N.O. Xplode from BSN. Pre-workout complex no-xplode from bsn - a guide for beginners Does bsn no xplode harm the body

is one of the best pre-workout supplements on the market that has earned many positive feedback. Taking this supplement gives for a short period of time a surge of energy, strength, improved pumping, productivity, mental focus, and increased training intensity. You will be able to feel the effects of the supplement within a couple of minutes after taking it.

Product composition

Pre-workout BSN N.O. Xplode 2.0 has unique properties due to its unique composition. The addition of the most effective and advanced ingredients makes this product one of the best. The pre-workout complex contains elements such as nitrous oxide, creatine matrix, as well as other enzymes that stimulate brain function and increase overall endurance.

Features of pre-workout NO Xplode

Pre-workout complex BSN NO Xplode is a complex supplement that will become a powerful magnet for water, proteins, carbohydrates, and other enzymes necessary for muscle growth. This product from BSN brings and retains the necessary elements within the muscle tissue, and also improves their cellular absorption. This complex improves muscle pumping, endurance, reduces the amount of lactic acid, as a result of which muscle failure occurs later, and you can do 2-4 repetitions more than usual.

BSN products are premium supplements. There are no analogues to such a pre-workout complex and there never will be. The company strictly monitors the quality and efficiency of products, introduces new technologies, and fights plagiarists.

How to take pre-workout N.O. Xplode

In days physical activity It is recommended to take 2-3 servings of NO Xplode 2.0 (a serving is measured in one scoop - 20.5g) half an hour before training on an empty stomach. These 2-3 spoons will need to be mixed in 400 ml of water. On non-workout days, we recommend taking 1 serving (stir in a 300 ml glass) on an empty stomach. You should not take more than 3 servings per day. On rest days, you should take the supplement no later than 4 hours before bedtime. After 3 months of use, it is recommended to take a break for a month.

Side effects

Due to the high activity of the product's ingredients, athletes may experience some side effects - pressure fluctuations, stomach upset, nausea, headaches, sleep problems. According to reviews, in most cases there are no side effects when taking pre-workout BSN N.O. Xplode 2.0 does not occur, but everything is individual, which means that some athletes may be intolerant to one of the components of the supplement. Still, if you want to get the desired result, you must accept a small risk of side effects, which, by the way, will immediately disappear when you stop taking it. We recommend that you first check the body’s reaction to the product; to do this, use the minimum dosage for 5 days. Pre-workout NO Xplode is contraindicated for people who have heart disease, liver disease, or mental disorders.

Manufacturers sports nutrition It is recommended to take pre-workout complexes even on rest days, and we consider this a purely commercial move. Flawlessly, taking the supplement will not do any harm and will even be a little useful, but it will lose its original purpose. Such complexes are optimized for a high level of metabolism and are most effective if taken before training. The rest of the time, the effectiveness of taking the pre-workout complex BSN N.O. Xplode will be discounted and is unlikely to justify itself given its cost. For rest days, it would be more advisable to buy a regular one - the effect will be better, and the price will be cheaper.

Today we will talk about a pre-workout complex that was once one of the best - NO-Xplode from BSN! Its composition was considered the height of perfection, and its popularity went through the roof. But, alas, today this pre-workout is no longer so popular - it has been replaced by more advanced and multifunctional pre-workouts. Still, we decided to tell you about the composition of this unique pre-workout complex.

Description of NO Xplode 2.0

This is, first of all, an improved version of one of the most recognized pre-workouts from BSN - NO-Xplode.

The main difference between the newest complex “2.0” and its predecessor NO-Xplode, according to the manufacturer, is a more powerful composition obtained due to an increase in the amount of the main active ingredient (more than 2 grams per serving), as well as innovative components and their effective compounds, which were added to the original formula (4 fresh sources of creatine and beta-alanine).

The effects that are achieved when taking the pre-workout multicomplex NO-Xplоde 2.0:

  • Increased endurance during physical activity;
  • Growth of high-quality muscle mass;
  • Increased body resistance to fatigue;
  • Increased pumping due to active blood supply to blood vessels and improved transport of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles;
  • Regulating the body's water balance;
  • Improved concentration, attention and mental focus.

The main problem with NO Xplode is poor central nervous system stimulation and concentration. The complex lacks components that would give a slight feeling of euphoria, as Geranium does, and raise tone and mood. The composition contains 2 forms of Caffeine, but this ingredient in high dosages gives short-term stimulation and leads to withdrawal symptoms.

Modern pre-workouts reduce the amount of caffeine and add innovative, more effective stimulants with a long-lasting and pleasant effect.

Composition of NO Xplode 2.0:

How to take NO Xplode?

On training days: mix 1 to 3 scoops with water. Add water (cold) to taste - from 400 to 1300 ml. Consume half an hour before training.

On rest days: mix 1 scoop of the drug with 500 ml. cold water.

When taking it, you may experience slight pain in the head and dizziness, irregular heartbeat, and nervousness. If you notice the above symptoms, you should reduce the dose of the drug or stop using it completely.

You cannot categorically take “2.0” for the following conditions: heart disease, liver and thyroid diseases, diabetes and other metabolic imbalances, anemia, epilepsy, depression, high or low blood pressure.

Is BSN NO Xplode still the best?

Of course, NO-Xplоde pre-workout is a hit in its category, winning the trust of many athletes around the world. But medicine and pharmaceuticals do not stand still; drugs are constantly appearing on the sports nutrition market, which use the latest achievements and components that were not available before. The compositions are improved, digestibility is improved, side effects are weakened, and so on. If your goal is to get not only the NO-Xplode effect, but even something more, we advise you to pay attention to the line of the latest generation of pre-workouts, for example, such as these:

We hope that among these pre-workouts you will find a worthy replacement for NO-Xplode!

From the very first serving of the product, you will feel a surge of energy, amazing muscle fullness and improved performance. A patented blend of ingredients that will take your workout intensity to the next level.

The main “working” ingredients of NO-Xplode:

NO-Xplode™ (proprietary formulation) 19.6 g
(Contains proprietary suspension nutrient matrix and Efforsorb™ transport system) (Patent # 5,925,378 & 6,294,579 B1)
N.O. Meta Fusion.
L-arginine alpha-ketoglutorate- conditionally essential amino acid, which is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO); Nitric oxide helps dilate blood vessels and allows more oxygen and nutrients to enter the muscles. Additional intake of L-argnine in the form of alpha-ketoglutorate makes it possible to increase the amount of nitric oxide in the blood.
L-citrulline malate and L-citrulline alpha-ketoglutorate: Citrulline is an amino acid that is a precursor to arginine in the body. The combination of L-citrulline with alpha-ketoglutorate enhances the process of nitric oxide synthesis. Malic acid is an intermediate component in the Krebs cycle, and the chemical compound of citrulline with malic acid (L-citrulline malate) has a stimulating effect on ATP production.
L-histidine alpha-ketoglutorate: Histidine is a precursor of histamine. Histamine, together with nitric oxide, increases blood flow.
RC-NOS (Rutacarpin 95%): Rutacarpine is an alkaloid isolated from the evodia plant. Rutacarpine enhances the production of nitric oxide and neutralizes the vasoconstrictor effect of caffeine.
Gynostemma pentafolia (gypenosides 95%): a South Asian plant containing saponins, related to gypenosides, which stimulate the formation of nitric oxide.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) NAD is a precursor to NO synthase, the enzyme responsible for converting arginine into nitric oxide.
Creatine matrix
AVPT (a complex of components that enhance the volumization of muscle cells and help improve performance):
A proprietary blend of four creatine salts with beta-alanine provides accelerated delivery and improved absorption of creatine, accelerates recovery and acts as a hydrogen ion buffer system.
Sodium creatine phosphate: sodium salt of creatine phosphate with increased solubility in water. Entering the bloodstream, sodium chloride ensures the delivery of creatine to muscle cells. Thus, thanks to the combination of sodium with creatine, the absorption of creatine into muscles is significantly improved.
Creatine Ethyl Ester Beta Alanine Dual Action Composite: the newest complex that improves the water and fat solubility of creatine. The addition of beta-alanine helps buffer hydrogen ions, thus preventing the onset of muscle fatigue during exercise. Beta-alanine is a component of carnosine, which, in turn, prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles.
Creatine O-phosphate mixture with malic acid: creatine salt, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increases oxygen transport to the muscles and helps increase endurance. ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) is the main source of energy for muscle function. Creatine ensures the transfer of phosphates to ADP (adenosine diphosphoric acid) to convert it into ATP. The process of ATP formation is also stimulated by malic acid, which participates in the Krebs cycle. As a result, the muscles get more ATP, necessary for strength work.
Creatine alpha-amino-N-butyrate: final creatine salt. Just like previous analogues, it improves the absorption of creatine by muscles and enhances anabolic processes. Leucine, a branched chain amino acid, is metabolized into ketoisocaproate, which is then converted to alpha-amino-N-butyrate: this metabolite enhances protein synthesis and minimizes muscle breakdown during strenuous muscular work.
Di-creatine malate: Malic acid binds two creatine molecules to form di-creatine malate. The combination with malic acid improves the solubility and absorption of creatine, stimulates ATP synthesis and reduces the risk of side effects such as bloating and increased gas formation.
Trimethylglycine (TMG): TMG donates a methyl group to glycocyamine to form creatine. TMG in combination 4:1 with glycocyamine helps raise homocysteine ​​levels and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Glycocyamine: a metabolic precursor of creatine, the addition of which supports the production of creatine.
Guanidine propionic acid: an analogue of creatine, increases sensitivity to insulin and increases volumization (fluid accumulation) of muscle cells; enhances the effect of the product on people who are insensitive to the effects of creatine.
Modified glucose polymers: help increase glycogen reserves, the main fuel for anaerobic muscle work.
Sodium bicarbonate: an exclusive transport system that ensures accelerated dissolution of nutrients in water and their entry into the bloodstream.
Tsinnulin: aqueous cinnamon extract containing proanthocyanidin antioxidants. Helps normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Potassium Ketoisocaproate (KIC-K): an anti-catabolic component that is a precursor to leucine, an amino acid with the most powerful anabolic effect.
Ener-Tropic Xplosion™.
L-tyrosine and L-tyrosine alpha-ketoglutorate: conditionally essential amino acid - a precursor of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine). Caffeine intake stimulates the release of catecholamines, which are involved in the regulation of neuromuscular activity, enhance attention and improve mood. Replenishing catecholamines by taking dietary supplements containing tyrosine can help minimize the negative effects of excessive caffeine intake.
Taurine: an amino acid that regulates cell volume, cell sensitivity to insulin and is an antioxidant. Taurine stimulates the uptake of glucose into muscle cells.
Glucoronlactone: antioxidant that helps improve well-being.
Methylxanthines (caffeine): caffeine is known for its ability to stimulate nerve activity and improve muscle performance. It works great during short intense workouts.
MCT (triglycerides with medium length molecular chain): available source of energy during exercise.
Vinca Alkaloids (95% Vinpocetine, 99% Vincamine, 99% Vinburine): Vinca alkaloids improve cerebral circulation, improve attention and stimulate nervous activity.
Phospho-Electrolyte Replacements™ (electrolyte complex).
Di-calcium phosphate, di-potassium phosphate, di-sodium phosphate: maintain creatine phosphate levels, thus increasing ATP levels, strength and endurance. Calcium, sodium and potassium are also involved in regulating muscle contractions.
Glycerol Hydrating Polymers™: potassium glycerophosphate, magnesium glycerophosphate, glycerol stearate. Glycerol promotes the transition of water from the intercellular space into the blood. Therefore, athletes interested in developing endurance use supplements containing glycerol to improve hydration.
A complex of patented components provides powerful energetic impact on the body.
With NO-Explode, you will experience an unprecedented surge of strength and will be able to train with the intensity necessary for maximum muscle growth. The density of your muscles will increase and you will forget about fatigue.


Dilute from 1 to 3 servings of the product (1 measuring serving - 22.5 grams) in 300-500 ml according to your taste.
Take on an empty stomach 30-45 minutes before training.

This product is not recommended for use by persons under 18 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Consult your doctor before starting use. You should not take this product if you have any medical contraindications or acute illnesses. Stop taking the drug if side effects occur.

Name: No-Xplode 3.0
Supplement Type: Pre-Workout
Release form: powder
In one package: 1110 g
Manufacturer: BSN (USA)

Description of No-Xplode 3.0 BSN

No-Xplode 3.0 BSN is a new version of the popular pre-workout complex from a well-known sports nutrition manufacturer. In 2004, BSN released the pre-workout supplement NO-Xplode, making a significant impact on the sports nutrition market. Preparation No-Xplode 3.0 BSN a modernized version of the original product, in which the scientific experts of the BSN company tried to take into account all the wishes of the athletes. The new Master Performance formula presented in this sports product is designed to give the athlete's body more energy, increase endurance and increase maximum performance during training and any other physical activity. More than 75 percent of people who regularly consume this product confirmed that the new highly concentrated formula meets the athlete's body's energy needs and significantly increases endurance. No-Xplode 3.0 pre-workout mixes well with water and has a pleasant taste.

Indications for use No-Xplode 3.0 BSN

The No-Xplode 3.0 BSN complex is recommended as an additional supplement for athletes to support the body during intense strength training, to increase the endurance and performance of the athlete's body.

Nutrient Contents of No-Xplode 3.0 BSN (1 scoop)

Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) – 500 IU
Vitamin B1 (thiamine HCl) – 2 mg
Nicotinic acid(vitamin B3) – 20 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl) – 2 mg
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) – 6 mcg
Folic acid – 200 mcg
Pantothenic acid – 10 mg
Calcium – 90 mg
Phosphorus – 85 mg
Magnesium – 125 mg
Sodium – 170 mg
Potassium – 220 mg

N.O. XPLODE™ Master Performance Blend – 10.6 g
Myogenic Matrix – 5.5 g
Creatine Blend (creatine, creatine anhydrous, creatine peptides [hydrolyzed whey protein isolate, creatine] (CREActivate™)), taurine, di-calcium phosphate, di-sodium phosphate, AstraGIN ® Proprietary Blend [Astragalus membranaceus extract (root), Panax Notoginseng extract (root)]

Endura Shot - 2.8 g
BETA Composite (CARN+™ Blend [Beta-Alanine (as CarnoSyn®) and Beta-Alanine HCl], Betaine Anhydrous (BetaPower®)), Potassium Bicarbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Magnesium Oxide, Cholecalciferol

N.O. Alpha Fusion – 850 mg
L-citrulline malate, Danshen extract (Salvia Miltiorrhiza) (root), grape skin extract, Phyllanthus emblica extract (fruit) (CAPROS ®), hawthorn extract (aerial parts) (1% Flavonoids), folic acid

Thermic Energy – 745 mg
N-Acetyl-Tyrosine, Caffeine Anhydrous, Grapefruit Bioflavonoids, Pterostilbene: Cocrystal Caffeine (PURENERGY™)

Shock Composite – 680 mg
DMAE bitartrate (2-dimethylaminoethanol), L-lysine HCl, DL-phenylalanine, niacin, calcium D-pantothenate, Serrated Clubmoss extract (aerial parts) (1% Huperzine A), pyridoxine HCl, thiamine HCl, cyanocobalamin.

Mix 1 scoop with 100-200 ml of cool water. Take 20-30 minutes before training. Do not consume more than 2 scoops during the day.

More information about No-Xplode 3.0 BSN (pre-workout), availability and current cost can be found by clicking on the link above. If you are interested in the biopharmaceutical products we review, you should go to the affiliate site and use the search form, adding the exact name of the product you are looking for.

If you were looking for a description No-Xplode 3.0 BSN (pre-workout), information about the composition of nutrients, release form, indications for use, recommendations, or just wanted to find information on where you can buy No-Xplode 3.0 BSN (pre-workout complex), we hope that this review was useful to you. All products reviewed are classified as non-medicinal products and do not require a doctor's prescription. A site visitor has the right to make his own decision about purchasing products, provided he has a proper understanding of its therapeutic specifics and follows the recommendations.

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Similar sports nutrition reviews

Among the pre-workout complexes presented on the modern market, only a few products have earned popularity and many positive reviews. These include NO Xplode, produced by BSN.

NO Xplode allows you to get a boost of energy and strength for a short period of time, which helps improve the quality of focus, productivity, training intensity, and, consequently, muscle pumping. The effect is felt almost instantly after administration - after a couple of minutes.

The product has a unique composition, which determines the characteristic original diagram actions of the pre-workout complex. Advanced and effective ingredients have made the supplement one of the best among analogues. The manufacturer included in the complex a creatine matrix, nitrogen, and other enzymes that help stimulate brain function and increase general level endurance.

Features of the pre-workout

The complex supplement is a powerful magnet for proteins, water, creatine, protein and other enzymes that are required to build muscle mass. It not only enriches the body with the required elements, but also improves the degree of absorption of these ingredients by cells. Thanks to this complex, the degree of endurance increases and the amount of lactic acid produced decreases, which means that muscle failure occurs much later and makes it possible to perform 2-4 more sets than usual.

The entire range of supplements offered by BSN belongs to the premium class category, and the described pre-workout complex has no similar products among similar products from other manufacturers. The company strictly controls the effectiveness and quality of sports nutrition products, introduces innovative developments, and monitors the presence of plagiarists.

How to take pre-workout N.O. Xplode

On training days, the manufacturer recommends taking 2 to 3 servings of the complex 30 minutes before physical activity on an empty stomach. One serving contains 20.5 g of the supplement, which is equal to a scoop. Two or three scoops are stirred in 0.4 liters of water. Rest days involve consuming 1 serving. It is diluted in 0.3 liters of water and also taken on an empty stomach.

It is not recommended to drink more than 3 servings per day. On days free from training, the complex should be consumed no later than 4 hours before going to bed. The supplement must be taken cyclically. After a three-month course, a thirty-day break is required.

Side effects

High performance from taking a pre-workout supplement may come with some side effects. In some cases, athletes may experience sleep problems, headaches, digestive system disorders, and pressure surges. However, reading reviews from athletes, it should be noted that there are no complaints about such phenomena, but, taking into account the possibility of their manifestation, some people may have an individual intolerance to some components of the complex.

To get the desired result, sometimes you have to put up with possible risks. Side effects disappear immediately after stopping the supplement. A trial use of the complex in minimal dosages for five days can eliminate a negative reaction. Pre-workout supplement should not be taken by those who suffer from liver or heart diseases or have mental disorders.

Companies that produce pre-workout supplements recommend using supplements on non-workout days. This is only beneficial for manufacturers, since athletes consume and buy more products. Of course, there will be no harm from taking the complex daily; on the contrary, it will have a positive effect, but if you take into account the purpose of the supplement, it will be insignificant.

Pre-workouts are adjusted to the high speed of metabolic processes and give the greatest results when taken before training. The rest of the time, that is, without high physical activity, they bring a much smaller effect, which cannot be compared with the cost of the supplement. And in order not to waste an expensive product, it is better to drink cheaper creatine monohydrate on rest days.