Educational gifts for children 5 years old

Educational toys for children 5-6 years old. Templates. Master class with step-by-step photos

“What's inside?” making a fun educational toy from clothespins and colored cardboard, master class with templates

Gorbunova Elena Valerievna, senior teacher of MDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Zvezdochka”, Furmanov.

Description: The master class is intended for educators, teachers additional education and simply creative people, can be used in working with children aged 5-6 years and older.
The very same finished toy can be used with younger children preschool age for the development of fine motor skills of children and during the period of adaptation to kindergarten, to relieve emotional stress.
Games with clothespins are also useful for children of older preschool age, since in them the child uses the thumb and index fingers, which later take on the main load when writing. When you press the clothespin, a muscular action similar to the movement of holding a pen is performed, and a similar force is applied.
Target: making a fun educational toy from colored cardboard and clothespins.
- continue to learn how to cut out parts using templates;
- create images of an object from individual parts
- develop imagination, fantasy, creativity;
- cultivate perseverance and accuracy while performing work;
- cultivate the desire to make a toy with your own hands for kids.
Materials and tools: colored cardboard, glue, scissors, clothespins, templates.

Educator: Guys, very soon in our kindergarten the kids will come. It will be very difficult for them to remain without their mother all day. Small, dependent, worry, cry, lose sleep and appetite.
Listen to an excerpt from Tatyana Shapiro's poem:
– I don’t want to go to kindergarten! –
Vova is crying loudly.
– I don’t want to go to kindergarten! –
Crying loudly again.
– I don’t want to go to kindergarten! –
He sobs loudly.
It's here anyway
Mom leaves.

Want to help kids?
To distract kids, you need to switch their attention to activities that bring them joy. Do you like to play? And kids love to play too.
When they get used to kindergarten, we will definitely go to visit the younger group.
Who has younger brothers and sisters? What do you play with them? What games do your mothers play with them? (children remember)
Games are played:
1. Finger game"Forty-forty."
2. “Playing with water” - toys are lowered into a basin of water, children play, remember objects that float - do not float.
3. “Games with clothespins” - add rays to the sun, needles to the hedgehog and others.
Educator: That's how much interesting games can be done with kids.
And now I suggest you make a toy for kids with a clothespin and a surprise. But first we'll stretch our fingers.
"Finger massage with clothespins"
Using a clothespin, alternately “bite” the phalanges of the fingers from the index to the little finger and back for each syllable of the poem.
The kitten bites hard - silly,
He thinks: this is not a finger, but a mouse.
After the first couplet, change hands.
But I'm playing with you, baby,
If you bite, I’ll tell you “Shoo!”
Educator: Let's start creating gifts and toys. We select any template that we want to use.

Please do not forget about the rules for working with glue and scissors.

We cut out the parts according to the templates.

Prepare the top layer (explanation using the “Tree” template).
Take parts of the crown, connect them, but do not overlap each other; it is better to leave a small distance (cut line).

Glue the trunk onto the crown,

There is a hollow on the trunk.

When the work dries a little, turn it over and cut the tree along the cut line on the crown.

The tree is ready. And for the squirrel we draw the outline, nose and eye.

We glue the tree onto a clothespin, first the lower part of the crown, after a while the upper part.

Glue the squirrel to the bottom of the clothespin, slightly bending its figurine away from the clothespin so that it does not get caught when opening.

The toy is ready.

The rest of the crafts are done in the same way; children can divide them according to the degree of difficulty - simple ones - “Cloud and Sun”, “Watermelon”.

- "Tree"

- “Matryoshka”

- "Chick"

There are many other options you can think of.
Educator: What beautiful surprise toys you have made. Well done!
Listen to the continuation of Tatyana Shapiro’s poem:
...Now a week has passed,
And then another.
And again and again
The boy is crying.

- I don’t want to go home! –
How to understand this?
Loved kindergarten
Very boy Vova.
Educator: I think, having received such interesting toys as a gift, our kids, just like the boy Vova, will quickly get used to kindergarten.
Thank you for the wonderful gifts for kids.

Similarly, just by turning the clothespin the other way (this is how the “Matryoshka” has already been made), you can make toys for left-handed children for whom the problem of developing fine motor skills and preparing their hands for writing is extremely important.
Thank you for your attention!

It would seem that the first 4 birthdays taught a lot in this regard, but no - it is much more difficult to please a five-year-old child with a gift.

By this age, the child has already formed a circle of his interests and has become aware of his gender identity. Therefore, those gifts that will make his desires come true will bring him the greatest joy. Fortunately, learning about them is not difficult - childhood involves greater openness.

However, there is also a list of win-win options that can be bought both in online stores in Moscow and in other retail outlets. These, for example, include those gifts that stimulate the child’s athletic development. This includes a scooter, a two-wheeled bicycle, and a set for playing bowls or skittles.

A good gift for a 5-year-old child is a toy designed to develop thinking. An interesting thematic construction set, where you need to use copies of real tools for assembly, can captivate both boys and girls for a long time. An alternative to it can be puzzles with a large number fragments that develop spatial thinking and motor skills.

Also, exciting board games with cubes and chips remain very relevant. The merit of such “adventure games” is their excellent communication development, because they are usually played by large groups. All kinds of sports board games will help teach your child how to win and lose: “Hockey”, “Basketball”, “Football”.

A special place in the upbringing of a five-year-old child is to introduce him to creativity and develop a sense of beauty. The most relevant and original gifts children for 5 years are those who give the opportunity to reveal their inner potential.

Kits for modeling, drawing, applique and other crafts, complete with special display stands and frames, will give a powerful impetus to harmonious development I am a child, while captivating and consistently arousing high interest.

When choosing holiday gifts for girls and boys separately, you should give preference only to those that will allow you to play out your future social roles. Dolls should make you want to babysit them, not dress them up for a trip to the club. It is better to replace children's cosmetics with doll dishes and toy first aid kits, and computer games, even educational ones, with sets of toy construction tools and sets of soldiers. In this case, the benefit of the gift will be much greater.

Children always look forward to what they will get for their birthday. When choosing a surprise for a five-year-old birthday boy, use your imagination and common sense. It is worth considering the child’s hobbies and characteristics developmental psychology. Then it will be quite easy to please and surprise a five-year-old child!

What to consider when choosing a surprise

Of course, in order to see joy and not disappointment in the eyes of the birthday boy, you need to start by studying the characteristics of the age of five-year-olds.

Even a person far from interactive entertainment will say that any electronic gadget meets all five criteria: mobile phone, tablet, computer. But psychologists do not recommend giving such gifts: after all, the baby’s picture of the world has not yet been formed, and any incorrect information can cause irreparable harm to the child. And what’s more, the devices provide unlimited extra knowledge.

What others will give

This is the very last condition that is taken into account when choosing a gift for a child. The main thing is that you have an idea about the interests of the birthday boy, and for this it is best to ask the parents what their child is interested in. In this sense, mothers and fathers are in more favorable conditions: they just need to listen to the wishes of their son or daughter.

Gift options for a five-year-old boy - video

What gifts are taboo?

  • clothes, shoes. Yes, new clothes will significantly save parents’ budget, but the child is not interested in such a gift. True, if the hero of the occasion is a real fashionista, then a new dress or shoes will be very useful for her;
  • substitution. If you promised to give a girl nail polish, then you should not give a coating from a doll set. Believe me, the little lady will definitely see the substitution and will be upset. It’s the same with the boys: did you promise a soccer ball? You should not replace it with an inflatable one for entertainment at sea;
  • hygiene items. Again: if you give something from cosmetics to a girl, then it will be justified by her delight. But for a boy, shower gel, in his opinion, is as useless as a hockey puck for playing football;
  • stationery. These are gifts for parents, and the little one needs something that can be tried here and now;
  • dreams from the past. Did you dream of a big teddy bear as a child? Nowadays there is no shortage of toys, so your desired soft gift may not cause a response.

To avoid getting into trouble, you should talk to your child about what he would like to receive for his birthday.

Top gift ideas for a five year old birthday

Even if you plan to rely on the “verdict” of your parents, a kind of cheat sheet with interesting ideas will not be superfluous.


Such gifts are aimed at developing the baby’s logic, perseverance and attention:


So what if I go to school in a year and a half? Toys are never superfluous even at this age. But they will be different for girls and boys.

What toys can be purchased for girls and boys - table

A universal gift can be called a tent. Such a house can be placed both in the room and taken outside. The boy will be happy to play polar geologists with his friends, and the girls will be happy to play as daughters and mothers.

The tent-house will serve a long time both now and in the future, when the baby goes camping with his parents

Both girls and boys will appreciate an electric car. One trip to the yard on such transport - and your little one will become a local celebrity.


At the age of 5, many children are already seriously engaged in some creative activities. For example, they are interested in music or drawing. So you can give as a gift:

  • easel with a set of paints and brushes;
  • album of watercolor sheets in A3 format;
  • children's guitar,
  • synthesizer with learning function, etc.
  • origami kits (you can choose them for a boy or a girl);
  • a set of multi-colored Play Doh plasticine will delight a child if he likes to create figures from plastic material, inventing stories with the resulting characters (working with plasticine develops fine motor skills, as well as acting and directing abilities);
  • kits for weaving from lumigurumi rubber bands, which boys and girls are fond of, etc.

Options for creativity kits - photo gallery

By folding origami, a child develops fine motor skills Lumigurumi sets consist of a variety of multi-colored elastic bands, weaving patterns, fillers, and tools. In addition to plasticine mass, Play Doh creativity kits contain special devices that make the modeling process more interesting.



Physical fitness is no less important for a toddler than for an adult. Moreover, children also fall under the radar of the most common cause of weight and health problems - spending a long time in front of a monitor. There are many options for sports gifts for five-year-olds:

  • bike. Not a single boy will refuse such transport, and exactly 8 out of 10 girls will not mind driving in the yard;
  • rollers. This surprise option should definitely be supported by the purchase of special equipment: knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet. For your own and your parents’ peace of mind;
  • skis, skates. A great option for a birthday boy born in winter;
  • twister This fun can be safely included in the top favorite family games;
  • “Gorodoki” is a game that trains not only your arms and legs, but also your ingenuity;
  • badminton. If the baby was born in winter, it doesn’t matter: you can train at home.

For the child who loves to dance, a great gift there will be an interactive dance mat

Original souvenirs

Such souvenirs can be called “presents for the child who has everything”:


This gift requires mandatory approval from mom and dad, as well as other family members living with the child. But the benefits of communicating with a four-legged friend for the birthday boy will be undoubted. It has been proven that children who were raised in families with pets grow up to be more sensitive, empathetic and kind. One caveat: the baby may not have enough patience to constantly care for the animal, so when choosing, it’s worth considering what kind of animals the parents of the hero of the occasion like. But for 5 years they usually buy:

  • fish;
  • hamster;
  • rat;
  • parrot;
  • cat;
  • dog.

The purchase of a pet for a birthday must be agreed upon with the child’s parents.

Commemorative symbolic

As a rule, a child is able to appreciate such souvenirs only after a few years. And usually they are supported by something more understandable for the baby at this age stage. Souvenir symbols include:

Tips for choosing a good gift for a five-year-old child - video

Choosing a present for a fifth birthday is a crucial moment, since the little man already has his own preferences and wishes, but at the same time, with all the childish spontaneity, he does not hide his emotions if the souvenir is not to his liking. So be vigilant, but, most importantly, listen to the wishes of the birthday boy himself, as well as his parents, with whom, by the way, you should discuss any gift option.

Sometimes a child's birthday is approaching, and the main hero of the occasion has no idea what he wants to receive as a gift. Difficult days are coming for parents: the next revolution of the calendar promises increasing complexity of the search. You can buy off adults with a soulless certificate, but it’s a child’s business - you can’t pick up a present for him “to go away.” We tried to highlight several original items from our store's products, which are likely to surprise both a child and a teenager.

1. An electronic card would be a suitable gift for children. There are a number of original models that take money in an unusual manner: a football player knocks a ruble into a goal, a cat crawling out of a box moves a coin into the gaps of its house. This cool animation has no utility - it's just fun. Or is it the case with options with a coin counter: when a child places a coin or bill in the desired hole, the piggy bank automatically displays the amount entered.

2. An original present would be. In appearance, this is an ordinary piece of utensils, part of the surface of which is covered with paint that is slightly rough to the touch. But when there is boiling water inside, this thermal paint becomes transparent and another image appears under it: the light bulb “lights up” (this yellow appears under black), stars or planets “appear” in the night sky.

3. As for toys as a gift for a child, you should turn to. They are made of plastic and have fairly large parts. Children will have to find one of the two outer parts and place the next ones next to them. Although there are relatively few elements - hardly more than fifty - the process cannot be called easy. But the work will pay off: you will get a beautiful three-dimensional figure that can be placed on a shelf. However, it will not be possible to disassemble: the parts fit tightly into the grooves and there is a risk of damaging the toy.

4. It will be a cool presentation. This is a fairly soft substance, reminiscent of pliable plasticine. Children can make a figurine out of it, and then see an inexplicable effect: after a few minutes (about a quarter of an hour), a colored liquid will appear in its place. The fact is that this is a non-Newtonian fluid, the main property of which is to exhibit liquid properties over a long period of time. You can put a lump of such chewing gum on the surface, and it will “flow” through it. Or you can throw it at the wall (it will bounce off), and then hit it with a hammer - and it will fly into pieces. Miracles of physics have a bonus: a pleasant smell, the ability to glow in the dark, a metallic sheen.

5. An interesting birthday gift for children would be. We consider two of them the most interesting. is a timeless classic. The player's task is to ensure that all nine squares on each of the six faces are the same color. We have models from Rubik's - these are high-quality things made of molded plastic without stickers. In a word, as in Soviet era, only more perfect. And - 216 small magnetic balls from which you can assemble figures by separating one magnet from another and placing it in the right place. This develops fine motor skills, but this should not be given to small children - they may swallow it.