Dress for a doll. How to sew clothes for dolls - detailed sewing instructions and an overview of pattern options (105 photos) How to make a fluffy dress for a spring girl doll

How to sew a dress and hat for a Barbie doll— master class Zagainova Alina Stanislavovna.

Parents do not always have the opportunity to buy their child an expensive doll with a set of clothes. But any mother can easily sew it herself, which her daughter loves so much! And you don’t need to know the basics of cutting and sewing. This dress has a very simple cut. These clothes can be sewn without a pattern. There will be no hassle with the hat either, if you follow all the instructions.

For this you will need:

  • pieces of fabric,
  • scissors,
  • threads,
  • centimeter,
  • chalk or pencil
  • and, of course, a sewing machine. Although this dress can be sewn by hand.

First you need to take measurements from the doll. We measure the width of the chest.

For dolls of this type, the proportions of the front and back vary greatly, but this is not a hindrance to our style. Chest width – 8 cm.

Measure the distance for the neckline.

Find out the distance from the shoulder to the high point of the chest so that you can make darts on the dress later.

How to sew a dress for Barbie

Take a fabric measuring approximately 16 x 16 cm. Fold it into four layers. If you are sewing a ball gown, take a longer piece.

Place 1 cm horizontally from the center and 0.5 cm downwards. Draw a neckline. Measure 7 cm horizontally from the center - these will be the sleeves. Downwards, set aside a distance equal to the width of the sleeve, approximately 4 cm. Below from the fold, set aside 5 cm horizontally. This is the width of the chest plus 1 cm for the seam. Draw as shown in the photo.

Cut along the lines.

Unfold the fabric and fold it only vertically. Deepen the neckline a little at the front.

Unfold the cut. Cut the back in the middle.

Using a zigzag stitch, sew along the edges of the sleeves, the neckline and the middle of the back. On one side of the cut along the back, fold the fabric 1 cm to the front side and sew one piece of Velcro. Do not sew the remaining center edge of the fabric yet. On the other half of the back, sew the second part of the Velcro, but on the wrong side. Now the dress is fastened at the back with an overlap.

Fold the shelf with the back and sew the sides with a half-centimeter seam, and make it a little wider at the bottom. Finish the seams with a zigzag.

Give the doll the first fitting. Put the blouse on her inside out. Mark the dart locations with a pen or chalk. Sew up the darts.

Give the doll another try-on. Since the doll’s back is much shorter than the front, you trim the back a little, leaving a 5 mm margin for the seam at the bottom of the bodice.

Press all seams.

Make a skirt blank. Take a piece of fabric 9x35 cm. Use a zigzag stitch to stitch the edges of the future skirt.

Loosen the upper thread tension on the machine. Along the edge of the upper part, lay two lines at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other.

Tie the threads on one side with knots so that they do not come undone. And on the other side, pull the lower thread, making a large gather. The top of the skirt and the bottom of the bodice should be the same length.

Pull out the bottom thread from the second line as well. Secure them together. Do not cut them until you have sewn the skirt and bodice.

Fold both parts of the dress and machine stitch with a 5 mm seam.

Make sure that the folds on the skirt lie evenly and are not jammed by the stitching. Try the dress on the doll. If everything turned out fine, finish the seam with a zigzag.

Now complete the clasp on the dress. Fold the edge of the fabric in the same way as at the top. Sew the second Velcro at the waist. Do not fold the fabric on the other side of the fastener. Sew stitches from the neckline to the bottom of the dress.

The dress is ready.

How to sew a hat

Measure the circumference of the doll's head. For standard Barbie it is 10 cm. So, take a strip of fabric 4x12 cm. Fold it lengthwise. Sew along the very edge so that it does not unfold.

Make a hoop out of it, fastening the joints with a needle.

Take a piece of fabric and fold it in half, right side up. Place a strip on it.

Trace along the contour, immediately making seam allowances of 0.3 cm.

Machine stitch along the edge of the circle so that the parts do not move.

Now cut it out.

To cut out the brim of the hat, take a square piece of fabric approximately 13x13 cm. Fold it in four layers. Attach a circle, also folded, to its center.

Mark its edge. Draw the outline of the future hat, making the brim approximately 3.5 cm wide. Remove the circle and cut out the middle, but make it half a centimeter smaller.

To sew the bottom to the side, place it on top of a double strip of fabric, leaving a small tail for the side seam.

Sew by machine. Try it on. If everything is in order, then process the seam with a zigzag. Stitch the sides of the strip.

Iron it. All that remains is to dress up Barbie in some new clothes.

Now you know how to sew a dress for Barbie. Thanks to Alina Stanislavovna for the master class.

We also have a sewing master class:

And just today Angelina Tikhonova sent photos of her dresses for Barbie:

By the way, a dress for Barbie can not only be sewn, but also knitted, look how beautiful it is:

And we knitted a summer sundress for Barbie (crocheted bodice, knitted skirt).

More interesting:

See also:

How to sew a tutu skirt
A master class on how to sew a tutu skirt will be useful not only for a doll, but also for a girl’s costume in the morning...

Simple clothes for dolls
You have already seen what beauty Irina Ma sews for her favorites. But even if you don't have enough yet...

It's no secret that every woman, even an adult, loves to play with dolls in her heart. The number of their dresses, accessories, underwear and shoes can be the envy of the most famous actresses and singers. And mothers and daughters still sit side by side and create beautiful, festive or everyday outfits for dolls and baby dolls.

It is clear that dolls are different from dolls. There are plump, well-fed baby dolls that you just want to dress up in cozy pants and a hat. Stylish and long-legged beauties need fashionable and stylish clothes.

Interior dolls in general are not intended for games, they are worn just like that - for beauty and to suit the mood. There are special kits for sewing dolls, if you suddenly want to create them yourself.

Sewing clothes for a doll is easy and simple because:

  • You don’t need a lot of fabric; you can get by with scraps and trimmings;
  • clothing can be adjusted “on site”;
  • it's exciting and interesting.

But there is also Some nuances to consider:

  • small sizes of small parts that are difficult to hem, cut and fit;
  • The dolls’ elbows and knees are not very mobile, which means that the clothes should open like a robe or stretch when put on.

How to sew winter clothes for Baby Bon dolls (for boys and girls)

Baby Bon is a doll that not only looks like a baby, it is quite realistic and very cute. This is such a big baby doll with plump legs and arms, for which sewing clothes is a pleasure. And, as for real babies, you can sew clothes for a small doll or baby doll from soft and elastic fabric. Clothes should have a minimum of hard details, but be equipped with ruffles, ties and appliqués.

A children's coat with a hood can be sewn from knitwear or fleece. The pattern given is universal, you just need to choose the color of the fabric. If you have not previously wondered how to learn to sew, then you should not choose a fabric that is difficult to work with. For example, thin knitwear will spin and show small arrows, while satin fabric constantly requires edge processing on an overlocker.

You will need:

  • a piece of fabric;
  • adhesive fabric;
  • threads; pins;
  • chalk or simple pencil;
  • sewing machine or needles for hand stitching parts.

Operating procedure:

  • lay out the patterns on the fabric;
  • facings, pockets and other decorative details can be cut from another fabric;
  • Trace the pattern with chalk, add seam allowances and cut out;
  • sweep away individual parts of the coat, try it on the doll, and only after that you can sew everything together on a machine;
  • If you are an experienced seamstress, you can sew in a zipper, but for beginners, ties or hooks are quite suitable.

Small parts can curl around the edge; to do this, they need to be placed on adhesive fabric. Cut out the same fragment onto the adhesive, place it on the fabric with the adhesive side and press with a hot iron.

Using the same principle, you can sew a jumpsuit. Many options for finishes, additional details and applications will help you diversify the wardrobe of your favorite toy.

Many mothers who are interested in knitting enjoy knitting small things for dolls. To prevent your sweater or coat from stretching and losing its shape, learn how to sew knitted parts.

How to sew clothes for Barbie dolls from socks

A Barbie doll is every girl's dream, and of course, such a beauty deserves many outfits. But the doll’s arms and legs are quite thin, and sewing clothes from non-elastic fabrics for such parameters is quite difficult. And in this case, as in many others, knitted socks come to the rescue.

Having cut off several unnecessary parts from the sock and fastened them manually with a simple chain stitch, you will get a lot of outfits, ranging from tights and small hats to numerous dresses and even knitted coats.

Here, for example, are several sweater patterns for a Barbie doll.

And this way you can sew a knitted dress.

And if you are thinking about additional accessories for your favorite doll, then find out how to sew a bag with your own hands.

Monster High is a doll with character. She will not allow you to wear a simple dress without colorful decor or outstanding details. Each of her outfits is dedicated to some event and must be different from others. Fabrics for clothes should be colorful, bright and shiny. Knitwear is unlikely to be suitable, but all lurex or lace additions will suit the taste of these capricious dolls.

You will have to work hard on their outfits and take into account that dresses with corsets do not stretch, and it is best to use Velcro as a fastener, which will connect the dress at the back.

  • several pieces of bright contrasting fabric;
  • pins, needles, threads, Velcro;
  • ribbons and lace for decoration.

Operating procedure:

  • transfer the pattern details onto the fabric and baste them for fitting;
  • machine sew the front seams;
  • On the back of the skirt, sew a machine seam up to half the length, and attach Velcro to the corset.

looks good due to finishing. Decorate the outfit with ribbons and lace.

Every princess should have bright, long ball gowns decorated with lace and bright ribbons. You’ve probably already been interested, so you not only already have the skills to do the job, but you probably still have scraps of material left over. It is from them that you can make several models of dresses and skirts.

The tulle practically does not fray along the edge, and all possible problems can be solved with the help of a lighter.

For the skirt you will need a small strip of fabric that can be sewn in a circle and gathered with an elastic waistband. You don't even need to lay the fabric in several layers. One or two will be enough.

If you still don’t want to stop at very simple outfits, then you can practice on a more complex model with a corset decorated with ribbons and flowers.

Interior dolls are designed to decorate the home, but they all have their own character and are great fashionistas. Big Legs are designer dolls, extremely cute, homemade and original. It’s not difficult to sew clothes for them, but it requires a special mood. Fabrics should be chosen with small floral patterns or polka dots, and be sure to use decorative elements.

But the most noticeable part of such dolls are the legs, and it is the shoes that receive special attention. Small pieces of skin leftovers from old bags or wallets, felt scraps and old jeans– everything can be turned into cute shoes for your favorite doll.

How to cut out, decorate and sew small sneakers from a small piece of denim can be seen in the diagram.


  • An elegant dress in which your favorite doll will go to the ball - this is exactly what all girls dream of. The author of the video tells how to quickly sew elegant clothes for a doll from bright cotton fabric.

  • A video for beginner craftswomen on how to sew clothes for dolls, practically without using a needle and thread. The right choice of fabric that will not fray at the edges, and a few accessories, and a fashionable dress is ready.

  • Both dolls and little children definitely need socks, panties and T-shirts. -Sewing from old things - from knitwear will help you create not only clothes for dolls, but also many things useful around the house.

What are your dolls' favorite clothes? Write to us about your achievements in terms of small outfits and shoes, we will be grateful to you.

Every girl dreams of dolls and beautiful outfits for them. Girls play with dolls, imagining that they are little princesses who go to the ball, go on visits, and have receptions. On the Internet we often see photos of clothes for dolls, their variety. Many girls, seeing all this beauty, simply begin to demand that their parents buy them new outfits for their dolls.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to purchase seasonal outfits for toys at the first request of their daughters. That is why you can try to sew outfits for dolls.

Necessary materials for sewing

In order to sew dresses for dolls you will need:

  • sewing supplies (needles, scissors, threads);
  • scraps of fabric or small pieces;
  • pattern of clothes for dolls.

If you have no sewing experience, try first on easier-to-sew models - these could be simple straight dresses, simple skirts and tops. Don't forget that dolls, like people, can have different sizes and heights.

First, determine what exactly you want to sew for your doll, find a pattern for the outfit you need, and make a model. You can initially sew a sample outfit from calico and try it on the model. This way you can understand whether you will sew what you want or not.

If you still doubt whether you should take on this venture, we recommend that you read the step-by-step instructions on how to sew clothes for a doll.

What fabrics are preferable for sewing doll clothes? Natural fabrics are considered ideal - cotton, linen or wool. Remember that the thinner the fabric, the better the stitching will be. The seams on such products will be thinner, the cut will be neat.

What to do if you don’t have sewing patterns at hand? How to sew clothes for a doll? Perhaps you can't find a suitable pattern on the Internet? Here are a couple of tips on how you can do without ready-made patterns.

In order to sew a dress at the waist for a small doll, you can wrap the body of the selected doll with ordinary baking foil (every housewife has such foil).

Directly along the figure, draw horizontal lines along the sides, back and chest with a pen. Using manicure scissors, you need to cut the foil along the lines and divide it according to the drawn details. Trace the resulting patterns on paper.

To sew trousers or leggings, wrap the doll's legs with foil. Draw lines along the side, inside, front and back seams. Cut the foil from top to bottom. Carefully transfer the details onto paper.

To sew a full skirt, you just need to cut a small strip of fabric and sew it. Gather directly at the waist.

To sew clothes for a doll with sleeves, use foil again. Draw all the lines on the doll. Carefully cut and transfer the resulting parts onto paper.

How to sew ready-made patterns?

You can watch a master class on how to sew clothes for a doll or read information on the Internet. Once you've made your patterns and transferred them to paper (surely you remembered to leave a half-inch seam allowance on each side?), you can cut them out of the fabric.

If you have a sewing machine at home and you know how to sew on it, great! Then sewing clothes for dolls will go much faster and with even stitches. If you don’t have a machine at home, you can sew the parts by hand.

The fabric pattern must be folded with the right side facing inward before sewing. The vertical seams are sewn first. Then comes the turn of the horizontal ones.

If you are sewing a full dress, first sew the bodice and sew the skirt separately. Only then can you connect them together.

If your product has sleeves, start sewing the shoulders first, then you can start sewing on the sleeves. At the very end you can start working on the side seams.

Knowing the basic basics of cutting and sewing, you can learn how to create entire exclusive collections of outfits for your dolls.

Do not forget to pay special attention not only to the texture, but also to the color of the selected fabrics. Try to carefully draw and think through your entire wardrobe down to the smallest detail in advance.

Almost every little girl loves to play with dolls and, of course, dress them up in different outfits. This master class on sewing a fluffy dress for a Barbie doll will help you please your princess. The dress that is proposed to be sewn consists of a top and a sun-type skirt, as well as a fluffy petticoat.

Dress for a doll with dimensions: 9 cm waist, 13 cm hips, 12.5 cm chest. The length of the dress will be about 18 cm from the top of the bodice to the bottom edge, it will be just below the knee. To do this you will need:

1. 40 cm by 24 cm tulle;
2. 25x30 cm crystalline or satin;
3. 2 cm Velcro;
4. 1 meter of bias tape;
5. elastic thread for a petticoat;
6. beads and ribbons for decoration;
7. threads according to the color of the material;
8. Velcro.

We take tulle, fold it in half, cut it, we get two strips 12 cm wide and 20 cm long.

We grind the edges of the tulle.

We trim the edge of the petticoat with bias tape; it holds its shape well. Before stitching, you can baste the binding so that it does not slip out when sewing, and the edge turns out neat.

Now, using an elastic thread, we make a fine assembly of the tulle. We tighten the elastic band - we get a fluffy petticoat.

Let's start sewing the top part of the dress. Making patterns for dolls is quite difficult, so we proceed as follows. We apply a 5 cm wide piece of crystalline to the doll’s bodice and secure the undercuts on the chest and back with pins.

Let's outline our workpiece. We wrap the edges of the two darts in the front on the chest and on the back, taking into account the overlap for Velcro. We will singe the lower edges of the bodice.

Let's sew all the seams and sew on Velcro. It's rare to find very thin Velcro, so we'll just cut the one we have. Instead of Velcro, you can use buttons.

On a larger piece of crystalline, draw a circle with soap about 28 cm in diameter and cut it out. Don't draw by hand, use a compass or centimeter.

We also cut out a circle in the center so that the doll can pass through. And we singe the edges, as the crystalline and satin are crumbling. The scorched edge turns out neat, so you can leave it without finishing. The dress will be airy and the edge will not be heavy.

We will make the belt from bias tape, baste it all together and stitch it down.

We decorate the belt with beads and satin ribbon. We alternate small beads with sticks. Sew on using thin fishing line. We sew the tape to the belt with small overlaps. Also, you could leave the edges of the ribbon long and make a bow at the back.

And here is the result of all the work. You can also, if there is material left, make a hat!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

The time spent is worth it! You can remember yourself as a child and make your childhood dreams come true with your daughter. This activity will bring joy to everyone.

Thanks everyone! Good luck with everything!

If a little princess doesn’t gouge out dolls’ eyes and doesn’t break their legs, but dresses them up in colored rags, tries to make them the most beautiful blouse and fluffy wedding dress with her own hands, she will grow up to be a wonderful, caring, loving mother.

Moms who understand how to sew a dress for a doll know that they come in varying complexity. Some models are easy for a five-year-old baby to use.

Little Queen

For this little pink dress, mom needs to make a simple pattern, which is a rectangle with a hole in the middle for the head. It’s so simple that after watching you do it once, your little one will be able to make a wardrobe for all her toys.

  • On the sides you can make two buttons and air loops with your own hands. Let the young dressmaker practice the fine motor skills of her little fingers.

  • Blouses, skirts, ponchos made from small scraps of knitwear, gloves and clothing parts can be used by children's imagination to create the latest fashionable models.

  • A tight dress made from a sock or golf can be obtained after cutting off the trace from it. The golf elastic will serve as a collar.

In order to make a new thing for a doll with our own hands, we will need fabric, a needle, thread, and a sewing machine.

  • We take four sizes: waist circumference, chest circumference, bodice length and skirt length. For the top of the dress, cut out a rectangle with sides equal to the length of the bodice and a width equal to the volume of the chest, adding 0.5 cm on all sides.

  • We cut out a rectangle for the skirt with a side equal to the length and a width approximately equal to three times the waist volume or more if you want a full dress, also adding on the seams.

  • We sew two pieces of fabric around the perimeter with a zigzag seam. We turn up the edge of the top and bottom of the dress by 0.5 cm. We attach the bodice to the doll and outline the darts.

  • We stitch them on the machine. Let's try it on.

  • Now you need to make your own skirt. Using a basting stitch, pull the top of the fabric down to your waist size.

  • Secure the waist to the skirt with pins and stitch.

  • Place the pieces right sides together, secure with pins and stitch.

  • Sew two strips of Velcro and sew the bottom of the skirt.
  • This is how the dress turned out. This universal style will allow you to make many different models with your own hands: a narrow little black dress from Coco Chanel, and a lush wedding dress for the bride.

Now you know how to sew a floor-length dress for a doll. It is enough to increase the length and width of the skirt. After the main parts are cut and sewn, you can come up with various additions. For example:

  • lace braid along the very edge of the hem;
  • twisted gold belt at the waist;
  • fur boa on the shoulders;
  • bows on the skirt;
  • bat sleeves, etc.

Sometimes the dolls look like real babies. You can make clothes for them with your own hands in the same way as for a child. Dress patterns are easy to find online. I'll tell you how to sew an original universal cap.

  1. Measure a semicircle from temple to temple across the crown. Divide the result in half. This will be the length of the strip. Measure the circumference of your face - this will be its width.
  2. Cut a strip of fabric, adding 2 cm in length.
  3. Fold the fabric lengthwise on both sides twice and stitch.
  4. Now you need to make your own ruffles. Sew them along the very edge of one side.
  5. Insert the ribbons on both folded sides using a pin and pull tightly on the side where the ruffles are not sewn. That's it, the cap is ready.

This headdress is universal because it will fit any head size. You just need to loosen or tighten the ribbon near your face.