Message about the New Year in English. Essay: New Year (in English) with translation. New Year Resolutions - New Year's resolutions

New Year is the best of holydays. At New Year’s Eve always appears this strange expectation of something big, new and great. Joyful atmosphere is all around. Everybody is busy picking nice Christmas trees, presents and feasts for holyday table. It seems like fairytale since childhood.

Preparations for this celebration are starting early. Everything begins with general cleaning. Than rooms are decorating with beautiful toys, garlands, holiday lights and candles. But the most beautiful decorations are New Year and Christmas wreaths with conifer branches, bright ribbons and figures of angels.

Dishes on holyday table are always special. And the most important moment of celebration is coming of New Year with chiming clock. Last toll beginning marks of grand firework which may last for whole hour. Than all guests, relatives and friends, begin celebrations with dances and contests which last for the night whole. And the first thing to do at next is to check all presents.

It is best when whether at New Year is cold and snowy. Colorful lights are flashing in all windows. Everybody is celebrating and having fun. Apparently because New Year is mutual celebration it is so much fun to celebrate it.

Wonderful New Year's holiday (text translation)

New Year is the best of holidays. On New Year's Eve there is a strange expectation of something big, new and wonderful. There is a festive atmosphere all around. Everyone is busy choosing Christmas trees, gifts and treats for the festive table. Since childhood, this time has been like a fairy tale.

Preparations for the celebration begin early. The first stage is general cleaning, and then all rooms are decorated with beautiful toys, garlands and candles. But the most beautiful New Year decorations- wreaths with coniferous branches, bright ribbons and angels.

Dishes on the holiday table are always special. And the most important point celebrations - the onset of the new year with the chimes ringing. The final chime of the bell signals the start of a spectacular fireworks display that can last for an hour. Then all the guests, relatives and friends, begin to have fun, dance and organize competitions. The holiday continues all night, and the first thing in the morning is to check the gifts under the tree.

It's best when the weather for the New Year is cold and snowy. Multi-colored lights in all windows seem brighter and warmer. Probably the New Year is so fun because it is common to everyone.

Holidays are very pleasant days, because these are days when people don’t have to work, but have an opportunity to relax, meet friends, give presents and say many pleasant words to people whom they love. New Year is one of these holidays. The New Year's festivities begin on December 31 and continue into the early hours of January 1.

New Year is a great holiday. Everybody likes it very much. Especially this holiday is loved by children. New Year is considered to be a family holiday. It is usually celebrate at home with members of the family and friends. People decorate their houses, send greeting cards and buy gifts for children, relatives and friends. A New Year’s tree is a symbol of celebration. It is usually covered with colored balls and strings of colored lights.

New Year's Eve is a time for fun. People spend the holiday at home or in restaurants. The most popular New Year’s Eve drink is champagne. Champagne is the drink that symbolizes celebration and it is often served for the midnight toast. At 12 o’clock everyone raises a glass of champagne and says “Happy New Year!” New Year's Eve festivals often continue until two or three o’clock in the morning.

New Year's Day is a special day. Many people make New Year resolutions, give up bad habits or plan for future. From the ancient times to the present New Year’s customs have been connected with saying good-bye to the past and looking forward to a better future.

Translation of the text New Year in our country. New Year in our country

Holidays are very pleasant days, because these are the days when people do not work, but relax, meet with friends, give gifts, and say kind words to the people they love. New Year is one of these holidays. New Year's festivities begin on December 31st and last until the early morning of January 1st.

New Year - big holiday. Everyone loves him very much. Children especially love this holiday. New Year is considered a family holiday. It is often celebrated at home with family and friends. People decorate their houses, send greeting cards, and buy gifts for children, relatives and friends. Christmas tree- a symbol of the holiday. It is always decorated with colored balls and colored luminous garlands.

New Year's Eve is a time for fun. People spend the holiday at home or in restaurants. The most popular New Year's drink is champagne. Champagne is a drink that symbolizes celebration and is often served for toasts at midnight. At 12 o'clock at night everyone raises a glass of champagne and says: “Happy New Year!” New Year's festivities often last until two or three o'clock in the morning.

The first of January is a special day. Many people make New Year's resolutions, quit bad habits, or make plans for the future. From ancient times to the present day, New Year's customs have been associated with saying goodbye to the past and looking forward to a better future.

Additional Expressions

  • New Year- New Year
  • opportunity- opportunity, favorable opportunity
  • festivities- celebrations, celebrations
  • to consider- to count, to believe
  • to celebrate- celebrate, celebrate
  • to decorate- decorate
  • greeting cards– greeting cards
  • strings of lights– garlands
  • New Year's EveNew Year's Eve, new year's eve
  • Happy New Year!- Happy New Year!
  • festival- holiday, festivities
  • New Year's Day– New Year, 1st day of the new year
  • to make a resolution– make a decision
  • to give up- quit (habit)
  • custom- custom, habit
  • saying good-bye- say goodbye
  • look forward to– expect (something)

New Years Celebrations Around the World 2012

Every country has its own New Year traditions. In our article we will talk about English and American customs of celebrating the New Year. Let's celebrate the New Year in English!


New Year in Great Britain

In the United Kingdom, the New Year is celebrated from the evening of December 31st into January 1st.

The date was declared as the New Year in 1752. Before 1752, England celebrating its New Year on Christmas Day, that is on December, 25.

Traditionally it is not as widely celebrated as Christmas. However, people enthusiastically wait for the time of the New Year to arrive; more so because it offers them a chance to carry forward their celebration mood of Christmas ahead and higher with the New Year celebrations.

New Year Celebrations

In the present time, the most common trend is to organize a house party on the New Year midnight where everyone from the family and close friends is invited to be a part of it. Also, special midnight parties are organized in discotheques, pubs, clubs, and bars.
New Year day also see lot of theme parties, carnivals, live concerts, and salsa dance celebrations occurring in different parts of Great Britain.

New Year in Great Britain

In the United Kingdom, New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. The date for celebrating the New Year was determined in 1752, and until then its arrival was celebrated on Christmas Day - December 25th.

Traditionally, this holiday is not celebrated as lavishly as Christmas. However, Britons are looking forward to the New Year with enthusiasm, in large part because they have the chance to extend the Christmas cheer by leaving it for a whole year after the end. New Year's holiday.

How to celebrate New Year

Nowadays, the most common way to celebrate the New Year is to organize a New Year's party to which all family members and close friends are invited. Also, themed night parties are held in discos, pubs, clubs and bars.

The first of January is also marked by a great variety of themed parties, carnivals, live music concerts and salsa festivals.

New Year Arrival

As soon as the clock on the Big Ben in the midnight rings twelve, everyone present in the party, in the house, in the streets shout, whistle, and create noise to mark the arrival of the New Year. It is followed by greeting everyone around by hugs and kisses. A drinking toast is raised by everyone in concert to officially get into the celebration grove.

Lavish meals are served, champagne flows in, creative fireworks are done, and everyone gets into the singing and dancing atmosphere on the biggest night of the year. New Year Parade which initiates on the noon of the New Year day saw thousands of people participating in it, with dancers, drummers, acrobats, and musicians. The parade moves through the streets of Whitehall, Pall Mall, and eventually concluding at Berkley square.

First Footing

In Great Britain, there is a traditional belief that whosever first arrives at the threshold of the household will be the one bringing good luck to the lives of the inhabitants of the household living in, for the entire coming year. The tradition is called as "First Footing".

As a part of "First Footing" tradition, the Brits pray for young, healthy, handsome, and a dark haired male to be their first arrival of the New Year. However, a woman, a blonde, or a red colored person is not welcome for the day, as they are considered to bring bad luck for the entire year. Traditionally, strangers are also thought to bring good luck.

More so, if that person carries coal, money, bread, salt, or holy mistletoe with him, then it is considered to be a sign of a good luck and prosperity for the rest of the year.

Traditionally, the first footer is meant to follow and abide by certain customs and traditions. Few of them as mentioned in legends states that the first footer should always enter into the house from the front door, and should exit from the back door. Also, the first footer, without speaking or wishing to anyone or vice versa, should place the fuel (as carried along) on ​​fire, should place loaf on the table, and should pour in water for the head of the household. Tradition also calls for gifting of the mistletoe by the visitor to any household member.

Other New Year Traditions in the UK

There is also a popular tradition of exchanging New Year gifts while wishing each other. However, with Christmas day falling few days before the New Year day, this tradition of exchanging gifts is now less followed. Then, there is a tradition of "burning of bush", which is considered to be a symbol of burning of all past evils and making a new beginning. Other than this, the New Year morning see young kids waking up early, and then making rounds of the neighborhood while singing New Year celebration sings.

New Year's Eve

As soon as the clock on Big Ben strikes twelve times at midnight, everyone present both at the party itself and throughout the house and even on the street begins to shout, whistle and make noise, welcoming the coming of the New Year. After this comes a turn of mutual congratulations, kisses and hugs. Everyone unanimously raises their glasses to the official start of the new year.

A hearty dinner is served, champagne flows, colorful fireworks are displayed - everything is immersed in a festive atmosphere of songs and dances on this most important night of the year. At noon on the first of January, the New Year's parade begins, in which thousands of British people take part, including dancers, drummers, acrobats and musicians. The festive procession passes through the streets of White Hall, Pall Mall and ends at Berkeley Square.

First Footing - the tradition of the “first foot”

In Great Britain, there is a traditional belief that whoever sets foot on the threshold of a house first in the New Year will bring good luck to its inhabitants for the coming year. This tradition is called "First Footing" - "first leg".

Following this tradition, the British pray to God that the first guest of their home in the new year will be a young, healthy and handsome brunette. But women and people of both sexes with blond or red hair are unwelcome guests on this day - it is believed that they can bring bad luck for the whole year. Also, it is traditionally believed that foreigners bring happiness.

In addition, if the first person to step on the threshold brings coal, money, bread, salt or mistletoe, this will also be considered a sign of good luck and wealth that awaits the owners of the house in the coming year.

As has long been the custom, the first person to step on the threshold must follow certain customs and traditions. According to legends, the first footer (the first person to enter) should enter the house through the front door and exit through the back door. Without saying a word, without a single wish to the owners of the house (and wishes in return), he must throw the brought wood into the fireplace, put bread on the table and pour water for the head of the family. And, according to tradition, the first guest should present mistletoe to one of the household members.

Other UK New Year's traditions

The tradition of exchanging New Year's gifts and wishes is also popular. But since Christmas is celebrated just a few days earlier, this custom is losing its fans these days. In addition, there is a tradition of “burning of the bush”, symbolizing farewell to all the troubles that happened in the past year and the beginning of a new happy life. There is another custom - on the first day of the New Year, children get up early in the morning and go around the neighbors, singing New Year's songs.

American New Year Traditions

On the surface, American New Year traditions might appear to present fewer pratfalls than, say, those of Christmas Day. After all, a good portion of New Year customs, such as the obligatory countdown, the clinking of glasses and the televised fireworks displays, are fairly universal. However, there are a fair few differences as well.

First, there’s the time difference; Americans chime in the New Year some several hours after the citizens of Great Britain.

Times Square is an iconic setting for what is known in the United States as the “Ball drop”, in which a Waterford crystal ball descends from atop One Times Square, reaching its destination on the stroke of midnight. It is perhaps America’s equivalent of Big Ben’s midnight chime, which famously heralds the arrival of the New Year with a series of gongs.

American traditions of celebrating the New Year

At first glance, the American New Year may seem like a twin brother to its British counterpart. After all, most New Year's traditions, such as the mandatory countdown of the seconds before the New Year, the clinking of glasses at midnight on New Year's, and the festive broadcast of New Year's fireworks, are quite universal. However, there are several differences. The first is the difference in time. The American New Year comes a few hours later than the British one.

New York's Times Square is a classic venue for the Ball drop ceremony. During the ceremony, the Waterford Crystal ball (the name of the design firm that made it) is lowered from the One Times Square skyscraper: with the last stroke of the clock, it reaches ground level. This custom (which dates back to 1907) should probably be considered the equivalent of the midnight clock on Big Ben, whose famous bell rings to welcome the arrival of the New Year.

In parts of America, another sound ringing in the New Year might be that of rifles firing into the air. And these are not the rifles of marching bands or military personnel, but local residents. Of course, the practice of shooting skyward, with all its inherent dangers, is one that is outlawed in many parts of America.

In the moments (and indeed days) following New Year celebrations, it is customary in the United States - just as it is in Britain - to wish people well in the New Year. But America wouldn’t be America without offering a slight variation on the familiar phrase “Happy New Year!” It is fashionable in the states to conclude this phrase with a possessive ‘s’ - as in “Happy New Year’s” - presumably as a shortening of “Happy New Year’s day!”

Whichever way it is said, however, many Americans - particularly in the south - believe that your chances of having a good New Year are improved dramatically by eating black-eyed peas and greens. Many consider the consumption of black-eyed peas and greens to suggest humility, ahead of a year of wealth and good fortune.

The traditional New Year's dish served in the Southern United States is named Hoppin" John. It is made with black-eyed peas and rice, onions, and bacon.

On the day after New Year"s Day, leftover "Hoppin" John" is called "Skippin" Jenny," and further demonstrates one"s frugality, bringing a hope for an even better chance of prosperity in the New Year.

Well-known phrases are, “Peas for pennies, greens for dollars, and cornbread for gold”, “Eat poor that day, eat rich the rest of the year”, “Rice for riches and peas for peace.”

In some areas of America, another "sound effect" that accompanies New Year's celebrations may be the sound of guns firing into the air. And this shooting is not carried out by marching bands or military personnel - ordinary local residents shoot. Of course, the practice of shooting into the sky, with all its attendant dangers, is prohibited in many areas of America.

In the first moments (and, in fact, days) after the New Year's holiday, in the USA - as in the UK - there is a tradition of wishing others a happy new year. But America would not be America if it had not at least slightly modified the familiar phrase “Happy New Year!” In the USA it is considered fashionable to end this wish with a possessive 's:“Happy New Year’s” is presumably a shortened version of the phrase “Happy New Year’s day!” (“Happy New Year’s Day!”).

But no matter how this wish sounds, many Americans - particularly in the South - are confident that the chances of a successful New Year can be significantly increased by including so-called black-eyed peas and greens in the New Year's dinner. greens). Many people consider this custom to be a kind of rite of humility that will attract wealth and prosperity in the coming year.

Hoppin' John is the name of a traditional New Year's dish served in the southern states of the United States. It is made with black-eyed peas, rice, onions and bacon.

What's left of the "Jumping John" on January 2nd is called the "Skippin' Jenny" - this dish also symbolizes frugality, which will be rewarded with wealth in the new year.

Everyone knows the phrases: “Peas for pennies, greens for dollars, and cornbread for gold.”- “Peas are for pennies, green vegetables are for dollars, cornbread is for gold.”
“Eat poor that day, eat rich the rest of the year.”- “On this day, eat poorly, and on the rest of the days of the year, eat richly.”
“Rice for riches and peas for peace.”- “Rice for wealth, peas for peace.”

Modern New Year traditions

New Year Resolutions - New Year's resolutions

When old year is coming to an end, we take stock of the past and draw conclusions for the future. Many people promise themselves to start a new life: to quit bad habit, lose weight, learn a foreign language.

For example, here is the TOP 10 most popular New Year's resolutions that US residents make to themselves:

Lose Weight - lose weight
Getting Organized - become more organized
Spend Less, Save More - spend less, save more
Enjoy Life to the Fullest - enjoy life to the fullest
Staying Fit and Healthy - to be fit and healthy
Learn Something Exciting - learn something interesting
Quit Smoking - quit smoking
Help Others in Their Dreams - help others achieve their dreams
Fall in Love - fall in love
Spend More Time with Family - spend more time with family

And although the number of those who make solemn New Year's resolutions each year is quite high (45%), only 8% of the most purposeful are able to fulfill them. However, if you still believe the statistics, people who are used to making “New Year’s resolutions” are 10 times more likely to achieve their goal than those who don’t even bother to formulate them. Looks like this beautiful one New Year's tradition It’s high time for us to adopt this: let’s set new responsible goals for ourselves this year, perhaps related to language learning, and strive for them (especially since in case of failure we will have some more chances to “renew our vows” ").

Secret Santa - Secret Santa

There is an interesting modern tradition, very common in work groups. It's called "Secret Santa" and consists of anonymously giving each other Christmas and New Year's gifts a group of people (usually employees of the same company).

No one can answer the question of how and when exactly this tradition appeared, but the first “Secret Santa” is considered to be the American philanthropist Larry Dean Stewart (1948 - 2007). Millionaire Stewart, who had been doing anonymous good deeds for twenty years, once, before he was a millionaire, experienced extreme need. The owner of one of the restaurants took pity on Stuart, once feeding him a free lunch; Having become rich, Larry, in memory of this incident, decided to help people without giving his name.

Strange New Year's traditions

Mistletoe leaves under the pillow - a sure way to find a husband (Ireland)

Watching the British show “Dinner for One” (Germany)

Since 1972, for inexplicable reasons, residents of Germany have been watching the old British show “Dinner for One” (1920) every New Year, otherwise they will not see happiness in the new year. The origin of this custom is unclear even to the Germans themselves. But almost everyone who turns on the TV watches this purely British show. New Year's Eve- and this is one third of all residents of Germany. As a result, the show was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular program in the world.

Black rabbit, white rabbit

In the last seconds of the passing year in Yorkshire they say: " Black rabbits, black rabbits, black rabbits"("Black rabbits, black rabbits, black rabbits...").
And after midnight - " White rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits"("White rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits..."). What do rabbits have to do with it? But what difference does it make - the main thing is to attract good luck. And here any means of rabbits are good.

Auld Lang Syne - traditional New Year's song

Every year on December 31st in Britain the same ritual is repeated. As soon as Big Ben strikes midnight, people all over the country join hands and sing a good old song Auld Lang Syne. What do these words mean? And what does this song mean to people in the UK?

Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish song first recorded in the eighteenth century. This song gained the greatest popularity in the version of the Scottish poet Robert Burns, so the authorship is attributed to him.

Words Auld Lang Syne translated from Old Scots means “old days” or “past times”.

Auld Lang Syne

(Robert Burns version)

Translation into modern
English language

Translation into Russian
(S. Ya. Marshak)

Should old acquaintances be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne,
We"ll tak a cup o" kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

And there"s a hand my trusty fire,
And gie"s a hand o thine
And we"ll be so right guide-willie wanted,
For auld lang sine

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne,
We"ll be so cup o kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

Should old acquaintances be forgotten
and never remembered
Should old acquaintance be forgotten
For times gone by

For times gone by, my dear
For times gone by

For times gone by

And there is a hand my trust friend
And give me a hand of yours
And we will take of a goodwill drink
For times gone by

For times gone by, my dear
For times gone by
We will take a cup of kindness yet
For times gone by

Should I forget my old love?
And not be sad about her?
Should I forget my old love?
And the friendship of former days?

For old friendship - to the bottom!
For the happiness of former days!
We'll have a drink with you, old man,
For the happiness of former days.

Prepare more mugs
And pour it to the top.
We drink to old love,
For the friendship of former days.

For old friendship - to the bottom!
For the happiness of young days!
A mug of old wine -
For the happiness of young days.

You and I trampled together
The grass of native fields,
But not one steep climb
We took it from our young days.

We have crossed more than once
With you across the stream.
But the sea separated us
Comrade of youth...

And so you and I got together again.
Your hand is in mine.
I drink to old love
For the friendship of former days!

And you can learn the pronunciation of this song by singing along with another great Scot - Rod Stewart:

What is New Year's?
Does everyone celebrate the New Year? Does the celebration fall in the same day each year? I think New Year"s is a holiday that everyone celebrates but will not be celebrated on the same day of each year. For instance, in my country, Vietnam, New Year"s day is different from the American New Year because we don" t go by the American calendar. We go by the Chinese calendar. Usually my New Year's celebration is in Mid-January or February; while the Laotians" New Year is in April. The youngsters especially look forward to this ceremony because each one receives a small sum of money wrapped in the traditional red envelope. On these days we eat special cakes that we don"t eat during regular days . It is called sticky rice cake "Banh Chung"?. The American New Year is not a significant celebration as the Vietnamese New Year which focuses on traditions, customs, and religious aspects important to all Vietnamese.

Traditionally, the Vietnamese New year is the lunar New Year Festival. It is the most important Vietnamese holiday, and it is called "Tet Nguyen Dan"?. It is a celebration which combines the excitement of the Fourth of July, thanksgiving, Christmas and the beginning of spring as well as the New Year. The traditional Vietnamese calendar runs in cycles of twelve years. A genius, in the form of an animal figure, dominates each year. They are in the following order: mouse, buffalo, tiger, cat, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, cock, dog, and hog. As the old year gives way to the new year, the ruling genie quietly bows out to the next genie. To recognize its importance, Vietnamese ancestors invented many rituals, rules and regulations in its honor.

Essay in English - about the New Year with translation

New Year's Day
My name is Eva. I am 13 years old. New Year is considered the most popular holiday in our family. At the beginning of December everyone has a festive mood. In the city the streets and shop windows are decorated with bright and motley garlands. A huge Christmas tree is put at the main square. We begin to prepare for the holiday. We buy Christmas-tree decorations, tinsel and gifts for each other at New Year’s fairs. At the end of December we put artificial Christmas tree and decorate it for the holiday.

I help my mother to prepare a festive table on December 31. New Year’s Eve always seems to me magical and unforgettable. At midnight after the president’s appearance on television chiming clock begins to strike. We wish each other a Happy New Year and make a wish and then exchange gifts. When I was a child I found the gifts under the Christmas tree and I thought that Santa Claus had brought them. Although I’m already adult and I don’t believe that Santa Claus exists, on New Year’s Eve I want to find myself in the dream and to believe in a miracle.

New Year
My name is Eva. I am 13 years old. In our family, New Year is considered the most favorite holiday. At the beginning of December, everyone gets into a festive mood. The city decorates streets and shop windows with bright, colorful garlands. And a huge Christmas tree is installed on the main square. We are starting to prepare for the holiday. At New Year's fairs we buy each other gifts, Christmas decorations and tinsel. At the end of December, we install an artificial Christmas tree at home and decorate it for the holiday.

December 31st I help my mom cook festive table. New Year's Eve always seems magical and unforgettable to me. At midnight, after the president's speech on television, the chimes begin to strike. We wish each other a Happy New Year and make a wish, and then exchange gifts. When I was little, I would find gifts under the tree and think that Santa Claus had brought them to me. And even though I’m already an adult and don’t believe that Santa Claus exists, on New Year’s Eve I want to be in a fairy tale and believe in a miracle.

On English.

New Year's Day

My name is Catherine. I'm 12 years old. In our family’s favorite holiday is New Year’s Eve. In late December, the streets, parks, plazas dress in festive attire. Through the streets and squares stretched garlands colored lanterns. Everyone is preparing for the New Year. And in the main square set a huge tree. We are beginning to prepare for the holiday. On Christmas fairs buy each other gifts, Christmas decorations and tinsel. December 30, we set an artificial tree, and I myself dress up her for the holiday, hang toys, garlands. December 31 I help my mother to cook a festive table on arrival. New Year's Eve always seems to me a magical and unforgettable. At midnight, after the president’s speech on television, begin to beat the chimes. We congratulate each other a happy new year and make a wish, and then exchange gifts. When I was little, then found the gifts under the tree and thought that they brought me Santa Claus. And even though I’m an adult, and I do not believe that there is a Santa Claus, but New Year’s Eve want to be in a fairy tale, and to believe in miracles. The New Year brings a lot of joy and fun. Every time I look forward to this holiday.

Translation into Russian.

New Year

My name is Ekaterina. I am 12 years old. In our family, New Year is considered the most favorite holiday. At the end of December, streets, parks, squares are dressed in holiday outfits. Garlands of multi-colored lanterns stretched across the squares and streets. Everyone is preparing for the New Year. And a huge Christmas tree is installed on the main square. We are starting to prepare for the holiday. At New Year's fairs we buy each other gifts, Christmas tree decorations and tinsel. On December 30, we install an artificial Christmas tree and I decorate it myself for the holiday, hanging toys and garlands. On December 31, I help my mother prepare the festive table for the arrival of guests. New Year's Eve always seems magical and unforgettable to me. At midnight, after the president's speech on television, the chimes begin to strike. We wish each other a Happy New Year and make a wish, and then exchange gifts. When I was little, I would find gifts under the tree and think that Santa Claus had brought them to me. And even though I’m already an adult and don’t believe that Santa Claus exists, on New Year’s Eve I want to be in a fairy tale and believe in a miracle. New Year brings a lot of joy and fun. I look forward to this holiday every time.