What to spend the money donated for the wedding on? Where to spend the money collected at the wedding What do those donated for the wedding spend?

Currently large number people who come by invitation to a wedding celebration bring gifts directly to the newlyweds cash. As a rule, many people believe that this is exactly what is missing in a new family. There are also people who simply do not have the time or desire to spend their free time in stores for a suitable gift for such a celebration. Currently, a wedding is a very expensive event. As a rule, a significant amount of money is spent on such a ceremony from the budget of a young family.

But, despite all this, the money that is given to the young in the family on this holiday, as a rule, completely covers all costs. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that with the donated money the young family will be able to purchase directly what they need. Therefore, when going to a wedding, you don’t have to think about the gift, but simply decorate the envelope beautifully, put the money in it and give it to the young couple.

What does a young family do at night?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that after the celebration, the married couple first of all begin to sort out the gifts that were brought to the wedding. They are not very interested in gifts in beautiful wrappers. As a rule, the first thing to do is count the money that was donated on that day. It is also worth noting that on such a holiday, money is given not only in gift envelopes. But, as a rule, these are not funds as a gift, but rather financial assistance that can be useful to a family at the birth of a child. Quite a lot of couples put such funds aside, and subsequently spend them directly on toys that can help their child develop. Regardless of why the money was given, the newlyweds count it. During the first half of the night, they begin to make plans on how the donated money will be spent.

And only after this kind of procedure does the young couple begin to unpack the huge number of gifts that are sealed in beautiful wrappers. In connection with all such actions, the young couple has practically no time to rest. But this cannot upset them because this is their wedding night.

What funds are raised throughout the wedding?

If you have ever been to a wedding celebration, then you know that throughout its entire duration it is the toastmaster who collects financial assistance for the unborn child. Very often, the toastmaster uses baby onesies, tights, or just small bags for this. Nowadays, this kind of procedure has become a tradition at weddings. As a rule, when collecting finances, the toastmaster carries with him two items into which you can put a certain amount of money. One item belongs to a boy, the other, on the contrary, belongs to a girl. Currently, this tradition has been able to turn into a kind of game. In this game, guests put money in exactly the item that, in their opinion, the firstborn of this family will wear.

Where are the funds spent?

The money that is given during the wedding is collected and subsequently counted by the spouses. It is worth paying attention to the fact that, as a rule, at this time, the funds raised at the wedding ceremony are simply fantastic. But a young family should still think about what to spend these funds on. If the young couple did not have any personal savings for the wedding, then the donated amount can be used for the honeymoon. During which the young couple can enjoy each other. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this kind of trip can be remembered by both spouses for quite a long time and bring a lot of positive impressions. The family will be able to spend a honeymoon using the donated funds, for example, by going to Venice, Paris, exotic countries, or simply to the sea. This kind of use of wedding money is very important if the young people have not traveled anywhere before.

Very often, young couples after marriage are forced to live directly with their parents. If the donated amount is large enough, the young family can use it to purchase personal living space. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this type of investment is quite profitable. Having acquired a family nest, a young family will be able to furnish it with furniture or kitchen appliances which she prefers. If a young couple already has an apartment at the time of marriage, then financial resources can be used to purchase kitchen appliances or furniture for their home. Very often, newlyweds use the donated money to carry out renovations in their apartments.

As a rule, a young family spends donated funds on purchasing home theaters, soft sofas, kitchen furniture and other things. It is worth paying attention to the fact that, as a rule, all these things are necessary for a young family.

Refund to parents

Nowadays, a wedding ceremony is a very expensive event. As a result, the parents of both spouses shell out significant sums to pay for the restaurant, fireworks, toastmaster and other things. All this suggests that not only young people invest their finances in the celebration, but also parents. In this regard, after the celebration is over, quite a lot of young families decide to give their parents the money that they spent to make the celebration wonderful. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that for a young couple this is the right option. But the parents, in turn, will never take the money brought to them. The thing is that every parent agrees to do everything to ensure that their child’s wedding is simply excellent, without demanding a refund of the money spent. Please note that the most the best gift For each of the parents, the happiness of their child will be precisely. And they don’t need more.

Irrational use of funds

I would like to note that some young couples are currently wasting money donated for their wedding quite irrationally. Well, for example, from these funds they begin to pay off debts that they have accumulated over a long time. Please note that this is not correct. Or, for example, after the end of the celebration, a young couple goes on a shopping trip, where they purchase, for example new clothes. This shouldn't happen. Do not forget that funds on this day are given by people from the bottom of their hearts. It is expected that this kind of gift will bring joy to the young family and go towards some necessary cause. A young family must find funds to purchase clothes or pay off various types of debts from other sources. That is why, before you start spending money donated for a wedding, it is recommended that you first think carefully about what to use it for.

Young people nowadays are very smart. This allows a young family to consider all the options where they can profitably invest the donated funds. If they are used correctly, the whole family will be happy. There are a large number of examples when a young family opened their own small business using donated funds. Over time, they expanded it to a certain scale. If you are not interested in this, it is also very profitable to put the donated funds in the bank. Over the course of a certain period, interest will be calculated on the amount due. This way you can increase the amount donated for your wedding celebration.

There are a lot of options for how to use the funds given for a wedding. But how to spend it is up to the young couple to decide. It is worth noting that quite a large number of people expect that all these funds will be used very rationally. Of course, the right way to spend money is to buy your own apartment. The thing is that people who decide to unite their destinies in marriage expect to live a very happy and have a fun life together. And this suggests that over time there will be a new addition to the family who will need personal space. But we should not forget that only a young family has the right to decide how to spend the donated funds.

How to prepare for a wedding: Articles

According to a survey conducted by Deloitte, the majority of Russians prefer money to all other gifts. This answer was given by 64% of surveyed men and 69% of women.

Russian Standard Bank analyzed more than 500,000 gift cards issued for various holidays and found out what amounts are usually given to women and men, and how they spend such monetary gifts.

Where does the money go?

The results of the analysis of transactions on gift cards showed that on average 3-4 debit transactions are made on one card. Moreover, by February 23, gift card users, on average, spend all funds from them in 2 transactions, and card users by March 8 – in 4–5.

On average, men spend the money given with the card in 25 days, women stretch the card for 1.5 months.

The bank suggests that this difference in the speed of spending the limit and the number of purchases made can be explained by a difference in mentality: large one-time purchases are less typical for women.

There is also a more trivial reason - the difference in gift card denominations. According to the bank, men are 2 times more generous than women: by March 8, the most popular card denomination among clients was 10,000 rubles, and by February 23, only 5,000.

Traditional men's purchases account for the majority of spending on gift cards by February 23rd. 5.94% of transactions take place in auto stores. Next on the list are stores of cosmetics (5.6%), clothing (4.97%), household goods (4.91%), and building materials (4.54%). Expenses on “men’s” cards also included a bill paid at a beer restaurant and a purchase at a children’s toy store.

As for cards, by March 8, the leaders were transactions in communication stores: mobile phones accounted for 5.8% of purchases. Next come garden supplies and flowers (4.94%), household goods (4.7%), clothing (4.51%) and shoes (3.94%). Unusual transactions include large purchases in a candy store and a pet store.

According to the executive director of Empire Private Banking Kamal Bushi, according to the law, client identification is not required when purchasing a prepaid gift card with a face value of up to 15,000 rubles. Therefore, such a gift is easy to make - you do not need to fill out forms or open an account. The card can be purchased by one person and used by another.

True, far fewer Russians will be able to receive a gift card for the holiday than they would like. According to Deloitte, only 32% of respondents are willing to give money to friends and family.

What is most often given as a gift?

According to Deloitte, more than half of respondents (51%) usually give sweets and chocolate to their friends and family, 48% - perfumes and cosmetics.

According to Nielsen research, Russians most often buy chocolate and chocolate candies for gifts (68% of respondents). 49% of respondents choose household goods, 48% toys, 45% tea, 44% cakes, 42% personal care products. The survey was conducted in December 2016 in cities with a population of 500 thousand inhabitants or more.

49% of respondents for last year bought special gift sets of sweets and chocolate, 29% - gift sets with tea, 28% - sets with personal care products, 23% - gift packaging coffee. According to Marina Erskova, head of the Nielsen Russia department for assessing sales effectiveness, gift sets and products in holiday packaging are in high demand today among buyers who are especially careful about their budget in the current conditions.

The money received by the newlyweds at the wedding can be used for a variety of expenses, which most often depends on the amount. If relatives, friends and other guests gave gifts to the newly minted husband and wife a large number bills, they can be spent on a subsequent honeymoon and go, for example, on an exotic trip, to visit new cities and countries.

Some couples manage to use the capital they receive to purchase a home. Of course, during a wedding they rarely give away an amount sufficient to buy an apartment or house, but if the spouses already have some savings, then the money received will complement them well and together will allow them to buy the desired property.

If the newlyweds already have their own apartment, it may need new renovations and various pieces of interior furniture. In addition, when a man and woman move to a new home, they immediately need kitchen and bedding items, a variety of household appliances, many of which are expensive and require serious savings. It is money donated for a wedding that can solve all these problems.

Pleasant and useful shopping

A car, which must be beautiful, reliable and roomy, is becoming an ever greater necessity for every family. Often, the money donated for a wedding is enough to purchase their first family car or even a more serious unit if the couple already had savings for this purpose.

Children are a new and usually long-awaited stage of family life. If a couple wants to quickly have children, or the spouse is already preparing to become a mother in the next few months, the donated money becomes a kind of maternal capital and can be used to purchase baby care supplies, clothes, cribs, toys, etc.

There are known cases when newlyweds use donated money for various charitable purposes. Some also take care of their relatives and friends who need material resources. The most practical couples open long-term bank accounts and place the resulting amount of money for long-term storage. Other newlyweds prefer not to think about anything serious and for some time simply live on the donated money, without burdening themselves with worries about various difficulties and enjoying mutual feelings while they are at the peak of their development.

Going on a trip on your honeymoon is the most popular way to spend donated money. You will be able to recover from the wedding bustle and spend time together without unnecessary worries.

  • You can come up with a travel destination for almost any budget. A luxurious holiday in a five-star bungalow in the Maldives, a romantic trip with tents to the Crimea, an expedition to Everest or a Eurotour - you can always choose based on the amount of the gift. For example, you can fly to Cyprus or Sri Lanka this summer and relax for 10 days in a five-star all inclusive hotel for 120-150 thousand rubles. A trip to Paris in the fall will cost from 200 thousand rubles.
  • Typically, travel agencies offer newlyweds discounts on honeymoon trips or even entire packages of services (including organizing a ceremony abroad), and hotels give nice gifts from champagne to SPA.

Natalia Cherenkova

2. Birth of a child

Money donated for a wedding can also be used to improve your health and undergo the necessary examinations before becoming parents. Or set aside a certain amount for childbirth and the first year of the child’s life. Children are quite an expensive pleasure: most likely, you will want a beautiful stroller (from 20 thousand rubles), a crib (from 10 thousand rubles), a baby monitor, an educational play mat and the most ergonomic sling, and also renovate the children's room and buy it from a private clinic package of care for the first year of a child’s life for 70 thousand rubles.

  • Such a safety net will not only help you cope with the expenses associated with the birth of a child, but will also strengthen the family: it will formulate your plans and remind you of your goals for the future.
  • You will be able to devote yourself completely to your child at least in the first month and not worry about whether you have enough money for diapers or whether the vaccinations given in children's clinics are safe.

3. Mortgage

A new family needs their own home. If you don’t have your own apartment, but are tired of living in a rented one, you can spend your wedding money on a down payment on a mortgage loan. This is the right investment for those who want stability and a clear view of the future for the next few years.

  • Investing in real estate is almost always profitable, even if it is a mortgage. Housing prices are only growing every year, and it seems fantastic to save up for your own apartment in a few years without sacrificing have a good rest and entertainment.
  • Mortgage for new apartment more profitable than for secondary housing. For example, you want to buy an apartment for 2 million, then the down payment will be 300 thousand rubles, and the monthly payment will be about 22 thousand for 10 years. It costs about the same to rent a decent two-room apartment in Voronezh. The bank offers favorable conditions for the purchase of a new building.

4. Repair

If you are lucky and have an apartment, the money can be spent on renovations. Capital or cosmetic with the purchase of new furniture - choose what you need and do it. If the birth of a child is in your immediate plans, then it is better to foresee this moment in advance, for example, think through zoning and make the apartment safe. You can also update your equipment - from a dishwasher, which will once and for all solve the question “who washes the dishes?”, to a projector from which you can watch movies with friends.

  • This is a good investment because you will live in a comfortable space and enjoy it every day.
  • By arranging a shared apartment, you think over your life together (if you haven’t lived together for very long before) and make plans for the future. This strengthens the relationship.

5. Contribution

Opening a bank deposit is a suitable option for newlyweds who have not yet decided what to spend the money on. Or for those who want to save up a little more and buy something more expensive. Let's say you were given 200 thousand rubles, but for repairs you need 400. You open a deposit that can be replenished and collect the required amount. This option is also suitable for those lucky ones who still have a decent amount left, for example, after traveling or buying equipment for home.

  • You can choose a deposit with interest - then the amount in your account will increase. A deposit with good conditions will help not only to reliably preserve, but also to increase your funds.
  • The likelihood that you will waste money on various little things like a cappuccino maker or a hoverboard because you don’t know what to buy, but really want, is reduced to a minimum.

6. Car

If you often travel short distances and hate city transport, this is an ideal investment. And how wedding gift also quite a decent purchase, guests will be pleased. Most likely, it will be either a new domestic car or a foreign car from the secondary market. For example, a 2015 KIA with low mileage can be found for 500-600 thousand rubles, and a LADA Granta will cost about 300 thousand rubles.

  • You won’t have to think about inflation, falling exchange rates and other financial intricacies, because the money can be spent immediately on the necessary thing.
  • You can always resell the car if you want another one or need a larger amount of money.

7. Business

Donated money can not be spent, but invested: invested in your business, for example. Buy good equipment if you are into photography, or rent a studio for several months if you plan to develop your business in the beauty industry. Perhaps you want to open a common family business, then the gift can be used as start-up capital.

  • A joint family business means that you and your spouse will not have to be separated for a long time, because you will work together.
  • With the right approach, the invested money will begin to make a profit after a while, and you will call yourself an individual entrepreneur.

Survey results

We conducted a survey among readers of the site and found out what the newlyweds spent or are going to spend the money they were given for their wedding. The most popular answer was going on a honeymoon - 33% of respondents chose this option. 18% of young families decided to renovate their apartment and update their equipment, and 11% decided to buy a car. 15% of respondents took out a mortgage on an apartment with donated money, and 9% opened a deposit. 4% of newlyweds decided to invest in business, and the same percentage set aside funds for the birth of a child.

The solemn event came to an end, the guests left, and the satisfied and extremely tired newlyweds went to a cozy nest in anticipation of their wedding night. But, as practice shows, it is not the thoughts of the wedding night that warm the newlyweds, but the mutual desire to count the donated money. And in order for this money to go to the benefits of the newly-made family, you need to think carefully about what to spend it on.

Honeymoon trip

A classic wedding, as you know, always ends with the newlyweds traveling to warmer climes, on a bus tour, or to a city of love and romance (like Paris). Money donated for a wedding will be very appropriate in this case.

Baby dowry

In cases where a recently married couple is expecting a baby or plans to conceive in the near future, the donated money will undoubtedly have something to spend on. Expanding living space, arranging a children's room, buying furniture, strollers and other children's “stuff” require considerable investment, so think carefully about what is the best way to spend the money donated for the wedding. By the way, a beautiful stroller, crib and other things and toys necessary for the baby can be ordered in online stores.

Large purchases

When the amount of money donated is impressive, it would be wisest to invest it in a worthwhile purchase. Here it is already necessary to start from the dowry of the newlyweds, if any. An apartment, car or country house will be the best investment for gift money. If the donated amount is not enough, it is worth considering the option of a mortgage or loan, of course, if the newlyweds did not acquire their own home or car before the wedding.

Closing debts

Sometimes it happens that newlyweds take out small loans in order to have a big wedding. Naturally, in this case, spending the donated money on any consumer goods is extremely unwise. It's better not to start family life with the loans hanging on your shoulders and say goodbye to them as soon as possible.

Investment in business

Some newlyweds consider it wise to invest money in the family business. Well, such a distribution of donated funds takes place. However, we would not advise you to invest money in a new business. No one is immune from business failure. But money donated for a wedding should still be spent on pleasant memories or for the benefit of the family.

Be that as it may, you should not make hasty decisions and waste money. Money donated for a wedding is a pleasant bonus for newlyweds on their special day. And only you can make sure that this bonus brings joy to your young family.