Not a step back always forward tattoo. Phrases for tattoos in Latin with translation. Choosing a place for a women's tattoo inscription

In the search for a suitable tattoo, inscriptions in Latin with translation are far from the last place. The fashion for meaningless drawings has passed, and now people decorate their bodies consciously so that they don’t have to get rid of the image in a few years.

Why Latin?

Latin is one of the few languages ​​that has survived from antiquity. Today it is official in the Vatican and accepted by the Catholic Church, but is considered dead as it is not used colloquially. The greatest minds of mankind spoke this language, which is why many aphorisms in Latin have been preserved to this day, in demand and respect. In Russia, it is used in rare cases, for example, in the designation of medical terms.

People who want to get a tattoo think about its meaning so that the image does not become boring over the years. Latin inscriptions ideal option to hide the meaning of the tattoo from others.

What to do? Choose an inscription from many existing ones or come up with your own? What handwriting should you use to make your tattoo look beautiful? Which part of the body should I apply it to? All questions have answers.

Ideas for lettering tattoos

For Latin inscriptions on the body, the main thing is the semantic load. Only a long choice meaningful phrase will lead to success. The expression can motivate, remind you of significant moments, life goals and priorities, but it should not get boring. By piercing your body, you reveal part of your soul and moral values ​​to the world. What should you choose for yourself?


For many people, the priority in life is love and family. It is possible to imprint on the body the names of relatives (children, spouse), wedding vows and beautiful aphorisms. The most popular among them are:

  • Magna res est amor - “Love is a great thing.”
  • Amor Vincit Omnia – “Love conquers all.”
  • Amor et honor - “Love and honor.”
  • Si vis amari, ama - “If you want to be loved, love yourself.”
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - “I love and believe while I breathe.”
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - “Life ends, but not love.”

Life philosophy

To achieve your goals, you need to follow the rules. A life motto that you always remember gives strength to work, implement plans, and eternal struggle. Here are some suitable sayings:

  • Suum cuique – “To each his own.”
  • Silentium - “Silence”.
  • Procul negotiis - “Get out of trouble.”
  • Per aspera ad astra – “Through thorns to the stars.”
  • Vivere militare est – “To live is to fight.”
  • Experientia est optima magis – “Experience – best teacher».

Women's inscriptions

The tenderness and sensuality of female nature differs from male rudeness. You can emphasize your sophistication and love of beauty with the following phrases:

  • Sancta sanctorum - “Holy of Holies.”
  • Amat victoria curam - “Victory loves care.”
  • O fallacem hominum spem! - “How deceptive human hope is!”
  • Abo in pace - “Go in peace.”
  • Cantus cycneus – “Swan song”.
  • Contra spem spero - “I hope without hope.”

Reminders of the transience of life

People who value their life and value it always remember death. Such tattoos give impetus to constant development, because you need to do everything. Tattoos about death are relevant among people whose lives hung in the balance:

  • Cave! - "Be careful!".
  • Fatum - “Fate”.
  • Jus vitae ac necis - “The right to dispose of life and death.”
  • Malo mori quam foedari - “Dishonor is worse than death.”
  • Me quoque fata regunt - “Fate has subjugated me too.”
  • Via sacra – “Holy Way.”

Thoughts on freedom

Freedom-loving people value rebellion and the ability to make their own choices. There is also a selection of Latin inscriptions for tattoos for them:

  • Homo liber – “Free man”.
  • Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro – “It is shameful to sell freedom for gold.”
  • Vita sine libertate, nihil - “Life without freedom is nothing.”
  • Liberum arbitrium indifferentiae – “Absolute freedom of choice.”
  • In arte libertas - “In art there is freedom.”

To sum up, we can say with confidence that each person is individual and can find a Latin catchphrase to his liking. Like tattoos, they look harmonious and are filled with meaning.

Advice! Before getting a tattoo, answer the questions: what life values ​​do you have, aspirations, what situation do you want to capture in what language and part of the body. After talking to yourself, it becomes clear whether the tattoo is needed or is it dictated fashion trends.

How to choose a font?

It is not enough to choose a saying filled with meaning to depict on the body. The tattoo should look beautiful and attract attention.

Tattoo artists offer 2-3 times more Latin fonts than Russian ones, because they are more often popular. Ancient or modern font, print or script, pretentiousness and roundness or severity and angularity - it’s up to you. Tattoo artists offer 2-3 times more Latin fonts more than Russians, because they are more popular. The tattooed person chooses: ancient or modern font, print or cursive, pretentiousness and roundness or severity and angularity, Gothic, Middle Ages and other fonts captivate with their variety.

Modern tattoo parlors on their websites offer you to choose a font for a Latin tattoo online. To use the service, you need to enter the inscription in Latin in a special field. After this, a palette of fonts will appear that you can try on the saying.

If you decide to get a tattoo in a salon on whose website you select the font, you can immediately send the completed form to the artist. If there is another salon in the city, just print out the image for clarity.

Advice! Spend as much time choosing the font as you do the inscription. For outsiders, form is more important than content, so the tattoo needs to look stylish and harmonious.

I'll get a tattoo on this one and that one

When an inscription for a tattoo is chosen, a fair question arises: where will it look best? To hide or not? How to arrange long text so that it looks beautiful?

In the case of a tattoo, you always need to choose a part of the body on which the inscription will look harmonious. It also depends on the person’s pain threshold and ability to tolerate the effects of the tattoo machine.

Hands are the most popular for tattooing. Shoulder, palm, hand, fingers - where to write the inscription? Masters do not recommend placing large inscriptions on these parts of the body. If the Latin aphorism can be read even in a photo, it is better to abandon the idea, since the employer may be embarrassed by the fact of having a tattoo.

Tattoos on the wrists do not wear well, so it is better to abandon the idea.

The back becomes a real tattoo board. Among the advantages, tattooed people highlight mild pain and the simple ability to hide the inscription. The area is suitable for tattooing long and large phrases.

The stomach as a place for a tattoo is not the best solution. During pregnancy or when gaining weight, the inscription may become distorted. The rule also applies to the femoral area.

The leg is also open to the creativity of the tattoo artist. On the top of the foot, the image does not look vulgar; it can be easily hidden from others. On the lower leg, the pain is intensified, as there are many nerve endings there.

It is also important to take into account that tattoos do not stick on the surface of the foot, which is in contact with the floor, and on the palms.

Very painful parts of the body are the chest and chest (for girls), the sacrum (for guys), shoulder blades, elbows, armpits and perineum.

Advice! Choose a master based on his portfolio. He may be a drawing genius, but not know how to work with fonts. Look for someone who does an amazing job as the tattoo will last a lifetime.

Star tattoo lettering

Music and film stars follow fashion trends and also decorate their bodies with Latin inscriptions that are meaningful to them. In this way, they attract the attention of the public, who decipher the meaning of the sayings, and also emphasize their own individuality.

After the birth of her first daughter, Ksenia Borodina tattooed her name on her hand. The idea came from Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who has not made a single unconscious tattoo. Even their location on the body is symbolic.

Lera Kudryavtseva has an inscription on her back that translates as “Both soul and body”, and on her wrist - “The main thing in life is love.”

The advantage of tattoo inscriptions is that they are endowed with meaning. They look stylish, original and beautiful if you choose the right font. As a minus, one can highlight the illiteracy of the tattoo artist, who may make a mistake in writing the Latin letter.

Advice! Check the spelling of each letter carefully. The master may make a mistake, and the meaning of the inscription will be spoiled.

What do tattooed people think?

The decisive factor in applying the first tattoo is the reviews of the owners of Latin inscriptions on the body.

Alina, 25 years old: On my shin there is the inscription Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus. Translated, it means “Let’s have fun while we’re young.” Many who know the meaning of the words ask what will happen when I get old. I will remember my reckless youth and be proud of myself. Although, I think, even at 70 I will feel like I’m 20. In three years I haven’t gotten tired of the tattoo.

Elvira, 32 years old: At the age of 22, I was hit by a car, and I was on the verge of death. Long-term rehabilitation, the love of my family and the desire to live put me on my feet. Since then, the inscription Memento mori has been emblazoned on my shoulder. When I'm having a hard time, the tattoo reminds me of the value of life and gives me the strength to pull myself together. Literal translation: “Remember death.”

Margarita, 28 years old: I always thought that I was lucky in life. That’s why I have a small inscription under my chest that is meaningful to me: Audaces fortuna juvat – fortune favors the brave. I have never regretted getting a tattoo. Rather than putting a design on the floor of the body, it is better to choose a short but precise saying that characterizes the person.

Alexandra, 30 years old: I've been tattooing for about five years. Latin lettering has been in great demand lately and I can see why. Their meaning is important to the owner. It becomes a real talisman for a person.

  • Abiens, abi! - When you leave, leave!
  • Ad futarum memoriam - For a long memory
  • Agnus Dei - Lamb of God
  • alis volat propriis - Flies on its own wings
  • Amor patriae - Love for the Motherland
  • Arrectis auribus - Ears on top of head
  • Ars amandi - The art of love
  • Ars sacra - Sacred art
  • Aut Caesar, aut nihil - Either Caesar or nothing
  • Aut cum scuto, aut in scuto - Either with a shield, or on a shield
  • Carpe diem - Live in the present
  • Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero - Enjoy the moment, never trust the future
  • Carthago delenda est - Carthage must be destroyed
  • Cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I exist
  • Cognosce te ipsum! - Know yourself!
  • Concentia mille testes. - Conscience is a thousand witnesses.
  • Contra spem spero - I hope without hope.
  • Dicere non audeamus - have the courage to say no.
  • Dictum factum - Said and done
  • Dum spiri, spero. - As long as I’m breathing, I hope!
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - While I breathe, I love and believe.
  • Ejusdem farinae - From the same dough
  • Faber est suae quisque fortunae - Each one is the smith of his own destiny
  • Factum est factam - What is done is done (a fact is a fact).
  • Feminae naturam regere desperare est otium - Having decided to pacify a woman’s character, say goodbye to peace!
  • Gloria victoribus - Glory to the winners
  • Gustus legibus non subiacet - Taste does not obey laws
  • Hic sunt dracones - There are dragons here
  • Hic sunt leones - There are lions here
  • Homo homini lupus est - Man is a wolf to man
  • Homo hominis amicus est - Man is friend to man
  • Homo liber - Free person.
  • Imago animi vultus est - The face is the mirror of the soul
  • Imperare sibi maximum imperium est - Power over oneself - the highest power
  • In Daemon Deus! - There is God in the Demon!
  • In dubio abstine - When in doubt, abstain
  • In hac spe vivo - I live in this hope.
  • Injuria solvit amorem. - Love teaches resentment.
  • Injuriam facilius facias guam feras - Easy to offend, harder to endure
  • Inter arma silent Musae - When the guns speak, the muses are silent
  • Irreparabilium iprepara rabilium felix oblivio rerum - Happy is he who does not know how to regret the impossible
  • Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero - I swore with my tongue, but not with my thought.
  • Lassata viris necdum satiata recessit - She left, tired of men, but still not satisfied
  • Magna res est amor - Love is a great thing.
  • Malo mori quam foedari - Better death than dishonor.
  • Meliora spero - Hope for the best
  • Nomen est omen - The name is a sign
  • Non progredi est regredi - Not going forward means going backwards
  • Non quae libri vita docet - Life teaches what is not written in books.
  • nosce te ipsum - Know yourself
  • Nunc et semper te valde amabo - Now and always I love you very much
  • Odi et amo - I hate and love
  • Qui estis - Be who you are.
  • Qui sine peccato est - Who is without sin..
  • Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi - What is permitted to Jupiter is not permitted to the bull
  • Scio me multa nescere. - I know there's a lot I don't know. (Socrates)
  • Si vis amari, ama - If you want to be loved, love
  • Sine amore, nihil est vita - life is meaningless without love.
  • Summum bonum - Supreme bliss
  • Te amo est verum - I love you - this is the truth
  • Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - I want to live and die with you.
  • Ubi bene, ibi patria - Where it is good, there is the homeland
  • Ubi concordia, ibi victoria - Where there is agreement, there is victory
  • Ubi mel, ibi apes - Where there is honey, there are bees
  • Vale et me ama - Farewell and love me.
  • Veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered.
  • Viam supervadet vadens - The road will be mastered by the one who walks
  • Vita brevis ars longa - Life is short - art is long lasting
  • Vivere est agere - To live is to act
  • Vivere est cogitare. Living means thinking!

Who doesn’t strive to emphasize their individuality and look different from everyone else? Some people seek self-expression in bright outfits, some in makeup, piercings, and others prefer tattoos. Have you been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time and are you looking for a phrase with meaning that is worthy of you? Then our selection is just what you need. We offer you sayings for tattoos with translation. Here you will find various beautiful phrases and quotes for tattoos in different languages: English, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French and others.

There are many types of tattoos: they can be made in the form of a drawing, abstraction, or portrait. But the most popular are tattoo inscriptions, especially on foreign language. This type of body art has a certain secret. You can choose your life credo as phrases for a tattoo; you can write short and wise words of love, gratitude to your parents and family. Often tattoos symbolize the past or important point in life.

Remember who you are. (Remember who you are).

And never imagine yourself to be anything more.

Everyone has one's own path. (Everyone has their own path).

Everyone should follow their own path, and not look at someone else’s.

Now or never. (Now or never).

Of course, now!

Life is beautiful. (Life is beautiful).

Does anyone doubt this?)

My guardian is always with me. (My guardian is always with me).

Let him protect my every step.

One lifelong love. (One love for life).

If you fall in love, then once and for all your life!

The best thing in our life is love. (The best thing in our life is love).

The worst thing is losing her.

While I’m breathing — I love and believe. (As long as I breathe, I love and believe).

Love and faith give strength to live.

I will get everything I want. (I'll get everything I want)

Whoever believes in himself will succeed.

My dreams come true. (My dreams are coming true).

That's why they are dreams, to come true.

My angel is always with me. (My angel is always with me).

No one sees a guardian angel, but everyone has one.

The love of my life. (Love of my life).

He (she) is my whole life.

Jamais perdre l'espoir. (Never lose hope).

Hope gives you strength to move forward.

Live without regrets. (Live without regrets).

Don’t regret anything, since it happened, then it’s necessary.

Jouis de chaque moment. (Enjoy every moment).

Life is given to enjoy it.

Les rêves se realisent. (Dreams come true).

Dreams come true for those who believe in them.

La vie est belle. (Life is beautiful).

Whatever one may say, that’s the way it is!

Amor Vincit Omnia. (Love conquers all).

Everything, even hatred.

Amor et honor. (Love and Honor).

These are important characteristics of a person.

Vincit qui se vincit. (The most difficult victory is victory over yourself).

He who has conquered himself will conquer any challenge.

Faber est quisque fortunae suae. (Man is the creator of his own destiny.)

Everything is in your hands, remember this.

Esto quod es. (Be who you really are).

Be yourself and don't try to imitate anyone.

Ut Amem Et Foveam. (This is what I love and idolize).

If you love it, then this is the meaning of your life.

Verba volant, scripta manent. (Words fly away, what is written remains).

Words do not remain in sight like written words, but they remain in memory.

Luctor et emergo. (I'm struggling but I'll survive)

Don't be afraid, you just need to live and move forward.

Veritas vos liberabit. (The truth will set you free)

Nothing makes life easier than the truth.

Vita est speciosa. (Life is beautiful).

Life is beautiful, no matter how you look at it!

Vivere in momento. (Life is made up of moments).

Life is a picture, every moment is the puzzle that makes it up.

Minima maxima sun. (The smallest things are the most important in life).

Little things make a big difference.

Quis Attero Mihi Tantum Planto Mihi Validus. (What doesn't kill me makes me stronger).

Tests are given to make us stronger.

Si vis amari ama. (If you want to be loved, love yourself).

He who loves himself cannot be unloved.

Veritas lux mea. (The truth is the light in my life).

While lies are real darkness.

Vive ut vivas. (Life is what you make it).

You live the way you deserve.

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris. (Expect from another what you yourself did to another).

Treat others the way you would want them to treat you.

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit. (Take advantage of life, it is so fleeting).

Life should be appreciated in youth, while there is still time to live!

Actum ne agas. (What you're done with, don't come back to).

Know how to part with things, with people.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant. (Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them).

Friends are made in adversity, as life has proven.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit. (Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart).

Love lives in the heart.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare. (I’m ready to listen to stupidity, but I won’t listen).

Listen, listen, and act in your own way.

Aut vincere, aut mori. (Either win or die).

Win and win again!

Carpe diem. (Seize the moment).

Don't let go of luck.

Certum voto pete finem. (Set only achievable goals for yourself.)

Don't set unattainable goals, otherwise you will lose faith in yourself.

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus. (Time is the most useful adviser to a person).

Only time can put everything in its place.

Vita sene libertate nlhil. (Life without freedom is nothing).

Life and freedom are one.

Audaces fortuna juvat. (Fate helps the brave).

Fate senses everyone’s weaknesses, so it takes advantage of them.

Bene vobis. (May everything be fine).

Each of us...

Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón. (Love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat).

Love - until the end!

Yo mismo me hago la vida. (I build my own life).

Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, donde lo hay todo. (Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything).

Before you complain that you have nothing, look carefully and maybe you will see that you have everything.

Un día todo irá bien: he aquí nuestra esperanza. (One day everything will be fine: that is our hope.)

The main thing in this life is to believe...

Cada paso con Dios. (Every step is with God).

Lucky is the one who lives with God.

Tú dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querrás quedarte. (You left a part of yourself next to me, I will love it and protect it if you don’t want to stay).

When people love a friend of a friend, they give a part of themselves to their loved ones.

Casi desde el cielo. (Almost from heaven).

Heaven bless your every step.

Todo es para ti, mamá. (Everything for you, mom).

Mom is the person to whom we owe everything.

Cuando las personas se van – déjales ir. (When people leave, let them go).

If someone decides to leave you, don't hold them back.

Sueña sin miedo. (Dream without fear).

Dreams should feel like you are confident in them.

Eres mi fuerza. (You are my strength)

We all have someone who inspires us and gives us strength.

Salvame y guárdame. (Save and preserve).

Faith in God is the meaning of life.

Felicidad es estar en armonía con la vida. (Happiness is harmony with life).

Happiness is the ability to appreciate life.

Cum deo. (God bless you).

Life is easier with faith!

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. (Balzac)

There is one person in the world who will always forgive everything, and that is mom.

What a person owes to his mother, he will never return.

But he can give it back to his children.

Every mother is a guardian angel.

But mother, we feel wings behind our backs.

Mother is the name of the Lord in the heart of every child.

A child is God's reward for faith.

The mother's heart beats faster.

No one's heart worries more often than a mother's.

Everyone has a God and his name is mother. (Georgy Alexandrov)

Mom is a sacred word.

Honor to the gods, honor to parents.

One who honors God and parents lives righteously.

The heart of a mother is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness.

A mother's heart is a storehouse of kindness.

Descendants atone for the guilt of their ancestors.

Live righteously so that your children do not have to pay for your sins.

Love that is not reborn daily dies daily. (Khalil Gibran)

Love, like fire, needs to be kindled regularly.

Where they love us is the only place where we are born. (J. Byron)

We always want to return to where we are loved.

In moments of true love you love everyone. (I.I. Lazhechnikov)

And only after inspiration do you realize that only a few are worthy of love.

Falling in love does not mean loving... You can fall in love while hating. (F.M. Dostoevsky)

Love often follows hate.

Love cannot rule over people, but it can change them. (I.V. Goethe)

Love can change you so much that you won't even recognize yourself.

To deserve love, beauty alone is not enough. (Ovid)

To deserve love, you need to have a pure soul.

To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. (Francois Mauriac)

To love is to receive someone's heart.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other. (Cyril Connolly)

Love is painful when it is not reciprocated.

It's easier to live without love. But without her there's no point . (Leo Tolstoy)

The meaning of life is to love and do good.

Love hurts even the gods. (Petronius)

Cupid's arrow can hit anyone.

Love cannot be cured with herbs. (Ovid)

Even time has a hard time healing love's wounds.

My tattoos are like notes from life. Sometimes you don't feel comfortable in your own skin, so you cover it with drawings. (Frank Iero)

A tattoo is a reason to change something about yourself.

If I got a tattoo, it would be “Mom.” (Woody Allen)

Everything is very cool! Fast, beautiful and in general there are no words for how much I like everything! :) Good luck and good mood always-always-always!!!

I would like to express my deep gratitude to master Pavel! This is truly a master of his craft!!! Everything went smoothly and almost painlessly! This was my first tattoo, but I am sure that I will come again and will definitely recommend your salon to my friends and acquaintances! Smile! ;)

Thank you very much to the salon and the master! The tattoo turned out very beautiful, everything was done carefully, quickly and efficiently.

Thank you to the administrator for helping me choose the font for the inscription and the place of application. I’ve already had my second tattoo, I’ll come again!

Friendly attitude of the master. Excellent result. I was very pleased. The atmosphere in the salon is very homely and pleasant. Master Vasily is a true professional. Thanks a lot!

I really like the attitude of the master towards clients. The master is a true professional. I have done 5 jobs with him and am very pleased. Very polite and attractive girls administrators. Thanks to the entire Tattoo Times team. I will definitely return to your salon!

Impressions - super! I would like to say a huge thank you to master Alexey for the excellent quality work! The salon is very cozy and positive, I’ll be back in a week!

Master - super! High quality and beautiful tattoo. Almost painless. A lot of positive emotions. The master suggested which place would be best to apply this tattoo.

Thank you very much! I'll definitely come again.

The master is a professional in his field. I’m very glad that I ended up with him!)

I really liked the work of master Alexey. He approaches his work very responsibly and delicately, and the tattoo process was easy and quick. In the future I will contact your salon. Thanks a lot

You are the best

I really liked master Alexey, as it was very comfortable. Very friendly and funny. I hope that when I decide to get another tattoo, I will definitely go to him. The Mexican rules! :)

A huge sincere “thank you” to the wonderful master Dima! Dima understood exactly what I wanted: he drew a wonderful sketch in accordance with all my wishes, helped me decide on the size and location of the tattoo. It was almost painless to wear. The result is even better than my expectations! I wholeheartedly recommend Dima to everyone for his professionalism, calmness and confidence. And most importantly - understanding!

I really liked the master for his professionalism and sociability. I will definitely return to this salon again!

I was very pleased with the work of the master. The work was done quickly, efficiently, accurately and practically painlessly. In the future I am ready to cooperate with this master.

I really liked your salon, you are extremely friendly and positive, everything is beautiful!

Everything is great! Everything is Amazing!

Everything was great. Very pleased.

I have a very good impression of your salon. Quality of service, attention to the client. The administrator helped me choose a font and decide on the size of the inscription. And of course, the execution of the work itself left only pleasant impressions. Thanks to Tattoo Times!

The entire salon staff is very friendly and helpful. Helped me decide on a pattern. The master works very professionally. Absolutely sterile and safe, which was extremely important for me. This tattoo was my first but definitely not my last. I will be happy to come again and recommend the salon to friends. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff and Dima in particular for helping me decide to take this step and enjoy the procedure and the result!

I really liked the master. Friendly atmosphere, fast and painless work!

Good approach to people, very friendly master with good taste and rich imagination. The administrator greets you pleasantly. Good quality salon.

We have collected the most popular ones for you. Latin inscriptions for tattoos with translation. Here you will find quotes from great thinkers and figures, legendary sayings, as well as explanations of where they came from.
Come to our salon for free consultation and we will introduce you to an even more complete library of quotations in Latin. On the site you can see photos of tattoo inscriptions not only in Latin, but also in other, very different languages.

Amor omnia vincit.
Love conquers everything.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.
Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.

Antiquus amor cancer est.
Old love is not forgotten.

Audi, multa, loquere pauca.
Listen a lot, talk little.

Audi, vide, sile.
Listen, watch and be silent.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare.
I’m ready to listen to stupidity, but I won’t listen.

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam.
Either I’ll find a way, or I’ll pave it myself.

Aut vincere, aut mori.
Either win or die.

Aut caesar, aut nihil.
Either Caesar or nothing.
Cogito, ergo sum.
I think, therefore I exist.
(The position based on which the French philosopher and mathematician Descartes tried to build a system of philosophy, free from elements of faith and based entirely on the activity of reason. René Descartes, “Principles of Philosophy”, I, 7, 9.)

Conscientia mille testes.
Conscience is a thousand witnesses.
(Latin proverb)

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus.
Time is the most useful adviser to a person.

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum.
Correct the past, manage the present, provide for the future.

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida.
Whoever Fortune smiles on, Themis does not notice.

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.
It is common for every person to make mistakes, but only a fool tends to persist in a mistake.

Cum vitia present, paccat qui recte facit.
When vices flourish, those who live honestly suffer.

Dum spiro, spero!
As long as I breathe, I hope!

Dum spiro, amo atque credo.
As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor.
Pain makes even the innocent lie.
(Publius, "Sentences")

Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Nothing comes from nothing.

Ex malis eligere minima.
Choose the least of two evils.

Ex ungue leonem.
You can recognize a lion by its claws.

Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum.
We recognize a lion by its claws, and a donkey by its ears.

Experientia est optima magistra.
Experience is the best teacher.

Festina lente.
Hurry up slowly.

Fide, sed cui fidas, vide.
Be vigilant; trust, but be careful who you trust.

Fidelis et forfis.
Loyal and brave.

Finis vitae, sed non amoris.
Life ends, but not love.

Flagrante delicto.
At the crime scene, red-handed.

Forsomnia versas.
Blind chance changes everything (the will of blind chance).

Fortes fortuna adjuvat.
Fate helps the brave.

Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo.
Firm in action, gentle in handling.
(Persistently achieve the goal, acting gently.)

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.
Happiness is easier to find than to maintain.

Fortunam suam quisque parat.
Everyone finds their destiny themselves.

Fructus temporum.
Fruit of time.

Fuge, late, tace.
Run, hide, be silent.

Fugit irrevocabile tempus.
Irreversible time is running out.

Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto.
I am a man, and nothing human is alien to me.

In aeternum.
Forever, forever.

In Daemon Deus!
There is God in the Demon!

In dubio abstine.
When in doubt, refrain.

Infandum renovare dolorem.
To resurrect the terrible (literally: “unspeakable”) pain
(that is, talk about the sad past).
(Virgil, "Aeneid")

Infelicissimum genus infortunii est fuisse felicem.
The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.

Doubt is half of wisdom.

In pace.
In peace, in peace.

Incedo per ignes.
I walk among the fire.

Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est.
Doubt is half of wisdom.

Injuriam facilius facias guam feras.
It's easy to offend, harder to endure.

In me omnis spes mihi est.
All my hope is in myself.

In memoriam.
In memory.

In pace leones, in proelio cervi.
In times of peace - lions, in battle - deer.
(Tertullian, “On the Crown”)

Inter arma silent legs.
When weapons thunder, the laws are silent.

Inter parietes.
Within four walls.

In tyrannos.
Against tyrants.

In vino veritas.
The truth is in the wine.
(Cf. Pliny the Elder: “It is generally accepted to attribute truthfulness to wine.”)

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas.
Truth is in wine, health is in water.

In vitium ducit culpae fuga.
The desire to avoid a mistake draws you into another.
(Horace, "The Science of Poetry")

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium.
In love, pain and joy always compete.

Ira furor brevis est.
Anger is a short-term mental frenzy.
(Horace, "Epistle")

Ira initium insaniae est.
Anger is the beginning of madness.

Lupus non mordet lupum.
A wolf will not bite a wolf.

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem.
The wolf changes its fur, not its nature.

Manus manum lavat.
The hand washes the hand.
(A proverbial expression dating back to the Greek comedian Epicharmus.)

Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo.
My conscience is more important to me than all the gossip.

Mea vita et anima es.
You are my life and soul.

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae.
A good name is better than great wealth.

Meliora spero.
I hope for the best.

Mens sana in corpore sano.
A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum.
Not a step back, always forward.

Nusquam sunt, qui ubique sunt.
Those who are everywhere are nowhere.

Omnia fluunt, omnia mutantur.
Everything flows, everything changes.

Omnia mors aequat.
Death equals everything.

Omnia praeclara rara.
Everything beautiful is rare.

Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar.
I achieve everything I want.

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori.
Love conquers everything, and we submit to love.

Optimi consiliarii mortui.
The best advisors are dead.

Optimum medicamentum quies est.
The best medicine is peace.
(Medical aphorism, authored by the Roman physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus.)

Per risum multum debes cognoscere stultum.
You should recognize a fool by his frequent laughter.
(Medieval proverb.)

Perigrinatio est vita.
Life is a journey.

Persona grata.
A desirable or trusted person.

Petite, et dabitur vobis; quaerite et invenietis; pulsate, et aperietur vobis.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. (Matt. 7:7)

Primus inter pares.
First among equals.
(Formula characterizing the position of the monarch in a feudal state.)

Quo quisque sapientior est, eo solet esse modestior.
How smarter person, the more modest he is usually.

Quod cito fit, cito perit.
What is soon done, soon falls apart.

Quomodo fabula, sic vita; non quam diu, sed quam bene acta sit refert.
Life is like a play in a theater; It's not how long it lasts that matters, but how well it's played.

Respue quod non es.
Throw away what is not you.

Scio me nihil scire.
I know I don't know anything.
(Latin translation of the freely interpreted words of Socrates. Compare Russian. Learn for a century, die a fool.)

Sed semel insanivimus omnes.
We all get mad someday.

Semper mors subest.
Death is always near.

Sequere Deum.
Follow the will of God.

Si etiam omnes, ego non.
Even if everything is, it’s not me.
(i.e. Even if everyone does, I won't)

Si vis amari, ama.
If you want to be loved, love.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
(Source - Vegetius. Also cf. Cicero: “If we want to enjoy peace, we have to fight” and Cornelius Nepos: “Peace is created by war.”)

Sibi imperare maximum imperium est.
The highest power is power over oneself.

Similis simili gaudet.
Like rejoices in like.

Sic itur ad astra.
This is how they go to the stars.

Sol lucet omnibus.
The sun is shining for everyone.

Terra incognita.
Unknown land
(trans. something completely unknown or an inaccessible area on ancient geographical maps, this is how unexplored parts of the earth’s surface were designated).

Tertium non datur.
There is no third option; there is no third.
(In formal logic, one of the four laws of thinking is formulated this way - the law of the excluded middle. According to this law, if two diametrically opposed positions are given, one of which affirms something, and the other, on the contrary, denies, then there will be a third, middle judgment between them can't.)

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito!
Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it!

Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis.
Where you are not capable of anything, you should not want anything.

Ut ameris, amabilis esto.
To be loved, be worthy of love.

Utatur motu animi qui uti ratione non potest.
He who cannot follow the dictates of the mind, let him follow the movements of the soul.

Varietas delectat.
Variety is fun.

Verae amititiae sempiternae sunt.
True friendship is eternal.

Vivamus atque amemus.
Let's live and love.

Vi veri vniversum vivus vici.
I conquered the universe with the power of truth during my lifetime.

Vivere est agere.
To live means to act.

Vivere est vincere.
To live means to win.

Latin tattoos never seem to go out of style. Agree, there is something mystical in the language spoken by one of the most ancient cultures. And starting from the 1st century AD, many European settlements communicated through it. Unfortunately, today the Latin language is considered completely dead, but great phrases in it are still in great demand and respect. Many people choose some kind of Latin inscription for a tattoo. Most often these are philosophical, love and family themes.

Today it is difficult to independently translate the required inscription for a tattoo, but many resources have been created on the Internet for this. However, as you yourself understand, you should not completely trust them. Check the translation in more than one source before applying words to your body. Many people act quite reasonably, using long-established and proven phrases in Latin. It's a mistake to think that this narrows your choices. There are so many Latin phrases that you may have difficulty coming up with a definitive definition. continues to collect all the most interesting things for you. Our selection today is entirely devoted to tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation.

Motivational tattoo inscriptions in Latin

The Latin language is great for phrases that motivate and inspire a person to do something. It was spoken by the great generals and rulers of Rome; it was during that era that many well-known sayings arose. Here are some of them:

  • non ducor duco - I am not a follower, I lead myself.
  • semper ad meliora - moving only forward is the best solution.
  • dum vita est, spes est - as long as I breathe, I hope.
  • Recordare quia ego Dominus - remember that you must live.
  • Sed anima plus est quam manere - life is more than just being on this earth.
  • Ille vincit qui se vincit - the one who can defeat himself wins.
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae - every person is the creator of his own destiny.
  • Qui estis - be who you are.
  • Nunc aut numquam - now or never.
  • Dicere non audeamus - have the courage to say no.
  • Rectum, quia honestum est - do what you think is right, because it is right.
  • Te obtinuit amittere duobus proeliis vincere - before winning the main fight, you need to sacrifice the previous ones.
  • Aut vincere, aut mori - either win or die.
  • Certum voto pete finem - set yourself only achievable goals (i.e. don’t fly in the clouds).
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis - actions are stronger than words.
  • Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - not a step back, always forward.
Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation: on the wrist

Love tattoo lettering in Latin

As the Romans themselves said, even the Gods are subject to love. Nothing can do without her living creature on the planet. For some, love brings a feeling of euphoria and joy, for others it brings pain and suffering. Many people strive to immortalize their feelings, whatever they may be, on their body. Here are some of them:

  • Amantes sunt amentes - lovers are mad.
  • Amor etiam deos tangit - even the gods are subject to love.
  • Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.
  • Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem - I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.
  • Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audit - happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - life ends, but not love.
  • In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium - pain and joy always compete in love.
  • nunc scio quid sit amor - now I know what love means.
  • omnia vincit amor - love conquers all obstacles.
  • si vis amari ama - if you want to be loved, love yourself.
  • Amor gignit amorem - love begets love.
  • Una in perpetuum - together forever.
  • Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - I want to live and die with you.
  • Tuus perdite sodalis amans - forever your loving soul mate.
  • Numquam te amare desistam - I will never stop loving you.
  • Amor meus amplior quam verba est - my love is more than words.
  • ecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - with you I would like to live, with you I would like to die.
  • Sine amore, nihil est vita - life is meaningless without love.
  • Mea vita et anima es - you are my life and soul.

Philosophical tattoo inscriptions in Latin

A lot of things in life require reflection. Life is not an easy thing. Every person strives to somehow realize himself, achieving his goals through many obstacles. Some believe that life is a thorny path, others believe that this path is very short. These thoughts were not alien to the ancient philosophers. It is thanks to them that today we have many beautiful Latin phrases on eternal philosophical topics that make us think. Here are some of them:

  • Vitam diligere. Amabit te - love life, it will love you back.
  • De vita nusquam abruptis - never regret.
  • Tolle quod dat vitam - take what life offers you.
  • Video faciem optimism vitam specula - I look at life only with optimism.
  • Vita difficile est. Te potest esse difficilius - life is cruel, but you can be tougher.
  • Non quae libri vita docet - life teaches what is not written about in books.
  • Populus, populi ad vitam resurgit - people come, people go, but life goes on.
  • Vita multas tempestates sedat aliqua - life - striped.
  • Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat - every hour wounds, the last one kills.
  • Perigrinatio est vita - life is a journey.

In previous articles on the topic of tattoos with translation, we have already given examples of the most original ideas. Today, such options have not escaped our attention. I would especially like to highlight the tattoo inscription (Latin with translation) in the form of three crossed circles, reminiscent of infinity sign. More than one Latin phrase can fit on such a tattoo. For some, this can be a real salvation.

: on your back

Also, for those who want to place more text on their body, we can offer this option. Latin stitches always look very attractive on the shoulder blade. This design suits both boys and girls. Remember Angelina Jolie.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : on the shoulder blade

Among the representatives of the stronger half, inscriptions on the chest are very popular. Here is one such example.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : on the chest

Girls can decorate their inscription with various elements, a heart, a bird, a flower. While men most often prefer strict and in some cases “hard” design.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : on the foot with a butterfly

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : on the foot with a bird

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation : on the hand