms of art and quite unusual, since the canvas is still the human body.

A tattoo can completely reflect you or just be an interesting decoration.

Most girls get tattoos on their legs.

Often when we dream of a tattoo, we can’t choose the place where it will look best, or moreover, we can’t even decide on a sketch. However, you should approach the choice of a tattoo with great care, as it should please you for many years.

It can be quite difficult to decide on a place for a future drawing, but it is worth paying attention to several important factors: pain, the scale of the drawing (so that it fits without damaging the composition), many people also pay attention to how easy the place will be to hide with clothes or vice versa , choose the most visible.

On the hip

The thigh is the most common place for tattoos among girls. The main criterion when choosing is that the location is optimal for fairly large drawings, which will be fully visible and will not be blurred. And what’s important is that the thigh (especially in the front) is one of the most painless places, so it’s best for the first experience.

Most often, girls, when choosing a style for a tattoo on their leg, prefer realism, old school or the new “Linework” direction. Let's talk about the latter in more detail. The linework style uses graphic images created only with the help of geometric shapes, straight lines and regular semicircles. Recently, this style has become especially popular, especially since it is somewhat similar to the so popular minimalism.

The contours of animals made from small triangles and straight lines look quite interesting. Sometimes plants or abstract compositions on ethnic themes are printed in the same style.

On the shin

Tattoos on the lower leg are also very popular among girls. This is one of the most noticeable places: in a skirt of almost any length, shorts, cropped trousers, dress - the tattoo will always be visible. Often, a small design of 10-15 cm is printed on the calf, on the back of the shin. Or they make a general composition from one large image or large quantity little ones.

Small tattoos in the minimalist style, made exclusively in black, have gained incredible popularity today. Most often, they fill the entire body so that all the tattoos match each other in style. However, getting a tattoo on the shin is quite painful, especially when painting it over, so you will have to be patient. But the result will definitely please both you and those around you.

On the ankle

The ankle is one of the most painful places, but also the most popular. Girls often prefer small elegant tattoos, stuffed bracelets or inscriptions. And this is the place that suits best. A couple of letters peeking out between shoes and trousers looks fascinating.

The handpoke style, the so-called “drunk tattoo,” is especially relevant for tattoos on the ankle. Previously, there was a stereotype that small tattoos with cartoon and comic book characters and various simple symbols were tattooed as a sign of belonging to a certain subculture. Later they started getting them just for fun, but today such tattoos have become part of the culture. Due to their size and style, they work best around the ankle.

On the foot

The foot or instep is one of the most feminine places for a tattoo. On the beach or from the neckline of shoes, this particular piece of the body peeks out intriguingly. Tattoos in the form of an inscription or miniature flowers look beautiful on the foot. Girls get such tattoos so as not to decorate their body with a rough and large design. Something elegant, very small, perhaps not even entirely consistent with the original concept of a tattoo, just a small decoration for the body.

Also, hieroglyphs look very beautiful on the foot, but when filling them, it is important to make sure of the meaning. The master should also be very careful, since literally one dash can completely change the meaning. But in general, such tattoos look very mysterious and attractive.

Lettering for tattoo

Girls often want to emphasize their grace and elegance through tattoos; inscriptions are ideal for this. Thin curved fonts, small sizes and clever thoughts. It would be a good idea to write a phrase - an incentive or motivation, looking at which you will always go forward and not give up.

It is better to type such words in a place that will constantly catch the eye, such as the thighs, forearms or palms. Often, couples in love use inscriptions to secure their union on each other’s bodies.

Perhaps everyone has a favorite line in a book or song, one that was remembered from a young age and still sits in the head. Quotes from world classics or words of avant-garde writers - the inscription can be anything, but it is important that it is close and understandable to you in spirit

The meaning of tattoos

The meaning of a tattoo is most often something purely personal or with subtle overtones. Of course, this is far from a prerequisite, but you yourself will become much more attached to the tattoo, adding a special meaning to it. There are more than 20 styles of tattoos and among them are a lot of eye-catching images.

And if a certain sketch has sunk into your soul, but you don’t know the original meaning of what was drawn, then you shouldn’t make a tragedy out of it. After all, each person chooses for himself how to decorate his own body, and besides, a tattoo can always become an association or a pleasant memory.

First of all, an idea for a drawing or a sketch appears, and then it is important to choose a place for a future tattoo. For the most part, it depends on the size of the pattern and pain. Girls often endure the process of creating a tattoo much more painfully than men, which is why you should be careful about the chosen location.

Since the situation will not work out in the best way if you get up in the middle of the session and say that you can’t stand it anymore. For people with a high pain threshold, this aspect is practically unimportant. However, a girl with a low pain threshold should notify the specialist in advance and then the use of painkillers will be possible.

Although in many circles of “downtrodden” people this method is not very respected, sometimes it is really necessary. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the tattoo pain map in advance, which accurately shows the most painful and painless parts of the body for girls and guys.

People leading an active lifestyle should also pay attention to the place for the tattoo from the point of view that during healing it is better not to touch this place and physical actions with it may be painful at first.

For example, the bends of the arms and legs are constantly touched by clothing, the torso is involved when running, and the back of the thighs when sitting. This does not mean that you should abandon the chosen place, but you really should be more careful with the healing of the tattoo, since how it heals depends not much less than on the quality of the paint and the experienced hand of the artist.

Despite the often negative comments from society, tattoos are truly amazing creations, sometimes with a much longer and more fascinating history than most aspects of culture that exist today.

A tattoo on a girl’s leg is a bold step. A responsible approach to choosing a tattoo is very important. The desire to decorate one’s body and create attractiveness is inherent by Nature in every living creature on the planet. Girls of any era, nationality, age and religion strive to achieve the ideal of their appearance and inner world. Tattoos are recognized as a good help in self-expression and improvement of one’s body. But what are the techniques for applying them? Which tattoo design should you choose? Where to get a tattoo? Tattoo artists and online articles will help you make a choice. But you still need to have an idea about the process and stages of tattooing.

Tattooing methods

The variety of methods for applying long-lasting images and phrases to the body is divided according to technique, level of pain and time of application to the skin.

The human body is sensitive, so the process of applying a tattoo is painful, no matter the method. You need to decide on the method of application and your level of preparation for tattooing.


Two types of tools for this technique have been invented: a needle wrapped at the end with a thread, pishni - a sharpened metal staple, paper clip or wire. The instrument is dipped in ink and microscopic injections are used to steam the skin along the contour of the image. Thanks to this, the coloring pigment penetrates the skin and remains there. Then the applied image is retouched with colored ballpoint pen paste or ground match sulfur.


Tattooing occurs using a template made of dense rubber material, on which the desired image is located, along the contour of which needles are installed. The template is dipped in ink, placed against the tattoo site, and the points are inserted three to five millimeters into the skin with a sharp slap. As a result, the design is imprinted on the skin, and the coloring pigment penetrates into it. With this type of tattoo, the client experiences unpleasant painful feelings, and it takes a significant period of time to process the image.

Electric razor based tool

Pain sensations are low, time consumption is increased. A significant disadvantage of this method is increased trauma.


They cut skin along the contour, then rub the pigment into it. The procedure is characterized by increased pain and risk of injury in the hands of an inexperienced practitioner.

Hardware tattooing

The image is applied with a specialized machine using a coloring pigment. Sterility, accuracy and low pain are the advantages of this method of drawing. The needles in the device are disposable, the pigment is hypoallergenic. The client selects an adhesive-based template, according to which the tattoo artist applies the outline. The micro-needles of this device imperceptibly inject paint and fix it into the skin.

The first four types of applying an image to the skin belong and are used most often in the world of crime, in religious groups or in the artisanal conditions of freebie lovers.


Tattooing is the introduction of dyes under the skin. The peculiarity of the structure of the skin allows the pattern to be fixed on the surface without penetrating into other layers. This is why there are no allergies to pigments. It is possible to reduce the risk of infection after tattooing only if the sanitary and hygienic rules are followed by a professional tattoo artist.
Sequence of actions when applying a tattoo:

  • Selecting an image, coordinating it with the master, or creating an individual sketch.
  • Transferring the sketch onto tracing paper, then onto the body.
  • Treating the skin with a special disinfectant solution.
  • Piercing the image outline.
  • Filling a contour with color or colors, applying shadows and highlights.
  • Treating the completed drawing with an antiseptic solution, lubricating the disturbed area with a healing composition, and applying a protective bandage.
  • Following the tattoo care instructions will ensure the safety of the image, rapid healing and eliminate the risk of decay.

When tattooing, the image area can be numbed with anesthesia.

Leg tattoos

Leg tattoos are very convenient for those who wear trousers or who do not care about the corporate dress code. More recently, a tattoo on any part of the leg was rare. Nowadays, leg tattooing is gaining momentum in popularity.

Moreover, this applies to both the strong and the beautiful half of humanity. Men most often prefer to tattoo the thigh or lower leg, and girls prefer the foot, lower leg or ankle.

Based on their location, leg tattoos are divided into three types.

Tattoo on thigh

Tattooing on the thigh is not limited in size. Therefore, most often girls decorate it. This is how they emphasize the beauty, sexuality and attractiveness of their figure.

This type of tattoo stands out among others due to its practicality. The only condition is to keep your body in shape. Otherwise, the tattoo will disfigure the body instead of serving as decoration. The skin of the thigh is especially susceptible to deformation due to body weight. Stretch marks may appear on it, which will irreparably spoil the image. However, you will feel almost no pain when applying the image.

The front surface of the thigh is an option for a sexy tattoo that will be easy to hide. If a girl wants to complement her tattoo, then it will be convenient and appropriate to do it on this part of the thigh.

Tattoo on shin

The shin is the entire space of the leg from the knee to the ankle. Images are most often applied to the back and outside. If you compare the pain when getting a picture on the thigh, the lower leg is more sensitive. The code on it is close to the bone.

The practicality of a shin tattoo is a double-edged sword. An exclusive accessory can significantly limit your choice of outfit. This will be inconvenient for girls, as they prefer to wear dresses, skirts and short shorts.. But if there is no embarrassment from the tattoo, then you shouldn’t even think about the dark side of the coin.

If desired, you can get a paired or twisted tattoo. This design solution will attract attention during a beach holiday.

Ankle and foot tattoo

It is preferable to apply a tattoo on the leg so that it is completely visible from one angle. Men should pay attention to this fact, since they wear large tattoos.

It should be remembered that the only obstacle to the application and good visibility of a tattoo on the leg can be dense hair, but today we are solving this issue.

After getting a tattoo on your leg, you should avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing until the skin is completely restored.

Choosing a tattoo design

When choosing a tattoo design, you should consider its meaning, location and size. There are 20 tattoo styles. Among them, everyone can find something of their own.

Tattoo styles


This type of tattoo is popular among a narrow circle of people who prefer deep veiled meanings. At first, the chaotic jumble of colors, shapes and other elements causes a misunderstanding of the tattoo's intent. Abstract sketches do not contain clearly defined objects, but set up a certain atmosphere. Smooth flow of color, blurred lines and various shades of color give the tattoo softness and femininity. The main task of such sketches is to convey a sensual image that is understandable “Without words.”

This style of tattoo can only be applied by a professional artist familiar with abstraction.


A tattoo in this style is identical to the painting technique of drawing with paints. Translucent, light colors create an airy effect; dreamy girls will love this option. Smears, the flow of one color into another, blurriness are signs of a real artist, which a tattoo master must be to create such tattoos.

Art Brut

The history of this direction has French roots. The contrast between the romantic country and this style is beyond description. The name of the style literally means “rough art”, which has no clear boundaries. Art Brut is the antipode of the mainstream.


This style originally appeared in the art of the Renaissance. Art prone to embellishment and excessive ornamentation. Pomp, luxury, lots of curls and intersecting lines inspire tattoo artists and girls all over the world. In this direction of fantasy there is room to roam, and the result will conquer any expectations.


Fantastic worlds with cyborgs, other worlds and planets have been exciting the minds of earthlings since the last century. The main idea of ​​Biomechanics is the symbiosis of human flesh and machines. In this tattoo style, the most advantageous area for applying the image is the legs. Girls prefer to decorate their thighs with a pattern of cut flesh, through which a metal skeleton appears.


The name of the style speaks for itself. These images are dominated by black spots. This direction has no gender characteristics, therefore it is actively used by the fair half of humanity. Moreover, this is not just a jumble of spots, but sometimes a whole story illustrating some event. Any drawing can be stylized as Blackwork.


The interweaving of lines that create a picture, the connection of geometric shapes into a single image is very difficult. This style has become popular to unimaginable heights over the past year. Animals, landscapes, portraits, still lifes and much more fill the folders with sketches of all tattooists in the world.


Quite a difficult image technique. This style, as in art, is a print of an image. Therefore, the quality of an engraving tattoo directly depends on the level of the artist. Errors in execution can turn a work of art into a children's coloring book.


A one-of-a-kind style that requires maximum concentration and skill. The name literally translates as “Dot work” and indeed, the applied tattoo consists of a million dots. However, time and patience when performing such a tattoo gives an unimaginable result. The image catches the eye. And if you get bored, you can count the number of dots.


Ethnic tattoos involve delicate and painstaking work. But we are talking not so much about the technique of execution, but about the semantic load. The Mayan writing has reached us in limited quantities, and you won’t find professional readers on it during the day. Therefore, each symbol must be carefully checked. For the rest you will have to be patient. Believe me, you will be rewarded doubly for it.


This style has become a classic tattoo. The images may differ radically from each other, but they have one thing in common: dark colors. A tattoo can be of any size and shape. Minimalism speaks of a lack of pretentiousness and variety of colors, but not a lack of meaning.

New school

Technological progress could not go unnoticed in the art of tattoos. The predominant number of fans of comics, computer games and animation contributed to the style of tattooing. Bright colors, cartoon characters, heroes of favorite films, comics and toys have settled on the bodies of new style lovers. Images most often evoke a feeling of tenderness and desire to touch and stroke the depicted creature.

Old school

This style is the direct opposite of new style. "Old school" tattoo implies the absence correct form or the realism of the image. Representatives of the very strange but catchy animation of that time are still loved and revered. This style is dominated by the marine theme of the depicted objects.


This style has a deep sacred style. The process of applying such a tattoo is a whole ritual that connects a person with the astral world. The combination of lines, geometric shapes, waves and spirals carry a semantic meaning and tell a whole story. Such tattoos are often perceived by their wearers as amulets and amulets. Therefore, the choice of such sketches should be treated with caution.


This style speaks for itself. This tattoo is popular and admired all over the world. However, it is not available to everyone due to the high complexity of execution. There are a great variety of techniques for performing portrait tattooing. Customers paint portraits of loved ones, close relatives, pets or idols. Make sure that the artist can give the tattoo maximum resemblance to the photograph.


This technique requires the master to have a high level of drawing technique. The image should be literally realistic. This style is often used to depict objects, animals and portraits of loved ones or celebrities. It will take a lot of time to create such a tattoo, but the result will amaze you at first sight.

Realism trash polka

This is exactly the style that needs to be seen. Without this idea of ​​real thrash you won't get it. A crazy combination of different tattoo styles, exaggerated and seemingly devoid of any meaning, it hits the soul at first sight. Trash style is a guarantee of uniqueness; it is impossible to find identical tattoos of this style in the world. And the works of trash authors from the pop art direction have become truly daring, but still classics.


This real game reason in art. Funny, with philosophical overtones, the images can be unimaginable. Everything that a person’s imagination is capable of is united in this style. Not everyone dares to wear such a tattoo, but those who dare are connoisseurs of real art. The brightness of the colors, the unusualness of the image and the destruction of stereotypes have become a kind of calling card of surrealism.


This is a style with African and Australian roots. The monochrome colors are combined with animal symbols and the functions of a security amulet. Each tribal animal has a clear meaning. The tiger represents power, the bear represents luck, and so on.


This word has no translation. The style is rooted in Mexican culture. Traditional images of skull girls since the Day of the Dead have been transformed into a combination female faces with popular characters. Clowns, bandits, celebrities - everything mixed in this style. But every Chicano tattoo is a real work of art.

Once you get acquainted with the basic styles of tattooing, it will be easier to decide on a sketch for your future tattoo. However, tattoo designs are also subject to fashion trends.

Top 5 most fashionable sketch ideas for 2018 for girls' legs

Animalism will become the hottest tattoo trend for 2018. Since ancient times, people have decorated themselves with images of animals and plants. At that time there was a religion called Animalism. Its main rituals were the worship of animals - totems. Since then, animals have become a kind of amulet against negativity. Representatives of the fauna will reflect the girl’s character and highlight her best qualities and will add intrigue to the relationship.

Silhouettes of birds and dandelions are a true expression of lightness.

2nd place


The cat family accurately reflects the essence of every girl. Affectionate, gentle, but with character and devoted only to those who truly love them, a cat. The contrast of grace and swiftness, self-confidence and humility will be popular this year. And jokes about strong and independent girls will fade into the background.

Tattoos on the leg for girls are fascinating because the design can be located in different places: open in the warm season or closed from prying eyes, close to intimate places. Many modern tattoos very elegant and looks great female body like real art.

Basically, ladies prefer small tattoos to emphasize their originality, individuality and maintain style.

More courageous girls prefer images of large tattoos. Huge tattoos are located on the entire leg, from the top to the foot.

The most Common areas of application are the calf area, as well as the area from the top of the foot to the toes.. The least popular area is the hips.

Images in black and white carry meaning. In color tattoos, the emphasis is on colorfulness and originality, while in a monochrome color palette, the emphasis is on content.

Tattoos on the leg in black and white colors for girls look simple; the eye is not distracted by the brightness.

For convenience in everyday life, a tattoo should not be too noticeable.

The most popular are:

  • small in the form of a silhouette, with a distinct outline with a black fill inside;
  • various ornaments (Celtic, oriental, ethnic);
  • animals that resemble photographs, as well as in the form of simple and clear pictures;
  • in 3D format, both in color and black and white.

Beautiful women's leg tattoos with meaning - what they mean, does it hurt, how long does it take to heal?

A tattoo on the leg is convenient because it can be easily hidden under clothing, and with its help it is easy to emphasize the beauty of a woman’s legs.

The variety of species can be divided into 2 types:

  • Symbolic- plants, animals, birds, heavenly bodies, or religious intricate patterns, as well as abstract illustrations that have a meaning clear to the owner. Each image has its own meaning.
  • With inscriptions- phrases, quotes, statements, certain numbers and dates that are significant to the owner. The most popular are Latin, English or Chinese words.

The tattoo is applied to the body using a needle, along with a puncture, a dye is injected under the skin. Now the needle has been replaced by a high-speed instrument with increased hygienic criteria, which makes several thousand punctures per minute, and in this case the person feels a slight tingling sensation.

The pain threshold when performing this procedure is at an average level. Pain tolerance depends on individual perception.

Symbolic tattoo on the leg - an owl. Contains several different meanings. As a rule, it is a symbol of deep wisdom.

The best time to get a tattoo is summer, because dry and warm weather is favorable for the healing of injured skin. The tattoo site should not be touched or rubbed, and it is advisable to wear loose clothing.

The first few days after the procedure, aching pain is likely, and it is recommended to avoid physical work and stay at home.

Ankle tattoo

The ankle is a popular place for stuffing among girls. A tattoo in this place looks elegant, gentle, romantic, adding femininity to the image. One of the advantages is that it can be hidden under clothing.

A painting in the form of a bracelet decorated with beads or flowers looks beautiful and feminine on the ankle. To give the drawing meaning, it is suggested to draw geometric plexuses inside the bracelet.

Ankle tattoo

As for text sayings, laconic phrases or inscriptions that reflect the inner mood of the owner will look amazing in the ankle area. They can be designed in an original way by modifying the font. Long aphorisms look beautiful if they surround the ankle.

Tattoo on calves

In this place, illustrations are noticeable in the warmer months, and are a way of self-expression for brave women. They must match the clothes. Mostly, Calf tattoos are applied in the form of small designs.

A snake wrapped around the shin looks great, emphasizing the slenderness of the leg. The rattlesnake symbolizes wisdom, grace and renewal.

Tattoo on calves

Three-dimensional paintings are also depicted on the shins, combining them with sayings, as well as various patterns, delicate flowers and semantic inscriptions.

To visually lengthen the leg, oblong ornaments are applied to this area.

Foot tattoo

Both small and large illustrations can be located on and near the feet, in black and white or color. The pain threshold varies from very mild to quite tolerable.

For the first time after the procedure, the tattoo owner must wear loose shoes that do not touch the treated area.

Pattern variations can be very different:

  • inscriptions located along the foot;
  • outlines of animals, birds or flowers;
  • star;
  • mandalas and Indian themes;
  • feathers, keys.

Tattoo on thigh

The thigh area is great for drawing large tattoos, and sometimes they are stretched along the entire length of the leg.

Tattoo on thigh

The following will look beautiful on the hips:

  • dragon or fantasy;
  • bows and garters, which are often pinned on the back of the thigh;
  • dream Catcher;
  • The inscriptions look very original. Personal phrases are placed at the top, and well-known quotes look great at the bottom. The language in which the text is written also has its significance. Latin speaks of reason, French - of sophistication, German - of firmness of decision, Italian - expresses passion;
  • a variety of flowers, the most feminine of which is the lily.

Sketches of leg tattoos for girls - meanings. Execution styles: biomechanics, mechanics, geometry. Photo

There are various designs for tattoos on the leg, each of which carries its own meaning for girls, emphasizes the beauty of the body and creates a unique image. The tattoo reflects the inner world, character and dreams of its owner.

The tattoo can be on both legs in the form of a composition

There are the following methods of performing body painting:

  • Biomechanical, which is intertwined mechanical elements with the skin surface. For example, torn parts (wires, circuit boards), as if pushed out of the body, and creating its illusory continuation. The predominant features are clear detail, volume and naturalness.
  • Mechanical, the technology of which consists in depicting devices combined with living elements of the body (vessels, muscles).
  • Geometric, consisting of clear lines representing the shapes of cones, polygons, diamonds, etc. Using this style, you can draw any diagram, from a human silhouette to plants and buildings.

Geometric tattoo design

Animals – dragon, snake, lion, cat, wolf, tiger, fox, lizard, scorpion

Illustrations of animals and fairy-tale creatures are one of the popular preferences of the weaker half.

Dragon tattoo on a girl's leg

The most common of them are:

  • dragon, denoting dominance, wisdom, magic, immutability, dignity, mystery. Color plays an important role. Black color speaks of honoring parents, blue - about the search for peace, gold - about peacefulness, red - an indicator of passion, yellow - symbolizes hostility;
  • snake, signifying prudence, authority, temptation and invisible danger. Despite the fact that the serpent in Christianity is associated with the fall, this skill is not taken into account;
  • lion, which is a symbol of autocracy, victory, nobility, courage. The Lioness expresses sensuality and the ability for motherhood. A person wearing the image of this animal takes on certain qualities from it;
  • cat, attracting attention with its grace and attractiveness, as well as thanks to such qualities as independence, beauty, cunning, resourcefulness, and mystery. This scheme is one of the most popular among girls;
  • wolf, associated with nobility, courage, bravery, devotion. A howling wolf means solitude, inner strength. A jumping wolf is a sign of overcoming any obstacles. A running predator is a symbol of change and speed. A wolf with a grin and burning eyes warns against dark forces;
  • tiger- a sign of lust for power, passion, rage, ruthlessness. The roaring tiger expresses the ability to protect yourself and your loved ones. It has a dual meaning, it can be both cruel and reasonable, obedient and wild. His image evokes admiration and respect;
  • fox– cunning, insidious and obstinate. At the same time, he has good character traits - a flexible mind, intuition. In general, the fox can be compared to the feminine essence;
  • lizard– expressing resourcefulness, fertility, luck, wisdom;
  • scorpion– personifying danger, loneliness, revenge. The image of a scorpion tattoo on the leg foreshadows for girls nobility and protection, self-denial and attraction, and also expresses inner strength.

Jewelry – crown, bracelet, garter, bows

Crown-shaped stuffing signifies power or craving for it. This elite attribute is found in a strong personality who has achieved his goals. The style of the image can be different - comic, bright or serious.

For girls, a small crown with a name written underneath it means fidelity in love.

Bows and garters signify grace and elegance, and also express a lady’s willingness to openly declare her charm and romanticism. Such tattoos have deep emotional overtones.

Bow on a girl's leg

The design of the bracelet looks very good on the ankle and highlights its elegance.

The bracelet can be wide, thin and look like:

  • barbed wire, preferably multi-colored;
  • chains with pendant;
  • religious symbols;
  • picturesque floral plexuses;
  • ethnic ornaments;
  • Celtic motifs.

Birds – owl, swallows, eagle

The meaning of a tattoo depicting a bird depends on the type of bird itself. The owl is associated with dark, evil forces, and its pattern signifies fear, solitude, intelligence. A tattoo on the leg in the form of an owl is preferable for girls who lead a nocturnal lifestyle, wise and mysterious.

Owl tattoo on leg for girls

The swallow represents such symbols as hope, youth, emerging nature, happiness, freedom. It is very popular among representatives of the weaker half, and in whatever form it is printed on the body, it always means positive emotions and a change in the path of life for the better.

The eagle sketch signifies speed, strength, will, fearlessness, grace, and also expresses elements of justice.

Flowers – rose, lotus, sakura, orchid, lily

Tattoos depicting flowers not only have beautiful view, but also deep subtext. These gifts of flora embody nature, its beauty and diversity.

Beautiful tattoo design - rose

Each flower has its own meaning:

  • orchid - aimed at expressing feminine feelings, and is a sign of splendor, charm and luxury;
  • Eastern - lotus and sakura carry spirituality, philosophical worldview and fertility. A blue lotus indicates intelligence, pink and white indicate the presence of spiritual virtues, red is a symbol of sincerity, love, and passion.
  • rose and lily give their owner femininity and signify love, youth, renewal, and depth of feelings.

Shock absorber

Basically, shock absorber sketches are in demand among men. Ladies opt for more feminine variations. Elements of biomechanics look very good on the calves, and are drawn in monochrome with the addition of colorful details.

Tattoo in the form of a shock absorber for sports men

Biomechanical tattoos are chosen by people with a design mentality, who like to put everything in order, preferring comfort and conflict-freeness.


Broken shackles become a symbol of salvation, cleansing from sins. They are also considered protection from captivity and other difficulties. Young women wear shackles, connecting them with a name, to express devotion to a loved one.

An elegant chain on a girl's leg

Tattoos on the leg for girls depicting shackles emphasize the tenderness and fragility of the female body. They can be decorated with ribbons or inscriptions. They are decorated with the addition of gold, silver and copper shades. The color black can express the heaviness of the shackles.


The cross carries not only religious significance, but also marks a connection with heaven and is a sign of continuous spiritual growth and improvement. There are many interpretations of cross tattoos that have a deep meaning and purpose.

Symbolic crosses on the girl’s legs

For example, in combination with an inscription, it can signify a connection with a lost loved one or express eternal life, reputation, or understanding.


The anchor indicates loyalty, luck, deliverance, security, constancy. Recommended for women who love water and sea travel, or who are looking for a haven in life. It is used as a national attribute among residents of coastal countries.

Anchor tattoo for sea lovers

To some extent, the anchor is associated with Christianity because its upper part resembles a cross.


The new direction in tattoo art has a double meaning: risk, safety and independence. The female population chooses small pistols in original design , combining them with different feminine attributes.

Tattoo in the shape of a pistol for risky girls

Girls with such tattoos express independence, ease and arrogance. The most suitable place for this image is the thigh area.


Patterns - beautiful body painting, which in most cases does not carry any meaning and is just ordinary decoration.

They come in rounded or angular shapes.


The meaning of feather illustrations depends on which bird the feather belongs to. In particular, the peacock feather symbolizes renewal and luxury.

The overall meaning of the feather speaks of lightness, weightlessness, flight, spiritual perfection, compassion, creativity and courage.

Feather tattoo means lightness, weightlessness and flight

Red shades of feathers can bring victory, feathers divided in half are a sign of emotional wounds and pain, a collapse of hopes.


Leg tattoos for girls in the form of inscriptions are great for revealing beliefs and self-expression.

Only the owner can know the meaning of the inscriptions, on the one hand - to add mystery, and on the other - to avoid an unpleasant situation (oriental hieroglyphs). The Latin text carries a philosophical load, you can choose statements taking into account your beliefs.

The font plays a great role in the concept and interpretation of the text.

Thus, it is preferable to write lyrics in calligraphic letters, and strong sayings in Gothic or traditional font.


Its meaning lies in rebirth and expectation of the best, fragility, grace.

The butterfly is a feminine symbol, embodying the most gentle and kind feminine qualities and bringing a touch of frivolity.

A common illustration among girls.

Beautiful butterfly on a girl's leg

The image of a butterfly brings joy, is associated with summer and looks original and colorful on the body.


A star tattoo means mystery and sublimity, safety, dreaming, magic, inspiration. Ease of execution and beautiful image become a priority when choosing your first tattoo.

Star tattoos for a bright girl

Different types of stars can be interpreted differently. Usually, the stars are made small.


The image of a palm tree is common among girls, it is considered a sign of abundance, and is associated with female slimness. A tree with dates shows the feminine principle. Brings only positive energy and good meaning.

Palm tree tattoo means femininity

dream Catcher

The dream catcher pattern protects its owner from negativity, shows a connection with nature, and gives brightness and tranquility. This Indian amulet promotes internal efforts to know oneself and spiritual growth.

Indian dream catcher tattoo

Such a talisman evokes respect and caution.

Paired tattoos

Couple tattoos are chosen by ladies who want to express their affection in love or friendship. They mark different drawings, when approaching, folding into one composition. Such tattoos encrypt a palette of feelings, emotions, and agreements.

Paired illustrations are divided into artistic and textual. There are big and small. A miniature tattoo can be easily hidden from strangers.

Couple tattoo on both legs of a girl

Tattoos on the leg are chosen by carefully choosing a design that is close to girls’ inner beliefs and understanding its meaning. Having decided to get a tattoo, you should make sure that you can endure painful sensations by correlating the chosen design with the time of its execution.

Interesting videos on the topic

Video tattoo on the leg for girls - rose:

Leg tattoo is a broad concept that includes tattoos on the thigh, shin, knees, ankles and feet. Leg tattoos come in both the most minimalistic and voluminous designs for the entire leg. Tattoos on the leg help to visually emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the figure. Girls most often choose tattoos on the thigh to highlight the beauty of the lines.

Different areas of the leg differ in their sensitivity. For example, tattoos on the inner thigh, knees and feet will be more painful than on other areas of the leg. If you decide to get a tattoo on your leg, then determine which specific part you would like to have a tattoo on. Small sketches are suitable for ankles and feet, ornaments look beautiful on the thigh of girls and on the knees of men, and large tattoos are suitable for the thigh or lower leg.

Leg Tattoo - Tattoo Location

Tattoo on Thigh

A tattoo on the thigh is suitable for those who have chosen a voluminous design. The thigh is the widest part of the leg, so it will be a good place for three-dimensional designs.

Tattoo on Shin

Tattoos on the lower leg have their own specifics. Visually, a sketch can both emphasize advantages and play a cruel joke. Please note that elongated designs will lengthen the shin and make it thinner. And large sketches that are elongated in width can visually make the leg shorter. Listen to the artist, and together with him choose the ideal location for the tattoo on your shin.

Ankle Tattoo

An ankle tattoo is a good option for those who want a small tattoo. An ankle tattoo can be a bracelet, that is, it encircles the leg in a circle. This could be an inscription, an ornament, arrows, floral motifs or minimalist lines. In another version, the tattoo on the ankle is located on one side; such a tattoo emphasizes the curve of the foot and is more suitable for girls.

Foot Tattoo

Foot tattoos are most often placed symmetrically on both legs. These can be geometric patterns, skulls, old-school style tattoos or any other designs.

Tattoo on Knees

Knee tattoos are. Mostly, such designs are made by men, choosing a sketch with ornaments or an old-school tattoo. The knees have thin skin and no fat, so the pain during the tattoo process will be significant.

Heel Tattoo

Not every artist will agree to get a heel tattoo. And those who agree will make an agreement with you that you will not have any questions regarding quality. The fact is that a tattoo on the heel can begin to deform and “leak” in 90% of cases. The inscription will look like a stain, or it will need to be updated all the time.

Men's Leg Tattoos - Sketches

In a tattoo on the leg, one cannot speak of purely “male” places. Men's tattoos on the hip are placed to show the pattern, and not to emphasize the lines as in the female version. Men are more likely to get large, complex tattoos. Or they decide to get bold, unusual tattoos, for example, knee tattoos.

Women's Leg Tattoos - Sketches

A thigh tattoo for girls is a way to highlight their figure. But at the same time, not everything women's tattoos on the hip carry such a message, sometimes they are just semantic drawings without any other purpose. Tattoos on the ankles and feet are in most cases chosen for the first tattoo, since many girls find it easier to decide on a small tattoo.

Recently, an increasing number of people are showing great interest in the tattoo services market. This includes tattooing and beautiful drawings on the forearm. However, today I would like to talk about a new fashionable trend in the picturesque world of tattoos. A full-fledged tattoo on the foot has become a tempting reality for many.

The foot, as a new plane for creating a tattoo, is of interest primarily to fashionistas and girls who follow new trends. Unfortunately, we live in a climate where showing off something new on your feet isn't much of an option. Foot tattoo will be clearly visible in the summer when sandals or open heels are worn on the feet.

It is worth paying special attention to an image or pattern that is interesting to the majority, which means that it may also appeal to you. Drawings and various kinds of images look good as tattoo on girls foot, but still the majority choose interesting inscriptions and memorable lines as the main tattoo.

When choosing the most attractive inscription for a tattoo on a stupa, many give preference to philosophy and sensuality. Lettering tattoo on foot It will look most harmonious if it is “stuffed” on the side surface. Note that it is here that any image looks different and takes on a different, deeper meaning with undeniable aesthetic beauty.

By the way, many girls prefer tattooed inscriptions on foreign language, which looks special. You can also choose a special font and letter size, choosing the most successful combination. However, there are many other ways to make your tattoo unique and noticeable to others.

Please note that the tattoo can be placed either on the entire surface of the foot or on a small area. A small inscription can be placed in the area above the heel, as well as under the ankle. Of course it looks much nicer large inscription, which is located along the entire length of the foot. The best place to start a tattoo is from thumb and move towards the heel. Although you can always come up with your own personal tattoo solution, creating your own twist.

Before getting a specific tattoo on your foot, you should consider photographs of ready-made tattoos. To do this, just go to the search engine and enter the desired phrase “ foot tattoo photo"- the browser will display all existing photographs for this request.

A tattoo on your foot will be your highlight or the missing piece of the puzzle. You create your own unique image and emphasize your exceptional uniqueness. Go for it!

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