Prizes for New Year competitions. Prizes for the New Year: the best ideas for children's parties, corporate events and home gatherings

New Year can be called the largest holiday - it is celebrated with family, at work, and in educational institutions. Entertainment program s at such events is an integral part of the celebration. And in order to reward the winners of the competition, you need to decide what prizes to prepare for the New Year and what to award them for.

For children

Most children have an incredibly strong competitive spirit. They want not only to be the best, but also to receive a worthy reward for it. However, you don’t really want to upset those who weren’t at their best on a holiday, so it’s best to stock up on more significant prizes (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place) and simple souvenirs for the participants. What to give to the winners?

  • puzzles,
  • educational magazines,
  • puzzles,
  • books,
  • coloring books,
  • creativity kits, etc.

In addition to these items, children are often given medals made of chocolate or cardboard and wrapped in foil of different colors: gold, silver, bronze. Although all participants in New Year's competitions can receive chocolate medals as incentive prizes. Children are also awarded for their participation:

  • notebooks (preferably of an unusual shape: in the form of a fruit or a person);
  • stickers;
  • soap bubbles;
  • fountain pens (bright, unusual shapes);
  • sharpeners;
  • multi-colored erasers of various shapes and sizes;
  • key rings for your phone or keys;
  • icons;
  • hairpins and elastic bands (for girls), etc.

A controversial issue is whether sweets should be included in prizes for New Year competitions for children. This should be decided jointly by the parents whose children will participate in the holiday entertainment. After all, we must take into account that, most likely, most of the main gift will consist of sweets, and the kids will still eat plenty of sweets.

For adults

Many adults are looking forward to the New Year and having fun celebrating the holiday just as much as children. But this does not mean that entertainment and souvenirs for them should be the same as for children. You also need to take into account the company that has gathered at the celebration; corporate events are very different from home gatherings, as is what the participants will receive as a reward for winning competitions.

So, in a narrow circle of employees who occupy approximately the same level on the social and career ladder, the following comic prizes for the New Year can be drawn:

  • paper napkins in the form banknotes;
  • roll toilet paper with jokes or also in the form of money;
  • paper handkerchiefs with cool inscription on the packaging (“Keep your nose to the wind” or “Sneeze on everything!”, etc.);
  • a glass with markings, where a separate toast is written on each division.

Such and similar things would be appropriate in a small team where everyone knows each other well and has long known each other. If for some reason you need to find something more neutral, then you should choose:

  1. Useful little things in everyday life: original spice jars, sink grates, tea strainers or hot mats, shower caps, hooks, towels, souvenir soap.
  2. Interesting things for interior decoration (suitable for giving to women). For example, candles and candlesticks of unusual shapes, models of fruits and vegetables, small vases, refrigerator magnets. Since we are talking about the New Year holidays, it is appropriate Christmas decorations and small figurines in the form of a symbol of the coming year.
  3. Items that may be useful in the office: Velcro for cleaning the keyboard, various folders, simple hole punches, paper clips, etc.

These prizes can also be played at home New Year celebrations, when a group of relatives gathers, where people meet of different ages and professions.

What competitions is it suitable for?

Even if the organizers of the holiday have a whole bag of small gifts for the winners of competitions, this does not mean that you can take out any of them and give them without thinking. For each competition you need to select a separate reward:

  1. First, you should select gifts for the New Year lottery draw. All selected items should be approximately the same in value and importance. However, there may be one main prize, but then this must be announced in advance.
  2. If among the entertainment there is an intellectual quiz, then it is better to forget about toilet paper as a prize. For such competitions, pocket books, pens and notebooks with the inscription “Smart Thoughts” or “Eureka!” are suitable. etc.
  3. Useful little things for the kitchen are best given to those who have won some culinary competition.
  4. Any decorative elements (interior or Christmas tree) are ideal prizes for competitions where you need to decorate something or someone (for example, build yourself a costume from the proposed items, etc.).
  5. Do schoolchildren or students participate in holiday competitions? The office is the best thing you can give them for victory.

If there is a competition where each participant must, blindfolded, cut a gift wrapped in paper for themselves, then it is better that the objects are as light as possible, otherwise they can injure the players.

The choice of a particular prize should be based on several criteria: the age of the players, their number, social status, type of competition, etc. But whatever the reward, do not forget that the main thing is not victory, but participation!

If you are going to spend New Year's Eve in the company of friends, it is best to come up with fun competitions in advance so that after the chimes no one falls asleep in a plate of Olivier from boredom. Competitions for New Year They can be very different, from vulgar and primitive to highly intellectual, and if you are organizing a New Year's party, you should know your friends well and choose New Year's competitions that they will accept and participate in with pleasure.

What do you remember about the past year?

Every New Year's feast begins with the fact that we see off old year. Invite guests not just to have a drink and a snack an hour before midnight, but let each guest say what they remember most about the past year. Let everyone take turns saying a few words in a circle. For example: I will remember the past year new job, the appearance of a kitten in the house, and a vacation in the village, etc.

Personal Santa Claus

A great way to entertain guests on New Year's Eve would be to organize a personal Santa Claus for each guest. That is, in advance, by drawing lots, each guest is assigned his own Santa Claus who will give him a gift on New Year's Eve. The intrigue is that everyone buys gifts for each other anonymously, and no one knows who is giving it to whom. Presentation of gifts can be organized after competitions.

Who knows more New Year's songs No. 1

Competitions for the New Year can be held even at the table. To do this, divide the guests into two teams and give them the task of taking turns singing songs about the New Year, about winter, and Christmas. The team that remembers the most songs will win. Prepare in advance and remember the New Year's songs yourself to give the teams hints.

Who knows more New Year's songs No. 2

Prepare in advance and put notes in a box or hat with one word: Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, Snow Maiden... Each participant in turn takes out the notes and undertakes to sing a song - necessarily a New Year's or winter song in which this word appears.

New Year's ice cream

Snow Maiden's favorite treat is ice cream, so a competition is being announced to name the ice cream. Everyone takes turns naming the types of ice cream, and whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

New Year's BOOM

The competition requires 2 participants. They are given one inflatable New Year's ball, which the presenter ties to the left leg of each participant. At the command of the leader, the participants try to crush the opponent’s ball with their right foot. It is recommended to play in house shoes or sneakers (participants in tarpaulin boots or stiletto heels are not allowed to participate in the competition). The winner is the one who “bursts” the opponent’s ball with his foot faster.

New Year's pants

Table game “In my pants (trousers, jeans - whatever you want) ...” Cut out “pants” of any shape with a large pocket from paper, put notes in the pocket, you can use any clippings of newspaper and magazine headlines. The host approaches the guests and offers to pull out a note. The player says, “In my pants...” and then reads what he pulled out, for example, “culinary conferences.” The combinations can be great, depending on how you choose the cuttings….

New Year's Smeshariki

Each player receives a name: “Icicle”, “Clapperboard”, “Ball”, “Garland”, “Snowball”, “Bunny”, “Snowman”...

The driver goes around everyone in a circle and asks various questions:


What holiday is today?


What do you have (pointing to your head)?


What's hanging from the garland?

Each player answers any questions with his “name”, and you can incline it accordingly. Participants in the game should not laugh. Whoever laughs is eliminated and gives away his forfeit.

Then there is a drawing of tasks for forfeits.

Color kaleidoscope

The players stand in a circle. The presenter commands, for example: “Touch yellow, one, two, three!” Players try to grab a thing (object, part of the body) of the corresponding color of the other participants in the circle as quickly as possible. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The leader repeats the command again, but with a new color (object). The last one standing wins.

I wish you...

The presenter announces a competition for the most best wishes. It is desirable that everyone present speaks in this competition and says two or three words, starting with the words: “I wish you (you) in the New Year...”. The wish can be addressed to everyone or to someone separately. Or you can make wishes to the neighbor sitting on the right, and so on in a circle until the turn reaches the first speaker.

Need a piece of paper

This game will help all your guests get to know each other. Guests sitting at the table pass a roll of toilet paper around. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

There is a child in each of us, which is probably why we all expect something unusual, magical, fairy-tale-like from New Year’s Eve. And for a moment we ourselves turn into children and are ready to play games and competitions with passion. However, the miracle is in our hands. At least we can definitely create a New Year’s mood for the whole company ourselves! Contests for the New Year will help you please your friends - an excellent selection will help you prepare your New Year's party.

1. Competition for the New Year 2018 “Toast by alphabet”
To begin with, as a warm-up, let everyone make a toast with wishes. Just not just like that, but alphabetically, for the first it will begin with the letter “A”, for the second with “B” and so on. For example: “Have a fragrant tangerine-Christmas New Year to you!”, “I’m afraid that as much happiness as I wish everyone in the New Year will not be carried away. But we will try!”, “Let’s drink to our friendship, may it only become stronger in the New Year!” And so on. The winner of the most original toast will be awarded. So, let's raise our glasses! (Better with juice, since our alphabet is large)

2. Competition for the company “Divers”
A funny game for coordination and the ability to navigate in space in difficult conditions - very important for New Year's holiday. We lay out a narrow path, it is desirable that we make it more intricate and twisty. Now put on a swimming mask and... go ahead! Whoever walks the path without comments or mistakes is well done. The beauty of the competition is that this is not so easy to do - the mask greatly distorts the image. What if you also wear fins?

3. Competition "New Year's Crocodile"
A game of all times and peoples, it never gets boring and is liked by everyone, regardless of age. Its essence is simple: to show some object or phenomenon without the help of words or sounds. Today our theme is New Year, so we are showing everything related to it. Or maybe someone will dare to show not just one word, but a whole proverb? You can split into two teams and compete collectively, or you can do an individual “crocodile” swim.

4.Competition “For tea”
It's time to drink some tea. No problem! Here are 3 small round cookies for each person. Don't rush to eat them! You need to put them all in your mouth and... whistle. Like a boiling kettle. Eh, no, it’s not good not to spit cookies, you need to whistle! Has anyone already succeeded? Great! You can arrange a tournament in several levels and add cookies to each. The winner gets the biggest cup of tea, maybe even two.

5. Competition “Forgetful Tailor”
Despite such a prosaic name, this competition is very romantic. You need to break into pairs; it is very desirable that the pairs be married or in love. The story goes like this: a tailor sewed new suit and forgot to pin off 5 pins (5 pins are pinned to each player’s clothing). The task is for pairs to find all the pins from each other while blindfolded. Slow romantic music will make it more fun! But the competition has a catch: we agreed on 5 pins, but only 4 were pinned to the gentlemen’s suits - our tailor is completely forgetful. It will take a long time to look for a pin that is not there. The first couple to figure out this trick wins.

6. New Year's competition for children and adults "Candy"
Delicious competition-game. Take a large bowl and pour more flour into it. And we hide the candies in the flour so that only the tails stick out. The task is to get the candy without getting dirty with flour. Of course, without the help of hands, how else? The one with the most candies at the end of the game wins. The winner shares with everyone in a brotherly way.

7. New Year's competition "Kremlin chimes"
The competition is a joke. You need to prepare for it in advance: make tokens for the number of guests, write a task on each one and the time when this task needs to be completed. Distribute tokens to guests at the very beginning of the holiday. That's why everyone will be surprised when, in the midst of the holiday, guests will suddenly jump up and do funny things - read children's poems, meow or hug their neighbor.

8. New Year's competition for the family "What is your name?"
Strange question. But quite in the spirit of New Year’s magic, because everyone’s name will be different today. How? Something like New Year’s: a cone, a Christmas tree, a cracker, a snowflake, chimes, a snowdrift. The driver asks the players various questions, which must be answered only with their “name”, inclining it according to the question. For example:
- What is your name?
- Snowdrift
- Where did you find it? New Year's gifts?
- in a snowdrift.
—Where will you go on vacation in the summer?
- into a snowdrift.
The most important thing is not to laugh during the competition. The one who gets a laugh in his mouth gives a forfeit and is eliminated from the game. At the end of the game, each phantom receives his own task.

9. Competition “Fortune-telling and Predictions”
On New Year's Day, we always make wishes, try to slightly lift the curtain on the future and at least dream - what awaits us in the coming year? Let's try to find out our future. To do this, we hide notes with predictions in balloons, and inflate the balloons and hang them throughout the room. Next, we blindfold the guests one by one and give them scissors in their hands. And everyone chooses their own prediction for next year. Of course, they should all be kind and positive.

Have a nice holiday and happy New Year!

New Year is preparing a feast, family dinner and incredible magic. At such moments, you always want to add a little fun to the holiday and small entertainment. We offer you competitions for the New Year 2018, New Year's games and entertainment indoors and outdoors. Such entertainment is suitable for children and adults, and will cheer everyone up.

Check out more interesting ideas.

"Decorate the Christmas tree"

As props you can use: ribbon, tinsel, garlands. Props must be calculated based on the number of people. Both men and women will act as Christmas trees. “Yolkas” need to hold one end of the ribbon or tinsel while the dressers wrap their lips around their ally. There can be two winners. The first place can be taken by the couple who completes the task faster, and the second place can be taken by the one who gets the most beautiful outfit.

"In warm mittens"

Teams are divided into two. The first participants are offered warm fur mittens. The latter, as props, receive robes or shirts with buttons. Those who will be wearing mittens need to fasten the buttons as quickly as possible. The fastest pair will be the winner.

"Dancing with a Ball"

All participants are provided balloon. Teams are divided into two. They must place the ball between them and hold it while dancing to different music. You cannot touch the ball with your hands. The fun lies in the fact that musical compositions can smoothly start with classics, and then move on to everyone’s favorite rock and roll. Then it will be a difficult test for the participants. The most resilient couple wins. Excellent New Year's entertainment, which amuses the whole company.

"Gifts from Santa Claus"

Call all participants into a circle. Choose your Santa Claus, he should be in the center. There should be a bag in his hands. The contents can contain the most unexpected things, for example: funny masks, bras. The main thing is that things are fun and large enough. Everyone starts dancing clockwise to the music. Santa Claus hands the bag into the hands of the participants, and they must get rid of it as soon as possible and give it to another participant. When the music stops, the player with the bag is considered the loser. He pulls out the first thing he comes across and puts it on top of himself. When a new circle starts, the losing participant dances in this outfit. Then the game continues with the next victims.

"Surprise from Santa Claus"

The opponents stand side by side and a chair is placed opposite them with a prize on it. The Santa Claus you choose must count any set of numbers, but when he says three, the fastest one must have time to grab the prize. He will be the winner.

"Poetry Competition"

Prepare rhyming cards and hand them out to your guests. Now their task is to do New Year's greetings with the help of poetry. Examples of cards could be: grandfather - years, calendar - January. The results of this New Year's competition will be summed up for festive table, and the most original ones will receive gifts.

“What types of Christmas trees are there?”

Stand together in a circle. Identify the leader. The person chosen in the team will have to start speaking with the words: “There are different Christmas trees in the forest, big and small, high and low.” Every word hides movement. Large ones - you need to make the circle larger, small ones - the circle becomes smaller. High ones - you need to raise your hands, low ones - lower them.

"Next year I will.."

While at the festive table, you can arrange any rhymes to the phrase: “In next year I will..” The main goal is not the desire itself, but speed. For example, next year I will... go for a walk with the kids. You can complicate the game and put a limit on the count of three; whoever does not have time leaves the game.

"Winter is already coming"

You can make snowballs out of paper and find out which of you is the most accurate in hitting snowflakes. Two people participate. The first one throws snowflakes into a deep surface, it could be a bucket. And the second one will have to catch.


In a limited amount of time, guests must create a New Year's menu. One team’s dishes may begin with the letter “D” - Father Frost, while others, for example, “S” - Snow Maiden. Those who have the largest menu win.

"Guess the New Year's star"

Participants write the name of any character they know on office sticky notes. He may be a fairy tale hero or real person. Then everyone exchanges stickers, and everyone sticks it on their forehead. Afterwards, players must ask questions that will help them discover who they are. For example, questions could be: “Am I a boy or a girl?”, “What am I from?” The answer can only be yes or no. The winner will be the one who first guesses what kind of person he is. Very fun New Year's entertainment.

Active games on the street

If you and your guests are active, New Year's games in the fresh air would be an excellent solution.


You need to build a snowman with speed and quality. Prepare things for each participant with a bucket, scarf, carrots and other useful things.

"The Snow Queen"

On New Year's Eve it is customary to sculpt a snowman, but you can arrange a fun competition and make not just a snowman, but snow queen. You will need to split into several equal teams. The winner will be the team with the brightest queen. For example, you can use clothes and women's jewelry to win.


Balloons are tied to the feet of the sections, and when the game starts, players must burst other people's balloons without damaging their own. The winner will be the last one with an inflated balloon.

"Try again"

A main speaker is appointed who will demonstrate the movements, and everyone will have to repeat his movements. Except for one thing, for example: “hands up.” This should be agreed upon in advance. Anyone who repeats an unnecessary movement is removed from the game. The one who will lead the game needs to prepare his movements in advance, otherwise they will simply fly out of his head.

"Shoot Like Katniss Everdeen"

You need to make a target and prepare snowballs. If there is no sticky snow yet, you can simply wet the snowballs with water. As a target excellent option will plastic bottles. Don't forget to determine the amount of time to play. The winner will be the one who hits the target the most.

"Talented Artist"

If you're tired of making a snowman, painting in the snow is a great option. Before the start of the competition, you can make a list of characters that each participant will draw. Dyes can be used as paints. The one with the most believable drawing wins.


The team chooses a person to guess the letter. After he voices it, each of the guys must fashion an object out of snow for this letter. Whoever does it faster and better will win.

"Let's break the snowman"

The name comes from a simple tug of war. But the whole secret is that the rope will be in the finished snowman. The teams' task is to tug of war so as not to topple the snowman.

Of course, games at the table or on the street for the New Year help us entertain guests, raise morale and mood, and also helps to get rid of the stiffness that occurs at the very beginning of the holiday. Have fun, dance, don’t forget about music and gifts, do everything to make 2018 the best year to remember.