Report on money spent in kindergarten. Sample report on money spent. How much and when do we collect

The parent committee has no such responsibilities. If the manager demands such a report, then something is wrong here. And it is quite possible that we are not talking about voluntarily contributing money.

He transfers all the money collected by the parent committee to the institution. In fact, we are talking about money collected under a donation agreement.

The donation agreement specifies the rights and obligations of the parties and indicates the characteristics of the things transferred to the donee. The purpose of the gift transfer must be indicated, otherwise the transaction is considered an ordinary donation (clause 3 of Article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The agreement may also determine the procedure for transferring the gift, methods for resolving controversial issues and the form of the report provided by the donee. The report indicates the transactions performed with the property transferred to it.

The parent committee, as a rule, has minutes of meetings in this regard, then a donation agreement is concluded with the institution and the money must be used for certain purposes specified in the agreement. Quite the opposite - it is the institution, represented by the head, that is obliged, at the request of the parent committee, to provide information on where this or that amount went.

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on March 7, 2018) “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Art. 30.35

"Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated January 26, 1996 N 14-FZ (as amended on May 23, 2018)

""Article 582. Donations

""1. A donation is the donation of a thing or right for generally beneficial purposes. Donations can be made to citizens, medical, educational organizations, social service organizations and other similar organizations, charitable and scientific organizations, foundations, museums and other cultural institutions, public and religious organizations, other non-profit organizations in accordance with the law, as well as to the state and other entities civil law specified in Article 124 of this Code.

""2. No one's permission or consent is required to accept a donation.

""3. The donation of property to a citizen must be, and to legal entities may be conditional on the donor using this property for a specific purpose. In the absence of such a condition, the donation of property to a citizen is considered an ordinary donation, and in other cases the donated property is used by the donee in accordance with the purpose of the property.

""A legal entity accepting a donation, for the use of which a specific purpose has been established, must keep separate records of all transactions involving the use of the donated property.

4. Unless a different procedure is established by law, in cases where the use of donated property in accordance with the purpose specified by the donor becomes impossible due to changed circumstances, it can be used for another purpose only with the consent of the donor, and in the event of the death of the citizen-donor or the liquidation of a legal entity person - donor by court decision.

5. The use of donated property not in accordance with the purpose specified by the donor or a change in this purpose in violation of the rules provided for in paragraph 4 of this article gives the right to the donor, his heirs or another legal successor to demand cancellation of the donation.

6. Articles 578 and 581 of this Code do not apply to donations.

14.01.19 44 991 35

And I manage the money of 25 families

For the second year in a row, I am in charge of our class budget. We collect two hundred rubles a month from a child and do not deny ourselves anything.

I will tell you how we plan, take into account and spend parental money. My article will be useful if you are just organizing a parent committee or don’t understand why you should give money in the classroom at all.

What is a parent committee

The Parent Committee is an intermediary between the school administration, teachers and parents. The administration conveys through it the information they need, from their point of view - that money cannot be collected, that every student must carry toilet paper and soap in a briefcase, and that giving gifts to teachers is a sin. In order not to gather all the parents, they ask two or three activists from each class to come and report all the news. The activists then tell the rest of the parents the news.

The teacher uses the parent committee as an assistant - to take children on an excursion, hold an event or purchase materials for lessons. Even if parents do not raise money for the class fund, a parent committee is still needed. It is more convenient and quicker for a teacher to resolve an issue with three parents than to ask the opinions of thirty fathers and mothers.

Legally, the status of parent committees is not fixed in Russian legislation. They are mentioned in several documents, but only indirectly.

Previously, the Letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR “On the standard regulations on the parent committee of a comprehensive school” was in force, but in 2016 it was declared invalid.

If parents elect at least three participants, organize a general meeting, where they decide to create a committee, draw up minutes and approve the charter, then such a committee will become a public association without forming a legal entity. But in practice I have never seen such cases.

Selected articles for parents

Everything you wanted to know about children and money is in our twice-weekly newsletter

How we created the parent committee

At our first class meeting, parents raised the question of whether we should create a class fund. We decided what was needed, so when activists were needed, I raised my hand. I wanted to figure out what the parents’ money was spent on and how much per month the class could “deny themselves nothing.” Another volunteer paired me up - that’s how we got a parent committee.

Creating a class fund is voluntary; no one can force parents to donate money. We were lucky - we didn’t have anyone who was against it. If they were found, there would be two ways.

The first is to ask the refused parents what we will do if the printer breaks down, the paper runs out, and the children are waiting for gifts for the holiday. The second is to collect money and know that not all parents will donate. But there is a delicate question with gifts - whether to buy them for children of parents who did not donate money, or to remove this expense item altogether. Everything here is decided by discussion.

Although the teacher helped us create a parent committee, she distanced herself from the class fund. Typically, teachers prefer not to touch on the money issue, so as not to provoke an unnecessary check and not hear complaints about them.

The state has an unambiguous position on this matter - it is against illegal monetary collections and allows only voluntary donations to an educational organization to a bank account.

How much and when do we collect

There are different ways to collect money: regular - every month or once a year, and depending on the situation - from time to time. We chose the first one - we determined a fixed amount and rent it out every month. I like this method and here's why.

You can plan a budget for the holidays. The main load on the class budget falls from September to March 8. We purchase gifts for Teacher's Day, New Year, February 23 and March 8. After this, costs drop: only small things like toilet paper, soap, water or cartridge refills are required. Even if the printer breaks down at the end of the year, we are sure that we will have enough to repair it.

You can optimize your spending. Last year the teacher needed oranges and lemons for experiments in class. There are 26 people in the class - even if everyone brings one, it will be too many. We specified the required quantity, bought 4 oranges and 4 lemons for everyone and spent 230 R - 8.85 R per person. If we collected from case to case, then everyone would hand over 8.85 R or buy it on their own.

Allows everyone to choose their own pace of depositing money. According to our system, some parents hand over the entire amount at once until the end of the year, “so that no one else pulls.” Others find it convenient to donate a little each month. We are lucky - most of our parents donate the entire amount at once, so our system works without failures.

Intuitively, we settled on the amount of 200 rubles per month per child. If there are two children from the same family in the class - 300 rubles for both. This amount is not burdensome for the budget of most families, so not a single parent refused to donate money. We decided that if it wasn’t enough, we’d review it and raise it. But we made the right decision, and there was enough for everything.

How we keep records

I try to organize everything, so I came up with several forms of accounting.

Arrival form. We agreed with the parents to donate two hundred rubles a month, so I created a table and next to the child’s last name I put “200” for the month for which the parent donated money. If they rent out a thousand at once, I split the amount over five months. This way I always know who paid, how much and for what month.

I printed this form and fill it out by hand because I take it to meetings where parents give money in cash. It turns out careless, but I don’t waste time transferring data from pieces of paper and I’m not afraid of losing anything.

Expense form. In this form, I write down when and what I spent the money on, as well as the amount. If you keep it in Excel, you can calculate the total amount of expenses automatically.

Envelope for checks. I made an envelope and put all the checks in it so they don’t get lost. If any of the parents wants to study them, I am ready to present them at any time.

What do we spend class money on?

I divided all expenses for the past year into several categories - this makes it easier to see similar expenses and not get lost in the numbers.

Organizational moments. These are expenses for things that the school does not have money for, but they are needed: they make the teacher’s work easier and help children get used to school faster. For example, we purchased file binders and binders to keep all the children's records organized, updated an old sign on the classroom door, repaired and refilled the printer, and purchased paper. We also replenished the stock of pencils and pens: children often worry about a pen or pencil forgotten at home. Now the teacher gives them out as needed.

Expenses for the year on organizational events - 10,840 RUR

Segregator folders

3250 R

Printer repair and refilling

2100 R


1600 R

Printing documents

970 R

Student personal cards

700 R

Refilling the cartridge

530 R

400 R


360 R

Door sign

300 R

Ream of paper

250 R

Simple pencils

170 R

Ballpoint pens

130 R

80 R

Household needs. Here I include things necessary for the functioning of the class: water, printer costs and materials for the lesson. Although the school management is against any fees, the following points remain unclear:

  1. Who buys stickers for children in first grade? Since the teacher does not give grades in the first grade, he puts stickers in the student’s notebook instead of grades. The school does not allocate money for them, and the teacher will go broke if he buys them with his own money.
  2. Is it convenient for each child to carry their own toilet paper and soap in their briefcase or keep them in a small cabinet? Sometimes in such a locker children also store their physical education uniform, a towel, a change of shoes, and in some classes, outerwear. There is no toilet paper in school toilets or there is too little toilet paper.
  3. Who runs the printer on which the teacher prints out tests and assignments for the children?

Expenses for the year for household needs - 4262 R

Water for the classroom

1120 R

Diary stickers

832 R

Wet wipes

355 R

Toilet paper

340 R

Liquid soap

260 R

Self-adhesive bookmarks

250 R

245 R

Fruits for experiments for a lesson on the world around us

230 R


180 R

Printing photos on the “honor board”

140 R

85 R

Opening limiters for windows

80 R

75 R

Garbage bags

70 R

Holidays and gifts for children. We buy gifts and organize holidays so that children go to school with interest. In addition to the general holidays - New Year, February 23 and March 8 - we also celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 19. On this day, we give children a sweet gift and give them templates so that they can write a letter to Santa Claus. Last year there were two more unscheduled holidays - “Initiation into first-graders” and “Farewell to the ABC.”

Expenses for the year on holidays and gifts - 16,269 RUR

New Year's gifts5980 R
Gifts for children on February 23 and March 8, toys4645 R
Decorations made from balloons for the holiday “Initiation into first graders”1100 R
Chocolate bars for February 231040 R
Donuts on March 8972 R
Juice in individual packages for March 8650 R
First grade diplomas468 R
Candy for Valentine's Day Nicholas430 R
Templates for letters to Santa Claus416 R
Candies for the holiday “Initiation into first graders”360 R
Diplomas for the holiday “Farewell to the ABC”208 R

New Year's gifts

5980 R

4645 R

Decorations made from balloons for the holiday “Initiation into first graders”

1100 R

1040 R

972 R

650 R

First grade diplomas

468 R

Candy for Valentine's Day Nicholas

430 R

Templates for letters to Santa Claus

416 R

Candies for the holiday “Initiation into first graders”

360 R

Diplomas for the holiday “Farewell to the ABC”

208 R

Gifts for the teacher. We created a class fund to spend on children's needs. In elementary school, the teacher pays a lot of attention to our children, so I also try to please him. For us, this is also a way of feedback - to show how grateful we are and appreciate the work of the teacher. In addition to the main teacher from the second grade, we buy gifts for the holidays for English teachers. We do not buy gifts for the school administration, canteen staff, nurse and class secretary.

We select a useful or tasty gift for the teacher. We do not ask strangers or parents for advice, but try to find out the teacher’s opinion through friends or acquaintances. We were lucky, one of the mothers in our class used to work at the school, so she asked our teacher about her preferences in a friendly way. So we bought tea and coffee for Teacher's Day and festive decorations for the house for the New Year.

This year they didn’t repeat themselves and gave a house flower and a 16 GB flash drive for Teacher’s Day - the teacher loves indoor plants, and she needs a small flash drive for work.

We try not to give away personal items, such as certificates to cosmetics stores, books or tickets to events. It’s difficult to guess a teacher’s taste in books or events, but a certificate ties a person to a specific store.

If we run out of gift ideas, we’ll give you three thousand rubles. This way there is a greater chance that the gift will bring joy or go to a useful cause.

Expenses for the year on gifts for the teacher - 9350 RUR

Birthday: gift

3000 R

Teacher's Day: tea, coffee and flowers

2000 R

New Year: home decoration

1100 R

2000 R

700 R

500 R

50 R

Other expenses. Part of these expenses is related to the organizational activities of the school - a meeting of veterans or congratulations to graduates. There are no funds allocated for this, and it is inconvenient to leave veterans or graduates without gifts, so we buy them at the expense of the fund.

Unexpected expenses still happen. For example, last year we had an on-site pizza baking workshop. When the pizza was baked, it turned out that drinks were not included in the price and were sold at an additional cost. The children had already drunk their water, but not everyone had the opportunity to buy new water.

We had two options. The first is to offer to buy water for children themselves, and if the child does not have money, pay for it and then collect it from the parents. But thanks to the class fund, we went a different route and ordered four packs of juice for everyone. Perhaps not everyone was tormented by acute thirst, but everyone had the opportunity to drink - someone took one sip, and someone drank for a neighbor.

Unplanned expenses for the year - 3818 R

Last bell gifts for eleventh graders

800 R

Ticket to the entertainment center for the teacher as an accompanying person (children went with free tickets)

350 R

150 R

In total, we spent 44,539 RUR in a year, and collected 45,900 RUR for the class fund. With the remaining difference - 1361 R - we bought two packs of paper, soap, test books for the new school year and hired a cleaner to clean three windows in the classroom.

RUR 44,539

we spent in a year

I don’t know how it will turn out this year, since expenses change from year to year. This year we no longer need segregating folders, a sign for the office, or stickers, but we did need workbooks in English. I think that we will spend about the same amount on gifts for children and teachers, but new unforeseen expenses are also possible.

Total budget in 2017

3818 R

Balance as of May 2017

1361 R

Where and how do we buy

My colleague on the parent committee and I don’t specifically look for discounts and low prices - we buy where it’s more convenient and closer, but if we find out about discounts, we won’t be lazy and go. What is needed frequently - toilet paper, garbage bags and wet wipes for class - I buy along with my family's shopping at a chain supermarket. I try to make purchases for the class with a separate check, so that later I do not have to deduct the amount for the report from family purchases.

We find out from the teacher what is needed for the class, what is out of stock and needs to be purchased. Through experience, I realized: if the teacher says that there is still a whole pack of paper, then it’s time to buy. Teachers have many responsibilities, so they only call when everything is over.

We don’t make large reserves - there is nowhere to store them: the cabinets in the classroom are occupied by books, manuals, children’s things and stationery for labor lessons.

I came to the conclusion that I only need to consult about additional expenses. Otherwise, you can discuss for a long time in the chat and come to nothing. If the parent committee is trusted with the class budget, then the choice of gifts is also trusted.

We invite parents to congratulate the teacher and try not to forget to post photos of gifts in the chat. If they offer gift ideas, we consider them, but they are rare. These are the questions I recommend putting up for voting or discussion in the general class chat.

Unforeseen expenses. In the middle of the year, our class moved to a new office. Spring was beginning and the sun was shining straight into the children’s eyes, so we decided to order blinds. In the chat I wrote the price and my review of the company. I ordered blinds for my home there and was pleased: they did it well, and the price was average for the market. She suggested making other suggestions, if any, and writing immediately to the point, with a specific phone number where you can call and invite a surveyor. This helped me avoid answers in the style of “I did it to my friends there, it turned out inexpensively.”

3818 R

our unplanned expenses in 2017

Large purchases. We discussed for a long time whether it was worth ordering water for the class. The dispute flared up in earnest. Some argued that you should not drink water from a cooler because it is harmful. Others were unhappy that children who brought water with them shared it with others and thus passed on germs to them. In the end, we decided that it was worth ordering water after all.

Present. I usually buy gifts myself, but I brought up New Year’s gifts for children for discussion due to the size of the purchase and the significant budget. I chose from two gifts from the same company - large and medium. According to preliminary calculations, the money from the class fund was enough for the average student, but I thought that such a gift would seem small to the parents. For a big gift, you would need to collect another hundred rubles. In the end, the majority voted for the middle one.

What do we collect for separately?

Classroom improvements and renovations. In the last couple of years, our school has received money for renovations in the classrooms - furniture and linoleum have been updated, but all work and purchases go through a competition. We didn’t wait for the competition and bought blinds for 14,700 RUR. We paid 600 RUR for them in March, and spent the rest on coat hooks.

Excursions, trips to the theater, circus and other extracurricular activities. The teacher offers a trip, and those interested write in the chat. When the number of children is known, we determine the amount per child and collect money. As a rule, we indicate the date by which the entire amount must be paid, and then we buy tickets and order transport.

Last year we went on two excursions to other cities, went to the circus and twice to the theater. If the child participated in all activities, the parents spent RUB 4,100 on extracurricular activities.

Video shooting. We ordered professional video filming for the “Initiation into First-Graders” holiday. The initiator was a mother not from the parent committee, which made me very happy. I try to support any initiatives of parents.

Over the past year, the parents of our class spent 2400 RUR for the child's year at school - 1800 RUR for the class fund and 600 RUR for the purchase of blinds. If someone went on excursions and bought video footage, it turned out to be more expensive.

If you don't give money

Whether or not to hand over money is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But before you give up, think about this. Three thousand rubles for a gift for a teacher - is it a lot or a little? Most people try on the entire amount. Am I ready to spend three thousand on a gift for a relative or what would I buy for myself with this money? This is the wrong approach.

It is correct to take and divide the amount by the number of people who donated money. In our case, this is 25 parents, 120 R each. This is the amount that the parent spent on congratulating the teacher. If there was no class fund and we didn’t buy a gift together, coming up with a gift for 120 R would be problematic.

Let me give you another example. Repairing the printer cost us 2100 RUR, 84 RUR per person. This is exactly how much each parent paid so that the teacher could quickly print out the necessary materials for children to study.

All these expenses are needed for only one thing - to increase the level of comfort of children and teachers. Undoubtedly, the class will survive without them: the world will not turn upside down and the educational process will not be disrupted. The teacher will not print out additional assignments, but will strictly follow the textbook. Everyone will buy a gift for a child from Santa Claus himself. But I would like for children in the 21st century to no longer carry soap and toilet paper in their briefcases.

How to manage a class budget without stress

  1. Determine a fixed amount per month so that it is not burdensome for parents.
  2. Ask for rent six months or a year in advance. As a rule, most parents have this opportunity.
  3. Involve other parents if the situation requires. If you don’t have time, ask for help and don’t be shy to ask.
  4. Encourage other parents to be active and support all ideas. Just set the condition that the one who proposed will implement the proposal.
  5. Do not consult in the chat on every issue, but discuss only important and large purchases.
Collected in a yearRUB 45,900
Holidays and gifts for children

It is no secret that any kindergarten has its own parent committee. This is an active group of parents that helps teachers organize a comfortable stay for their children in kindergarten.
Moms and dads who have just brought their child to kindergarten do not yet know how and why a parent committee is created, how many people are on it, how functions are distributed between parents, how and why money is collected from parents.

The responsibilities of the parent committee are so broad that before taking part in this matter, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

What does the parent committee do in kindergarten?

At first glance, it seems that the parent committee collects money from parents and buys gifts for children and teachers for the holidays; in fact, active parents do much more. Here are just some of the main tasks and responsibilities of the parent committee:

They are interested in what children need in kindergarten, in addition to what the kindergarten itself has already acquired.

It often happens that in addition to compulsory classes, teachers conduct various projects with children outside the program, organize demonstration lessons, and do modeling and drawing. State funds are not allocated to such classes, so parents themselves buy plasticine, pencils and other equipment for classes.

They initiate celebrations and events for children, and purchase necessary gifts and paraphernalia.

Often, in order to quickly introduce children to each other and help establish a friendly atmosphere in the group, parents decide to give small birthday gifts to each child. Parents offer to celebrate children's holidays and, accordingly, buy gifts for each child and collect money from parents.

They help resolve minor issues that concern children.

Draw up a spending plan and a report on the funds spent.

How is the parent committee selected in kindergarten?

The parent committee is elected at the first meeting in the kindergarten. Usually it includes from 3 to 6 active parents who distribute responsibilities among themselves.
The question of choosing a parent committee is raised by the teacher. Those who decide to participate in the life of the kindergarten, children and the group as a whole are elected to the committee. The choice of active parents in the group is decided by general voting.
This public work is carried out on a voluntary basis and is not paid, but not everyone is ready to devote their time to the benefit of the kindergarten, so parents often do not want to participate in the parent committee.

How to organize the work of the parent committee?

If you have been chosen as a participant or chairman of the parent committee, then you need to organize its work clearly and systematically. So that other parents understand that you are a responsible and obligatory person, immediately take control of communication with moms, dads and teachers, get to know the head of the school better and keep abreast of the latest news from the kindergarten.

From the first day, ask the teachers for a list of the entire group with the parents’ phone numbers. It would be great if your contact details were placed in the information corner so that parents could contact you.

As soon as the phones are given to you, create a parent group on Viber or WhatsApp. These social networks are very convenient for mass mailing and discussion of issues related to children.

Useful advice! Create 2 groups - one with parents and educators, the second without educators. In a group without teachers, it is convenient to discuss questions about gifts for Preschool Worker's Day, March 8, New Year and others. Ask your parents to rename their name on the social network to their real First and Last Name to help you identify with your interlocutors.

If at the parent meeting it was decided that each child would be given a small present for their birthday, then the birth dates of all the pupils in the group should be clarified.

Discuss with the teacher what needs to be bought for the group, as well as plans and tasks for the next six months. Based on this, draw up a work plan for this period.

How much money to raise for the kindergarten group fund?

The parent who is responsible for collecting money for the kindergarten group fund is called the “treasurer” or “accountant.” Usually this is a mother who has appropriate education or experience in fundraising. This is the work that PTA members usually avoid because it is directly related to communication between parents. It is often found that parents are against any spending or accuse the “treasurer” of wasting public funds. To prevent this from happening, clearly define how you will collect money and keep records.
  • It is better to collect money on a card, so you and other parents will have confirmation of the transfer and its amount. Parents can hand over cash in the morning or evening, or at meetings.
  • Try not to pass money through children or caregivers.
  • Ask your parents to hand over the money in a signed envelope, so you won’t forget who it’s from.
  • If your parents transfer money through someone, then ask them to notify you about this via SMS or call.

How do you know how much money to raise for a kindergarten group fund?

To do this, you need to draw up a work plan for the year or the next 6 months. Once you determine what expenses you will have, you can create a list of expenses. If at the meeting the parents decided that they need to buy gifts for the children, then decide on the amount.

Here is a list of approximate expenses for a year in kindergarten:

Teacher's Day- September 27 - 3 gifts (to teachers and nanny)
Average costs from 1000 rubles to 2000 rubles per person

New Year- December 31 - 3 gifts (for teachers and nanny) + gifts for children if desired
Average costs are 500-1000 rubles for preschool employees + 50-300 rubles for each child

Defender of the Fatherland Day- February 23 - gifts for boys in the group
Average costs 50-300 rubles for each boy

Women's Day- March 8 - gifts for teachers and nanny (3 pcs) + gifts for girls in the group
Average costs are 700-1500 rubles for preschool employees + 50-300 rubles for each child

Birthdays of teachers and nannies- 3 gifts
Average costs 1500-4000 rubles per person

Gifts for children's birthdays in a group
Average costs 70-300 rubles per person

These are the main expenses in kindergarten, but not all. Teachers may ask to make decorations for the group for different seasons, paint items in the outdoor area, or purchase cleaning supplies, wet wipes or paper towels for the group.

Once you decide how much money you need to collect from your parents, decide how often you will collect it. There are several options: collecting before each holiday, part of the amount for the next 3 or 6 months, or the entire amount for the year.

The more often you collect money, the easier it is to budget. Parents can ask for a refund if the child is sick or did not take part in the holiday; it will be easier for you to calculate the amount that was spent on a particular event. But you will have to regularly notify parents about a new fundraiser, which negatively affects relationships in the team.

If the money is collected for 6 months or the whole year, it is more difficult to keep records, but you won’t have to deal with the negativity of your parents, you will have a larger amount in balance, so you can maneuver with the amounts of gifts on occasion or at will.

Perhaps the average fundraising model will seem universal to you, when parents donate the entire amount for mandatory expenses for the year, and for small expenses and events - before the holiday itself.

Parents Committee: report on money spent

At each parent meeting or at the request of parents, the parent committee must provide a report on the funds spent.
To do this, keep a large notebook in a cage and write down all income and expenses in the budget.
After each purchase, you must collect receipts and paste them in this notebook. If gluing is inconvenient, collect it in a separate file, indicating in your notebook the date of purchase, name of the store and amount.
Every week, withdraw the balance on your balance so that you and your parents can know how much you can have in the near future.

Some people choose a different report format. After each purchase, a photo of the purchase, a receipt and the balance of funds are posted in the parents’ group. With such a report, it is also necessary to keep a notebook with the budget.

And also the chairman. When I told my family about this, everyone was alarmed: “What are you doing? Refuse immediately! This is such a thankless task." I thought about refusing, but then a thought flashed through my mind: if not me, then who. This is how my life began in the parent committee.


First you need to collect all your parents' phones with first and last names so that when you call you know who you can contact directly. Grandparents, if they answer the phone, it’s better not to involve them in the life of the parent committee: you don’t know what kind of relationship they have with their children and how they feel about additional costs.

One of the parents will definitely not be at the meeting. You can find out all the contacts from the head, because parents leave their coordinates when signing an agreement on enrollment in kindergarten.

The next step is to clarify what needs to be purchased for the kindergarten. Don't worry about this though: you will be informed about the kindergarten's needs in advance. Minimum program – household items, maximum program – installation of windows in a group. Based on this, you will decide how much money to collect.

As a rule, at the beginning of the year they don’t collect more than 3,500 rubles - all the parents still don’t know each other well, and many are prejudiced against donating money: they haven’t started paying yet, but here they are, the notorious extortions. Donating money is voluntary. Advise those who choose to refrain from participating financially in the group to take care of their own holiday gifts for their children.

In many kindergartens, there is a practice of agreement between parents: if you give something from the group, then no more individual gifts.

Remember: no matter what you buy, the parent committee in the kindergarten must keep the receipts - they can be asked for at any time. All money is kept by one of the members of the parent committee, he should always be available in case of unexpected expenses.

Let's take a mini-course on being a member of the parent committee to make it easier for you to navigate the possible expenses for a group and correctly distribute funds during the school year.

MAIN ITEMS OF COSTS in kindergarten

The main items of expense are: Here it is worth mentioning: in order not to call everyone before the holidays or not to hold an express meeting 3 hours before the start of the New Year, put questionnaires in the lockers with a questionnaire: what to give and to whom. You can discuss the procedure in advance at the parent meeting, ask whether parents want to participate in the purchase of gifts or completely leave this prerogative to you. As a rule, all mothers and fathers are busy people, which is why they send their children to kindergarten. And there is no need for extra running around. Most likely, you will be tasked with deciding what gifts to buy.

The first holiday on which it is customary to congratulate in kindergarten is Preschool Employee Day, September 27. Most likely, by this time you will have just started going to kindergarten and will not have met many of the teachers yet. It is enough to limit gifts for this holiday in kindergarten only to those people whom you directly know - 2 teachers, a nanny, a manager, kitchen workers:

New Year in kindergarten- a more serious holiday. The children's classes are in full swing, you already know all the teachers by sight, so the number of congratulations will noticeably increase compared to the previous holiday.

New Year in kindergarten is a holiday not only for employees, but also, of course, for children. Add to the total amount about 8,000 rubles for sweet gifts for children (400 rubles for each), and you will get TOTAL – 15,500 rubles.

On February 23 in kindergarten The parents' committee can relax; there are few men in the kindergarten - one security guard. He cares about the safety of the kids and will be pleased if you show him attention on this holiday. It can be anything, within 500 rubles - a bottle of cognac, an accessory for a car.

It is also customary to congratulate boys with cars, books or sets for children's creativity. Everything is within 200 rubles per child.

Total: 2500 rubles(if boys make up half the group)

In terms of gifts, March 8 is very similar to the New Year in kindergarten. You can try to be original and give the teachers not a food basket, but a set of beautiful wine glasses, certificates for cosmetics stores (so that they always remain beautiful).
Don’t forget about gifts for girls for 200 rubles each: the same sets for children’s creativity, books, dolls, but with a girly twist.

Total: 9,500 rubles

Kindergarten graduation– the final chord in the academic year. The children became more mature and learned to speak, dress well, and be sociable. All this thanks to the staff of the preschool institution. You can thank both teachers with gifts up to 1000 rubles (a photo book with pictures of children), a nanny, and just a bouquet of flowers for the rest of the participants in the educational process.

TOTAL: 4000 rubles.


In addition to calendar holidays, there is a separate item of expenses for which the parent committee in kindergarten raises funds. These are the birthdays of teachers and nannies. As a rule, teachers are given 1,500 rubles, and nannies - 1,000 rubles. Either they present the money in a beautiful envelope, or they ask in advance what the birthday girl would like to receive as a gift.

Total: 4,000 rubles.

Birthday gifts for children are a purely individual matter. Children will receive the main gift at home, so there is no point in trying to impress someone with expensive construction kits or railways. Unlike the New Year, on March 8 and February 23, there is only one birthday gift, but there can be many people who want to play with it. Limit yourself to symbolic souvenirs: cars or dolls for 20 rubles from Auchan, and everyone will be happy.

Total: 400 rubles.


As a result, you and I get a fairly realistic amount - about 2,000 rubles per parent, without taking into account additional costs for the needs of the group. Please also keep in mind that among the parents there may also be employees of this kindergarten: you will not buy a gift for the teacher and art teacher with his own money, so their contribution is distributed among the parents, and instead of 2,500 rubles, 2,625 rubles already accrue.

Of course, gifts may vary depending on the financial capabilities of the parents! The main thing is attention, and nowadays it can be expensive.

In general, the parent committee in kindergarten is a delicate matter, but necessary! Remember, if not you, then who?

Author Gretchen im Westen nichts Neues asked a question in the section Other household chores

And again about “school” money - do you demand a report from the parents’ committee? I'm thinking about demanding... and I got the best answer

Answer from Nyusha K[guru]
So today I was indignant - we donate to the class fund, to the school fund, and next week they demanded that we bring work gloves from home so that the children could clean the area. We're already sick of these extortions.... I don't feel sorry for the money, but it's just unpleasant that they make idiots out of us.

Reply from Arseniy Bakaev Bakaev[newbie]
Of course ask! You have every right to do this!

Reply from Komsomol pioneer)))[guru]
At the end of the year, they print it out and bring it to the last meeting. Whoever needs it, takes it and reads and counts. Claims are only based on the amount of money spent on gifts, etc.

Reply from Angel[guru]
Ask. I'm kind. committee. I keep all the receipts, I can account for every penny. But no one has yet been interested in where the money goes.

Reply from bright corner...)))[guru]
You should ask.... Ours report to the penny...)))))))))

Reply from Oriy Kulikov[guru]
Were you at the parent meeting?

Reply from Orlicka[guru]
Our committee always reports without reminders, at the next meeting. What, you didn’t have any gifts for the New Year or for March 8th? I don’t think that my family stuffed your money into their pockets...

Reply from *~*Green-Eyed Beauty10000*~*[guru]
At our meetings they always reported themselves and without demands)))

Reply from Olga S[guru]
I don't need it yet.
The Parents Committee reports itself.
No reminders.

Reply from Aksinya Nikalavna™[guru]
ahh... I was late for the meeting (I was at a graduate's house) and forgot to report. and forgot that the meeting was the last one!! !
ok, at the beginning of the year I’ll tell you where the money goes)))
Otherwise, the parents really don’t know. we fed the children at 8 and 23, and how much money was spent on gifts for the teachers... Moreover, I was ordered to buy gifts. and for New Year's too.

Reply from Yinsha[guru]
We have no monetary fees, no parent committee.))
And we don’t have a housing and communal services system either.

Reply from Velvet[guru]
We collected money only for gifts.
Coolers, various accessories, repairs were done at the expense of the school.
We had an adequate parent committee, before graduation they called everyone and asked what to give to the teachers, whether it was worth ordering a limousine or, more simply, a bus, all the amounts were outlined step by step... .
Ask if you have any doubts.

Reply from Laura Petrarkina:)[guru]
I am the parent committee. I keep records in Excel - income, expenses, balance. I bring printouts to every meeting. Last year, one mother was indignant at why they didn’t call her and tell her how much she needed to donate and for what needs. This mother’s eldest child graduated from the same gymnasium, she knows very well that every meeting is a collection of money for the holiday (with a small reserve, which constitutes the so-called class fund, spent on all sorts of needs). I expressed all this and offered to hand over the affairs to the dissatisfied mother on the same day. I also have a family, work, household chores. Those who do not consider it necessary to come to parent meetings and make collective decisions about fees and expenses should not be offended. YOU are handing over YOUR money, so you have the right to politely demand that you be provided with a report on your expenses.
P.S. I certainly thank the parents by name who donated the money on time, and read out the list of basic purchases (although some parents frown nervously, not wanting to waste precious time listening to these lists).

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: And again about “school” money - do you demand a report from the parent committee? I'm thinking of requesting...