Why doesn't a woman feel pleasant sensations? No pleasant feelings during sex. Can high blood pressure be a sign of pregnancy?

anonymous, Female, 19 years old

I have been sexually active since I was 16 years old, after my partner took my virginity, the pain continued for about a month, maybe even more, I don’t remember, there were no sensations, I told my partner that there were sensations, we’ve been living like this for 3 years already, I hoped that the sensations will appear after a while, but thank God the pain has passed, and nothing else, I feel his presence inside, I even learned to work the muscles inside myself, it’s still useless. In some poses, when he’s behind me and I’m arching, if he goes deep, it actually hurts, and this is not the only pose in which I feel discomfort, not always, but it happens. On a psychological level, everything is fine with me, there are caresses before the act, at the beginning of the relationship, there was excitement, passion, but now everything has become boring, due to the fact that this activity is no longer particularly interesting, there is probably no excitement if sex per month, then it’s somehow more interesting, and if it’s every day, it quickly gets boring, but at the beginning of the relationship, now, nothing has changed, I don’t feel anything, well, there have certainly been no orgasms. But if he does cunnilingus, I get an orgasm, the feeling is not expressed when I touch the clitoris, but if I try, in this case I get an orgasm. I’ve already read a bunch of sites, my hands give up, I don’t know what to do. There are already scandals in relationships due to the fact that there is not enough sex, that I do not pay attention as a man, I will never offer the first one, and I don’t know what to say to him. If I tell the truth as it is, then we can put an end to the relationship. For him, if a girl doesn’t get a “high,” so to speak, from him, then there’s no point in trying, it’ll all be over. I want to know if I can hope for something else? I saw a gynecologist, she examined me, didn’t find anything wrong, she said that the uterus was downward, and that’s why I have pain during menstruation, I don’t know why she said this, but maybe that’s the reason? In general, this is a cry for help!

Good afternoon, I am not entirely competent in sexual problems; there have been cases when a consultation with a gynecologist aggravated an already tense situation. Curls and similar conclusions do not fundamentally affect the receipt of sexual pleasure, since sexuality is the harmonious work of all organs and systems of the body, which in turn developed in a favorable psychosexual environment, which, unfortunately, is rarely observed; more often there are many preconditions that complicate sex life. As a rule, in a situation where there is no opportunity to openly discuss the problem, relationships become very tense, and any reason can lead to a break, as dissatisfaction increases in everyone. If this is not stopped, the consequences can be sad, for all participants. Hoping and screaming are not the best attempts to solve a problem. Your case is not completely hopeless, you have an idea of ​​what an orgasm is and even under certain conditions, you can experience it. It remains to figure out what reasons prevent you from doing this under the desired conditions; from experience I will say that this is a complex of both psychological and physiological components, and also to eliminate mistakes in partner “skills”. Having understood the reasons, you can move on to harmonizing sexuality, both yours and that of the couple. I can affirmatively say that your problem can be eliminated in a short time with face-to-face treatment. If this is not possible, then we will decide in absentia. My contacts are listed below. Sincerely, sexologist Gulko Oleg

There have been no sensations for 2 years

Asked by: Stasya

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, I’ll start with the fact that I’ve been sexually active for about 2 years now, I have one partner and I didn’t have anyone before him (he too). The first time I took it completely calmly: there was no panic or fear. At first (months), the lack of sensations during sexual intercourse did not frighten me, but over time it began to worry me. I have a desire, an attraction, but when it comes down to it, I start to control everything, I can’t relax, as if I’m blocking something in myself. As soon as my partner kisses me the wrong way or runs his hand over my body, my brain turns on and I stop feeling anything at all. There are times when, fearing some situations that are absurd from my point of view, I begin to deliberately control everything. During these 2 years, I never had any sensations during sex. I don’t know how the body should react and what I should feel, what pleasant sensations it is. Sometimes it seems that I get nothing but moral satisfaction. Tell me, are these complexes and problems in my head or something else? And is it possible to somehow overcome this barrier of eternal control? Thanks in advance!

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It is difficult to answer unequivocally without knowing the details of the situation, your relationship with your partner, the course of the sexual intercourse itself, and caresses. Before sex you should have good mood and a positive attitude towards your partner. Your partner should be attentive to your body and feel what feels good and what doesn’t. You will help him understand how best to act. Change the sexual act itself (experiment): diversify the caresses, even masturbating yourself, oral, anal caresses, etc. Change the place where you have sex (outdoors, in the car, in the kitchen.). Tests should help you: http://www.psycholog-help.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_24.html In general, your problem needs to be studied in detail during a consultation (via Skype or email) -

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Frigidity in women is rare, despite the fact that representatives of the fairer sex may experience discomfort more often during sexual intercourse than their partners. Most often, frigidity develops against the background of hormonal disorders. The same applies to psychological injuries. “I don’t feel anything during sex” - if this is reality for you, then it’s time to understand this problem and try to cope with it .


  • stress;
  • irritability;
  • depression;
  • one of the partners feels guilty;
  • rape or perverted sexual intercourse, consequences of trauma.


  • systemic diseases – diabetes mellitus or neurological ailments, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • menopause;
  • alcoholism, drugs;
  • use of antidepressants.

Many conditions influence the degree of manifestation of factors:

  • age;
  • sexual experience and education;
  • a person’s character, his temperament;
  • “map” of erogenous zones;
  • the day on which menstruation began.

What leads to the lack of a full orgasm

  1. A quick transition from caresses to active actions. It is very important for a woman to achieve orgasm - this requires full sexual arousal. Therefore, foreplay should take at least 10 minutes.
  2. The sensitivity of the vagina is reduced - this may well be the reason why it is impossible to achieve pleasure during sexual intercourse.
  3. Very often, girls have a more sensitive clitoris than their vagina. Therefore, the partner should not only act on the vagina, but also stimulate the clitoral area.
  4. The man's lack of skills. The partner's skill will help bring the girl to the peak of pleasure. Therefore, it’s time to read special literature in order to comprehend the art of love.

Why doesn't a woman have an orgasm? The cause may be pathology of the female organs, poor blood flow, or a tense state in psychological terms.

Learn more about causes and solutions to problems

Passion has passed, satiety has set in with what is happening in the bedroom. As a result, intimacy with a partner ceases to excite. The same applies to the partner - he understands that he is no longer an ideal lover.

One of the reasons why you may suddenly lose your libido is a hormonal imbalance in the body. As a result of decreased levels of certain hormones, women's desire to have sex decreases. Hormonal levels can be leveled by using certain therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

You may be approaching menopause. In this case, the gynecologist will suggest choosing a drug suitable for hormone replacement therapy. This way you can relieve your symptoms and enjoy sex again.

A diseased thyroid gland, for example hypothyroidism, can be a cause. If pathology is suspected thyroid gland The doctor will refer you to an endocrinologist for examination.

Different approaches to sex too possible reason. So, for a partner, sex is a means of relieving tension. But for you it's the other way around. Sex begins in the head, and this immediately affects desire. If a woman has recently had something happen that makes her live in a state of stress, for example, temporary problems at work, resentment towards her partner, then the desire to love may disappear if the lady is not at peace with herself. After all, she doesn’t separate emotions from sex. In this case, you just need to wait - you shouldn’t force yourself. After stressful situation will be resolved, everything will fall into place.

Depression and neurosis are psychological causes. In the case of serious emotional problems, the desire to have sex often disappears.

Sexual incompatibility is one of the problems of lack of sensitivity during sex

Partners often blame each other when problems arise in the relationship, especially sexual ones. As for sexual dissatisfaction, it oppresses partners, especially if there are several years of life together. And here suddenly problems appeared during sexual intercourse. The cause may be some incipient disease or a difference in temperament. The same applies to anatomical disproportions and complexes.

Many women feign orgasm - in this way they try not to offend their loved one. Men can do the same.

Quite often, due to the fact that a girl has a short vagina, pain appears during sex. In this case, of course, she cannot get pleasant sensations from sexual contact, sensitivity is lost. The reason is anatomical incompatibility. In order to deal with this, you need to talk to your partner - he should not insert the penis very deeply. You can also put a special ring on it to limit the length of the organ.

The reason for the lack of sensitivity in girls

  1. Incomplete physiological maturity.
  2. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse, resulting in no arousal or orgasm.
  3. Inexperienced sexual partner.
  4. No skills or knowledge of your body.
  5. Fear and shame, complexes.
  6. Traumatic physical or psycho-emotional first sexual experience.

What to do

First, you should talk to a gynecologist - an examination by a specialist will help rule out diseases that could cause a lack of sensitivity. After this, you will not be afraid that you have any physical problems. Start studying your body - you need to find those areas whose stimulation will bring pleasure.

In order to become aroused, women often need more time than men - they need to extend the foreplay with their partner.

If pregnancy is not planned, then you need to choose the most convenient contraceptive in order to feel more relaxed and confident during sex.

If there is still no result, then you need to seek an individual consultation with a sexologist.

Sexual life is a very important aspect of a person's life. In this way we become liberated, freed from fears and life problems. Sex is pleasure, consolation, calmness, it takes us beyond the limits of reality. But this is possible provided that the woman experiences a real orgasm during sex. Otherwise, intimate life can turn into a real routine, become one-sided and unpleasant.

Lack of sensitivity during sex is possible in both women and men. It is very important not to remain silent, but to talk to your partner and explain how you feel. Together you can always find a way out of this situation. Consultation with a specialist will help you take the right decision and achieve the desired results in treatment.

I don't feel anything during sex. There are neither pleasant nor unpleasant sensations. I just turned 19 years old. What could be the reason?

The most common sexual disorder in women is anorgasmia, i.e. lack of orgasm. Anorgasmia - in women - absence of orgasm during sexual activity. Anorgasmia is often combined with a decrease in sexual desire or its complete absence. There are three degrees of anorgasmia:
-1- lack of orgasm, although sexual intercourse is accompanied by pleasant sensations;
-2- sexual intercourse is indifferent, sexual arousal and satisfaction are absent;
-3- sexual intercourse is unpleasant, accompanied by painful sensations.
This condition can arise, for example, as a result of premature ejaculation in the husband, interrupted sexual intercourse, insufficient psychoerotic preparation of the woman for intimacy (due to the lack of preliminary caresses), or incorrectly chosen position. In addition, a woman as a sexual partner is more dependent on a man, who usually determines the frequency, rhythm, and form of sexual intercourse, and social norms of behavior determined by sex education do not always allow a woman to make adjustments to her partner’s sexual behavior, resulting in erogenous zones ( both genital and extragenital) do not receive sufficient stimulation. For example, in 25% of healthy women, the highly sensitive erogenous zone is the clitoral area, while the vagina is insensitive; these women usually orgasm with additional clitoral stimulation. For many women, the outer third of the vagina is very sensitive, while the uterus and deep parts of the vagina are less sensitive. The predominant effect on certain erogenous zones depends on the position in which the rapprochement is carried out; inappropriate posture may be one of the causes of dysgamy. Treatment is etiopathogenetic, complex, staged, strictly individual, aimed at creating optimal conditions for the expression of a woman’s sexuality, eliminating sexual disorders in a partner, and normalizing sexual intercourse. The leading role in treatment belongs to rational psychotherapy, which is carried out taking into account individual characteristics, interests and attitudes of both partners, is based on identifying and eliminating inhibitory moments and expanding the range of acceptable forms of influence on erogenous zones. In some cases, suggestive psychotherapy and autogenic training. From medicines use tranquilizers and antidepressants (for depressive conditions), stimulants and vitamins (for general asthenia), hormonal drugs(for endocrine pathology). If sensitivity changes, local treatment is carried out. Physiotherapeutic methods include hydrotherapy (cold and hot sitz baths, rising showers), electrical stimulation and vibration massage of the pelvic floor muscles. For anatomical defects and scar changes in the genital organs, surgical treatment may be indicated.
The causes of anorgasmia are divided into retardation, psychogenic, and symptomatic. A peculiarity of a man’s sexual function is to achieve orgasm already during the first sexual intercourse and, if he is healthy, at almost every intercourse. With a woman, everything is incomparably more complicated. In fact, nature did not allow a woman to experience orgasm during her first sexual intercourse (if this happens, it is not as a rule, but as an exception). Only after a certain period of regular sexual activity in marriage (or with one regular partner) does a woman, under the influence of her partner, learn to experience orgasm. Mental disorders (neuroses, depression), psychological and physiological incompatibility of partners, sexual illiteracy are quite common causes of anorgasmia. The most common reason is insufficient sensitivity of the receptor apparatus of the genital organs. The second most common is mental: fear of new, bright, ecstatic sensations. In this case, sensing the approach of release, the woman “squeezes” and even reduces the amplitude of her body movements. Modern sexology quite successfully treats anorgasmia. If it is caused by the first reason, we stimulate the receptors of the genital apparatus using soft “tissue” stimulators and a properly selected vibrator. In most cases, treatment is completed in two or three sessions (naturally, between sessions the client does significant work - training!). Anorgasmia caused by mental causes takes a little longer and is more difficult to treat, but is also quite successful.
What is an orgasm, how does it arise and manifest itself in a woman?
How to satisfy a woman?

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Hello! I’ve been with my husband for 4 years, there is no vaginal orgasm. Before I start, I get excited, but when the process itself begins, I don’t experience any sensations AT ALL and never have! It’s like they’re injecting you with something and that’s it. Why is this so? Why are there no sensations? Why no orgasm? Psychological problems No. There were no more partners. Why could this be and what should I do? Thank you.

No matter, Moscow

ANSWERED: 09/18/2014

You and your husband need to visit a sexologist! The problem is solved! Good luck and love to you! http://vitamed-tver.ru/secsolog/ ; http://www.liveexpert.ru/e/sexolog69?src=inv_ebtn_474142.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 09/25/2014

Hello! In order for there to be a vaginal orgasm, an erogenous zone must be formed in the vaginal area; if it is not there, then there is no orgasm. In your option, you can wait (the chance of experiencing a vaginal orgasm increases with age, with a regular partner, in a comfortable environment), or work with a sexologist to remove possible blocks and obstacles, negative beliefs (if any), and form erogenous zone(there are also secrets there), and in general, of course, such issues are resolved at an individual reception. Only then can you understand the reason. Contact me - I will help. Good luck! http://nlp-ti.ru/stati/

Clarification question

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