Download clothing mods for girls on Skyrim. Fashion for clothes, jewelry and accessories for Skyrim Beautiful women's clothing Skyrim

This mini-selection features two Skyrim clothing mods - for women's bodies UNP and ADEC. If the first is aimed primarily at preserving the “medieval” atmosphere of the game, then the second will help add sexuality to it.

Replacer UNP-7B

This mod adapts vanilla clothing and armor to UNP, UNPB and 7B bodies. The author has been working on texture modifications for a long time, and later he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a similar replayer. The developer tried to make do with minimal changes in the design of the original women's clothing so as not to affect the overall atmosphere of the game.

This means that no miniskirts or revealing necklines will appear on modest residents of Skyrim. All modified outfits and armor are compatible with HDT and BBP physics.


When choosing the types of bodies used, preference was given to those most appropriate to the overall style of the game;

When editing meshes, the textures of many outfits changed, and a number of various game errors were fixed along the way;

A version of this mod for clothes for Skyrim girls without BBP is expected in subsequent updates;

There may be problems with some outfits (cutouts, gaps, etc.), especially with animation;

In the future, corrections of identified errors are expected, in addition, the author intends to expand the list of changed clothing and armor.

The mod has transformed various types of outfits (uniforms of cooks, blacksmiths, clothes of farmers and cleaners, rich robes, etc.) as well as armor (rawhide, riveted, fur armor, popular among robbers, etc.). How can you be sure appearance rich and poor NPCs were given equal attention.

Update 1.2:

Changes in this version of the mod included the robes of the Necromancer and Warlock, the rich outfits of the jarls, the rags of prisoners and the rare attire of Vaermina. In addition, several new multi-colored textures have been added for monastic robes.


The actual bodies are UNP, UNPB or 7B;

Required - XPMS skeleton version 2.35;

Optional - Dawnguard addon (needed to change vampire robes);

SKSE version from 1.07.01 (using HDT physics).


The replayer is incompatible with other Skyrim clothing mods that affect vanilla dress and armor meshes. With modifications that only affect clothing textures, the replayer works fine.

Installation procedure:

1. Install the replayer by placing Data in the root of the game with confirmation of merging for folders and files.

2. Install one of the two types of skeletons mentioned above, if you have not done so before.

3. Install the UNPB, UNP or SevenBase body in the same way, if you have not used them before.

4. Install SKSE if you don't have it yet.

5. If necessary, install HDT Physics Extension.

ADEC replayer

This Skyrim clothing mod adapts women's outfits and ADEC body armor. The emphasis is not on atmosphere, but rather on increasing the degree of sexual tension in the game: skirts and dresses are greatly shortened, and revealing necklines reveal a lot of interesting things to the eye.

TBBP physics for breasts and buttocks are supported. Crafting armor occurs as usual; the appropriate blacksmithing perks may be required.

All new items can be enchanted to your liking.

Changes in version 1-28b:

The modification now supports RaceMenu;

New dresses and armor only replace the original clothes;

Added previously missing textures for clothing and armor;

The modification is compatible with TBBP physics for the chest and buttocks (xp32 skeleton required);

Numerous minor fixes.

How to update:

Before updating the Skyrim women's clothing mod, the vanilla dress or armor must be removed and thrown away. After this, you should create a new save and leave the game. Be sure to delete the following esp files if present:





Draconic Armor;

Skeleton bikini

Silverlight Armor;

After completing the above steps, you can install version 1-28b.


Skyrim version and higher;

Skeleton xp32;

Modification of ADEC bodies higher than version 3.0;

TBBP physics for buttocks and chest.

The replayer can be installed manually or via NMM. Copy the contents of the archive to Data, allow merging and replacing files.

Each of the two replayers is interesting in its own way: the first retains the atmosphere of Skyrim, the second definitely adds zest to the gameplay. Both clothing mods can be downloaded for Skyrim on this page, the choice is yours.

This mini-selection features two Skyrim clothing mods - for female bodies UNP and ADEC. If the first is aimed primarily at preserving the “medieval” atmosphere of the game, then the second will help add sexuality to it.

Replacer UNP-7B

This mod adapts vanilla clothing and armor to UNP, UNPB and 7B bodies. The author has been working on texture modifications for a long time, and later he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a similar replayer. The developer tried to make do with minimal changes in the design of the original women's clothing so as not to affect the overall atmosphere of the game.

This means that no miniskirts or revealing necklines will appear on modest residents of Skyrim. All modified outfits and armor are compatible with HDT and BBP physics.


When choosing the types of bodies used, preference was given to those most appropriate to the overall style of the game;

When editing meshes, the textures of many outfits changed, and a number of various game errors were fixed along the way;

A version of this mod for clothes for Skyrim girls without BBP is expected in subsequent updates;

There may be problems with some outfits (cutouts, gaps, etc.), especially with animation;

For everything to work as it should, you will definitely need an XP32 Maximum or XPMS skeleton (preferably the latest versions);

In the future, corrections of identified errors are expected, in addition, the author intends to expand the list of changed clothing and armor.

The mod has transformed various types of outfits (uniforms of cooks, blacksmiths, clothes of farmers and cleaners, rich robes, etc.) as well as armor (rawhide, riveted, fur armor, popular among robbers, etc.). As you can see, equal attention was paid to the appearance of rich and poor NPCs.

Update 1.2:

Changes in this version of the mod included the robes of the Necromancer and Warlock, the rich outfits of the jarls, the rags of prisoners and the rare attire of Vaermina. In addition, several new multi-colored textures have been added for monastic robes.


All new items can be enchanted to your liking.

Changes in version 1-28b:

The modification now supports RaceMenu;

New dresses and armor only replace the original clothes;

Added previously missing textures for clothing and armor;

The modification is compatible with TBBP physics for the chest and buttocks (xp32 skeleton required);

Numerous minor fixes.

How to update:

Before updating the Skyrim women's clothing mod, the vanilla dress or armor must be removed and thrown away. After this, you should create a new save and leave the game. Be sure to delete the following esp files if present:





Draconic Armor;

Skeleton bikini

Silverlight Armor;

After completing the above steps, you can install version 1-28b.


Skyrim version and higher;

Skeleton xp32;

Modification of ADEC bodies higher than version 3.0;

TBBP physics for buttocks and chest.

The replayer can be installed manually or via NMM. Copy the contents of the archive to Data, allow merging and replacing files.

Each of the two replayers is interesting in its own way: the first retains the atmosphere of Skyrim, the second definitely adds zest to the gameplay. Both clothing mods can be downloaded for Skyrim on this page, the choice is yours.

This category presents mods and plugins for Skyrim that add clothes and various decorations for male and female characters. Fashions for dresses, jackets, stockings, robes, robes, pants, hats, rings, amulets, necklaces - dress up the character to your liking!

How to install mods for clothes and jewelry in Skyrim

To install most mods with clothes, dresses, hats, rings and amulets in Skyrim, you need to unzip the archive and follow the instructions in the readme file (usually readme.txt).

A detailed guide to installing mods can be found on the forum:

What is the standard installation of mods on Skyrim?

The mod files (most often they are located in the Data folder in the archive) need to be placed in the Data folder of your game. Usually this path looks like this: [Path to the Steam folder] Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data

You can also install mods using special mod managers:

Useful links

Here are some useful links to forum discussions. You can find useful information, tips, and also ask questions there. Contact the forum if you have problems installing plugins for clothing and jewelry for Skyrim

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