Psychology of the ex-wife: jealousy and revenge. Signs that your ex wants to reconnect Why is my ex-husband interested in my personal life?

Going through a breakup with your boyfriend may allow you to see things you didn't notice before. If you have not yet let go of your past, have feelings and want to get your ex-boyfriend back, read the tips

“Signorinas” who will tell you that perhaps he also wants to reunite with you.

But everything changes dramatically when the initiator of the breakup is a girl who decided to break up on her own. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the girl betrayed the guy and started dating someone else behind his back, and to his questions: “Why and why?” — responds with unconvincing arguments.

Then the guy begins to feel betrayed, and his only desire becomes to understand the reasons why the girl left him. And for some, this desire turns into a real mania, which does not allow them to live in peace. And others have fear of new relationships. And we need to fight this.

Why do girls leave for others?

All advice on relationships with an ex-man, boyfriend or husband is divided into two categories, depending on the situation: whether you let each other go or not.

In the first case, the “gestalt of your relationship” is completed, as psychologists would say. Parting without offense, with forgiveness and gratitude to each other is the best thing that can happen. Contact between you may remain, but the likelihood that either of you will be drawn back to the past again is extremely low. This seems paradoxical: by letting go of each other, a man and a woman remain with good memories, and trying to enter the same river a second time is quite logical. However, this is not true. Completed relationships do not need to be repeated. “Let's start over”, “We can succeed” - these are signs that you want to make up for lost time, this is the illusion that you can discard the past.

– Does the guy call you to find out how you are? If a guy calls just to hear your voice, then this is a good sign. He should be interested in you, and that means he cares about you. This call must be sudden. If a guy makes you happy with his calls, then this is a great sign for your relationship.

If your ex is more interested in your life, it means that he has not cooled off towards you. In this way, he shows signs of attention to you, because not every man knows how to listen to a woman.

For ex-girlfriend in such a situation there are a lot of advantages: they treat her well, sometimes they give flowers and nice little things as a sign of friendship, if necessary, they will provide help and listen to emotional outpourings. And at the same time, she is free and can start a relationship with someone who attracts her in one way or another. The abandoned man can also start a new relationship, but he will do this in order to forget his ex or make her jealous. And for these purposes, he may even choose a woman for whom he feels nothing.

no.. complete nonsense.. a crap breed for bitchiness.. especially most often there are such individuals on (his mother) with this very nickname.. they probably want guys to stick around like that.. in life such people are “crocodiles” ( It doesn’t mean that they are scary.. otherwise they devour others.. morally)! Let such a fool not be happy in life.. she herself will be like a toy.. and play with others.. so, maybe for one night, if only.. Live purely for yourself.. (I don’t offend anyone) I speak as I think.. Surely I can?)

It would be superfluous to say that this confidence is only aggravated if it is the man who initiates the friendship. If the initiative comes from the girl, then another explanation appears in the woman’s head, no less dangerous: “She continues to hope for the resumption of the romance. If she still cherishes hopes, then he gives her a reason for this! This means he wants to be sure that if he breaks up with me, he has an alternate airfield!” (the man is extreme again)

After a divorce, the former couple may maintain friendly relations, or they may separate as enemies. It all depends on who initiated the divorce and under what circumstances. At the same time ex-husband may be actively interested in life ex-wife and there may be several reasons for this. Next, we’ll take a closer look at why an ex-husband is interested in his ex-wife.


Every person gets used to the environment. Therefore, it is difficult for men to adapt to a new lifestyle after a divorce. Now no one meets him after work, cooks food, washes his clothes or gives him love and affection. Only after a divorce do men begin to truly appreciate their ex-wife. It is difficult for them to get used to loneliness.

This is common cause why the husband is interested in the life of his ex-wife. In such cases, the man tries to return his ex-wife or find a worthy replacement for her. If you still have feelings, you can try to improve the relationship. Otherwise, it is better to avoid meetings and not communicate in order to quickly start a new happy life. This applies to both men and women.

Feelings left

Quite often the reason is the feelings that a man still has. He cannot forget his ex-wife because he still continues to love her. That's why they try with everyone available means return to the old relationship. He begins to look for random meetings with her, call her more often and make pleasant surprises. In addition, men can also be aggressive towards their ex-wives. In this case, you can return to your previous relationship or try to avoid your ex-husband. It all depends on the specific situation.


Most men are possessive and want a woman to belong only to them. This is a fairly common reason why my ex-husband is interested in my life.

If a woman starts a new romantic relationship after a divorce, her ex-husband automatically becomes jealous.

He cannot allow his wife to date others. The ex-husband mistakenly believes that after him the woman will not be able to start a new life and will not be able to find a new lover. As a result, everything happens the other way around. When a woman is happy, ex-men don't like it and may become aggressive towards her. In this case, you should avoid meeting your ex-husband by all means. You need to forget about him and not answer phone calls. This is the only way to start a new life.


If after the divorce the children remained with their mother, then this may also be the reason why the ex-husband is interested in me. If a man loves his children, then he will try to give them maximum attention. At the same time, he will be interested in what conditions they live in and whether they have a new dad. Therefore, the life of the ex-wife will be under the close attention of her husband. A father who loves his children wants a better future for them, so he is interested in every detail.

At the same time, there is no need to prohibit the father from seeing his children. It is worth limiting your communication with your ex-husband. This way he won’t have any reason to be interested in your personal life. It is necessary to limit meetings and phone calls. The father should come only to the children and communicate exclusively with them. This will allow you to improve your personal life and push back ex-man to the background.

Psychologist's answer

Every fourth A divorced man in Russia marries his former wife. A every third would like to do this. Statistics also say that up to 30 percent of divorced men turn to psychologists and psychotherapists for help.

The reason for such an ordeal for a man who was once inspired by a new lady is depression and a bitter feeling of loneliness. But why?

There comes deep regret about what has been done. True, not right away. In the first months after divorce, men do not experience pronounced depression. Yes, and obsessive memories of the past family life Our eagles, alas, are not persecuted. Ex-wives are simply shocked that their former husband so easily fluttered out of the warm family nest.

But then, more precisely in the middle of the second year after the divorce, it all begins. Psychologists call this time the “seventeenth month syndrome.” It is after this period that ex-husbands begin to have problems with themselves. Many of them are so confused that they eat everything immensely, washing down what they eat with alcohol. They twitch, fuss, even work ceases to interest them. And the most amazing thing that happens to them is the loss of intimate desires. It’s hard to believe this, because the infidel dreamed of some vivid sensations that were different from everyday intimacy with his wife. These symptoms also have their reasons.

It's simple: a closer acquaintance with new woman brings not only pleasant moments, but also often resentment and disappointment. They are criticized, reproached no less than the wife did, and they are burdened with exorbitant worries about the new family. And their new women can be unfaithful too. Such relationships turn out to be more impulsive than the thorough ones they had with their previous spouse. They are quickly changing their ideas about freedom. It turns out that there is nothing unusual about the new chosen one. Very soon the same everyday intimacy begins that I had with my wife. And most often, the dreams of a divorced man are almost never realized.

And there is no holiday. Then the man begins to evaluate his previous family life more and more realistically. And what’s surprising: the brightest episodes of the previous marriage emerge by themselves. What's next?

And then 65 percent of divorced men will remarry in the next five years. Many of them do not regret the divorce, but are convinced that their first wife was better. Another 15 percent get married between 5 and 10 years after the divorce.

Psychologists do a lot of research on the “seventeenth month syndrome” and have come to the conclusion that at this time most divorced people think about returning to their family. Another thing is that not all ex-husbands are accepted back. But so

or otherwise, two-thirds of men three years after a divorce consider their “ex” to be a more worthy person than their new wife or mistress.

Do husbands return after divorce?

Sometimes after a divorce, not even six months have passed before the ex-husband begins trying to return to his wife. Sometimes people leave for ex-wives from new families: there all the difficult stages of family life need to be gone through again, whereas in the previous family much has been settled long ago and each other’s habits have been studied. Only after leaving their family and returning to a single life do many men realize how much they loved their wife and children. “We don’t keep what we have; if we lose it, we cry.” In the male community, returning to a wife is often secretly frowned upon; it is considered a sign of weakness, which is why many men never dare to return, although they suffer from depression and longing for their family.

Pavlov's dog

Do we often think about how important the established order of things is for us? Men quickly get used to the way of life established in the family. Next to his wife, it is easier and clearer for him, he knows what will lead to praise and what can lead to conflict.

The wife becomes a “life friend” about whom the husband knows almost everything (and who knows him just as well). It is sometimes difficult to refuse a three-course meal prepared the way a man likes it, traditional walks with his son, and even his favorite sofa, from which it is so comfortable to watch football!

Calculating Males

In many cases, a man is connected with a woman not only by a common feeling, but also by joint property. Then the husband may return because rent is expensive, but living in his ex-wife’s apartment could be practically free. And with a joint budget, life was better than on one salary. Whether or not to accept a man who clearly needs to make his own existence easier is up to the ex-wife to decide. Such marriages can last a long time, but often there is no happiness in them. Sometimes after a divorce a man is left without a good job and cannot find a similar position. In such cases, sometimes a decision is made to return: for the sake of a good salary, for the sake of connections.

Alternate airfield

Some men prefer to live “on two fronts”: they feel good in their new life, but they continue to perceive their old family as a place where they can always return if things don’t work out. They may spend several days a week with the family, be interested in the personal life of their ex-wife (and even be jealous), and promise that they will return soon. If the wife still loves her husband, this life can continue for years. She will try to please him, to be “ideal,” and he will take it for granted. Most likely, the ex-husband will not return “for good.” Why, if he is already satisfied with everything?


I still wish my ex a happy birthday. And he me. And he knows that I have no feelings for my ex. And recently my husband’s ex found him among his classmates and offered friendship. She is married with two children. They talked, what's wrong here? You have to break up when you are not loved, not appreciated, or cheated on. Well, he’s interested in how his ex is doing... I’m also curious, how are the exes doing, they’re not married.

I have the same garbage, but mine rarely comes in, it infuriates me and so I decided that I can’t stand it, it always slips that if the interest means it hasn’t cooled down, and they broke up a long time ago, not a year or two, and as far as I know very We broke up badly, but then we saw interest, I moved to a foreign country and left him good job and your life, interests, and this goat decided to do this, so you decided to go and live mercifully and delve into the past, but I want to look into the future.


I agree, everyone normal people visit pages former time from time to time) If, of course, such an opportunity exists. Sometimes you come across such bad ones that you don’t want to go in. There are many reasons. Over time, you will begin to look at your ex-husband’s page less and less. But this does not mean that you necessarily need to get rid of it completely. Everything is fine, in short.

Andrey Krasavin

Surely he wants to compare the degree of well-being of his and her life. Hoping that things get a little worse for her..)

Rinat Garifulin

No matter how much you feed the wolf, he will always look into the forest. If he always looks into the past, it means that his interest and strong desires remain there and they haunt him; he cannot control it. It seems to me that there are two options here: 1, reorient him completely towards himself, so that he has no desire to look into the past and this is not a matter of one day. 2 talk to him three or four times, posing the question bluntly like quit, etc... and wait, he will definitely show himself.


eh... I admit, I’m also a sinner 🙂 why? to make sure I'm doing better than them. too anxious, I need to constantly affirm that everything is fine with me, what I did right choice... maybe somewhere I perceive further life without each other as a competition. maybe there are other sides? but today what I can explain


but my ex-husband left me and my child 3 years ago for the sake of some kind of trash... he still comes, but only drunk, and cries that he loves... but leaves for the one for whom he left... so interesting!!! I'm so tired of all this already.

Men, for the most part, break up easier than most women. But they return just as easily. Let's see how to correctly build your line of behavior in a relationship with an ex-man.

Men try to tie a woman to themselves - even if the relationship is over. In their opinion, this is an ellipsis. AND ex-woman, rejoicing at a sudden call some time after the breakup, will probably not refuse, at a minimum, sex, and at a maximum, will open his arms to meet the one who suffered and suffered, but returned (because, most likely, no one needs him anymore ). This is how men talk. Moreover, it is common for relationships between two people to not be completed psychologically, despite the fact that they have already been formally completed (divorce, breakup, or even renunciation of each other). Left unsaid, unfinished, lack of new goals - all this can drag on for years, along with resentment, anger and jealousy. Therefore, when an ex is interested in the life of a woman with whom things didn’t work out for him, there can be no talk of any indifference. The man is still emotionally involved in the relationship. And the third point is obligations to each other. If they are legally justified - there are children together, alimony must be paid, etc., then in this case the “relationship” is built through the court. If there was no marriage, then a man can voluntarily help his ex or her (common) children. In any case, there remains a certain connecting link between people, on the basis of which a return can follow. All advice on relationships with an ex-man, boyfriend or husband is divided into two categories, depending on the situation: whether you let each other go or not. In the first case, the “gestalt of your relationship” is completed, as psychologists would say. Parting without offense, with forgiveness and gratitude to each other is the best thing that can happen. Contact between you may remain, but the likelihood that either of you will be drawn back to the past again is extremely low. This seems paradoxical: by letting go of each other, a man and a woman remain with good memories, and trying to enter the same river a second time is quite logical. However, this is not true. Completed relationships do not need to be repeated. “Let's start over”, “We can succeed” - these are signs that you want to make up for lost time, this is the illusion that you can throw away the past. But if you still have complaints against each other, then the situation is not over. When you go to court with them, it is obvious that it is impossible to reach an agreement peacefully, and this is a clear sign of the complete destruction of the relationship. If only the court is able to oblige your ex to do what any normal man would do anyway, then forget about the relationship with this person, learn the lessons they gave you, and build a new personal life.

What to do if your ex wants to come back?

There are plenty of cases of resumption of relationships after a seemingly final separation. There are people who conclude remarriage with each other after a divorce, or who do not want to get a divorce in the hope that past relationships will return. However, most attempts to “start over” are unsuccessful, and after a while a break occurs again. I really want to give a second chance, accept and forgive my ex. Fear of loneliness and dependence, or formal reasons (children, “undivorced” marriage) seriously put pressure on a woman. Understanding that a man who leaves once will leave a second time is not easy. Only strong resentment and pain can force a woman to isolate herself from her ex and not let him into her life anymore. Here, female pride will be a defense against the trauma of “abandonment,” and in this case, a necessary and adequate defense. The main thing is that this is not projected onto relationships with new men, otherwise the victim woman will fall into exactly the same trap. If the parting was good, but it still didn’t work out to let each other go, then you can accept your ex - most likely, this is a well-forgotten male passion. At the same time, a woman should not count on anything more. After all, the first separation cannot be forgotten; it happened for some reason, and as soon as the two try to deepen the relationship, these reasons will come to the surface again. Then you will have to part “kindly” again.

What else should you not do in a relationship with your ex?

1. Trying to get him back with inappropriate actions It is clear that following this advice does not always work. You can get rid of jealousy only by raising your self-esteem. To take revenge on him or a rival is to step into the abyss of your own misfortune. Even if your ex is lonely, you don’t need to put pressure on him or feel sorry for him - you will get nothing but the establishment of dependence and a relationship of mutual blackmail. 2. Lie and provoke These are also signs that you care about him. But not the whole truth is appropriate - for example, it is not always worth talking about your troubles and problems, that you are lonely - this, again, is pressure on pity. Refusing help to your ex is unconscious revenge - “let him suffer now.” If you cannot forget your ex, this is a reason to understand yourself, and not blame a man for your suffering. 3. Lend money or build a business partnership Gluing personal relationships together with the help of work, money or business is a desperate attempt to win a man back by chance. Most likely, you will receive a mountain of accusations of your incompetence, and in the worst case, all financial problems will be blamed on you.

Looking at the placement of planets in your horoscope will tell you what awaits you in your personal life over the next 3 months.

1875 rub 4. Be kind if there is no kindness There is no need to play nobility. If you are angry with your ex, you should not “do him good,” help him, take care of him, etc. If you are angry, be angry. It’s better to express all emotions, all grievances, live through them, work through them with a psychologist or friends. It is better to break up, realizing why you are angry with the man. If you both know what you are offended by and admit that you are both to blame for the breakup, then it will be easier to let each other go. The right relationship with your ex is a pleasant friendship. They have no claims or demands. Both you and he have the right to a new personal life, and you can always help each other out if necessary. Let the man go in peace - this will be the point in the relationship... which, to your surprise, will continue! Only with a new understanding and at a new level - at the level of gratitude for your shared past.

After a divorce, the former couple may maintain friendly relations, or they may separate as enemies. It all depends on who initiated the divorce and under what circumstances. At the same time, the ex-husband may be actively interested in the life of his ex-wife, and there may be several reasons for this. Next, we’ll take a closer look at why an ex-husband is interested in his ex-wife.

Every person gets used to the environment. Therefore, it is difficult for men to adapt to a new lifestyle after a divorce. Now no one meets him after work, cooks food, washes his clothes or gives him love and affection. Only after a divorce do men begin to truly appreciate their ex-wife. It is difficult for them to get used to loneliness. This is a common reason why a husband is interested in his ex-wife's life.

In such cases, the man tries to return his ex-wife or find a worthy replacement for her. If you still have feelings, you can try to improve the relationship. Otherwise, it is better to avoid meetings and not communicate in order to quickly start a new happy life. This applies to both men and women.

Also on topic: Why do you have quarrels with your husband?

Feelings remain.

Most divorced women are interested in the question of why my ex-husband is interested in my personal life. Quite often, the whole reason is in the feelings that a man still has. He cannot forget his ex-wife because he still continues to love her. Only after a divorce do men understand how dear and dear their ex-wife is to them. Therefore, they are trying by all available means to return to the previous relationship. He begins to look for random meetings with her, call her more often and make pleasant surprises. Additionally, men can also be aggressive towards their ex-wives. In this case, you can return to your previous relationship or try to avoid your ex-husband. It all depends on the specific situation.


Most men are possessive and want a woman to belong only to them. This is a fairly common reason why my ex-husband is interested in my life.

Also on topic: How to give your husband an unforgettable night?

If a woman starts a new romantic relationship after a divorce, her ex-husband automatically becomes jealous. He cannot allow his wife to date others. The ex-husband mistakenly believes that after him the woman will not be able to start a new life and will not be able to find a new lover. As a result, everything happens the other way around. When a woman is happy, ex-men don't like it and may become aggressive towards her. In this case, you should avoid meeting your ex-husband by all means. You need to forget about him and not answer phone calls. This is the only way to start a new life.


If after the divorce the children remained with their mother, then this may also be the reason why the ex-husband is interested in me. If a man loves his children, then he will try to give them maximum attention. At the same time, he will be interested in what conditions they live in and whether they have a new dad. Therefore, the life of the ex-wife will be under the close attention of her husband. A father who loves his children wants a better future for them, so he is interested in every detail. At the same time, there is no need to prohibit the father from seeing his children. It is worth limiting your communication with your ex-husband. This way he won’t have any reason to be interested in your personal life. It is necessary to limit meetings and phone calls. The father should come only to the children and communicate exclusively with them. This will allow you to improve your personal life and relegate your ex-man to the background.

“Loves!” - the answer suggests itself, but... Perhaps you would like to think so, to revel in his dependence on your feelings, to please a woman’s pride, but the guy’s motives may be different, less pleasant. Let's think together, why is a guy interested in you if he already has another girl?

Banal boredom

Really - banal. Let's call boredom nostalgia, and your soul will feel warmer. The young man is not bored, but nostalgic. The new girl prepared his favorite pancakes, but the guy remembered that only for yours he was ready to give his soul to the devil. On TV, the guy is watching your favorite series with him, which your friends called stupid, and only you two understood this subtle humor. Snow is falling outside the window, and the guy thought it was greetings from you.

This nostalgia is beautiful... But, again, is the guy nostalgic or is he just bored, because his current crush is hanging out in the kitchen and preparing him a mind-blowing culinary masterpiece, the TV is playing tired series, and the weather outside is bad? So he wanders the Internet in the hope of killing boredom. And here is your page on social networks with new photos, posts, comments. He comes in without fear of detection. And since he’s not afraid to shine, it means he doesn’t care whether it seems to you that he’s not languishing out of boredom, but misses you.


Of course, you can also see soul-warming motives in a guy’s curiosity: he doesn’t care what happens to you, he’s worried and still loves you. This is also possible. But! Again, this nasty “but”... A guy may simply be curious about your existence outside of his life, as he would be interested in a sold car: whether it broke down without him, whether it obeys the other owner and whether he is going to return it because he disappointed him. The guy has fears that you too will be “returned” or that you will return on your own, call, look for a reason to meet, and he wants to be ready for this.

The guy’s curiosity may have another selfish goal. He needs to know to what extent your suffering has reached without him. Are you tearing your hair out, have you lost weight or, on the contrary, have you gained weight by eating/drinking away your grief? Or maybe you changed hands out of boredom, and now everyone will understand that you were good only while you were with him. a real man? Or he sincerely worries about you and is interested in your life, because he still feels responsible and is waiting for the moment when another man will “pick you up”, and the guy will be able to shift moral responsibility onto him with relief.


An ex-boyfriend may periodically flash into your life so that you bite your elbows, seeing that he blossomed without you like a May daffodil: new girl, new car, new house, new job etc. This is especially common among guys whose break-ups were initiated by girls. Men's pride is very vulnerable, and after such abuse it requires rehabilitation. And nothing restores self-esteem better than wiping your ex’s nose. Let her envy and bite not only her elbows, but also her knees and heels, realizing what a tough guy she threw at her.

Revenge is a cold dish, so the guy will serve it in doses, especially since great success is not a quick thing. He may disappear, appear, and disappear again, only to reappear in your life with new victories. A guy will tease you about his success, get close to you so you can touch them and feel how much you've missed. Then he will leave again for a long time, leaving you with the hope that perhaps, when you earn his affection and love, he will think about taking you in as a yard dog. Why yard? Yes, because you ruined your breed when you abandoned him.

I had a fight with my wife (girlfriend)

In this case, he also takes revenge, but not on you, his ex, but on his present one. God knows why she didn’t please the guy, but she urgently needs to be punished so that it doesn’t happen like with you: they climbed out on their heads and dangled their legs, took advantage of his kindness, pushed him around like a hornless goat. So he decided to become... a goat, and still hornless, because he urgently needed to give horns to his new passion. And who better to deal with this than the ex. And it will be more painful for the current friend to learn that this honorable mission went to her ex.

The new young lady will begin to think that you are still significant to him, he remembers, misses you and perhaps even wants you back. You can think the same thing, but don’t rush. Of course, no one denies such a prospect, but this could also be stupid revenge, when he immediately kills two birds with one stone, or rather hares. One feels that she can lose him and become a new ex, so she begins to value him more and please him, while the other consoles herself with the hope that love is still possible, and also jumps out of... jeans so that the guy remains both satisfied and with her. As an option. But maybe not everything is so simple. The guy just needs a temporary shelter, although in any case you have already passed the stage. It will simply migrate, but it’s up to you to decide whether you want to be a transit station for it or an alternate airfield.


This is the very option that girls in love with an ex-boyfriend are waiting for and those who abandoned him are afraid of, but regret that they did not bury him. A guy madly in love is capable of a lot. Of course, it’s nice if he appears in your life unobtrusively, and then only to give you a million red roses, shower you with diamonds, and arrange a concert of your favorite artist in your honor. But even such attention can turn out to be extremely unpleasant and disgusting if the guy was abandoned as unnecessary or he has already begun to make you pretty sick.

It’s another matter if the guy is dearly loved, left on his own, or circumstances were such that you had to break up. Then, of course, his behavior demonstrating love for you will be a holiday, happiness, a new life. But before you rejoice, know that you must believe not the words, likes and comments under your posts, but real actions. And second: exclude all the reasons described above that motivate a guy to get closer, and if you succeed honestly, reciprocate his feelings. However, remember: giving a second chance to a person who has already betrayed you once is the same as giving a bullet to someone who missed you the first time.