Statham, Jason, biography, early years, career, personal life, filmography. Jason Statham's training program and diet How to spell Statham's last name

  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 73 kg
  • Date of birth: September 12, 1967
  • Best films: “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”, “Snatch”, “Transporter”, “Adrenaline”, “The Expendables”, “Fast and the Furious” and others.

Jason Statham workouts

The training program of public favorite Jason Statham is significantly different from those that are now popular in fitness circles. It is scheduled for 6 days of the week. And each of these days is subject to a list of iron rules for the actor.

“Hopeless is when the earth falls on the lid of the coffin. The rest can be fixed. Character is the main thing!”
Jason Statham

For example, he never repeats the same exercise twice in an entire six-day cycle. He also writes down everything: weights, repetitions, and even the time spent doing the exercise. This allows Jason to analyze whether it is worth increasing or, conversely, decreasing the intensity of training and the weights used.

“If you want to get faster, stronger and healthier, you need to track your progress. – the actor shares his thoughts, “Understanding progress in exercises is, perhaps, the main goal of any of my training.”
Jason Statham

Stethem considers exercises using stabilizer muscles (core muscles) to be an essential element of every workout. After all, they are the basis of a strong and strong back. The actor regularly performs at least 500 variations of jumps, squats, planks and leg lifts.

Among other exercises, each training session necessarily contains elements of mixed martial arts - practicing punches on a punching bag and sandbags with feet and hands, shadow boxing, jumping strikes, etc. They allow Jason Statham to warm up his muscles and maintain the tone of his workout.

“Powerful muscles are good for showing off in front of the mirror. I need a body to run, swim and fight."
Jason Statham

Jason Statham believes that the secret ingredient to an “explosive” workout is plyometric exercises - short but very difficult sets. Jason traditionally begins his workout by doing squat thrusts, and then begins doing push-ups, jumping jacks, jumping jacks, and jumping jacks.

“The key to the exercises is explosive execution. For example, during push-ups, I lower my body very slowly, and then boom! “I sharply straighten my arms.”
Jason Statham

One week of training for Jason Statham

Jason begins each workout with a 10-minute warm-up at an easy pace on the rowing machine, doing 20 strokes per minute.

Day one.

  1. A superset is a “pyramid” of three exercises performed in a circle: simple push-ups, push-ups on gymnastic rings and squats. It is necessary to do 6 circles, in each of which the number of repetitions increases by 1. After the sixth circle, we reverse the entire process, that is, we reduce the number of repetitions by 1.
  2. Jason starts with weights equal to 35% of their maximum value. In the process, the weights and rest time increase, and the number of repetitions decreases. Reps x weight x rest
    • 10 x 60kg x 1 min
    • 5 x 85kg x 2 min
    • 3 x 100kg x 3 min
    • 2 x 130kg x 3 min
    • 1 x 150kg x 3 min
    • 1 x 155kg x 3 min
    • 1 x 160kg x 3 min
    • 1 x 162.5 kg x 3 min
    • 1 x 165kg x 3 min

Day two.

  1. Warm up.
  2. A superset of static exercises - a stand on gymnastic rings with outstretched arms, holding weights on arms down while standing, a stand on parallel bars with legs extended forward, a stand in a crouched position with arms extended forward. Perform 4 repetitions of 30 seconds each, the time to rest and move on to the next is 10 seconds.
  3. A superset of 5 exercises called “Big Five 55 Workout” - front squats with a barbell (45 kg), pull-ups, dips, power cleans, raising the knees to the elbows on the horizontal bar. This superset starts with 10 repetitions of each exercise and decreases by one with each round.
  4. Hitch.

Day three.

  1. Warm up.
  2. Interval training on a rowing machine - 6 sprints, 500m each, rest time - 3 minutes
  3. Cool down: holding weights (30kg) in both hands, we perform a “farmer’s walk” over a distance of 500m.

Day four.

  1. Warm up.
  2. – 20 repetitions.
  3. Barbell squats (80kg) – 5 sets of 5 reps.
  4. Hitch. 65 sets of push-ups. Starting with 1 push-up, increase each repetition by one to achieve a total of 200 push-ups.

Day five.

  1. Warm up.
  2. A set of two exercises - “crawling bear” and “crab walk”. The bear crawl must be performed in a position similar to a push-up rack, but with straight arms. The “Crab Walk” is similar in technique to the previous exercise, with only one nuance - you need to be facing up and your back to down. 5 repetitions alternately, the distance of each exercise is 15m.
  3. These exercises require maximum intensity and minimal rest time.
    • Rope climbing 7m - 5 repetitions
    • Front squats - 5 reps - 85kg
    • Squat jumps holding a heavy athletic ball above your head (Ball Slams) – 5 reps – 12.5kg
    • Tug of war machine 15m - 10 repetitions - 40kg
    • - 10 repetitions - 80kg
    • Ball Slams - 10 reps - 12.5kg
    • Pull-ups - 15 reps
    • -15 reps
    • Ball Slams - 15 reps - 12.5kg
    • Thick rope tug of war - 20 repetitions
    • Lifting and hitting the floor with a heavy and thick rope, both ends of which are in the hands, and its middle is fixed on the opposite wall (Smashes) - 20 repetitions
  4. Hitch.

Day six is dedicated to special exercises and complexes necessary for filming, as well as training to increase endurance. As a rule, Jason Statham chooses cross-country running.

Day seven dedicated to relaxation.

Jason Statham's nutrition

The diet for Jason Statham begins only during the preparation and filming of the film. In his free time from projects, the actor tends to adhere to the principle: eat whatever you want, but do not go beyond 2000 calories a day.

The essence of Jason's diet lies in just a few phrases - we replace all junk food with healthy proteins and carbohydrates and cut calories. This mandatory items, which Jason strictly follows always and everywhere.

The actor divides the previously agreed upon 2000 calories into 5-6 meals. The diet is dominated by egg whites, fish, lean meat, vegetables, nuts and, of course, protein shakes. To achieve the necessary relief, Jason Statham refuses sugar and all flour products without exception.

In parallel with his training diary, the actor also writes down in a notebook the composition of all the dishes he has eaten and does not even forget to mention water. His motto: “If something gets down your throat, write it down on paper.” It is records like these that help Jason keep his diet under complete control.

How to become like Jason Statham

Perhaps most of the stronger sex wants to look like Jason Statham. However, want the same appearance as an actor and putting real effort into it are completely different things.

Regular intense workouts, healthy balanced diet, a categorical rejection of all confectionery delights, determination and a lot of perseverance, bordering on tediousness (writing down every calorie) - these are the most important ingredients in the recipe for “how to become like Jason Statham.”

Style Summary

Here is another example of success based on perseverance, proper nutrition, exercise and counting daily calories. It looks simple on paper, but in person you can do it too, because you read StyleFitness. We believe in you guy.

Jason Statham, MFA, MWCD /JĀ-sən STĀ-thəm/; family." />

Jason Statham(more correctly Statham, en Jason Statham, MFA, MWCD /JĀ-sən STĀ-thəm/; genus. September 12, 1967, Shirebrook, England) is an English actor, known for the films directed by Guy Ritchie - “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”, “Snatch” and “Revolver”. He also starred in many Hollywood and European blockbusters, including “Transporter” (trilogy), “Adrenaline” (2 parts), “War”, “Death Race”, “The Expendables” (2 parts), “Professional” .


Early years

Jason Statham was born on September 12, 1967 in Shirebrook. He was the second son of a lounge singer and a dressmaker-turned-dancer. He later moved to Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, and grew up following in his parents' footsteps, mastering the art of street theatre. He also played football at the local high school(1978-83), but his real passion was diving. Statham was a member of the British national diving team for 12 years and finished 12th at the World Championships in 1992. In one of the interviews, the actor noted that sports was his hobby, and he had to earn money by selling perfumes and jewelry on the street.

His father was a boxer and gymnast and taught Jason this, his brother loved martial arts and often used little Jason as a punching bag. Statham is a martial arts specialist who trains in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Guy Ritchie.

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In the late nineties, an advertising agent who worked primarily with athletes invited Statham to take part in an advertising campaign. Tommy Hilfiger. So Jason starred in a jeans advertisement and became the advertising face of the brand, which is where his modeling career began.


After some time, the owner of the company that Jason Statham advertised became the main producer of Guy Ritchie’s debut film “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” and proposed Statham to the director for one of the roles in the film. The director was intrigued by Statham's street trading background and impressed by his modeling work. He invited Jason to audition and, as a study, suggested that Statham portray a street vendor and convince him to buy a set of fake gold jewelry. “Guy needed an authentic character,” Statham said about this case. “And that was me, because they don’t teach you these things in drama school.” Jason managed to sell Guy Ritchie a worthless product, and when he tried to return it, Statham showed such graceful adamance that Ritchie immediately cast him.

u. In Ritchie's next crime comedy Snatch, Statham played the organizer of underground boxing fights. At first, the character of Jason was conceived as a minor one in the ensemble of Brad Pitt, Rade Serbedzhia and Dennis Farina, but during filming the role became larger, and by the release of the film, Statham took the place of the main narrator in the plot. Billy Zane was on the set of the film. Jason later met singer Sophie Monk, but soon broke up with her. Since April 2010, he has been dating model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

Jason Statham (Jason Statham) is a Hollywood action star, often called the “new Bruce Willis.” The actor’s springboard to fame was his collaboration with director Guy Ritchie, who made him the main character in many of his films (“Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,” “Snatch,” “Revolver”). Subsequently, Jason Statham also became an unshakable symbol of the blockbusters “Adrenaline” and “Transporter”.


Jason became the second child in the family of a famous lounge singer and dressmaker, who later retrained as a dancer. The father of the future actor was professionally involved in gymnastics and boxing, and therefore raised real athletes from his sons from an early age.

The boy's older brother absorbed his father's love of martial arts and often used the younger brother as a punching bag. Jason preferred water sports, in particular, diving. Moreover, in 1988 he joined the British Olympic team to compete at the Olympics in Seoul. Later, the young man also mastered kickboxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

1988 Olympics: Jason Statham and his diving

Questionable past

In his interviews, Jason noted that in his youth he had to make a living in less than honest ways. The guy got his first money by selling fake jewelry and perfume on the streets.

In the mid-90s, Statham was noticed by an advertising agent who offered the athletic guy cooperation. This is how Jason Statham got into the brand's advertising campaign Tommy clothes Hilfiger.

Fate turned out to be such that the head of this fashion house became the producer of the first full-length film by the young director Guy Ritchie. Bearing in mind Jason's illegal past, someone recommended him to the director as a candidate for the lead role in the film.

Apparently, the experience of street trading played its part. At the casting, Jason was asked to sell fake jewelry to the director, and he did a brilliant job. And as soon as Richie tried to return the “jewels” to him, Statham became as adamant as a rock. Here's what Statham said about this test: "Guy was looking for a genuine character, and it turned out to be me, because the things that he needed and that I can do are not taught in art schools."

In Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Jason Statham demonstrates his sales skills

So Jason Statham became one of the four main characters in the complicated crime film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, full of first-class black humor. Together with Jason Flemyng and Dexter Fletcher, he had to bring together several storylines and save his friend who lost at cards from a fatal fate.

Jason Statham and Guy Ritchie: a brilliant tandem

The film, released in 1998, was a resounding success. Although some critics accused Guy Ritchie of imitating Quentin Tarantino, the majority received the film with a bang. It was a stunning debut for both Guy Ritchie and Jason Statham, and two years later the next premiere of their tandem’s result, Snatch, took place.

On this main role belonged entirely to Jason Statham. He reincarnated as the criminal "six" named Turetsky, who by chance found himself embroiled in a breathtaking twist involving a lethally powerful gypsy (Brad Pitt), fist fighters, a hysterical crime lord, cannibal pigs, hapless jewelry robbers and a dog.

Subsequently, already in 2007, the actor appeared in another project of the director - “Revolver”. His hero, Jack Green, ended up behind bars due to a coincidence and lost seven years of his life in solitary confinement. But these years gave him irreplaceable skills that helped him win in any gambling game. Jack's antagonist in the film was Ray Liotta's character, casino owner Dorothy Mac.

Best roles

After a double combo of breakthrough projects, Jason Statham became an instant global celebrity. He immediately took part in three films of the action genre: “Turn It Up,” “Ghosts of Mars” and “Confrontation.” And although the films did not achieve the success of Statham’s first films, collaboration with Ice Cube, Jet Li and a string of other well-known actors contributed to his acting experience.

Jason Statham in "Evening Urgant"

But Jason Statham won the title of Hollywood blockbuster star after the release of the first part of “The Transporter,” a thriller about a driver who is ready to transport anything, anywhere, without asking any questions. Only once did he deviate from his principle and look into the bag that the customer gave him...

Unlike many action-packed films, this film was met with applause thanks to its original plot and Statham's charismatic persona. The actor's fee exceeded the landmark mark of one million dollars, and the continuation of the epic (2005, 2008) aroused no less interest than the first part.

"Transporter 2" by Jason Statham: failed scenes

Since then, Statham has been assigned the role of a kind of “cold-blooded big guy”, knocking out his opponent with one blow and getting away with it in any shootout. From now on, his filmography includes such characters as hired killers, super agents, police officers, bodyguards and thieves.

In 2005, the first part of the action movie Adrenaline was released, where Statham played the hitman Chev Chelios, who must create an incredibly tense environment around himself in order not to die from a deadly poison that reacts to a slowing pulse.

Jason Statham on the set of "Adrenaline"

Another important point in Jason Statham’s acting career is the thriller “The Mechanic.” The actor's character is the assassin Arthur Bishop, who received the nickname of the same name for his amazing accuracy and precision.

It is worth noting that Jason Statham is one of the three favorite actors of the legendary Sylvester Stallone. In 2010, he even invited his English colleague, as well as Mickey Rourke and Bruce Willis, to participate in the film “The Expendables,” directed by himself.

The four masters created such a sensation among action fans that the film paid for itself at the box office many times over, and two years later a sequel was released. This time, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean-Claude Van Damme joined the super team. In one of the scenes of the film, Statham’s character uttered the phrase: “I’m a professional mechanic,” referring viewers to two films with his participation: “Mechanic” and “Professional” (in “Professional,” released in 2011, the actor again played a killer with an international name).

Surprisingly, Statham tried his hand at voicing cartoons. His voice is spoken by Tybalt from the animated film Gnomeo and Juliet.

In 2015, Jason Statham joined the cast of the Fast and the Furious film series, appearing in the seventh part of the film as the anti-hero Deckard Shaw, the older brother of Owen Shaw (Luke Evans), who appeared in the previous part. By the way, due to the tragic death of Paul Walker, the premiere of the film was postponed for 2 years.

Personal life of Jason Statham

Despite his on-screen role, Jason Statham cannot boast of a huge number of romance novels. For seven years (since 1997), the actor dated colleague Kelly Brook. The couple was beautiful and almost perfect until the moment when Kelly met actor Billy Zane. The meeting took place on the set of the film “Sex for Survival.” Brooke left Statham, causing an incurable wound to his heart. And although Brooke and Billy broke up long ago, Jason still ignores all his ex-girlfriend’s attempts at reconciliation.

After Kelly, Jason Statham tried to build a relationship with singer Sophie Monk, but their romance was doomed to failure as soon as it began. The reason for this, as the tabloids claimed, was Sophie's vulgar behavior.

In 2006, the actor began dating art critic Alex Zosman. This event brought down such a volume of negativity on the girl from fans of the Hollywood star that Statham no longer wanted to share details from his personal life with anyone. Therefore, they did not immediately learn about their breakup in 2010.

After that, luck smiled on the actor - Victoria’s Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley drew attention to him. They got together several times, separated, took a break, lived separately from each other... But in the end, it finally came to the wedding and after six years of relationship, an engagement ring appeared on the finger of the charming beauty.

In 2017, the media learned that Statham was about to become a dad for the first time. At first, fans of the actor’s girlfriend were puzzled that the girl stopped publishing new photos on social networks. And when the paparazzi caught Rosie and photographed her rounded belly, which the model carefully covered with an oversize coat, then everything became clear.

Jason Statham now

Remaining perhaps one of the most recognizable actors in the action genre, Jason Statham easily pleases fans with 1-2 new films every year. Thus, in 2016, the sequel to “Mechanics” was released, the premiere of the eighth part of “Fast and the Furious” was planned for 2017, and in 2018 the actor promised to appear in... the horror film “The Meg.”

Jason Statham- a former model, and now an actor and idol of a huge number of bodybuilders. He became famous thanks to his role in the film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, as well as the program physical exercise, developed by him independently, which allows him to maintain excellent shape, despite his mature age (he is 46 years old).

To achieve an attractive and healthy appearance, you need to exercise daily. At the initial stage, exercises are performed that increase physical tone: running for an hour and warming up on any cardio machine (for example,) for about 10 minutes.

The next stage is moderate-intensity classes, which include:

  • Kettlebell cleans together with squats - 15 exercises for each arm.
  • Push-ups of various kinds - with different positions of the hands relative to the shoulders: wider, narrower or at shoulder level; hands on a raised platform: alternately - now left, now right; legs higher than head; clap push-ups. Each type of push-up is performed three times.
  • The so-called pyramid of exercises, consisting of pull-ups or push-ups - starting with 1 repetition and reaching 10, and then in the reverse order; only 19 approaches.
  • Kettlebell Overhead Press – 15 reps for each arm.
  • Kettlebell swings (swings) – the swing should start from the bottom and end at head level; Each hand must perform 15 repetitions.

After mastering medium-intensity training, you can begin a set of high-intensity exercises, including:

  • alternate walking with the bag on your arms extended above your head, on both or one shoulder;
  • throwing a very heavy ball to a partner or against a wall;
  • choose one of the exercises: barbell cleans, deadlifts, barbell squats, which are performed 5 times in each approach;
  • dumbbell press with light weight - with an intensity of 15 repetitions in each approach.

The following circuit training exercises are considered high intensity training:

  • Hitting the ball. To perform this exercise you will need a rubberized medicine ball weighing at least 9 kg. The ball rises above your head and then hits the floor with all its force. The exercise is repeated 20 times.
  • Climbing on a rope. You should climb and descend an 8 m long rope without using your legs, each time reducing the number of repetitions.
  • Pull-ups. Lifting up must be done sharply and quickly, and going down, on the contrary, must be done slowly and smoothly. The number of repetitions is at least 8.
  • Rope whip. It is necessary to secure a thick 8-meter rope to a strong base at ankle level, then with both hands lift it up by the free end above your head and hit it on the floor with all your might. At least 20 repetitions.
  • Crab and goose. First, the movement is carried out at 4 points: two palms and two feet, and then in single file. The distance must be at least 20 meters, and repetitions must be at least 3.
  • Triple strike. Includes 3 exercises: squats, push-ups and a sharp jump up. Carried out 20 times.
  • Squats with a barbell. The barbell should be held on the front delts with your palms facing away from you, and your back vertical. It is necessary to squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. 20 reps.
  • Pulling up the rope. The rope should be about 15 meters long, and the load should weigh from 12 to 20 kg. The load is secured to a rope, which is pulled with both hands. A minimum of 5 repetitions are performed.
  • Farmer's Walk. You just (!) walk with a 32 kg weight in each hand.
  • Weighted steps. You should rise and descend from the bench while holding dumbbells or a barbell in your hands. The exercise is repeated 20 times.
  • Raising bent knees. The exercise is performed while hanging on a horizontal bar: the legs are bent at the knees, pulled up to the chest, held in this position for a second and slowly lowered down. 20 reps.

This is, in principle, the whole set of exercises, which, if performed daily (!), everyone will resemble Jason in terms of athleticism. But at the same time, it is necessary to comply strict diet promoting muscle building:

  1. Avoid sugar in any form(clean, sweet and flour products), bread and pasta, alcoholic drinks, fruit juices.
  2. Daily meal– fractional, at least 6 times per day.
  3. Best dessert option– yogurt or fresh fruit.
  4. Mandatory consumption: egg whites, fish, nuts, vegetables and protein shakes.
  5. The daily calorie content of food should be not more than 2000 Kcal.

Jason's Fat Burning Workout - Video