Reasons for rough nails. We prevent and eliminate wavy nails. What are wavy nails, their types

Nails give away their owner. Even if a person is dressed in elegant clothes and wears expensive accessories, sloppy hands will immediately reveal to those around him that he is an ordinary slob. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of healthy nails. And one of the common problems is wavy nails. “Waves” are located in an arbitrary direction: along or across, spoiling the entire aesthetics of the image. These “stripes” are always noticeable, especially among ladies who love to use bright varnishes. Why are nails wavy? How to return them to their original appearance? Is this even possible?

What does the problem look like?

Most often, waviness appears on the thumbs. It mainly occurs as a result of injuries and other mechanical impacts on the hands. Also on the nails thumbs The flaws are much more noticeable than on the others. But if the “ripples” are visible on other fingers, it means that it’s not just a matter of injury to the nail.

It is best to study the presence of “waves” by looking at your hands from the side. In the “profile” of the nail you can see how deep the depressions are. “Waves” can be the same or different in length and width, almost invisible and very deep. It happens that the longitudinal depression “grows” simultaneously with the nail, no matter how much it is cut.

You can better verify the waviness of the nail if you paint it with a bright varnish without a pearlescent tint. Then the irregularities will appear “in all their glory.” Having discovered such a nuisance, there is no need to be upset: you can get rid of it if you establish the cause of its occurrence.

Why are your fingernails wavy?

Sometimes the “grooves” that appear are simply a cosmetic problem caused by improper care for nails. Perhaps the manicure was not done carefully enough, and the cuticle was roughly cut off. Or, when coming into contact with household chemicals, your hands were not protected with gloves.

But it often happens that wavy nails are a sign of serious health problems. What can you expect?

Fungal infection. Mycoses are a frequent guest on the hands of even very scrupulous people. After all, such an infection can be picked up very simply: for example, by using the personal belongings of an infected person or even by unsuccessfully “walking” through public places like a gym. If you suspect a fungus, you should immediately consult a doctor, since delaying treatment greatly delays recovery.

Mycosis is primarily reported by yellowed nails. Their crumbling, itching and painful sensations may also occur. There are many types of fungi, so first you need to get laboratory tests. Based on their results, the doctor will select the optimal treatment. Individual approach when fighting mycosis, this is the main criterion for successful recovery. But under no circumstances should you self-medicate: this can lead to a deterioration in your health.

Even if it turns out that the cause of wavy nails is not a fungus at all, you should still follow the rules for its prevention. Basically, this means following hygiene standards: not wearing someone else’s shoes, changing socks every day, not being barefoot in baths and saunas.

Non-fungal lesions. Nails can suffer from many pathogenic microbes. They are just as good as a fungal infection in affecting the nail plates and deforming them. Therefore, even if it seems that there is nothing wrong with the “waves”, you should still consult a doctor. Treatment will not be unnecessary.

Why me?

It’s a shame when you and your friend sunbathed on the beach together, but she continues to show off her beautiful nails. What is the reason? Why do some people allow themselves to fearlessly walk barefoot in communal showers, baths, saunas, swimming pools, and some people cannot leave the house without rubber slippers? What explains the fact that some people “love” fungi and other infections more than others?

It's a matter of immunity. In seasoned people who eat right and exercise, the body can easily cope with almost any “infection”. So the appearance of “waves” on the nails signals poor health. What to do?

The following will help protect you from the aggressive influence of an environment infested with microbes:

  • balanced diet;
  • adequate physical activity;
  • quality sleep;
  • fresh air;
  • emotional balance.

It's not difficult at all, isn't it? But as a result, the body will be able to “boast” of healthy kidneys, lungs, liver, stomach, heart and will be able to protect itself from any pathogenic influences. Inner well-being will manifest itself in outer beauty.

If your fingernails become wavy, how can you restore their smoothness?

The solution to the problem of wavy nails is very simple, but to many it seems impossible. This healthy eating. Nails very clearly show what exactly the body lacks. There is no need to be afraid of a healthy diet: the devil is not so scary...

Eating healthy is easy and inexpensive. The main thing is to include more “native” and familiar vegetables and fruits in your diet. Apples, pears, legumes, carrots, cabbage, beets, potatoes and even bananas, tangerines, oranges: from them our body has already learned to “extract” the maximum of necessary vitamins and microelements. We must also not forget about nuts, seeds, grains, and herbs - they are very useful “guests” on any table.

What substances are most “loved” by nails?

  • vitamin B and iodine – promote growth;
  • Vitamin D – helps the body absorb calcium;
  • vitamins A, C and E – strengthen nail plate;
  • Vitamin H – prevents nails from crumbling and makes them less brittle;
  • iron – ensures the correct structure;
  • silicon – takes care of elasticity;
  • sulfur – protects against inflammation;
  • calcium – makes nails hard.

But how can you understand what exactly your nails are missing? They will tell you about it themselves!

Yellowness, unevenness, concavity and thinness of nails. Need iron. Its sources: cabbage, blueberries, raspberries, oats, legumes, peas, any fruit. You can improve the absorption of iron by consuming vitamin C and fluoride along with it. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, and greens. Eggs, potatoes, nuts, milk, tea, apples, cereals, grapefruits are rich in fluoride. You can “make your nails happy” with vitamin C by immersing them in lemon pulp: this will not only strengthen the nail plate, but also lighten it.
Brittle, crumbling nails. Lack of vitamin H, or biotin. 0.2 mg of this vitamin per day is enough to get rid of the problem of brittle nails. Biotin is found in mushrooms, chicken yolk and nuts.
Point depressions, white spots, layering of nails, the appearance of various infections. Lack of vitamin A, C and zinc. Vitamin A “lives” in all orange vegetables: pumpkin, bell pepper, carrots. But there is also a lot of it in butter and dairy products. Sources of zinc: seafood, legumes, raspberries, dates, greens, black currants, grains, leeks, mushrooms, nuts.
Nail deformity. There is not enough sulfur. It can be provided to the body by eating more cabbage, milk, buckwheat, garlic, cheese, eggplant, oatmeal, onions, and bread.

Dullness, gray-yellow nail color, grooves. Caused by a deficiency of vitamins PP, B5, and selenium. Vitamin PP is nicotinic acid, which is rich in nuts, seeds, yeast, eggs, milk, porcini mushrooms. Vitamin B5 can be found in cereals, bran, eggs, yeast, and broccoli. Selenium ensures smoothness and shine of nails and is found in soy, black currants, beans, rice, buckwheat, garlic, olives, pistachios, coconut, porcini mushrooms, seaweed, white bread, eggs.

If for some reason your nails are not striking in beauty and do not shine with health, then it is better to consult a therapist. Perhaps, after all the tests, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin complex that will help get rid of nail problems.

How to get rid of uneven nail surfaces at home

If the waviness of the nails is not a consequence of any pathology or disease of the body, then perhaps the reason lies in improper home manicure. Nail care mistakes, unlike health problems, are easy to correct. The speed of “elimination” of unevenness depends only on the growth of the nails, because the “ripples” cannot disappear on their own. Having cut off the grooves, all that remains is to carefully care for your hands.

Do not injure the nail. The nail plate is quite delicate, so it can suffer from any mechanical impact. Pressing a regular ballpoint pen too hard against your nail or typing on the keyboard frequently will result in crumbling, peeling or deformation. So don’t overwork your hands: everything is good in moderation.
Gently combat cuticles. Rough removal of the cuticle leads to the appearance of “waves” on the nails. After all, after “cutting” the skin with scissors, various cracks, wounds, and cuts often remain. Thanks to them, the gates “open” for pathogenic microbes and bacteria, which contribute to the appearance of unevenness on the nail. You can avoid this by turning to an unedged manicure: you only need a wooden stick and a special gel that softens the cuticle. You can first make a hand bath: with sea salt or essential oils.

Correctly remove hangnails. The usual torn skin around the nail, which you just want to tear off or bite off, can aggravate existing unevenness. By getting rid of hangnails in such a merciless way, you can get wounds that are very popular with infections. It is best to eliminate breaks in the skin using sharp scissors, after disinfecting the incision site.

There are also “tricks” that speed up getting rid of wavy nails and prevent similar deformations in the future:

  • gloves during contact with household chemicals;
  • decorative varnishes with a uniform coating that does not scratch the nails;
  • disinfection of manicure instruments;
  • hand baths (with sea salt, essential and vegetable oils);
  • regular nail massage (with a special manicure brush or at least a regular toothbrush);
  • unedged manicure: Japanese, spa, European;
  • base coat of the nail before applying manicure polish.

Such “techniques” allow you to take maximum care of your skin and nails. And they will thank their owner with a healthy and beautiful appearance. The main thing is regularity. When using cleaning products, gloves should be worn every time, and not just when it comes to mind. Inconsistency of care negates all previous benefits received from caring for your skin and nails.

But there are also procedures that are completely useless in the fight against wavy nails:

  • too much moisture in nails and cuticles. Neither healthy nor damaged nails will like it if they are overly “pampered” with softening and moisturizing agents. Over time, the cuticle will become so tender that it will begin to suffer from regular injuries fraught with suppuration and inflammation;
  • nail extensions. Artificial nails are not a solution to the problem. You can hide the deformation, but this will not get rid of the waviness, will not improve your health, or correct cosmetic errors;
  • polishing nails. This is a useful procedure to get rid of dead cells. But you can do it no more than once a month and only very carefully with the help of a special nail file. For wavy nails, polishing will not be a salvation, because it cannot in any way change their structure and shape.

This does not mean at all that if your nails are wavy, you cannot do anything from the above list. But you need to be aware that grooves need to be dealt with using completely different methods.

Healthy nails – it couldn’t be easier

It’s very easy to say that bad nails were inherited from your mother or that they became that way due to the environment, lack of time and money for care…. These are the explanations of a lazy person. After all, taking care of your nails requires daily attention, and not everyone finds it in themselves to take such careful and loving care of themselves. But in vain!

Trimming and filing nails are hygiene requirements. Everything else, although optional, is required for a beautiful appearance. It is advisable to sometimes “show” your nails to a professional: a master from a salon can not only give you a high-quality manicure, but also suggest how to nourish your nails, what tools are best to use at home, and what vitamins you are missing. What should a girl who wants to become the owner of beautiful and healthy nails remember?

You should start with the basics: hygiene rules. Each person should have their own individual manicure set. After and before each use, instruments must be thoroughly disinfected to avoid contamination. In addition, before a manicure, you need to wash your hands with soap and be sure to remove old polish with a fortified cosmetic product. It would be superfluous to mention that all scissors-tweezers in a girl’s arsenal should be of high quality and well sharpened.

Then it's time to think about protecting your nails from negative environmental influences. After all, nails are similar in structure to hair: they absorb absolutely all substances from their surface in the same way. Therefore, it is better to get rid of the habit of washing dishes or tiles without gloves, as well as using decorative varnishes too often, especially if you do without a manicure base. Continuous “painting” is detrimental to nails. We need to give them a chance to recover and take a break from harmful substances. During nail “vacations”, it is recommended to take hand baths more often, nourish your nails with creams and oils, and also use various strengthening varnishes.

And the “pinnacle” of nail care is simple common sense. There is no need to pick off hangnails, bite your nails, cut cuticles until they bleed, or ignore disinfection. It is also necessary to seek advice from a doctor or a manicurist if you notice the slightest problems with your nails: deformations, color changes, pain.

Beautiful nails are healthy nails multiplied by constant care. Achieve good result, you can only love and accept yourself. Then taking care of your own body will bring only joy and pleasure. And graceful hands with a delightful manicure will evoke envious glances from those less fortunate in this regard.

Deformation of the nail plate in the form of a wavy or ribbed surface can be observed in half of the population. Many people do not pay due attention to this problem, mistakenly considering it a minor defect that simply spoils the aesthetic appearance of their hands.

In fact, such damage to the nail can tell a lot about the condition of the body as a whole, and if the occurrence of this problem is correctly identified, many diseases can be prevented.

Photo of the uneven surface of the nail plate

Causes of deformation of nail plates

The causes of deformation of the nail plate are varied. All of them are divided into internal and external factors. The most common causes of external factors of nail deformation are:

  1. Injury to the nail plate, which often occurs due to careless cuticle removal, improper manicure or extensions. Ribbed toenails can be caused by wearing uncomfortable or tight shoes where there is a lot of pressure. With short-term and mild exposure, the nail will soon grow back, but if the injury was significant and deep, the resulting unevenness may remain forever.
  2. An important factor for the beautiful shape of nails is genetic predisposition. In this case, it will not be possible to correct the shape of the nails. All that remains is to mask the unevenness beautiful manicure, and to give the nail plate strength, use vitamin and mineral supplements.
  3. Nail deformation can occur after taking certain medications. As a rule, after a course of medication, damaged nails are soon restored.
  4. Of great importance for the healthy condition of nails is proper nutrition, which will contain a sufficient amount of vitamins. Most often, such disorders can be observed in women during pregnancy and adolescents whose hormonal levels are not stable.
  5. Lack of water in the body. If a person doesn't drink daily norm pure water, this is immediately reflected in the condition of his nails.
  6. If, in addition to the uneven surface of the nail, there are symptoms such as changes in the shape or color of the nail plate, as well as itching around it, this indicates a fungal infection that could be connected.
  7. Despite their hardness, nails are very susceptible to various chemicals, and if cleaning a room or washing dishes is done using detergents, but without protective gloves, then deformation of the nail will not take long.

Nails are also a mirror of a person’s internal health. Malfunctions in the internal organs can be easily identified by fingernails or toenails. The wavy surface of the nail plate may indicate the presence of systemic diseases in the body.

To rule out these causes or know exactly how to correct them, you should undergo a medical examination (a therapist will tell you more about it).

What to do?

If uneven nails appear as a consequence of a disease, comprehensive treatment will be required. It will include curing the disease that caused the deformation and proper care for nails. What kind of treatment will depend on the existing health problem, but nail care includes following the following rules.

  • When cleaning and washing dishes, always use cotton or household gloves;
  • the manicure set must be individual and always before the next use of disinfection;
  • before applying decorative varnish to the nail plate, it should be coated with a special medicinal preparation;
  • Avoid using nail polishes that contain inclusions or sand (additional elements damage the surface of the nail);
  • The diet should contain foods rich in iron: pomegranates, green apples, beef liver, etc.;
  • You can increase the level of iron in the body with the help of drugs such as Thyreo-Vit or Elecampane, they are sold in any pharmacy;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Contrasting baths will help give your nails strength. To use them, take two bowls, with hot and cold water.

Fingers are lowered into each of them one by one and held for 10 minutes.

TO folk remedies Therapy may include applying beeswax to the nail plate or also taking a bath, but with decoctions of mint or chamomile.

What you definitely shouldn't do

Prohibitions include nail extensions during the period of deformation of the nail plate. This method can only mask the damage, but the problem itself will only get worse.

Many people, when ridges appear on their nails, run to the nail salon to polish the surface. This solution will not solve the problem either. Having removed the dead top layer of the nail, the cause will remain and will soon manifest itself again.

You need to clearly understand that you won’t be able to get rid of deformation on your nails quickly. A product that can level the surface so that the problem disappears forever has not yet been invented. Only timely treatment, a balanced diet and proper care of the nail plate will give a positive result.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Not every representative of the fair sex knows what happens to her nails if they become lumpy. The reasons for this phenomenon will be given below. This will explain why the nails changed their appearance so dramatically.

Irregularities that appear on the nails spoil the entire look. These “ridges” can cover the entire surface of the nail and can be located both along and across the nail. The lumpy surface becomes even more visible if the nail is covered with bright varnish. This circumstance can upset any woman, because you always want to feel confident and be beautiful. And then suddenly my nails became lumpy, it’s scary.

It is very common to see waviness on the thumbs. Since the nail plate on these fingers is much larger than on the others, all flaws, lumps and irregularities are less noticeable. But if tubercles appear on large nails, then they can soon be expected on other nails. However, this may not happen if you know the cause and begin to eliminate it in a timely manner. In this case, the spread of this disease to the remaining nails will not begin.

If you look at the nails from the outside, this problem becomes very noticeable. All the depressions and hollows will be revealed to your attention. Wavy “combs” can be located at the same distance, can have different lengths and depth. Such bumps will not disappear without treatment, even when the nail grows, the hollow or bump will remain in the same place.

What can cause lumpy fingernails? A change in the appearance of the nail may indicate the presence of certain diseases. It is worth learning about this in more detail, because in this situation you will need not only to get rid of the tubercles on the nail plate, but also to treat the disease. In this case, the marigold acts as a kind of signal that something is wrong in the body.

Causes of lumpiness on the nail plate

The nail is injured. Any injury leads to unevenness appearing on the nail. If it has formed, the nail should be polished. For this procedure, you should not select a file that has a coarse grain. Grinding should be carried out no more than once a week; it will allow the nail to be cured and the plate will become smooth as a result. Immediately after sanding the nail, vitamin Aevit should be rubbed into the nail. A bath of warm olive oil will be beneficial for your nails. The main task at the moment is that the injured area of ​​the nail should heal. To do this, it is necessary to create all the accompanying conditions so that the nail grows faster. At this stage, it is recommended to cover the nail with a product that will promote rapid growth, and will be able to level the nail plate. The composition of such cosmetics includes Teflon and silk.

Various diseases. Lumpiness on the nails may indicate that a person has various diseases. In addition, they look dull, uneven, turn yellow and cracks begin to appear on them. This may be due to pathological processes occurring in the kidneys, heart, thyroid gland. Thus, it is necessary to eliminate the problem itself, and not deal with the consequences of the disease. After consulting with a doctor and eliminating the underlying cause, you should take care of your nails. Doctors recommend taking a multivitamin complex. But don’t forget about special vitamins that accelerate nail growth. After strengthening the body vitamin complexes, you should polish the nail and strengthen it using products containing silk, gel or resin.

Presence of fungal infections. This is the most common and dangerous disease. The fungus often appears in the summer. A fungal disease can be acquired not only by trying on someone else's shoes or visiting the pool without rubber shoes, but also as a result of non-compliance with hygiene rules. A fungus that appears on your feet may soon spread to your hands. This disease can be recognized by the presence of unevenness, a yellow tint, and fragility. As a result of a fungal infection, the nail plate becomes thick, lumpy, and loose. Transverse and longitudinal grooves may appear on the nail. The infection develops at high speed when a person has colds, with increasing temperature. Fungal infection is treated with special ointments. You only need to buy them at the pharmacy. To cover lumpy nails, you should use a special varnish. The nail plate must be constantly treated. The interval between treatments should not exceed three hours.

Predisposition at the genetic level. The presence of bumps on the nails can be caused by genetics. This problem is practically impossible to cure. On the recommendation of doctors for people with not very good nails You should take calcium and strengthen them with natural products containing resin and silk. They are not that cheap, but beauty and health require such investments.

To keep your nails beautiful and healthy, you must not damage them or remove polish using products containing acetone. When caring for your hands, you need to use moisturizing creams and keep your hands clean and dry. At the first manifestations of lumpiness on the nail plate, you should consult a dermatologist for advice. Sometimes a minor problem can lead to serious consequences. Nothing happens for nothing, and therefore there can always be a good reason for any, even the most insignificant deviation. You need to be attentive to yourself and your health in order to take appropriate measures to eliminate ailments in a timely manner.

If lumpy nails are observed, it is important to know the reasons. This is necessary in order to overcome problems quickly and in a timely manner. The sooner you start solving them, the sooner a positive result will come.

The best decoration for female hands- This beautiful nails, well-groomed and healthy, but everyone will agree with us that to maintain perfect nails Every year it becomes more and more difficult. Nails turn yellow, become cloudy, thin and deformed. Nowadays, many women and even young girls suffer from such a problem as uneven nails: wavy, ribbed, lumpy, etc. It looks very unpleasant and causes a lot of inconvenience: the stratum corneum of the nails loses its smoothness and becomes rough, and the varnish on such nails does not apply well, unevenly and almost does not stick. What causes such nail defects, and what can be done?

Today we will try to identify the most common causes of uneven nails and touch upon the issue of their treatment.

Main reasons

Almost everyone understands that the causes of problems are always more important than the consequences, and it is them that needs to be fought. However, in reality, the opposite is often true: women try to disguise the problem by covering uneven nails with several layers of decorative varnish. Temporarily, in this way, the defect can be hidden, and at the same time the problem can be aggravated: under a thick layer of varnish, the nail plate will seriously suffer, practically deprived of nutrition and oxygen.

Health problems as a cause of uneven nails

Weakened nails feel even worse: already uneven, they begin to flake, crumble, break, and lose normal color. And then many, after consulting with friends or “rummaging” on the Internet, begin to self-medicate, imagining that their nails are deformed due to fungus. A fungus can indeed cause uneven nails, especially if the immune system is weakened, but treatment here should be prescribed by a specialist, based on tests, etc.

Uneven nails can be caused by many different reasons, and often there are several of these reasons at once: “intertwined” with each other, they weaken not only the nails, but also destroy health in general.

At any age, problems with metabolism can arise: because of this, nails “starve”, become weak and uneven. Contacting an endocrinologist will help not only straighten your nails, but also avoid much more serious problems.

Lack of iron leads to a deterioration in blood composition: the body tries to somehow distribute an important microelement in order to avoid anemia, and the nails often “do not get their turn.”

Violations of the vitamin-mineral balance and hypovitaminosis also negatively affect nails and make them uneven. Especially often we lack calcium, vitamins A, D and group B, which are necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails.

Nails also often reflect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. It is no coincidence that experienced specialists, when examining patients, pay attention to appearance their nails: this helps doctors choose types of examination and make the correct diagnosis faster.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital area also affect the condition of the nails and can make them uneven. The nails on the thumbs are most often affected: if they remain uneven and lumpy for a long time, it is better to undergo a special examination.

Seasonal colds and viral infections(flu, ARVI, etc.) many people simply “don’t take it into account”: they got sick, were cured and forgot. But nails, exhausted by a lack of vitamins and minerals that were actively consumed during illness, as well as by the effects of antibiotics and other chemical drugs, “remember” everything, and it is very difficult for them to recover without our help.

There are other, more or less serious internal causes of uneven nails, to identify which it is necessary to do tests and undergo other types of examination. So you shouldn’t hesitate to see a doctor: it’s better to quickly restore your health and have beautiful nails again than to let the disease progress and then be treated “from all sides” - it will take much more time and money.

Mechanical causes of uneven nails

Nails often lose their smoothness and become uneven due to various mechanical damages associated not only with “extreme” situations.

Blows, cuts and other injuries do happen, but they don't happen often, and some women don't experience them at all.

Deformation of the nail bed or plate due to incorrect position of the pen when writing or inept use of the keyboard can also occur only in those who regularly write or type a lot.

Almost all women, one way or another, do manicures, and it is not always possible to “get” to an experienced or conscientious manicurist. Independent use of manicure tools, such as metal ones, also often leads to damage to the cuticle and nails. And procedures such as polishing or extensions can seriously injure nails if carried out by an inexperienced technician or using low-quality materials.

And then there are household chemicals, which no one can do without now, but our women are not used to using household gloves: aggressive substances easily penetrate the nail plate, poison, soften, destroy and deform the nails.

Sometimes they talk about psychological reasons, explaining the unevenness of the nails by experienced shocks and constant stress. However, these reasons are closely related to physiology: during stress, nutrient reserves are consumed in huge quantities, and the nails cannot withstand this.

Treatment of uneven nails

Uneven nails need to be treated in parallel with the main problem: we have found that uneven nails are most often the result of serious illnesses. Even if the problem is caused by mechanical stress, the treatment will be the same: in order to recover, the nails must receive good care and normal nutrition.

Medicines are used (general strengthening, immunomodulatory and sedative (calming)) and dietary supplements - especially with iron and retinol, vitamins E, C and group B; massage, physiotherapy. In the latter case, different procedures are used: for example, iontophoresis - drug electrophoresis, when drugs penetrate into the nails under the influence of galvanic current; phonophoresis – drugs and cosmetics are administered using ultrasound, etc. As a rule, 10 to 15 procedures are prescribed, and after 1.5-2 months the course is repeated.

Preparations with glycerophosphate are very useful - a substance that improves metabolism, enhances protein synthesis and replenishes the lack of calcium in the body. There is also a drug called Fitin, made from cake and hemp seed, containing magnesium, calcium, and phosphoric acid salts. It stimulates hematopoiesis and helps improve the structure of tissues, including nails.

Effective folk baths

If there is nail dystrophy, hot baths (about 45°C) with sea salt, essential oils, pine extract, regular baking soda, etc. help well. Blood flow to the nail growth area improves and tissue nutrition is restored.

Applications on nails with paraffin, therapeutic mud, warm wax and ozokerite - mountain wax, are recognized as an equally effective procedure for treating uneven nails at home. All these products can be purchased inexpensively at a pharmacy, and even in finished form: for example, paraffin-ozokerite applicators are sold freely and cost approximately 120-150 rubles. Applications are applied so as to “capture” not only the nails, but also the cuticle and surrounding skin.

If the nails are ribbed vertically, baths with lemon juice and sea salt, 1 tsp each, quickly help. for 0.5 liters of water. They should be done 3 times a week, keeping the nails in the solution for 15 minutes.

During the treatment of uneven nails, it is better to avoid using decorative varnish.

It should be a priority for everyone, but not everyone follows this rule. Then we may notice that wavy stripes and depressions appear on the surface. This not only spoils the appearance of the nail, but also adds inconvenience and indicates problems. And even if you paint them with varnish, it will not help. Because a brighter shade, on the contrary, will attract attention. This often happens on the thumbs, because they are the ones that are susceptible to mechanical damage and bruises.

There are either single waves or several depressions right in the middle of the nail. And sometimes it's caused by more serious health problems.

What to do?

First of all, you need to understand that you must eat a healthy and balanced diet to keep your nails smooth, pink and shiny. You should not get carried away with diets, because they can cause more harm than good. Then we are talking about the fact that the body does not absorb the necessary vitamins and microelements, and then they do not reach the nails, skin, hair and do not nourish them.

Then you need to add more fruits, vegetables and meat to your diet. Also eat foods that are rich in calcium, keratin, iodine and iron. It is these elements that nourish the structure of the nail, making it stronger. Often, wavy nails indicate that you have an acute lack of iron. It is found most in meat, cabbage, and peas. Also pay attention to citrus fruits, because that is where the most vitamin C is. If, in addition to waves, you see that your nails have begun to become stained, then they also lack zinc and vitamin A.

Treatment at home

As mentioned earlier, waves and stripes are not always the result of changes in the body. Often the problem is simple and lies in an incorrectly performed manicure. You can even injure the plate with a pen or keyboard if you press too hard on the nail. As for the cuticle, its improper removal can also negatively affect the condition of the nail. Therefore, it is best not to use a trimmed manicure, but to gently soak your fingers, use orange oil and a wooden stick, which will remove excess skin. But if you trim too much of the cuticle, it will begin to dry out, which means that the growth of the nail root may slow down and the entire plate will be deformed. Then you will have to wait about three months until everything falls into place.

There is a whole list of procedures that can help you avoid the appearance of hair on your nails:

  • Unedged manicure;
  • Gloves for washing dishes and using household chemicals;
  • Massage of fingers and nails with a special brush;
  • Essential oil baths;
  • Therapeutic coatings and basic fundamentals for nails;
  • Matte varnishes without shine, which can hide the aesthetic unevenness of the nails;

As for procedures that can significantly affect the nail and cause the development of waves, the following are:

  • Nail extensions will not only not hide waves and unevenness, but may even worsen the condition of the nails, after which they will require a long recovery;
  • Polishing nails should be done very carefully so as not to file off the entire layer. Therefore, it is best if you divide it into several techniques;
  • Do not get carried away with oils and creams, because this softens the cuticle and becomes more susceptible to injury;

What do you need to remember?

They say that nails are hereditary organs, but this is not true. Because with the help of general rules and various means You can at least improve their condition a little. But naturally healthy nails, on the contrary, can be seriously spoiled due to poor-quality manicure or the presence of serious infections. Therefore, it is important that you do your manicure periodically, but only according to the rules. For example, do not use metal files, file your nails in one line from the sides to the center, and do not touch the edges.

Nails, like hair, have the ability to absorb everything from their structure, so never use acetone or low-quality nail polishes. Limit wearing polish to five days and let your hands rest for at least two to three days. Take the same break when wearing shellac or acrylic. If you feel pain, then do not wear such a covering at all and consult a doctor.

It's good if from time to time you buy base coats or medicinal varnishes, which will additionally nourish the nail plate with vitamins and elements. Moreover, you can tint them yourself, and apply varnishes on top, which will last much longer than usual.

And, of course, you must follow basic hygiene rules, use soap or antibacterial wipes, and use only sterile and individual manicure tools.

Such simple rules will allow you to avoid health problems and keep your nails beautiful, well-groomed and without waves or spots. This means that you will not feel discomfort and will be able to decorate them with various varnishes or rhinestones. After all, nails are as important as hair or skin. Therefore, devote enough time, effort and money to them. Moreover, there will be no special expenses required from you.


Are you really happy with life with this disease? With its side effects? Are you ready to endure itching, hiding your feet from others, suffering from pain, losing your nails?