Crochet sundress for 1 year old girl. Crocheting a children's sundress. Summer and winter options. Knitted sundresses for girls

To crochet a dress for a girl, you will need a crochet hook, threads, decorating tools and diagrams with descriptions.

For the presented sundress you will need thin threads, as well as hooks 3 and 3.5. First you need to knit the yoke of a dress for a girl.

It is crocheted according to the pattern with detailed description:

  1. Cast on 91 loops with the first hook, three of these loops should be lifting ones. The yoke must be divided into four conventional parts. Since the yoke is square in shape, 22 loops will be cast on for each part - for 2 sleeves, front and back. A fastener will be sewn on the back, so the back part is divided into two more halves, getting 11 loops on each side.
  2. The first row starts with a double crochet. After 10 knitted loops, they begin to make a “shell”. In the 11th loop you will need to knit 2 chain stitches and the same number of double crochets, and in the 12th loop only 2 double crochets. You need to knit the shell three times, knitting it every 20 stitches, and finish the row with 10 double crochets.
  3. In addition to this row, you should repeat 8-10 rows similar to the previous one, i.e. make three lifting loops, 10 double crochets, the “shell” is knitted in the place where a pair of double crochets are knitted into the very first chain stitch of the initial row. Afterwards, two air loops and two double crochets are made, they are knitted into the second air loop. Then repeat 20 cap columns and continue in the same way.
  4. The next step is to start working on the armhole. Knit 10 double crochets, stop before the first shell, then knit two double crochets into the previous 1st chain stitch, and then 7-9 chain stitches. You should skip the side and work 2 double crochets directly into the 2nd stitch of the 2nd shell arch.
  5. Knit the front part and connect the yoke to the second armhole. Having finished the second half of the back, connect the fabric into a circle.
  6. All that remains is to knit the skirt. The beginning is knitted alternating one double crochet and an air loop. The 2nd row consists of a simple column. Afterwards you can knit according to any pattern you like.
  7. You also need to tie the sleeves. Length and style are up to you.

More elegant dress It will be if you decorate it with ribbons or embroider it with beads.

Dress for one year old girl with floral motif

For knitting you need to prepare:

  • Alize Bella batik yarn;
  • hook 2.5.

You need to start knitting with a flower yoke. It doesn’t matter what kind of flower it is, knitting should have a floral motif.

In this case, you need to knit an even number of flowers (10, 16, etc.). It is also important that each flower has 12 petals.

Continue knitting with an original and simple motif. To do this, you will need an arigumi ring, into which you need to knit 24 simple stitches.

After that there are three more columns and the same number of double crochet columns, connected by a single vertex. The last knitted column becomes the first.

In 3 chain stitches of the final row, a binding is made, then two simple stitches, 3 chain stitches and again 2 regular single crochet stitches. The flower is finished, it will only be needed in a single copy.

You need to knit the combination to the first flower, and not to the last.

Next, two simple columns, one air loop are knitted into the arch, a connection is made, then a single loop and two ordinary columns. Then you need to fasten the flowers. Everything should be in the following sequence: three fastening vertices, two free vertices, three fastening vertices, four free vertices.

The flower should be elegant, so the hole inside the flower is reduced; for this you can use other methods, for example:

  • The initial row of the mirugumi ring is tied with 12 simple columns.
  • Afterwards the row is made of 24 similar columns, i.e. without a crochet.
  • And in the 3rd row, 2 double crochets are knitted, then 3 air loops are knitted into one top.
  • The last, 4th row, consists of two columns and 3 air loops, followed by 2 single crochets.

The width of the neckline is adjusted depending on the circumference of the child’s head, and motifs can be added if necessary.

The flower circle is tied next. Make an initial row of air loops. The initial, small arch is knitted from three loops, and the large one from nine. The row following the first is tied with ordinary stitches into a small arch, first three stitches, and nine of the same stitches are knitted into a large single crochet arch. Then three rows of ticks are knitted.

The report will be equal to three loops, which means that the check mark will consist of three double crochets of one top and one chain loop.

The result will be an even number of checkmarks. Now you need to knit two rows with the main pattern. After which you can divide the dress: front, back and sleeves.

After the yoke, you can start knitting the sprouts from the back. Having knitted the required rows of the yoke, you need to turn the dress.

As a result, at the end of the row there should be a chain connected from air loops. Both sprouts should end with this pattern. The chain of loops must be connected from the side of the abdomen and the threads must be cut off; the same must be done from the side of the back. From this point they begin to tie the structure in a circle and join it together. On air loops it is now necessary to tie an additional report.

Dress for a two-year-old girl with a square yoke

The beginning of knitting is a square yoke fabric. Sizes are adjusted according to the child's measurements. Leave space on the back for a zipper or clasp. First you need to cast on 102 air loops and knit the 2nd row with single crochets.

The resulting canvas split into several fragments:

  • 17 loops each, 2 parts - backs;
  • 17 loops - sleeves;
  • 34 loops - front.

To this add 2 rows of double crochets. The 3rd row must be knitted with 2 double crochets, it is necessary for threading the ribbon, as well as 5 rows of double crochets.

The height of the armhole is 10-12 cm, if the size is larger, then 13-14 cm. At the back, connect the back parts together and knit the belt in a circle, adding 10-15 air loops to the armhole.

How long the skirt will be depends on your taste; you can make it long or short. You can also sew a lining under the skirt. The edge of the dress is tied in one row, 3 single crochets with a picot element are knitted into each arch (namely: 3 single crochets, picot, etc.).

There are more arches along the top of the shoulder, they are more often located. This is necessary for the “flashlight” effect.

Sleeve length is approximately 4-5 shells. First, 32 arches are recruited openwork pattern along the edge of the armhole. Then arches are made more often along the top of the shoulder, through a loop. The armpit arches are knitted through 2 loops. Next, make a row with 2 double crochets for the ribbon and 1 row of single crochets. The sleeve is made narrower; single crochets are knitted into each opening. In the first opening - 1 column, in the second - 2 columns, and so on until the end.

You need to make lace along the edge:

  • a row of single crochets, knitting “picot” through 2 stitches. The columns are knitted 2 columns into one loop of the previous row.

Let's start with the lining. It should be 2-3 cm longer than the skirt dresses. The braid is stitched onto sewing machine, but you can do it manually. Sew with a “step back” seam and wrap it manually. Using a machine, they are wrapped in a zigzag pattern. The top of the lining is hemmed and gathered, adjusting to the size of the bottom of the yoke.

Sew it on with inside so that the fringe is between the lining and the lace of the skirt. The clasp remains. The collar is knitted starting with decreasing rows. They are made to their own standards. When the collar is ready, you can sew in a zipper.

All that remains is to decorate the dress to your liking. If you follow the knitting pattern and instructions correctly, you will get a beautiful crochet dress for a girl.

Outfit for a three year old girl

The size of the dress will depend entirely on your measurements. You will need a couple of skeins of yarn (for example, BarrocoMaxcolor) and a 4.0 mm hook. Start knitting from the skirt. First you need to knit 12 motifs and combine them into a single 2x6 strip, and then into a cylinder. The back and front parts are knitted along the upper edge of the cylinder. A pattern 2-8 cm long is knitted in a circle, and then the result is divided into back and front.

They continue to knit the back only over the back loops in rows back and forth up to 15 cm high. They will also knit over the front loops - up to 9 cm high. Leave 30 cm in the center for the neckline. About 6 cm on the right and left are knitted to the height of the back. Let's start with the sleeves. You should sew the shoulders, and then knit a 3-4 cm pattern evenly around the armhole. For the second sleeve, do the same.

Along the cylinder of the skirt, a pattern of 4-7 cm is knitted. Everything necessary should be hemmed. The dress is ready.

Crochet dress patterns for girls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old

Crochet dress for girls for 1, 2, 3 years. Schemes and descriptions make it possible to knit a dress without any special skills.

Using these patterns you can knit a dress for a girl of any age.

Sundress dress for a four-year-old girl

A crocheted dress for a girl (patterns and descriptions are included) is knitted from yarn of any color (BarrocoMaxcolor), crocheted 2.0 and 3.0 mm.

First, knit the yoke in the transverse direction. Take a 2.0 hook and cast on a chain of chain stitches about 10 cm long. Continue knitting with single crochets. And at the level of 3 cm, 6 cm of air loops are collected on the left. Continue knitting until the product is about 30 cm. The first 6 cm on the left are left unknitted and continue to knit with a pattern of 10 cm or slightly higher.

It is necessary to knit a width of up to 33 cm at the front and back, leaving the threads without breaking. Now you need to knit together the first row and the last row of the back and front. Then you can move on to knitting a sundress skirt. To do this, take a 3.0 hook and knit a skirt along the right side of the yoke according to any of the patterns. Having reached a length of 32-36 cm, the work must be completed.

The straps can be made in any way you like.

For example, knit with single crochets. You can control the dimensions of the product yourself, increasing the number of rows if necessary. A simple dress for a girl would be a good option, crocheted. According to a simple diagram with a description. It is knitted with a floral motif and double crochets for a yoke.

The back and front are done separately. The length of the sundress and size depend on the wishes of the needlewoman.

Dress for a five year old child

For this product, NovitaBambu yarn is suitable; you will also need a 3.5 hook, one button and a ribbon. Knitting begins with the back and skirt of the sundress. To do this, you should dial 148-184 air loops.

We knit the back:

  • The first row of the backrest begins with three chain stitches or one double stitch. Afterwards, you need to knit a pair of chain stitches and one slip stitch coming from the top of the previous row. Repeat the described steps in a circle.
  • The second row is knitted with three chain stitches or one double crochet. Then make one air loop, one double crochet. Also knit in the round.
  • The third row is no different from the previous ones, so they simply repeat the previous steps.
  • The fourth row is made up of three chain stitches or one double crochet. Add 2-6 columns along the row to all columns.
  • Continue to knit yarn over stitches in all loops until the yoke is 6-8 cm.
  • The armholes must be reduced on all sides by 5-7 columns. Instead of double crochets, connecting stitches are knitted at the beginning of the row and at the end in front of the stitches that need to be reduced. In each loop you need to knit stitches 16-18 cm high.
  • The cut is made with 23-25 ​​columns and another 12-14 cm are knitted. Then you should cut the thread and return to the postponed columns. From the side of the cut, 5-7 columns are collected, about 12-14 cm. The thread is cut.

The front of the skirt is knitted like a skirt from the back.

The front is knitted like a back with a yoke height of 13-15 cm. The central 23-26 stitches are left unknitted; they will be needed for the neckline. The shoulders are finished separately, each side is knitted 12-14 cm long. They are tied to the back with connecting posts.

All sides need to be sewn together, a button should be sewn on the back, and a ribbon should be inserted for decoration.

Summer set for a six year old girl

This dress is a summer set made using fabric and yarn.

The work is carried out using the following materials:

  • one skein of white cotton yarn;
  • 100×200 cm satin or cotton fabric;
  • red and white silk threads;
  • needle;
  • hook 3.5;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • buttons.

They begin to knit a dress for a girl with a yoke, which must be crocheted in a circle.

You must adhere to the description of the scheme:

  1. Take white threads and cast on a chain of 120 air loops. The initial row consists of double crochets; it is knitted, dividing the yoke into four parts.
  2. In the front part the number of loops in total is 40, the shoulder parts should have 20 loops each, the back of the product should have 40 loops.
  3. At the beginning of another row, double crochets are knitted. The sequence is as follows: one double crochet, one chain crochet, again one double crochet. At corner joints, be sure to add one loop on all sides. Continue knitting the yoke.
  4. When all the rows are knitted, connect the sides, knitting them with one row of single crochets in a circle. These steps allow you to designate the sleeves of the product.
  5. Next, the raglan sleeves are tied with openwork. To do this, you can use any scheme you like. For example, knit like this: start the first row with five double crochets in one loop of the previous row, then make a connecting loop. In the next row, each loop is tied with arches of two air loops.
  6. The bottom of the yoke must be knitted with three more rows of half double crochets. And the fourth row is knitted “crawfish step”.

It can be sewn by hand or on a sewing machine:

  1. First, you need to take measurements from the child; you will need the length of the dress, as well as the chest circumference. Cut out a rectangle of fabric; the longer it is, the more folds you can make. The edges are overcast and the fabric is sewn to the upper yoke, the edges are folded and basted.
  2. Everything is sewn on a sewing machine or hemmed by hand. The fabric part is ironed.
  3. On the back of the yoke, buttonholes of the appropriate size are knitted. Buttons are sewn opposite. All parts of the hem are sewn together.
  4. To make the dress more colorful and festive, each sleeve is tied with a red thread or a ribbon is sewn in. And the back surface of the yoke can be decorated with fasteners or buttons.

Crocheted dress for girls detailed diagram with a description, ready. All that remains is to iron everything with an iron. This topic is very broad and multifaceted, there are a huge number of ideas knitted dresses You can crochet a dress for a girl of any age.

Video: crochet dress for girls for 1, 2, 3 years. Diagrams and description

How to knit a children's openwork dress, watch the video:

Crochet dress for a 2-3 year old girl:

We offer you a very delicate and airy lace outfit for your little princess.

Attention! Only partial quotation is possible with obligatory reference to.

Crochet knitted sundress for girls


150 g of Vita cotton Lira yarn, color - milky,

40 g of natural Pekhorka-Viscose yarn, color - red;

Hooks of different numbers - 2,3; 3; 4;

Buttons - 4 pieces;

Satin ribbon 60 cm long.

Knitting pattern for a skirt for a sundress for a girl:

Description of knitting a sundress for a girl:

We cast on 14 chain loops with crochet number 3, then we knit three lifting loops and in the fifth loop from the hook we knit a double crochet (hereinafter referred to as dc). In the next 12 loops of the chain we also knit 1 dc each. We unfold our fabric, make three lifting loops and knit a dc in each column of the row in front of it (but behind the back wall). Knit this way until the strip of the resulting “elastic band” is of a length equal to the measurement of the chest circumference. In my case, this is 52 rows.

Then you need to close the elastic band into a ring:

Now move on to knitting the skirt, and, starting from the second row, knit according to the pattern of the main pattern (Pineapples), just make sure that you end up with an even number of arches.

This is what happened after I knitted the first circle of pineapples:

The second batch was crocheted No. 4:

And - the third block of pineapples, where the last 3 rows are in red.

From the inside top edge It’s better to knit an elastic thread:

Straps sundress for girls Let's use hook number 2,3. Cast on three loops, and plus three more lifting loops, then knit 1 dc in the fourth loop from the hook, and 2 dc in the next 2 chain loops, turn, make 3 lifting loops and 5 dc (1 dc in each st. of the previous row). Tie a strap of the length you need, I got 26 cm. The last row of the strap is 2 unfinished dcs.

A beautiful crocheted sundress for a 1 year old girl is a wonderful gift for little beauties. It will decorate the baby at the holiday and will be a unique outfit that you cannot buy in a retail chain. Combination of purple and white decorates and gives the image a solemn, elegant look.

To work you will need:

  • 2.5 skeins of Pekhorka yarn, Children's novelty. The color is light violet and 0.5 skeins of white similar yarn. Composition: High-volume acrylic - 100%, skein weight: 50 (g), thread length in a skein: 200 (m). The bulk of the yarn makes the products weightless; the use of PAN fibers does not cause allergies in children. The yarn is soft, washes well and dries quickly.
  • Hook No. 3
  • Stitch markers or regular paper clips 6 pcs.
  • Two sewing buttons, sewing accessories.

Crochet sundress made of lilac threads for a 1 year old girl: patterns and description


The product is knitted both ways. This means that we knit the bottom of the sundress from top to bottom, then from the same fabric, we knit upwards with a different pattern.


The beauty of knitting a sundress from top to bottom is that you can make it longer if you wish, because children grow very quickly.

The sizes are given for a girl approximately 80 cm tall and a tummy circumference of approximately 50-52 cm.

Using a lilac thread, cast on a chain of 96 chain stitches. Knit the fabric according to pattern 1, not reaching 4-5 centimeters to the desired length. In work, these are 20 rows (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1

Advice: if your girl’s size is larger than in the description and it is not clear how to calculate the number of loops in the chain, then knowingly dial more loops, about 15-20. Next, knit the pattern when an equal number of reports have been knitted in the required size - the excess chain can be carefully unraveled from the other end and the loop tightened. (Photos 1-5).


Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Knit the 21st row of arches with lilac threads, and knit the 22nd row with white threads (Photo 6-8).

Photo 6

Photo 7

Photo 8

Finish the work again with lilac threads. Do not knit triple double crochets into the base loops, but insert the hook between the double crochets of the previous row (Photo 9-11).

Photo 9

Photo 10

Photo 11

Return to the beginning of knitting, i.e. to the “type-setting” edge. Tie the end of the lilac working thread to the right edge of the fabric. Knit it with simple single crochet stitches into the corresponding base loops. Finish the row, cut the thread and hide the tip. Tie the white working thread again to the right edge of the fabric and knit it again with double crochets. Moreover, insert the hook not into the base loop, but between the double crochets of the previous row. Knit the third row in lilac in the same way. So all rows will be front rows (Photo 12-14).

Photo 12

Photo 13

Photo 14

Take stitch markers or regular paper clips and use them to mark the points to which you will knit the fronts and back.

For the right and left shelves, count 17 loops from the edge (left and right).

For both the right and left armholes, count 14 more stitches from the front mark. You can put another mark in the middle of the armhole for ease of tying.

It will turn out like this (Photo 15-16).

Photo 15

Photo 16

Start knitting the fronts by tying a lilac working thread for right shelf to the edge of the canvas, and for the left - from the mark. Knit according to pattern 2. Photos 17-24.

Scheme 2

Photo 17

Photo 18

Photo 19

Photo 20

Photo 21

Photo 22

Photo 23

Photo 24

When you have knitted the front and back to the desired length, start tying the armholes and sides of the fronts.

Make the first row of the binding with single crochets using lilac thread. Start tying each armhole from the middle of the armpit.

The second row of the binding is double crochet with white thread. Moreover, in the corners, for rounding, knit three double crochets at one time together.

Finish tying with lilac thread, just like the second row - with double crochets, insert the hook not into the base loops, but between the double crochets of the previous row, not forgetting to knit triple crochets in the corners (Photo 25).

1. Knitted sundresses for girls

One of the most popular types of needlework among women can confidently be called crocheting for children. The golden hands of our needlewomen, a hook and yarn are the main components thanks to which real masterpieces of the art of knitting are born at home. Our knitters create with their own hands original, exclusive knitted items for children - openwork hats, stylish dresses and skirts for girls, cute blouses and modern boleros. In previous materials we told you how to knit scarves, hats, socks for children, and visual video lessons and master classes with diagrams and descriptions of the stages of work helped beginning knitters create beautiful and modern clothes for kids with your own hands.

The topic of this article is crocheting a sundress for a girl. A simple video tutorial and step-by-step instructions, as well as diagrams with descriptions, will help beginning needlewomen knit beautiful and comfortable sundresses for girls using a crochet hook.

Little children themselves are very beautiful and cute, and the original knitted clothes will further emphasize their external advantages.

For the summer, you can knit a light sundress for a little girl from thin cotton or linen yarn. You yourself choose the appropriate yarn for crocheting and know that a children's sundress made from it will be of high quality and the girl will feel comfortable on hot days.

You can knit children's sundresses for the cold winter period. We choose thicker threads for knitting, containing wool fiber. Underneath you can wear a sweatshirt, a sweater, or a blouse.

Crocheting a sundress is very simple and even a novice craftswoman can cope with this work the first time. And if you combine a textile skirt with knitted yoke, then all the work will take very little time. More experienced craftswomen knit not only plain patterns, but also combine knitted fabric with printed fabric with funny children's drawings.


Prepare for work: hook No. 2, 100% cotton yarn (30-40 grams of white, 100 grams of light green and 20 grams of pink).


First we will knit the yoke. Cast on a chain of 114 chain stitches and make a ring. Knit in 6 cm single crochet stitches. For the braid we knit 1 row with holes

Now we knit the breast of the sundress separately. For armholes, 8 columns should be left on each side. In each row we begin to decrease one stitch on both sides until 38 stitches remain.
Then knit straight from the cast-on edge to a height of 11.5 cm

The back of the sundress. For armholes, leave 6 tbsp. on each side. Now we decrease one st. in each row until 42 sts remain.
Then you need to knit straight up to a cast-on edge height of 14 cm

Now we will knit the hem. Now look at the diagram below. Openwork pattern knit down from the cast-on edge of the yoke: knit the 1st row 1 time, 3 times the 2nd row, 1 time the 3rd row, 3 times the 4th row, 4 times the 5th row, 4 times the 6th row, 5 times the 7th row, 2 times the 8th row and 1 time each the 9th and 10th rows. We knit the final ten rows with alternating light green and white stripes.

All parts of the girl's sundress are connected, let's start assembling. Using a light green thread, we tie the lower edge of the hem with single crochets. And we tie a white thread around the back, chest and armholes of the sarafan - one row with single crochets and one next with sc with a picot. Let's knit 4 ties - from chain loops of the required length we make a chain, we knit one row with single crochets. We will sew the ties to the corners of the back and chest of the girl's sundress. All that remains is to tie the flowers and sew them to the yoke.


Crochet patterns.





Continuously crochet a children's sundress. MASTER CLASS FOR BEGINNERS.



Translated by honey25 from Osinka.

Job description:

Back (upper part)

Row 1: for 2 years; first side of shoulder

With crochet 2 dial 3c. p., dc in 3 loops from hook, 2 in. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made. *(2 in. p., dc at the top of the last column) - 2 times., 2 in. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made, repeat from *-2 times, 2 in. p., dc up column, turn. (12st)

Row 1: for 3 years; first side of shoulder

Using crochet 5, dial 3c. p., dc in 3 loops from hook, 2 in. n, double crochet at the top of the last stitch made, 2c. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made. *(2 in. p., dc at the top of the last column) - 2 times., 2 in. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made, repeat from *-2 times, 2 in. p., dc up column, turn. (13st)

In front of the first row is the right side of the shoulder.

Row 1: for 4 years; first side of shoulder

Using crochet 5, dial 3c. p., dc in 3 loops from hook, 2 in. p., double crochet at the top of the last stitch made. *(2 in. p., dc at the top of the last column) - 2 times., 2 in. n., double crochet stitch at the top of the last stitch made, repeat from *-3 times. (14st)

In front of the first row is the right side of the shoulder.

Row 2: for all sizes, 2in. p. 2 pdc in each st. row, turn (25pstsn) (27; 29)

Rows: 3 (3-5; 3-5): 2in. p, 2 pdc in each st. row, turn

Rows: 4 (6; 6): (2ch, dc) in first st, dc in each st. row, turn (26pstsn) (28; 30)

Rows: 5 (7; 7): 2c. p., pstsn in each st. row with 2 dc in the last st. turn (27 pstsn) (29; 31)

Rows: 6-11 (8-13; 8-13): repeat. rows 4 and 5 (6 and 7, 6 and 7) until we get (33pstsn) (35; 37) in last row. At the end of the row, break the thread.

Rows: 1-3 (1-5, 1-5): for the second side of the shoulder. Repeat rows as in the first part.

Rows: 4 (6; 6): 2c. p, pstsn., in each st. row with 2 dc in the last st. turn (26pstsn) (28; 30)

Rows: 5 (7; 7): (2ch, dc) in first st, dc in every st. row, turn (27 pstsn) (29; 31)

Rows: 6-11 (8-13; 8-13): repeat. rows 4 and 5 (6 and 7, 6 and 7) until we get (33dc) (35; 37) in the last row. Do not break the thread at the end of the row!

Row 12 (14; 14): 2c. p., pstsn., in each st. row; For the neckline, dial 22 (23; 25) in. p; continue hdc in each column of the first side of the shoulder, turn 66 hdc, 22 in. p (70pstsn, 23v.p; 74pstsn, 25v.p)

Rows: 13 (15; 15): 2c. p, pstsn in each column and each. V. p. row, turn (88 pdc) (93; 99)

Rows: 14 (16; 16): 2c. p, pstsn in each st. row, turn (27 pstsn) (29; 31)

Note! pstsn from 2 stitches - (yo, insert the hook into the next loop, yo, pull the thread through 2 loops) 2 times, yo, pull the thread through all the loops on the hook.

Rows: 15 (17; 17): 1c. p, pstsn in next. Art. (count as pstsn from 2 columns) first pstsn in each st. row to the last 2 columns, pstsn from 2 columns (see Note!) turn 86, (91; 97) pstsn

Rows: 16-19 (18-21; 18-21): Repeat rows 14 and 15 (16 and 17; 16 and 17) until you get 82, (87; 93) dc in last row.

Row: 22 for size 4; 2c. p., pdc in each stitch of the row.

Row: 23 for size 4; 1st century p., pstsn in next. p., pstsn. into each stitch of the row. (92)

Rows: 20-22 (22-24; 24-26): for all sizes: 2in. n, pstsn in each loop of the row, turn.

32 arcs from 3c, p., 17 arcs from 1c. p, (34 arcs from 3v, p., 18 arcs from 1v. p; 36 arcs from 3v, p., 19 arcs from 1v. p,)

Rows: 24 (26; 28): skip an arc from 1c. p., 5v. p., (dc in the next arc of 3 in. p., 3 in. p., sc in the next arc of 3 in. p., 4 in. p.) until the last 4 sts., sc in the 3 arc of 4 in. n, turn. 33 arcs., (35 arcs; 37 arcs)

Rows: 25 (27; 29): 5c. p. in the next arc, shell (dc, vp, dc, vp, dc, 2vp, sc in next arc) to the end, turn. 17 shells and 33 arcs, (18 shells and 35 arcs, 19 shells and 37 arcs).

Row 28 (30, 32) skip shell, 5c. p., sc in next. arc, (3 in. p., sc in the next arc, 5 in. p, sc in the next arc), to the end, turn.

Row 29 (31, 33) 5c. p., sc in next. arc, (2 chain stitches, shell in the next arc, 2 chain stitches, sc in the next arc), to the end, turn.

Row 30-32 (32-34, 34-36)), repeat rows 26-28, (28-30, 30-32)

Row 33 (35, 37) 5c. p., (dc in the next arc, 2 in. p., shell in the next arc, 2 in. p.), until the last arc,

(dc, 3in. p., dc) in the last arc, turn. 34 arcs, (36 arcs, 38 arcs)

Row: 34 (36; 38): 5c. p., sc in next. arc, 3v. p, (dc in the next arc, 5 in. p., skip the next shell, sc in the next arc, 3 in. p.) to the last arc, (dc, 3 in. p., dc) in the last arc, turn. 35, (37; 39)

Row: 35 (37; 39): 5c. p., skip next. arc, shell in the trail. arc, 2v. p, (dc in the next arc, 2 in. p., shell in the next arc, 2 in. p.) to the last arc, turn dc in the last arc. 34 arcs and 17 shells, (36 arcs and 18 shells; 38 arcs and 19 shells).

Row: 36 (38; 40): 5c. p., sc in next. arc, 5v. n, skip next. shell, (dc in the next arc, 3in. p, sc in the next arc, 5v.p., skip the next shell,) to the last arc, (dc, 3in.p., dc) in the last arc. Break and fasten the thread.

Knitted sundress size: 28-30 (height 99-104 cm).

You will need: 80 g of yarn “Yarn Art JEANS” (55% cotton, 45% acrylic, 160 m/50 g) orange; 80 g melange ribbon yarn “ALIZE Flamenco Firfir” (100% acrylic, 20 m / 50 g) yellow-red-orange shades; 100 g of yellow cotton yarn; hook number 3.

Basic patterns: rows of st/n; “ loin mesh” according to scheme 1; openwork elements according to schemes 3 and 4.

Execution. The main yarn in the product is “Yarn Art JEANS” orange yarn.

The product consists of several parts: a lower part (skirt) and an upper part of the front and back.

Bottom piece: use the main yarn to cast on a chain of 136 sts. p., close it into a ring and knit evenly, distributing the loops as follows: 40 p. cx. 1 (side); 26 st/n (before); 40 p. on cx. 1 (side part) and 30 st/n (back). Finish the work at a height of 19 cm from the inlaid edge. Tie the top of the product - 2 p. st/n, bottom of the product – 1 r. st/n.

Top detail.

Back (make a pattern of the part in life size): cotton yarn yellow link the element by cx. 4, lay it out on the pattern. Fill the space around the element with the main yarn in rows of st/n according to cx. 2.

Before: use yellow yarn to knit the element according to cx. 3.

1. Tie the upper part of the front with the 1st row. Art. b/n, hem it to the bottom part. On the left shoulder, perform 7 “loops” – *st. b/n, arch from 3rd century. p.* (from * to * repeat 7 times).

1. Hem the upper part of the back.

2. Sew the right shoulder seam.

3. Connect the front and back under the armholes with chains of c. p.

4. Using the main yarn, knit two lacings - chains of c. items 80 cm and 50 cm long (decorate the ends of the lacing with elements according to diagram 5, decorating them with ribbon yarn - see photo) and thread the long one into the transition row between the lower and upper parts of the product, lace the short one to the left shoulder seam.

5. Hem ruffles on the side parts of the lower part using “ALIZE Flamenco Firfir” ribbon yarn, gathering the ribbon to form a ruffle (see photo). Hem the same yarn along the front neckline.