The most effective options for unloading fruit. Fasting day on fruits: tasty and healthy What fruits can be used for fasting days

Fasting days on fruits are a great opportunity to get rid of extra pounds with a good mood and health benefits.

Disadvantages of diets

Any diet - protein, blood type, based on the principles of separate nutrition, strict or more loyal - can be harmful to health. There are no safe diets, because if the body does not receive enough nutrients, it will try to get them from bones, teeth, hair by any means, and all this will affect not only the appearance, but also the health of the internal organs. In addition, the vast majority of people who lose weight through diets regain those pounds that were so difficult to lose.

To get rid of extra pounds, maintain a stable weight and feel good, it is better to carry out fasting days. They can be kefir, vegetable, water or freshly squeezed juices, but the most reasonable and enjoyable option is fruit and berry fasting days.

Pros of fasting days on fruits

There are many benefits to this kind of therapeutic fasting. Firstly, you can choose your favorite fruits or berries, secondly, you will not experience a shortage of sweets, and thirdly, you will receive all the vitamins, microelements and fiber that your body needs, that is, in fact, you are not starving, but just eat what's healthy. You simply choose your favorite fruits and enjoy them throughout the day.

Fruits are also rich in antioxidants, organic acids, potassium and calcium. They not only saturate the body with nutrients, but also cleanse it at the same time, helping to remove excess fluid and accumulated salts from the body. A fasting day is a help to the body, since during the day light and low-calorie food enters the stomach and thanks to this, the self-cleansing mechanism is launched.

After several days of eating the fruit, your body feels lighter, your skin color improves, and your digestion is normalized. This is the path to creating a beautiful and slim figure, prolonging youth and improving health.

Any fruit is useful a priori. Of course, you should always take into account individual characteristics body. If a person has kidney stones, serious health problems, some chronic processes, or a tendency to allergies, then fasting days cannot be carried out without a doctor’s permission.

In order to feel good, it is enough to arrange fasting days once a week. But if your goal is weight loss, then you can either do 3-4 days of fruit days, or do it 2-3 times a week for one day.

Fruit fasting days - which fruits to choose?

It is advisable to unload with one fruit. It is better to eat fruits with the peel, since it contains the most vitamins and coarse fiber. Crispy apples, fragrant strawberries, juicy cherries, tender apricots, fragrant peaches, refreshing watermelon, tart citrus fruits - where to stop? If you don't know what to choose, just listen to your body.

An excellent solution for fasting days. It is better to choose apples that are not very sweet and not very sour. They can be baked in the oven, but are best eaten fresh. Apples restore salt and acid-base balance, activate the immune system, the integrity of tissues and mucous membranes, improve vision, cleanse the liver and gallbladder, remove toxins and rejuvenate the body.

Peaches improve digestion, help fight stress, anemia, heart disease, liver disease, gallbladder disease, kidney disease and gout.

Apricots are in the top five best products for women's health. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of apricots improves metabolic processes, rejuvenates the body and prolongs life. With the help of fasting days on apricots, you can extend your life and your beautiful figure.

A very healthy berry. One of the top ten best products for women's health. For a fasting day, 1 kg of strawberries is enough, which you need to eat in five doses of 200 grams each. Strawberries improve digestion, improve metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and remove salts from the body. This berry is useful for skin and cardiovascular diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcers, anemia, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, atherosclerosis, liver and spleen diseases.

Grapes are also in the top ten most beneficial foods for women, which once again confirms that fasting days on fruit are very good habit. Grapes, especially dark ones, contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It cleanses the body of toxins, counteracts aging, regulates fat metabolism, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Since grapes contain a lot of sugar, you can eat up to 1 kg of this berry during the day, dividing it into 4-5 servings.

Sweet cherries are an extremely healthy berry. It helps with kidney and liver diseases, high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and if there are problems with the intestines, which are accompanied by sluggish peristalsis, it stimulates intestinal activity with the help of delicate fiber. For a fasting day, 1 kg of berries is enough.

This dietary product is very useful for gout, nephritis, hypertension, diseases of the biliary tract, liver, and obesity. You can eat up to 2-2.5 kg of watermelon pulp per day. In 6 days on a watermelon diet you can lose about three kilograms. Watermelon has a laxative, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, anthelmintic, hemostatic, and diuretic effect. Its ability to alkalize helps dissolve salts, and its diuretic properties help remove them from the body.

They are rich in antioxidants, have a rejuvenating effect, strengthen the immune system, remove harmful substances from the body, and help in the fight against extra pounds.

Orange improves digestion, strengthens blood vessels, treats anemia, relieves fatigue and nervous tension. Grapefruit strengthens blood vessels, normalizes liver function, prevents the formation of stones, removes excess fluid from the body, promotes weight loss, normalizes digestion and improves food absorption, cleanses the body of toxins, and restores strength.

However, you should not overuse citrus fruits. They can rather be used as a complement to other fruits.

If you settled on apples, for example, you can eat kiwi, banana, or pear in the evening to diversify your menu. A fruit dinner can be replaced with freshly squeezed juice. During the day, do not forget to drink water, at least a glass half an hour before meals. Wash all fruits thoroughly, including oranges, bananas, and peaches. Monitor your well-being. After all, one person may like the same fruit, but another may cause heartburn, discomfort and other unpleasant sensations. The main thing is to listen to your body and eat in moderation.

Eat fruits for your health, lose weight with pleasure, while staying healthy good mood and feeling positive and sustainable changes in your body.

Everyone, without exception, loves fruits. Juicy, aromatic fruits are an excellent dessert and give great mood. Moreover, fruits are very healthy: they saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and also help to quickly part with the body’s fat reserves. Today we'll talk about how to spend time on fruits. Thanks to their high fiber content, tasty fruits help cleanse the body of excess accumulations. Any woman will tell you that spending one day on fruit is not at all difficult; on the contrary, you will look forward to the next one.

Are such unloadings useful?

It’s difficult to answer unequivocally. If we are talking about a person with a perfectly balanced diet, who also plays sports, then, probably, fasting days, like diets, are completely useless for him. But if you take the average citizen who sits at the computer all day and eats, weekly hunger strikes will not always allow his body to breathe a sigh of relief and cleanse itself. Moreover, you don’t need to do this often; it’s enough to maintain a strict mono-diet once or twice a month.

Basic rules

Below we will talk about different options fasting mono-diets, but whichever one you choose, you will definitely need to adhere to the following rules:

  • First of all, drink a lot of water - from 2 to 3 liters.
  • Food should be taken in fractions - divide it all daily norm for 5-6 servings.
  • This day will test your willpower. Be sure to come up with something to do so you don’t think about food. Time this event to coincide with the moment when the supplies in your refrigerator are running low, or even better, go into nature, taking with you only what you plan to eat.
  • Doctors say that food restriction causes bile stagnation, so it is extremely important to drink a decoction of choleretic herbs in the morning.
  • You also need to exit unloading carefully. It is not recommended to start the next morning with fried meat and cakes.


What will a fasting day on fruits do for your body? Reviews say that the effectiveness will depend on your stamina and the products that you have selected for yourself. Salt and sugar can ruin the results, so try to avoid them. On average, a day on apples or cucumbers will help you lose up to 3.5 kg excess weight. However, each organism is individual, so it is very difficult to predict the results in advance. If you regularly arrange such mini-diets for yourself, their effectiveness will be much higher. That is, success is systematic.

Deciding on the menu

A fasting day on fruits should take place according to certain rules. It is necessary to select the correct product for unloading. Nutritionists say that you need to focus on domestic fruits that grow in your geographic area. Tropical and overseas fruits are very tasty, but most often ripen on the road and are treated with various drugs designed to prevent them from spoiling. In addition, they are absorbed much less easily and can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, summer is the ideal time to spend a fasting day on fruit. In the garden and on summer cottages Apples and pears are ripe and will become the basis of your diet.

Choosing fruits

There are some subtleties here too. A fasting day on fruit is intended not only to give you the opportunity to get rid of extra pounds. Additionally, you can remove toxins, cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Forget about fashionable fresh juices, the fruits should be eaten whole, including the skin. It is this that contains most of the dietary fiber. In addition, it is very important to drink more water - at least two liters per day.

To diversify your diet, you can spend a fasting day on fruits and berries. However, nutritionists do not recommend getting too carried away with variety. A mono-diet gives the greatest effect, so ideally choose one fruit and some berries in addition. It’s easy to maintain this regime, because tomorrow you will return to your normal diet.

Setting the table

Is it possible to eat fruit on a fasting day? Nutritionists answer unequivocally that it is not only possible, but also necessary. It is a source of healthy fiber and many essential substances. The most common scheme is a day on apples. These fruits are not too expensive, they are always on sale, and almost all people like them. You will need 1.5-2 kg of fruit per day. Don't starve yourself; instead, eat an extra apple.

Not all people tolerate large amounts of fresh fruit well. The result can be bloating and colic, which is not very pleasant. However, this can be easily avoided by baking the fruit in the oven. The benefits will not be diminished.

Peaches and apricots are very rich in potassium and iron. If you choose them, then you are invited to eat up to one and a half kilograms of delicious fruits in one day. However, when diabetes mellitus this option will have to be abandoned.

Solar basket

Fruits and vegetables are very healthy, both individually and together. They can complement each other perfectly, as some are sources of amino acids and vitamins, while others contain more nutrients and fiber. A fasting day on fruits and vegetables can be much easier, since low-calorie vegetables are allowed to be eaten with almost no restrictions.

A combination salad would be a great option for such a day. For example, grated carrots and chopped apple, sprinkled with lemon juice. This dish will fill you up more than just one piece of fruit. Next time try cabbage with orange, it's bright and very delicious salad. Boiled beets with plums are not for everyone. All these dishes are very good because they contain the necessary nutrients, they are also very voluminous, which is good for the intestines.

Day - vegetables, day - fruits

Each of us has a different body, not everyone likes combined diets. Then you can, for example, have a vegetable day today, and tomorrow a fruit fasting day. Reviews suggest that this option allows you to achieve the most impressive results. On the first day, only vegetables are allowed in any combination, but only in raw form. You can make salads or amazing smoothies from them, that is, grind them together with the pulp in a blender. The quantity can be any, the main thing is to divide it into 5-6 servings.

On the second day it's time for fruit. The number of meals is 4-5 per day. Each time you are supposed to eat no more than 350 g. But you need to give up bananas. On the third day, you can make a vegetable salad for breakfast, fruit for a second breakfast, and make yourself porridge and a vegetable salad for lunch. Apples are suitable for an afternoon snack, and stewed vegetables for dinner. This way you will gradually return to your normal diet.

What about protein?

Today, only the lazy have not heard about the benefits of protein, including for weight loss. So why don't we talk about how protein foods pair with fruits? This is exactly what we have come to now. And the first thing that comes to mind is soft yogurt with pieces of fresh fruit. Beauty and benefits for your body. A fasting day on fruits and yogurt is also useful because the bacteria contained in the fermented milk drink help the body cope with coarse fiber.

For the whole day you will need 1 liter of drinking yogurt. It is best to choose a low-fat drink and do not add sugar to it. One fasting day allows you to lose up to 1 kg of weight. If you want to combine kefir with fruit, then you will need half a liter of kefir and 500 g of apples or oranges per day.

We switch to the classic version - “unload” on kefir

A fasting day on fruits and kefir is a universal, budget option, known to almost all women. However, nutritionists recommend following some rules. It's better to start the day with a glass of kefir. Second breakfast - 200 g of fruit or several dried fruits. For lunch - another glass of kefir. For an afternoon snack, treat yourself to a good portion and end the day with kefir. In addition, you can drink several liters of green tea or plain water. In one such day you can lose up to one and a half kilograms of weight.

"Curd" days

You are very lucky if you love this product. It is rich in protein, easy to digest and does not contain many calories. Tasty and healthy, it is also very affordable. There are options on the market today low-fat cottage cheese, which is an ideal diet product. and fruits can be carried out regularly - from 2 to 4 times a month. It's good for your waistline and your gastrointestinal tract, which gets a break and can cleanse itself.

It has a calorie content of only 100 kcal per 100 g of product, but at the same time saturates the body with essential amino acids. By supplementing it with fruits, you provide yourself with fiber and carbohydrates. Apples or oranges are best; you can add one kiwi. The daily menu includes 600 g of cottage cheese, divided into 3 meals, and 400 g of fruit.

Kefir with cottage cheese

Sometimes the individual characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract do not allow combining fruits and fermented milk products. Then you can choose another option. You will need a liter per day. It should be divided into five meals. During main meals, add 3 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese.

This option is very useful for the body, as it restores the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and allows you to get rid of 1 kg of excess weight per day. If desired, it can be repeated every three days, since such a diet does not harm the body. It is very useful to add a decoction of rose hips and an infusion of herbs, such as nettle. For taste, you can add a drop of honey to the herbal tea, this will give you strength and give you a good mood.

There are many ways to give the body a break from everyday fatty foods, but one of the most delicious and healthy is fruit, which has a beneficial effect on the body. It should be done not only during a diet, but in any situation at least once a week. This will help get rid of excess weight, toxins and waste, reduce the load on the stomach, which does not have time to digest food, as well as suppress the feeling of hunger, fill your body with vitamins and nutrients. This is popular in dietary and therapeutic nutrition, and is even effective in cleansing the body.

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If you have stomach problems, insomnia, fructose intolerance, diabetes or an allergy to fruits, it is better to immediately refuse such a day and do not risk your health. Preparation for a fasting day on fruits should begin in the evening of the previous day, since you must have dinner before 18:00. It is advisable that the dish be filled with protein food, it is well absorbed and does not allow the stomach to be overloaded.

To consolidate the final result, you need to control moderation in diet. If, after a fruity day, the next morning starts with fried meat or pizza, this can lead to stomach illness. You should eat no more than 2 kilograms of fruit per day, dividing the daily intake into 5-6 meals. Between servings, drink at least 2 liters of clean and filtered water per day.

What fruits are good for a fasting day?

Doesn't have to be exotic fruits, the ones you are used to are better suited. Worth highlighting:

  • favorite berries (cherries, cherries, currants, gooseberries);
  • citrus fruits (lemons, oranges);
  • seasonal (peaches, strawberries, apricots, watermelon, melons,).

It is recommended to add yogurt, dried fruits and a little cottage cheese to them. It is forbidden to eat avocado, grapes, because they increase calorie content due to the huge sugar content and are poorly digested, giving heavy load on the liver and stomach.

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It is important to consume all fruits together with the skin, which contains useful vitamins and microelements. If you are tired of fresh fruits, you can bake them in the oven; this will do without any harm to your figure, because baked fruits retain all their properties.

Take into account the recommendations of nutritionists: do not starve yourself, it is better to eat an extra apple until the body gets used to fasting days. When losing weight, such days should be used at least 2-3 times a week and at the same time go to the gym to achieve an amazing figure. Worth taking note great option combined salad with fruits and vegetables, seasoned with natural juice.

Fruits have antiviral and antimicrobial effects, improve complexion and give freshness, increase immunity, charge energy and mood. Excessive consumption of a fruit diet leads to early skin aging and bloating. During the required consumption of fruits, you can remove excess fluids and salts from the body; when they are broken down, the extra pounds immediately disappear.

Apples - 90% of the total composition is water. Contains 50% more vitamin A than citrus fruits. Necessary for improving digestion and reducing blood levels. They are often used for vitamin deficiency, diabetes, they also remove waste and toxins, improve metabolism and protect against cancer. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, mineral salts, citric acid, nourish tissues and are indispensable for proper digestion. Well suited for dressing fruit salads.

Oranges contain many beneficial microelements. They incredibly tone the body, work to cleanse the blood, improve energy and appetite. Useful for, and also have a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Peaches - contain organic acids and are rich vitamin complex. They are easily digestible, enhance the activity of the stomach and help process fatty foods. Strawberries - have useful substances and contain manganese, calcium, phosphorus, carotene, and many other trace elements. Removes excess water from the body, improves mood and slows down the aging process.

Apricots - their fruits contain starch, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. They remove cholesterol and toxic metabolic products from the body. Helps increase hemoglobin in the blood, increase activity and improve memory. Their juice can replace daily requirement in vitamins.

Grapefruits - improve metabolism and are reliable in the process of burning fat. Thanks to one grapefruit you can provide your body with daily norm vitamin C. This unique fruit will help slow down the effects of aging, get rid of unhealthy complexion and skin problems.

Cons of fruits and their alternatives

Bananas are high in calories, so they are not recommended for overweight people. The insoluble starch contained in this fruit can be difficult for the stomach and intestines to process.

Grapes are considered a heavy food and have a detrimental effect on teeth.

– an excellent alternative to fruits and effective way unload the body along with them. At the beginning of the day, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir to saturate your body a little, while relaxing it for the next breakfast. Second breakfast should consist of 200 grams of fruit; you can replace them with several dried fruits.

At lunchtime, drink a large glass of kefir to prepare your body again for the next meal. Don't forget that we're sticking to a fruit fasting day, so make a good portion of fruit salad for your afternoon snack. A glass of kefir is enough for dinner, because you need to take care of your body so that the night passes peacefully.

A fasting day on fruit will only help your body take a break from fatty and unhealthy foods. Fruits have a beneficial effect on health and appearance person, while you will eat what you like. An excellent solution would be to combine fruit and kefir fasting days. Eat fruits, prepare your favorite salads, so that along with the result you receive endorphins, remaining in a good mood in any situation.

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Hello, beloved blog readers! Many people know and have even tried fasting days. But most often they are treated as a useless crutch in the process. It’s much easier to sit on buckwheat and tea for 2 weeks, as they say, the result is obvious. Undoubtedly. Only this effect lasts for good case month. Then the kilograms inevitably begin to gain, which brings with them more “friends”.

So it turns out that all this dietary torment is in vain, and in the end the weight only increases. To prevent this from happening, you need to get rid of extra pounds wisely. In this case, our “crutches” come to the rescue :) In this article we will discuss a fasting day on vegetables and fruits.

How the girl Tanya lost kilos

Once upon a time there lived Tanyusha. I didn’t know trouble, I didn’t blow my mustache (since I didn’t wear a mustache). I just gained a little weight, because sometimes I liked to eat a lot of calories. This made her a little sad, and she decided to take action. Our Tanya read on the Internet, which are very useful because:

  • Help cleanse the body of toxins and remove excess water.
  • They give the body rest, especially the gastrointestinal tract.
  • They are an excellent alternative to diets, allowing you to lose weight correctly and without harm to your health.
  • They do not require drastic changes in diet - just one day a week when you can eat only a certain, permitted set of foods.

"Great! – Tanya thought. “What would you choose?”

Bonuses from fruit and vegetable day

And there were a lot of them:

  • Foods of this kind contain fiber, which helps improve intestinal function and acts as a soft “brush” for it (removes excess).
  • These are vitamins. For example, apples and cabbage contain vitamin A, which is good for skin and vision. Tomatoes contain vitamin E (anti-aging). Citrus fruits contain vitamin C - a gallant assistant in the fight against viruses and many diseases (including cancer).
  • At least it's delicious. Moreover, everyone chooses a list of vegetables for themselves. The only thing you should avoid are potatoes, bananas, grapes, figs.

And, most importantly, what variety! It is hardly possible to find a person who does not like at least several types of vegetables or fruits.

“Everything is fine, of course, but I’m allergic to citrus fruits,” the girl recalled. And I decided to carefully read what else there are...

Contraindications for fruit and vegetable day

Fasting on vegetables and fruits is contraindicated for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis in the acute stage, as well as allergies to the components of the fasting day.

We can solve the problem of allergies - you just need to exclude the product that causes it. In all other cases - a red stop sign.

If you have low blood pressure and feel unwell, you should also take care of yourself. We postpone active training until later; on the day of unloading, our maximum is a walk in the fresh air.

In what form do you eat vegetables and fruits during fasting days?

“If only I didn’t have to cook! – Tanya wrinkled her nose with displeasure, “So much time is wasted at the stove...”

Don't worry, darling.

The best choice when carrying out our fasting day would be to use raw vegetables and fruits. However, for those who like it “hot”, vegetables are allowed to be stewed, baked and boiled.

And fruits, by the way, can also be baked. For example, a baked apple is a real dessert. And if you also sprinkle it with cinnamon. Mmm...

Tanya knew that it would be impossible to organize a belly celebration without harming her figure. Therefore, she was excited by the question:

How much to weigh in grams or options for fasting days

  1. Vegetable day. You will need low-starch vegetables: cabbage of any kind, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes. Total weight - no more than 1.5 kilograms. From this vegetable variety you can prepare salads, eat them in their original form, and, if desired, create a stew (in this case, we exclude carrots and beets, but green beans can be used) or simply stewed vegetables. Cook with a minimum amount of oil. And without salt! Follow the link for ideas and recipes - they will help you create a sample menu.
  2. Fruit day. We buy 1 or 1.5 kilograms of fruit (apples are a must, pears, oranges, kiwi). We solemnly bring it home. It is recommended to eat them without cooking (just wash them, of course). But if you really want to, you can make a salad. Finely chop the fruits, mix, season with kefir or yogurt (low-fat). Divide into portions. Purring with pleasure, we devour it.
  3. Fruit and vegetable day. It’s as simple as that: you need vegetables and fruits with a total weight of 2 kilograms (not a menu, but just some kind of holiday). We prepare salads and eat them just like that. If you are still hungry, you can add cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content. Allowed vegetable oil– but no more than a tablespoon for the whole day.

What fruits can I have?

It’s clear with vegetables - as long as it’s not potatoes, and it’s also not advisable to cook beets and carrots (this is how they acquire a high glycemic index).

What about fruits? You should not include in your daily diet:

  • bananas;
  • grape;
  • figs;
  • exotic dates.

Everything else is welcome. But try not to take overripe ones (you know, there are such pears that the juice runs down your hands - you can’t take them, the sugar levels are already off the charts).

How to make a fasting day more effective

Our Tatyana is the right girl. If she takes on something, she must prepare in advance to avoid mistakes. Therefore she:

  • I had a light dinner before the fasting day (to improve the effect of it).
  • I drank a lot of water (at least two liters).
  • The next day, I refused the stick of delicious sausage that was beckoning from the depths of the refrigerator and did not overeat, but on the contrary, I tried to eat healthy and balanced.
  • I decided to observe fasting days twice a week, to make it faster, but not in a row, but with a break. Because the girl knows that 2 fasting days in a row are no longer beneficial, but harmful to metabolism (they are perceived by the body as a regular mono-diet).
  • I wasn’t upset by the results on the scales: according to reviews, the next day you can see a plumb line of 1 to 3 kilograms, but the real loss of fat mass will be 150-300 grams, everything else is excess water. And water tends to return. Tanya began to perform control weighing once a month and thus saw real dynamics.

The girl had nowhere to rush, but she was persistent. She followed a strict fasting schedule for several months and eventually lost 12 kilograms. There was no limit to the jubilation, and the figure in the mirror never ceased to delight.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

About the benefits of fruit fasting days

Everyone already knows about the benefits of fasting days. Let's discuss a fruit fasting day: what is the benefit of it and how best to organize it?

The importance of fruit days lies primarily in the fact that with such a diet the body receives fewer calories. In addition, fruits have a diuretic effect, reducing the amount of water in the body, and also regulate intestinal function well. Just keep in mind: these days you should avoid excessive physical activity.

To better monitor the effectiveness of diet treatment, you need to weigh yourself once a week or ten days, recording and comparing the results.

"People suffering from low blood pressure are advised to drink black coffee during their fruit day, as a fruit diet helps lower blood pressure."

Women who work a lot, or housewives burdened big family, often, despite a great desire, cannot afford a long-term diet. It will probably be easier for them to have a fruit day once a week or every ten days, if, of course, the doctor allows it.

Don't say: "Fruit is very expensive and I can't afford it." This is wrong because you can eat the cheapest fruits. A kilogram of them costs no more than what you usually spend on food. Even in winter it is not difficult to buy a kilogram of apples or oranges. Don't think that having a fruit day once a week will reduce your productivity. On the contrary, your well-being will improve significantly, as the body will naturally get rid of harmful toxins and unnecessary deposits.

Diet of fruit fasting days

On this day you eat exclusively fruits. Depending on your appetite, you can eat from one to one and a half kilograms of various fruits. But remember: on this day, do not eat or drink anything except fruits. As a last resort, one or two cups of black coffee without sugar or strong tea is acceptable, but it is better to do without it.

Regularly and consistently carry out fruit days, always at exactly the scheduled time, choosing a specific day for this. It is necessary to accustom the body to a clear rhythm.

Before eating, rinse the fruits thoroughly and divide them into equal portions to keep your stomach busy throughout the day.

Nowadays fruit juices are very popular, and since you can also consume fruits in the form of juices, we recommend that you purchase a juicer and drink freshly squeezed juice. Fruit juice left open for hours is of little use, since vitamins are quickly destroyed when exposed to air.

IN summer heat usually thirsty. But you should not drink a lot, as this weakens the heart. It is necessary to distinguish thirst caused by a small amount of water in the body from thirst, the cause of which is dry mouth. The feeling of dryness will disappear if you suck on a sour, refreshing candy, or, which is much better, eat a sour and juicy apple or orange. Thirst caused by the loss of large amounts of water in the body is relieved only by various drinks. But in this case, all kinds of lemonades and other sparkling waters are not suitable. Therefore, we provide in this section recipes for some vegetable and fruit cocktails.

Light, sugar-free decoctions of various herbs, such as mint leaves, chamomile flowers, linden, etc., are refreshing. It is useful to drink milk, yogurt, and kefir in the summer. For those who love dairy products, we recommend milkshakes.

Refreshing cocktail recipes

The main part of such cocktails are vegetable and fruit juices.

Carrot smoothie. Squeeze juice from 500 g of carrots, add the juice of one orange, half a lemon, a spoonful of honey and half a glass of kefir. Mix all this well, cool in the refrigerator and serve.

Another carrot smoothie. Extract the juice from 500 g of grated carrots and mix it with a cup of lemon ice cream. Serve immediately after preparation.

Rosehip cocktail. Mix two thirds of rosehip juice (the fruits can be bought at the pharmacy) with one third of kefir. Serve in glasses.

Celery cocktail. One third glass of raw celery juice, two thirds glass of milk, juice of one lemon and one yolk. Mix everything properly. Serve immediately after preparation.

Tomato cocktail. Squeeze the juice from 500 g of tomatoes and mix with the juice of half a lemon, add one clove of grated garlic and 5 g of finely chopped green onions. You can add a little milk to the cocktail (to taste).

Vegetable cocktail. Cup tomato juice, half a glass of whey, a few pieces of ice. Mix everything and serve.

Cocktail made from yogurt or kefir. A glass of cold yogurt or kefir, half a glass of fruit juice (raspberries, strawberries, currants), a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Mix everything well, add a few pieces of ice and serve.

Gooseberry cocktail. Boil 500 g of gooseberries in a small amount of water until they begin to crack. After this, rub it through a sieve and cool. For a glass of cocktail, take one third of cold fresh milk, an yolk and a spoonful of honey, a few drops of cognac or rum, two or three pieces of ice. Stir all this and serve.

Raspberry cocktail. Mix juice from 500 g of raspberries with a cup of ice cream and a cup of milk. Serve immediately after preparation.

Cocktail of apple juice . Mix two-thirds of the apple juice with the juice of one lemon and a spoonful of honey, add a few pieces of ice and serve.