True love is infatuation. True love: what it is, signs, how to preserve it. Modern concept of love

Most people now misunderstand the meaning of the word "love", they confuse it with falling in love, and these are different things. Falling in love is more of a physiological state, and love is a state of mind. Falling in love is just a game of hormones.
What is true love? When a person begins to experience love, his previous pattern of behavior changes, the person begins to feel what the other person feels, and takes on all the pains and joys of that person. Love is suicide, it is the murder of your former self, your individuality. It's like connecting to another person's nervous system. Love is pain, it is suffering, it is a feat. Love is the sacrifice of one's own development for the development of another/others.

How to distinguish falling in love from love? Falling in love does not always turn into love, but it is often considered love. It came from sentimentality, from people who turned love into a kind of lisp, into red hearts and angels with arrows. Falling in love is actually just a physiological human need caused by a hormonal surge. It is known that when someone feels in love, their body produces oxytocin, and because of this they experience a feeling of euphoria. Oxytocin is the hormone of a friendly attitude towards another person. Even when two brutal men are sitting drinking in the kitchen, and their conversation reaches the “do you respect me” stage, then at that moment oxytocin is produced, interacting with alcohol. That’s why conversations arise about respect, friendship, various hugs, fraternization, and so on. In the same way, two drunk guys and girls feel sympathy more often than sober ones - because alcohol stimulates the production of oxytocin, which causes sympathy, similar to falling in love.

A person is drawn to another person because more and more new needs for dopamine and oxytocin arise. But then in many cases it goes away. Falling in love is an animal attraction to a person of the opposite sex. Sexual attraction is also attributed to love when it is confused with falling in love, but you can experience absolutely no attraction to a person and still love him, because love is not determined by the degree of attraction. Some women say: “He doesn’t love me anymore, he left for someone else.” The fact is that he did not love her before, but only felt attraction.

I know from the experience of many girls who claimed that:

“Yes, I really love this man! We have true love, I know that for sure!”

But then some kind of force majeure happened in their relationship, and their former “true love” disappeared somewhere, and arguments and swearing came in its place. Is this true love? Over so many years of perversion, the term “love” has been turned into various kinds of lisping, pink hearts, angels, etc. The capitalist, bourgeois model of the social system has turned this term into a commodity, into something that can be sold or into something on which big profits can be made. Those. It turns out that the concepts of “love” and “infatuation” have been replaced. If love is something high, then falling in love is and there is ordinary human feeling. Exactly the same as the feeling of hunger, drowsiness, the feeling when a person wants to go to the toilet, etc. This is a simple primitive feeling, a simple primitive instinct, and mass culture is largely built on this primitive feeling of falling in love, incorrectly calling it love. Modern culture, or rather, pop culture has degenerated to such an extent that the mind is no longer enough for anything other than praising primitive, physiological human feelings and needs, because falling in love is simply a need.

But judge for yourself, just imagine, this is just ordinary physiological attraction, when one individual, having smelled the pheromones of another individual, begins to experience sexual attraction. It is sexual, because falling in love one way or another presupposes sexual intercourse in the future. Those. it is continuously connected with this and is only a stage in the development of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. It’s as simple as two and a half, but they’ve made such a huge commercial product out of it, they’ve already made so much money from it, they’ve made so many careers, they’ve made so many films and recorded music. If the author of a work wants to get easy money, he will definitely play on human feelings: he will write about falling in love, calling his works “songs about love”, “films about love”, “romance novels”.

Falling in love involves the secretion (release) of certain hormones. They say for example:

“If you really love me, you will go to the ends of the earth!”

And people are coming. There is nothing wrong with following a person to the “ends of the world,” but the point is that people follow precisely by feeling. Because here we can really talk about a strong stage, but not love, but falling in love. Those. under the influence of a large production of hormones - natural drugs (endorphins, serotonin, dopamine), a person, intoxicated (literally) with them, goes to any madness for the sake of the object of his love. And when the object (partner) suddenly leaves such a person, then due to the lack of the usual dose of drugs (withdrawal) he is ready for radical measures- up to suicide. This happens, as a rule, during the puberty (teenage) period, when the hormonal surge is already very large, and stimulation also occurs due to this dangerous feeling.

It follows that true love has nothing to do with the sexual feeling of attraction of one person to another, while love is not a feeling at all.
Here's another example. Imagine this situation: A child grows up in a family, and the family also has a dog. They love to play with each other, run, etc. But one day, for some reason, the child had to leave this place for about 10 years. But when he returned as a changed, older person, the dog, seeing him, immediately rushed to him. And the man felt the same for her joyful feelings. This is love, what do you think? No! And this is not love, this is also just instinct! Once they had a good time together, they played, laughed, they produced pleasure hormones (endorphins), and their memory retained this hormonal surge. But now the story continues. One day, when they were playing together, the child was approached bad people and tried to kill him with a knife, but the dog saw this - and rushed to his aid, jumped, she shielded him with herself and soon died. Those. she sacrificed her life for hers. And this is really love!

Love is the ability to sacrifice the most precious thing you have for the sake of someone else. And the most precious thing is life. You can sincerely hate another person, but in a difficult situation you sacrifice yourself for him - this is love. And everything else is lisp and “pink snot”. And no more. All this baby talk is worthless, while love is strength, power, is a manifestation of a person’s will and determination. This, if you like, is more like a character trait than a feeling.

There are still divisions between maternal love, friendly love, the love of a man and a woman. But in fact, there is no separation at all - it’s all one and the same, because love has no material, physiological source, love has a different nature - it is spiritual feeling, this is not even a feeling, but some kind of spiritual component, some intangible form that overwhelms a person. Love is a humanitarian term. Simply put, love is not something that modern people are used to thinking: “Oh, what I feel inside myself!” - this is not that, - this is not love, but some kind of instincts, and instincts are material. Love is a definition not of a person’s internal state, but of his actions, his external manifestation. Any attempt to present love only as a feeling, i.e. something you feel is wrong.

To love means to wish a person the highest good, it is the ability to make the greatest sacrifices, the ability to give one’s life for a person. A person no longer lives by his own interests, but switches to the interests of another person and shares everything with him.

“Greater love has no one than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” In. 15-13

About marriage

Love in marriage is not the quenching of lust and sexual desire - this is a purely humanitarian term, while lust is completely material and is explained by the production of certain hormones. Love in general is a purely humanitarian term that has nothing to do with attraction. In all nations at all times, marriages were concluded not at all out of love, but because the father of the groom and the father of the bride decided to unite their farms, their families, their homes, and capital. They gave their children away according to this principle. And it’s okay, somehow they lived and gave birth to children, and the families were strong.

Marriage- this is an official (i.e. recognized by the state or religious denomination) union between a man and a woman for the sake of procreation and joint housekeeping.

A marriage will be strong when it stands on a strong foundation. And if the foundation of a marriage is only the love of two people, their passion, lust and attraction to each other (and attraction tends to pass, disappear!) - then the marriage is destroyed. This is evidenced by the sad statistics of divorces, about 60-70% .

The basis of a successful marriage, its foundation should be two points: A) children, b) farming. The second point is quite logical: you must agree that running a household together is much easier than running a household alone. And the first point is the most important point, because when you get married, its purpose is to give birth and raise children, i.e. in the production of new members of society. Therefore, you need to give all of yourself to the children, and the entire marriage should exist precisely for the sake of the children. This has always been the case, at all times, in all nations, in all regions of our Planet.

But now the institution of marriage has been perverted and turned into something else. Marriage today is a union between two lovers, created solely based on their feelings, needs, attraction, lust. This is something that is easy to conclude and easy to dissolve; even more and more changes are being applied to the legislation to facilitate the procedure for concluding and dissolving a marriage. If you wanted, you got married, if you wanted, you got divorced. Now even witnesses are no longer needed. Therefore, this “modern marriage” cannot be called a marriage.

I'll tell you this: love is a sacrifice. If you sacrifice, you love, the more you sacrifice, the more you love. If you don't sacrifice anything, but only receive, you don't love. That is, “give, give, give” is not love, “na, na, na” is love. If you take, take and want to take more - this is passion. Insatiable passion. And if you give and are ready to continue giving, this is love. This is a very simple definition. Love is measured by sacrifice. You can sacrifice money, time, health, nerves, psyche, a finger, a second finger, a third finger, a hand, a hand to the elbow, a hand to the shoulder, a leg, another leg, a head, a heart - this is love... You sacrifice - love, not sacrificing is not love. This is how you check yours family relationships. - Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Love in marriage- this is not love and attraction at all, love in marriage - this is a victim. This is the ability to sacrifice oneself, one’s personal space, time, a piece of one’s individuality for the sake of children and spouse. Therefore, I would even rename the term “Lovers” to “Lovers”, i.e. those who are in love and give free rein to their desire are engaged in “falling in love”, but not love. By the way, “marital duty” is not called duty for nothing, because the spouse is simply obliged to do “this”, is obliged to perform this sacrament. Call yourself a milk mushroom - get into the back! Called yourself husband/wife - fulfill your duty, bear offspring, create new members of society. Well, if these are lovers, then what duty do they have? This is exactly what they want, this is not a duty, but a direct following of their instincts and needs. Whereas the fulfillment of duty does not always happen at will and is often even done reluctantly. That’s why it’s a duty, whatever you want or not, you have to do!

True love is like slavery

Yes, that's right! So, does this phrase cause some kind of indignation and discomfort, insult and dissatisfaction in you? Or maybe because it’s about you? After all, as is customary among many, a husband (or wife) is almost property for spouses and is needed in order to fulfill any of their requests and instructions. But true love, i.e. the one that is not falling in love is slavery, and the slavery is mutual. And when slavery is mutual, i.e. Both the one and the other spouse are equally slaves for each other, then there is no one who will exploit. This is not slavery when there is a slave and an owner - this is voluntary, mutual slavery. And that's exactly the point. When one of the spouses ceases to be a slave himself and begins to only demand, then he becomes the master - and there is no more love.

Therefore, the essence of marriage for love is precisely self-sacrifice; love is a sacrifice. Just like a slave in ancient Egypt sacrificed himself to his master, just as a person who loves sacrifices himself. The only difference is that this slavery and sacrifice are voluntary, and therefore it is not slavery at all, in the classical sense of this concept.

However, many people are so stuck in their egoism that such a formulation may seem wild to them: “How is it so: I am and will be a slave!?” Spouses perceive each other as private property, as slaves, but at the same time they do not want to be such themselves. Due to the different role behavior of husband and wife, slavery manifests itself in different ways. The wife is distinguished by meekness, the husband - by protection and support. That's why I say that love is akin to slavery, but not the same.

Love is one of the most subtle matters in the universe. This matter goes with us all our lives, starting from birth and meeting a loving mother and ending with death surrounded by grieving relatives and friends.

But despite the constant presence of love in the life of mankind, each individual often cannot distinguish love from similar, but very far from love, attachments. After all, our subconscious often plays along with emotions and plays against reason, which takes a person away from true love.

Let's try to determine what is often hidden under the concept of “love”.

Understanding(love in particular) is when thoughts are felt and feelings are meaningful. This is the basics. This is the foundation of love. Only when you feel your thoughts and think about your feelings can you achieve that much-cherished “Understanding.”

We will divide love into 3 conditional types and understand them very carefully (rest assured: this will be very useful to you in life!).

1. Codependency. Union of problems and fears.

People believe that they love each other because their problems are similar. This is a complex point and quite difficult to see and understand, so let's look at a specific example.

A man and a woman fall in love because they are similar in that they love to travel, but over time it turns out that their main and main similarity is not in their love to travel, but in the fact that they cannot live in one place (they get bored and bad) and they constantly need to run away from something and somewhere. Of course, in reality, 2 such birds with “broken wings” most likely will not be able to get along together, since their identical problems (which worry them very much), when united, will intensify many times, and the desire to travel will only be a temporary way to turn a blind eye to real problem.

In the end, they will simply start running away from reality in different directions and for one of them (or both) this will be the destruction of “love”.

We all really want to find people who are similar to us, but it is very difficult for us to find similarity in something good, and therefore we find similarity in something bad.

Very often in such relationships, people begin to play roles as if they were actors. The husband in such a marriage can play the role of the wife's father, whom she loved and appreciated very much, but who beat her for the slightest mistake. The woman grew up and found a husband based on the criterion “he beats and punishes me in the same way.”

The wife can play the role of the husband's mother. He loved and respected his mother, but she constantly watched his every move, limiting his freedom and his own decisions. The man grew up, established his own business, but having found a similar wife who, like his mother, watches over him, he could no longer carry on with his business normally and became a drunkard.

As the saying goes: “You find a woman who looks like your mother, and then you remember that you “hate” your mother.”

In such pseudo-love, people constantly lie to each other about any reason, hide various meaningless little things and try to distort information as if they were working in intelligence. This is an unconscious attempt to “wash your hands” of such love - to run away and hide as quickly as possible. Our subconscious understands our problem, but we ourselves, alas, do not.

How to avoid such relationships?

Be a self-sufficient person.
Such a person does not need to run away from himself, he constantly moves forward and looks for new ways for self-development. Seeing an unstable personality next to him, he will not follow her lead, but (in ideal) will help you find yourself.

2. Falling in love

This is the state that millions of partners mistake for love every day.

In fact, this is love based on “drug addiction”, in which the drug can be sex, tenderness, attention and any other positive that partners bring to each other. This love is very easy and fast, it literally captivates the minds of people and they can no longer be without each other even for a short time.

This is not true love, but it is an amazing love that gives a lot of joy and pleasure. The question is rather a question of duration: such love can quickly “pass”, and even very quickly, especially if the partners do not know how to build and develop their relationship.
This is especially noticeable when a person refuses to improve for the sake of his partner or when he cannot sacrifice something minimal for the sake of mutual happiness.

The difference between infatuation and love

  • Falling in love is the following formula:
    A person loves his partner because he needs him
  • True Love, with a capital letter (which will be discussed later) is the following formula:
    A person needs his partner because he loves him

The difference might not seem big, but that’s the whole point.

Please note.
In the stage of falling in love, there is no complex relationship building, since people in “narcotic love” always tend to simply close their eyes for the time being, without truly solving real problems.

3. True Love

True Love is a finite, immeasurable phenomenon, the foundation of relationships, which is stronger and more reliable than anything.

All further philosophical debates about what “love” is have no real meaning, since the famous psychologist E. Fromm found a simple formula:

I need a man as much as I love him

When you need a person because you love him, this is true love.

When you love a person because you need him, this is addiction, not love.

True love is NOT a drug, so if a situation arises where you need to leave your partner (if he has a reason to do so), you must understand it and let him go. This is unlikely to happen, since if this is true love, then it is mutual, but you must be willing to do absolutely everything for your partner.

In true love there is no deception, in true love a person tells only the truth to his partner (even if such truth jeopardizes their relationship) because he thinks about his partner and does not want to hide anything from him.

True love is a complex relationship building, which, even if very complex, in fact turns out to be very simple - this strange pattern-paradox shows that in this case, any investment justifies the result - a happy relationship in an atmosphere of true love.

How to find your true love?

You won't believe it, but it's quite simple. You don’t need to look for love, you just need to remove all the obstacles and difficulties on the way to achieving it. Accidents are not random, but only if nothing interferes with them.

Remember that when people find true love, they always become better, kinder and happier. They change for the better, since love is the foundation of happiness and life in general!

In the life of every person, sooner or later, someone important, significant appears, to whom the soul and thoughts are drawn. Sometimes this closeness becomes friendship, sometimes it turns into something more. I really want to distinguish between these two statuses and learn to determine which is which. “Are there signs of love and what are they?” — people have been asking these questions for a long time. How not to get into trouble, not to miss the important things in your life and at the same time not to attach too much importance to the ordinary.

Is this the person I am destined to be with all my life and live it happily? Or wait for someone else who will be even better? When to stop and start appreciating? What is love and what is real love? This is an inner feeling that invariably gives us happiness. As the famous Russian psychologist of our time Mikhail Labkovsky said:

“True feeling can only be happy, the rest will be anything but it. It could be neurosis, addiction, hysteria, anything.”

In passion, a person receives joy, not sadness, anxiety, jealousy or fear of losing an important person. What changes our world, what is so multifaceted and many-sided. However, it is possible to identify some common basic features characteristic of this great feeling.

Let's reveal 5 signs of beautiful interdependence among people.

  1. Man to man is space. Love is something mysterious, even mystical, which is not always understood. This unknown force of attraction that arises between two people, has the character of an eternal mystery. No matter what the chemists who supposedly solved its mystery claim, explaining everything in chemical formulas. But is it really that simple? Psychology finds new explanations, mechanisms and principles of this emotion from year to year, but has never fully revealed its secret. There is no logic or rational element in the attraction of one person in love to another. Without a doubt, this arises on the basis of archetypes and behavioral stereotypes formed in childhood, and helps to receive insufficiently received or transmitted parental love. Everyone looks for in the other what they themselves once did not receive, and sometimes attachment also arises from this. And you can never say with certainty that you understood another, but you can say that you accepted without even understanding.
  2. Fear of loss. Some people are afraid of losing that one or only one. Some people are afraid of losing themselves in a relationship. When we need another so much that we become dependent on the person. At this moment, the fear of losing him as a part of himself appears unconditional. Sometimes an emotion is so absorbing that you even want to push it away, so that it won’t be so painful, scary, and so as not to fall completely under the power of another person, submitting completely. Sincere feelings completely subjugate us, and this is also scary and is compared to death, but if you trust this, then new levels of sensations and freedom will open up before a person.
  3. Lack of guarantees and insurance. No one will convince us that this is once and for all, that the new attraction will always be comfortable and cozy, that it will be eternal and happy. But we try, and the one who is honest with himself and his partner wins. We are often overwhelmed by sad experiences. previous relationships. Part of the soul is broken and awaits injections, so it is difficult to plunge headlong into a new, albeit promising, emotion and believe: passion, partner, future. But you'll never know until you try. It's better to regret what you've done than to mourn a missed chance.
  4. Wish without a doubt. Platonic passion is nothing more than a myth invented by a more or less insolvent person. Deep passion consumes a person at all levels of existence, including the gross physical. It is physical intimacy that is a vivid manifestation of feeling, and it is not necessary to experience it every moment. Different emotions have ups and downs. But physical desire always accompanies her.
  5. You become alive and significant. Feeling each other, we choose a person to play main role in our lives. This makes the chosen one or chosen one special not only in our eyes, but also in our own. By exchanging emotions, we give each other ourselves along with our inner world, thus doubling our worldview.

In addition to deeply internal symptoms, there are external signs true love - in behavior, aspirations. Here are some signs of a lover:

  • Thoughts about this person that sometimes become so intrusive that there is no room in the head for anything else. This is the most typical thing that happens at this time.
  • The desire to spend all the time together. I want to tell as much as possible about myself and also fully know everything about the other person. I want to spend every minute together, even just being nearby.
  • Being with someone important to you makes you feel comfortable and safe.
  • Attitude to conflicts. For some, their own rightness is so significant that they cease to value and respect other people’s opinions and their own happiness. It is more important to resolve the conflict than to defend your point of view and principles.
  • Exchange of deep emotions. At the same time, lovers do not feel afraid to open up and show themselves without protection and masks. What is very important here is the trust that they have in each other, which allows them to immerse themselves in the truth of the relationship;
  • No interest in others. We are not talking about complete indifference to the rest of the world; there is simply no need to constantly search for someone else, to attract someone’s attention to oneself. The object of sympathy he has found is so deep and boundless that he does not want to waste his time on others.
  • Plans for the future life together. At first it was just good together, but I want to deepen this state and make it more stable. There is a desire to be together constantly, and this already leads to the creation of joint plans. You are ready to accept another into your life not temporarily, but permanently, and you are also ready to enter the life of your chosen one.

If these symptoms are about you, then the world will no longer be the same, and happiness is inevitable.

How to sense Her approach

The first signs of love are always the most exciting moment in its inception. Is it possible to identify the signs of approaching love? You can listen to yourself and notice the emergence of something new, catch in yourself the signs of a person in love: goosebumps in the presence of the chosen one or chosen one, languor in anticipation of the appearance, increased heartbeat only at the thought of the very object of desire.

Or look for sure signs in nature and surrounding events that She is already close. And then interpret dreams: a full moon, a bouquet of white flowers given by a stranger, a candle in the hands of another. Someone looking for a lost wedding invitation or wedding accessory on the street is a sure sign of a future connection. Or in the spring, perceive every breath of fresh wind as a chance for something bright and sincere to come into life, expecting it with all your soul and bringing it closer with your readiness.

Jealousy and Passion

What is the most obvious sign of true feeling?

There are people who believe that jealousy is a sign of love. Usually it is practically not inherent in people who are confident in themselves. In fact, if you allow another to choose, you give the right to a personal opinion, then there is no place left for jealousy. There is no jealousy while there is deep passion, and certainly not when it has already disappeared.

Is jealousy a manifestation of sincere affection or one’s own complex, going shoulder to shoulder with someone else’s complex? A destructive feeling that reduces one of the partners to a state of ownership, and the other, accordingly, to the owner. A healthy and self-confident person does not need to constantly monitor his companion, convince himself that there is no double bottom or threat to your relationship behind words, gestures and attention to other people.

Think about what love means to you. If you wish, you can write down your thoughts and feelings regarding love. In the dictionary you can find several meanings of love. For example, love is:

  • Strong positive emotion, affection or pleasure. “He likes her affection for him.”
  • Love is an object of warm affection, devotion or sympathy: “Her first love was the theater.” "I love French food."
  • To be loved: a loved one; as an expression of tenderness and affection.
  • Deep feelings of sexual desire; for example: "She was his first love" or "She loves her husband."
  • Zero in tennis or squash: "The match is over with a score of 40-love (40:0)!"
  • Sexual love: sexual interaction between two people. For example: "They are making love." "He hasn't had sex in months."

The Greeks divided love into 4 categories. Think about which category suits you best.

  1. Agape- love for one's neighbor. Such love is pure, selfless. For example: “God loves us with all our shortcomings.”
  2. Philia- virtuous, chaste love, guided by our sympathies or desires and needs.
  3. Storge– family love, physical manifestation of affection, need for physical touch. In rare cases, love is between very close friends.
  4. Eros– physical, sexual desire. The same root words are eroticism and eroticism.
  • Pay attention to those moments when you feel love for something or someone.

    Think about your motives. What do you and your partner get out of the situation? If you want to achieve something, then in this case you confuse this desire with love.

    Consider whether you would stop loving a person if their appearance changed. Maybe it's just a passion for appearance?

    Translate your feelings into metaphors, poems or songs."Love is like..."

  • Give a definition of love from psychology: divide love into 3 components.

    1. Passion generates physical attraction, sexual behavior and arousal. This is the physical side.
    2. Intimacy– this is the emotional aspect: intimacy, affection, warmth.
    3. Commitment– the part of love that is responsible for making decisions in relationships and love.
  • Ask yourself: is this forever? No matter how much time passes or what obstacles stand in the way of real and pure feelings, love will survive everything.

    • Although it is better to see the positive aspects of love, it is worth remembering that sometimes love ends. Most likely, this happens because people who are not created for each other mistake a false feeling for love.
    • Love can cause war. In the case of love of religion or love of money, war can cause people to steal and kill. It can lead to suicide, marriage breakdown and family life. It can spread disease and create evil.
    • In addition, some philosophies say that nothing lasts forever, not even love. There is a kind of paradox in this, since eternity cannot end. If a person lives for billions of years, the relationship will end due to the fact that human nature gives rise to anger, boredom and irritation.
  • IN real life Not everyone has the happiness of meeting a handsome prince, falling in love, and even more so, maintaining a deep feeling for many years. Why is this happening?

    Every girl dreams of attracting love into her life, waits for it with bated breath, tries to discern her betrothed in all men. But finally they meet - He and She. A spark runs between them, or, as they now say, chemistry arises. All thoughts are occupied with him, the only and most beautiful man in the world. It is no longer possible to imagine your life without him. I want to sing and laugh. Feelings are overflowing. And the beloved reciprocates! What is this if not love? But in a state of euphoria, it is very difficult to distinguish a genuine feeling from unconscious love, physical attraction or fleeting passion.

    How to distinguish love from infatuation?

    Whether true love has settled in the heart or not, only time can tell. That is why it is so important not to rush, but to try to get to know your beloved better and meaningfully understand your attitude towards him. After all, a girl often falls in love with a person with whom she has nothing in common. A sudden falling in love is, in its essence, the very beginning of love. How to distinguish love from infatuation? The line between them is very thin, barely distinguishable. It is difficult to predict the further transformation of this unusually bright, but quickly passing feeling. Although there are several signs that allow you to distinguish true love from simple romantic infatuation already at the beginning of a relationship.

    Confidence in your lover

    True love is impossible without reciprocity and complete confidence in the feelings of the other person. Relationships will only last long if they are based on mutual trust. If there are doubts about the loyalty or sincerity of the chosen one, then this will inevitably lead to difficulties in relationships, scandals and quarrels in the future. True love presupposes the ability to freely talk with a partner on any topic, without fear of being ridiculed or misunderstood. Love will always help loved ones to always understand each other. Knowing that you are loved is best collateral reliable and lasting relationships. Distance is a kind of indicator of relationships. Falling in love in separation passes, but love only becomes stronger; for it, distance is not a hindrance.

    best friend

    Support and mutual assistance

    If the chosen one is fixated only on himself and does not want to delve into the difficulties of his woman, then this is the wrong person. True love completely excludes selfishness; it is impossible without mutual assistance. A loving person is ready to do everything to see his soul mate happy, even sacrificing his own interests for this. Close people cope with all difficult situations together, helping and supporting each other.

    Honesty in relationships

    Finding your love is not enough. Lies and even omissions can destroy relationships and undermine trust in a loved one. True love is impossible without sincerity and honesty. It is very important to talk openly with each other when discussing various issues. Even if you know that your lover may not share your point of view or judge you. Sooner or later the truth will come out, and this will lead to complications. A lie is a manifestation of disrespect for a loved one, which can offend and offend. Loving people accept each other as they are, without trying to change them. They try to understand each other's motives and support each other in any situation.

    Ability to compromise

    It is extremely rare to meet a man and a woman with absolutely identical characters and habits. We are all different. And if at first everything about your lover delights you, then after a while your eyes begin to open to the existing shortcomings. And everyone has them, even the most beautiful people. Your attitude towards your chosen one’s shortcomings helps you check your feelings. If a girl is able to accept not the best character traits of her loved one without trying to change him, then this is a sure sign of genuine feeling. When two people are able to compromise so as not to upset each other, then this is an indicator that love is real. Loving people are able to forgive a lot in order to preserve it.

    Is there a love that time has no power over?

    True feelings do not fade over time. They just transform, becoming more mature. Romantic love is replaced by sensual attraction, which is then replaced by friendship and mutual respect. Loving people become close and dear. True love can overcome all everyday troubles, life's difficulties and trials. It is time that will help assess the constancy and strength of feelings.

    And while some people are thinking about how to attract love into their lives, others, who have already found it, know that true love is great happiness, the greatest gift. And if you were able to find love, then you need to carefully preserve it, protect it from the destructive effects of life’s adversities and annoying little things.

    What is true love and how to recognize it?