Using amaranth oil for facial skin - the best masks. The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology Amaranth oil in cosmetology at home

Amaranth oil It is widely used not only in cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes.

He is most appreciated for his great squalene content(about 8%, much higher than in other oils).

Squalene is one of the main components of human skin. It provides skin protection and hydration, enriches its cells with oxygen, slows down the aging process.

In addition, amaranth oil contains vitamin E in its most active form (most vegetable oils contain vitamin E in passive form).

In the meantime, only the active form of vitamin E neutralizes the effect free radicals that contribute to its aging and wilting.

Also found in amaranth oil vitamins A, D, B1, B2 and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Amaranth oil can benefit the skin great benefit. It can be used in the following cases:

  • For protection for sensitive skin;
  • For giving the skin velvety and radiant;
  • For nutrition and softening;
  • For smoothing facial wrinkles;
  • For skin rejuvenation and elasticity;
  • For cleaning pores;
  • For getting rid of acne;
  • For evens out tone and complexion;
  • For scar reduction.

Face masks with amaranth oil

The most effective use of amaranth oil– this is its use in cosmetic masks.

  1. For dry skin. You need to mix 2 teaspoons of amaranth oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. The mask is applied for 15 minutes. You need to wash it off with warm water.
  2. For oily skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed), half a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of amaranth oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your face using a cotton pad. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off.
  3. For normal skin. For this mask, mix 1 tablespoon of amaranth oil and 1 teaspoon of cosmetic clay. Keep the mask for 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

Methods of using amaranth oil

Amaranth oil for the face can be used in several ways:

  1. As a moisturizer. You can use amaranth oil in its pure form or add it to your favorite cream. To do this, you need to take 50 ml of cream and 1 teaspoon of amaranth oil. This cream should be stored in the refrigerator and it is advisable to use it within a month.
  2. As a mask. You can apply it in its pure form with a thick layer, or add essential oils and other components to it.
  3. Can be used for massage. To do this, you need to apply oil to the skin of your face and start massaging with your fingers along the massage lines.
  4. As an application on the face. To do this, you need to moisten a paper napkin with oil and place it on your entire face or on problem areas.

Reviews on the use of amaranth oil for the face


Larisa, 29 years old

“I’m still a newbie when it comes to oils, I’ve just started to get involved in all this. But my mother has been using various organic and essential oils for cosmetic purposes for a long time. I took amaranth oil from her to try.

I added it to my night cream, since in its pure form I was not very happy with it. I didn’t even expect such a result, to be honest. The skin became smooth and velvety. It feels like I went through some kind of procedure in a salon.

The only thing I noticed was this the cream cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, it is better to have a separate jar and stir a new portion once a week. I can confidently recommend this oil to all those who have normal but dull skin.”

Olga, 32 years old

“They brought me amaranth oil as a gift. They said that it is very healthy and can be eaten. But for some reason this use case did not catch on with us. And I started looking other uses.

I read on the Internet that amaranth oil very good for skin. I started giving him massages a couple times a week. I simply applied the oil to clean skin and did it with my fingers for a few minutes, moving it along the massage lines. I blotted off the excess with a paper napkin and went to bed.

I really liked the effect. Even after the first procedure, I noticed the radiance of my skin, and after a month of use I saw that small wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose had disappeared. The bottle I donated is already running out, I'll go buy a new one soon. Although the price is a little expensive, the effect is worth it."

Alexandra, 21 years old

“My oily skin often gives me acne surprises. Tired of fighting them with creams from pharmacies, I decided to switch to oils. The pharmacist advised me to try amaranth oil. I use it as a base oil and add other essential oils to it. Most often rosemary.

I can’t say that I completely got rid of acne, but they definitely less. Therefore, I will continue to use amaranth oil"

Aging facial skin is accompanied by wrinkles, which many would like to get rid of. In pursuit of this goal, women turn to various cosmetics, such as amaranth oil.

The skin loses its freshness, elasticity and firmness not only due to age. Rapid wear and tear occurs due to numerous stresses and worries, poor nutrition, ecology and more.

In order to get rid of wrinkles, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid nervous tension. Also, the face and body require additional care in the form of masks, compresses and other cosmetic procedures.

Beneficial properties of amaranth oil

The product is used in various fields, including the food industry. Amaranth oil in cosmetology first began to be used in America, when scientists in this country discovered the unique properties of this plant. Canadians also contributed to the promotion of products.

  • Protects from sun exposure;
  • Eliminates dry skin;
  • Rejuvenates;
  • Tones;
  • Cleanses pores;
  • Actively fights acne and pimples;
  • Regenerates cells;
  • Nourishes, moisturizes.

What and how is it prepared?

America is considered to be the birthplace of amaranth, from the seeds of which oil is prepared. In Russia this plant is known as Velvet. There are many varieties: decorative, food, fodder. There is much debate about which variety is more suitable for cosmetic use. Most are inclined to believe that the most effective type is the one that can be eaten.

In addition to large selected amaranth seeds, for preparation you will also need such a component as unrefined vegetable oil (olive, sunflower and others). All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

  1. It is recommended to grind the seeds in a mortar or coffee grinder;
  2. Then you need to pour the resulting powder into a clean container;
  3. The oil should be heated a little and pour the crushed seeds into it;
  4. Stir and set aside in a dark place, maintaining room temperature;
  5. After a month, the mixture is filtered. The resulting oil is considered ready for use.

Useful composition of the oil

The list of components included in the oil product is quite long. This fact explains why oil is so beneficial for the human body. It is no coincidence that in the Indian language the word “amaranth” meant “giver of immortality.”

  • Vitamins: B1, B2, B4, B5, PP, D, E, P;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Alanine;
  • Chlorophylls;
  • Bile acids;
  • Glutamic acid;
  • Lecithin;
  • Serotonin;
  • Phytosterols;
  • And others.

Amaranth contains a record amount of squalene compared to other products, a substance that is part of the skin and is responsible for its pigmentation. Marigold contains more calcium than cow's milk. It is also worth talking in more detail about vitamin E: the product contains it in a form that is quite easily absorbed by the human body.

For what skin type should I use it?

The liquid, used undiluted, can be applied to the face of any skin type. Even sensitive and allergy-prone skin usually tolerates this composition well. The use of amaranth oil for wrinkles around the eyes is widespread, as it is easily absorbed and does not require rinsing. The composition must be applied in a thin layer. A thick coating does not make sense, as it does not contribute to any improvement in the result.

To improve the effect, various masks and compresses are prepared, consisting of several components. Each version of the anti-aging mixture is selected for a specific skin type and depends on the problems that are planned to be solved by the chosen method.

Contraindications for use

The undoubted advantages of this product include the fact that it has virtually no contraindications. The only existing limitation is individual intolerance.

Effect of oil on facial skin and wrinkles

This cosmetic product fights not only age wrinkles, but also expression lines. After the procedure, the face looks fresher and more toned. The components contained in the oil activate and accelerate the regeneration processes of the skin. Renewed healthy cells make up an elastic, tightened surface. Daily use has an effect even on deep wrinkles.

Facial skin preparation

There are relatively few cases of an allergic reaction to the component, but you should still check before use. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the substance to a not too sensitive area on the body and observe the reaction. The absence of redness, peeling, irritation and other unpleasant symptoms will give the right to call the product in question suitable for a particular person.

Before applying the rejuvenating mask with amaranth oil, the face is first cleansed with lotion and scrub.

Recipes with amaranth oil for wrinkles

Firming masks with added oil are a good option for those people who want to smooth out wrinkles on their face. Properly selected ingredients mutually influence each other, enhancing the effect. Unlike using a homogeneous composition, such mixtures are washed off with water after a certain amount of time.

Mask recipe 1

Two teaspoons of oil are mixed with one tablespoon of honey. The resulting mixture is applied in an even layer to the surface of the face. This composition is suitable for dry skin types. After a quarter of an hour, it is washed off with ordinary warm water.

Mask recipe 2

For oily skin, to the main oil ingredient (2 tablespoons), add two tablespoons of orange juice and ½ tablespoon of lemon squeeze. Like the mask from the previous recipe, the mixture is left for fifteen minutes and washed off.

Mask recipe 3

For normal and combination skin types, the following recipe will be useful. To the 1st (table) spoon of marigold oil, add a teaspoon of cosmetic clay. This composition is not recommended for dry skin. 15 minutes after coating, it should be washed off with water.

Mask recipe 4

A popular mask coating is a gelatin composition. Gelatin granules are poured into hot green tea and mixed well until completely dissolved. When the mixture has cooled, add 12 drops of almond oil and 18 drops of amaranth oil. Keep the mask on your face for half an hour. During this time, it forms a film, which must then be carefully removed. The mask is suitable for the entire face, excluding eyelids.

In home cosmetology, it is customary to use only the most natural and beneficial substances, which generously reward us with beauty. These include amaranth oil, which we want to tell you about today. The plant from which it is obtained is known for its amazing history. If in Russia, until recently, amaranth was considered a malicious weed and was known mainly under the name “shiritsa”, then in Ancient Greece it was called a symbol of immortality, and in Ancient China - a source of longevity and youth. From this article you will learn about its beneficial properties, its use in cosmetology, and even learn how to obtain amaranth oil at home.

Composition and properties

Amaranth oil can rightfully be called unique, since its biochemical composition is strikingly different from other products. Wealth is concentrated in the following components.

  • About 70% unsaturated fatty acids, which carefully protect our beauty.
  • Amaranth oil contains up to 8% squalene, a fairly rare compound that is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Vitamin E in a special active form.
  • A rich set of micro- and macroelements - phosphorus, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron and others.
  • Phospholipids and phytosterols.
  • Vitamins and carotenoids.

Amaranth oil gets its main properties from squalene. In other vegetable oils, its content is so low that it rarely even appears in the composition. What are the practical benefits of amaranth?

  1. The use of a wonderful squeeze for the skin of the face and body is indispensable for getting rid of stretch marks, acne marks or post-operative scars. The compounds contained in amaranth oil activate collagen production and stimulate the growth of new epidermal cells, gradually replacing scar tissue. Natural amaranth oil wonderfully moisturizes and nourishes the skin, maintaining its youth and elasticity.
  2. Dry, brittle hair that cannot be combed, split ends, the initial stages of baldness - amaranth oil easily eliminates all these problems, giving incredible shine and health to weakened curls.
  3. This substance also has a good effect on flaky, soft nails. A course of nourishing baths in the evenings will relieve you of thoughts about the condition of your manicure for a long time.

The healing properties of amaranth are fully transmitted to the oil, giving it truly miraculous qualities. Just one bottle of the product can enrich all your cosmetics with nutritional compounds and give you the charm of pristine beauty and youth.

Why is product quality important?

Amaranth oil has one single drawback - its rather high cost. This is probably why it has not yet become widespread. For a bottle of the product you will have to pay from 500 to 1500 rubles, depending on the volume and manufacturer. In order not to regret the purchase, approach its choice with all seriousness.

  • Do not buy natural amaranth oil in bulk bottles. Each time a substance comes into contact with air, it oxidizes and loses some of its healing qualities. Therefore, 100 ml will be enough for you.
  • The bottle should only be glass.
  • First of all, look at the color. Real amaranth oil is dark. A light shade indicates that the product is diluted or not manufactured using the same technology.
  • You should not purchase a product with an excessive squalene content. This means that the substance was obtained by CO2 extraction, during which amaranth oil loses many of its beneficial properties.

The effect of amaranth oil on the skin

Who doesn’t want to have flawless, soft skin with a light, healthy, girlish glow, without blemishes? Natural amaranth oil has a pronounced healing effect on the skin of the face and body, rapidly improving their condition. What effect can you notice after short-term but regular use of the healing squeeze?

  • Mature, tired skin began to look more cheerful, small wrinkles disappeared, it seemed to be filled with moisture from the inside - smoothed out and looked a couple of years younger.
  • The peeling and irritation of the facial skin has disappeared, the cold winter wind no longer causes such discomfort.
  • Rough areas softened and became tender.
  • The manifestations of dermatological diseases - eczema, psoriasis, herpes - have disappeared.
  • The tone of the face has improved, it has become more even and fresh.

This is not all the benefits that amaranth oil brings. Literally in a month, looking in the mirror, you will be delighted with your refreshed face.

  1. To improve your complexion, mix diluted cosmetic clay and amaranth oil in equal parts. Apply and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. To whiten the skin and tighten enlarged pores, try the following composition: take orange juice and amaranth oil in a 2:1 ratio, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix everything well and apply the composition to a clean face. After 15 minutes, rinse with water.
  3. For enhanced nutrition of facial skin, it would be appropriate to use the beneficial properties of cottage cheese. To two tablespoons of this fermented milk product, add a teaspoon of amaranth oil and mix well. When applying to the face, avoid the eye area.

The effect of amaranth oil on hair

Natural amaranth oil gladly imparts its healing properties to weakened curls. What are its benefits for hair?

  • Their loss stops.
  • Curls acquire a pronounced radiant shine.
  • Dry dandruff disappears.
  • Hair becomes smooth and looks completely healthy.

The easiest way to use it is to apply amaranth oil to the scalp and leave for literally five minutes. But a more pronounced effect comes from using a variety of masks.

  1. To strengthen hair, mix amaranth oil (2 tablespoons) with one avocado paste and a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mask to damp hair.
  2. To give your hair a dazzling shine, prepare an original mixture for washing your hair - slightly heat 5 liters of unfiltered beer, add natural amaranth oil (1 tbsp), twice as much lemon juice and one egg yolk. Shake everything well and wash your hair with this mixture. Then rinse with clean water.
  3. If you are tormented by dandruff and you just can’t get rid of it, try preparing a mask that contains amaranth oil and honey in a 1:2 ratio. Rub the mixture into the scalp, put on a shower cap and insulate the mask with a towel. After half an hour, wash with shampoo.

The beneficial properties of amaranth oil have long been recognized by cosmetologists around the world.. Very often it can be seen as part of expensive professional hair care products. But why overpay if you can buy amaranth oil in its pure form and enrich all your favorite shampoos and conditioners with it?

Cooking at home

If you are not ready to spend about 500 rubles at the pharmacy for a small bottle of cosmetics, then try making natural amaranth oil yourself. It will not be 100%, since the real substance is released by cold pressing, but valuable properties will still be present in the homemade product.

  1. Dry 200 g of amaranth seeds well in the oven.
  2. Pour them into a mortar and crush them as finely as possible.
  3. Place the finished raw materials in a clean, dry jar and pour in half a liter of olive oil.
  4. Infuse amaranth oil in a warm and dark place for about a month.
  5. Strain, pour into a glass container and store in a cool place.

Preparing amaranth oil at home is not particularly difficult - this plant is widespread, and you can collect seeds in any field.

In this article, we shared with you information about natural amaranth oil. Its benefits for the face and hair are undeniable. But that’s not all the amazing abilities of amaranth oil. We invite you to watch the final video, in which the charming Oksana will tell you how to simply and effectively get rid of stretch marks using amaranth oil.

Amaranth is an annual plant of the Amaranthaceae family.

In Russia it is often called shchiritsa.

There are about 100 species of amaranth. The plant came to us from South America and Mexico.

Amaranth was consumed 8 thousand years ago as a grain crop, along with corn and beans.

The plant was later brought to North America, India and China.

After the Spaniards conquered South America, the acorn came to Europe. It was used as an ornamental, fodder and grain crop.

Amaranth ripens quickly. It is ready for use within four weeks after sowing.

If the soil is protected, the plant will produce crops all year long. Shchiritsa is unpretentious, grows in drought, heat and in saline soils.

Today, oil is made from amaranth seeds. It has proven itself in cooking and has become a popular product in cosmetology.

Brief description

The oil has a pleasant smell and nutty taste. It is used in the preparation of a number of dishes, as it improves their taste.

Amaranth oil is used to treat and prevent a number of diseases. This is one of the main skin care products for the body and face.

Amaranth oil has the following characteristics:

  • helps get rid of acne,
  • Helps cleanse facial pores
  • nourishes the skin, making it softer,
  • gives facial skin velvety and radiance,
  • strengthens hair,
  • smoothes out fine expression and age wrinkles,
  • dries out acne
  • promotes skin cell regeneration,
  • fights stretch marks,
  • reduces scars and tightens wounds.

Benefits for the skin

1. The oil is successfully used to treat dermatological diseases: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes lips, trophic ulcers.

2. Amaranth oil heals wounds and burns on the skin. Simply apply a little oil to the affected area. It dulls pain and speeds up the healing of wounds several times.

3. The cosmetic product provides the skin with additional protection against bacteria.

4. Oil is used for dry, dehydrated facial skin, as it has moisturizing and softening properties.

5. Vitamin E and squalene, which are part of the oil, rejuvenate the skin and accelerate cell regeneration.

Thanks to these characteristics, amaranth oil is ideal for caring for mature and aging skin.

Medicinal properties

Amaranth oil helps with many diseases.
It is used for:

  • anemia,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • dental problems (periodontal disease, stomatitis),
  • diabetes,
  • obesity.

It helps fight diseases:

  • genitourinary system,
  • gynecological diseases.

Amaranth oil is suitable for nervous system disorders. It can be used to restore the immune system after long-term illnesses or long-term use of antibiotics.

Chemical composition

Amaranth oil contains a large number of useful substances. Among them are the following components:

The oil also contains vitamins A, B, D, saturated acids, choline, serotonins, Omega-6 and Omega-9, various microelements that improve the well-being and appearance of the skin.

Application in cosmetology, recipes

The easiest way to use oil is to apply it to clean skin instead of night cream.

After 30 - 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. But in this case, it is better to use only cold-pressed oil.

If the product was produced using a different technology (for example, critical CO2 extraction), then its composition changes slightly.

Oil in this form It is not recommended to use for a mask. It is better to add it to homemade creams or other mixtures.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Take a tablespoon of amaranth oil, mix with two large spoons of freshly squeezed orange juice, add half a teaspoon of lemon.

Apply the mixture to the skin, leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water. This mask tightens pores and is a good prevention against acne. Ideal for oily skin.

For skin whitening

Take six cooked white beans and mash them into a puree. Add a teaspoon of oil and lemon juice, mix thoroughly.

Apply to face and neck, leave for twenty minutes. Then wash your face. This mask not only brightens but also nourishes the skin well.

To nourish the skin face, you can make the following mixture: take two large spoons of sour cream, add a large spoon of amaranth oil.

Apply the mask to your face and lie down for 15 minutes, then rinse off the remaining mixture from your face. This mask is suitable for rough, flaky or rough facial skin.

Soothing mask

Take a piece of banana, mash it and add a teaspoon of chopped cucumber.

Stir the resulting mixture, pour a small spoon of amaranth oil into it, and apply to the skin.

Lie with the mixture on your face for 30 minutes.

The mask will help well with irritated facial skin.

Foundation mask

To even out your complexion and get rid of age spots, the following mixture is suitable: take cosmetic clay and amaranth oil in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Mix the mask and apply to clean facial skin. Leave on for 15 minutes, then wash.

If the slurry turns out to be thick, then dilute the clay with oil with a small amount of water.

For herpes on the lip, you need to regularly rub a little oil into the affected area of ​​the skin. After some time, the herpes will go away.


Take a teaspoon of amaranth oil, mix with the same amount of lemon juice.

Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

The mask will smooth out fine wrinkles and lighten the skin a little.

How to choose quality

The market offers a wide range of products. Amaranth oil is produced in Russia, Egypt, Latin America and many other countries.

Before purchasing oil, pay attention to the following recommendations:

If you doubt the quality of amaranth oil, ask pharmacists or sellers for certificates for this product.

Contraindications and restrictions

There are practically no restrictions on the external use of amaranth oil.

The only contraindication– individual intolerance to the product, leading to allergic reactions.

These include people suffering from diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, peptic ulcers and cholelithiasis, indigestion, tendency to diarrhea) and with increased cholesterol levels in the blood vessels.

Amaranth oil has a number of beneficial properties. This is an excellent natural remedy that promotes healthy facial skin.

The oil fights acne and age spots. It cleanses facial pores, nourishes the skin, and improves its condition.

Amaranth oil is included in many cosmetic products. You can use it to make masks for your face and neck yourself. It is used for all skin types.

The main component of amaranth is squalene. And it, in turn, is one of the main components of our skin. The oil is absorbed almost 100% and in the fight against wrinkles, scars, burns, stretch marks and other skin troubles, there is no competition! Amaranth oil for facial skin is a panacea for many skin problems.

Amarat oil for face

Amaranth oil for facial skin is not capable of harm, and you can use it daily, in courses. The only drawback of the oil is its price. However, if desired, it can be easily prepared at home.

How to prepare amaranth oil for facial skin?

The finished product can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. To prepare it yourself you will need:

  • amaranth seeds (selected, 1 kg)
  • olive oil (first pressing, 1.5 l)
  • coffee grinder
  • pan
  • big bottle.

Amaranth oil for facial skin is prepared as follows:: Amaranth seeds are lightly fried in a frying pan. Then they are crushed in a coffee grinder, the resulting flour is poured into a bottle with, mixed thoroughly, and closed with a lid. For the next three weeks, the bottle needs to be shaken (1-2 times a day). The infused product is squeezed out through five-layer gauze, and the extract is stored in a dark place. From this base they prepare rejuvenating face masks that have a simply stunning effect!

IMPORTANT! Self-prepared amaranth oil can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month. But if you don’t want to bother with preparing it, pharmacy grade is quite suitable for the recipes described below.

Rejuvenating face mask

Combine amaranth oil (1 spoon) with cosmetic clay (1 spoon), diluted in water to a thick sour cream. Keep the paste on the face for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water (preferably mineral water). You can repeat the procedure once a week. It is also useful to lubricate the skin with a mixture of amaranth and lemon juice (equal parts) 2-3 times a week.

ADVICE! Amaranth oil can be added to your favorite nourishing creams for the skin of the face, hands and body. You can use it as part of your favorite face masks.

Let's tell you a little about amaranth...

Amaranth oil is obtained from the seeds of this miracle plant by cold pressing, but it happens that other parts (stems, leaves, flowers) are also used for this purpose, in fact, just as there are other methods for obtaining oil (oil or CO2 extraction).
For those who don’t know, amaranth is an annual, herbaceous, and fairly tall plant that has a very interesting appearance.

Its diamond-shaped leaves, elongated at the base, can be green, purple-red, yellow, orange, or lilac. Small amaranth flowers are of the same colors, collected in dense spike-shaped inflorescences resembling panicles. In a word - amaranth is a rather bright and beautiful plant, which is often used to decorate flower beds, flower beds, borders, etc.

Ready-made amaranth oil has a pleasant smell and an equally pleasant nutty taste. Thanks to these qualities, and its incomparable nutritional and healing properties, amaranth oil is very often used in cooking, as well as for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

But we will consider another option for using amaranth oil for facial skin - in cosmetology, or more precisely, in home facial skin care.

First of all, the effectiveness of amaranth oil on the skin (as we wrote above) lies in the content of a substance such as squalene (about 8%, which is much higher than the percentage of its content in other vegetable oils). And squalene, in turn, is one of the main and main components of the human skin, performing a number of necessary functions.

Namely, it prevents the development of cancer cells; provides sufficient moisture and protection to the skin; enriches skin cells with oxygen and prevents the harmful effects of free radicals on them, thereby helping to slow down the aging process of the skin.
What also determines the uniqueness of amaranth oil is the vitamin E it contains in its most active (tocotrienol) form.

Here I would like to note that most vegetable oils usually contain vitamin E in a passive (tocopherol) form. It is in the tocotrienol form that vitamin E most actively neutralizes the effects of free radicals in the skin, which, as you probably already know, directly contribute to its premature aging.

Well, of course, amaranth oil also contains other beneficial substances and elements that have a beneficial effect on our facial skin. These are provitamin A, vitamins D, B1, B2, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other equally valuable components.

How does amaranth oil affect the skin of the face?

Thanks to squalene and vitamin E, the use of amaranth oil in cosmetic skin care promotes regeneration (restoration) and rejuvenation of the skin, which makes it an excellent product for the care of mature, dull, and tired facial skin with decreased tone.

In particular, amaranth oil for facial skin has a good nourishing, moisturizing, and softening effect, which also allows it to be successfully used on dry, dehydrated, and rough skin.

And what else is famous for the beneficial properties of amaranth oil is in the treatment of dermatological diseases of the skin, such as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, allergic dermatoses, trophic ulcers, and the herpes virus.

Besides! If you lubricate small wounds, scratches, burns, insect bites and the like with this magical remedy, the result is almost instant! Pain sensations are dulled, inflammation is relieved, and the healing of wounds and burns occurs an order of magnitude faster.