Grain quality of winter wheat. Thesis: Formation of quality indicators of spring wheat in the conditions of the Chulym-Yenisei basin

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Examination and assessment of the quality of wheat grain, prospects for their improvement

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One of the tasks of agriculture is to increase the production of high-quality grain - the most nutritious and technologically valuable. The annual demand for strong wheat grain was 11-12 million tons. Its actual procurement on average for 1971 ... 1975. and 1976..1980 amounted to 3.4 and 7.3 million tons (according to the Ministry of Agriculture in 1990). In subsequent years, there has been an even greater decline. So, the purchase of strong grain for 1991 ... 1993. in Russia reached only 1.5 million tons, and valuable grain 15.4 million tons with a total volume of 39.1 million tons for all three years (L.A. Trisvyatsky, L.I. Kochetkov, 1994). Not best position and in the Omsk region, which harvested an average of 1986 ... 1990. 220.1 thousand tons of strong grain annually. In the next five years, the average annual volume of such grain was already 64.7 thousand tons, varying over the years from 192.2 thousand tons (1992) to 4.7 thousand tons (1994). Since then, the main industry of our country has made significant progress in its development and improvement. According to the AgroFact Agency, as of July 2009, Russia has already exported 20.2 million tons of grain. The export of Russian grain to date has amounted to almost 20.2 million tons, Valery Movchan, director of the department for regulating the agro-food market, said at a meeting of the expanded board of the Ministry of Agriculture. "Export activity significantly exceeds last year's figures," Movchan said at the meeting, noting that since the beginning of June alone, Russia has exported 383,000 tons of grain. The main share of Russian exports is still occupied by feed grain. According to Movchan, the range of export prices for wheat of the fourth class is currently from 160 to 180 dollars per ton, and for food wheat of the third class 200-210 dollars per ton. Referring to the price situation in the domestic price market of the country, Movchan said that for last week prices have stabilized. In the European part of Russia, the price per ton of wheat of the third class is 5 thousand 669 rubles, the fourth class - 4 thousand 878 rubles, the fifth class - 3 thousand 887 rubles. In 2008, Russia exported about 13 million tons of grain.

The ability to export grain to other countries implies an increase in its harvest in general in our country.

Selective improvement of crop varieties, and especially wheat, is important for the production of high-quality grain. When creating new varieties, it is important to timely and objectively diversify and fully study its quality. The creation of new varieties that meet the requirements of production, in combination with grain production technology, provides processing with high-quality raw materials, and the population with appropriate products.

Most the best varieties cannot form high-quality grain without creating the necessary conditions for the realization of their hereditary capabilities. With low agricultural technology, a variety with a genetically determined high grain quality forms grain of unsatisfactory quality. Therefore, a set of measures is needed to ensure the cultivation of high yields of high-quality wheat grain and the identification of valuable batches for targeted use.

However, obtaining high-quality grain does not completely solve the problem of producing high-quality bread - the final product of grain processing. Only by joint efforts, it is possible to solve the problem of the quantity of grain and the quality of bread, starting from selection.

The urgency of the problem is to improve the quality of grain, which in modern conditions is an important problem of agricultural production. The lack of high-quality grain - the main raw material for the flour-grinding, cereal, baking and pasta industries, determines the search for ways of its stable production. The basis for this are varieties capable of forming grain with appropriate quality parameters. On the basis of such varieties, when selecting and developing individual traditional and new agrotechnical elements, it is possible to grow high-quality grain. The creation of varieties with certain quality indicators based on informative methods and indicators requires the study of such varieties in different soil-climatic and agrotechnical conditions with the obligatory study of the baking and physical properties of the dough with modification of the modes and options for dough and baking.

An objective, fairly express, with high accuracy assessment of the quality of grain samples at all stages of selection, depends on the correct construction of a system of phased analysis and timely assessment of grain quality at the initial stages of its production. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

improve or develop new methods for assessing the quality of grain with their inclusion in the stage-by-stage assessment scheme;

determine a set of agrotechnical practices that ensure the sustainable production of high-quality grain;

develop scientific and methodological prerequisites for an objective assessment of the quality of grain of commodity batches according to a rational system for their identification, formation, sale or effective processing;

The system of stage-by-stage assessment of breeding material of soft and durum wheat, which differs from existing systems in its high efficiency in identifying high-quality forms due to the use at different stages of improved, newly developed original methods for assessing quality and specifying GOST standards:

) four-chamber micropure to determine the nature of the samples from 15 to 1.3 g of grain;

) manual laundering of gluten specified in terms of duration and intensity;

) a new mode of operation of the device for mechanized laundering of gluten (MOK-1) proposed on the basis of experimental data obtained for the first time in the region;

) laboratory baking of bread that best meets the requirements of modern industrial baking at a flour consumption of 100-200 g per determination;

) a refined version of the use of a mixograph and a rheoamylometer with a reduced grain consumption;

) a new technique for the mass determination of pasta properties of wheat;

) the validity of the GOST requirements for grain discoloration and the proportion of impurities in durum soft white grain wheat.

Scientific and methodological issues important in the construction of a system for assessing the quality of grain in production and rational work with it (development of a preliminary assessment methodology with the justification of the stage, the frequency of sampling and analysis; organization of the laboratory and the examination team; equipment for the laboratory) were studied.

Along with an increase in the production of flour and cereals, special attention is being paid to improving the quality of grain, and above all to expanding the production of durum and strong varieties of wheat, as well as the most important cereal and fodder crops.

It is known that the higher the quality of grain, the easier it is stored and at lower cost, and the more good-quality products of a diverse range can be obtained from it. In a competitive environment, product quality should be studied, first of all, from the point of view of ensuring the competitiveness of products, and in this regard, the manufacturer should be primarily interested in those product properties and the level of parameters that determine them, which are of interest to the buyer, and ensure satisfaction of his needs. .

The first step towards quality improvement is the widespread monitoring of its quality, at all stages of production. Quality control can be ensured by regular activities to determine and confirm the quality of wheat grain. Rationing the quality of grain and products of its processing in the countries of the world exporting and importing grain, including Russia, has become part of the standardization system. Grain quality indicators can be divided into: a) signs of freshness and maturity (appearance, smell, taste), pest infestation of grain stocks, humidity, content of weed and grain impurities, mandatory for the entire batch; b) obligatory in the evaluation of batches of certain crops for a specific purpose - the nature of wheat.

The work touches on a very urgent problem of agriculture - the collection of a large crop of high quality, so the topic was chosen: "Expertise and evaluation of the quality of wheat grain, prospects for their improvement."

It should be noted that wheat grain differs from other consumer products and raw materials in that quality examination is carried out not only for the purpose of control, but also for the purpose of obtaining information about its quality. Timely examination of grain is of great importance for both the seller and the buyer at the same time. The price of the goods primarily depends on the results of the examination. Prices for grain depend not only on its quality indicators, but also on the amount of gluten, weediness, humidity. Depending on the indicators, a class and a group are assigned to wheat grain, which form the price factor.

The aim of the work was to study the quality indicators of wheat grain before its further processing into flour and long-term storage in an elevator. Here is a detailed description of wheat grain, its description chemical composition, nutritional value, classification. An analysis was made of the factors that form the quality of grain.

An enterprise that is engaged in the purchase, storage and processing of grain is directly involved in determining the quality of raw materials, which is wheat at the initial stage of production.

In this project, attention is focused on the examination of wheat grain. During the examination, physical-chemical, micro-biological, organoleptic research methods were used.

The WRC was made on the basis of the data of the enterprise, which is located and is engaged in the purchase of grain in the Tambov region.

The Tambov region covers an area of ​​34.5 thousand square meters. km, where 1117.0 thousand people live, of which 42 percent live in rural areas.

The geographical position of the region is favorable for the development of economic activity. Occupying the north-east of the Central Black Earth economic region, it is crossed by important railways and roads connecting it with Central Russia, the Volga region, the South and the West of the country into a single whole.

The region is located in the forest-steppe zone with a moderately warm climate. The main wealth of the region, its huge natural potential is its exceptionally fertile chernozem soils. Chernozems here are less powerful than in Ukraine, but richer in humus.

The land fund of the region includes more than 3.4 million hectares, its structure is dominated by agricultural land (78.9%), of which about 87% are chernozems. Chernozem soils and flat terrain make it possible to grow crops of the temperate zone. An important place is occupied by the production of grain. The composition of soils and the use of mineral fertilizers are the most significant factors that ensure high grain yields. At present, the fertility of even the most powerful chernozems is not enough to ensure high yields intensive technologies growing crops, so the use of organic and mineral fertilizers is necessary. According to the Institute of Agrochemical Services for Agriculture, the increase in grain yield as a result of the use of macrofertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium salts) amounted to (in c/ha): winter wheat- 6.7; spring wheat - 4.4; The additional use of microfertilizers (manganese and boron) increased, according to academician P. A. Vlasyuk, the yield of winter wheat by another 3 q/ha.

An excess of fertilizers, as well as their lack, reduces the yield, worsens its technological and nutritional advantages, and can lead to the formation of harmful substances, such as nitrosamines. However, the use of mineral fertilizers should be carried out under the strict control of the chemical service of the agro-industrial complex. Plants should receive the necessary nutrients, taking into account their presence in the soil and the predicted yield.

To carry out the work, textbooks of domestic and foreign authors, Internet sites, regulatory and technical documents (GOSTs), the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", and magazine articles were used.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters with sections and subsections, conclusions and suggestions, a list of references. It is presented on 80 pages, contains 10 tables, 2 figures.


1 Wheat grain classification

Wheat sown area in our country is about 40 million hectares, gross harvest - 40-50 million tons, marketable grain - about 20 million tons with a downward trend. Of the 20 types of wheat known in our time, the largest area and the maximum commercial production of grain in our country belongs, just as in other countries, to soft and durum wheat. Soft wheat is used mainly for the production of flour, which is sent to the baking, confectionery, and partly to the pasta cereal industry. Durum wheat is the best raw material for the production of pasta. However, the main factor affecting the grain quality of soft and durum wheat is the variety. All varieties soft wheat are divided into strong, medium strength (valuable) and weak.

Strong wheat is a grain capable of producing flour, which ensures the production of high quality bread. Strong wheat flour absorbs relatively more water during kneading; and the dough obtained from such flour has the ability to retain carbon dioxide well during kneading, fermentation and proofing, steadily retains physical properties and, first of all, elasticity and elasticity. , .

The basis for the classification of wheat grain is the type that takes into account species characteristics (soft, hard), botanical features(spring, winter) and color intensity (dark red, red, light red, yellow-red, yellow). , .

I. Soft spring, red grain - dark red, red, light red. The presence of yellow, yellow-sided, discolored and darkened grains is allowed in an amount that does not disturb the main background. Solid spring - dark amber, light amber. The presence of whitened, discolored, powdery grains is allowed in an amount that does not violate the main background. Soft spring white-grained. Soft winter white. Soft winter white. Hard winter. Not classified - wheat that does not meet any of the above criteria (mixture of types).

The technical conditions of the standard for harvested wheat provide for dividing it into two groups: the first with quality indicators corresponding to the basic conditions, the second with deviations from the basic conditions in the direction of deteriorating moisture, nature, and increasing the content of weed and grain impurities. , .

Basic conditions are called quality standards, to which a fixed price is attached when purchasing grain.

Restrictive conditions are quality indicators that establish the maximum permissible requirements for harvested grain.

Wheat is the main and most important food crop in most countries of the world. It is cultivated in more than 80 countries. The culture of wheat has been known for about 10 thousand years, in Europe it has been cultivated for over 5 thousand years, in our country - about 5 thousand years. Of the numerous types of wheat in world agriculture, mainly soft and durum wheat is cultivated.

Bread made from strong wheat with any methods of dough making has a high volume and good dimensional stability. A distinctive feature of strong wheat is its ability to serve as an effective improver of wheat grain with low baking properties during subgrading. In connection with the above, it is irrational to use strong wheat directly in baking - it should only be used for sorting to grain with low baking properties. The percentage of subsorting of strong wheat to weak wheat is determined by the level of the main indicators of the technological properties of weak wheat, as well as the content of gluten and its quality in strong wheat. The use of strong wheat primarily as an improver is accepted not only in our country, but also in most of the leading countries of commercial production of this crop (Canada, USA).

Wheat of medium strength (valuable) is capable, without the addition of grain of strong wheat, to produce bread of good quality that meets the requirements of the standard, but it cannot serve as an improver of weak wheat.

Wheat is considered weak, which in its pure form, without the addition of strong, is unsuitable for baking. Flour from such wheat, when kneading dough, absorbs little water, and the dough quickly loses its elastic and elastic properties during kneading and fermentation. Bread, as a rule, has a small volume, reduced dimensional stability, unsatisfactory appearance and crumb condition that do not meet the requirements of the standard.

A direct method for assessing baking properties is trial laboratory baking of bread with an assessment of its quality in terms of volumetric yield, dimensional stability, appearance, crumb state, porosity and other indicators. However, these analyzes are lengthy and complex. Therefore, when trading with grain, simpler signs are used that predetermine the consumer advantages of grain.

Gluten (soft wheat): top class - 36.00%; 1st class - 32.00%; 2nd class - 28.00%; 3rd class - 23.00%; 4th class - below 23.00 to 18.00%.

Gluten (durum wheat): 1st class - 28.00%; 2nd class - 25.00%; 3rd class - 22.00%.

The quality of gluten is also affected by the conditions for growing wheat, the degree of maturity of the grain, damage by frost, bug-turtle, etc., so it can vary widely: from 0 to 150 units. IDK and is subdivided into 5 groups. The quality of wheat grain depends not only on the quantity and quality of gluten proteins, but also on the state of the carbohydrate-amylase complex of the grain, which can be detected by the falling number indicator. This indicator has a high technological significance in those areas of commercial grain production, where its germination often takes place. During the germination of grain, starch breaks down and partially passes into sugars with the release of moisture. At the same time, the amylolytic activity of the grain increases, its properties deteriorate greatly, which brings special trouble to bakers. The quality of bread baked during the processing of such grain is often non-standard: the crust is sluggish, the color of the crumb is gray, raw to the touch, hemming, and has a malty smell. The indicator of the fall number in wheat grain can vary from 60 to 600 s or more. Bread is standard when the falling number is at least 150 s.

Wheat grain is classified: according to moisture: dry - 14.0%; medium dry - 14.1-15.5%; wet - 15.6-17.0%; raw - 17.0%;

By contamination: clean - up to 1.0%; medium purity - from 1.1 to 3.0%; weed - over 3.0%.

1.2 Characteristics of wheat grain

The quality of grain and products of its processing is regulated by standards. In GOST 13586.2 - 81, classifications are established for grain harvested for all crops - division into types, subtypes according to various characteristics: color, size, shape, etc., as well as basic (calculated) and restrictive norms.

Basic quality standards - these are the norms that grain must comply with in order to receive the full purchase price for it. These include humidity (14-15%), grain and weeds (1-3%), nature - depending on the crop and growing area. If the grain is better than the basic quality standards in terms of moisture and contamination, then the supplier is charged a cash bonus. For moisture and weediness of grain that are excessive against the basic quality standards, appropriate discounts are made on the price and weight of grain.

Restrictive quality standards - these are the maximum allowable reduced compared to the basic requirements for grain, under which it can be accepted with a certain price adjustment.

Depending on the quality, the grain of any crop is divided into classes. The division is based on the typical composition, organoleptic indicators, the content of impurities and special quality indicators. Separate, more stringent requirements are set for grain intended for the production of baby food.

To characterize the quality of grain, the following indicators are used: general (related to the grain of all crops); special (used for grain of individual crops); safety indicators.

To general quality indicators include mandatory, determined in any batch of grain of all crops: signs of freshness (appearance, color, smell, taste), pest infestation, humidity and weediness.

To the special or target , include quality indicators that characterize commodity-technological (consumer) properties of grain. This group includes vitreousness (wheat, rice), nature (wheat, rye, barley, oats), falling number (wheat, rye), quantity and quality of raw gluten (wheat), filminess and yield of a pure kernel (cereals), viability (malting barley). In wheat, the content of small, frosty grains and grains damaged by the turtle bug is also determined.

vitreous bcharacterizes the grain structure, the relative position of tissues, in particular starch granules and protein substances, and the strength of the bond between them. This indicator is determined by transillumination on a diaphanoscope and counting the number of grains (in%) of vitreous, semi-vitreous, powdery consistency. In a vitreous grain, starch granules and protein substances are packed very tightly and have a strong bond, there are no microgaps between them. Such grain breaks into large particles during crushing and almost does not produce flour. There are microgaps in the mealy grain, which give the endosperm friability, and when translucent on a diaphanoscope, they scatter light, causing the opacity of the grain. Grain standards provide for the determination of the vitreousness of wheat. Nature - the mass of the established volume of grain. It depends on the size and density of the grain, the state of its surface, the degree of filling, the mass fraction of moisture and the amount of impurities. Nature is determined using a purka with a falling weight. Grain with high values ​​of nature is characterized as well developed, containing more endosperm and less shells. With a decrease in wheat by 1 g, the flour yield decreases by 0.11% and the amount of bran increases. The relationship between the nature and the amount of endosperm has been established. The nature of different crops has a different value, for example, the nature of wheat - 740-790 g / l; rye - 60-710; barley - 540-610; oats - 460-510 g / l.,.

Fall number characterizes the state of the carbohydrate-amylase complex, makes it possible to judge the degree of grain germination. When the grain germinates, part of the starch passes into sugar, while the amylolytic activity of the grain increases and the baking properties deteriorate sharply. The lower the index, the higher the degree of grain germination. The speed of falling from the stirrer rod through the water-flour mixture - determines the number of falls. This indicator is normalized for wheat and is the basis for the division into classes of rye.

Gluten (determined only in wheat) is a complex of protein substances of the grain, capable of forming a cohesive elastic mass when swollen in water. Wheat flour with a high gluten content can be used in bread baking on its own or as an improver for weaker varieties of wheat.

To safety indicators include the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins and pesticides, harmful impurities and radionuclides, which should not exceed the permissible levels according to SanPiN.

The size is determined by linear dimensions - length, width, thickness. But in practice, the fineness is judged by the results of sifting grain through sieves with holes of certain sizes and shapes. Large, well poured grain gives a greater yield of products, as it contains relatively more endosperm and fewer shells. Grain size can be characterized by a specific indicator - the mass of 1000 grains, calculated on a dry matter basis. Grain is divided into large, medium and small. For example, for wheat, the weight of 1000 grains ranges from 12 to 75 g. A large grain has a mass of more than 35 g, a small one - less than 25 g,.

evenness is determined simultaneously with the fineness by sieving on sieves and expressed as a percentage of the largest residue on one or two adjacent sieves. For processing, it is necessary that the grain is leveled, uniform.

The density of grain and its parts depends on their chemical composition. A well-filled grain has a higher density than an unripe one, since starch and minerals have the highest density.

1.3 Features of the chemical composition of wheat grain

In addition to technologically significant indicators that ensure the production of lush standard wheat bread, an important characteristic of commercial wheat grain is its nutritional value. The most important substance of wheat grain is protein. Its content in wheat grain averages: in soft winter wheat - 11.6; in soft spring - 12.7; in solid - 12.5 with fluctuations from 8.0 to 22.0%.

With a low content of total protein (below 11%), an insufficient amount of gluten protein is formed in wheat. In wheat grain, the most important thing is gluten protein, which determines the technological properties of grain and flour made from it. Only with a high amount of raw gluten (25% and above), and its good quality, you can get lush, tasty and healthy bread. The unique ability of gluten proteins to form a complex called gluten predetermined the leading role of wheat among all cereals.

Gluten is a water-insoluble elastic gel formed by mixing milled grains of wheat or flour with water, the protein content of which is 98%, a small amount of carbohydrates, lipids and minerals. Raw gluten contains 64-66% water.,.

The bulk of wheat grains are carbohydrates. They play an important energy role in human nutrition. In wheat grain, carbohydrates are mainly represented by starch, which averages 54% in wheat grain, with fluctuations from 48 to 63%. All starch is concentrated in the endosperm. Of the carbohydrates, in addition to starch, wheat grain contains sugar. In a normal full-fledged grain of wheat, the sugar content is from 2 to 7%. Sugar is mainly present in the embryo, as well as in the peripheral parts of the endosperm. It is used by grain in the first period of germination.

Without the presence of sugars in wheat grain and products of its processing, in particular, in flour, it would be impossible for the development of yeast and lactic acid bacteria in dough.

Wheat grains also contain other carbohydrates. For example, fiber. Its content in wheat grain averages 2.4% with fluctuations from 2.08 to 3.0%.

Fiber is part of the floral films and cell walls of the membranes. Having great mechanical strength, fiber does not dissolve in water and is not absorbed by the body. Therefore, when processing wheat grain into flour, the main task of technologists is to remove the shells.,.

At the same time, wheat grain fiber plays a significant role in digestion: it regulates the motor function of the intestine, thereby contributing to the reduction of cardiovascular diseases, preventing human obesity. In this regard, the bran obtained by grinding wheat grain is used as a remedy.

Fats and lipids make up an average of 2.1% in wheat grain, with fluctuations from 0.6 to 3.04%. Fats in the grain of soft and durum wheat are concentrated mainly in the germ and aleurone layer and negatively affect the safety of the grain, since they are unstable during storage. Under the influence of enzymes, they are decomposed by water with the formation of free fatty acids, which are oxidized to peroxides and hydroperoxides. As a result, rancidity of fat can occur, so the germ is removed during the production of flour.

1.4 Main indicators of wheat grain quality

Depending on the significance, the quality indicators of wheat grain are divided into three groups:

− Mandatory indicators for all batches of grain. The indicators of this group are determined at all stages of work with grain, starting from the formation of batches during harvesting, they include: signs of freshness and ripeness of grain (appearance, smell, taste), pest infestation of grain stocks, humidity and impurity content.

− Mandatory indicators in the evaluation of batches of grain for a specific purpose. An example of normalized indicators of grain or seeds of some crops is the nature of wheat, rye, barley and oats. An important role is played by specific indicators of the quality of wheat (glassiness, quantity and quality of raw gluten).

− Additional quality indicators. They are checked as needed. Sometimes they determine the complete chemical composition of the grain or the content of certain substances in it, reveal the features of the species and numerical composition of the microflora, salts of heavy metals, etc.

The main indicators of grain quality: Humidity, freshness, contamination. Grain moisture is understood as the amount of hygroscopic water content (free and bound) in it, expressed as a percentage of the grain mass, together with impurities. The definition of this display is mandatory when assessing the quality of each batch of grain.

The water content of the main grain cereal crops normalized by basic conditions and ranges from 14-17% depending on the areas of production. If the water content in the grain exceeds the established norm, then at the time of purchase there are discounts on the mass (percentage per percentage) and a drying fee is charged at 0.4% of the purchase price for each percentage of moisture removed. If the grain moisture is below the basic conditions, an appropriate weight allowance is charged. The standards provide for four states in terms of humidity (in%): dry -13 - 14, medium - dry - 14.1 - 15.5; wet - 15.6 - 17 and raw - over 17. Only dry grain is suitable for long-term storage.

Example: The basic conditions for the Moscow region for wheat are 15%. The grain receiving point received two batches of wheat: one with a moisture content of 19%, and the other with 13%. For the first batch, the deviation from the basis is 4%, for the second - 2%. In the first case, the discount on the mass of grain will be 4%, and 1.6: of the purchase price will be deducted; in the second case, a surcharge on the mass of 2% will also be payable.

Grain freshness includes (taste, color, smell).

By color, gloss, smell, and sometimes taste, one can judge the quality factor or the nature of defects in a batch of products.

The condition of the batch makes it possible to judge the stability of the grain during storage and its characteristics during processing, and finally, they to some extent characterize the chemical composition of the grain, and therefore its nutritional, fodder and technological value.

The color of the grain can be affected by: frost capture at the root, dry wind capture, damage to grain by a bug-turtle, violation of thermal drying regimes.

Grain with a changed color is referred to as a grain impurity.

The smell of grain. Fresh grain has a specific smell. Foreign smell indicates a deterioration in the quality of grain: musty, malty, moldy, garlic, wormwood, putrid.

Grain taste. The taste of normal grain is weakly expressed. Most of the time it is fresh. Uncharacteristic tastes for grain are: sweet - arising during germination; bitter - due to the presence of particles of wormwood plants in the grain mass; sour - felt during the development of mold on the grain.

Grain contamination is understood as the amount of impurities found in a batch of grain for food, feed and technical purposes, expressed as a percentage of the mass, called contamination. Impurities reduce the value of the batch, so they are taken into account when calculating for grain.

Many impurities, especially of plant origin during the harvesting period and the formation of the grain mass, can contain significantly more moisture than the grain of the main crop. As a result, they contribute to an undesirable increase in activity. physiological processes. In clogged batches of grain, the process of self-heating occurs much easier and develops faster. Grain admixture includes defective grain of the main crop: strongly underdeveloped - feeble, frosty, sprouted, broken (along and across, if left. Impurities are divided into two groups: Grain and weed.

Grain impurities include such grain components (more than half of the grain), damaged by pests (with unaffected endosperm), darkened during self-heating or drying; in wheat, this also includes grains damaged by a tortoise bug. In membranous crops, grain impurities include collapsed (freed from the flower film) grains, since they are strongly crushed during the processing of the main grain.

Grains of other cultivated plants, when assessed, can fall into both grain admixture and weed. This is guided by two criteria. First, the size of impurity grains. If the admixture sharply differs from the main crop in terms of size and shape, then it will be removed during grain cleaning, therefore such a culture is referred to as a weed impurity. For example, millet or peas in wheat. Secondly, the possibility of using the admixture for the intended purpose of the main culture. If the admixture gives a product, although somewhat worse in quality than the main crop, then it should be attributed to the fraction of grain impurities. If it sharply reduces the quality of the processed product, then it is referred to as a weed impurity.

Weed admixture is divided into several fractions, different in composition. Mineral admixture - dust, sand, pebbles, pieces of slag, etc. are highly undesirable, since they add a crunch to the flour, making it unfit for consumption; organic admixture - pieces of stems, leaves, glumes, etc.; spoiled grain of the main crop and other cultivated plants with completely eaten pests or darkened endosperm; seeds of cultivated plants that were not included in the composition of the grain admixture; seeds of weeds grown in fields with cultivated plants. , . When evaluating grain, weed seeds are divided into several groups: easily separable. difficult to separate, bad smell and poisonous. The seeds of field cornflower, rye bonfire, wheatgrass, spreading buckwheat and bindweed, etc. are easily separated from most crops; difficult to separate (close in size and shape to certain cultivated plants) seeds of wild oats from oats, wheat and rye, wild radish and Tatar buckwheat from buckwheat and wheat, gray foxtail from millet, wild millet and kurmak from rice; weeds with an unpleasant odor include wormwood, sweet clover, wild onions and garlic, coriander, etc.

Poisonous weed seeds are especially undesirable in the grain mass. This group includes cockle, which is distributed almost throughout the country. Its seeds contain - lycoside agrospermine, which has a bitter taste and narcotic effect. Gorchak (foxtail sophora) has not only poisonous and bitter seeds, the whole plant is poisonous.

Ergot most often affects rye, much less often other cereals. In the grain mass, ergot occurs in the form of sclerotia (mycelium) - black-violet horns, 5-20 mm long. The toxicity of ergot is due to the content of lysergic acid and its derivatives - ergosine, ergotamine and others, which have a strong vasoconstrictive effect. This property of ergot is used in medicine to obtain drugs that stop bleeding.

It occurs in the grain mass in the form of irregularly shaped galls, shorter and wider than the grain, no grooves, thick shell, tuberculate surface, brown color. Galla is 4-5 times lighter than wheat grain.

Inside the gall there are up to 15,000 eel larvae that can remain viable for up to 10 years. A significant admixture of galls worsens the baking quality of grain, gives the bread an unpleasant taste and smell.

Grain damaged by the turtle bug, a field pest that most often attacks winter wheat, but also feeds on other cereals. A dark dot remains at the puncture site, surrounded by a sharply defined spot of a wrinkled whitish shell, the endosperm crumbles at the bite site when pressed. The turtle bug leaves very active proteolytic enzymes in the grain. Strong wheat with a content of 3 - 4% of damaged grains goes into the weak group. The gluten from the grain damaged by the turtle bug quickly liquefies under the action of these enzymes. The baked bread is of small volume and porosity, dense, with a surface covered with small cracks, tasteless.

Mycotoxicoses - defeat by various fungal diseases during cultivation, harvesting, violation of grain storage regimes. The previously mentioned ergot and smut are examples of such diseases.

Fungi of the genus Fusarium damage the grain of all crops, more often real cereals. Infection occurs in the field, but the development of fungi in storage stops only when the grain moisture content drops to 14%. Grain that has overwintered in the field often accumulates many toxins from this fungus. Mushrooms of this genus produce a number of toxins, including trichothecenes and zearalenone, which cause severe poisoning in humans and animals. In humans, the consumption of bread obtained from flour containing Fusarium mycelium causes poisoning; similar to intoxication: lightheadedness, dizziness, vomiting, drowsiness, etc. appear. At the same time, the function of the bone marrow is weakened, so the proportion of leukocytes in the blood drops sharply. Then necrotic angina develops. Grain affected by Fusarium is stored separately from food and fodder and used for technical purposes.

Mycotoxins also form other mold fungi that can develop on the surface of grain and products of its processing under unfavorable storage conditions.

Aflatoxins that affect the liver and have a pronounced carcinogenic effect are produced by fungi of the genus Aspergillus (Asp.flavus and Asp. parasiticus). Ochratoxins are produced by fungi of the genus Penicillium.

Ochratoxins also affect the liver and are cocarcinogenic. Many other molds can also produce toxins. To date, more than 100 mycotoxins have been isolated and studied; they are resistant to temperatures used in grain processing, acids or reducing agents. Therefore, the most reliable way to protect food products from them is to exclude grain mold.

Grain damaged by self-heating and violations of drying regimes is also considered defective.

Indicators of grain quality for a specific purpose are: the nature of wheat grain, vitreousness, gluten.

Grain in kind is understood as the mass of the established volume of grain or the mass of 1 liter of grain, expressed in grams, or the mass of 1 g/l of grain, expressed in kilograms. Nature is of great importance, since it indirectly characterizes one of the main indicators - grain completion.

Grain completion is of great technological importance and characterizes its nutritional value.

The size of nature is affected by: the shape of the grain, surface roughness, impurities in the grain mass, humidity.

When selling grain with a quantity higher than that provided for by the basic conditions, the farms receive a surcharge on the purchase price of 0.1% for every 10 g/l, in the same amount they carry out a discount for a reduced quantity compared to the basis.

The nature of the grain affects the use of storage capacity.

Vitreousness of grain is one of the most important indicators of grain quality. The concept of "vitreous" is based on visual perception appearance grain, due to its consistency, that is, the density of packing in the endosperm of starch grains and their cementation with grain proteins. The grain consistency of durum wheat is usually vitreous, while that of soft wheat is different, depending on the variety, geographical and soil factors, agricultural practices, etc.

Gluten is a complex of protein substances of the grain, capable of forming an elastic mass when swollen in water.

Gluten determines the gas-holding capacity of the dough, creates its mechanical basis and determines the structure of the baked bread. The content of raw gluten in wheat grain ranges from 5 to 36%.

All of the above indicators of wheat quality are mandatory for all producers in accordance with regulatory documentation.

1.5 Implementation of laboratory control over the quality of grain accepted for storage

Cereal breads are raw materials that are stable in storage under proper conditions. The main amount of grain is stored in elevators - large fully mechanized granaries. Grain storage tanks are vertically placed reinforced concrete silos with a diameter of 6 - 10 m and a height of 15 - 30 m. Thermocouples are mounted inside the silos at a distance of 1 m from each other in height to determine the temperature of the stored grain bulk. The thermocouple wires are connected to a single console, and the operator monitoring the safety of the product can at any time find out the temperature of the grain mass at almost any point in the silo. In addition, each silo is equipped with an active ventilation unit - a device for blowing air through the thickness of the stored grain. After laboratory analysis, the grain entering the elevator is combined by mass into large batches corresponding to the capacity of the silo (from 300 tons to 15 thousand tons). At the same time, it is not allowed to mix grains belonging to different types and subtypes, since they have different baking properties. Do not mix grains with different moisture and weediness. Separately from healthy, grain infected with granary pests is stored and processed, and defective - frost, sprouted, smut, wormwood, etc.

Cleaning of the grain mass from impurities is carried out immediately after it enters the granaries. Weed seeds, vegetative organs of plants have a higher humidity, the smell of odorous weeds is partially adsorbed by the grain, and the longer they are in contact, the more grain may deteriorate. In addition, it is not economically feasible to spend additional energy on drying impurities and occupy storage volumes for their storage.

However, the complete cleaning of the grain mass from impurities in the elevators is not carried out, this is carried out by processing enterprises. Grain drying is a responsible technological operation before storage. Drying the grain with warm, dry air gives optimal results. However, drying with air mixed with flue gases is more economical. In this case, the quality of the grain will largely depend on the type of fuel. It is not recommended to use wood that gives the grain a smoky smell. Hard coal, especially containing a lot of sulfur, forms sulfurous anhydride during combustion, which can be partially absorbed by grain and degrade the quality of gluten. In addition, the flue gases generated during the combustion of coal contain an increased amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, in particular benzpyrene, which has carcinogenic properties. The optimal types of fuel that do not pollute grain with benzpyrene are oil products and gas.

The temperature of the grain during drying should not exceed 45 ° C. Overheating of the grain leads to a deterioration in the quality of gluten up to its complete denaturation. The activity of enzymes also decreases.

More than 3 - 3.5% of moisture cannot be removed from very wet grain at one time, therefore, grain with a moisture content of more than 17.5 - 18% is dried in several stages. Breaks between the stages of drying are necessary to redistribute moisture from the inner parts of the grain to the surface, otherwise the surface layers of the grain will crack, which leads to a deterioration in shelf life, and the yield and quality of the finished product are reduced. After drying, grain moisture should not exceed 14%.

The elevator is equipped with a laboratory that assesses the quality of grain; a working tower, where grain cleaning and drying equipment is concentrated, as well as an installation for receiving and dispensing grain.

The quality of grain received in elevators and warehouses is systematically monitored: the temperature of the grain, the temperature of the outside air, the color of the grain, the presence of harmful grain stocks.

The temperature of the grain in the silos of the elevator is measured by remote installations (DKTE). In summer, the temperature of the stored grain should not exceed +5 - +10°C.

The temperature in warehouses and on sites is measured by thermal rods and temperature probes. Each warehouse is divided into sections of approximately 100 m2. Each section is assigned its own permanent number. Each section should have from 3 to 5 thermal rods. The bars are installed at different levels: the upper one - to a depth of 30-70 cm; in the lower - 30-50 cm from the floor.

The height of the rash in warehouses and piles should be no more than 1.5-2.0 meters. After each measurement, the rods are moved within the section at a distance of 2 meters from the previous point, changing the level of immersion.

With the onset of spring, it is necessary to check the temperature of the upper layer of grain on the southern side of the warehouse. With a rapid increase in temperature, the grain urgently needs to be cooled. Carry out active ventilation.

Checking seeds for pest infestation of grain stocks is carried out at a grain temperature below +5 ° C - 1 time per month; above +5°С - 2 times a month. GOST 12586.4-83

Infestation is checked in layers, each recess separately. If pests are found, it is urgently necessary to take measures to destroy them: to carry out degassing and gassing.

The degree of infection is determined based on 1 kg of grain. Ticks are viewed on black glass, beetles on a white surface.

When laying grain seeds, different cultures for storage, as well as after cleaning (through separators), drying, active ventilation and before shipment, a complete technological analysis is carried out: humidity, contamination, organoleptic indicators (smell, color, taste), natural weight, purity. The germination of stored seeds is determined by KSL - at least once every 3 months.

The results of all observations are recorded in special journals on the quality of grain and its processing. Also on the elevator there should be silo boards depicting diagrams of silos and bunkers of the elevator tower. The board indicates: culture, bookmark date, class, which was processed. Prior to the start of receiving grain, all receiving lines of the enterprise must be put in good condition and prepared for work: all weighing equipment and weighing devices must be tested; unloading devices, mechanisms, machines and devices must correspond to the type and size of vehicles; silos are inspected, cleaned, disinfected to receive a new crop; grain dryers and cleaning machines are being overhauled.

The plan for receiving and placing grain of a new crop along all technological lines of the enterprise is drawn up no later than one month before the start of harvesting. During the entire period of grain storage, systematic monitoring of the quality and condition of each batch is carried out: temperature, humidity, contamination, smell, color, etc. Electrothermal installations for station temperature control of the M-5 type are used to measure the grain temperature. The temperature of grain in warehouses is measured using thermal rods with a technical thermometer.

To determine the moisture content of grain during the implementation and post-harvest processing use a moisture meter VP-4.

To monitor the temperature of grain in warehouses, its surface is conditionally divided into sections with an area of ​​approximately 200 m² and three thermal bars are installed at three levels. After the next measurement, they are moved in a checkerboard pattern by 2 meters within the section. In the silos of the elevator, the temperature of the grain is measured using remote control using the DKTE installation.

Grain temperature is checked in freshly harvested grain; dry and medium dryness - 1 time in 5 days; in wet and damp - daily.

In the rest of the grain: dry and medium dryness - 1 time in 15 days; in wet and damp - 1 time in 5 days.

The timing of the check is set by laboratory technicians and site foremen, depending on the highest temperature found in the layers of the grain mound. When laying grain for storage, its full technical analysis is carried out once a month on an average sample from a homogeneous batch, which is stored for 1 month from the date of analysis for control.

Checking for the presence of pests in grain stocks at a grain temperature of +5 ° and below is carried out once a month; above +5° - 2 times a month.

The results of all observations are recorded in laboratory journals.

1.6 The procedure and methods for the examination of wheat grain

The legal basis for the examination is the federal law "Consumer Protection". The "Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights" regulates the procedure for conducting an examination, the period for conducting an examination of goods. The legislator establishes that the examination of goods in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 18 of the Law is carried out within the time limits established by Art. 20, 21 and 22 of this Law to meet the relevant requirements of the consumer. Previously, a similar conclusion followed from a comprehensive interpretation of the requirements of the Law, today, a direct indication of the timing of the examination eliminates unnecessary disputes on this issue. If a demand is made to replace the goods, the examination must be carried out by the seller within a period of not more than 20 days, to terminate the contract and return the money - 10 days from the date of presentation of the specified requirement. The consumer has the right to be present during the examination of the goods and, in case of disagreement with its result, to challenge the conclusion of such an examination in court. Your desire to participate in the examination must be stated in a written statement when presenting your demand to the seller when transferring goods of inadequate quality. , Expertise (from French espertise, from Latin espertus - experienced) - a study by a specialist expert of any issues, the solution of which requires special knowledge in the field of science, technology, economics, trade, etc. Expertise - an independent study of the subject of expertise (goods ), carried out by a competent specialist (expert) on the basis of objective facts in order to obtain a reliable solution to the problem. Namely - verification of compliance of the incoming batch with the terms of the contract / agreement in terms of quantity, quality, packaging, labeling of goods; determination of the quality level of the goods by consumer properties and / or by the level of defectiveness; identifying the causes of defects and / or the percentage of quality reduction by the presence of defects; identification of goods, etc. The purpose of the commodity examination of wheat grain is to obtain new information about the fundamental characteristics of the goods in the form of an expert opinion, which cannot be obtained by objective methods, but is necessary for making certain decisions. The purpose of commodity examination should be formulated by its initiator, that is, the customer, taking into account the problem that has arisen. The expert must solve a number of special and general tasks to achieve the goal. Common goals are: - determination of the grounds for conducting an examination; establishing requirements for the object and conditions for examination; formulating questions that need to be answered as a result of the examination; examination of the object of expertise; analysis and evaluation of the data obtained during the examination to draw up a conclusion; documenting the results of the examination. Before the examination of goods there are very specific tasks that are formulated taking into account the characteristics of the object of examination: determining the degree of novelty of the goods, competitiveness, etc.; determination of the conformity of the quality of goods with current state standards, contractual terms between the supplier (seller) and the consumer (buyer). The examination establishes the shortcomings in the quality of goods, works, services, as well as the reasons for their occurrence. To carry out any examination of goods, examiners should first of all use normative documents on standardization, certification. When conducting an examination, experts should be guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 465, 466, 483, 521). Previously, the expert must familiarize himself with all regulatory documents on metrology, trade, veterinary medicine, sanitation and hygiene.

Examination of grain quality is carried out on the basis of the determination of organoleptic and analytical indicators, using the methods set forth in state standards. Determination of organoleptic indicators is carried out according to GOST R 52554− 2006 "Wheat, specifications", GOST 10967− 90 "Determination of smell and color". The class or type of grain is determined by the worst value of one of the indicators of grain quality. The standards for grain also set restrictive norms depending on the purpose; for food purposes, processing into cereals, flour, for the production of animal feed.

The color and appearance is determined by examining the sample in order to establish the type (culture) of the grain, its type, and partly to identify its condition. The grain is fresh, normally matured, harvested and stored in favorable conditions, has a well-defined color characteristic of a given culture, type, variety, a smooth shiny surface. The grain that has been wetted, moistened, is usually dull, whitish, and the grain of filmy crops is darkened. The spoiled grain is clearly darkened, heterogeneous, sometimes with mold spots on the surface. Color and appearance are best determined in diffused daylight by comparing the test sample with normal samples for the particular crop and type of grain.

The smell of grain depends on the volatile substances in it. There are very few of them in normal grain and the smell of grain is not noticeable. The smell of grain changes for two reasons: either as a result of its deterioration (self-heating, decay, mold), or as a result of the adsorption of foreign odorous substances by the grain. The following odors are considered abnormal, not characteristic of full-fledged grain: malty - occurs as a result of grain self-heating and subsequent drying. The smell of rotting grain very remotely resembles the smell of malt, that is, sprouted and dried grain; musty - occurs as a result of spoilage and decomposition of grain substances, as well as when it is stored in poorly ventilated musty rooms, where it adsorbs odorous substances released by molds; moldy (mushroom) - due to the development of other types of molds in the grain. Most often, it occurs in raw cold grain, where there was no self-heating, but molding; putrefactive - caused by bacterial decomposition of grain proteins, accompanied by the release of protein breakdown products - skatoles, indoles, mercaptans; extraneous - odors arising from the adsorption of volatile substances from the environment by grain: essential oils wormwood, garlic, the smell of petroleum products, smoke, etc.

Any foreign smell is considered unacceptable. To determine the smell, a small amount of grain is warmed by breathing. If a little grain (5-10 g) poured into a glass, pour hot water(60-70°C), close and leave for 2-3 minutes, then drain the water, its smell is better.

The taste of normal grain is weakly expressed. It is usually insipid, slightly sweet, sometimes with a flavor specific to the grain of this crop. Taste is determined by chewing about 2 g of pure ground grain. Before each determination, the mouth is rinsed with water. If the grain has a wormwood smell, then it is ground together with impurities. Grain with a bitter, sour or clearly sweet taste, as well as with any foreign flavors that are not characteristic of this grain, is considered to be of poor quality. A bitter taste may be the result of grain spoilage during storage, i.e. the result of the decomposition of grain fat and the formation of bitter substances. In addition, in the presence of an admixture of wormwood, the grain sometimes perceives a bitter substance - absetine and also acquires a bitter taste. The sour taste is due to the development of microorganisms that cause various types of fermentation, and the formation of certain organic acids. Sweet taste is characteristic of sprouted or clearly unripe grain. Foreign tastes can also be caused by the adsorption of foreign substances, the development of barn pests, etc.

Analytical indicators that characterize the properties of the grain mass include the following: moisture content, weediness, pest infestation and bulk density (nature) of grain. Grain moisture is determined by the formula: without preconditioning X(%)

where m0 is the weight of the sample of ground grain or rods before drying, g; m1 - weight of a sample of ground grain or rods after drying, g.

Grain moisture when determined with preconditioning X 1 (%) is calculated by the formula

where m2 is the mass of the sample taken before preconditioning, g; m3 is the mass of the sample after conditioning, g.

The allowable discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations should not exceed 0.2%. The average value of the results of parallel measurements is taken as the final result. In the control determinations of humidity, the allowable discrepancies between the control and initial determinations should not exceed 0.5%. Otherwise, the result of the control determination is taken as the final one. The nature of the grain (density index) is determined on special scales - purks. Nature is an indicator of the density of the grain mass and varies inversely with its openness. In addition to the porosity, the bulk density depends on the structural features of the grain, its shape, specific gravity, as well as the composition of impurities and moisture content. The definition of nature is necessary to calculate the capacity of warehouses and bins, the need for containers and vehicles. By nature, one can indirectly judge the openness of wheat grain. Weed and grain impurities are determined in accordance with GOST 13586.281. Harmful impurities have a bad effect on the quality of wheat grain, can threaten the health of the consumer, if toxic substances enter the raw material.

The above indicators and methods for assessing the quality of wheat grain are provided for by the current standards that guide the procurement and supply of wheat grain. In addition, the quality of grains forming a batch is characterized by physical and chemical indicators: absolute weight (mass of 1000 grains), evenness, filminess, vitreousness, ash content, fiber and protein content, and some other indicators of composition and biochemical properties that are not provided for by the standards.

Examination of the quality of wheat grain is extremely important to ensure the production of products (flour, cereals) in the greatest quantity and high quality, since the yield and quality of flour and cereals are inextricably linked with the properties of the feedstock - wheat grain.



Limited Liability Company "Agroindustrial Company", established in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Company is a legal entity and organizes its activities on the basis of the Charter of the enterprise and legislation. The founders (Participant) of the Company at the time of its state registration are: Pashkovsky Viktor Vladimirovich, passport number 60 03 934449, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Soviet District of Rostov-on-Don, subdivision code 612-005, registered at the address: 344103, Rostov- on-Don, st. Zorge, d. 25/4, apt. 124.

The Company is the owner of the property and funds transferred to it by the founders (participants) and is liable for its obligations with its own property. The founders (participant, participants) have the rights of obligation in relation to the Company provided for by law and this Charter.

The company has settlement, currency and other accounts in banking institutions, a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of the location of the company. The company also has a registration number, its own emblem, a trademark registered in the prescribed manner, stamps, forms and other means of individualization.

Full company name: Limited Liability Company "Agroindustrial Company Branch Zherdevsky".

Abbreviated name of the branch: Komagroprom LLC.

Location of the Company: 344018, Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don, per. Dolomanovsky, 185 "a".

The Company has a branch, which is a separate structural subdivision of the Company.

Full name of the branch: Limited Liability Company Agroindustrial Company Komagroprom branch Zherdevsky.

Abbreviated name of the branch: OOO Komagroprom branch Zherdevsky. Location of the branch: 393670, Tambov region, Zherdevka, Neplanovaya street 103.

The branch carries out its activities on behalf of the Company. The head of the branch is appointed by the Company in accordance with the regulations on the branch and acts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Company. The company is responsible for the activities of the branch.

Types of activities that require obtaining a license are carried out by the Company only after obtaining one.

The main activities of the company are:

Processing and storage of grain.

Services in agriculture, horticulture and floriculture,

Services of storage and warehouse processing of crops.

Production of flour, cereals and flakes from cereals and cereal crops. Soft wheat flour, wheat flour durum varieties, groats from cereals, bran, small bran, groats, Specialized warehouse services, Grain storage services at elevators.

The staff of the firm consists mostly of narrow-profile specialists.

Material and technical base of the enterprise LLC "KOMAGROPROM".

The property of the enterprise consists of: warehouse, packaging, production equipment, laboratory equipment, trucks and cars, production, storage and handling areas, weight platforms equipped with weights for trucks, owned by Komagroprom LLC.

The main activity of the elevator is the operation of receiving, processing, drying, cleaning and production of flour from wheat grain.

The technological process of grain processing and storage at the elevator consists of several successive stages. The first stage consists in the acceptance of grain from railway cars and vehicles, placing it in the silos of silo buildings according to grade, the main quality indicator (typical composition, humidity, weediness). Then the grain mass is subjected to preliminary cleaning from weed impurities, which differ from the main grain in linear dimensions and aerodynamic properties.

After passing through all the above operations, the batches of grain are formed according to certain physical and chemical-biological characteristics and the grain is further sent to the mill.

All operations are associated with the release of dust from the grain mass. To prevent it from entering the working area, aspiration is used. Dust separators are used to clean gases from grain dust.

A mill complex of the type OPM - 0.6 "Farmer" is in operation, designed to produce flour. The unit is a complex of small-sized grain cleaning, grinding, screening and transport equipment, as well as the necessary auxiliary and electrical equipment. During the year, the equipment is loaded with 6000 hours. For a month, the enterprise receives and processes approximately 300 thousand tons of grain, 25 thousand of which are waste, which includes bran, and 75 thousand tons is the approximate yield of flour.

The work of the company is divided by type of activity into many departments: Department of purchases of grain crops, transport department, department of processing, drying and preparation of grain for processing it into flour, mill, elevator. sales department of finished products, laboratory.

Laboratory - equipped with the latest devices for measuring moisture and checking the quality of grain. Checking the quality of grain strictly complies with the order of examination prescribed in the "Instructions for the examination" and must be in accordance with State standards. The examination carried out by KOMAGROPROM LLC is a prerequisite for the purchase of grain.

The visiting laboratory assistant makes an analysis for moisture, checks the quality and quantity of gluten in the grain of wheat, and also determines the individual wheat IDK code, and only after that the enterprise can conclude a sales contract with a supplier, farm. The visiting laboratory assistant notes all the indicators of grain in the shipping documents, and despite this, when accepting the grain, the laboratory proceeds to check the quality of wheat from the very beginning. They do this in order to make sure the quality of the grain and avoid inaccuracies before acceptance. Inaccuracies of indicators may occur during loading.


Grain is accepted in batches. GOST 13586.3 -83* Rules for acceptance and sampling. A lot is understood as any quantity of grain, homogeneous in quality, intended for simultaneous acceptance, shipment or simultaneous storage, issued by one quality document. In the quality document for each batch of harvested and supplied grain indicate:

date of issue of the document;

the name of the sender and the station (pier) of departure;

vehicle, wagon number or vessel name;

invoice number;

the mass of the party or the number of seats;

station (pier) destination;

name of the recipient;

the name of the culture;


variety, type, subtype of grain;

grain class;

the results of analyzes according to the quality indicators provided for by the standard of technical conditions for the corresponding crop;

signature of the person responsible for issuing the grain quality document.

For a batch of harvested grain shipped by a collective farm, state farm, it is allowed to issue an accompanying document instead of a document on quality, which indicates: the name of the sending farm; name of culture, variety; crop year; car number; the mass of the party; date of issue of the document; signature of the person responsible for issuing the accompanying document.

It is allowed for a farm to issue one document on quality or one variety certificate for several homogeneous batches of grain delivered within a day by one farm.

Several batches of grain of uniform quality, received from one collective farm, state farm or deep point during the operational day, are accepted as one batch.

Consignments of wheat grain of strong and valuable varieties, as well as grain of barley of brewing varieties and the most valuable varieties of other crops included in the list approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Procurement of the Russian Federation, are accompanied by a variety certificate. When grain is shipped by rail, it is allowed to issue one quality document for homogeneous lots shipped in several wagons to one recipient. In these cases, the numbers of all wagons are indicated in the quality document.

To check the compliance of grain quality with the requirements of normative and technical documentation, an average sample weighing (2.0 ± 0.1) kg, isolated from a combined or average daily sample, is analyzed. Depending on the mass of the batch and the state of contamination, the selection of point samples from the jet of transported grain is carried out in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 1.

The results of the analysis of the average sample are distributed to the entire batch of grain. Upon receipt from collective farms, state farms or deep points of automobile lots of grain, the results of the analysis of the average sample isolated from the average daily sample are applied to all automobile lots of grain of uniform quality that arrived within one operational day from one farm. Upon receipt of consignments of grain by water transport, before unloading ships in the port, a preliminary inspection of grain is carried out to determine the quality by organoleptic indicators, as well as pest infestation of grain stocks.

Table 1. - Selection of an average sample

Mass of the accepted batch, in tons State of weedinessClean and medium purity Weedy Up to 100 inclusiveFrom every 3 t. From every 3 t. Over 100 to 200 will include. From every 5 t. .From every 5 t.Over 400From every 20 t.From every 10 t.

The number of bags from which increments should be taken is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. - Number of bags in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13586.3-83

Number of bags in a lot, piecesSampling volume (number of bags from which incremental samples are taken). Up to 10 inclusiveFrom every second bagMore than 10 to 100 inclusiveFrom 5 bags plus 5% of the number of bags in a lotMore than 100Of 10 bags plus 5% of the number of bags in a lot If the quality of a batch is not uniform based on the results of its external examination and comparison of incremental samples taken from an accessible depth, and if it is possible to divide it into parts of uniform quality, they are taken as separate batches and separate quality documents are issued for each part. Determination of the quality of grain coming from collective farms, state farms is carried out by the laboratory of the grain-receiving enterprise according to all indicators provided for by the standard of technical conditions for the corresponding crop.

In case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the harvested grain between the farm and the procurement enterprise, a re-analysis is carried out in the presence of the deliverer. If he does not agree with the results of the re-analysis, the sample is sent for control analysis to the State Grain Inspectorate within a day or transferred to the State Grain Inspector, if he is at the enterprise. The conclusion of the State Grain Inspectorate is final. The result of the initial analysis is considered correct if the data does not exceed the established permissible discrepancies in comparison with the results of the control analysis. If the allowable discrepancies are exceeded, the result of the control analysis is considered correct.

The following equipment is used for sampling, forming samples and isolating samples:

mechanical samplers and probes of various designs, excluding grain injury;

laboratory scales with a weighing error of not more than 0.01 g according to GOST 24104-80;

scales with a weighing limit of up to 20 kg in accordance with GOST 23676-79;

buckets with a capacity of at least 200 cm3 3;


wooden planks;

containers for samples and samples.

Spot sampling

Spot sampling from cars

Spot samples from vehicles are taken with a mechanical sampler or manually with a probe.

From cars with a body length of up to 3.5 m, spot samples are taken at four points according to scheme A, with a body length of 3.5 to 4.5 m - at six points according to scheme B, moving the car to the step of the sampler and then lowering one pair elevator, with a body length of 4.5 m or more - at eight points according to scheme B at a distance of 0.5 to 1 m from the front and rear sides and at a distance of about 0.5 m from the side sides:

Rice. 1. - Sampling of point samples according to the scheme GOST 13586.3-83

Point samples are taken with a mechanical sampler over the entire depth of the grain mound. With a manual probe, point samples are taken from the upper and lower layers, touching the bottom with the probe.

In road trains, point samples are taken from each body (trailer).

The total mass of point samples when taking according to scheme A must be at least 1 kg, according to scheme B - not less than 1.5 kg, and according to scheme C - not less than 2 kg.

If the total mass is less than specified, additional point samples are taken at the same points in the middle layer of the embankment.

Point sampling of grain stored in bulk in warehouses and on sites (excluding warehouses with sloping floors). Spot samples of grain stored in warehouses and on sites with an embankment height of up to 1.5 m are taken with a manual probe, with a greater embankment height - a warehouse probe with screw-on rods. For point sampling, the surface of the grain mound is divided into sections of approximately 200 m 2each. In each section, point samples are taken at six points on the surface at a distance of 1 m from the walls of the warehouse (the edge of the site) and the boundaries of the section and at the same distance from each other according to scheme G.

With small amounts of grain in a batch, it is allowed to take point samples at four points on the surface of a section with an area of ​​​​up to 100 m 2scheme D:

Rice. 2. - Sampling according to the scheme GOST 13586.3-83

At each point, point samples are taken from the upper layer at a depth of 10-15 cm from the surface of the embankment, from the middle and lower (near the floor) layers. The total mass of increments should be about 2 kg per section.

Point sampling during loading (unloading) of grain.

Point samples during loading (unloading) of grain into wagons, ships, warehouses and silos of the elevator are taken from the jet of transported grain, at the points of difference with a mechanical sampler or a special bucket by crossing the jet at regular intervals during the entire period of movement of the batch. The frequency of taking incremental samples is set depending on the speed of movement, the mass of the batch, as well as the condition of contamination, in order to ensure the requirements specified in table No. 1. The mass of one point sample must be at least 100 g.

Spot sampling of grain stored in elevator silos and warehouses with sloping floors.

Point samples of grain stored in elevator silos and warehouses with inclined floors are taken during the release of grain from the silo or warehouse section in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2.2.3.

Spot sampling from bags

The number of bags from which incremental samples should be taken is determined depending on the size of the lot in accordance with the requirements of Table No. 2. From the sewn bags, point samples are taken with a bag probe at three accessible points of the bag. The probe is inserted towards the middle part of the bag with the groove down, then it is turned 180° and removed. The resulting hole is closed with crosswise movements of the tip of the probe, shifting the threads of the bag. The total mass of incremental samples must be at least 2 kg. The pooled sample is obtained as a set of incremental samples. All point samples are poured into a clean, strong, pest-free container for grain stocks, which excludes changes in grain quality.

When using a mechanical sampler to take samples from vehicles, incremental samples are mixed during the sampling process and a pooled sample is formed.

In a container with a combined sample of grain, with the exception of samples taken from vehicles, put a label indicating:

names of culture;

warehouse, silo, wagon or ship name numbers;

the masses of the party;

sampling dates;

sample mass;

signature of the person who took the sample.

Let's look at one of the examples more clearly.

A road train with a trailer weighing 20 tons (12 tons net weight in KAMAZ and 10 tons net weight in a trailer) drives up to the sampling site (sighting), the laboratory assistant takes grain samples mechanically - with a probe. With a manual probe, point samples are taken from the upper and lower layers, touching the bottom with the probe.

Samples are taken from each trailer separately. After that, grain analysis is done on an average sample (trailer + KAMAZ) according to one of the above schemes or at the discretion of the laboratory assistant or his management, a separate analysis of each sample taken is done.


grain wheat gluten glassiness

The primary and one of the main ones is the organoleptic method for determining quality. In GOST 10967 - 90, it goes under the name "Methods for determining odor and color." After the sampling procedure, preparations for the determination of odor and color begin. For this, special equipment is used: a laboratory mill; general purpose laboratory scales; plastic cassette with lid, removable cup and metal screen; jar with a lid with a capacity of 500 cm3 ³; conical flasks with a thin section with a capacity of 100 cm3 ³.; according to GOST 25336; cup with a capacity of 200 - 250 cm ³; a Petri dish; metal mesh sieve No. 06; collapsible board; putty knife; a heat source that heats the grain up to 40°C.

Definition of smell. The smell is determined in whole or ground grain. Fresh grain has its own specific smell. A foreign smell indicates a deterioration in the quality of the grain. Grain that has malty, musty and other smells of decomposition is considered defective and is not accepted for elevators and flour mills. A sample of grain weighing about 100 g is taken from the average sample, placed in a cup and its smell is determined. In case of detection of a weakly expressed foreign smell, which is not characteristic of normal grain, to enhance this smell, the grain of the sample is heated. GOST 10967-90. When a slight wormwood smell is felt in the grain of an average sample, about 100 g of grain is taken from this average sample, it is freed from wormwood baskets, ground in a laboratory mill, after which the presence of a wormwood smell is determined. In the sample of wheat grain taken by us, during the examination, no foreign odors were found. The smell of the sample fully complies with the requirements of GOST.

The taste of normal grain should be weakly expressed. It is usually insipid, slightly sweet, sometimes with a flavor specific to the grain of this crop. Taste is determined by chewing about 2 g of pure ground grain. Before each determination, the mouth is rinsed with water. When determining the taste, the expert compares it with the taste of the reference sample.

Determination of color, discoloration. The color of the grain is determined visually by comparing with the description of this trait in the standard for wheat. The color is determined in diffuse daylight. The color and degree of discoloration of the grain is also determined using standards. Wheat is divided into types and subtypes, and therefore the quality must be consistent with its type and class. In order to determine the color of the grain sample, we took a removable cup and completely filled the central cell of the cup with the grain we selected from the average sample, and visually compared it with the standard located in the four peripheral cells of the cassette. The grain was first compared with the standard of unbleached grain, then with grain standards of the first, second, third degree of discoloration. When comparing a grain sample with one of the standards, the other is covered with a metal screen. To avoid distorting the results of the examination. The degree of discoloration is determined according to table 3. In strict accordance with GOST 10967-90, Table 3 is given below, it describes the percentage of grains of various types in accordance with the stages of discoloration.

Table 3. Determination of the color and discoloration of wheat grain

Degree of discoloration of grain Content of grains, %, no more, by stages of discoloration Normal grain First Second third1 2+3 Including 3 Normal grain 10 5 Not allowed First Not limited to 25 2 Second Not limited Not limited to 15 Third Not limited Not limited to 16 and more

The standards for determining the degree of discoloration are compiled separately for soft and durum wheat grains from average grain samples isolated, as indicated in GOST 13586.3, from average daily samples or from the first car lots, or during a preliminary assessment of the grain quality of the current year's harvest. In this case, the moisture content of the grain should be no more than 15%. From the average sample, whole healthy grains of 1, 2, 3 stages of discoloration and unbleached are selected in the amount necessary to compile standards for each degree of discoloration indicated in table 4.

Table 4 - Compilation of wheat grain standards

Degree of discoloration of grain Weight of grains by discoloration stages, g.

The grain of the standards of each degree of discoloration by weight (50.0 g) is thoroughly mixed, after which they fill the corresponding cells.


The next important step in checking the quality of grain is the determination of the quantity and quality of gluten in wheat. Gluten is a complex of protein substances of the grain, capable of forming an elastic mass when swollen in water. Gluten determines the gas-holding capacity of the dough, creates its mechanical basis and determines the structure of the baked bread. The content of raw gluten in wheat grain ranges from 5 to 36%. The following equipment is used for testing: Technical scales of 1 or 2 classes according to GOST 29329; a laboratory mill that provides the size of the meal, provided for in the selection of samples for analysis; devices for evaluating the elastic properties of gluten (IDK-1M, IDK-2); drying cabinet; wire mesh sieve No. 067; nylon fabric sieve No. 43; sieve made of silk fabric No. 38, or polyamide fabric No. 41/43PA according to GOST 4403; a bottle with a tube; thermometer for measuring temperature from 0 to 50°C according to GOST 28498; measuring cylinder with a capacity of 25 cm ³; Petri dish and watch glass; device brand VNIIKhP-VCh; a porcelain mortar and a cup with a lid; spatula or pestle; basin with a capacity of at least 2 dm3 ³; thick silk or nylon sieve; towel.

Sampling and separation of samples takes place in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13586.3. A 50 g sample of grain isolated from an average sample is cleaned of weed impurities, with the exception of spoiled wheat grains, and ground in a laboratory mill so that when sifted through a sieve of wire mesh No. fabric No. 43 or silk fabric No. 38, or polyamide fabric No. 41/43 PA according to GOST 4403 was at least 40%. If the residue on the sieve of wire mesh No. 067 is more than 2% or the passage through the sieve of nylon fabric No. 43, or silk fabric No. 38, or polyamide fabric No. 41/43 PA is less than 40%, then additional grinding of the products remaining on sieves. The duration of screening is at least 1 minute at 110-120 movements per minute.

To clean sieves made of nylon, silk or polyamide fabric during sieving, rubber mugs are used in the amount of 4-5 pcs. about 1 cm in diameter, 0.3 cm thick, which are placed on a sieve.

When testing grain with a moisture content above 18%, it is necessary to dry the sample of grain before grinding to a moisture content of not more than 18% at room temperature or in a thermostat (drying cabinet) at a temperature not exceeding 50°C. Determining the amount of raw gluten The ground grain (meal) is thoroughly mixed and a sample of 25 g or more is isolated in such a way as to ensure the yield of raw gluten is not less than 4 g. The meal is placed in a porcelain mortar or cup and filled with water. The amount of water for kneading the dough, depending on the weight of the sample, should be as follows:

Table 5. - Mass of water relative to the mass of sample

Sample weight, gAmount of water, cm2514.03017.03520.04022.0

After that, knead the dough with a pestle or spatula until it becomes homogeneous. Particles adhering to the pestle or mortar are attached to a piece of dough and the dough is well kneaded by hand. The dough rolled into a ball is placed in a mortar or cup, covered with a lid and left for 20 minutes. After this time, the washing of gluten begins under a weak stream of water over a thick silk nylon sieve. First, washing is carried out carefully so that pieces of gluten do not come off along with the starch and shells, and when most of the starch and shells are washed, then they begin to wash more vigorously. Accidentally detached pieces of gluten are carefully collected from the sieve and added to the total mass of gluten. In the absence of running water, it is allowed to wash the gluten in a basin or cup. At least 2 dm is poured into the basin ³ water, the dough is dipped in water and the starch and shell particles are washed off, the water is changed by filtering it through a thick silk or nylon sieve.

When determining gluten in low-quality wheat (bug-affected turtle, frost, germinated, etc.), washing is done slowly and carefully, first in the pelvis. Laundering is carried out until the shells are completely washed out and the water flowing down when squeezing out the gluten is almost transparent (without turbidity). Gluten that is not laundered is characterized by the term "non-washable". For wheat with unsatisfactory weak gluten, the inclusion of bran parts is allowed. The washed gluten is squeezed out between the palms, wiping them from time to time with a dry, clean towel. In this case, the gluten is turned out several times and squeezed again between the palms until it begins to slightly stick to the hands. The squeezed gluten is weighed, then washed again for 2-3 minutes, squeezed again and weighed. If the difference between two weighings does not exceed 0.1 g, then the washing of gluten is considered complete. The amount of raw gluten is expressed as a percentage of a sample of crushed grain (meal). In control and arbitration analyzes, discrepancies in determining the amount of raw gluten should not exceed 2%. When kneading the dough, washing and determining the quality of gluten, undistilled water is used, the temperature of which should be approximately 18 ° C. Deviations of water temperature in one direction or another by 2 ° C are allowed.

After determining the amount of gluten, proceed to determine the quality of raw gluten. The quality of raw gluten is characterized by elastic properties. The elastic properties of gluten are determined on instruments that have metrological parameters in accordance with GOST 13586.1-68. To do this, a sample of 4 g is isolated from the finally washed and weighed gluten, crushed 3-4 times with fingers, molded into a ball and placed for 15 minutes in a cup or mortar with water at a temperature of 18 ° C, after which they begin to determine the elastic properties. If the gluten crumbles, after washing it is a spongy, easily torn mass and does not form after kneading it 3-4 times into a ball, then it is assigned to group 3 without determining the quality on the device. If the gluten is unsatisfactorily weak, floating, but washed off, then a sample weighing 4 g should be isolated from it and formed into a ball to determine its quality on the IDK-1M, IDK-2 devices. Work on the devices is carried out in accordance with the operating instructions attached to each device. To determine the quality of raw gluten, a sample of gluten is placed in the center of the instrument table and subjected to a deforming load of a free-falling load (punch). After 30 seconds, the movement of the load automatically stops. After recording the instrument reading, the load is returned to its original position. The tested gluten is removed from the instrument table.

Determination of the amount of dry gluten. A weighing of 4 g of raw gluten, after determining its quality, is placed, depending on the method of drying, in a paper bag (aluminum foil plate) or on a watch glass (Petri dish), distributing it in a thin layer evenly over the entire area.

When drying gluten on the VNIIKhP-VCh device, a bag made of weakly glued paper such as rotary, newsprint, etc. is used. square sheet paper or an aluminum foil plate (side length 16 cm) is folded diagonally in the form of a triangle, bending the edges of the paper by about 1.5 cm. into the desiccator. Cool for 2 minutes, then weigh and place back in the desiccator. It is allowed to keep the bags in the desiccator for no more than 2 hours. A sachet or plate with a weighed amount of raw gluten is placed in the device at the same temperature and dried for 10 minutes, after which it is transferred to a desiccator, cooled for 2 minutes, and then weighed. The mass of dry gluten is determined by the difference between the mass of a sachet (aluminum foil plate) or glass (Petri dish) with dried gluten and the mass of an empty glass sachet. The mass of dry gluten is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the original product.

A portion for the determination of raw and dry gluten is weighed with an accuracy of 0.1 g. The results of determining the content of raw wheat gluten are put down in documents on the quality of grain (certificates and certificates) with an accuracy of 1.0%. The rounding of the results of determining the amount of gluten when entering them into quality documents is carried out as follows: if the figure following the established accuracy limit is equal to or greater than 5, then the previous figure is increased by one; if the digit is less than 5, then it is discarded.

Numerical indicators of gluten quality can vary from 18 to 28%, but the quality of grain directly depends on the quantitative indicators of gluten. For clarity, consider an example of a grain sample with 23% gluten. This indicator indicates that the sample belongs to group 1. Subject to quantitative indicators of gluten up to 75 c.u. the sample belongs to the 3rd class. But if we take the same gluten quality indicator of 23% with another quantitative indicator of 105 USD, the class of such wheat is reduced to fodder. There is a direct dependence of the quality of gluten on its quantity, so it is necessary to carry out an examination of grain according to two indicators.

Table 6. Gluten quality groups

Instrument readings in arbitrary units Quality group Gluten characteristic From 0 to 15 3 Unsatisfactory strong 0-40 2 Satisfactory. strong 45-75 1Good 80-100 2Satisfactory. weak 105 and more 3Unsatisfactory. weak

Determination of wheat grain moisture content. Humidity is determined by the mass of free and physically bound moisture, expressed as a percentage of the initial mass of the grain. The water content in the grain varies widely - from 9 to 25%; it depends on the degree of maturity of the grain, the conditions of harvesting, drying, storage. Moisture is determined by dehydrating a sample of crushed grain in an air-heating cabinet at fixed parameters: temperature and duration of drying and determining its weight loss. The air-thermal method is used to determine the moisture content of grain at grain-receiving and processing enterprises in average shift and average daily samples, in control determinations, during shipment and loading.


When determining the moisture content of wheat grains, they begin with sampling according to GOST 13586.3, preparation of equipment and materials. Next, a sample weighing 300 g is isolated from the average sample. The selected grain is placed in a tightly closed vessel, filling it by two-thirds of the volume. The grain, which has a temperature below the temperature of normal laboratory conditions (20±5°C), is kept in a closed vessel to ambient temperature. At the bottom of a thoroughly washed and dried desiccator, calcined calcium chloride or another desiccant is placed. The polished edges of the desiccator are smeared with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. New bottles are dried in an oven for one hour and placed in a desiccator to cool completely. Bottles in circulation should also be stored in a dessicator.

In the selected grain, moisture is determined using an electric moisture meter according to GOST 8.434 to select the method variant and establish the drying time. For grain with a moisture content of up to 17%, the determination is carried out without prior drying. For grain with a moisture content of more than 17%, the determination is carried out with preliminary drying to a residual moisture content in the range of 9−17%. At a temperature of 105°C from 7 to 30 min.

Grain moisture is determined in two ways: with pre-drying and without pre-drying.

Before testing, the grain is thoroughly mixed by shaking the vessel in different directions and planes. In a dried and weighed mesh weighing bottle from prepared grain to determine the moisture, a sample of grain weighing 20 g is taken from different places with a scoop. The weighing bottle is closed and weighed. Before drying the grain, the drying cabinet is preheated to a temperature of 110°C and dried at 105°C, for which the movable contact of the thermometer is set to 105°C. Free nests of the cabinet are closed with plugs. Drying time for wheat grain is described in Table 7.

Table 7. - Duration of grain drying

Name of cultureDuration of drying (from the moment the temperature is restored to 105°C in the SESh-3M chamber, min, at humidity,% Up to 25From 25 to 35More than 35Wheat71230

At the end of the preliminary drying, the bottles with grain are taken out and cooled with the help of an AUO type cooler for 5 minutes, after which they are weighed and the grain is crushed. The dried and cooled sample of grain is transferred from the mesh bottles to the mill and crushed for 30 s. Grinding size is controlled by periodically sieving on sieves No. 1 or 0.8. The crushed grain is immediately transferred into two clean and dried metal weighing bottles, and the weight of each sample is adjusted to 5 g, after which the weighted weighing bottles with grain are tightly closed and placed in a desiccator. The contact thermometer is switched to a temperature of 130 ° C, and weighing bottles with weighed grains of ground grain are quickly placed in the cabinet, and first a lid is placed in the nest, and a bottle is placed on the lid. Free cupboard slots are filled with empty bottles. The crushed wheat grain is dried for 40 minutes. After the drying exposure, the bottles with crushed grain are removed from the cabinet, covered with lids and transferred to a desiccator until completely cooled, for about 20 minutes, but not more than 2 hours. end of counts.

Determination of moisture content without prior drying. A sample of 20 g is isolated from the grain prepared for moisture determination and crushed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13586.5-93 (clause 4.2.6) or as described above. Further actions are carried out exactly as in determining the moisture content of the grain after drying.

Grain moisture when determining with preliminary drying (X1) in percent is determined by the formula: X1 \u003d 100-m1 × m 2, where m1 is the mass of the whole grain sample after preliminary drying, g; m 2 is the weight of the sample of ground grain after drying, g.

Intermediate calculations according to the formula are carried out to the fourth decimal place, and the result is recorded to the second decimal place. For example, with a sample weight of whole grain after preliminary drying of 16.37 and with a sample weight of ground grain after drying 4.46 g, the calculated moisture content of the grain will be: X1 = 100 - 4.46 x 16.37 = 100 - 73.0102 = 26.99%. Permissible discrepancies between the results of two parallel determinations should not exceed 0.2%. If the allowable discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations increases, the test is repeated.


Infestation of grain with granary pests is an important indicator of the state of the grain mass.

Determination of infestation of grain by insects and mites in an explicit form. Sampling and isolation of samples is carried out according to GOST 13586.3-83. The selected samples are placed in a tightly closed container, excluding the movement of insects and mites. With layer-by-layer sampling, the analysis is carried out on an average sample taken separately from each layer, and infestation is determined by the sample in which the largest number of pests was found. Lumps of grain, entwined with butterfly caterpillars, are dismantled by hand. Detected pests are added to the total number of pests in the average sample.

After disassembling the lumps, the average grain sample is weighed and then sifted through a set of sieves with holes with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 mm manually for 2 minutes at about 120 circular movements per minute or mechanically in accordance with the description attached to the device.

If the temperature of the grain is below 5°C, the resulting gathering and passages through the sieve are heated at a temperature of 25-30°C for 10-20 minutes to cause the activation of insects that have fallen into a stupor. The exit from the sieve with holes with a diameter of 2.5 mm is placed on the white glass of the analysis board, and the passage through the sieve with holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm is placed on black glass, scattering them in a thin thin layer; the passage through a sieve with holes of 1.5 mm is examined under a magnifying glass. At the same time, smaller pests are isolated: barn and rice weevils, grain grinder, mace and small flour beetles, Surinamese and short-whiskered flour eaters, flour and elongated ticks and others. Dead pests, as well as live field pests that do not damage grain during storage, are classified as weeds and are not taken into account when determining infestation. The resulting number of live pests is calculated per 1 kg of grain. When grain is found to be infested with weevils or mites, the degree of infection is determined depending on the number of pest specimens per 1 kg of grain, as indicated in Table 8.

Table 8. - Degree of pest infestation

Degree of infestation Number of pest specimens per 1 kg of grain Weevils Ticks 1 From 1 to 5 inclusiveFrom 1 to 20 inclusive. 2 6 - 10 Over 20, but move freely and do not form clusters 3 Over 10 Ticks form felt clusters

Determination of contamination of grain with pests in a latent form is carried out by splitting the grains or by staining "corks" (closed holes after laying eggs). Infection by the method of splitting the grains is determined by a sample weighing 50 g, isolated from the average sample. 50 whole grains are randomly selected from the sample and split with the tip of a scalpel along the groove. The split grains are viewed under a magnifying glass and live insects are counted in different stages of development.

Infection by staining "corks" is determined by a sample weighing about 50 g, isolated from the average sample. 250 whole grains are randomly selected from the sample and they are lowered in the grid for 1 min into a cup with water having a temperature of about 30°C. The grain begins to swell, and at the same time the size of the "plugs" increases. Then the grid with grain is transferred for 20 - 30 s into a 1% freshly prepared solution of potassium permanganate (10 g of KMnO2 per 1 liter of water). At the same time, they are dyed dark color not only "plugs", but also the surface of the grains in places of damage. Excess paint from the surface of the grain is removed by immersing the mesh with grain in cold water. Staying for 20-30 seconds in water returns the colored grain to its normal color, while maintaining a dark convex "cork" in the infected grains. The grains extracted from the water are quickly viewed on filter paper. The count of infected grains is started immediately, not allowing the grains to dry out, otherwise the color of the "corks" will disappear.

Infected grains are characterized by round convex spots about 0.5 mm in size, evenly colored in dark color "corks", which were left by the female weevil after laying eggs. Not classified as infected grain: with round spots, with intensely colored edges and a light middle, which are the feeding places of weevils; with spots of irregular shape in places of mechanical damage to the grain. Infected grains are cut and the number of live larvae, pupae or weevil beetles is counted.

where n3 is the number of infected grains, pieces; n is the number of grains selected for analysis, pcs.

For example: X3 \u003d 100 \u003d 0.04 × 100 \u003d 4%;

The rounding of the results obtained is carried out as follows, if the first of the discarded digits (counting from left to right) is less than 5, then the last stored digit does not change, if it is 5 or more, it increases by one. In analysis cards, the results of the determination, both in weight and in percentage terms, are put down without rounding. The results of the determination are indicated in the quality documents as follows: in the presence of mites and weevils in the grain - the degree of infection; if there are other insects in the grain (hrushchaks, flour-eaters, etc.) - the number of specimens per 1 kg of grain and the type of pests. In addition, the percentage of infected grains is indicated (up to tenths of a percent).


To determine the content of large weed impurities, an average grain sample is weighed and sieved in a circular motion on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 6 mm. Large weed impurities are manually selected from the sieve: straw, ears of corn, lumps of earth, pebbles, large weed seeds, etc. Large impurities are considered to be larger than wheat grains in size. The selected large weedy admixture is weighed separately by fractions taken into account when determining the weedy admixture of a given crop, and expressed as a percentage relative to the mass of the average sample. If there is a large pebble in the average sample, it is isolated and weighed separately. The content of separately accounted fractions of weed impurities (Xcr) in percent is calculated by the formula

Хcr = ,

where m1 is the mass of a separately taken into account fraction of a large weed impurity, g. m is the mass of an average sample of wheat grain, g.

For example, a sample of an average sample of 50 g was selected, after the procedure for determining a large weed impurity, 0.8 g of spikelets of wheat remained in the sieve Xcr = 1.6; after calculation, a result of 1.6% impurity was obtained.

Determination of the content of pronounced weed and grain impurities is carried out starting from the isolation of weighing 50 g and sieved on laboratory sieves with a diameter of 1.0 mm. A set of sieves is installed in the following order: pallet; a sieve for isolating the passage attributable to weed impurities; sieve to separate fine grains; sieve for fineness determination. Sieves for determining fineness and fine grains are installed if these indicators are determined simultaneously with the determination of weed and grain impurities. The sample is poured onto the upper sieve and covered with a lid. Manual sifting is carried out by placing a set of sieves on a table with a smooth surface or glass. Sift without shaking in a circular motion. The swing of the sieves is about 10 cm, at 110-120 movements per minute for 3 minutes. From the passage through the sieve installed to separate the weed impurities, only the harmful impurity is isolated. The rest of the passage is entirely attributed to weed impurities. The harmful impurity isolated from the descents from the sieves and the passage through the sieve is not taken into account in the composition of the weed impurity, and its content is determined by additional weights.

Determination of harmful impurity. If during an external examination of the batch or in samples and samples, a harmful impurity is found: ergot, grains affected by a nematode, intoxicating chaff, multi-colored chaff, creeping mustard, fox-tailed sophora, heliotrope pubescent, gray trichodesma, thermopsis lanceolate, hard or wet smut in wheat, then its content is carried out according to an additional sample. Sample weight: smut in wheat - 200 g; ergot, sophora, thermopsis and others listed above - 500 g; metal-magnetic impurity - 500 g.

A sample of grain is disassembled manually, the harmful impurity is isolated and weighed separately by type. The content of each type of harmful impurity (Hv) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where mv is the mass of the released harmful impurity, g; m - sample weight, g.

To determine the content of smut grains in wheat, a 20 g sample is taken, isolated from the grain remaining after the determination of weed and grain impurities, smut grains are selected without the use of a magnifying glass and weighed. After the results are calculated by the formula

Xg = = mg × 5,

where mg = mass of smut grains isolated from a sample weighing 20 g,

Xgl \u003d X (gl, cr) + Xgl, 1

where X(ch, cr) is the percentage of large pebbles isolated from the sieve with a hole diameter of 6 mm when sifting an average sample.

Determination of the content of metal-magnetic impurities. A portion of the grain is scattered on a smooth surface in an even layer no more than 0.5 cm thick. The legs of the magnet slowly make longitudinal and transverse grooves in the grain so that the legs of the magnet pass through the entire thickness of the grain. After the entire surface of the grain has been treated with a magnet, the adhering metal-magnetic particles are removed into a cup, the grain is collected and again scattered with a layer of the same thickness, and then the secondary separation of the metal-magnetic impurity is carried out in the same order. All collected metallomagnetic particles are weighed and their amount is expressed in milligrams per 1 kg of grain. The content of small grains in the grain is determined by isolating the sample according to the principle of determining weed impurities and then according to the formula

where m1 = mass of fine grain fractions or mass of grain residue in the descent from the sieve designed to determine the fineness, g; m is the mass of grains remaining after the separation of weed and grain impurities from the sample, g.


During the test, the total vitreousness of the wheat grain is determined. Under the index of total vitreousness understand the sum of fully vitreous and half the number of partially vitreous grains.

Determination of vitreousness of grain is carried out in several ways: determination of vitreousness using a diaphanoscope and by examining a grain cut .

Determination of vitreousness using a diaphanoscope.

A weighed grain of wheat 50 g is poured onto the cassette of the diaphanoscope and, making circular movements of the cassette in a horizontal plane, all 100 cells of the lattice are filled with whole grains, one in each cell. Excess grains are carefully poured, slightly tilting the cassette, after which it is inserted into the slot of the device housing and the light source is turned on. Using the control handle, the cassette is installed in the housing so that the first row of cells with grain is visible in the field of view.

The counter is adjusted by turning the countdown reset knob so that the top display shows 00 and the bottom displays 50.

After installing the counter, the first row of grains is viewed through the eyepiece of the diaphanoscope, and the number of completely vitreous and mealy grains is counted. At the same time, completely translucent grain is referred to as completely vitreous, and completely non-translucent grain is referred to as farinaceous. Kernels with partially translucent or partially opaque endosperm are referred to as partially vitreous grains and are not counted.

Characterization of fully vitreous and mealy wheat grains of various types is given in the reference appendix.

By turning the knob clockwise, the number of completely vitreous grains is put on the counter, and by turning the knob counterclockwise, the number of mealy grains. After examining all the grains of the first row, the cassette is moved so that the second row of grains is visible in the field of view, they are viewed, and the results of counting completely vitreous and mealy grains are also deposited on the counter, etc. After viewing the last tenth row of grains, as indicated by the red stripe on the cassette, the lower panel of the counter will indicate the percentage of total vitreousness, and the upper panel will indicate the percentage of completely vitreous grains.

Determination of vitreousness based on the results of inspection of the grain cut.

100 whole grains are isolated without selection from the wheat grain sample prepared for analysis and cut across their middle. A section of each grain is viewed, and the grain, in accordance with the nature of the cut, is assigned to one of three groups: vitreous, farinaceous, partially vitreous, according to the following characteristic: vitreous grain - with completely vitreous endosperm; mealy grain - with completely mealy endosperm; partially vitreous grain - with partially mealy or partially vitreous endosperm. Wheat grains with pronounced mealy spots - "yellow barrels" in appearance without cutting are classified as partially vitreous grains.

The total vitreousness of the grain (O c ) as a percentage is calculated by the formula:

where P c - the number of completely vitreous grains, pieces; H c - number of partially vitreous grains, pcs.

The calculation of the total vitreousness of the grain is carried out to tenths of a percent, followed by rounding the result to an integer, as follows: if tenths of a percent follow an odd figure, then the latter is increased by one, and left unchanged if it is even or zero. The document on the quality of the grain indicates the result of determining the total vitreousness in whole units of percent, as well as the method by which the vitreousness was determined (on a diaphanoscope or on a grain cut). The discrepancy between the results of the initial and control or arbitration analyzes should not exceed ± 5% of the absolute value. Control or arbitration analyzes are performed by the same method as the initial analysis (on a diaphanoscope or on a grain cut). a brief description of wheat grains of different types when translucent on a diaphanoscope is shown in table 9.

Table 9. - Characteristics of wheat grains of different types when transilluminated on a diaphanoscope

Type of grain Characteristics of completely vitreous floury grains yellow color, transparent, completely translucent Grains are dark, not translucent III, V the same IV Grains are completely translucent, darker than type I Grains are very dark or black, not translucent

Falling number method

The essence of the method is to determine the free fall time of the stirrer rod in a gelatinized water-flour suspension. The determination is carried out using a device for determining the number of falling; Laboratory mills U1-EML or other brand, providing grinding of grain in accordance with the requirements of table No. 10; General-purpose laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error of ±0.01 g; Viscometric test tubes with inner diameter (21.00±0.02) mm, outer diameter (23.80±0.25) mm, inner height (220.0±0.3) mm. Stoppers rubber No. 22 for viscometric test tubes. And also to determine the number of falling you will need: pipettes version 2, with a capacity of 25 cm3 3according to GOST 29227; distilled water according to GOST 6709.

Table 10

Mesh number in accordance with GOST 6613 or fabric in accordance with GOST 4403 Passage through the sieve,% 0.8

The water bath is filled with distilled water through a compensator and the water in the bath is brought to a boil. When determining the falling number in the grain, at least 300 g of grain are taken from the average sample and cleaned from weeds. With a complete analysis of the average wheat sample, in which the weediness is assessed using the Y1-EAZ analyzer, 300 g are taken from fraction 1 of the wheat grain purified on the analyzer.

The cleaned grain is ground in a mill so that the size of the meal meets the requirements of table No. 1.

When grinding in a mill, grain, the moisture content of which exceeds 18%, is pre-dried in air or in one of the following devices: a drying cabinet, a thermostat, an LSA laboratory drying apparatus at an air temperature of not more than 50 ° C.

The moisture content of the ground grain (meal) is determined according to GOST 13586.5.

When determining the falling number in flour, at least 300 g of flour is taken from an average sample, sieved through a 0.8 mm sieve and its moisture content is determined according to GOST 9404. determined according to table No. 11.

Samples of a given mass are weighed with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

Table 11. - The procedure for determining the mass of samples depending on the moisture content of the grain

Moisture content of milled grain or flour, % Weight of sample, g 11.66.6511.7-12.36.7012.4-12.66.7512.7-13.36.8013.4-13.66.8513.7-14.36.9014.4-14, 66.9514.7-15.37.0015.4-15.67.0515.7-16.17.1016.2-16.67.1516.7-17.17.2017.2-17.47, 2517.5-18.07.30

Falling number definitions.

A portion of ground grain or flour is placed in a viscometric test tube, poured into the test tube with a pipette (25.0 ± 0.2) cm 3distilled water with temperature (+20±5)°С. The tube is closed with a rubber stopper and shaken vigorously 20-25 times to obtain a homogeneous suspension. The plug is removed, the adhering particles of the product are moved from the walls into the total mass of the suspension with the wheel of the stirring rod.

A test tube with a stirrer rod inserted into it is placed in a hole in the lid of a boiling water bath, fixed with a holder so that the photocell of the device is against the stirrer rod. At the same time, the time counter automatically turns on. After 5 s after the test tube is immersed in the water bath, the stirring rod automatically starts to work, which mixes the suspension in the test tube. After 60 s, the agitator rod automatically stops in the upper position, after which its free fall begins. After the full lowering of the stirrer rod, the counter automatically stops.

The counter determines the falling number - the time in seconds from the moment the tube with the suspension is immersed in the water bath until the stirrer rod is completely lowered.

The arithmetic mean of the results of the parallel determination of two weights is taken as the final result of the falling number, the allowable discrepancy between which should not exceed 10% of their arithmetic mean value.

If the allowable discrepancy is exceeded, the determination is repeated.

Calculations are carried out to the first decimal place, followed by rounding the result to an integer.

Consider a few examples: the results of the determination for the first sample - 150 s, for the second - 160 s. Arithmetic mean - 155 s. The allowable difference from this arithmetic mean is 15.5 s. The actual discrepancy between the results of the parallel determination of two samples is 10 s, which does not exceed the allowable discrepancy between them. The arithmetic mean (155 s) is taken as the final result of the fall number.

In the control (repeated) determination of the falling number, the allowable discrepancy between the control (repeated) and the initial determination should not exceed 10% of their arithmetic mean.

In the control (repeated) determination, the result of the initial determination is taken as the final result, if the discrepancy between the results of the control (repeated) and initial determinations does not exceed the permissible value; if the discrepancy exceeds the permissible value, the result of the control (repeated) determination is taken as the final result.

If the result of the initial determination - 150 s, the control (repeated) - 170 s. Arithmetic mean value - 160 s. The allowed deviation from this average value is 16 s. The actual discrepancy is 16 s. The actual discrepancy between the results of the initial and control (repeated) determinations is 20 s, which exceeds the allowable discrepancy. For the final result of determining the number of falls, the result of the control (repeated) determination is taken - 170 s.

The result of the initial determination - 150 s, the control (repeated) - 160 s. Arithmetic mean - 155 s. The allowable discrepancy is 15.5 s. The actual discrepancy between the results of the initial and control (repeated) determinations is 10 s, which does not exceed the allowable discrepancy. The final result is taken as the result of the initial determination - 150 s.

The rounding of the results of the determination is carried out as follows: if the first of the discarded digits is equal to or greater than 5, then the last stored digit is increased by one; if less than 5, then it is left unchanged.

The nature of wheat grain is determined in accordance with GOST 10840-64. Nature is the mass of 1 liter of grain, expressed in grams. Instead of the term "nature" in the past and often in the present, the terms "natural weight", "natural weight", "bulk weight" are used. Nature is usually determined on a liter purka with a falling weight. The higher the nature of the grain, the more useful substances it contains, the better it is. Natura gives an idea of ​​the completion of grain, which is of great technological importance. The highly filled grain is well developed, its endosperm accounts for a large percentage. Under unfavorable conditions for grain formation, the mass of its shells increases compared to the mass of the endosperm, and the mass of the endosperm decreases, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the yield of finished products (flour, cereals, etc.).

Nature is associated with contamination of grain and depends on the amount and nature of impurities. Light impurities (organic) noticeably lower the nature, and mineral ones increase it. However, in the vast majority of consignments of grain, the presence of impurities generally reduces the nature. When moistened, the nature of the grain decreases, since there is an increase in the volume of the grain due to its swelling, and the density decreases, approaching unity. In addition, moisture reduces grain flowability. This entails a looser filling of the volume, which reduces the nature. The nature depends on the state of the surface of the grain: a rough surface reduces the density of its packing and, consequently, reduces the nature. In addition, wrinkled grain is usually less complete and contains a higher percentage of shells.

The shape of the grain is reflected in nature: the rounded grain is packed denser, and the elongated grain is looser. Taking into account the influence of many factors on nature, this indicator usually gives a complete assessment of the quality of grain in combination with others, such as the weight of 1000 grains, moisture content, weediness. The nature is affected by the packing density of the grain: the larger it is, the higher the nature. To exclude this subjective factor, when determining the nature, a purka is used, in which a stacking density independent of the performer is achieved using a filler cylinder, a cylinder with a funnel and a falling weight. Determination technique - the average grain sample is freed from large impurities by sifting it on a sieve with a hole diameter of 6 mm, and thoroughly mixed. When deviating from these conditions, the actual value of nature is distorted. Next, the box, on which the individual parts of the purka are installed, is placed on a horizontally installed table. A measure with a falling weight lowered into it is suspended from the balance beam on the right side, a cup for weights on the left and they check whether they balance each other. In the absence of balance, the purka is recognized as unsuitable for work. The falling weight is removed from the measure and the measure is set in a special socket on the box lid. A knife is inserted into the gap of the measure, on which a falling weight is placed, then a filler is put on the measure. Grain is poured into the cylinder from the bucket in an even stream, without shocks, up to the line inside the cylinder, indicating the capacity of the filler. If there is no indicated line in the cylinder, then the grain is poured into the cylinder not to the very top, but so that a gap of 1 cm remains between the surface of the grain and the upper edge of the cylinder. , the cylinder with the funnel is removed. The knife is quickly removed from the slot, without shaking the device, and after the load and grain fall into the measure, the knife is again inserted into the slot with the same precautions. Separate grains, which at the end of the movement of the knife will fall between the knife blade and the edges of the slot, are cut with a knife. The measure, together with the filler, is removed from the nest, overturned, holding the knife and the filler, and the excess grain remaining on the knife is poured out. The filler is removed, the grains lingering on the knife are removed and the knife is removed from the slot.

A measure with grain is weighed and the nature is determined. The discrepancies between two parallel determinations, as well as in the control determinations of nature, on a liter purka are allowed no more than 5 g. When determining the nature on a liter purka, grain is weighed with an error of 0.5 g.

There is another method for determining the nature of grain, but it is used less frequently in small flour mills. Determination of nature on a 20 liter purka. To determine the nature of a 20 liter purka, the vessel is filled with grain and emptied into the filler, after rolling a measure under it. Then, by turning the handle, the filler shutter is opened. In this case, the grain is poured into measure. The removal of excess grain above the measure is carried out by moving a heavy valve, driven by a falling weight. A measure with a leveled surface of the grain is taken out from under the filler, hung on chains to the rocker and the mass of the grain is determined by setting the kilogram weights on the lower tier of the cup, and the gram weights on the top. Discrepancies in determining the nature on a 20 liter purka are allowed no more than 20 g.

The indicators of the sample taken and the determination of its nature on a liter purka gave the results 1 sample - 750 g; Sample 2 - 710 g, the difference in indicators is not large, but sufficient to declare that these two samples belong to different classes. Sample No. 1 - 1-2 class, depending on the meaning of other definitions; sample No. 2 - 4th grade.

The class of wheat is determined by the worst value of one of the indicators of grain quality.


The most complete concept of grain quality was formulated in the 18th century, when in a number of European countries there was a transition from small mills and bakeries to large industrial enterprises for processing grain, baking bread and producing pasta. At first, the requirements for grain quality were reduced to external signs, which were evaluated visually. In the future, protein content was given paramount importance. Later, requirements for the strength of wheat are put forward. The total number of methods for assessing the quality of grain reaches 14−20. All methods for assessing grain quality are divided into macro, semi-micro and micro methods. This division is conditional. It depends on the amount of grain or flour required for analysis. It is believed that the micro method requires from 1 to 5 grams of grain to determine gluten and baking qualities. At the same time, microfarinograph with a consumption of 10 g of flour for one determination, microbaking from 15 g of flour, etc. are generally accepted.

Quality indicators are usually divided into direct and indirect. Direct evaluation indicators include trial grinding, which characterizes the flour-grinding properties of grain, trial baking. Part of the indirect indicators tentatively characterize the flour-grinding properties and include: vitreousness of the grain, ash content, fineness, evenness, nature, groove depth, etc. The baking advantages of wheat can be judged with sufficient completeness by such indirect indicators of grain and flour: the amount and quality of gluten, protein content , indicator, etc. The absence of integral characteristics and the requirement for completeness of the assessment determine the use of a total of about three dozen methods that do not replace, but complement each other. In different technological laboratories, when assessing the quality of grain, an unequal number of direct and indirect signs are used.

A very important property is the strength of flour. Strong wheat is considered to be one that improves weak wheat and is characterized by a large volume of bread with good porosity. The term “strong wheat” is also commonly understood as wheat that is capable of producing a dough that does not weaken during fermentation and mechanical processing, and provides, with an extended fermentation process (6 ... 8 hours), high quality bread (good shape, large volume, with fine thin-walled porosity ) and serve as an effective improver for weak soft wheat (D.P. Pavlov, 1957).

To assess the baking power, a significant number of characteristics are used, determined using methods and instruments generally accepted for assessing the quality of varieties in state variety testing and in international practice for working with grain. Each of the indicators used is not universal and separately does not give a complete picture of the baking properties of wheat. Only a reasonable choice of traits and properties of varieties allows one to reasonably characterize them as raw materials for their intended use.

Considering the abundance of evaluation methods, each of which may have several methods with different modifications, it is practically impossible to use all of them in the course of evaluation of breeding material or consumer qualities. It is advisable to choose the necessary.

Numerous indicators and high grain consumption prompts the search for conjugation of different quality attributes in order to reduce the number of those determined without compromising the completeness of the grain characteristics.

One of the important criteria for the processing industry and taken into account when harvesting wheat quality criteria is grain size. Despite the fact that the conjugation of grain quality with flour yield ranges from 0.68 to 0.76, grain size still cannot be a reliable indicator of flour yield. Since nature depends on many factors, it is not a stable feature. The nature gives some idea of ​​the quality of the grain and is an auxiliary feature for determining its flour-grinding qualities: with a high nature, the yield of flour is higher.

An important quality indicator is grain vitreousness. In our country, the total vitreousness is determined, and in other countries and in the practice of the world grain trade - the percentage of completely vitreous grains. Vitreousness is associated with the amount of protein, which is important in the production of flour. The yield of flour is influenced not only by vitreousness, but also by a number of other factors that are not taken into account, often acting in the opposite direction.

In our country and in a number of others, great importance is attached to determining the quantity and quality of raw gluten, but in some countries, due to the complexity and large errors in the determination of gluten, this analysis is not used. At the same time, a study of the quantity and quality of gluten provides more reliable data on baking quality than an assessment based on total protein content. In addition, the physical properties of the dough depend on the quantity and quality of gluten. Gluten, which has high elastic properties, contributes to the formation of a dough that retains a normal consistency during kneading and fermentation.

In the structure of wheat dough, gluten proteins have the form of a three-dimensional elastic network. When kneading dough, their individual parts swell, stick together and form a continuous phase of hydrated protein, which, like a mesh, covers starch grains. In this case, the mass of the dough becomes elastic. During the fermentation of the dough, the carbon dioxide released by the yeast loosens this mass, increases its volume and gives it a finely porous structure. The concept of "total protein" includes all nitrogen-containing substances of protein and non-protein nature. The latter not only do not participate in the creation of the structure of bread, but can adversely affect its quality. Nitrogen-containing proteins are involved in the formation of gluten.

In practical work, the most important analyzes of wheat grain were carried out, which made it possible to identify not only the grain belonging to a certain class, group, but also confirmed its high baking properties.

The laboratory of KOMAGROPROM LLC determines the quality of grain independently, which implies the independence of the examination and the accuracy of the results obtained. Most of the methods are based on the application of the knowledge and skills of laboratory assistants who determine the quality and properties of grain. The lack of the latest instruments that give more accurate results, allow you to determine the quality in a shorter period of time, is the main problem of the enterprise today.

Determination of the quantity and quality of gluten in wheat. It is known to be one of necessary analyzes, the class of wheat depends on the results of this analysis, and with it its market value. Without determining this indicator, the elevator cannot accept grain, and the farm will not be able to sell it. A visiting laboratory assistant spends at least one hour washing one machine of grain, and if there are several machines, then many hours have to be spent on determining two indicators.

There are devices for more accurate determination of these indicators, but small flour mills believe that laundering "the old fashioned way" is not at all a bad way, thereby depriving themselves of the accuracy, speed and reliability of the results obtained. My suggestions are to improve the work of the laboratory by equipping it with newer equipment.

Federal Law "On Technical Regulation"

Federal Law "On State Control of Grain"

Instructions on the procedure for conducting an examination.

GOST - 13586.1-68

GOST −13586.2 - 81

GOST - 13586.3 - 83

GOST - 13586.4 - 83

GOST - 13586.5 - 93

GOST - 10987 - 76

GOST − 27676 - 88

GOST - 10840 - 64

GOST - 10967 - 90

GOST 10940 - 64

GOST R − 52554 - 2006

Azgaldov G.G. Theory and practice of assessing the quality of goods / G.G. Azgaldov. - M.: Economics, 1982.

Andrest B.V. Reference book of a food merchandiser: in 2 volumes / B.V. Andrest and others - M.: Economics, 1987.

Volkova L.D. Commodity research and examination of food products. Section Grain products / L.D. Volkova, V.I. Zaikina, S.S. Guryanova. - M.: MUPC, 1999.

Ivanova, T.N. Commodity science and expertise of grain flour products / T.N. Ivanova. - M.: Academy, 2004.

Krasovsky, P.A. Goods and its expertise / P.A. Krassovsky, A.I. Kovalev, S.G. Strizhov. - M.: Center for Economics and Marketing, 1999.

Kruglyakov, G.N. Merchandising of food products / G.N. Kruglyakov, G.N. Kruglyakov, G.V. Kruglyakov. - Rostov - on - Don: Ed. Center "Mart", 2000.

Lifits, I.M. Formation and assessment of the competitiveness of goods and services / I.M. Lifits. - M.: Yurayt - Publishing house, 2004.

Nikolaeva M.A. Certification of consumer goods / M.A. Nikolaev. - M.: Economics, 1995.

Nikolaeva M.A. Theoretical foundations of commodity science: a textbook for universities / M.A. Nikolaev. - M.: Norma 2006.

Nikolaeva M.A. Commodity expertise / M.A. Nikolaev. - M.: Economics, 1998.

Nikolaeva M.A. Merchandising of consumer goods. Theoretical foundations: - textbook for universities / M.A. Nikolaeva - M.: Norma, 2003.

Pokrovsky A.A. Chemical composition of food products / A.A. Pokrovsky. - M.: Food industry, 1996.

Romanyuk G.G. Commodity science and examination of grain flour and fruit and vegetable goods: a methodological guide for the implementation of laboratory practical classes / G.G. Romanyuk, S.V. Ivanova. - M.: RGTEU, 2004.

Skripukhin I.M. Chemical composition of food products / I.M. Skripukhin, M.N. Volgarev. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1987.

Teplov V.I. Commercial merchandising: textbook / V.I. Teplov, M.V. Seroshtan, V.S. Boryaev, V.A. Panasenko. - M.: Ed. house. "Dashkov and K", 2000.

Commodity research and examination of consumer goods: a textbook for universities / Edited by prof. V.V. Shevchenko. - M.: MTsFER, 2006.

When producing cereals from wheat, it is unacceptable to send for processing a mixture of its different types, as well as mixtures of grains of the same type, but with ...

The pace of its development largely depends on the improvement of the legal framework and mechanism...
... the value of the market value of the appraisal object is 1160595 (one million one hundred sixty thousand five hundred ninety five) rubles. 1.2 Quality Assessment Certificate.

The method includes determining the parameters of delayed fluorescence on the ear in the phase of milky-wax ripeness. Grain quality is evaluated by the value of the induction maximum and the coefficient of energy efficiency of photosynthesis. At the same time, the amount of gluten from one ear in the phase of full ripeness is directly proportional to the value of the induction maximum of the delayed fluorescence of the ear in the phase of milky-wax ripeness. Between the quality of gluten and the coefficient of energy efficiency of photosynthesis in the corresponding periods, there is an inverse pattern. The method allows for preliminary prediction of the quality of the crop. 1 tab.

The invention relates to agriculture, in particular, to assessing the quality of winter wheat grain before harvesting.

For effective planning of harvesting activities in production, an early forecast of grain quality is necessary. There is a known method for assessing the quality, when before harvesting, preliminary swaths are made in the fields and in the obtained grain samples the amount of raw gluten and readings of IDK are determined. This method is laborious, requires laboratory research, and its implementation is possible only in the phase of full ripeness.

Of practical importance is the earlier and less time-consuming diagnosis of grain quality. This goal is achieved by measuring the induction curve of delayed fluorescence of winter wheat ears in the phase of milky-wax ripeness and, according to its parameters, the quality indicators of the grain of the future harvest are estimated.

The method of delayed fluorescence is used to study the activity of the photosynthetic apparatus of plants. The delayed fluorescence induction curve reflects the state and functioning of the primary processes of photosynthesis. The increase in luminescence to a maximum is due to the formation of a proton potential on the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. The quenching phase reflects the development of the processes of utilization of the products of the primary stages of photosynthesis, as well as the use of the energy of the proton gradient in the synthesis of ATP. The value of the stationary level characterizes the unused part of the light energy during the photochemical stages of photosynthesis. The ratio of the induction maximum (J m) to the stationary level (J o) is called the energy efficiency of photosynthesis (K eeff). The study of delayed fluorescence is carried out mainly on isolated chloroplasts, leaves of seedlings, and in the field on the flag leaf in the earing phase and the values ​​of its parameters are associated with plant productivity. But the assessment of the quality of winter wheat grain by this method was not carried out.

When studying the production processes of winter wheat, along with generally accepted physiological indicators, we determined changes in the parameters of delayed fluorescence of leaves of all tiers, stems and ears during the growing season. The obtained patterns formed the basis for the development of this method.

Analysis of the obtained data showed that there is a relationship between the parameters of delayed fluorescence of ears and indicators of grain quality at harvest. To a greater extent, this relationship is manifested in the phase of milky-wax ripeness. The amount of gluten in one ear in the phase of full ripeness is directly proportional to the value of the induction maximum of the delayed fluorescence of the ear in the phase of milky-wax ripeness, and there is an inverse pattern between the quality of gluten and the coefficient of energy efficiency of photosynthesis in the corresponding periods.

An example of the implementation of the method.

In the phase of milky-wax ripeness, ears are taken in a chaotic manner from winter wheat plants. Further, using a phosphoroscope, a light source, a photomultiplier tube, an amplifier and a recorder, induction curves of delayed fluorescence of the central part of the ears are obtained. The amount of raw gluten of one ear is judged by the value of the induction maximum, and its quality is judged by the coefficient of energy efficiency. The higher the value of the induction maximum, the higher the yield of gluten from one ear in the final crop, and the greater the value of the coefficient of energy efficiency of photosynthesis, the lower the index of IDK (table).


Parameters of delayed fluorescence of ears in the phase of milky-wax ripeness and grain quality in the phase of full ripeness of winter wheat varieties

No. p / pVarietyDelayed Fluorescence OptionsGluten of the 1st ear, mgIDK
J m , rel. unitsK eff
1 deya18,5 2,48 295,4 57,0
2 Krasnodarskaya 9918,4 1,76 299,9 75,0
3 Victory 5020,6 1,88 327,0 65,0
4 Batko19,1 2,54 329,4 54,9
5 PalPich14,1 2,26 264,0 57,2
6 vita18,2 1,97 297,0 56,0
7 doka15,1 1,62 275,6 74,9
8 Gift of Zernograd17,2 2,55 290,4 57,1
9 Stanichnaya19,6 1,61 316,5 73,1
10 Ermak16,8 1,78 286,0 62,3
11 Zernogradka 915,0 1,79 272,3 60,0
12 Zernogradka 1113,5 1,98 280,7 63,1
13 Don 9313,9 2,62 250,8 50,5
14 Don 9517,1 1,83 296,1 61,1
15 Prikumskaya 14011,5 1,59 264,0 72,9
16 Prikumskaya 14118,3 1,58 333,8 72,0
17 Victoria Odessa9,6 2,30 225,6 52,2
18 Ukrainian Odessa13,8 2,72 261,8 52,7

The correlation coefficient between the amount of gluten in one ear and the induction maximum is 0.91, and between the value of the IDK and the energy efficiency coefficient of photosynthesis is 0.85.

Thus, the developed method allows for a preliminary assessment of the quality of winter wheat grain of the future harvest, which is essential in production. Since adverse environmental factors during the harvesting period negatively affect the quality of grain, by setting the correct order (fields with high grain quality are harvested first), you can reduce the negative impact of weather conditions on the overall quality of the grown crop.


1. GOST 1358.6-68.

2. Tarusov B.N., Veselovsky V.A. Superweak glows of plants and their applied significance. - M., from Moscow State University, 1978. - 151 p.

3. Tomanova Z.A. Plant productivity and indicators of delayed fluorescence of leaves of spring grain crops: Abstract of the dissertation of Cand. biol. Sciences. - St. Petersburg, 1985. - 22 p.

A method for assessing the quality of winter wheat grain, including the determination of delayed fluorescence parameters, characterized in that the determination is carried out on an ear in the phase of milky-wax ripeness, and the quality of the grain is evaluated by the value of the induction maximum and the energy efficiency coefficient of photosynthesis, while the amount of gluten per ear in the phase full ripeness is directly proportional to the value of the induction maximum of the delayed fluorescence of the ear in the phase of milky-wax ripeness, and there is an inverse pattern between the quality of gluten and the coefficient of energy efficiency of photosynthesis in the corresponding periods.

Depending on the significance, the quality indicators of wheat grain are divided into three groups:

Mandatory indicators for all batches of grain. The indicators of this group are determined at all stages of work with grain, starting from the formation of batches during harvesting, they include: signs of freshness and ripeness of grain (appearance, smell, taste), pest infestation of grain stocks, humidity and impurity content.

Mandatory indicators in the evaluation of batches of grain for a specific purpose. An example of normalized indicators of grain or seeds of some crops is the nature of wheat, rye, barley and oats. An important role is played by specific indicators of the quality of wheat (glassiness, quantity and quality of raw gluten).

Additional quality indicators. They are checked as needed. Sometimes they determine the complete chemical composition of the grain or the content of certain substances in it, reveal the features of the species and numerical composition of the microflora, salts of heavy metals, etc.

The main indicators of grain quality: Humidity, freshness, contamination. Grain moisture is understood as the amount of hygroscopic water content (free and bound) in it, expressed as a percentage of the grain mass, together with impurities. The definition of this display is mandatory when assessing the quality of each batch of grain.

The water content in the grain of the main cereal crops is normalized by basic conditions and ranges from 14-17% depending on the areas of production. If the water content in the grain exceeds the established norm, then at the time of purchase there are discounts on the mass (percentage per percentage) and a drying fee is charged at 0.4% of the purchase price for each percentage of moisture removed. If the grain moisture is below the basic conditions, an appropriate weight allowance is charged. The standards provide for four states in terms of humidity (in%): dry -13 - 14, medium - dry - 14.1 - 15.5; wet - 15.6 - 17 and raw - over 17. Only dry grain is suitable for long-term storage.

Example: The basic conditions for the Moscow region for wheat are 15%. The grain receiving point received two batches of wheat: one with a moisture content of 19%, and the other with 13%. For the first batch, the deviation from the basis is 4%, for the second - 2%. In the first case, the discount on the mass of grain will be 4%, and 1.6: of the purchase price will be deducted; in the second case, a surcharge on the mass of 2% will also be payable.

Grain freshness includes (taste, color, smell).

By color, gloss, smell, and sometimes taste, one can judge the quality factor or the nature of defects in a batch of products.

The condition of the batch makes it possible to judge the stability of the grain during storage and its characteristics during processing, and finally, they to some extent characterize the chemical composition of the grain, and therefore its nutritional, fodder and technological value.

The color of the grain can be affected by: frost capture at the root, dry wind capture, damage to grain by a bug-turtle, violation of thermal drying regimes.

Grain with a changed color is referred to as a grain impurity.

The smell of grain. Fresh grain has a specific smell. Foreign smell indicates a deterioration in the quality of grain: musty, malty, moldy, garlic, wormwood, putrid.

Grain taste. The taste of normal grain is weakly expressed. Most of the time it is fresh. Uncharacteristic tastes for grain are: sweet - arising during germination; bitter - due to the presence of particles of wormwood plants in the grain mass; sour - felt during the development of mold on the grain.

Grain contamination is understood as the amount of impurities found in a batch of grain for food, feed and technical purposes, expressed as a percentage of the mass, called contamination. Impurities reduce the value of the batch, so they are taken into account when calculating for grain.

Many impurities, especially of plant origin during the harvesting period and the formation of the grain mass, can contain significantly more moisture than the grain of the main crop. As a result, they contribute to an undesirable increase in the activity of physiological processes. In clogged batches of grain, the process of self-heating occurs much easier and develops faster. Grain admixture includes defective grain of the main crop: strongly underdeveloped - feeble, frosty, sprouted, broken (along and across, if left. Impurities are divided into two groups: Grain and weed.

Grain impurities include such grain components (more than half of the grain), damaged by pests (with unaffected endosperm), darkened during self-heating or drying; in wheat, this also includes grains damaged by a tortoise bug. In membranous crops, grain impurities include collapsed (freed from the flower film) grains, since they are strongly crushed during the processing of the main grain.

Grains of other cultivated plants, when assessed, can fall into both grain admixture and weed. This is guided by two criteria. First, the size of impurity grains. If the admixture sharply differs from the main crop in terms of size and shape, then it will be removed during grain cleaning, therefore such a culture is referred to as a weed impurity. For example, millet or peas in wheat. Secondly, the possibility of using the admixture for the intended purpose of the main culture. If the admixture gives a product, although somewhat worse in quality than the main crop, then it should be attributed to the fraction of grain impurities. If it sharply reduces the quality of the processed product, then it is referred to as a weed impurity.

Weed admixture is divided into several fractions, different in composition. Mineral admixture - dust, sand, pebbles, pieces of slag, etc. are highly undesirable, since they add a crunch to the flour, making it unfit for consumption; organic admixture - pieces of stems, leaves, glumes, etc.; spoiled grain of the main crop and other cultivated plants with completely eaten pests or darkened endosperm; seeds of cultivated plants that were not included in the composition of the grain admixture; seeds of weeds grown in fields with cultivated plants. , . When evaluating grain, weed seeds are divided into several groups: easily separable. difficult to separate, with an unpleasant odor and poisonous. The seeds of field cornflower, rye bonfire, wheatgrass, spreading buckwheat and bindweed, etc. are easily separated from most crops; it is difficult to separate (close in size and shape to certain cultivated plants) the seeds of wild oats from oats, wheat and rye, wild radish and Tatar buckwheat from buckwheat and wheat, gray foxtail from millet, wild millet and kurmak from rice; weeds with an unpleasant odor include wormwood, sweet clover, wild onions and garlic, coriander, etc.

Poisonous weed seeds are especially undesirable in the grain mass. This group includes cockle, which is distributed almost throughout the country. Its seeds contain - lycoside agrospermine, which has a bitter taste and narcotic effect. Gorchak (foxtail sophora) has not only poisonous and bitter seeds, the whole plant is poisonous.

Ergot most often affects rye, much less often other cereals. In the grain mass, ergot occurs in the form of sclerotia (mycelium) - black-violet horns, 5-20 mm long. The toxicity of ergot is due to the content of lysergic acid and its derivatives - ergosine, ergotamine and others, which have a strong vasoconstrictive effect. This property of ergot is used in medicine to obtain drugs that stop bleeding.

It occurs in the grain mass in the form of irregularly shaped galls, shorter and wider than the grain, no grooves, thick shell, tuberculate surface, brown color. Galla is 4-5 times lighter than wheat grain.

Inside the gall there are up to 15,000 eel larvae that can remain viable for up to 10 years. A significant admixture of galls worsens the baking quality of grain, gives the bread an unpleasant taste and smell.

Grain damaged by the turtle bug, a field pest that most often attacks winter wheat, but also feeds on other cereals. A dark dot remains at the puncture site, surrounded by a sharply defined spot of a wrinkled whitish shell, the endosperm crumbles at the bite site when pressed. The turtle bug leaves very active proteolytic enzymes in the grain. Strong wheat with a content of 3 - 4% of damaged grains goes into the weak group. The gluten from the grain damaged by the turtle bug quickly liquefies under the action of these enzymes. The baked bread is of small volume and porosity, dense, with a surface covered with small cracks, tasteless.

Mycotoxicoses - defeat by various fungal diseases during cultivation, harvesting, violation of grain storage regimes. The previously mentioned ergot and smut are examples of such diseases.

Fungi of the genus Fusarium damage the grain of all crops, more often real cereals. Infection occurs in the field, but the development of fungi in storage stops only when the grain moisture content drops to 14%. Grain that has overwintered in the field often accumulates many toxins from this fungus. Mushrooms of this genus produce a number of toxins, including trichothecenes and zearalenone, which cause severe poisoning in humans and animals. In humans, the consumption of bread obtained from flour containing Fusarium mycelium causes poisoning; similar to intoxication: lightheadedness, dizziness, vomiting, drowsiness, etc. appear. At the same time, the function of the bone marrow is weakened, so the proportion of leukocytes in the blood drops sharply. Then necrotic angina develops. Grain affected by Fusarium is stored separately from food and fodder and used for technical purposes.

Mycotoxins also form other mold fungi that can develop on the surface of grain and products of its processing under unfavorable storage conditions.

Aflatoxins that affect the liver and have a pronounced carcinogenic effect are produced by fungi of the genus Aspergillus (Asp.flavus and Asp. parasiticus). Ochratoxins are produced by fungi of the genus Penicillium.

Ochratoxins also affect the liver and are cocarcinogenic. Many other molds can also produce toxins. To date, more than 100 mycotoxins have been isolated and studied; they are resistant to temperatures used in grain processing, acids or reducing agents. Therefore, the most reliable way to protect food products from them is to exclude grain mold.

Grain damaged by self-heating and violations of drying regimes is also considered defective.

Indicators of grain quality for a specific purpose are: the nature of wheat grain, vitreousness, gluten.

Grain in kind is understood as the mass of the established volume of grain or the mass of 1 liter of grain, expressed in grams, or the mass of 1 g/l of grain, expressed in kilograms. Nature is of great importance, since it indirectly characterizes one of the main indicators - grain completion.

Grain completion is of great technological importance and characterizes its nutritional value.

The size of nature is affected by: the shape of the grain, surface roughness, impurities in the grain mass, humidity.

When selling grain with a quantity higher than that provided for by the basic conditions, the farms receive a surcharge on the purchase price of 0.1% for every 10 g/l, in the same amount they carry out a discount for a reduced quantity compared to the basis.

The nature of the grain affects the use of storage capacity.

For example: one batch of wheat weighing 300 tons at nature 800 g/l has a grain mass volume of 300/0.80=375 m3, the second batch weighing 300 tons at nature 730 g/l has a grain mass volume of 300/0.73=411 m3 . Consequently, the volume of grain mass of low-grade wheat is 36 m3 larger and a large storage capacity will be required to store this batch.

Vitreousness of grain is one of the most important indicators of grain quality. The concept of vitreousness is based on the visual perception of the appearance of the grain, due to its consistency, that is, the density of packing in the endosperm of starch grains and their cementation by grain proteins. The grain consistency of durum wheat is usually vitreous, while that of soft wheat is different, depending on the variety, geographical and soil factors, agricultural practices, etc.

3. Gluten is a complex of protein substances of the grain, capable of forming an elastic mass when swollen in water.

Gluten determines the gas-holding capacity of the dough, creates its mechanical basis and determines the structure of the baked bread. The content of raw gluten in wheat grain ranges from 5 to 36%.

All of the above indicators of wheat quality are mandatory for all producers in accordance with regulatory documentation.

UDC 633.11:664.641.1

N.S. Kravchenko;

E.V. Ionova, Dr. S.-Kh. sciences;

I.V. Romanyukin;

N.G. Ignatieva,

GNU VNIIZK them. I.G. Kalinenko RAAS

Quality indicators of grain and flour of new varieties of winter soft wheat of semi-intensive type of VNIIZK breeding

them. I.G. Kalinenko

The main physical, chemical and baking indicators of the quality of grain and flour of new varieties of winter soft wheat of semi-intensive type are considered. The variability of signs, the influence of meteorological conditions of the last ten days of June on the formation of indicators of the quality of grain and flour of soft winter wheat are shown.

These are considered basic physical, chemical and baking indicators of grain and flour quality of new varieties of durum winter wheat of half-intensive type. It is shown variability of features, influence of weather conditions of June last decade upon formation of indicators of grain and flour quality of durum winter wheat.

Keywords: wheat, variety, productivity, quality of grain and flour, natural grain weight, vitreousness, protein, gluten, flour strength, bread volumetric yield.

keywords: wheat, variety, productivity, grain and flour quality, natural weight of grain, glassiness, protein, gluten, flour power, output capacity of bread.

Introduction. Environmental degradation affects the livelihoods of the world's population, not only causing direct damage to human health, but also leading to a decrease in the quality of agricultural products - raw materials for basic foodstuffs. First of all, this applies to grain, because the products of its processing are the main foodstuffs in all regions of the world. In this regard, the decline in bakery indicators of grain quality leads to the inability to produce enough good quality bread in the 21st century, which is becoming an increasingly acute problem.

One of the solutions to this problem is targeted breeding to create varieties that are distinguished by high quality indicators of grain and are capable of forming grain suitable for baking in different climatic conditions.

The aim of the research was to study the quality indicators of new and promising varieties of soft winter wheat of semi-intensive type.

Materials and methods. In the process of many years of breeding work, combined with systematic selection for quality, promising varieties of soft winter wheat have been created, which are the basis for improving the variety resources of this crop.

We have studied the technological and baking properties of new and promising varieties of soft winter wheat, created at the VNIIZK named after. I. G. Kalinenko: Don 95 (standard), Ermak, Asket, Don 107, Zest, Spartak, Lydia, Captain. Varieties were sown according to the predecessor corn for silage on the breeding fields of the laboratory of winter wheat, the assessment of quality indicators was carried out in the laboratory of biochemical assessment and grain quality of the VNIIZK named after. I.G. Kalinenko.

Grain quality was assessed in accordance with the methods of national standards of the Russian Federation and ISO methods. The quality was assessed annually according to the following indicators: grain size - according to GOST 10841 - 64; vitreousness - according to GOST 10987 - 64; the amount of raw gluten in the grain - according to GOST 13586.1 - 68 (manual method); gluten quality - according to the gluten deformation index in units of the IDK-1 device; protein content in grain - according to GOST 108460 - 91; physical properties of the test - on a farinograph according to GOST R 51404-99 (ISO 5530-1-97) and an alveograph according to GOST R 51415-99 (ISO 5530-4-91); the baking properties of winter wheat flour were evaluated using laboratory baking. In our studies, we used the remix method, with repeated kneading and the addition of potassium bromate.

The share of influence of factors on grain quality was determined by the results of a two-factor analysis of variance.

The formation of quality indicators of winter wheat is greatly influenced by the genotype of the variety, agrotechnical methods of cultivation and meteorological conditions of grain filling, especially 10-15 days before full ripening.

Meteorological conditions were analyzed according to the data of the Zernograd meteorological station. The research period (2008-2011) covers years with different meteorological conditions.

In 2008, the periods of earing and filling of grain in winter wheat took place at an average daily air temperature of 20.5 ºС and normal moisture supply.

In 2009, grain filling took place under conditions of insufficient moisture supply (44% of the norm) and an elevated air temperature in June of 27.2 °C (norm 20.5 °C), by the time of full ripeness, moisture reserves became close to physiologically indigestible values.

The summer of 2010 was abnormally hot with a large lack of precipitation.

Precipitation in III in the ten days of June, only 6.5 mm (9%) fell, the average daily air temperature was 24.3ºС, which is higher than the long-term average by 2.8ºС.

In 2011 weather conditions III the ten days of June were characterized by a lower average daily air temperature of 20.9ºС (against the norm of 21.5ºС), an increased amount of precipitation of 52.6 mm and an increased air humidity of 72% compared to the long-term averages.

Results.Wheat grain is an organic product, the quality of which is characterized by a complex of properties. There are physical, physiological, chemical, technological properties.

Natural weight is one of the main physical characteristics that underlies the classification of wheat grain in all countries. This indicator is influenced by the shape of the grain, its completion and the nature of the surface, which in turn depend on the variety and growing conditions. The highest grain content was formed in 2009 and averaged 824 g/l for varieties, and the lowest in 2008 was 801 g/l. (Fig. 1). On average, the highest grain content was noted in the Izyuminka variety (838g/l).

Fig.1. Natural grain weight of soft winter wheat varieties, g/l


For all the years of research, the indicator of grain nature in the studied varieties of winter wheat exceeded GOST R 52554-2006 for soft wheat of the first class (750 g/l) from 13 to 95 g/l, which allows all the studied varieties to be attributed to the class of strong wheat according to this indicator .

The vitreousness of grain is one of the indicators by which a batch of grain belongs to a particular class. Breeders are guided by it when evaluating a variety. The yield of flour, baking properties, etc. depend on the vitreousness of wheat grain.

The highest values ​​of total vitreousness on average for all varieties were obtained in 2009 and 2010 - 79% (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Total vitreousness of soft winter wheat varieties, % (2008-2011)

On average, for all the years of research, the varieties Don 95 (85%), Kapitan (79%), Izyuminka (78%) are characterized by the highest grain vitreousness. The vitreousness of the studied varieties exceeds the standard for this indicator (60%), depending on the variety and year of cultivation, on average by 16.2%. All varieties in terms of glassiness according to GOST R 5254-2006 belong to the class of strong wheats.

Another equally important indicator of wheat grain is its protein content. Wheat grain proteins are the structural framework for the formation of gluten, and also determine the nutritional value of end products. In the human diet, they make up about a third of the protein consumed. The amount of protein in wheat grain is not a constant value and depends on the variety genotype and growing conditions.

Fig.3. Protein content in grain of soft winter wheat, %


In the dry year of 2010, the varieties formed the grain with the highest protein content, more than 16%. According to GOST R 52554-2006, the protein content in the grain of strong wheat should be at least 14.0%. Analysis of the results of biochemical assessment for 2008-2011. showed that, on average, all varieties belong to strong wheats in terms of this indicator.

Indicators of gluten and protein content in flour and grain are closely related to each other. Wheat gluten is a complex protein complex. The dimensional stability, elasticity, porosity and volumetric yield of bread depend on the quality and quantity of gluten.

The studied varieties of winter wheat are differentiated by the content of gluten in the grain (Fig. 4).

Fig.4. Gluten content in grain of soft winter wheat varieties, % (2008-2011)

The average gluten content for varieties was 24.1%. An analysis of the data obtained on the amount of gluten in the grain showed that, on average, over the years of study, this indicator corresponds to the class of valuable varieties in terms of quality: Don 95 (26.8%), Asket (26.2%), Spartak (24.9%) , and varieties Izyuminka (23.7%), Ermak (23.6%), Lydia (23.2%), Don 107 (22.8%), Captain (21.7%) - to the 3rd quality class .

The baking qualities of flour are determined not only by the quantity, but also by the quality of gluten. The quality of gluten is understood as the totality of its physical and physico-chemical properties - elasticity, elasticity, extensibility, swelling ability.Numerous studies show that the quality of gluten is a decisive factor in determining baking properties.

In the studied varieties over the years of research, the quality changed from I to II groups (Fig. 5).

Fig.5. Gluten quality (GQ) of soft winter wheat varieties, units device (2008-2011)

Depending on the year and growing conditions, there is a high variability of the IDK indicator from rather high (47 units) in the Izyuminka variety to rather low (92 units) in the Don 95 variety. It should be noted that according to the IDK indicator, all the studied varieties correspond to the class of strong wheat according GOST R 52554-2006.

The most important technological properties associated with the quality of gluten are the water absorption capacity of the flour, the strength of the flour (specific work of deformation) in alveograph units (e.a.), the ability to give bread of large volume with a good crumb structure.

Good flour forms an elastic dough that does not liquefy during active kneading, has good gas-forming and gas-holding ability.

All varieties, except for the Don 95 variety, formed the least strength of flour in 2009 (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Flour strength of soft winter wheat varieties, units alveograph (2008-2011)

Studies for 2008 - 2011 showed that, on average, the varieties Don 95, Standard (293 units), Izyuminka (263 units) and Ermak (255 units) had the highest flour strength.

The valorimetric assessment of the studied varieties, on average, over the years of research varied from 55 (Captain) to 70 valorigraph units (Don 95) (Fig. 7).

Fig.7. Valorimetric evaluation of soft winter wheat varieties, units valorigraph (2008-2011)

For valuable varieties, the valorimetric evaluation should be at least 55 u. and all varieties meet this criterion. In some years, for all varieties, except for the Captain variety, this indicator met the requirements for strong wheat.

The baking properties of flour were evaluated using trial laboratory baking (remix method). Baking is a complex indicator of the gas-forming and gas-holding ability of flour and depends on the content of natural sugars, the quality of starch, the content and quality of gluten, the enzymatic activity of amylase, and the activity of the protease enzyme. The volume of bread over the years of research varied on average from 563 ml (Don 107) to 643 ml (Spartak) (Fig. 8).

Fig.8. Volume yield of bread of soft winter wheat varieties, ml (2008-2011)

The highest volume yield on average was observed in varieties Spartak (643 ml) and Izyuminka (633 ml).

Hydrometeorological conditions have a significant impact on the formation of grain quality indicators (table 1). The coefficient of phenotypic variation in the amount of protein in the grain ranges from 8.5 to 13.6%, raw gluten - from 12.1 to 19.7%, gluten quality - from 13.6 to 25.6%, flour strength - from 4, 2 to 29.7%, valorimetric evaluation - from 4.2 to 27.0%, volumetric yield of bread - from 5.9 to 15.9%.

Fig. 1. Coefficients of phenotypic variation of grain quality indicators of semi-intensive soft winter wheat varieties bred at VNIIZK im. I.G. Kalinenko (2008-2011)

Nature, g/l

Gluten quality, units IDK

Strength of flour, units A.

Valorimetric evaluation, units shaft.

Volume output of bread, ml








Don 95, standard

23 ,0-32,6


Variety Asket has a minimum variability in the amount of protein in the grain, in the strength of flour and the volumetric yield of bread, the variety Kapitan - in terms of natural weight, the amount of protein and gluten in the grain, valorimetric evaluation and volumetric yield of bread.

The influence of the factors "variety" and "conditions of the year" on the formation of grain quality indicators of soft winter wheat varieties is shown in Table 2.

2. The share of the influence of the factors "variety" and "conditions of the year" on the formation of the quality of grain of varieties of winter soft wheat of the GNU VNIIZK im. I.G. Kalinenko (2008-2011)


Share of influence of factors, %

conditions of the year

Natural weight, g/l

Total vitreousness, %

Flour strength, units

Valorimetric evaluation, units shaft.

Gluten quality (IDK),

Volume output of bread, ml

From the given data it follows that the conditions of the year have a predominant influence on the amount of protein and gluten in the grain, the strength of the flour, the valorimetric assessment, the IDK index and the volumetric yield of bread. Natural weight and total vitreousness mainly depend on the variety genotype.


1. All varieties in terms of such indicators as grain size, vitreousness, protein content, gluten quality, valorimetric assessment, bread volume, on average over the years of research, met the requirements for strong and valuable wheat.

2. The amount of gluten and the flour strength of the studied varieties, except for the Don 95 standard, were at the level of the Yermak variety, valuable in quality. The low values ​​of these indicators can be explained by high temperatures during the period of grain filling, as they cause a premature cessation of the supply of nitrogenous substances to the plant.

3. The studied varieties of winter soft wheat have a genetically determined high potential for grain quality.

4. The conditions of the year have a predominant influence on the amount of protein and gluten in the grain, the strength of the flour, the valorimetric assessment, the FDI index and the volumetric yield of bread.

5. New varieties Asket and Captain over the years of research have the minimum variability of indicators in terms of the amount of protein in the grain, the strength of flour and the volumetric yield of bread.


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2. National standard of the Russian Federation. GOST R 52554-2006. Wheat. Specifications.

3. Sandukhadze, B.I. Selection of winter wheat in the Central region of the Non-Chernozem region of Russia / B.I. Sandukhadze. – M.: NIPKTS Voskhod A LLC, 2011.–504 p.

4. Mineev, V.G. Agrochemical bases for improving the quality of wheat grain / V. G. Mineev, A.N. Pavlov. – M.: Kolos, 1981.–288 p.

5. Knyaginichev, M.I. Biochemistry of wheat. The quality of wheat grain depending on the variety and growing conditions / M.I. Knyaginichev. - M.-L: Selkhozgiz, 1951. - 415 p.

6. Marushev, A.I. The value of the quantity and quality of protein in wheat grain in the evaluation of technological properties / A.I. Marushev // Techniques and methods for improving the quality of grain of cereal crops. - L., 1967. - S.225-336.

Fertilizers increase not only the yield, but also the quality of winter wheat grain.

According to the Mironov Research Institute of Wheat Breeding and Seed Production (Craft, 1972), the introduction of manure according to various predecessors increased the quality of grain, especially in black fallow.

Green manure fertilizers have a good effect on the yield and quality of wheat. So, in the experiments of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Agriculture (Fedorova et al., 1972), carried out on soddy-podzolic soil (Kiev region) in 1966-1967, the yield of winter wheat for lupine for green fertilizer was 39.9 c s 1 ha with protein content in grain 10.6%, gluten content 27.2%, flour strength 262 joules; after lupine for silage, respectively, 26.5; 9.9; 22.3; 280; after corn for silage - 27.1; 8.4; 21.2; 217.

Of the mineral fertilizers, nitrogen plays the main role in increasing the yield and quality of wheat grain. Wheat crops placed on non-fallow predecessors are especially responsive to them. According to the data of the Genicheska Experimental Station (Obod et al., 1972), the average yield of winter wheat over two years (1968-1969) for fertilized black fallow was approximately the same as in the control, but the grain quality was higher (except for the variant with phosphorus). However, for non-fallow predecessors, the yield and quality of grain on the background of fertilizers were significantly higher than on unfertilized plots.

In the experiments of the same experimental station, good results were obtained when applying fertilizers for the main tillage in combination with top dressing. The yield and grain quality of winter wheat, on average for five years (1966-1970), were higher on a fertilized background than on an unfertilized one.

In addition to the main fertilizer, a very effective method for improving grain quality is nitrogen fertilization during the earing period of winter wheat. Such studies were carried out in 1970-1972. P. A. Gorshkov and V. D. Verevka in the training and experimental farm "Teremki" of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy on dark gray podzolized coarse silt-light loamy soil with the variety Mironovskaya 808, sown after clover for one cut. Research has shown that late top dressing significantly increases the content of protein and gluten in wheat grain. Fertilizers were applied in early spring and in the heading phase. Especially effective were early spring top dressing (Naa30) and top dressing in the heading phase (Naa30), as well as early spring top dressing with ammonium nitrate (Naa30) and urea (NM30) in the heading phase.

In 1970-1971. In the educational and experimental farm "Komsomolets" we studied the effect of foliar feeding on the quality of wheat grain Mironovskaya 808. Wheat was placed after peas for grain and corn for early silage. Foliar top dressing was carried out with a 5% urea solution in the heading phase (June 10) and during grain filling (June 30) with an OVT-1 sprayer in the evening at the rate of 400 liters of solution per 1 ha.

The highest content of protein and gluten was after peas against the background of NPK with two foliar top dressings (13.8 and 32.9%). The increase compared to the control was 2.2 and 8.6%, respectively. The lowest grain quality was obtained on an unfertilized background for both predecessors.

The positive effect of foliar feeding with urea on the quality of wheat grain is explained by the fact that it is not only a source of nitrogen, but also a physiologically active substance that stimulates the processes of nitrogen metabolism in plants.

It is better to spray with a solution of urea in the afternoon or in cloudy weather, in small drops, since in this case the plants absorb fertilizers better.

The effectiveness of foliar dressings has also been proven under production conditions. In the collective farm named after the XXI Congress of the CPSU of the Genichesk district of the Kherson region in 1967, with foliar top dressing with a solution of urea (N30), winter wheat grain contained 14.7% protein and 30.3% gluten, and without top dressing, respectively, 12.8 and 24.7 %.

Nitrogen top dressing during the earing of winter wheat changes the fractional composition of proteins, increasing the content of gluten-like proteins - gliadin And gluten free, as evidenced by the data of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (Gorshkov, Verevka, 1973).

Fertilizing with microfertilizers has a great influence on improving the quality of wheat grain. In all likelihood, this is due to the fact that they are vital for plants.

For example, copper is part of hemicyanins, manganese is part of oxidases. The latter takes part in oxidative processes. Boron is involved in the processes of fertilization. According to the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (Demidenko et al., 1956), the protein content in wheat increased from 17.4% in the control (NPK) to 18.5% with NPK+B and up to 18.4% with NPK+ Mn.

Of great interest is the effect of fertilizers on the amino acid composition of wheat grain. Such studies were carried out by the Research Institute of Agriculture and Livestock in the Western Regions of the Ukrainian SSR (Kiyak and Darmokhval, 1964) on podzolized chernozems. It has been established that under the action of top dressing, the content of many essential amino acids in winter wheat grains increases. For example, in the protein hydrolyzate, the amount of lysine when P30K30 was fed in the spring in the budding phase + N15 during heading was 3.6%, and without top dressing 2.3%. The content of valine, methionine, phenylalanine and leucine, taken together, increased from 17.9 to 20.1%.

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