Organism and air activity in the dhow. Summary of the “air-invisibility” nodes, middle group. Additional education teacher Larikova L.N.

Dorozhkina Elena Valerievna

MDOU "D\s#74" Magnitogorsk


Summary of experimental research activities in the middle group

"Air and its properties"

Prepared by: Teacher Dorozhkina Elena Valerievna.

Target : Begin to form an understanding of air and its properties during experimental activities.


To form children’s primary understanding of air and its properties through experimental activities.

Development of children's cognitive interest, the ability to draw conclusions about air, comparisons, and establish cause-and-effect relationships in the process of experiments.

Cultivate an interest in air exploration.

Introduce the profession of laboratory scientist.


experience, practical activity, physical education - a minute, visual, problem conversation.


aprons, sleeves, plastic bags, glasses, straws, caps from felt-tip pens, balloon, tangerine, garlic, cups, tray, water, projector, turntables,

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, guests came to us today. Let's say hello. (Greetings to children And now I suggest you start our lesson.

Educator - Let's now stand in a circle and say hello to each other.

(Communication game)

Let’s stand side by side, in a circle, and say: “Hello!” to each other.

We are not too lazy to say hello: “Hello!” to everyone! and “Good afternoon!”; If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin. - GOOD MORNING!

Guys, now sit down on the chairs.

Educator - Guys, tell me what surrounds us?

Children's answers (houses, trees, birds, animals)

Teacher - That's right! What is necessary for life for humans, plants, and animals?

Children's answers (food, water, air)

Teacher - Well done! Why do we need air? (Breathe) Take a deep breath, exhale.

Educator You know that a person can live without food for three weeks, without water no more three days but can’t live without air?

Educator - Today we will talk about air like real research scientists. Scientists work in a room where there are many instruments for experiments, and this room is called Laboratory.

Educator - in the laboratory you must follow certain rules: 1 maintain silence, do not interrupt each other. do not disturb each other, 2work quietly, carefully, carefully, dress special clothes(aprons and sleeves)

Today I organized a small laboratory for you in the group.

Educator - let's go to our laboratory to conduct experiments (they walk in a circle, then go to the tables, dress in aprons and sleeves.)

Educator - Now we find ourselves in a real laboratory .

We are starting experiments

It's interesting here

Try to understand everything

There is a lot to learn here

So, let's begin our experiments:

Teacher, guys, do you know how to catch air? (children's answers)

Experiment No. 1 “How to catch air?

B- Take the plastic bags from the table and try to catch the air. Twist the bags. What happened to the packages?

Children's answers (They got big)

What's in them?

Children's answers (Air)

What is he like? Do you see him?

V-Okay! Let's check it out. Take a sharp stick and carefully pierce the bag. Bring it to your face and press it with your hands. How do you feel?

Children's answers (breeze)

What did you guys and I catch in the bag?

Children's answers (Air)

Q- Guys, do you know how air works? Let's see!

Let's make our air work now, and we will see and hear it!

Experiment No. 2 “how does air work?”

B- You need to take a straw, put one end in water, and blow on the other. We will blow slowly.

Q - What did you see?

Children's answers (Air bubbles).

And the guys can also see how air works with the help of a turntable. Marina, come and blow on the turntable. What do we see?

Guys' answers (the spinner is spinning)

Conclusion: Guys, we were able to see the air, and how does it work? How did we see him? With what? (tubes and containers with water, saw air and using a turntable)

Q- Guys, listen, what is this? (sound of wind turn on wind melody)

Did you hear the air?

Children No.

Q - Do you want to hear?

Experiment No. 3 “We hear the air”

B- Let's try to blow into a felt-tip pen cap...

Guys, take the cap in your hands and blow from the edge. What do you hear?

Children's answers (Whistling).

Q-Guys, air entering the tube makes a sound.

Q - I also have an inflated balloon on my table. What do you think can be done with this balloon to hear the air?

We need to stretch the hole of the ball and slowly release the air, what do we hear?

Guys' answers (squeak)

Q - What helped us hear the air?

Children's answers (caps and a ball helped us)

Phys. just a minute:

Curious Varvara

Looks left, looks right.

What it smells like - I don’t understand,

You need to inhale through your nose.

Exhale-inhale, exhale-inhale.

Miracle air - oh-oh-oh!

Guys, let's breathe in the air through our noses again.

Clean air has no smell. Let's close our eyes now, what does the air smell like?

Children's answers (Tangerines and garlic).

Guys, let's remember we exhaled - inhaled, did we smell the air? When did you close your eyes?

B- The air itself does not smell, but it can carry odors.

Guys, did you like conducting experiments with air in the laboratory? And I also really liked the way you conducted experiments, worked, experimented, you are good assistants. Now you know that our best friend is air. And you can hear it, see it, smell it, and even catch it!

Q- We also learned that clean air has neither color nor smell, but even if we don’t see it, it exists and helps us live, breathe, and play.

Our laboratory is closing, and you and I will play with turntables, but before we go to play, we’ll say goodbye to the guests,

Kalashnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna
Educational institution: MBDOU - kindergarten"Alyonushka" Tukaevsky district, Betki village
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-05-14 Lesson notes for the middle group “Invisible Air” Kalashnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna MBDOU - kindergarten "Alyonushka" Tukaevsky district, Betki village This lesson summary is intended for children of the middle group.

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Lesson notes for the middle group “Invisible air”


Hello, blue sky!

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, Mother Earth!

Hello my friends!

Articulation gymnastics “The tongue woke up”

- Guys, look at our group. What's in it?

(Tables, chairs, cabinets, toys, flowers...)

— Our group is large and spacious. And what is between the ceiling, floor, walls, where it is empty? Listen to the riddle.

What is not visible in the room?


There is an invisible man

Doesn't ask to come into the house

And before people run

in a hurry, in a hurry.


Guys, do you see air?


“I don’t see him either, but I know that he is around us.” Nobody sees the air, so it is called “invisible.”

- Why don’t we see him? Because the air is transparent, we can see everything through it.

— And what else is transparent in our group?

(Window, aquarium, glass, glasses.)

- Do you want to see the air? Now we will do an experiment with you. (The teacher places a napkin on the edge of the table and with a wave of the book sets the napkin in motion, the napkin flies to the floor)

— Why did the napkin fly off the table? There is air between the napkin and the book, and it set the napkin in motion.

— Do you want to feel how the air moves?

(Yes.) (the teacher offers to take paper fans, the children observe the movement of air.)

2. PHYSICAL MINUTE. A turkey walks around the yard.

(Hands on waist, walking with legs raised high)

A beetle flew over the field.

(Waving your arms)

A spider is crawling on a flower.

(Imitation of spider arms and legs)

He broke off an old branch.

(Sit down, clap)

— Guys, look what’s in my glass?

(There is nothing.)

- Say - there is nothing. Then watch another experiment.

The teacher turns the glass upside down and slowly lowers it into a jar of water.

- Look - there is no water in the glass. What keeps the water from flowing into the glass? (Air.)

— Do you want to do the experiment yourself?


- Take glasses of water, lower the tubes and blow into them. What did you get?


-Where did they come from? This is air coming out and water taking its place. It is interesting to observe how the air, entering the water, quickly rises to the top in bubbles.

Air is lighter than water.

- Now blow harder. The more air, the more bubbles. These are our little invisible people, let's look for them with our eyes.


1. Look into the distance;

2. Rotate your eyes in a circle;

3. Eye movement to the sides;


5. By square;

6. Up - down.

— There is air everywhere: in the group, in our home, and on the street. What color is it?


- Breathe in with your mouth. Try it, what does the air taste like?


- Inhale the air through your nose. What does it smell like?


— Guys, clean air has no color, smell, or taste.

— What do you inhale the air with?


- Inhale the air, place your palm in front of your nose and exhale. How did you feel?


- Now inhale and exhale harder. What did you hear?


- It turns out you can hear the air. Air can sound different.

(The teacher offers the children bottles or bubbles, the children put the bottles to lower lip and blow into the neck - a sound appears. Then place the edge of a sheet of thin paper to your lips and blow along it to make a sound.)

— Sound is born when the air trembles. We talk and hear each other thanks to the air.

4. FINGER GYMNASTICS. Visiting the big toe.

They came straight to the house.

Index and middle

Nameless and last.

Our little finger of babies,

He knocked on the threshold.

Together they are all friends.

They cannot live without each other.

— Air helps in human life. Look at the pictures, explain how air helps a person (mill, fan, car tire, whistle, musical instruments).

- Now let’s play an interesting game, fun game « Blow up your bubble“Let’s feel how we swell when we inhale and how we contract when we exhale. (sit down)

- Guys, can you catch the air? (Yes). Give it a try.

- I can catch air, do you want to see it?

(The teacher takes plastic bag, lets everyone touch it)

— Is there anything in the package?

Children touch, squeeze the package, make sure that there is nothing in it, it is empty. The teacher “catch” the air with the bag, close it and let the children touch it, the bag does not shrink as before.

- What is in the package? What's stopping us from squeezing it? (Air).

— I caught air in the bag. Do you want to catch the air yourself?

(The teacher hands out bags to the children and they try to catch the air themselves.)

5. PHYSICAL MINUTE. Two monkeys without wasting words.

Once we had a fight on the bed.

Each other in this fight,

The remains were knocked out of my mind.

The doctor came

Sat down in a chair

And he said to the monkeys:

If you fight you will wake up the monkeys

I'll kick you out of the book.

(Then the teacher shows the children a balloon without air)

- What do I have? (Ball.)

-Can he fly now? (No.)

— What do I need to do to make the ball fly? (Inflate him)

6. BREATHING GYMNASTICS . He inflates and invites each child to inflate the balloon. (Hands out yellow, red, green, white.)

-What do your balls look like? What time of year?

(Fixing the seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn.)

- Now let's deflate the balloon and listen to how the air comes out of the balloon.

— At what time is the air cold? Which one is warm? Let's blow so that our hands freeze. What kind of air? (Cold).

- Now blow as if you were warming your hands. What kind of air? (Warm)


— Guys, we all need not just air, but clean air. Why do you think the air is polluted?

- From factories, factories, machines. And what else poisons the air: smoking chimneys, smoke from fires, people smoking.

— If the air is dirty, we get tired quickly and have a headache. What needs to be done to make the air in the room cleaner?

(Ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, have indoor plants)

- Now, guys, let's check how long we can't breathe. Imagine that you and I are now diving under water. Try to close your mouth and nose and don't breathe.

“You see, there’s no way we can live without air.” Let's remember what the air is like: COLORLESS, ODORLESS, TASTELESS. Well done.

Lesson analysis.

Today in class we learned what air is, and you gave the correct answers. The experiments were done well: Maxim, Elvina, Ksenia. And the ones who inflated the balloons the fastest were: Azalea, Artyom, Andrey. Thank you for raising your hands and not shouting from your seat. The lesson is over.

. .

Tatiana Suvorova
Lesson summary “Air and its properties”

Abstract of GCD

in the middle group

« Air and its properties»

(cognitive development)

Target: Formation of ideas about air, his properties and meaning.


To develop children's cognitive interest in air, his properties and meaning.

Introduce children to the concept « air» , his properties(invisible, light, transparent, elastic, takes up space, odorless, role and significance air in human life and living organisms.

To develop skills in conducting basic experiments and the ability to draw conclusions based on the results obtained.

To develop in children mental operations, cognitive interest, observation, ability to draw conclusions, emotions, imagination.

Cultivate interest and desire to expand your horizons, a positive attitude towards the environment, respect for nature, a desire to explore in all available ways.

Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Integration of educational regions: « Cognitive development» , "Social and communicative development", « Physical development» , « Speech development» , « Artistic and aesthetic development".

Preliminary work: observations on the street, game "soap bubbles", reading fiction, conversations with children on topic: "How air helps people» , looking at illustrations of phenomena air in the encyclopedia for children.

Equipment and materials: balloon, soap bubbles, straws according to the number of children, cups, fans, items for games "Drowning - not sinking": wooden cube, stone, rubber ball, coin; tree magnets.

Participants: children, teacher

Methods and techniques:

Verbal (conversation, answering questions, asking a riddle, reading a poem);

Gaming (game situations, surprise moments - a magic box with a breeze);

Visual (demonstration of experiments and experiments);

Practical (independent experimental activities).

GCD move


Guys, I brought you a ball.

What do you think is inside of him?

Right, air, that's why it's called balloon.

My ball can fly. I push it slightly and it flies.

Why do you think he flies like that? (it's light). That means air, which is located inside the ball, is also lightweight.

-Let's say it together: the air is light.


And now I will untie the ball and release it air. How did you feel?

(a breeze, and a breeze too air which is moving.

What did you hear? How air comes out of the balloon? Let's get together let's say: sh-sh-sh-sh.

Did you see him?

So it turns out that air invisible or transparent, since it is not visible.

-Let's say it together: air transparent.

Guys, do you want to play with air: feel it, catch it, feel it?

Then, get ready. Today we will go to our laboratory and be scientists. Who are scientists? We will conduct experiments and experiences with air.

Now let’s get up and do some physical exercise.


The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,

Tilts left, right.

Once - tilt

And two tilt.

The maple leaves rustled.

Working with a fan

This is the kind of breeze we have.

Do you want to feel the breeze and call it? He hid in this box.

Take a fan and call the breeze, and you can also give it a name (each child says the name of his breeze).

Well, did you feel the breeze?

And now we put on our gowns and go to the laboratory, we are scientists.

Working in the laboratory


Children, what's in the glass? (empty)

Let's check it out.

The teacher turns the glass upside down and slowly lowers it into a plate of water.

Look, the glass remained empty, no water got in there, but what is stopping water from entering the glass, what is in it?

Now I’ll tilt the glass a little so that the water can flow in, let’s see how it comes out air(bubbles?

This air comes out of the glass to the top - it is very light, and water takes its place.


Tell me, children, is our glass empty, or is there something in it?

What does it contain?

Breathing exercise "Wind"

And the wind puffed out its thick cheeks, puffed it up, puffed it up,

And he blew, blew, blew on the tall trees.


Now we will conduct another experiment. We have glasses with water and a straw on the table. Come take a breath air and blow once into the tube.

See what appears on the surface of the water?

Why do bubbles appear? There is something inside us air.

Let's blow harder? How many bubbles appeared?

Where else is there air? (around us, on the street, inside us)

Didactic game "Drowning - not sinking"

We will now check which items have air? If the subject has air- he will float as the air is light if not air - will drown(children take turns coming up and lowering the object into the water)

Name the items that have air?

Name the items in which no air?

What did we find out by doing the experiments?

Where is it air?

What color is it?

What does it taste like? Breathe, try it.

What kind of air smell?

Game with soap bubbles

Guys, ah air wants to play with us. He sent his friends to us - soap bubbles. They hid in this small bottle.

(music plays, children catch bubbles)

What's inside these bubbles, why do they fly?


Passes through the nose into the chest,

And the return is on its way.

He's invisible, but still,

We cannot live without him.

We need him to breathe

To inflate the balloon.

With us every hour,

But he is invisible to us.

What is this?

Meaning air for humans

Children, tell me, can a person live without air?

A person needs to breathe. Let's see if we can live without air? Let's inhale and hold our breath - don't breathe. Without air It is impossible to live long.

And who else can’t live without air?

What do you think air Is it better to breathe clean or polluted?

How many people, animals, birds live on earth and everyone needs clean air.


Close your eyes, we will relax.

The sun is shining brightly. A light breeze is blowing. I inhale it clean, fresh air. The grass is swaying in the meadow. Birds proudly circle in front of me. I feel good and pleased. I am very glad that I met the amazing world of nature. I want to live in peace with nature.

Look at the pictures, what a beautiful city we live in. It has a lot of cars that pollute air.

And our city is clean air?

And what pollutes the pure air? (cars, factories, people)

Where can we get a lot of clean things? air.

Teacher reading a poem

How nice it is to admire

Blue seas.

How wonderful it is to admire

Flowerbed at the door.

But not eternal nature,

She suffers so much evil!

That's all less than a year from year

On the planet of oxygen

Happiness, peace and warmth.

To make the earth more beautiful

We need to be more thrifty.

I'll tell you a secret so that the air was clean, you need to plant trees and other plants. They absorb the dirty air, and they give it back - clean.

Tree planting

I suggest you plant a tree right now to the air was clean. Each of you will take a tree and attach it to the board. (Bird voices sound)

Look how beautiful it turned out.

What needs to be done to the air was clean?

And if every person plants trees, then it will be easier for us to breathe, the air will be clean.

Publications on the topic:

Inform that there is air everywhere - indoors and outdoors, at home in the apartment. It is transparent, light, completely invisible. Riddle: Through the nose.

Abstract open class on the topic: “Magnet and its amazing properties.” Program content: To form children's idea of ​​a magnet.

Summary of an observation lesson on introducing preschoolers to inanimate nature “Air and its properties” Topic: Air and its properties. Goal: To introduce children to air and its properties. Objectives: 1. Show that air is easy to detect. 2.

Summary of the experimental activity lesson in the preparatory group “Glass and its properties” Summary of the experimental activities in preparatory group on the topic “Glass and its properties.” Purpose: familiarization of children.

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 2083 SP "Rodniki D/S "Semitsvetik"

Summary of a lesson on cognitive and research activities for children of the senior group

Subject: "Properties of Air"

Prepared notes and conducted the lesson

senior teacher

Werner Svetlana Vladimirovna



Lesson notes in senior group on topic:

Air and its properties

Target: formation of a holistic perception of the surrounding world, development of interest in research and cognitive activity children.

Program content:contribute to enriching and consolidating children’s knowledge about the properties of air, expanding children’s understanding of the importance of air in the life of humans, animals, and plants; develop in children the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on a basic experiment and draw conclusions; cultivate interest in research activities.

Equipment and materials:
tables covered with oilcloth, plastic bags (according to the number of children), glass, paper napkin, pipettes, colored water, disposable cups, orange peels, lemon peels, garlic, fan (according to the number of children), sparkling water, grapes (according to the number of children) , two oranges, two basins, cocktail tubes, 5 posters on the properties of air, paper medals for curiosity (according to the number of children).

Recommendations for implementation:before starting experimentation, it is necessary to conduct safety instructions; it is necessary to involve as many people as possible in carrying out experiments and experiments more children, it is necessary to try to get children to answer independently by giving hints and asking leading questions; it is important to avoid prolonged hesitations.

What I heard, I forgot.
I remember what I saw.
I know what I did!

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys! Hold hands and smile at each other so that the whole evening will be in a good mood.

Today we will go to an unusual place - a laboratory (this is a place where scientists work) and for a while we ourselves will become scientists. How many of you know who scientists are and what they do? (research, conduct experiments, experiment)
Guys, today we will have a difficult lesson, you will be real scientists. And our group will turn into a laboratory. Tell me what we will explore, tell me yourself by guessing riddle:
It passes through us into our chests
And he's on his way back
it is invisible, and yet
We can't live without him!
What is this?
Children: Air
Educator: Today we will get acquainted with the properties of air.


In the laboratory, guys, you must follow certain rules:

  • keep quiet
  • don't interrupt each other.
  • don't interfere with each other
  • work quietly, carefully, carefully,
  • take items only with the permission of a senior researcher,
  • touch equipment and devices without permission,
  • It is prohibited to put anything into the nose, mouth and ears,
  • Do not taste the contents of the vessels.

It's clear? Fine! Now the guys put on hats and badges. You must be dressed appropriately in the laboratory. Are you ready? Now let's go into the laboratory to the first table.

Experience No. 1 (air can be seen)

Educator :To see air, you need to catch it. Do you want me to teach you how to catch air? Take a plastic bag, what's in it? (it's empty)
Let's doubt him. Look, it wrinkles easily, why? (because it's empty)
Now we will make a ball out of it, twist it.
What's in the package? (air)
What do you think the package ended up looking like? (children's answers)
Try squeezing the bag. Why doesn't it work? (there's air)
Where can this property of air be used? (in summer: air mattresses, lifebuoy)
Conclusion: Air takes on the shape of the object it hits.
Now look at your hand through the bag. Can you see your hand? (we see)
If we see our hand, what kind of air does it mean? (transparent, invisible)
Conclusion: The air is clear.

Let's move on to the second table.

Experience No. 2 (Air takes up space)

Pick up a glass with paper inside.
Touch it, how wet or dry is it? (Children's answers)
Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the water. The most important thing is that the glass must be held straight, without tilting, until it touches the bottom. See if the strip of paper gets wet (Children's answers)
Remove the glass from the water and check the strip of paper.
Is she wet or not? Why was the paper left?
Let's try again, but now tilt the glass a little.
What appeared in the water? (air bubbles visible)
Where did they come from? (air leaves the glass and water takes its place)
It was the air that came out of the glass.
Check the strip of paper again.
What is she like now? (wet, water has displaced the air and taken up all the space in the glass)
Conclusion: There is air in the glass and therefore it prevented the strip of paper from being wetted, which means the air is taking up space.

Let's move on to the third table.

Experiment No. 3 (air pushes out liquid)

Educator: Guys, pick up the pipettes. What is in them? Fill a pipette with colored water. The pipette now contains not only air, but also water. The air in the pipette is compressed; it is called “compressed air”. Now guys, press on the rubber cap. Liquid drips from a pipette. Why? It turns out that compressed air is strong and can do a variety of jobs!

Conclusion: For example, air can push liquid and move it around.

Let's move on to the fourth table.

Experiment No. 4 (air has no smell)

Educator: Do you think the air has a smell? (Children's answers)
Educator: Now we will check this. Close your eyes, and when I tell you, you will slowly inhale and say what it smells (.the teacher approaches each child and gives them a smell of perfume (orange, lemon, garlic). One child inhales just air. All that then they felt it, but Sasha didn’t feel anything. Why do you think? That’s right, Sasha didn’t feel anything, because I didn’t let him feel anything. He just breathed in air. What conclusion can be drawn from this?
Conclusion: the air has no smell, objects smell.

Let's move on to the fifth table.

Experiment No. 5 (air can move)

Educator: Do you think air can move?
Let's check it out. I'll take a fan and wave it at you. How do you feel? (wind)
Conclusion: This means air can move.
I’ll wave my fan again and tell me what kind of wind it is? (cold)
Now bring your palms to your mouth and blow lightly on them. What did you feel? (warm wind)
Where do you think the warm wind occurs? (near the stove, fire, if you turn on the hairdryer)
Conclusion: air can be cold, warm and hot.


The sun is shining very brightly

And the guys got hot.

We take out a beautiful fan -

Let it blow cool.

(Take your seats)

The wind quietly shakes the maple tree,
Tilts right, left:
One - tilt and two - tilt,
The maple leaves rustled. (Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head. Torso tilts to the right and left.)

Let's move on to the sixth table.

Experiment No. 6 (air is lighter than water)

Educator: Pour sparkling water into a glass. Why is it called that? There are a lot of small air bubbles in it. Air is a gaseous substance, so water is carbonated. Air bubbles rise quickly and are lighter than air. Let's throw a grape into the water. It is slightly heavier than water and will sink to the bottom. But bubbles, similar to small ones, will immediately begin to settle on it. balloons. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will float up. The bubbles on the surface of the water will burst and the air will fly away. The heavy grape will sink to the bottom again. Here it will again become covered with air bubbles and float up again. This will continue several times until the air is “exhausted” from the water. Fish swim using the same principle using a swim bladder.

Conclusion: Air is lighter than water.

Let's move on to the seventh table.

Experiment No. 7 (floating orange).

Educator: Place one orange in a bowl of water. He will float. And even if you try really hard, you can’t drown him. Peel the second orange and put it in water. The orange has drowned! How so? Two identical oranges, but one drowned and the other floated! Why? There are a lot of air bubbles in the orange peel. They push the orange to the surface of the water. Without the peel, the orange sinks because it is heavier than the water it displaces.

Conclusion: There is air in the orange peel.

Let's move on to the eighth table.

Experiment No. 8 (air is vital)

Educator: What are we breathing? (by air). Let's test this by first inhaling deeply and then exhaling. What do you think we inhaled and exhaled? (air) Take the tubes and put them in cups of water and blow, what happens?
Children. We exhale air and bubbles appear in the water. This means there is air inside us.
Educator: Now try not to breathe. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. How long can a person not breathe?
Children. No, without air a person will die.
Educator: What conclusion can be drawn?
Conclusion: Man cannot live without air.
That's right, a person needs air to breathe. If a person can live without food for many days, without water for several days, then he can live without air.

Dear guys! Our lesson has come to an end. Let us summarize our experiments.

So, what properties does air have:

*air is invisible.

*the air is transparent

*the air is colorless.

*air has no odor.

*air moves

*air takes up space

Guys, I really liked the way you conducted laboratory research. You were all attentive. Showed curiosity. Were active. Well done.

You deserve medals for curiosity (the teacher awards each child a medal).

Summary of directly organized educational activities


Senior group.


Kosolapova Oksana Sergeevna

Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Music”, “Health”.

Software tasks:

Educational area "Cognition".Create conditions for expanding children's understanding of the world around them; Form ideas about air and its properties: transparent, light, colorless and odorless. Expand ideas about the importance of air in human life. Develop cognitive interests, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on a basic experiment, and draw conclusions.Educational field "Communication".Development of free communication with adults and children.Continue to develop speech as a means of communication. Encourage attempts to share the impressions received with the teacher and children. Learn to construct statements.Development of all components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms. Formation of a dictionary. Expand ideas about the relationship and occurring phenomena in experience. Replenish and activate the vocabulary with words: transparent, invisible, light, fills, mixes, moves, moves.The grammatical structure of speech.Develop the ability to compose simple and complex sentences based on a model. Improve the ability to use direct and indirect speech.

Educational field "Music".

Continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness to it.

Educational area "Health":prevent children from becoming fatigued during direct educational activities; continue work to preserve and strengthen psychological health children, creating a favorable atmosphere in the children's team.

Bring up: desire for experimental and experimental activities.

Material for the lesson: Centers have been prepared for organizing experimental activities with preschoolers: (fans, balloons, soap bubbles, caps, “magic wands”, balloons, markers - for each child, a basin of water, a paper boat. For the teacher - a cape for a fairy, a magic wand, diadem. Audio recordings: from the cartoon “Little Raccoon” by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky, song “Christmas Tree” by Z. Alexandrova, music by M. Krasev, “Visiting a fairy tale” by V. Dashkevich Multimedia installation - projector and screen, slides.

Organization of children in class: children move around the group room from one experimental center to another, alternating different types children's activities: cognitive - speech, motor, play, experimental.

Methodical techniques:

  • Visual: demonstration of experiments; slide show.
  • Verbal: questions, children's statements, storytelling, conversation, conclusions.
  • Gaming: games with balloons; soap bubbles."
  • Practical: experiments with air, with a boat, with balloons.

Progress of direct educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? I love it too! Especially those that have good wizards and fairies. Today I want to tell you a fairy tale. Somewhere far, far beyond the sea-ocean, in the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state, a beautiful fairy lives and lives. And this fairy is not an ordinary fairy, she is a kind sorceress who loves children very much and wants to see you and introduce you to her friend - AIR! Do you want to get into a fairy tale, into this kingdom? Do you want to meet the fairy's friend Air? Children: We want.

2. Creating gaming motivation

Educator: But to get into this fairy-tale kingdom, you need to believe very strongly, with all your soul, with all your heart, in miracles!

Close your eyes. Let's cast a magic spell together: repeat after me

“Good Fairy, help us,

Take me to the magical kingdom,

We will clap our hands

One, two and three

Open the door to our fairy tale!”

(The decoration of the book “Fairy Tales” is brought in, the teacher throws on a cloak and puts on a tiara).

Teacher-Fairy:Hello, Guys! I'm a good fairy!I am so glad to see you in the fairy tale kingdom. Many amazing miracles happen here! And we will create these miracles together with you. I invite you to be my assistants. Do you agree? Now I will touch everyone with a magic wand, and you will all turn into wizards.

Teacher-Fairy:Well, now you are my assistants, put on your magic caps and take your magic wands(balloon sticks, beautifully decorated), now we will perform real miracles and see magical transformations.

3. Main part: experiments with air.

Teacher-Fairy:Guys, today I want to introduce you to my friend – AIR. We have prepared many different surprises and riddles for you. Be careful, and then you will find where it is, and you can even play with it!

Teacher-Fairy:Guys, let's look for him.

Children with a teacher walk and look for AIR.

And here the Air is not visible, and here too it is not visible... Where is it?

(There are paper snowflakes on the tray).

Teacher-Fairy:Look what are here beautiful snowflakes! Maybe there is air hidden behind them? We are wizards, we have magic wands, let's blow on them and the snowflakes will come to life!

(They blow, paper snowflakes fly away.)

With snowflakes.

Teacher-Fairy:Guys, is there any air under the snowflakes? What made the snowflakes fly? How do you think?

Children: We blew on them.

Teacher-Fairy:That's right, we blew on them! Let's take a deep breath, and then exhale. What have we done now?

Children: we inhaled and exhaled air.

Teacher-Fairy:So, where is he, guys?(Children's guesses)

Air everywhere! We breathe it on the street, at home, in the kindergarten. Air is everywhere around us and inside us. We inhale it when we inhale and exhale it when we exhale.We breathe air, and not only us, but all living beings - everyone needs air to breathe.

Teacher-Fairy:Guys, why don’t we see him if he is everywhere, as you think?

Children: It is transparent, you can see everything through it...

Teacher-Fairy:So what color is the air? (colorless)

Teacher-Fairy:And if we inhale air through our mouth, we will know what it tastes like?

(Children's statements).

Teacher-Fairy:Clean air has no taste. Inhale the air through your nose...

What does it smell like? (it has no smell...)

Breathing exercises:

Repeat after me:

Curious Varvara

Looks left, looks right.

I don’t understand what it smells like,

You need to inhale through your nose.

Exhale-inhale, exhale-inhale.

Miracle air - oh-oh-oh!

We have a lot of fun playing -

We begin to sniff the air.

What does it smell like? Don't understand -

You need to inhale through your nose.

Exhale-inhale, exhale-inhale.

Miracle air - oh-oh-oh!

Now close your eyes and breathe in through your nose, what did you smell???

Children: the smell of orange. Conclusion: that under certain circumstances the air can be given a smell.

Teacher-Fairy:Yes, guys, clean air has no color, no taste, no smell, but even if we don’t see it, it exists everywhere and even inside us.

Experience with fans.

Teacher-Fairy:Guys, don’t be upset, although we can’t see air, we can feel it. Do you want to feel the air? To do this, let's take these magic fans. Wave on your face. How do you feel?

Children: We feel the wind.

Teacher-Fairy:What is wind?

(Children's statements)

Teacher-Fairy:That's right - it's air movement. Can you see the wind?(Children's assumptions).

Teacher-Fairy:- That's right, the wind is invisible, we can only see how it moves objects, drives clouds across the sky, raises garbage, sand on the road,when the wind turns the pinwheel.

And look, we have a turntable. Guys, can we do some magic and make the turntable spin? Let'sLet's make a wind, blow on our magic wands and she will come to life.

Experience with a turntable. They blow through a tube onto the turntable and it begins to spin.

Teacher-Fairy:That's it, guys, the wind is a magician, just like you and me. He can shake trees, spin a pinwheel andeven make ships sail! How does he make ships sail?

Teacher-Fairy:Look what kind of boat we have. Guys, why doesn't the boat float?(Children's answers) We are wizards, let's blow our magic wands and he will float.
The teacher suggests making a light breeze, blowing on the boat so that it floats on the sea.(Children take turns blowing tubes onto the boat).

Teacher-Fairy:Guys, when we blew out the air, it looked like what? That's right, into the wind.Wind is the movement of air.

The air promised to play with us...

Want to play with the air? He prepared funny games for us.

Experience with soap bubbles.

Let's go and sit at the tables. Look what's on the tables?

There are cups of what here? That's right with water. Let's dip one end of our magic wands into the water and blow into them...children, what happened? What did we see? Air bubbles... How did he get there? We breathed it out. Now let's add soap to the cups and blow again to see more air. Nearby there are small glasses of liquid soap. Add it to glasses of water. (Children inflate a soap cap.)

Teacher-Fairy:Guys, how were we able to blow such bubbles?

Children: We inflated them with air through a magic wand.

Teacher-Fairy:That's right, we inflated them with the air we exhaled.

The game “Who will blow the biggest bubble” (in the same tube).

Teacher-Fairy:Guys, now we will perform the next magic. With our magic wands we will turn soapy water into beautiful colored bubbles. Look how I do... Who is the best magician, who will blow the biggest bubble?

(Children inflate soap balloons to cheerful music and admire them. Teacher-Fairy:What bubbles? Light, airy... because what's inside them?So what is the air like? Easy!What else can we inflate with air? That's right, balloons.

(Experiments with a balloon).

Teacher-Fairy:Look, guys - these are balls! Take them in your hands. What's inside the balls? The balls are empty and very small and sad! Guys, but we, you and I, are wizards! Let's make some more magic happen.Children blow up balloons.Now, to make our balls even more fun, let's paint our balls.

Painting balls.

(Children paint balloons to the music.)

Teacher-Fairy:Well, here... The balls were small, but now they are big and beautiful. What's inside them now? Air! Why is he not visible? Because it's transparent! Let's get up and play with our balls, throw them up and catch them again. What kind of balls? Light and airy. Why did they become like this? Because there is now air inside them, and it is light.

4.Final part

Guys, did you like playing with the air? And I also really enjoyed playing with him and with you, you are good helpers and real wizards! Now you know that my best friend is air, and your friend too. He is a friend of all people and all living things on earth. Look at the magic screen.

(Conclusion: air has no color, smell or taste, air is everywhere, it is around people and inside us, we inhale and exhale it, that without it nothing living on earth can exist).

Surprise moment

I am very glad that you met my friend by air. And I want to give you a piece of air. Open the magic box(there are tips for balls), put these tips on your magic wands and you will get magic balls. They will remain as a gift from our best friend– air.

(The balls are put on a stick and left as a gift for children).

Teacher-Fairy:Well, now, guys, it's time for you to go back to kindergarten. Let's close our eyes.

Spell: (with eyes closed)

One, two, three,

Fairy, take us back to kindergarten!

(They open their eyes; the teacher has already taken off his cape).


Educator: Guys, what beautiful balls you have! Where have you been? (in the fairy kingdom)

What interesting things did you learn there? (we got acquainted with the properties of air)