Stories about friendship of Russian writers. Friendship from the series of instructive stories. Russian folk tales about animals

Books for children

The concepts of “friend” and “friendship” enter the lives of children from the age of 4-5. But they will learn to truly be friends much later, and stories about the friendship and camaraderie of their peers will help them a lot in this.

The more books a teenager reads on this topic, the greater the chance that he will be a good friend as an adult. You cannot demand from people what you cannot give them yourself! Books should reveal to the young reader a world of noble heroes who are capable of sacrificing their time, strength, interests, and material wealth for the sake of friends.

Children receive their very first “lessons” in friendship by reading works with fairy-tale plots. One has only to remember how attentive the heroes of N. Nosov’s book “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” were to each other. And what did the Kid sacrifice for the sake of his dear friend in A. Lindgren’s story “The Kid and Carlson”. The main character of another book by a wonderful Swedish writer, “The Famous Detective Kalle Blumkvist Takes Risks,” could not have done without the help of his friends. The theme of friendship is also revealed in H. Heine’s work “Friends Forever”. The plots of all these stories are fictional, but the friendship of the heroes is real!

Interesting little stories about friendship will help children learn to communicate with peers, find common games and hobbies.

Y. Dragunsky “What Mishka loves”

Children of middle school age will be interested not only in stories about friendship for children - larger genre forms can be included in their reading circle. The events that form the basis of A. Gaidar’s story “” are long in the past, and the main idea of ​​the work that friendship should be based not on empty pastime, not on entertainment alone, but on a community of spiritual interests and noble ideas is absolutely relevant. The theme can be continued by the work of the following authors:

The older the young reader gets, the more profound stories about friends and friendship need to be offered to him: he must understand that a weak person is not capable of becoming a good comrade. It will be difficult for him to keep his word, take on part of his friend’s worries, or share any benefits with the latter. The heroes of the following books will give him an example of strong people who know how to be truly friends:

D. London "Smoke Bellew"

Children will learn that friendship has no age boundaries and can arise between representatives of different generations and even different social circles by reading G. Beecher Stowe’s book “.” The touching story of how the white-skinned girl Eva, the master’s daughter, supported the old black man Tom, her father’s slave, will not leave young readers indifferent.

What saved the legendary hero of the novel of the same name by D. Defoe from hunger and cold on a desert island? Undoubtedly, ingenuity and good physical preparation. What saved him from losing the fortitude so necessary for a person in emergency situations? Friendship with Friday. Another lesson for the guys: there are situations when money doesn’t matter at all - only the help and support of others can save a person.

An example of selfless, faithful friendship is given by the main characters of the adventure novel by A. Dumas "". Their mutual respect, fearlessness and willingness to help each other at any moment captivate young readers.

If stories about friendship for middle school students are designed to instill feelings of duty, honesty, respect, and goodwill towards comrades, then works for older schoolchildren can raise more serious questions: how can you support a friend in a difficult situation for him? What should friends do if their interests intersect? How to learn to forgive the mistakes of your comrades? How to deal with the betrayal of friends if this ever happens? Children can find answers to these questions in the following books.

Poems and stories for primary schoolchildren about friendship, about friends, about the fact that it is very good when a person has a reliable friend who helps in everything and does not betray.

Friends and comrades.

Early spring.

We walked after school -

Me and you are with me.

Jackets wide open

Hats on one side, -

We went anywhere

On the first warm day.

We went anywhere -

Just at random

Straight and right

And then back.

And then back,

And then around

And then skipping

And then run.

We wandered merrily

Me and you are with me,

Have fun back

Go home in the evening.

We parted merrily -

Why should we be sad?

Having fun with each other

Let's meet again!

What Mishka loves. Author: V. Yu. Dragunsky

One day Mishka and I entered the hall where we have singing lessons. Boris Sergeevich was sitting at his piano and playing something quietly. Mishka and I sat on the windowsill and didn’t bother him, and he didn’t notice us at all, but continued to play for himself, and different sounds very quickly jumped out from under his fingers. They splashed, and the result was something very welcoming and joyful. I really liked it, and I could have sat and listened for a long time, but Boris Sergeevich soon stopped playing. He closed the lid of the piano, and saw us, and said cheerfully:

- ABOUT! What people! They sit like two sparrows on a branch! Well, what do you say?

I asked:

- What were you playing, Boris Sergeevich?

He replied:

- This is Chopin. I love him very much.

I said:

- Of course, since you are a singing teacher, you love different songs.

He said:

- This is not a song. Although I love songs, this is not a song. What I played is called much more than just a “song”.

I said:

- What kind? In a word?

He answered seriously and clearly:

- Music. Chopin is a great composer. He composed wonderful music. And I love music more than anything in the world.

Then he looked at me carefully and said:

- Well, what do you love? More than anything else?

I replied:

- I love a lot of things.

And I told him what I love. And about the dog, and about the planing, and about the baby elephant, and about the red cavalrymen, and about the little doe on pink hooves, and about the ancient warriors, about the cool stars, and about the horse faces, everything, everything...

He listened to me carefully, he had a thoughtful face as he listened, and then he said:

- Look! I didn’t even know. Honestly, you’re still little, don’t be offended, but look - you love so much! The whole world!

Then Mishka intervened in our conversation. He pouted and said:

— And I love Deniska’s different varieties even more! Big deal!!

Boris Sergeevich laughed:

- Very interesting! Come on, tell the secret of your soul. Now it's your turn, take up the baton. So, get started! What do you love?

Mishka fidgeted on the windowsill, then cleared his throat and said:

— I love buns, buns, loaves and cupcakes! I love bread, cake, pastries, and gingerbread, whether Tula, honey, or glazed. I also love sushi and bagels; bagels, pies with meat, jam, cabbage and rice. I dearly love dumplings, and especially cheesecakes, if they are fresh, but stale ones are okay. You can have oatmeal cookies and vanilla crackers.

I also love sprat, saury, pike perch in marinade, bullheads in tomato, some in its own juice, eggplant caviar, sliced ​​zucchini and fried potatoes.

I absolutely love boiled sausage, if it’s a doctor’s sausage, I bet I’ll eat a whole kilo! I love the canteen, and the tea room, and brawn, and smoked, and half-smoked, and raw smoked! I actually love this one the most. I really love pasta with butter, noodles with butter, horns with butter, cheese with holes or without holes, with a red rind or a white rind - it doesn’t matter.

I love dumplings with cottage cheese, salty, sweet, sour cottage cheese; I love apples, grated with sugar, or just apples on their own, and if the apples are peeled, then I like to eat the apple first, and then, for a snack, the peel!

I love liver, cutlets, herring, bean soup, green peas, boiled meat, toffee, sugar, tea, jam, Borzhom, soda with syrup, soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled, in a bag, mogu and raw. I like sandwiches with just about anything, especially if thickly spread with mashed potatoes or millet porridge. So... Well, I won’t talk about halva - what fool doesn’t like halva? I also love duck, goose and turkey. Oh yes! I love ice cream with all my heart. For seven, for nine. For thirteen, for fifteen, for nineteen. Twenty-two and twenty-eight.

Mishka looked around the ceiling and took a breath. Apparently he was already pretty tired. But Boris Sergeevich looked at him intently, and Mishka drove on. He muttered:

- Gooseberries, carrots, chum salmon, pink salmon, turnips, borscht, dumplings, although I already said dumplings, broth, bananas, persimmons, compote, sausages, dumplings, sausage, although I already said sausage too...

The bear was exhausted and fell silent. It was clear from his eyes that he was waiting for Boris Sergeevich to praise him. But he looked at Mishka a little dissatisfied and even seemed stern. He, too, seemed to be waiting for something from Mishka: what else would Mishka say? But Mishka was silent. It turned out that they both expected something from each other and were silent.

The first one could not stand it, Boris Sergeevich.

“Well, Misha,” he said, “you love a lot, no doubt, but everything you love is somehow the same, too edible, or something.” It turns out that you love the whole grocery store. And only... And the people? Who do you love? Or from animals?

Here Mishka perked up and blushed.

“Oh,” he said embarrassedly, “I almost forgot!” More kittens! And grandma!

Hello, friend Seryoga! Yura Shurupov is writing to you. As I wrote to you before, I am relaxing with my grandmother in the village. It's good here. Birds chirp, cows moo.

The village is located near the station, past which passenger and freight trains pass. The distance a passenger train covers in 3 hours, a freight train covers in 5 hours. Now imagine that the trains set off simultaneously towards each other and by the time they met, the distance traveled by the passenger train turned out to be 180 kilometers. The question is: how far did the freight train travel? But that’s just me, by the way.

My grandmother works in the state farm vegetable garden. What doesn't grow here! Recently, 176 kilograms of carrots were harvested from the garden, 468 kilograms more cabbage than carrots, and 750 kilograms more potatoes than carrots and cabbage combined. Can you imagine how many vegetables we collected!

You ask in the letter how deep the river is and whether there are berries in the forest. I can’t answer you because I don’t have time to swim or go to the forest: I spend all day solving various problems. You know that I got straight D’s in math, because in class I played “tic-tac-toe” and “battleship.”

So I came to my senses. I have already solved 34 problems from the textbook, which is 2/5 of all problems, or 40 percent. As you can see, Seryoga, I have no time for rest! Well, it’s okay, I’ll rest in September!

That's it. How are you doing? How do you rest? Write.

There is nothing more to write. I'll go take this letter to the post office. The post office is located 5 kilometers from our house. If I walk at a speed of 3 kilometers per hour, I will reach the post office in 100 minutes.

Your friend Yura Shurupov.

Petka is my best friend. He and I have been friends since kindergarten, we live in the same house, we go to school and training together, we play football together. We have no secrets from each other. I don’t feel sorry for anything for him: chewing gum - please, candy - please, ice cream - please, I always share with him. He is also not greedy, in general, everything was fine with us for the time being.
One day I looked out the window and saw my Petka animatedly talking about something with Vitka from the neighboring yard. At first they waved their arms and proved something to each other, and then they went into Vitka’s entrance. I was very interested in what they were talking about and why Petka didn’t come out for so long.
On the way to school in the morning, I asked Petka about this.
-We talked about cars, which one is the best. I argued that there is nothing better than a Mercedes, and he said that there are plenty of even better cars. And then he invited me to his place and showed me his collection of cars, he has about a hundred of them! You know how interesting! And he also collects stamps, he has three albums of them! And in general he is such an interesting guy! I will be friends with him.
- How is it to be friends? We are friends with you! And now Vitka too? No, if you are my friend, then be friends only with me. We managed just fine without your Vitka.
- Why on earth is this? Am I a serf to you? It turns out that I have to ask you permission about who to be friends with and who not to?
Petka got terribly angry, and this was the first time he and I really quarreled. We didn’t talk at school either, and I also went home without Petka.
- In the evening, my mother asked me:
-Why are you walking around so pouty? Did you have a quarrel with Petka?
I wonder how my mother always guesses what is happening to me? I had to tell her everything about Petka and Vitka.
- You see, Petka turned out to be a traitor, he betrayed our friendship.
- And who told you such nonsense? Is it possible to call a person a traitor just because he wants to be friends with someone else besides you? Are you the best in the world? No, dear, every person has the right to dispose of himself as he wants, and to be friends with whomever he wants. If you are such an egoist, no one will be friends with you at all.
-Who is an egoist?
- An egoist is a person who thinks only about himself, so that only he can feel good, and does not take other people into account at all.
- It’s not true, I always took Petka into account.
- Yes, but you want Petka to belong only to you, and you haven’t thought about whether it’s good for Petka. I advise you to ask him for forgiveness. And three people can be friends, or even a whole group. It's even more interesting this way.
The next day I approached Petka and said:
- I also want to be friends with you. Can?
- Well, of course you can! – Petka was delighted. Vitka will be happy too!
Since then, the three of us have been friends, and we feel good.


Your story ended well. But often, unfortunately, such “friendly jealousy” leads to tears and drama, especially among girls! Apparently, they especially feel this expansion of their friend’s contacts as a “betrayal”... Thank you for your life story!

Thank you for your feedback. You're probably right, girls are more sensitive, but things happen differently for them. The three of us were friends when we were kids and nothing...

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Hello, Friends!

What is friendship? How to teach your children to be friends? How to teach how to choose your friends? Which actions can be considered good and which are bad? How should children, and adults too, behave in conflict situations? ...

By my own example. And read books about friendship. Watch good cartoons and films.

Today I offer you a selection of poems and stories about friendship for children to read over the weekend.

“Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for himself a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.”


What is friendship?

What is friendship? Does everyone know?
Maybe it’s funny to ask?
What does the word “friendship” mean?
Maybe a trip to the cinema together?
Maybe a good pass in football?
Maybe a hint at the board?
Maybe defense in a school fight
Or just a cure for boredom?
Well, maybe silence in class,
What if a friend does something bad?
Let's say Kolya painted the walls,
Mikhail saw everything, but remains silent.
Is this friendship if someone
I didn’t want to solve fractions at home:
There was no desire to study,
And his friend lets him write it off.
Is this friendship if two
We decided to skip classes,
And my mother asked: “Are you not at school?” –
Both begin to lie together.
Well, maybe friendship - that's if
A friend always speaks pleasantly
Sprinkling your speech with flattery,
And will he never say harshness?

Friends and comrades.

It was a fun day
Early spring.
We walked after school -
Me and you are with me.

Jackets wide open
Hats on one side, -
We went anywhere
On the first warm day.

We went anywhere -
Just at random
Straight and right
And then back.

And then back,
And then around
And then skipping
And then run.

We wandered merrily
Me and you are with me,
Have fun back
Go home in the evening.

We parted merrily -
Why should we be sad?
Having fun with each other
Let's meet again!

You, me, you and me!

You, me, you and me!
It's great to have friends in the world.
If everyone lived alone,
It's been in pieces for a long time now
The earth would probably fall apart.

You, me, you and me!
You, me, you and me!
We'll circle the Earth, then head to Mars.
Maybe by the orange river
There are already sad people there
Because we've been gone for too long.

You, me, you and me!
You, me, you and me!
Nothing will ever separate us.
Even if we part
Friendship still remains
Friendship remains with us forever.

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me...


Hello, friend Seryoga! Yura Shurupov is writing to you. As I wrote to you before, I am relaxing with my grandmother in the village. It's good here. Birds chirp, cows moo.

The village is located near the station, past which passenger and freight trains pass. The distance a passenger train covers in 3 hours, a freight train covers in 5 hours. Now imagine that the trains set off simultaneously towards each other and by the time they met, the distance traveled by the passenger train turned out to be 180 kilometers. The question is: how far did the freight train travel? But that’s just me, by the way.

My grandmother works in the state farm vegetable garden. What doesn't grow here! Recently, 176 kilograms of carrots were harvested from the garden, 468 kilograms more cabbage than carrots, and 750 kilograms more potatoes than carrots and cabbage combined. Can you imagine how many vegetables we collected!

You ask in the letter how deep the river is and whether there are berries in the forest. I can’t answer you because I don’t have time to swim or go to the forest: I spend all day solving various problems. You know that I got straight D’s in math, because in class I played “tic-tac-toe” and “battleship.”

So I came to my senses. I have already solved 34 problems from the textbook, which is 2/5 of all problems, or 40 percent. As you can see, Seryoga, I have no time for rest! Well, it’s okay, I’ll rest in September!

That's it. How are you doing? How do you rest? Write.

There is nothing more to write. I'll go take this letter to the post office. The post office is located 5 kilometers from our house. If I walk at a speed of 3 kilometers per hour, I will reach the post office in 100 minutes.

Your friend Yura Shurupov.

What Mishka loves.

One day Mishka and I entered the hall where we have singing lessons. Boris Sergeevich was sitting at his piano and playing something quietly. Mishka and I sat on the windowsill and didn’t bother him, and he didn’t notice us at all, but continued to play for himself, and different sounds very quickly jumped out from under his fingers. They splashed, and the result was something very welcoming and joyful. I really liked it, and I could have sat and listened for a long time, but Boris Sergeevich soon stopped playing. He closed the lid of the piano, and saw us, and said cheerfully:

ABOUT! What people! They sit like two sparrows on a branch! Well, what do you say?

I asked:

What were you playing, Boris Sergeevich?

He replied:

This is Chopin. I love him very much.

I said:

Of course, since you are a singing teacher, you love different songs.

He said:

This is not a song. Although I love songs, this is not a song. What I played is called much more than just a “song”.

I said:

What kind? In a word?

He answered seriously and clearly:

Music. Chopin is a great composer. He composed wonderful music. And I love music more than anything in the world.

Then he looked at me carefully and said:

Well, what do you love? More than anything else?

I replied:

I love a lot of things.

And I told him what I love. And about the dog, and about the planing, and about the baby elephant, and about the red cavalrymen, and about the little doe on pink hooves, and about the ancient warriors, about the cool stars, and about the horse faces, everything, everything...

He listened to me carefully, he had a thoughtful face as he listened, and then he said:

Look! I didn’t even know. Honestly, you’re still little, don’t be offended, but look - you love so much! The whole world!

Then Mishka intervened in our conversation. He pouted and said:

And I love Deniska’s different varieties even more! Big deal!!

Boris Sergeevich laughed:

Very interesting! Come on, tell the secret of your soul. Now it's your turn, take up the baton. So, get started! What do you love?

Mishka fidgeted on the windowsill, then cleared his throat and said:

I love buns, buns, loaves and cupcakes! I love bread, cake, pastries, and gingerbread, whether Tula, honey, or glazed. I also love sushi and bagels; bagels, pies with meat, jam, cabbage and rice. I dearly love dumplings, and especially cheesecakes, if they are fresh, but stale ones are okay. You can have oatmeal cookies and vanilla crackers.

I also love sprat, saury, pike perch in marinade, bullheads in tomato, some in its own juice, eggplant caviar, sliced ​​zucchini and fried potatoes.

I absolutely love boiled sausage, if it’s a doctor’s sausage, I bet I’ll eat a whole kilo! I love the canteen, and the tea room, and brawn, and smoked, and half-smoked, and raw smoked! I actually love this one the most. I really love pasta with butter, noodles with butter, horns with butter, cheese with holes or without holes, with red or white rind - it doesn’t matter.

I love dumplings with cottage cheese, salty, sweet, sour cottage cheese; I love apples, grated with sugar, or just apples on their own, and if the apples are peeled, then I like to eat the apple first, and then, for a snack, the peel!

I love liver, cutlets, herring, bean soup, green peas, boiled meat, toffee, sugar, tea, jam, Borzhom, soda with syrup, soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled, in a bag, mogu and raw. I like sandwiches with just about anything, especially if thickly spread with mashed potatoes or millet porridge. So... Well, I won’t talk about halva - what fool doesn’t like halva? I also love duck, goose and turkey. Oh yes! I love ice cream with all my heart. For seven, for nine. For thirteen, for fifteen, for nineteen. Twenty-two and twenty-eight.

Mishka looked around the ceiling and took a breath. Apparently he was already pretty tired. But Boris Sergeevich looked at him intently, and Mishka drove on. He muttered:

Gooseberries, carrots, chum salmon, pink salmon, turnips, borscht, dumplings, although I already said dumplings, broth, bananas, persimmons, compote, sausages, dumplings, sausage, although I already said sausage...

The bear was exhausted and fell silent. It was clear from his eyes that he was waiting for Boris Sergeevich to praise him. But he looked at Mishka a little dissatisfied and even seemed stern. He, too, seemed to be waiting for something from Mishka: what else would Mishka say? But Mishka was silent. It turned out that they both expected something from each other and were silent.

The first one could not stand it, Boris Sergeevich.

Well, Misha,” he said, “you love a lot, no doubt, but everything you love is somehow the same, too edible, or something.” It turns out that you love the whole grocery store. And only... And the people? Who do you love? Or from animals?

Here Mishka perked up and blushed.

“Oh,” he said embarrassedly, “I almost forgot!” Also - kittens! And grandma!

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Sincerely - Lidia Vitalievna

It was a sunny summer morning. Waking up, Anya stretched in bed. Squinting at the sun shining directly into her eyes, Anya decided it was time to get up.
Getting out of bed, the girl warmed up, made the bed and went to the bathroom to wash and brush her teeth. While changing clothes, Anya heard that her mother was already preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Running out to the kitchen, Anya greeted her mother:

- Good morning, mommy, what are we having for breakfast?

- Good morning daughter, I cooked oatmeal, wash your hands and sit at the table, we’ll have breakfast.

While Anya was washing her hands, mom put the porridge on plates, seasoned with oil and threw banana pieces into the porridge.

Anya and her mother had breakfast together and talked cheerfully.

Thanking her mother for the delicious breakfast, Anya helped clear the dishes from the table.

“Mom, can you imagine,” Anya began fiddling with her hair in frustration, “all my friends have gone somewhere for the summer.” Masha and her parents went to the dacha, Lena went to visit her grandmother in the village. Only Ira stayed at home, she recently fell and seriously hurt her leg, can I visit her, she is probably very sad alone.

- Of course, you need to visit your sick friend, just call first and find out if you can come to her.

- Okay mommy! – Anya was delighted and ran to the phone.

While getting ready, Anya grabbed a chocolate bar from her supplies left over from her recent birthday.

Ira lived in the same house as Anya, only on a higher floor. Ira’s grandmother opened the door:

“Come in, Anya,” she said, smiling, “Irisha is in her room.”

Anya entered the room and saw that Ira, sitting on the bed and stretching out her bandaged leg, was diligently drawing something. There were crutches next to the bed.

“Hello Ira,” Anya walked up to the bed and handed her a chocolate bar.

“Oh, thank you,” Ira exclaimed, delighted at her friend’s arrival.

- How do you feel? – Anya sat down on a chair.

– My leg hurts a little. The doctor said that I should move as little as possible for a week.

-What are you drawing? – Anya went to the bed to look at the drawing.

– I draw a house from geometric shapes.

- How is that? – Anya was surprised.

“Look,” Ira showed Anya the drawing, “The house is a big rectangle.” I drew the roof in the form of a triangle, and the windows of the house are squares.

- Oh, how interesting. – Anya exclaimed, “Can I also come up with something and draw it?”

“Yes, here’s a piece of paper, pencils and markers,” Ira took a blank sheet from the stack and pushed a pile of markers and pencils towards Anya.

Anya took a piece of paper and a simple pencil and sat down at the table. She drew a little and, turning to Ira, showed the drawing.

“Look, I got a table in the shape of a square, there’s a round plate on the table, and an oval melon in the plate.”

“You did great,” said Ira, “let’s now color our drawings.”

The girls began to color, and when they finished, Ira’s grandmother entered the room and called them to dinner.
Ira got out of bed, and Anya helped her friend by handing her crutches. The girls went to the bathroom, washed their hands and went into the living room for dinner. The grandmother helped Ira sit down, and Anya moved a chair with a cushion closer to Ira, on which the girl carefully placed her foot.

The grandmother fed the girls delicious borscht with sour cream and small round buns.

After lunch the girls played a little more. When evening came, Mom called Anya home for dinner. When leaving, Anya said to Ira:

“We had so much fun today, let me come to you tomorrow too and we’ll come up with a new game.”

“Okay, it’s great that I have you,” Ira said, smiling, “I was very sad without you.”

“Of course, I will come every day now until you get better,” Anya promised.

When Anya left, Ira’s grandmother came in and asked how her granddaughter’s day had gone. Ira told what she and Anya had been doing all day and showed her drawings.

How great it is that there are friends who will not leave you in difficult times.

© 2012 Lyubov Stepanova.