Film a story about how you celebrate your graduation. Graduation "eternal childhood". Dramatic changes in celebration

Graduation party is a significant event for every student. And indeed, in addition to parting with school, on this day there is a farewell to childhood. Proms are held all over the world, and each country has its own traditions associated with them. How did graduation appear in our country, how was it celebrated before and now?

The tradition of holding proms is very rich. Graduation balls in Russia began to be held under Peter I. The first graduates to celebrate the end of their studies on a grand scale were students from the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow. The students of the Corps of Pages were especially inventive when celebrating the holiday: especially for the graduation party, the students ordered rings with the same symbol. This allowed pages, graduates different years, get to know each other.

Perhaps the most famous “brotherhood” of graduates is Pushkin’s Lyceum friends, about whom many poems have been written. But earlier, even before Pushkin’s times, proms were exclusively a male privilege. At first, girls were not allowed to attend such evenings. The appearance of young noblewomen became possible only in the 19th century. But the “bringing” of girls into the world was an exclusively commercial enterprise - parents looked for gentlemen for young beauties.

After the revolution of 1917, the situation changed dramatically. Proms were banned as bourgeois fun and a relic of the past. But in the mid-30s, school graduations were resumed. Of course, not a trace remained of the former splendor of the outfits and luxury of the halls. Instead, parting speeches became mandatory; cadets and coquettes were replaced by Komsomol members and Komsomol women. But they still couldn’t do without dancing: in addition to classical waltzes, even bourgeois foxtrots and Charlestons were performed.

The tradition of proms was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. On Saturday evening, June 22, 1941, graduation ceremonies were held in many schools and colleges across the country. Young men and girls waltzed carelessly, and the very next day many of them put on their greatcoats and went to the front. In the post-war years, graduation parties began to resemble modern farewells to school life. There was a tradition of walking as a class until dawn.

The 1970s saw a revolution in the prom scene. The girls wanted to outshine all their friends. They wore previously forbidden miniskirts, did chemicals and makeup (at that time they had already stopped kicking people out of the ball for wearing makeup). For parents, the holiday began to cost a pretty penny. They spent up to 45 rubles on graduation - unrealistic money at that time!

With the opening of the Iron Curtain, the tradition of celebrating the holiday on a grand scale returned to Russia. In the 90s, it was especially chic to meet a new milestone in life on the deck of a pleasure boat rented by your parents. The sounds of the waltz were replaced by the rhythms of modern music.

Today, on prom night, parents no longer spend 45 rubles, but several thousand. A dress and hairstyle are a must, because in some schools and lyceums they choose the “Prom Queen” and “Prom King”. A restaurant, a limousine, and in St. Petersburg a night boat tour are also necessary attributes. Graduates book an evening not only in cafes and bars, but also rent entire nightclubs, invite fashionable DJs and all kinds of exotic shows. After all, the main thing is that the graduation ceremony will be remembered for a lifetime!

History of graduation celebrations

Graduation balls in Russia began to be held under Peter I. The first graduates to celebrate the end of their studies on a grand scale were students from the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow. The students of the Corps of Pages were especially inventive when celebrating the holiday: especially for the graduation party, the students ordered rings with the same symbol. This allowed pages, graduates of different years, to get to know each other. By the way, girls were not allowed to attend such evenings at first. The appearance of young noblewomen became possible only in the 19th century. But the “bringing” of girls into the world was an exclusively commercial enterprise - parents looked for gentlemen for young beauties.

After the revolution of 1917, the situation changed dramatically. Proms were banned as bourgeois fun and a relic of the past. But in the mid-30s, school graduations were resumed. Of course, not a trace remained of the former splendor of the outfits and luxury of the halls. Instead, parting speeches became mandatory: cadets and coquettes were replaced by Komsomol members and Komsomol women. But they still couldn’t do without dancing: in addition to classical waltzes, even bourgeois foxtrots and Charlestons were performed.

The tradition of proms was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. On Saturday evening, June 22, 1941, graduation ceremonies were held in many schools and colleges across the country. Young men and girls waltzed carelessly, and the very next day many of them put on their greatcoats and went to the front. In the post-war years, graduation parties began to resemble modern farewells to school life. There was a tradition of walking as a class until dawn.

In the 70s, there was a revolution in attitudes towards graduation. The girls wanted to outshine all their friends: they wore previously forbidden miniskirts, did chemicals and makeup (at that time they had already stopped kicking them out of the ball for wearing cosmetics). For parents, the holiday began to cost a pretty penny. They spent up to 45 rubles on graduation - unrealistic money at that time!

With the opening of the Iron Curtain, the tradition of celebrating the holiday on a grand scale returned to Russia. In the 90s, it was especially chic to meet a new milestone in life on the deck of a pleasure boat rented by your parents. The sounds of the waltz were replaced by the rhythms of modern music.

Today, on prom night, parents no longer spend 45 rubles, but several thousand. A dress, a hairstyle, a restaurant, a limousine - this will not surprise anyone. Graduates book an evening not only in cafes and bars, but also rent entire nightclubs, invite fashionable DJs and all kinds of exotic shows. After all, the main thing is that the graduation ceremony will be remembered for a lifetime!

and the romance of the first steps into adulthood

Outfits from the “bazaar” or “boutique”, unimaginable hairstyles, dawn on the avenue and in the forest, alcohol officially and under the counter – we remember graduations from different eras...

Magical prom: Cinderella's dress

Evgenia, 37 years old, teacher English language :

I remember my graduation because my mother sewed a fairy-tale dress in which I looked like Cinderella at the ball. At that time, we lived quite modestly, and there was no money for exquisite evening dresses. But for literally pennies in the Central Department Store, she purchased gold brocade, from which curtains and capes were usually sewn. In the end, I had an outfit that Yanina Zheimo herself would envy, with a gorgeous rose on the neckline and a fluffy white underskirt. The dress came with size 35 shoes. So they immediately dubbed me Cinderella. But I didn’t meet the prince at that time, I was very modest and shy.

It’s a pity that my outfit lasted only a short time, I wore it again: for my eighteenth birthday.


Mystical graduation: you can't race Death

Yuri, 45 years old, culturologist:

Mystical stories of this kind can be found in different variations on the Internet, and they concern the “box of wishes.” At the graduation party, classmates put in them sheets with predictions of their expected future, but this is not always safe, especially if you approach this process carelessly. Usually such a box opens after 5 years, and what is seen can amaze everyone present. Especially when one of those who wrote is no longer alive. Here is one such story that belongs to the category of “urban legends”.

At graduation, in the midst of the fun, one of the graduates, a cheerful leader named Zhenya, invited his class to write on pieces of paper their desires, who wants to become who, and in the future read their desires and find out who achieved their goal and who did not. Everyone accepted this idea with a bang and began to write down on pieces of paper who wanted to become who. What was written was collected and safely sealed in a box, putting it away, while conveniently forgetting about the treasured box.

5 years have flown by, and the day of the alumni reunion has arrived. The whole class had gathered, except for that very mischievous Zhenya. The fact is that Zhenya got a job as a bodyguard and died, while at work covering the body of the protected object. Again, fun, joy from meeting, memories. And then someone remembered the box with notes. They took out the box, opened it and sorted out the notes - each to their own. All but one. No one had any doubts – it belonged to Zhenya. Since he didn’t tell anyone what he had written that graduation, they hurried to open and read the piece of paper. It was written on it: “And I will no longer be.”

The moral of the story is clear: you cannot race against Death, and you must treat it with due respect.

Tragic graduation: just not to drown and burn alive

Karina, 22 years old, philologist:

I will never forget my graduation! I come from Braslav and my school was located not far from the lake. We celebrated there, in one of the coastal cafes. In the middle of the evening, someone suggested that we cool off and take a walk to the lake, and at the same time take pictures there against the backdrop of the sunset sky. There were about 10 of us gathered on the masonry, apparently, it could not withstand the revelry of the cheerful graduates, the piles tilted - and we all flew into the water. It wasn’t too deep there, but I couldn’t reach the bottom right away and was very scared; everyone sobered up in an instant! The girls' makeup ran and their hairstyles were ruined. We swam ashore and went back wet. In general, we changed into jeans and sweaters, which we took with us to watch the sunrise. So they continued to celebrate. But the “surprises” of the evening did not end there. There was also a barbecue in the courtyard of the cafe, and so one girl was warming up there and when she was already leaving, she turned around unsuccessfully and her tulle cape caught fire and instantly burst into flames. It’s good that my hair, which was heavily sprayed with hairspray, didn’t catch fire.

Comic graduation: when a snack left a mark not only on the road

Galina Vasilievna Bogdanova, 62 years old, pensioner:

I graduated from Babinichskaya high school Vitebsk region. I still remember my graduation, despite the fact that a lot of time has passed. The boys and I were preparing to celebrate it at the home of one of our classmates. We stocked up on moonshine and homemade wine and thought about making it for a snack. And then it was possible to register a calf for slaughter on a collective farm for pennies. And so, as an activist, I, together with the father of my classmate, Uncle Petya, were equipped in a cart to go to the collective farm for veal.

We arrived there and there was such mud that it was impossible to get through. They show us a calf in a fence, and he barely stands on his feet, staggers, it’s clear that he is unwell. Yes, so dirty! Somehow Uncle Petya took it and put it on the cart.

We are carrying a calf, and he is almost dying, and he is also weakening him all the way. And Uncle Petya says to me: “Put him on the edge and hold him, let him do his business for the road, and not smear my cart.” So we drove on, but behind us there was a trail...

They brought him alive, stabbed him with our folders, and the mothers cooked him. Everyone ate and praised. But I never touched it - I couldn’t forget our whole journey...


Free-spirited prom: barefoot in the city

Anastasia, 23 years old, pharmacist:

Thinking about my school graduation, I immediately remember that then, according to the rules, graduates were categorically not allowed to leave the territory of the celebration (in my case it was the KIM CDC). Even if you really wanted to leave, this was not allowed, because it was required that your parents would certainly take you away. And, you see, who would go for this in the middle of the night? This seriously affected my freedom-loving nature, so, having agreed with a classmate, sometimes demonstrating fire shows, we snuck out for a walk around the city at night. We didn't go far because we knew what they would be looking for. I wanted to take a break and breathe fresh air and enjoy a wonderful warm night. Therefore, having reached Mayakovsky Square, we kicked off our boring shoes and began to get rid of another indispensable attribute of prom - a carefully styled hairstyle. Thus we enjoyed our freedom and rejoiced with all our hearts in our escape. And, believe me, it was the most fun and pleasant memory of my school prom.

Dreamy Graduation: Unearthing a Mummy in Egypt

Olga, 29 years old, teacher primary classes :

We celebrated our graduation party all over the place, in the university cafeteria. And probably the holiday would not have been particularly memorable (an ordinary evening, dancing, tears, alcohol in the bosom), if not for one “but”. Our class teacher brought letters that we wrote to ourselves back in 1st grade. It was so unexpectedly nice to receive greetings from the past! It turns out that I wanted to become an archaeologist and dig up mummies in Egypt. Never in my life would I have thought that I had such a dream! Of course, I will never become an archaeologist, but I need to go to Egypt, at least to clear my conscience. Well, it was funny to watch the faces of classmates who read their notes - as if that naive first-grader had woken up in everyone. Thanks to Lyubov Nikolaevna for such a gift!

And finally, a romantic prom: marry a policeman

Olga Nikolaevna Korsakova, 34 years old, teacher:

For me, graduation is associated with one of the main events in my life - meeting my future husband. And it was like this. Half of our class and I went to meet the dawn at Three Bayonet. Our guys were a little tipsy, and we girls didn’t even have time to realize anything when a fight started and all four of our guys got into it. We run around, try to calm them down, shout, but we are afraid to separate them. And then two policemen pass by. They took our boys away, they wanted to take them to the police, but we began to ask them to let everyone go, they say, our holiday, graduation, happens once in a lifetime. Then one of the policemen says to me: “Give me, beauty, your phone number and address, then we’ll let our classmates go.” And I liked him right away, and I agreed. We have been married for fifteen years, we have two sons, and we built an apartment in Bilevo. And every summer, when we see graduates in the city, we remember our first acquaintance.


Do you remember about your graduation? Send us your stories and we will definitely publish them.

Prom in Russia: history.

Graduation party is a significant event for every student. After all, in addition to parting with school, on this day there is a farewell to childhood. Proms are held all over the world, and each country has its own traditions associated with them. We decided to remember how graduation appeared in our country.

Graduation balls in Russia began to be held under Peter I. The first graduates to celebrate the end of their studies on a grand scale were students from the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow. The students of the Corps of Pages were especially inventive when celebrating the holiday: especially for the graduation party, the students ordered rings with the same symbol. This allowed pages, graduates of different years, to get to know each other. By the way, girls were not allowed to attend such evenings at first. The appearance of young noblewomen became possible only in the 19th century. But the “bringing” of girls into the world was an exclusively commercial enterprise - parents looked for gentlemen for young beauties.

After the revolution of 1917, the situation changed dramatically. Proms were banned as bourgeois fun and a relic of the past. But in the mid-30s, school graduations were resumed. Of course, not a trace remained of the former splendor of the outfits and luxury of the halls. Instead, parting speeches became mandatory: cadets and coquettes were replaced by Komsomol members and Komsomol women. But they still couldn’t do without dancing: in addition to classical waltzes, even bourgeois foxtrots and Charlestons were performed.

The tradition of proms was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. On Saturday evening, June 22, 1941, graduation ceremonies were held in many schools and colleges across the country. Young men and girls waltzed carelessly, and the very next day many of them put on their greatcoats and went to the front. In the post-war years, graduation parties began to resemble modern farewells to school life. There was a tradition of walking as a class until dawn.

In the 70s, there was a revolution in attitudes towards graduation. The girls wanted to outshine all their friends: they wore previously forbidden miniskirts, did chemicals and makeup (at that time they had already stopped kicking them out of the ball for wearing cosmetics). For parents, the holiday began to cost a pretty penny. They spent up to 45 rubles on graduation - unrealistic money at that time!

With the opening of the Iron Curtain, the tradition of celebrating the holiday on a grand scale returned to Russia. In the 90s, it was especially chic to meet a new milestone in life on the deck of a pleasure boat rented by your parents. The sounds of the waltz were replaced by the rhythms of modern music.

Today, on prom night, parents no longer spend 45 rubles, but several thousand. A dress, a hairstyle, a restaurant, a limousine - this will not surprise anyone. Graduates book an evening not only in cafes and bars, but also rent entire nightclubs, invite fashionable DJs and all kinds of exotic shows. After all, the main thing is that the graduation ceremony will be remembered for a lifetime!

Graduation ball is the most exciting event that any student looks forward to, because in addition to saying goodbye to school, on this day he says goodbye to childhood and enters adulthood. Since time immemorial, graduation parties have been held beautifully, solemnly and on a large scale, because every effort was made to ensure that graduates remember such a wonderful day for the rest of their lives.

History of the holiday

Graduations were held during the reign of Peter l. The first graduates were students from the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow. The students of the Corps of Pages were inventive in organizing the event. They ordered rings from the masters, on which symbols were applied, which were a specific sign. This sign helped to recognize each other after many years when meeting. It should be noted that the fair sex initially could not attend such a holiday, that is, a kind of discrimination reigned. The appearance of noblewomen at such a holiday became possible only in the 19th century, but going out into the world was a kind of show - parents tried to find gentlemen for their daughters.

The amazing tradition of holding graduations was interrupted in 1917, but already in the 30s it was resumed, but, naturally, there was no trace of the previous scope. Now the fiery speeches of teachers who released schoolchildren into life, whom they remember as first-graders, have become an indispensable attribute, but it should be noted.

Tradition graduation ceremonies was interrupted during the Great Patriotic War. On Saturday June 22, 1941, schoolchildren celebrated their graduation from school. Many young men, who were dressed in beautiful suits, and girls in evening dresses, went to the front in the morning to fight for their country. After the war, graduation parties began to take place as a farewell to a carefree life. A wonderful tradition has emerged: to greet the sunrise with the whole class on the city embankment.

In the 70s, proms suffered another revolution. Instead of beautiful evening dresses, the recently banned miniskirts arrived, bright makeup and chemistry, because the main goal of the graduates was not to say goodbye to school time beautifully, but to outshine their friends and become the most beautiful. For parents, as a rule, organizing such a holiday cost a lot of money, because in order to organize beautiful holiday they had to spend up to 45 rubles - and at that time this money was simply exorbitant for most families.

In the 90s, it was chic to hold graduation on a boat, which parents rented for graduates. A table was set on deck with a variety of treats, and live music or a collection of favorite songs were chosen as musical accompaniment. The musical accompaniment of the event also underwent a change, because the beautiful waltz was replaced by youth music.

Today, to organize a graduation party for their children, parents no longer spend 45 rubles, but several thousand rubles. Beautiful hairstyle, stylish clothes, shoes, paying for the establishment where the celebration will take place and the limousine that will take the graduates to the banquet hall costs a tidy sum. In addition, it is customary for many schools to give memorable gifts from the entire class at graduation and, as a rule, they also cost quite a bit of money.

How is graduation celebrated today?

Graduation is a kind of reward for students who have completed educational institution and want to celebrate such a joyful holiday on a grand scale.

Today, organizing a graduation ceremony should be approached in advance, because many graduates book institutions six months in advance, pay for the reservation, and therefore, if you do not take care of choosing a place in advance, then you may simply not be able to find it.

Modern youth make great efforts to ensure that their holiday is fun, unconventional and memorable for the rest of their lives, because they perceive graduation from school as a kind of end to their torment, not taking into account that they have an adult life ahead of them, which is by no means carefree.

Many students will have another graduation in their lives to celebrate the completion of their highest academic graduation. It should be noted that not everyone goes to college for one reason or another, so many parents and their beloved children try to organize a creative, large-scale, beautiful, fun and filled with an incredible atmosphere graduation, which will be remembered as one of the best days.

The tradition of holding a graduation ceremony at their home school has already faded into the background, because many graduates choose a cafe, restaurant, nightclub, which is rented for the whole night or a ship, where you can set a luxurious table on the deck and relax while listening to live music.

The room in which the celebration will take place is customarily decorated beautifully and originally with the help of beautiful arches made of balloons, colors or fabrics. In addition, tables are set on which, in addition to delicious dishes, sweets and juice, and alcoholic drinks are also present.

The means of transport on such a day are limousines that perform a given route or minibuses, which can comfortably accommodate graduates, parents and teachers.

In most cases, parents and teachers are present at the graduation, but they do not sit at the same table with the graduates, but at a separate table or in different rooms, so as not to embarrass the youth.

To create a fun atmosphere, it is customary to invite a host who will develop the evening program and coordinate it with the main organizer of the evening. The presenter also coordinates all competitions in advance so as not to put students and invited parents and teachers in an awkward position. The highlight of the evening can be a guest star who will perform your favorite youth songs or show program.

It is customary to invite a videographer and photographer to the holiday, who will present holiday photographs and videos that graduates will watch and remember themselves.

The evening usually ends with festive fireworks on the street late in the evening, when it is dark outside, or with the launching of burning balloons.

There is another option for the development of events, but it is chosen by those graduates who do not like the official parts of the event and prefer to relax without their own parents, who sometimes do not allow them to spend time as they would like.

Since the graduation party falls in the summer, very often graduates prefer to rent gazebos in the forest, where they can organize barbecues and a delicious table. Some people prefer to rent apartments, dachas or country houses for a few days, where they can have fun relaxing in company and spend the night in rooms.

There are also classes where students are one big friendly company that prefers to relax away from their parents. Of course, this option to celebrate is quite expensive, but many people prefer to choose it: they go to a warmer place, where they will be able to have fun, swim to their heart's content and visit all the local entertainment venues.