Development of a 10 month old baby. The tenth month of a child’s life: development, skills and abilities, sleep, teeth, nutrition. What to do if your baby doesn't sleep well at night and often wakes up for feedings

How does a girl or boy develop, what height and weight should children reach almost one year of age have, what should a child at 10 months be able to do? At this age, children, like a sponge, absorb all the information from the world around them, acquire important skills for them, and actively develop physically and psychologically. It is very important to choose correct forms, methods of child development and education.

Child development at 10 months

At the age of 10 months, children are developing very actively. They can already repeat sounds, walk independently, master new movements, and are able to sit down on their own. This critical period in development is characterized by independence: the baby gets up on his own, tries to move around, and chooses a toy himself. It is very important not to rush the baby or cause negative emotions.

Reaching one year of age, the baby begins to actively develop its mental abilities. Children understand some of their parents' requests, and there is an awareness that the environment is not only what they see around them. The baby knows: if mom leaves the room, she will return. He develops a connection between certain events and forms relationships with certain people. Karapuz can already analyze what is happening and draw his own conclusions.

Child's height and weight

Reaching the age of 10 months, the child’s body begins to form proportionally. However, the baby's growth and weight slows down a little. The boys are getting bigger. The average height for boys is approximately 69-77 cm, weight - 8-11 kg. Girls are a little smaller, they lag behind in these indicators. Their height varies between 69-75 cm, weight - 7.9-10 kg. However, it must be taken into account that these criteria are also influenced by hereditary factors.

Mental development

A distinctive feature of the psychological development of children 10 months of age is curiosity. What should a child be able to do at 10 months? He is already responding to the call, he becomes interested in what other people are doing. The baby begins to distinguish the expression on his mother’s face, the reaction to his behavior, and reacts to her mood. This is the best period for raising an optimist. Children repeat their dad's movements and are able to imitate adults. Krovinka reacts to dangerous objects, unpleasant situations, for example, she knows what it means to fall. However, you should not count on his independence.

Emotional development

The development of a baby at 10 months is characterized by the emergence of social and everyday skills and the desire to interact. The little one calls for help, gives signals with a request to do something, for example, lifts up a box to be opened. Very often, ten-month-old children break toys, thereby attracting attention and testing the reaction of adults. The child is able to play longer with one game, his favorite toys appear, which he does not part with during sleep and meals.

What can a 10 month old baby do?

The baby has already become more sociable and is showing independence. The child is determined by his tastes: he chooses music and games. By 10 months baby:

  • uses a spoon, drinks from a mug;
  • sits, stands on his own, rises with support, gets on all fours, begins to walk independently;
  • reacts to hands being extended to him;
  • sits on the potty;
  • takes small objects with two fingers - “tweezer grip”;
  • He climbs onto the bed, chair, and gets off himself.

Motor skills

Movement skills develop very rapidly. The baby shows a desire to use several toys and objects at the same time: move a bucket with a scoop, go for a favorite toy, carry it independently, show it. Parents should definitely praise their child for his independence. Children eat themselves: they bite off and chew small pieces. They enjoy playing with small toys, playing with buttons, pebbles, and fasteners, while developing fine motor skills.

Speech development

The baby begins to develop speech skills. Children “talk” using babbling - repetition of syllables, multi-type, same-type. Following the articulation of adults, the baby is able to reproduce syllables like: “ba-ba”, “well-well”, “ma-ma”, “give-give”, etc. Intonation is especially pronounced. A baby at 10 months should be able to highlight syllables with the power of his voice and place pauses. Babbling becomes similar to rhythmically repeating sounds. It is important that adults use only soft intonation and speak calmly.

What should a boy be able to do?

The difference in physical and mental development between girls and boys becomes noticeable already at the age of ten months. Boys are physically more developed, but less emotional. Babies crawl confidently, begin to communicate with peers, and are able to independently:

  • sit down;
  • walk with an adult;
  • put away toys;
  • show items by name;
  • respond to name;
  • disassemble, fold pyramids;
  • build from cubes;
  • drink independently, hold food.

What should a girl be able to do?

At nine months of age, girls are more emotional, they laugh more often, and are better able to imitate movements. Girls fulfill the requests of adults more easily, they know how to drink and eat on their own, they begin to move with pleasure to music, and they can get up and sit down on their own. Their speech skills begin to develop faster. Girls often do something, trying to attract the attention of adults, and they definitely expect praise.

How to develop a child at 10 months

At this time, you should teach the child simple maintenance skills: putting toys away, holding a spoon or cup himself, teaching him self-service skills, for example, picking up the right item on his own, holding a toy. The baby's activity is good for the development of motor skills: build a “tunnel” of boxes and call the child, play his favorite music and ask him to teach the doll to dance, stomp, clap with him. All these exercises will develop motor skills and coordination of movements.

Activities with a child

For a child, play is not only having fun time, but also the opportunity to develop. However, it is advisable to use active activities during the day, since despite all the mobility, the baby will get tired quickly. In the afternoon, you should give preference to quieter activities. You can use cubes finger painting, fold a pyramid. There are a lot of fun things to do with babies. What games are best to choose in the morning:

  1. Ball games. You can roll the ball on the floor, hide small balls.
  2. Fitball. A large ball is used. It’s good to give your baby a ride on it, jump on the ball, and let him stand on it with his feet.
  3. Musical instruments. Any toys for this age are suitable.
  4. The first machine. The baby will carry it on a rope and put toys there.
  5. "Cleaning". The smallest objects scatter on the floor. The little one collects them.

Quiet games are more suitable for entertainment in the afternoon. These could be:

  1. Games on the street. Collect chestnuts, cones, pebbles.
  2. Clothespins. The little one, putting together bright clothespins, will develop his fingers.
  3. Telephone. Young children willingly imitate adults. The phone will help develop speech.
  4. Bathing. In addition to playing with “floating” toys, you can ask your child to do simple actions, for example, wash his hands and tummy.


Well, you were able to get closer to the next round date - ten months. The figure is binding and very serious. The last quarter of the baby's first year will be accompanied by rapid psychological development, but we can only wish parents patience. At this age, a child needs an eye and an eye, because he always shows initiative, which cannot be suppressed.

Height and weight

At 10 months average weight the baby should weigh from 9.525 to 10.355 kilograms, and his height can fluctuate between 72.11-73.91 centimeters. The chest circumference at the age of 10 months is 45-46 centimeters, and the head circumference is 45-46 centimeters.

What can a 10 month old child do?

A child of 10 months should be able to perceive jokes addressed to him, listen to the speech of an adult and imitate his sounds. Inserting one object into another, preferring to play with small objects compared to large ones, getting one object with the help of another, pushing a ball, rolling a car. Walk with support, crawl, sit, chew finely cut food, show active interest in other children. The most important thing for a child at this age is to do everything “like a big one.” The baby has already mastered the movements of his hands, arms and fingers enough to repeat all the actions of adults. Be extremely careful, because your random gesture can please your baby so much that you will then have to wean him off it for months.

Baby's daily routine at 10 months

Menu and child nutrition

Even at 10 months, when introducing new foods into the baby’s diet, this must be done with extreme caution. After all, even if the baby did not have an allergic reaction before, no one can definitively answer whether it will occur after the introduction, for example, of fish. Do not rush to introduce foods that are considered allergenic, for example, chicken eggs, fish, raspberries and strawberries.

Caution, allergies

Children living in a temperate continental climate, in Russia and Ukraine, are not recommended to be given fruits that are atypical for this region at an early age. These include not only exotic kiwi and mango, but also oranges and other citrus fruits, for example, persimmon. Also, chocolate, which also contains a lot of sugar, can cause allergies. A child prone to constipation should not be given foods that strengthen the stool - cherries, black currants, bananas and blueberries.

How long does he sleep?

Most often, at 10 months, the child switches to one daytime nap, which is enough for him to fully rest. Children with different temperaments sleep for different amounts of time, so if your baby sleeps for 4-5 hours during the day, then there is no reason to worry. And other children can sleep only 1-2 hours during the day, which is also the normal limit. The child cannot yet understand that he is tired and needs to sleep, so the mother must correctly recognize his whims and put him to bed. You can prepare your child for bedtime by reading him an interesting book.

Potty training

10 months is the age when your baby can be potty trained. This must be done when the baby can already sit confidently, remember the approximate time when his pants become wet, and at this time put him on the potty. Create a calm atmosphere, turn on the water on the tap, repeat sounds like “a-a” or “pee-pee” while putting the child on the potty. Don't force him to sit if he doesn't want to. The process of toilet training a baby is quite difficult, but sooner or later he will be able to learn it. If he succeeds, be sure to praise him.

Caring for a 10 month old baby


At 10 months, in addition to regular bathing, you can add water douches. This procedure can be carried out every day in the bathroom, using a shower hose at a distance of 20-30 cm from the baby’s body. For dousing, the initial temperature should be 36 degrees, every week it should be lowered by 1 degree, bringing it to 28 degrees. This temperature should be constant by the time your baby turns one year old. It is best to douse from 16.00 to 19.00 hours. It must be started from the back, then the tummy and chest, and lastly the right and left shoulders are poured. After dousing the child, it is necessary to wipe thoroughly; it is good to douche after a complex of gymnastics and massage, after sleep or 30 minutes after feeding.


At 10 months, games with a child should be aimed at development fine motor skills, such as:

  • pouring, sorting nuts, cereals, buttons or beads from one container to another;
  • laying out toothpicks, matches, nuts, beans, curly pasta, cotton swabs, pebbles;
  • opening lids - large (from plastic bottles) and small (from jars of creams);
  • finger painting on fine grains, sand, flour;
  • games with ribbons, knots, laces;
  • finger games with rhymes (such as “Magpie-Crow”);
  • using spoons of different sizes for eating;
  • pouring or digging snow or sand with a rake, scoop, stick, spatula.

Try to have your baby do everything with both hands, and not just the right. After all, at 10 months the active development of the right hemisphere occurs, for which the left hand is responsible.


At 10 months, a child may have problems with nutrition, he has already formed taste preferences, and has favorite and unloved foods. Carefully monitor his diet, try not to force him to eat something he doesn’t like.

Changes in the physical parameters of babies under one year of age are closely monitored not only by parents, but also by pediatricians. After all, they can be used to judge how correctly and timely the overall development of the baby occurs. What is the average height and weight of a child aged 10 months? How do they change? What does this depend on?

Dynamics of height and weight

The weight of a child at 10 months, as well as height, depends on many factors, so it is impossible to unambiguously bring all children under the “common denominator”. Changes in dynamics must be taken into account. And they are largely influenced by the following factors:

  • genetic characteristics (if the parents are short and thin, the baby will most likely be the same);
  • weight, height of the baby at birth;
  • gender of the child (statistically proven that girls are on average a couple of centimeters shorter and also weigh 500–700 g less);
  • type, quality and quantity of complementary foods, diet (the child should eat 5 times a day);
  • motor activity (how productively the baby spends the energy received from food, how fully replenishes energy costs);
  • the amount of oxygen a child receives while playing on fresh air(and therefore the duration of walks);
  • sleep pattern (sufficient hours of rest at night and during the day);
  • psycho-emotional state of the baby, the presence of psycho-traumatic factors;
  • frequency and severity of illnesses (frequently ill children are weakened, their weight gain is slower);
  • the presence of endocrine diseases that disrupt metabolic processes.

Therefore, when assessing changes in physical parameters, pediatricians start from the individual development and characteristics of a particular baby, from his medical history. You need to compare the child’s growth in each month, and only then, after a thorough analysis of all the factors that could influence this, draw conclusions about how the baby’s indicators correspond to the average indicators of pediatric standard tables.

Physical landmarks

The height and weight gains of a 10-month-old child become noticeably lower compared to previous months. During this month, the baby will grow by about a centimeter (or even less), gaining from 350 to 500 g.

This is due, first of all, to the ever-increasing activity of the baby. After all, he is now on the move all day, acquiring his first, but so important research experience, exploring the world around him, developing his physical skills:

  • crawls;
  • sits down;
  • gets up;
  • moves at the support;
  • climbs steps holding the hands of adults;
  • climbs onto elevated surfaces (sofa, armchair, chair);
  • loves to walk with adult support;
  • loves to dance to a cheerful tune.

A lot of energy is spent on games that become more meaningful and logical (collecting nesting dolls, pyramids, turrets, inserts, sorters, puzzles, playing with balls, rolling toys). After 6–7 months of age, decreased weight gain and decreased growth rates are considered physiologically determined.

So how much should a child of this age normally weigh, what should parents be guided by? Approximate guidelines can be found in special tables. For example, in this:

In this case, it is worth paying close attention to indicators that noticeably deviate from the highest or lowest value. If you conduct a timely examination and identify the causes of deviations, you can avoid many problems with the development of the baby in the future. You may need the help of a neurologist, endocrinologist, or other specialists.

In order for the baby to develop correctly and his parameters to meet the norms, parents themselves can do a lot by providing the baby with the appropriate conditions.

  • Create a favorable psychological climate in the family. Constant stress is common cause underweight in children. In addition, in the future they can lead to the development of complexes, phobias, feelings of inferiority, and even delays in psycho-speech development in the child.
  • Provide your little one with adequate rest: at least 11 hours of sleep at night and 2 naps during the day, each lasting at least an hour. If the toddler goes to 1 nap during the day, it should be longer. Lack of sleep can lead to both lethargy and excessive excitability, which will affect the well-being and, therefore, the development of the baby.
  • If your child has already developed teeth (there can be from 2 to 6), try not to give him ground food. Let him learn to chew small pieces and bite off. This will be the next stage in the development of his gastrointestinal tract, from proper operation which also largely depends on the child’s weight.
  • Walk a lot in the fresh air. In summer this can be 2 walks of 2–3 hours each. It’s good if one of the walks is partially taken up by sleep. In winter and the off-season, you need to focus on weather conditions. In strong winds, big frost, you should not walk in heavy rain - limit yourself to frequent ventilation of the room. On other days there should also be 2 walks, lasting at least 1–1.5 hours. When there is a lack of oxygen in the body, it is primarily the brain that suffers, as it does not receive enough nutrition. Accordingly, the operation of all systems is disrupted.
  • Create a safe environment for your little one to explore. Everything that is in his access zone must be safe (no medications, household chemicals, cutting or piercing objects, nothing that can be swallowed). It is better to put limiters on doors, closers on drawers, fix the carpet on the floor to prevent fidgeting, put protective plugs on sockets, remove wires and electrical appliances from the viewing area. Especially if it is not possible to monitor the little one every minute. After all, any injury, burn, or poisoning is a big shock for a young researcher.
  • At the same time, there is no need to forbid the child to climb somewhere or touch something: he should have the opportunity to gain experience in studying the surrounding reality, discover its patterns, and understand the consequences of certain actions. However, even if it has already been explained to him that the iron is hot and it is dangerous to touch it, at this age you cannot be sure that the baby will not do the opposite, questioning your words and finding out what the consequences of violating the prohibition will be.
  • Carry out hardening. It's good if you did this with early age and continue now. Hardening procedures strengthen the defenses of a small organism, preventing, first of all, frequent colds, which can significantly affect the weight and general condition of the child. Rubbing, dousing, air baths, walking on the floor barefoot and other techniques, if used systematically, activate the immune system.

So, height and weight are the first indicators that doctors pay attention to when assessing health and general development child. They help to suspect not only digestive problems, but also more serious ones that require long, painstaking correction.

However, if there are no visible physiological reasons for underweight (or “overweight”), parents should reconsider the child’s regimen and provide him with conditions for full development. After all, it often happens that the baby is simply fed (especially in families where compassionate grandmothers live, for whom the hungriest and skinniest child in the world is their grandson). This can not only disrupt the metabolism of a small organism, but also inhibit the overall physical development toddler (it’s much harder for fat kids to crawl, keep their weight on their legs vertically, and bend over). Therefore, it is worth learning one main parental rule: prudence is important in everything.

A ten-month-old baby is a small, developing personality. Manifestations of character are noticeable in everything: the child wants to be independent, concentrates on some task and is indignant when he is disturbed. The development of a child at 10 months is very rapid - mothers sometimes do not have time to record new achievements during the day and discuss them on the forum - there are so many of them.

Baby's progress at 10 months:

  1. Usually by this age the child already has at least 4 teeth. But this process is individual - don’t worry if they don’t exist yet.
  2. The baby stands independently in the crib, holding onto the sides. Can crouch and jump in it, moving around the perimeter.
  3. The baby is able to use several objects at once: for example, push a ball with a stick.
  4. Repeats the movements of adults. He examines the contents of cabinets and chests of drawers with interest, opening and closing the doors.
  5. He knows how to get off the couch himself, butt first.
  6. If you support him by the arms, he can move and stand.
  7. Sits independently from a standing position.
  8. Fine motor skills of the hands are well developed, pinch grip has been mastered.
  9. Can crawl on its belly.
  10. Repeats the words of mom and dad, reacts to jokes and poems.
  11. Actively uses gestures in communication: waves his hand goodbye, extends his hands towards him.
  12. Seeks communication with other children.

Child's skills and reactions:

  • If you place your baby next to a sofa or chair, he can stand on his own for at least a minute.
  • Having placed the child and stretched out your hands to him, you can see how he will grab them and stand up.
  • If you put the baby on his back, he should sit up on his own.
  • If you give a baby a doll, he will examine its individual parts with interest, touching them with his fingers: the nose, eyes, mouth of the toy.

Feeding a baby at 10 months

During this period, complementary feeding fades into the background or is completely absent. The baby mainly eats regular food. How much should a ten month old baby eat? The daily dose is up to 700 grams of dairy products.

During one feeding he eats an average of 200 grams of food. Breast milk given at night. After feeding, you can give 50 grams of juice or water to drink.

If your child is not given enough fluids, he or she may become constipated. Food must be steamed or boiled. You can give whole pieces boiled vegetables or soft fruits to encourage chewing.

You shouldn’t grind the puree too much - you can just mash it with a fork. The menu should consist of natural products without preservatives and dyes.

Baby care and health

Physical development at 10 months allows you to accustom the child to order. He is now active enough to learn to clean up his toys. You need to set an example for him by putting them in place and asking the baby to help.

Walks with the child are required, at least two hours a day. You should not overheat your baby by dressing him too warmly. During this period, he can already walk on tiptoes or on tiptoes, speak words, look at pictures and books. You can gradually potty train your baby, praising him for his successes throughout the day.

Mental development of a child

Your baby may have a favorite toy that he won’t want to part with. He likes certain music to which he will dance, tapping his feet. Sometimes an overly active baby may bite or pinch the face of an adult or another child. There is no need to shout at him, even if he hits someone. You should explain in a calm tone that this cannot be done. Right now the personality is being formed little man and an overly strict attitude towards him may be fraught with complexes in the future.

What else can a baby do at 10 months?

  • Follow the instructions: “give”, “take”, “hug”.
  • Speak in syllables: ta-ta, ba-ba, ma-ma.
  • Imitate sounds.
  • Name objects in your own language.
  • Play with your tongue and saliva in your mouth.
  • Remember the position of objects.

He begins to understand where and what lies, and is not so scared when his mother leaves, because he already understands that she will return. At this time, the baby’s early associative thinking is formed.

What games can you play with your child?

Parents often wonder how to develop a child through games? There are lots of ways to do this. Here are the simplest ones:

  1. "Round dance". Take the child by the arms and perform circular movements, imitating a round dance. You can hum funny songs or read poems. This game develops body coordination and teaches the child to perform simple movements.
  2. "Throwing toys." You need to put an empty box on the floor and throw toys into it with the child from a certain distance. This is how the manipulation of an object develops.
  3. “Passage through a tunnel.” You need to construct a tunnel from empty boxes and call the baby from the other side. As he crawls through it, he will see how the distance and objects change.

Baby's sleep at 10 months

During this period, total sleep is up to 15 hours a day. Unlike a baby, who sleeps for about 20 hours, a ten-month-old baby is awake a lot during the day and explores the world with interest.

Sleep during the day

At this age, the baby needs to sleep twice a day for 1.5 hours. If naps take longer, your baby will have trouble sleeping at night.

Sleep at night

A 10 month old baby should sleep at least 10 hours at night. Sometimes the baby wakes up 2-3 times a night. Breastfeeding mothers should put their baby to the breast between 5 and 9 am.

Now you can develop a special sleep ritual and stick to a certain time for sleep. Then the child will notice the sequence of actions and will subsequently be able to fall asleep on his own.

Weight and height indicators for children at 10 months

Boys and girls develop differently. By 10 months, boys are 69-75 cm tall and weigh 7.5-11 kilograms. Girls - height 65-70, weight - 7.5 -10.1. These parameters are recommended, but everything also depends on the baby’s heredity. Indicators may vary in one direction or another.

Development of fine motor skills of hands

  • Playing in the sand or snow with a scoop, rake, and molds.
  • Finger painting in sand or semolina.
  • Unscrewing caps on bottles.
  • Picking through pebbles or pasta.
  • Transferring cereal from one container to another.

During the process, you need to make sure that the child uses both hands. This stimulates equal development of both hemispheres of the brain.

If the baby falls

A 10-month-old child is restless and can crawl under the table, bed, or in any unexpected place. Therefore, falls and bruises are a common occurrence for him. Even the most attentive mother may not keep track, and the child will hit himself. If your baby falls off the sofa and hits his head, there is no need to panic.

All people are different. And new mothers, already at the newborn stage of their children, are surprised to notice that each baby has differences not only in appearance, but also in behavior and development. And what older child becomes, the more individual traits he appears. The fact that someone went earlier, someone later, spoke earlier or later gained more body weight - all this individual characteristics, which are the norm for the time being. When talking about development, height, weight, pediatricians, neurologists and other specialists rely on certain average statistical data when examining a baby, which allows them to identify the presence of any abnormalities or reasons for concern. Let’s try and clarify what normal development should be at 10 months, what a baby should be able to do, and what average height and the weight of such little ones.

At the tenth month of life, the baby grows up literally before our eyes. Now the leading line of development of the baby becomes objective activity. The child pays more and more attention to the objects around him, including toys. Now he doesn’t just grab them, but tries to use them in some way. Children aged ten months are already well oriented in space, and some are even starting to walk. This period of infancy is considered very important for the further development of the baby.

Child's weight at 10 months, height

Of course, all children are different, and according to WHO data, the weight of ten-month-old boys varies widely depending on body type and other individual traits. It is considered normal if a child weighs from 7.4 kg to 11.4 kg. For girls, these parameters are slightly different. So at 10 months the baby’s weight should be from 6.7 to 10.9 kg.

As for growth indicators, the normal height of boys varies from 68.7 to 77.9 cm. For a girl child, height from 66.5 to 76.4 cm at this age is also considered normal. Since everyone has different individual characteristics, different nutrition, development, weight and height may go somewhat beyond this. The figures given are averages - both upper and lower limits.

What should a child’s development reach, what should a baby be able to do?

Children whose age has reached ten months are already trying to imitate their parents, pronouncing new and new syllables. Many children are already combining syllables with each other and are beginning to actively use pseudowords in their speech. The baby usually pronounces them with different intonations, expressing his attitude to what is happening. Sometimes children begin to say the most simple words.

At the age of ten months, the child can hear the request of an adult and perform previously learned actions. Kids understand what the words “give”, “no”, “let’s go”, “eat”, “can’t” mean, if parents actively use them in communication with the baby.

Children aged ten months already know how to stand up independently, and also have a good command of the ability to sit down from a standing position. The baby can walk along the support, holding his hand or hands on the crib, playpen, etc. He also manages to stand without support and even get up without support, especially from the “squatting” position.

If parents give a child a cup and spoon, he can already use them independently. Of course, this skill is not yet perfect, so after eating the baby you have to wash it and clean everything around it. But with practice, the accuracy of movements and coordination will increase.

Some ten-month-old children can sit quietly on the potty and understand the purpose and even the necessity of this item. But the ability to correlate your desires and the need to use a potty will come much later.

Baby development at ten months

Ten-month-old babies are incredibly mobile. They move easily on all fours, crawl over various obstacles and rise independently from support. They are interested in the world around them, and when rising, they try to reach all the objects that are located on shelves or tables. A child of this age can easily pull the tablecloth off the table with everything on it. Also, ten-month-old children love to inspect cabinets and shelves.

Children of this age often develop their own preferences. Some people love pyramids, some are interested in felt-tip pens and pencils, and some are interested in funny songs and even sing along with them. A ten month old baby may really enjoy tearing and crinkling paper. In this case, you need to give him not newspapers and magazines, but ordinary white sheets. After all, a child can pull them into his mouth, and printing ink is highly toxic.

When working with a ten-month-old baby, you should pay special attention to teaching subtle hand actions: manipulating balls, rings and cubes, as well as other educational toys. When connecting and separating individual parts of an object, assembling rings and balls, and even scattering them, the child learns to think, his brain receives a lot of necessary information that stimulates further development.

The development of a child at ten months is also manifested in the appearance of a distinct fear of unfamiliar (strangers) people. If someone else approaches the baby and wants to touch him or take him in his arms, the baby reacts especially negatively: he begins to turn away, cry and reach out to his mother.

Different children display this fearfulness in different ways. For some, hostility remains obvious even after prolonged communication; such children feel confident only next to their mother.

Children at ten months show a special interest in various sounds (and objects that make sounds) and in music. The baby can start dancing while holding onto a support, and his movements will change depending on the rhythm.

All children are different, their development is different, and what a child should be able to do by this age is only a guideline for his parents. However, obvious differences from peers may indicate some problems that, with timely diagnosis, are quite amenable to correction.