Mistakes, strengths of a photo blog, content plan. How to blog if you are a photographer? Mistakes, strengths of a photo blog, content plan A clean lens is the most important component

Every blogger dreams of developing a project, achieving success and... finding their photographer. This is really important because the visual component of any blog is no less interesting to the audience than the content itself. Especially when it comes to an Instagram blog. We have collected ideas and tools for you that will help you achieve this goal and avoid unsuccessful collaborations.

Word of mouth

Start looking for a photographer who will take pictures for your blog through friends and acquaintances. However, do not forget that each professional has his own niche in which he works best. It is unlikely that the wedding vendor will take successful food photographs, and vice versa. Therefore, be sure to clarify this point during your search.

Social media

Social networks are an unlimited source of information and new useful contacts. Why not look there for the perfect photographer for your blog? Look for communities for photographers, look at works, negotiate cooperation. Surely you will like someone.

Professional communities

Another huge source for searches is thematic sites, forums and communities for photographers who are ready to cooperate. Of course, one of the main conditions for this is that the photographer you like lives in the same city as you. But even if this is not the case, do not despair: you can always find a way out.

Thematic post

You don't have to spend many hours searching for a photographer on your own. You can post a post on your blog where you announce a possible collaboration with you. Of course, this will only work if you already have a large and responsive audience. However, beginners should not be discouraged: you can ask your more successful colleagues for help.

Labor exchange

Another very productive option is to write an advertisement looking for a photographer for cooperation in the form of a vacancy. In this case, you will receive a lot of offers in the mail, and you will have to work hard sorting it out. But this work will certainly not be in vain.

Important details:

    Choose a photographer based not on the cost of his services, but on the quality of his work.

    Look for a photographer who works in the same subject area as you.

    The shooting style should suit your aesthetic tastes.

    Be sure to have a personal meeting with the photographer who interests you: you must find common language, otherwise cooperation will not be productive.

    Try to negotiate a barter: his services in exchange for advertising on your blog and active links under photos posted on your site. In addition, you can prepare text content for social networks and the photographer’s blog in exchange for photos for your blog.

In conclusion, we note that you, of course, can use images from photo banks for the visuals on your blog, but it is much more aesthetically pleasing to have your own unique photographs. In addition, this approach to work will take your project to a whole new level.

Lately, the word “blogger” has begun to sound like name-calling. This is understandable, because on TV any mention of bloggers is associated with the excavation of all sorts of rubbish, such as incriminating evidence or photos from social networks.

From time to time I am called a blogger, a photographer and sometimes a traveler. I don't think this is true. I'll explain why.

Not a blogger

For me, a blogger is a person for whom blogging is the main activity. A real blogger walks around and looks for topics for posts. If he goes to a store, he looks at everything through the prism of conveying information to his readers. If he goes on vacation, he plans places to visit based on potential interest in future reporting.

I don’t think that real bloggers are some kind of amateurs. The holivar between them and journalists is a stupid thing. After all, in essence, these are very similar activities, it’s just that the publications of some go to the media, while others go to their personal website. Well, the format of the materials is slightly different. Progress, what to do?

It's complete nonsense that bloggers don't have ethics like journalists. You can't put everyone under the same brush. There are corrupt journalists, just as there are moral monsters among bloggers for whom nothing is sacred.

Who do I consider a blogger? For example: varlamov.ru , adagamov.info , macos

Not a photographer

True photographers have learned the deep meaning of photography. They went from zoom lenses to prime lenses, tried shooting with medium format equipment and eventually settled on something of their own.

When a real photographer gets a comment under his photo, “What a gorgeous camera you have, since you took such a beauty!”, and he replies, “What delicious food! Is this a good frying pan? - this is a sign of a working photographer. To be honest, I was once offended by such comments too. But lately it really seems to me that you can quite easily take a high-quality photograph with an expensive camera with a normal lens. There are exceptions, but still.

Photographers worry about the shooting location, always choose “modal light,” use tripods, and wait for the right moment. They try different RAW converters, read articles about processing, in general, these are incredibly diligent people. I'm definitely not like that.

If possible, I like to photograph the sunrise, I can choose the location, but I don’t understand all the intricacies. I am 100% sure that give my camera plus the huge lens from my avatar to any person, he will take pictures in South Africa no worse than mine.

Who do I consider a real photographer? Let's say: pavel_kosenko , anton_petrus , dima_chatrov

Not a traveler

The simplest point. Travelers are Bellingshausen, Lazarev, Heyerdahl and the like. Buying tickets online, flying by plane, taking a taxi, getting to the hotel and then driving around to different places - this in no way classifies you as a traveler. Eat good word“tourist” is perhaps the most accurate one.

Who am I?

I prefer to use the following combination: entrepreneur, racer and amateur photographer.

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Today Instagram is an integral part of our lives. This is the one social network, where it is important to show yourself, and this is done with the help of photographs. However, to express yourself to the world, photos alone are not enough; you need to be able to work with them correctly.

website shows and tells how to make your shots perfect, and your own account pleasing not only to your eyes.

1. A clean lens is the most important component

To get a clear image without fingerprints or other dirt, use a soft cloth to wipe the lens. It's best if it's a microfiber cloth for your glasses rather than just your T-shirt.

2. Standard Camera application on your phone

Any photo processing application has its own camera, which has certain functions. For example, built-in image blur, frame sharpening, or even an automatic filter. All this is sometimes very inappropriate when the photo turns out great, but it becomes impossible to add your own processing. In the standard “Camera” application, all these features can be removed or added as desired, while maintaining best quality photos.

3. The more pictures, the better

When taking photos, it is worth remembering that the perfect shot is not always obtained the first time. Try different angles to get good results. It's better to choose one good photo from large quantity unsuccessful than trying to make candy out of something that didn’t work out in the first place.

4. Good lighting is the key to success

Soft daylight will make photos beautiful and interesting, and in many cases this option is much better than professional artificial lighting. You should forget about the flash right away, because the “unnaturalness” of the frame is not at all what we strive for when creating photographs.

5. Golden ratio rule

In short, the rule of thirds makes a photo visually more harmonious and complete. A regular grid will help you achieve the desired result - a built-in function that is found in any camera. With its help, you can easily determine where it is visually better to place the desired object. The main task in the end is to place the object along one of the lines of this very grid, and not in the middle of the frame.

6. Zoom

Forget about zoom once and for all. This is an evil invented to stretch a photograph, noticeably degrading its quality. To get best result, just get closer to the subject and take a close-up shot.

7. Focus point

Automatic focusing does not always catch the focus on the subject we need, and we need to remember this. The biggest drawback of this mode is that it constantly gets lost when a seemingly perfect shot is already ready. Trying different points focus, you can achieve the desired depth of the photo, while the background will be moderately blurred.

Sometimes the picture of the desired shot in our imagination and in life are slightly inconsistent with each other. That is why you should not get hung up on one idea stuck in your head. It is important to look for something new and unusual in order to create something unique and inimitable: an angle or a completely unexpected side of the shoot.

9. Forget about taking countless selfies.

A hackneyed, but such a relevant topic. People quickly get bored with photographs of the same type and meaning nothing. It is important not to overdo it with narcissism, so that all this does not end with a mass departure of subscribers. Interest in the world around you is a guaranteed secret to success.

10. New day - new story

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