Decoding what the male name Oles means. Name Ales: meaning and influence on character formation Male name Oles

What does the name Oles mean:
The name Oles, in exact translation from Greek, means protector. However, despite all the lightness, softness and pleasantness of the sound range of this name, its meaning is more than militant.

Origin of the name Oles:
This name is of Greek origin.

Character conveyed by the name Oles:
Even as a child, Oles is always very calm, this baby never upsets his kind parents and often grows up to be a completely adequate and absolutely problem-free baby. It usually turns out that he is somewhat closer to his mother, meaning precisely on a certain psychological level. This is always a fairly active child who often prefers to play all active and active sports, as a rule, this is football, swimming, and of course skating. He also has an incredible penchant for enthusiastic, all-absorbing reading of his favorite books. It must be said that Oles can mainly give his preference to sharp adventure literature. And later, at a more conscious age, as a rule, Oles becomes extremely reasonable, and this is probably why he can have a somewhat philosophical attitude towards this life.

He is always principled, and often prefers to defend any of his points of view very firmly and clearly with arguments. It should also be noted that in his work he is always punctual, extremely accurate and very thoughtful. However, before bringing anything into this life, creating some important business or project, he always weighs and thinks through everything very carefully. But Oles’s personal life is always quite stormy, and it is probably for this good reason that the bearers of this sonorous name enter into a marriage quite late. And, as a rule, it is quite possible for several girls to appear in his marriage. Just as often family life it is not at all limited to just one marriage; it is quite possible for Oles to enter into marital relations several times. It should be noted that Oles, as a rule, finds true family happiness quite late. And in general, despite a certain external belligerence, which seemed to be given to him immediately at birth along with the name, which means “defender,” Oles is always very sensitive to everyone own mistakes or the slightest defeat, he can always admit a certain defeat with great difficulty. Among other things, he loves to give his advice to everyone, and often simply shows in every possible way a certain extremely active life position in this life, in a word, he always tries to be in the very center of attention. And, as a rule, all bearers of this complex name can work as journalists, or artists, and sometimes doctors.

In his work, Oles is the most exemplary, almost ideal employee, and it is quite possible for all his colleagues to simply look up to him and his work. He is always kind and very sympathetic, and will almost always be ready to help someone, especially in some difficult situations.

Oles - “protector” (Greek)

Melancholic by nature. Very nervous, sensitive to the slightest troubles. It is difficult to tolerate failures. Unable to take decisive action to overcome difficulties.

He completely surrenders himself to fate, without trying to change anything. Parents need to ensure that the boy actively participates in the life of the children's team and family, does not remain on the sidelines, and is not a passive observer. Oles is easily influenced. He is objective in his judgments, but lacks self-confidence, although sometimes he can take a combative position. But such a manifestation of character is short-lived and usually ends in deep despair. Olesya has a weak will, it should be developed from an early age.

All his life he has been plagued by excessive nervousness, which gives his character traits characteristic of women. He tries to suppress his excessive excitability, to dampen the strength of his reaction to what is happening, instead of achieving his goal and directing his feelings in the right direction. Needs constant self-affirmation and therefore often looks funny. He only does well what he is truly passionate about. His interests are constantly changing, and therefore he will visit several educational institutions while he receives his education.

Chooses professions associated with frequent travel and a change of scenery: musician, sales representative, missionary. Too vivid imagination and intuition only increase his nervousness and restlessness. Oles is a good diplomat and adapts well to the current situation. Has a synthetic mindset. Able to determine a situation at a glance. However, you need to learn to avoid little things and not get stuck on them. Due to the inability to separate the important from the unimportant, various problems arise.

Too excited. He is characterized by outbursts of feelings, but after that he withdraws into himself for a long time. He has problems with the idea of ​​a moral code. He cannot decide what to do and is able to compromise with his conscience.

As a child, Oles was not in very good health. He often suffers from respiratory diseases and is predisposed to various infections. As long as he is busy with something, he feels fine. As soon as one is inactive and begins to get bored, feelings of depression, fatigue, and self-doubt appear. He must adhere to a measured lifestyle, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, and spare the nervous system. Weak points - eyes, throat. An unstable psyche is reflected, first of all, in his sexuality. WITH early years Masculine traits should be developed in him and constancy and loyalty should be instilled in him.

He is pleasant in communication, but talks more than he acts. Capricious in friendship. Today he is sincere and open, but tomorrow he is closed and dissatisfied with everything. Oles is a person with enormous potential, capable of much, provided that he clearly defines his goal.

This name should be given to a boy born in winter or autumn, but it is undesirable for “summer” and “spring” ones or only with patronymics: Bazhenovich, Bogdanovich, Boleslavovich, Arturovich.

For “winter” and “autumn” Oles, patronymic names are more suitable: Fedorovich, Alekseevich, Timurovich, Tikhonovich, Petrovich, Konstantinovich. You should choose creative professions: writer, artist, TV director, circus performer. May become a clergyman.

Meaning of the name Oles option 2

Outwardly they look like their mother, in character they look like their father. Very flexible and impressionable. Dreamers, not without childish cunning, are not averse to deception. With age, character changes for the better.

As a child he is calm and there are no difficulties with him. In character he is similar to his mother and is closer to her psychologically. Curious. Loves various games and entertainment fresh air. In summer - football, swimming, in winter - skiing, skating. Enjoys reading adventure literature and watching films. "December" is emotional. Loves intellectual games - chess, puzzles, charades, crosswords. In adulthood, he becomes ambitious and strives to achieve high results. He is serious, reasonable, and has a philosophical attitude towards various life situations. He defends his point of view and is principled.

He works as an auditor, journalist, physicist, electronics engineer, head of a research institute, theater artist, television director, and doctor. Reliable at work, dedicated to his work. Does not strive for high positions, although he can be an excellent leader.

Sensitive and vulnerable even at the height of success. Internally contradictory (especially “December”). Vain, but self-critical. Sometimes he is overly reasonable, likes to give advice to others, takes an active part in the lives of friends and relatives, which prevents him from understanding his personal affairs.

Marries late (only the “summer” starts a family earlier - after twenty-five). Not very happy in his personal life; first marriage may be unsuccessful. Girls are born in marriage.

“December” Oles is impatient in conversation, he can interrupt, wanting to quickly come to the truth. If he is constantly plagued by failures at work, he may give up everything and leave. He is straightforward in his statements and does not like to judge a person behind his or her eyes. In his youth, his career was difficult; he revealed his talent after thirty years. Kind to the weak and disadvantaged.

If someone was mistaken or wrong, he demands a public admission of mistakes, waiting for explanations or apologies. Otherwise, he breaks all ties with the offender. He is distrustful of new acquaintances and is careful in choosing friends. He is meticulous, efficient, conscientious in his work, and demands the same from others. Skillfully controls his emotions. Before taking on a new business, he thinks through every little detail and hones his line of behavior. He skillfully communicates with people, rarely shows impulsiveness (it may be associated with someone's deception or dishonesty). Often, graduating with honors educational institution, works in a completely different specialty.

Oles is a very ambiguous name. Owners of this name have a changeable character, because of which others may not take their actions seriously.

At the same time, Oles is a very deep and sincere person who can become good friend, an excellent colleague and beloved husband.


The name Oles originated in Greece and has survived to our times. Initially, this name was used as a diminutive form of the name Alexander, but over time it became independent. Wide popularity this name has conquered the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.

Meaning of a male name

Oles means “protector” in Greek.. Despite the soft and pleasant pronunciation of this name, its meaning is of a warlike and courageous nature.

Baby name

Oles grows up as a calm child, with which there are no special difficulties or problems. The boy will take after his mother in character, as they are very close on a psychological level. Oles loves to play outdoors and is attracted to various types of street sports. For example, football or swimming in the summer, skiing or skating in the winter.

Oles, born in December, has a very receptive and sensitive nature. He likes games to develop intelligence, such as chess, crosswords and other various puzzles. Oles will enthusiastically read books about adventures and films on this topic.

The boy has been very serious since childhood; his adult philosophical reasoning can sometimes surprise those around him. The boy’s parents should direct the boy’s attention to participating in the life of his school team; he should not remain on the sidelines; the boy needs communication with his peers.

Oles knows how to look at things and situations objectively, but he has no self-confidence. In order for a boy to become more strong-willed, parents need to early age develop the boy's character.


Oles has a melancholy character, this manifests itself in him in childhood and remains with him into adulthood. He can be nervous, as even small troubles can throw him off balance. To overcome problems, Oles is sometimes unable to take any radical measures.

Failures for Oles become a strong blow to self-esteem and it is difficult for him to come to terms with this. Long-term failures can cause him depression. Oles needs to constantly replenish his self-esteem, sometimes this can reach the point of absurdity, he can look ridiculous and funny to others.

He brings to perfection only those things that are related to his hobbies.. Oles' hobbies can change very often and therefore he can change his places of study and work several times. If his feelings are subjected to strong disturbances, he may withdraw into himself for an indefinite time.

Communication with him can be difficult, but pleasant. Oles has a habit of talking more and doing less. His changeable character makes his friends perplexed, because today he can be open to communication and friendly, but tomorrow he can be too closed and dissatisfied with everything.

Oles is able to defend his point of view. While working, he focuses only on her, always courteous with colleagues.

Before making any decision, Oles weighs all the options for a very long time in order to ultimately come to the right ending. Oles has the peculiarity of giving life advice to everyone he knows and loves to take part in the lives of his friends. He strives to be the center of attention, despite some insecurity of character.


Oles is born with poor health. It is susceptible to infectious diseases and seasonal diseases. He needs to constantly keep himself busy, otherwise he quickly develops self-doubt, depression, and gets tired quickly.

Oles must support healthy image life, don't get carried away a large number alcohol and take care of your nervous system. The most vulnerable places in his body are the eyes and throat. Extreme emotionality can negatively affect his sex life.

If you do not develop masculinity and constancy in him, then constant complexes can cause various diseases nervous system.

Compatibility and personal life

Olesya's personal life is surprisingly varied and stormy. Oles takes a very long time to decide to get married, because he does not want to commit himself ahead of time. Also Oles can marry several times, because he may not be satisfied with the characters of his women.

In marriage, Oles usually gives birth to girls, and he likes to raise them. Oles may not immediately feel happy in his marriage; he needs to get used to and accept the idea that he has a family that needs to be taken care of.

Who can you marry?

Married Oles will be happy with , .

Unhappy Union will be with Vitalina and Zoya.


Work plays a very important role in Olesya’s life. He immerses himself in work matters and projects, as this allows him to drive away negative and depressive thoughts.

He is an exemplary employee, colleagues often look up to him, and bosses do not skimp on praise. He is always happy to help his colleagues in difficult situations. He has impeccable relationships at work and always tries to avoid the slightest conflict.

Oles tries to choose professions that will involve frequent moving. A change of environment makes his life easier and happier. The professions of a journalist, artist, sales representative or musician are suitable for him. He has a fairly well-developed imagination, so he can choose a creative profession.

He should pay attention to his excessive nervousness, which can ruin his work. Thanks to his analytical mind, he can easily assess and solve a complex situation at a glance. He needs to learn not to get hung up on individual little things that throw him off balance. He is not very good at prioritizing, which can get him into trouble.

As a child he is calm and there are no difficulties with him. In character he is similar to his mother and is closer to her psychologically. Curious. Loves various games and outdoor activities. In summer - football, swimming, in winter - skiing, skating. Enjoys reading adventure literature and watching films. "December" is emotional. Loves intellectual games - chess, puzzles, charades, crosswords. In adulthood, he becomes ambitious and strives to achieve high results. He is serious, reasonable, and has a philosophical attitude towards various life situations. He defends his point of view and is principled.

He works as an auditor, journalist, physicist, electronics engineer, head of a research institute, theater artist, television director, and doctor. Reliable at work, dedicated to his work. Does not strive for high positions, although he can be an excellent leader.

Sensitive and vulnerable even at the height of success. Internally contradictory (especially “December”). Vain, but self-critical. Sometimes he is overly reasonable, likes to give advice to others, takes an active part in the lives of friends and relatives, which prevents him from understanding his personal affairs.

Marries late (only the “summer” starts a family earlier - after twenty-five). Not very happy in his personal life; first marriage may be unsuccessful. Girls are born in marriage.

“December” Oles is impatient in conversation, he can interrupt, wanting to quickly come to the truth. If he is constantly plagued by failures at work, he may give up everything and leave. He is straightforward in his statements and does not like to judge a person behind his or her eyes. In his youth, his career was difficult; he revealed his talent after thirty years. Kind to the weak and disadvantaged.

If someone was mistaken or wrong, he demands a public admission of mistakes, waiting for explanations or apologies. Otherwise, he breaks all ties with the offender. He is distrustful of new acquaintances and is careful in choosing friends. He is meticulous, efficient, conscientious in his work, and demands the same from others. Skillfully controls his emotions. Before taking on a new business, he thinks through every little detail and hones his line of behavior. He skillfully communicates with people, rarely shows impulsiveness (it may be associated with someone's deception or dishonesty). Often, after graduating with honors from a higher educational institution, he works in a completely different specialty.

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