The most scandalous and unusual photographs of celebrities taken by the paparazzi (12 photos). The best paparazzi photos of the last half century Paparazzi actresses

Drugs, infidelity, fights, nudity - yes, all this attracts the attention of the paparazzi, who make fortunes from scandalous and unusual photographs of stars. We remembered the famous shots that made the world horrified or surprised.

Britney Spears failures

In 2007, Britney, who went into isolation, pushed into the background all articles about the death of model Anna-Nicole Smith. A few days before this photo was taken, Britney tried to go to a clinic for the treatment of alcoholism, but, without spending a day in the hospital, she returned to Los Angeles, went to the Tarzana salon and demanded to cut her hair, and after refusing I took the clippers and shaved myself. Further, the testimony of different sources diverges: someone claims that Britney was calm and confident in what she was doing, and the portal, for example, claimed that Britney was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. However, looking at this photo, we are inclined to believe in the second version.

A year earlier, paparazzi caught Britney almost dropping her eight-month-old son, Sean Preston. The boy was picked up by the singer's bodyguard. Then these shots spread across the tabloids, but the gossips still did not know what awaited them in a year...

The way Britney treated her young children gave many people pause. Here's another scandalous shot of Spears driving a car with a baby on her lap.

The last photo of Princess Diana

The paparazzi followed Lady Di until the last minutes of her life. According to the main version, the cause of Diana’s death in a car accident was precisely the pursuit of photographers, from whom the driver was trying to break away. As we can see, the paparazzi’s desire to photograph Diana with her boyfriend Dodi al-Fayed was truly insane. In the controversial photo, bodyguard Trevor Rhys-Jones, the only survivor of the accident, tries to shield himself from the lens, while Diana tries to hide in the back seat.

Michael Jackson dangles his son from the balcony

While some celebrities are hiding from the paparazzi, others are happy to add wood to the fire. In 2002, Michael Jackson surprised even seasoned photographers by throwing his nine-month-old son, Prince Michael Jackson II, over the railing of a Berlin hotel balcony so that the crowd could get a closer look at the baby. At the same time, the artist held the child with one hand, holding the second scarf on the baby’s face.

Cheating on Kristen Stewart

On the set of the film “Snow White and the Huntsman” in 2012, Kristen Stewart had a secret affair with married director Rupert Sandres, which, thanks to the efforts of the paparazzi, quickly became apparent. The footage, of course, instantly fell into the hands of Robert Pattinson, whom Kristen was then planning to marry. The deceived groom packed up his things and called off the engagement, despite the pleas and repentance of Stewart, whose personal life is still calm.

Duchess Catherine nude

In September 2012, nude photographs of the Duchess of Cambridge graced the cover of the French magazine Closer. The photo, by the way, does not depict anything criminal: Crown Prince William and his young wife Kate are sunbathing all alone near the pool in a private chateau in the south of France. The Duchess took the liberty of taking off her swimsuit top and rubbing sunscreen on her husband's back. Despite the routine nature of the episode, the pictures caused a stir around the world, and the reigning Queen Elizabeth II expressed her embarrassment.

Madonna, Sting and Tupac Shakur at the same table

Nothing scandalous or provocative, but the shot is really rare! The stars, who have so little in common, met at a party and chatted while they were photographed by surprised photographers.

The last shots of Steve Jobs

Apple founder Steve Jobs died at 56 after long treatment for cancer. For almost a year after his tumor was discovered in 2003, Jobs refused surgery, trying to be treated with veganism, acupuncture, herbs and even hypnosis. The programmer later regretted his decision and nevertheless turned to surgeons, but Jobs’ condition was rapidly deteriorating... The latest photographs of Jobs, exhausted by the disease, shocked fans.

John Lennon gives an autograph to his killer

On December 8, 1980, Lennon was shot and killed in the yard of his New York home by fan Mark Chapman. A few hours earlier, Champion asked the Beatle for an autograph when Lennon and Yoko Ono left the house to go to the studio. Among the fans waiting for the musician at the entrance was photographer Paul Goresh, who took the famous photo. Chapman then waited several hours for Lennon and Ono to return home and shot the musician.

Kate Moss uses cocaine

The cocaine scandal of 2005, when paparazzi caught Kate using it, would have cost the career of any other model, but not Moss: she again went to rehab and triumphantly returned to business two years later.

Do you think you're the only one who takes bad photos? Rest assured, the stars have much more of them! After all, the paparazzi are specifically waiting for the moment to catch them looking funny or obscene. Look at these pictures - and those who are depicted in them will open up to you from a new and, admittedly, very unexpected side!

Mo"Nick and unshaven legs
This shot would be quite suitable for some comedy starring this famous comic actress.

Hilary Duff and an indecent proposal
The paparazzi, who had been hunting for Hillary Duff and her fiancé, hockey player Mike Comrie, managed to catch the moment when Comrie proposed to Hillary in their hotel room. Alas, the couple forgot to close the curtains on the panoramic window, and the intimate continuation of the scene also became the property of photographers. Since then, Hilary and Mike have already divorced, but these photographs remain forever in history.

Kylie Jenner and the lack of self-tanning
Kylie Jenner appears to have worn a blouse with a more open neckline than she intended, forgetting to take care of self-tanner for the plunging neckline. The mistake immediately became known to the paparazzi.

Spitting Justin Bieber
What boy has never spat from a balcony? Justin Bieber couldn't resist either. True, he managed to do it in front of the paparazzi lens. Justin, be careful!

Taylor Swift and panties
The flowing skirt did not make Taylor Swift seductive like Marilyn Monroe - her shapewear, rather, evokes compassion, reminiscent of a medical diaper for those experiencing bladder problems.

Ariana Grande and heavy angel wings
During her performance at the fashion show of the Victoria's Secret brand, singer Ariana Grande was almost blown off stage by the mighty wings of an angel, played by model Elsa Hosk. Ariana's clumsy attempts to escape from under the winged monster looked, admittedly, extremely pathetic - and , of course, appeared on the pages of the press in all their glory.

Robin Thicke and his playful little hand
Never take pictures with fans in front of a mirror - and then no one will know that you do not plan to limit yourself to a photograph for memory! Singer Robin Thicke has now mastered this truth perfectly.

KristenSewart: one picture - two divorces
Rumors about the actress's affair with Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders were just rumors until the paparazzi caught the sweet couple in a very compromising position. The result was Kristen's separation from Robert Patterson, which forced all Twilight fans to go into mourning, as well as the divorce of Sanders, who had been married for a long time and firmly at that time. Be careful, comrades!

Amanda Bynes and a bad wig
Once you forget to comb your hair, photographers will immediately come running! Such is the difficult fate of a star. However, to justify Amanda Bynes, it can be noted that the day before she spent the night in a cell for drunk driving, and soon she was forcibly hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic due to problems with drugs.

Nicolas Cage and flooded eyes
If anyone else needs proof that Nicolas Cage likes to pawn by the collar, then they don’t need anything better. Although it may well turn out that the actor simply blinked poorly in this photo, but, to tell the truth, this does not eliminate his problems with alcohol.

Courtney Stodden
“Professional blonde” Courtney Stodden used everything to achieve popularity - from participating in dubious reality shows to marrying 50-year-old actor Doug Hutchison. It turned out that everything was simpler: as soon as the girl got drunk in public one time in the company of friends, all the pages of the gossip column were immediately filled with her photographs!

Kate Perry and her dropped trunks
This photo is supposed to be hidden from those who have not yet turned 18, they can take my word for it: when the singer’s swimming trunks slipped off in a water amusement park, the whole world forgot that she is a long-term ambassador goodwill UN, and for many weeks he gossiped only that in her position the buttocks could be pumped up.

Tori Spelling and a visit to a cosmetologist
If you are planning cosmetic anti-aging procedures, then sit in the clinic until your face heals! After these not at all complimentary pictures were leaked to the press, the star of the series “Beverly Hills, 90210” remembered this truth for a long time.

Nicki Minaj and short shorts
The rapper’s enormous buttocks are a favorite subject of fan discussions on the topic “their own or from under a scalpel”? The truth is helped by the paparazzi hunting for every photo of Nicky in short shorts. This time they were lucky: the photograph turned out to be detailed enough to show it to a current plastic surgeon. He claims - implants. What do you think?

Life of the Stars


29.11.14 11:47

Many celebrities hate paparazzi. And there is a reason for it. These sneakers with cameras strive to reveal the darkest secrets of the stars: to almost get under their blanket or to spy on some very sad (or scandalous) moment of life. After all, the publication of such photos promises huge fees. The saddest example of what such persecution can lead to is the death of Princess Diana, because restless photographers were chasing her car.

Children in danger

In 2006, the paparazzi managed to capture a shocking moment: Britney Spears, leaving the Ritz Carlton hotel, stumbles and almost drops her eight-month-old son. The bodyguard reacted instantly, and the baby was not injured.

Another photo that made many worry about the child was taken in 2002. It shows Michael Jackson very casually holding his nine-month-old son, dangling him from the balcony. Michael II's face is covered with a towel.

Evidence of betrayal

The seemingly ideal marriage of Madonna and director Guy Ritchie began to crack at the seams after photographs were published, from which it became clear that the pop diva and baseball player Alex Rodriguez were having an affair. A few months later, the star couple divorced.

Elizabeth Taylor became famous not only for her excellent acting, but also for the number of marriages - the star had 8. She claimed that Richard Burton remained the love of her life. This is probably true: in the photo from 1962, the actors are spending a very romantic time on a yacht. Then both of them were not free, but soon they filed for divorce and got married.

Candid footage confirming that Kristen Stewart cheated on Pattinson with Rupert Sanders was taken in 2012. They put an end to the Twilight actors' beautiful romance and Sanders' marriage to Liberty Ross.

But this blurry photo could not cause the breakup of the star couple Burton-Bonham Carter, although it shows the director kissing a stranger. The photo was taken in a cinema in 2013.

No drugs!

A storm of indignation was caused by unclear footage of the late Heath Ledger before, during and after taking cocaine at a party in January 2006. A lawsuit followed against the Hollywood photo agency, and the paparazzi were almost accused of supplying the actor with drugs.

Another photographer almost caught Justin Bieber smoking weed. The singer miraculously managed to avoid another scandal. The paparazzi are not having much luck with this star: one of them was hit by a car when he was trying to photograph Bieber on New Year's Eve 2013.

They have no time for romance

Paparazzi accidentally photographed Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston during their walk on the beach in Anguilla. It later turned out that this was the last photo of the couple together before the breakup.

13.10.2012 12401 This is interesting 2

Paparazzi are exactly those people who will stop at nothing. After all, the print media will pay a tidy sum for these pictures.

Here is a selection of the most expensive photographs that caused a lot of noise!

10. A photograph of Freddie Mercury, exhausted by illness, which the press bought for $230,000. The photo dates back to 1990, when the musician was dying of AIDS.

Freddie Mercury dying of AIDS

9. The ninth place in the ranking belongs to the photo of Britney Spears. The picture was taken at a time when the bald singer was trying to smash the paparazzi's car with an ordinary umbrella. The author of the photo, in addition to $250,000 for the successfully captured shot, earned another $40,000 from the sale of that very mangled car.

Bald Britney Spears

8. The British edition of The Daily Mirror published a photograph of Kate Moss in October 2004, which clearly shows her snorting cocaine. The paparazzi received $300,000 for this, and Chanel and Burberry broke their contracts with Kate.

Drug addict Kate Moss

7. The American magazine Penthouse paid $500,000 for a photo of a naked Kournikova. The girl is really very similar, but as it turned out later, the picture shows adopted daughter Italian couturier Luciano Benetton Judith Soltis Benetton.

Nude "Kournikova"

6. In September 2004, controversial photojournalist Steve Sands photographed the daughter of actress Gwyneth Paltrow and rock musician Chris Martin. Sands received his first million dollars for the unique shot.

daughter of actress Gwyneth Paltrow

5. A photo of Princess Carolini of Monaco, who in 1982 dated the famous Argentine tennis player Guillermo Vilas. The photo, titled "Princess of Monaco's First Date," was published in 54 publications. Paparazzi raised $1.1 million.

Princess of Monaco's first date

4. Ron Galella received $1.2 million for a nude photo of Jacqueline Onassis. In 1970, Ron managed to get a job as a gardener for the John F. Kennedy family, and he hid his camera in a cart of manure.

Nude Jacqueline Onassis

3. Italian photographer Tazio Secchiaroli in 1958, while walking around Rome, came across King Farokh of Egypt, who was having fun in the company of two prostitutes. The photo was sold for $1.4 million.

There is an opinion that the best photographs are taken when a person does not know that he is being photographed. He doesn’t pose, doesn’t tense up, and looks as relaxed and natural as possible. True, this rule does not work for everyone. For example, celebrities sometimes manage to look so bad in “unexpected” paparazzi photographs that their fans have difficulty recognizing them.


At 57, the singer diligently watches her figure and does her best to maintain the image of an unfading artist, ready to give 25-year-old girls a run for their money. All this can be clearly seen in the “good” photos, for which Madonna carefully prepares.
However, as soon as the pop diva relaxes, forgets about the lens and goes out without combat makeup, the resulting pictures reveal the main shortcomings for which the star is constantly criticized by fans. In particular, overly “masculine” hands and very prominent veins.
And this is from Madonna's latest releases.
By the way, the paparazzi who took these pictures suggested that the singer looked unwell due to worries about her child: in early March, Madonna lost the trial ex-husband Guy Ritchie, who received custody of their 15-year-old son Rocco.

Pamela Anderson

What it looks like in the photo with preparation. Another unfading blonde on our list is the sex symbol of the 90s, 48-year-old Pamela Anderson.
What does it look like in paparazzi photos? On the carpet and in tried-and-true poses, the blonde certainly shines. However, we must admit that the actress is completely unlucky with photos without preparation.
And we’re not just talking about taking pictures in home clothes on a walk to the nearest supermarket.
And these photographs of the star were taken at the Oscars ceremony in 2001.

Julia Roberts

What it looks like in the photo with preparation. The same age as Pamela Anderson at official events, in most cases, does not allow herself to appear in front of photographers in unfavorable images.
What does it look like in paparazzi photos? But as soon as the beauty relaxes a little, the paparazzi immediately take over.

Lady Gaga

What it looks like in the photo with preparation.
What does it look like in paparazzi photos? It would be hard to say that the 30-year-old singer is very worried about how she appears in photographs, even if she was caught without makeup. Otherwise, the artist would hardly have allowed the scandalous photographer Terry Richardson to follow her for a whole year and photograph every step. However, it cannot be denied that the singer’s chance meetings with the paparazzi with enviable frequency turn out to be not the most successful shots.


What it looks like in the photo with preparation.
What does it look like in paparazzi photos? It’s not easy for one of the most secretive and shy singers, 27-year-old Adele. Whenever possible, the artist tries not to be seen by curious paparazzi (except for official events). After all, if such meetings occur, as a rule, very comical photographs of the singer leak onto the Internet.

Lolita Milyavskaya

What it looks like in the photo with preparation.
What does it look like in paparazzi photos? The 52-year-old singer has always been a tasty morsel for the domestic paparazzi, looking for bad angles and poses of celebrities. And in most cases, it is the artist’s own fault, as they say (for example, the photo on the right).

Anastasia Volochkova

What it looks like in the photo with preparation. The ex-ballerina has been using the same, tried-and-true facial expression to pose for the cameras for years.
What does it look like in paparazzi photos? However, sometimes the dancer’s well-functioning system malfunctions.