Development of logical thinking in preschoolers title page. Development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age through didactic games. Mastering sensory standards


1.2 Features of the formation of logical thinking operations in children older than school age

Within the framework of the cultural-historical theory of higher mental functions L.S. Vygotsky considers the problem of thinking as a problem mental development child. Defending the formula “bringing the individual out of the social.”

L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “All higher mental functions are internalized relations of a social order... Their composition, genetic structure, mode of action - in a word, their whole nature is social...”. Thinking is formed and develops throughout childhood under the influence of living conditions and upbringing. The formation and development of thinking in children does not occur by itself, not spontaneously. It is led by adults, raising and teaching the child. Based on the child’s experience, adults pass on knowledge to him, inform him of concepts that he could not have thought of on his own, and which have developed as a result of work experience and scientific research of many generations.

Under the influence of adults, the child learns not only individual concepts, but also logical forms developed by mankind, rules of thinking, the truth of which has been verified by centuries of social practice. By imitating adults and following their instructions, the child gradually learns to formulate judgments correctly, correctly relate them to each other, and draw reasonable conclusions.

The area of ​​objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality cognizable by a preschooler is expanding significantly. It goes beyond what happens at home or in kindergarten, and covers a wider range of natural and social phenomena that a child becomes familiar with on walks, during excursions, or from the stories of adults, from a book read to him, etc.

The development of a preschool child’s thinking is inextricably linked with the development of his speech, with teaching his native language.

In the mental education of a preschooler, along with visual demonstration, verbal instructions and explanations from parents and educators play an increasingly important role, concerning not only what the child perceives at the moment, but also objects and phenomena that the child first learns about with the help of words.

It is necessary, however, to keep in mind that verbal explanations and instructions are understood by the child (and not assimilated mechanically) only if they are supported by his practical experience, if they find support in the direct perception of those objects and phenomena that the teacher talks about, or in the representations of previously perceived, similar objects and phenomena.

Here it is necessary to remember the instructions of I.P. Pavlov regarding the fact that the second signaling system, which makes up physiological basis thinking, successfully functions and develops only in close interaction with the first signaling system.

At preschool age, children can learn known information about physical phenomena (the transformation of water into ice and, conversely, the floating of bodies, etc.), also get acquainted with the life of plants and animals (germination of seeds, plant growth, life and habits of animals), learn the simplest facts of social life (some types of human labor).

The preschooler begins to become interested in the internal properties of things, the hidden causes of certain phenomena. This feature of a preschooler’s thinking is clearly revealed in the endless questions - “why?”, “why?”, “why?”, which he asks adults.

E. Koshevaya, describing Oleg’s childhood, talks about the countless questions with which he bombarded his grandfather: “Grandfather, why is a wheat ear so big, and a rye ear smaller? Why do swallows land on wires? They think there are long branches, right? Why does a frog have four legs and a chicken have two?”

Within the range of phenomena known to him, a preschooler can understand some dependencies between phenomena: the reasons underlying the simplest physical phenomena (“The jar is light because it is empty,” says six-year-old Vanya); developmental processes underlying the life of plants and animals (five-year-old Manya hides the pit of an eaten peach: “I’ll plant it in a flowerpot and a peach tree will grow,” she says); social goals of human actions (“The trolleybus driver drives quickly so that his uncles and aunts are not late for work,” says five-year-old Petya).

Due to changes in the content of preschool age children's thinking its shape also changes. If in a preschooler, as mentioned earlier, mental processes are inextricably linked with external objective actions, then in a preschooler these processes acquire relative independence and, under certain conditions, begin to precede practical activity.

Within the practical activity of a preschooler, special internal thought processes stand out and acquire relative independence, which anticipate and determine the implementation of external objective actions aimed at achieving the required practical result.

The formation of a qualitatively new way of thinking in a child is associated with the development of mental operations. In preschool age, they develop intensively and begin to act as methods of mental activity. All mental operations are based on analysis and synthesis. A preschooler compares objects according to more numerous characteristics than a child in early childhood. He notices even slight similarities between the external signs of objects and expresses the differences in words.

Correctly classifying apples, pears, plums, etc. into the group of fruits, the preschooler does not answer the question of what a fruit is. general position(a fruit is a part of a plant consisting of a seed, etc.), but by a description of some specific fruit known to him. For example, he says: “It’s like a pear. You can eat it, but in the middle there are seeds, they are planted in the ground, and a tree grows.”

The nature of generalizations changes in a preschooler. Children gradually move from operating with external signs to revealing signs that are objectively more significant for the subject. A higher level of generalization allows the child to master the classification operation, which involves assigning an object to a group based on species-generic characteristics. The development of the ability to classify objects is associated with the development of generalizing words, the expansion of ideas and knowledge about the environment and the ability to identify significant features in an object. Moreover, the closer the objects are to personal experience preschooler, the more accurate the generalization he makes. The child, first of all, identifies groups of objects with which he actively interacts: toys, furniture, dishes, clothes. With age, differentiation of related classification groups arises: wild and domestic animals, tea and tableware, wintering and migratory birds.

Primary and secondary preschoolers often motivate the identification of classification groups by coincidence external signs(“The sofa and the chair are together because they are in the room”) or based on the use of the purpose of the objects (“they are eaten,” “they are put on themselves”). Older preschoolers not only know generalizing words, but also, based on them, correctly motivate the identification of classification groups.

If there is not enough knowledge about the subject, then the child again begins to rely in classification on external, insignificant signs.

The development of mental operations leads to the formation deductive reasoning in a child, which means the ability to coordinate their judgments with each other and not fall into contradictions. Initially, the child, although he operates with a general position, cannot justify it or gives random justifications. Gradually he comes to the right conclusions.

Despite the fact that in preschool childhood thinking is clearly visual and figurative in nature, during this age period the ability to generalize intensively develops.

Preschoolers generalize objects and phenomena according to essential features, abstracting from less significant, secondary ones

Observing the development of understanding of various kinds of phenomena, one can see how a child throughout preschool age moves from generalizations based on external, random similarities between objects to generalizations based on more significant characteristics.

As more significant features, preschoolers often highlight the purpose of objects, the way they are used in everyday life and labor activity people. To the question: “What is a horse?” - the preschooler answers: “This is to ride on it.” To the question: “What is a shovel?” he replies: “This is for digging with it.”

By the end of preschool age, a child can master not only specific, but also generic concepts, correlating them in a certain way with each other.

So, the child is not only all dogs different colors, size and shape he calls dogs, but he also refers all dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, etc. to the group of animals, i.e. he makes a second-order generalization and assimilates more general concepts. He can also compare and contrast not only specific objects, but also concepts. For example, an older preschooler can talk about the differences between wild and domestic animals, between plants and animals, etc.

The teacher introduces the child to the surrounding reality, imparts to him a number of basic knowledge about natural phenomena and social life, without which the development of thinking would be impossible.

When teaching preschool children, it is necessary to take them into account age characteristics- limited life experience and the concrete, visual-figurative nature of thinking. Verbal explanations and instructions given to the child should be reinforced by showing visual material, and, if possible, provide practical and playful activities with this material.

At the same time, based on the current level of development of children’s thinking, the teacher must lead them forward, teach them to analyze and synthesize observed objects, identify essential features in these objects and generalize their life experience on this basis.

A necessary prerequisite for the development of a child’s thinking is the enrichment of his experience, the imparting to him of new knowledge and skills. However, it should be pointed out that simply memorizing individual facts and passive assimilation of imparted knowledge cannot yet ensure the correct development of children's thinking.

In order for a child to begin to think, it is necessary to set him a new task, in the process of solving which he could use previously acquired knowledge in relation to new circumstances.

It is of great importance in the mental education of a child, therefore, the organization of games and activities that would develop the child’s mental interests, set him certain cognitive tasks, and force him to independently perform certain mental operations to achieve the desired result. This is achieved through questions asked by the teacher during classes, walks and excursions, didactic games of an educational nature, all kinds of riddles and puzzles specifically designed to stimulate the child’s mental activity.

Preschool children experience intensive development of thinking. The child acquires a number of new knowledge about the surrounding reality, learns to analyze, synthesize, compare, generalize his observations, i.e. perform simple mental operations

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“I think, therefore I exist!” - the great philosopher and scientist Descartes once said, and one cannot but agree with him. After all, it takes a little effort to explain to a child how to write and count, add and subtract. But teaching to think is a much more difficult task. It is important for parents to understand that their babies need not only tasty food, affection and attention. It is also necessary to “feed” the child’s brain, because the sooner you start developing logical thinking children, the more likely they are to grow up successful. For your information, the overwhelming majority of people who have achieved recognition became so not so much because of a good education or profitable connections, but because of good habit use your head and think outside the box.

Logical thinking in preschool children

The ability to separate the significant from the unimportant, to find commonalities and come to certain conclusions, to be able to prove and disprove, to be thoughtful and thorough - this is what logical thinking means. Throughout life, a person uses this quality more than once, however, most people nowadays think in stereotyped ways and do not strive to develop logic. But it needs to be trained, and this should be done from the very beginning. early age. It is only important to know by what rules the development of logical thinking in children is carried out, and also to understand the principle of operation of these rules.

Very young children cannot think abstractly yet. They are characterized by visually effective, and a little later - visually imaginative thinking. All they need to do is touch and see, they “think with their hands.”

In older preschool age, children develop verbal and logical thinking. This stage is considered the pinnacle of development; from this moment on, logic is improved throughout the rest of life. For a child, contemplating or feeling what he is thinking or talking about ceases to be important. Over time, as an adult, he will learn to evaluate the tasks assigned to him, as well as set goals, plan and look for ways to solve problems.

Methods for developing logical thinking in children

You can begin to develop logical thinking in children as early as two years of age. Usually during this period the baby is already making his first attempts at understanding the simplest cause-and-effect relationships. The main thing to remember is that you need to act in a way that is not burdensome for the child, using games and conversations. It is clear that the leading role in the conversation will initially belong to the adult: “Why is it so light in the room? Right! The sun is shining through the window!”, “Who’s that crowing in our yard? That's right, cockerel." If the baby begins to add something of his own and share his own opinion, this will mean that he has accepted the rules of the game and is happy to join in it.

With a 3-4 year old child who already knows the basic colors and geometric shapes, you can try playing a guessing game. Moreover, you can guess not only the properties of objects, but also their signs (for example, a cucumber can be long, green, fresh, etc.). At this age, children get great joy from solving problems of sorting something that is similar based on one characteristic (size, shape, color). You can also start teaching your baby how to compare things. At first it is easier to determine how they differ from each other, and then look for something in common. During this period, games with construction sets and mosaics are very important for children. When creating three-dimensional buildings or pictures, they develop the ability to generalize.

To develop logical thinking in preschool children, tasks become more and more complex. For example, you can do solving riddles, putting together puzzles, analyzing proverbs and sayings. When explaining something, it is advisable to draw the child’s attention to specific words, definitions and concepts; teach how to select synonyms and antonyms for them (after, of course, having talked about the meanings of these terms). All this has a beneficial effect on thought processes and the development of logic.

Along with exercises within mathematical concepts (more-less, classification in ascending-descending order, removing unnecessary things), classes to improve speech will be useful. At older preschool age, a child is able to comprehend fairly complex cause-and-effect relationships. For example, you can discuss a book you read or something you saw together, giving your child the opportunity to draw his own conclusions.

There is a time for everything

All of the above methods are undoubtedly very useful for the development of logical thinking in children. Naturally, considerable efforts must be made to implement them. But any, even the most difficult task, if you approach it creatively, can be easily accomplished. The main thing is to understand the key laws of logical thinking:

  • You can always develop logic, both when you are very young and when you already have considerable life experience behind you;
  • There are certain exercises for each level of mental activity; there is no need to jump over steps, no matter how primitive and banal these tasks may seem. You shouldn’t, for example, demand any complex conclusions from a little toddler with his visual thinking;
  • In no case should you separate logic and creativity. After all harmonious development thinking abilities is impossible without fantasy and imagination. Only comprehensive classes will form a full-fledged intellectual power of a person.

To summarize, I would like to say: in order to succeed in raising a child as a versatile personality with developed logical thinking, you should choose those games and activities that he likes. It is unlikely that boring exercises will bring much benefit, and there is no point in it - you can acquire new knowledge and at the same time have fun. Good luck!

Preschool age is the period when the base is created, the foundation for the full mental development of a child at an older age. In order for the child to be interested in learning new things, not to be afraid of difficulties, and to be able to overcome them, it is necessary to take care of the all-round development of the preschooler. Particular attention should be paid to the development of a child’s logical thinking.

Development of logical thinking

Children already in early preschool age are faced with a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors of objects around them. The perception of the surrounding world occurs without special preparation. However, if assimilation occurs intuitively, it is most often incomplete and superficial.

The development of logic and thinking is an integral part of a child’s successful preparation for school and his harmonious development.

Senior preschool age is marked by the beginning of the emergence of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness. This period becomes important in general for mental development, for the formation of readiness for schooling.

It is customary to use symbolic symbols to designate objects, sequences, and sets, which is what children are introduced to in preparation for school. The kids actively accept it.

Especially if such models are invented together, focusing on the use of notation not only in words, but also graphically (for example, not only rectangles, but also other figures that have 4 corners fall into one group of objects, emphasis is placed on the number “4”) .

For parents to develop their child’s logical thinking

A preschooler who knows how to use logical operations is doomed to successful learning and no problems in the cognitive sphere, since his intellectual level will help him cope with difficulties.

If you want to help your child be successful, we recommend using the following developmental tasks. They will turn your communication into a fun and useful game.

To start classes with a child, it is not necessary to have a pedagogical education.

Oral games

Word games are simple, accessible, do not require special preparation, and can be played in any convenient place. Such tasks develop horizons, clarify, enrich vocabulary. Choose those that teach you to find analogies, generalize, classify objects and phenomena into groups, and make logical connections.

  • Come up with a new ending for a famous fairy tale;
  • Compose a story, poems together, that is, one begins, the other continues in meaning;
  • Play “riddles”: the parent riddles an object, object or phenomenon and invites the child to guess it using questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no”;
  • Play “I believe it or not.” You say a statement, for example, “All dogs are purebred” or “A pear is a tree.” The child answers whether the given sentence is correct. If the answers and decisions are controversial, so much the better; there is an opportunity to reflect and come to an answer using logical reasoning.

Game “Associations” (we develop verbal and logical thinking)

Assignment: choose the appropriate word for the one indicated by a certain characteristic corresponding to the one present in the previous pair, explain your choice.

For example, a bird is a nest, a person is ?. The bird lives in a nest, which means that for the word “person” we will select a word denoting housing - “house”.

  • Deaf - song, blind - ... (picture);
  • Airplane - pilot, bus - ... (driver);
  • Summer - cap, winter - ... (hat);
  • Ladle - pan, spoon - ... (glass, glass);
  • Spoon - soup, fork - ... (salad, potatoes, meat, noodles), etc.

Game “Say it in one word” (we develop logical operations of classification, generalization)

Assignment: you must name the presented group of words with one generalizing word and explain your decision.

  • Kissel, compote, tea, fruit drink (drinks);
  • Microwave oven, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, bread maker;
  • Nest, hollow, hole, anthill;
  • Bicycle, scooter, airplane, motorcycle;
  • Baker, tour guide, seamstress, salesman, etc.

Games using cards, paper, pen

Preschoolers enjoy games using bright pictures. You need to take advantage of this by using not only cards, but also a pen and paper. The proposed ideas can be supplemented with your own, complicating or simplifying at your discretion.

  • Use games to compare and group objects;
  • Use ready-made puzzles with matches;
  • Compose coherent stories based on the plot pictures. It will be useful to offer them to the child in the wrong order at the beginning;
  • Go through labyrinths, rescuing heroes, solve riddles and puzzles on paper.

Board games

Colorful boxes with sets of drawings, rules, and figures attract not only preschoolers, but also their parents. An evening spent in close quarters family circle, useful both for communication with family and for the development of a little fidget. Lotto, sea battle, chess are classic games that have stood the test of time.

These are classes that will always be relevant, suitable for family vacation. They teach you to win gracefully and accept defeats, to enjoy communication and the process of the game.

In addition, tiles and pictures from board games can be used for teaching. Let's look at several ways.

  • Invite your preschooler to recognize objects with his eyes closed, by touch;
  • Arrange objects according to a certain algorithm. For example, make sequences of them: increasing, decreasing, by color, size, shape;
  • Use dominoes and triminoes to learn counting, addition and subtraction.


It is possible and necessary to develop and train logical thinking in preschool age in different ways. It is important that the development of cognitive abilities is carried out not spontaneously, but purposefully. The main task of parents is to find and offer their child interesting didactic games, educational tasks or other interesting formats of activities that will stimulate the child’s development in the right direction.

The development of thinking in preschool children is one of the stages of preparing a child for upcoming learning. How easy it will be for him to master new knowledge at school and apply it in practice in the future depends on how developed the child’s logical thinking, memory, ability to analyze, compare, specify and generalize.

What is thinking

Thinking is a process during which a person solves the task assigned to him. As a result of thinking, a thought appears, expressed in words. The better a child’s speech is developed, the more clearly he can express his thoughts. Thinking helps the baby master new knowledge, so much attention is paid to its development.

Types of thinking

Educational psychologists distinguish three types of thinking in children:

  • Visually effective, when the child’s thinking process proceeds through action on an object, is characteristic of young children.
  • Visual-figurative when the child’s thinking process occurs with the help of objects, phenomena and ideas, typical for preschool children.
  • Verbal-logical when the thinking process occurs in the child’s mind with the help of concepts, words, reasoning, typical for children of older preschool age.

Basically, preschool children develop the first two types of thinking. The development of logical thinking occurs on the basis of figurative thinking. If a child has well-developed all types of thinking, it is much easier for him to solve the tasks assigned to him. Therefore, it is very important to conduct regular classes with your child to develop logical thinking. The main and main features of logical thinking in children are: the ability to reason, analyze, compare, classify objects, the ability to argue one’s point of view, identify the main features from the secondary ones, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and develop non-standard thinking.

A child’s logical thinking should be taught and developed through age-appropriate games. After all, all children love to play, and it is up to an adult to make games meaningful and useful. During the game, the child can consolidate previously acquired knowledge and acquire new skills, which stimulates the development of his mental abilities. During the game, such personal qualities as independence, resourcefulness, intelligence are formed, perseverance is developed, and constructive skills are developed. Based on this, educational psychologists develop special games for the development of logical thinking. Usually these are labyrinths, ingenuity, puzzles, educational games.

Games that help develop thinking

Who loves what? An adult selects pictures with drawn animals and the food they eat. Then he lays out the pictures in front of the child, separately with images of food, separately with animals, and invites the baby to “feed” the animals.

Name it in one word. The child is told words united by a common feature, and then asked to name these words in one word. For example: plum, banana, apple, lemon - fruits; wolf, bear, hare, fox are wild animals. When the child masters this game, it can be slightly modified: the adult says a generalizing word, and the baby must name the objects that relate to it. For example: birds - sparrows, pigeons, tits.

Classification. An adult gives the child a set of pictures depicting various objects. Then he asks the child to carefully examine them and sort them into groups according to some characteristic.

Find the extra picture. The adult selects pictures so that three of them can be combined into a group based on a common characteristic, and the fourth would be superfluous. Next, you need to invite the child to find the extra picture, while the child must explain his choice and say what is common in the pictures that he has identified in the group.

Find the extra word. The adult reads a series of words to the child and then asks which word is the odd one out. For example: pine, oak, strawberry, birch; second, summer, minute, hour; brave, courageous, angry, courageous.

Alternation. Invite your child to string, color or draw beads. Please pay attention to the fact that the beads should alternate in color or in some other sequence. Using the same principle, you can build a fence from multi-colored sticks.

Words with opposite meanings. Offer your child a game in which an adult will say a word to him, and the child must respond with a word of the opposite meaning, for example: small - big, stupid - smart, lazy - hardworking.

It happens - it doesn’t happen. The adult names a situation for the child and throws him a ball. If such a situation happens, then the baby catches the ball, and if not, then he hits it. You can suggest approximately the following situations: glass shoes, the cat wants to eat, the house went for a walk, dad went to work.

Comparison of concepts and objects. The kid should have an idea about the objects that he will compare. An adult asks “Have you seen a butterfly? What about a fly?”, after receiving affirmative answers, he asks the following questions: “What is the difference between a butterfly and a fly? How are they similar? A child of 6-7 years old should already be able to compare objects: find common features and differences in them based on essential features. For example, a pair of words for comparison: village and city, fight and prank, violin and piano, hammer and axe.

Lyudmila Golovashina
Development of logical thinking in children in preschool age

Development of logical thinking in children in preschool age.

Logic is a form of thinking, reflecting objects and phenomena in their essential characteristics.

Signs can be properties of an object that unite or separate objects from one another. In other words, attributes are properties of objects in which they are similar or different.

Any object has many, a whole complex of characteristics that define it. Such features can determine the properties of only this object and be isolated or reflect the characteristic features of a number of objects. Such signs are called general. To confirm these words, the following can be cited: example: each person has a number of characteristics that characterize him, some of which characterize only him. These are facial features, physique, gait, facial expressions, as well as signs defined by law enforcement officials as "special features", and other catchy signs. Other signs characterize an entire community of people and distinguish this community from the totality of other communities. Such characteristics include profession, nationality, social affiliation, etc. Often a child cannot cope with seemingly simple tasks. logical tasks and this worries parents very much. For example, most children of senior preschool age cannot correctly answer the question about what more: geometric shapes or circles, even if they have a picture in their hands on which geometric shapes are drawn - many circles and several squares. Children answer that there are more circles. In such cases, they base their answers on what they see with their own eyes. They are let down by figurative thinking, A logical By the age of five, children are not yet proficient in reasoning.

Mastery logical forms of thinking in preschool age contributes to the development mental abilities and is necessary for a successful transition children to schooling.

Logical thinking this is the ability to operate with abstract concepts, this is controlled thinking, this is the ability to carry out the simplest logical operations: definition of concepts, comparison, generalization, classification, judgment, inference, proof.

What's good logical thinking? Because it leads to the right decision without the help of intuition and experience!

By making mistakes and learning from them, we master the rules logical thinking and we use them every day.

So, logics explores the path to truth!

Therefore, one of the most important tasks in raising a small child is development of his mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things. A big plus in development child is his learning logical thinking. Thanks to logic You can substantiate many life phenomena, explain abstract concepts, teach a child to defend his point of view. Through logic complex mathematical theorems and simple everyday judgments are constructed. It helps to sensibly assess the world and others, to understand the entire complex process of the passage of time called "life".

Everyone knows how children love to talk, trying to seem like adults. But any adult will easily notice errors in a child’s reasoning, and first of all, these shortcomings will be associated with inaccuracy logical structure of thought. You can overcome this weakness by using logic games . Starting to train your thinking from early childhood, by the time the child starts school, he will be significantly ahead in development of their peers.

So, working with children development of elements of logical thinking included in all main structures of pedagogical process:

Training sessions;

Organization joint activities with children;

Providing children with opportunities for free independent activities.

Efficiency the development of logical thinking in preschoolers increases, if visual models serve as teaching aids, familiarity with which should begin already in the younger and middle groups. General visual modeling ability develops by modeling serial and classification relationships using models in the form of Euler circles, Dienesh logical blocks, Cuisenaire rods. Besides this there are many didactic games aimed at creating logical thinking of preschool children.

Play logical games are useful in any age. Therefore, you should not put any specific age frames for game participants.

Here are a few of them.

On development of ingenuity: “Who called?”

A game for little ones. The essence of the game is to determine by voice who said the word.

For understanding: "Whose trace"

Traces of animals and people are drawn, guess whose traces are.

On development artistically figurative thinking:

"Shapes" What do geometric shapes look like?

"Shadow"- determine by the shadow what object it is from.

Games for intuition: "Additional drawings"

Complete the figure.

"Words" finish the poem. Use the works of Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Agnia Barto.

Games on development of attention: "What's extra?", "Find the Differences".

In these logic games can be played, both in kindergarten and at home with parents.