Is it possible to gain weight on rice? White rice is an ideal source of carbohydrates after a hard workout. Rice in bodybuilding: benefits of consumption

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Rice is a cereal in bodybuilding that occupies one of the key positions due to its ability to provide the athlete with energy for a long time.

This is a relatively inexpensive product that is widely distributed in retail chains. But the variety of species on offer makes you wonder which is best. That is, it most fully meets the requirements for sports nutrition during classes.


Differs in grain shape:

  • round
  • elongated
  • average

By type:

  • red
  • brown (brown)
  • black

There is no wild one on the list, since these grains are the seeds of the grass - water tsitsaniya. The Indians of North America collect them by hand, which significantly increases the cost. The wild variety contains 5 times more microelements necessary for humans than the cultivated variety.

The white color is the result of sanding. At which the glycemic index increases and the amount of nutrients decreases.


The most popular representatives: “Camargue” (grown in Southern France) and the Central Asian “Devzira”. By nature, their shell is reddish in color due to natural antioxidants - anthocyanins. This type is not subjected to grinding, only peeling. It is distinguished by a wide variety of minerals and vitamins, and a high fiber content, which makes it an indispensable tool in the fight against excess weight. Refers to products with low sugar levels, helps normalize blood sugar levels.

Moreover, we are talking specifically about wild red cereals, and not about fermented ones. Fermented has many contraindications, and is prohibited for sale in Europe.


It owes its color to the bran membrane, from which only the flower scales have been removed. Consumed for breakfast, it will keep the athlete toned throughout the day and is especially good as a source of energy before a workout. Dietary fiber will ensure satiety and normalize metabolic processes, magnesium and potassium will protect against edema, strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous system.


Two names are popular: Nanjing and Thai. In addition to fiber and nutrients, it contains a sufficient amount of protein, which is important for maintaining muscle mass. Being an excellent natural sorbent, it removes excess fluid and toxins from tissues.

Any of the cereals are slow “coals”. But the bodybuilder’s task is to choose the most useful ones for training. From this point of view, unpolished (no matter what color) is preferable.


  • Vitamins of group B, E.
  • Carotene.
  • Microelements (potassium, sodium, iron, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, calcium).
  • 8 nonessential amino acids.
  • Rice oils.
  • 12 essential amino acids.
  • aspartic acid, .
  • 20% .
  • 73% unsaturated fat.
  • 8% dietary fiber.

An indispensable mixture for an athlete with a fairly low fat percentage.

How to cook

Improper preparation can ruin any product. Even something as unpretentious as brown rice. Thanks to its shell, it is resistant to overcooking, but you should not overcook it. Otherwise you will end up with an unappetizing mess.

To preserve nutritional properties, it is recommended to pre-soak. Better for the night. Then the cooking time is reduced to 25-30 minutes. If without soaking, then just pour cold water and cook until tender, about 40 minutes. The black variety may take an hour. Without waiting for the water to be completely absorbed, drain in a colander.

Often athletes do not add salt at all when cooking, preferring dried garlic, anise seeds and other spices.

Each variety has its time

Any bodybuilder has cycles of gaining weight and working on relief. Each period dictates its own nutritional rules. When working to gain weight, it is important to eat frequently, high-calorie and balanced meals. Moreover, it is necessary to provide the body not only building material for muscles, but also sufficient potential for this construction. Otherwise, the processing of muscle tissue will begin, since muscles are energetically useless. This cannot be allowed to happen to a bodybuilder.

Complex carbohydrates can supply the body with energy for a long time. Rice takes the lion's share of this niche. During mass gain, any type is quite suitable: white, steamed golden, and basmati. The more calories the better.

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Find out why you should take rice after your workout and why it's so important.

After a powerful and intense workout for 1-1.5 hours. begins to make itself felt, the body and muscle tissue are ready, like a sponge, to absorb all the beneficial substances that you take at this moment.

The window needs to be closed in time, now there are many ways to get enough of what type of carbohydrates, but the most the right decision there will be white rice.

Rice for weight gain

Throughout the workout, energy is consumed, glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles are depleted, at this moment the hormone cortisol manifests itself more and more, as a result of which muscle destruction occurs at an increasingly rapid pace. Many people take it to solve this problem, but in addition to this, a decent portion of carbohydrates is needed, and for this, white rice is needed in the form of emergency help.

At this time, you need to take not carbohydrates, which must be taken throughout the day, but more, which will quickly give off energy and saturate the body with energy in the shortest possible time, an excellent example of which would be white rice.

Remember, slow carbohydrates are good 30-40 minutes before training, immediately after it ends, fast carbohydrates are needed.

Slow carbohydrates take a long time to digest in the form of vegetables, pasta, wheat and oatmeal. Vegetables rich in fiber slow down the speed of digestion, for example, orange juice contains a lot of fructose, which goes to replenish glycogen stores mainly in the liver, and not in the muscles, and this is not the best solution for exhausted muscles after a workout.

Therefore, the best solution after training would be protein and white rice, which have a quick absorption period and will slow down the process of destruction of muscle tissue, but you should not consume it around the clock, replacing breakfast, lunch and dinner with it, eat a varied and nutritious diet, excluding harmful foods from your diet.

Useful properties of rice

In addition to the benefits for muscle mass, rice has a number of other benefits:

1. Lack of gluten, which is a source of allergic reactions

2. Large quantity B vitamins – B1, B2, B3, B6

3. Cleanses the intestines of harmful waste and toxins

4. The functioning of the nervous system improves and the normal condition of hair and skin is maintained.

5. Increased potassium content, which enhances the removal of excess salt from the body.

In this article we will discuss how to eat properly to gain muscle mass. We will tell you all the subtleties and nuances of the most important, in our opinion, issue, which people so often neglect.

Why is proper nutrition important for gaining muscle mass?

The main thing you need to remember is the main principle is to be in a slight calorie surplus. The point is that muscle growth is an extreme adaptation of the body, which it undertakes only in the most exceptional cases. In other words, for the body, muscle growth is an extremely unprofitable process and is very doubtful in terms of whether it will justify its costs. And therefore, in order for your body to undertake this resource-intensive process, it needs to create all the conditions for this.

Namely, excess calories first so that there is energy to build new protein structures. By the way, energy, namely these notorious calories that everyone thinks so, is the most basic thing for the body, it is the foundation. If there is not enough energy, That the body initiates a defense reaction– uses his backup energy sources in the form of subcutaneous fat. BUT if such a situation has arisen, then the body will spend this reserve energy very wisely– use it only for the most important life support organs, and you can simply forget about muscle growth, because This is the most ineffective and unnecessary waste of energy for the body. Moreover, when there is an energy deficiency, the body breaks down muscle proteins so that they do not waste energy, because. muscles consume a lot of energy even while at rest. Therefore, gaining weight and burning fat at the same time is just a myth.

The only thing is, if you just came to the gym and have never worked out before, then an increase in muscle volume is still possible, but, firstly, it will be insignificant, and, secondly, it will not be due to the growth of new protein structures, but due to an increase in capillary and sarcoplasmic structures. Simply put, the muscles will become a little more “full”, and as soon as you stop exercising, all these changes will disappear and return to their normal state as before training.

That's why I put excess energy on first place in importance when gaining muscle mass, and not the amount of protein consumed, as many write. Or rather, it’s wrong to say that, of course, because it’s impossible to say what, for example, is more important in a car – the engine or the wheels. After all, if one of the above is missing, the car will not be able to drive. But if the question is - what should you pay more attention to, excess calories or the amount of protein, then I will answer first.

By the way, our reader has already asked us a similar question.

07/12/2015 at 16:41
Why can’t subcutaneous fat be used as energy for training, recovery and protein synthesis in muscles? ? ? If you gradually, smoothly reduce carbohydrates in the daily diet (not over 2 or 3 months, as is now customary, but up to 1 year!) down to almost no carbohydrates. Thus, the body will adapt to a fat source of energy, then, first of all, fat will be the main source of energy for the body (namely subcutaneous fat, we carry 10,000 calories in subcutaneous fat). Of course, when most people immediately cut carbohydrates in their diet, the body cannot so quickly and instantly adapt after getting used to carbohydrates (almost all my life, carbohydrates have been the main source of energy, and then bam!!!) to a fat source of energy. I already have some carbohydrates left in my diet (and a little more time will pass and there won’t be any at all) and I feel great, my strength is growing, I have a lot of energy, and this energy feels somehow unusual (as if it feels like it comes from subcutaneous fat). And I’m sure that when there are no carbohydrates left in my diet, nothing will change (for the worse), I’ll just become much drier.
I’ll say right away so that you don’t get scared when someone wants to try it, when I started reducing carbohydrates, it was hard, the body got used to them and didn’t want to part with them)) but 5 months will pass and it gets used to it and gradually switches to fat energy supply.

07/12/2015 at 23:08
The fact is that fat is used only for the most important purposes of life support for the body - the brain and internal organs. The muscles, of course, will also receive energy so that they do not atrophy at all. But muscle growth for a natural person will be impossible, because this process is very resource-intensive and for this process it is unprofitable to use reserve energy (from fat), because this is unjustified from the point of view of energy consumption, because. Without large muscles a person will live and survive, but without energy for the brain or heart - no. Imagine an example, you have an emergency situation (in terms of finances) and you only have 1000 rubles left. You can spend them on food and water, without which you simply cannot survive, or buy clothes. BUT clothing is a secondary item in an emergency - you can manage without it, but not without food and water. The same is the case with the body - it spends fat only in an emergency situation, and this situation means surviving at any cost, which means you need to spend energy only for its intended purpose. Muscle growth is the last most important element for the body, and it simply will not spend energy on this process in an emergency situation (when energy is taken from fat).
The fact that you are reducing carbohydrates for a long time and gradually is excellent. But I still do not recommend going completely carbohydrate-free (even if you feel well), because... This is still an unnatural situation for the body. It's best to leave some carbohydrates in your diet. Cutting down to a minimum percentage of body fat is not good (unless, of course, you compete in BB competitions). Because in addition to energy, fat also contains many important substances for the body, which may be needed in the event of, for example, a cold/flu, or another emergency situation for the body.

I think it wouldn’t hurt to add this to the article...

Actually, we have conveyed the main point to you, now let’s move on to the diet itself.

Of course, one could write the standard percentages for BJU - 55% carbohydrates, 30% protein, 15% fat and describe the products with their quantity and amino acid profile... But the fact is that we humans are not robots, we are different physical conditions(some people sit in the office all day, while others work as a tour guide and are on their feet all day), different metabolism and hormone profiles in the body.

Accordingly, everyone has different physiological needs for certain microelements. Here it is important to find out, in my opinion, the basic principles and convey my own observations.

The first thing is never cut out fats from the diet. The fact that meat or dairy products contain fat is not the same at all. The diet should contain fatty foods - fish, or a salad with a large addition of sunflower or olive oil (you can even drink a couple of tablespoons), or something fried in the same sunflower or olive oil. For example, if you eat 4 whole eggs a day, then be sure to fry two of them, and you can boil the remaining two.

Second point no need to exceed the amount of protein over 2 grams per 1 kg of weight, because This makes no sense with natural training. The optimal quantity is in the range of 1.5-2 g per 1 kg, but no more. If the amino acid profile of the protein is good, for example, a person eats 10-15 egg whites or 7-8 whole eggs per day, which are digested almost 100% and have an ideal amino acid profile, and has the opportunity to eat fish and various animal meats, not just chicken breasts , then even a little more than 1g per 1kg of weight is enough!

Know how to feel your body, and it will tell you what you are missing in your diet.

There is no need to blindly adhere to some rules, saying that you need to eat exactly this much protein per day, and that a person can forcefully cram this chicken breast into himself... If after a good workout the body requires replenishment of amino acids, energy and other microelements, then it just comes to you on its own, and sometimes you don’t even notice how much you’ve eaten.

BUT the most important thing, as we have already said, you should always have an excess of calories, albeit a small one, but an excess. Therefore, you should always feel, which is very important, a feeling of satiety. If you think you want to eat something, eat it. Naturally, there is no need to force food into yourself. But you should feel full throughout the day.

Even before bed, if you feel like you would like to eat something, you can safely eat, for example, buckwheat porridge. Believe me, if you exercise, you won't gain weight. overweight. You can even get up at night and have a small meal.

Meals should be fairly frequent, ideally every 2-3 hours. But, again, look at how you feel and how you feel. The main rule is to always feel full.

By the way, on our website we have application program for those who want to gain muscle mass. Depending on your parameters (and there are a lot of them), she creates a nutrition and training plan individually for you. Rather, the value of this program is precisely in terms of nutrition, because... she composes it perfectly according to your parameters. The training program there is designed for the entry level.

We had to spend a lot of time to create this algorithm. The section is called “”. If you are reading this article, be sure to look at this section with gifts - there are images with the parameters entered and the results that the program produces.

Another important point, you should drink quite a lot of water. It is difficult to say an approximate quantity, because... it all depends on your weight, but in any case, at least 4 liters of water per day. Our body is 75-80% water, the rest is organic and protein structures. Therefore, pay great attention to this, so that you always had a bottle of water on hand, if you are on the road or at work, for example.

Your own diet for gaining muscle mass.

I think you will be interested to know my diet for gaining muscle mass.

My staples are white rice, chicken breasts and eggs. Everything else is like a utility room. It can be anything - fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products, etc. I’m not talking about vitamins and fats (omega 3-6-9), because they should always be in your diet.

Actually, here is a photo of the preparation of the main products:

– 500g of cereal (that is, two pans of 250g each per day). For every 250g of cereal, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and 50ml of milk to slightly increase the glycemic index of the product.

Chicken breast– 600-700g per day (in the photo there is about 1kg of meat, that is, this is enough for me a little more than a day).

Here is one egg with the addition of 100 ml of milk:

Fill it up and it turns out like an omelette with chicken:

Place in the oven for 45 minutes at 220º and you're done!

Eggs– 4-5 whole eggs per day. Of these, 2-3 pieces must be fried in sunflower or olive oil:

This is the main “base” of the diet. I hardly eat dairy products, except sometimes a glass of kefir at night. Fruits, vegetables, or sometimes something sweet - this is all as an optional extra.

Actually, that's all. We told you the main and most important points in nutrition. If you have any questions, write them in the comments. There are also general conclusions at the end of the article. We wish you good luck!


  • - You must have a surplus of calories to gain muscle mass.
  • - throughout the day you should always feel full.
  • - the main carbohydrates (80%) should be “slow” (with a small glycemic index, or in other words, so that they take a long time to digest and do not sharply increase blood sugar) - these are various grains of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, or pasta.
  • - the amount of protein should not exceed 2g per 1kg of weight, because There is no point in this, strive for the best possible amino acid profile and try to diversify your sources of protein products.
  • - your diet must contain fats (omega-3-6-9), for example, you can fry a couple of eggs for breakfast in olive oil, or drink a couple of tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil.
  • - you need to drink at least 4 liters of water per day; always carry a bottle of water with you if you are on the road or at work.
  • - know how to feel your body, and it will tell you what foods you need to add to your diet.

Sincerely, Vlad Fomenko and Dima Marchenko

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Important! If you are determined to achieve results and want to achieve your goal as soon as possible (gain muscle mass by properly creating a diet/nutrition plan, training program and daily routine), then use the services of a personal fitness trainer online ==>

Gentlemen, warm greetings to everyone! Another nutritional item is on the agenda, and today we will talk about rice in bodybuilding. After reading, you will learn everything about the beneficial properties of this product, its advantages and role in the diet of bodybuilders and fitness ladies. We will also compare some types of rice and find out what is their difference and which one should we choose.

So, please, come to the table, my dears, let’s prepare cups and spoons.

Everything you need to know about rice in bodybuilding

As you know, the diet of a person who watches his figure is not replete with various sweets and delicacies; it contains only “proven” food, which includes our hero of the occasion – rice. However, now there are so many names of this product that your head is spinning. Here you can find Thai, wild, brown, polished with long grain, and steamed. Of course, abundance is good, and when the choice is so extensive it’s great, but we need to find a really useful item among all this “husk” and include it in our grocery basket. In other words, we need to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, and today in the post “Rice in Bodybuilding” we will do just that.

Actually, let's start getting smart and delve a little deeper into the theory.

Rice in bodybuilding: theory

Rice is a herbaceous plant of the cereal family, the third most popular grain crop in the world (after wheat and corn). Serves as the basis of the diet of residents of many countries, especially Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia), which are considered his homeland.

The rice grain contains the following ratio of major nutrients and is structurally composed of… (see image).

As for the form, rice can be:

  • long grain;
  • medium grain;
  • round grain.

In terms of content, everything is also quite varied, in particular, on store shelves you can find the following types of rice (by processing method):

  • brown;
  • golden (steamed);
  • white;
  • wild:
  • black;
  • red (Camargue).

And in a more visual form.

On store shelves (most often in departments healthy eating) You can find the following packs of “proper rice”.

There are also special named categories of rice, for example: basmati - with a nutty taste and structure; jasmine (Thai) – slightly pinkish; risotto.


More than 10 000 varieties of rice.

A separate line needs to be said about polished (peeled) and unpolished (brown) rice. The first one is 97% Russian market (white, round grain), the second is cleared only of the outer inedible husk and the most useful bran shell is left in it.

Regarding nutritional value and calorie content, then different types rice, it's different. Let's compare white ( 1 ) …

and brown rice ( 2 ) .

Rice in bodybuilding: benefits of consumption

So, include this product in your diet and then you will enjoy its benefits:

No. 1. Great source of energy

Rice is rich in carbohydrates, which act as fuel for the body and help in normal brain functioning. Vitamins, minerals and various organic components increase the metabolic activity of all body systems, which further increases energy levels.

No. 2. Free from cholesterol and gluten

Rice is free of cholesterol, unhealthy fats, salts and gluten, making it an integral part of a balanced diet.

No. 3. Blood Pressure Management

The extremely low sodium content makes rice one of the... best products for people suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension. This mineral causes constriction of veins/arteries and obstructs blood flow.

No. 4. Cancer protection

Fiber (insoluble fiber) is vital for protecting the body from the development and metastasis of cancer cells. In addition to fiber, rice contains natural antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A, phenolic and flavonoid compounds, which act as antioxidants or help scavenge free radicals from the body.

No. 5. Skin care

Phenolic compounds in rice have anti-inflammatory properties; they also relieve skin irritation and various redness. Also the antioxidant capacity of rice (and in particular his powder) Helps delay the appearance of wrinkles and other premature signs of skin aging.

No. 6. Rich source of vitamins

Rice is an excellent source of nutrients such as niacin, vitamin D, calcium, iron, thiamine and riboflavin. These vitamins are the foundation for metabolism, immune system health, and the overall functioning of body systems.

No. 7. Resistant starch helps gut function

Rice is very rich in resistant starch, which reaches the intestines in an undigested form. This type of starch stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria, which help promote normal bowel movements. Insoluble fiber helps move food through the gastrointestinal tract quickly and easily. Thus, rice is beneficial in combating diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.

If we consider the role of rice in bodybuilding and the benefits it brings to our brother (and sisters) :), then it is necessary to pay attention to unpolished rice.

A technological process such as grinding destroys:

  • 67% from vitamin B3;
  • 80% vitamin B1;
  • 90% vitamin B6;
  • half manganese, half phosphorus;
  • 60% gland.

Brown rice retains almost all of the original nutrients and has much stronger beneficial effects on the body. (compared to white rice). In terms of creating the correct proportions, rice plays the following important roles.

Rice in bodybuilding: the main role

No. 1. Building muscles

Muscles need building blocks to grow. Rice is an important source of providing the body with essential amino acids. IN 100 g of product contains up to 8 g protein.

No. 2. Weight loss

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition highlights the importance of choosing whole grain foods. (specifically brown rice versus white) is to maintain a healthy body weight. Women tested who ate whole grains 49% gained less weight compared to those who ate processed foods (the natural structure is technologically disrupted) carbohydrates.

No. 3. Protection against metabolic syndrome

Refined grains and products made from them lead not only to weight gain, but also to increased resistance (susceptibility) to insulin and metabolic syndrome. General features this syndrome: visceral obesity (takes on a pear shape), low good cholesterol, high triglycerides. On the other hand, whole grain products (including brown rice) allows you to avoid all these problems.

No. 4. Muscle regulation

Very important when exercising with weights. And success in lifting weights depends on the quality of functioning of the nervous system. The high magnesium content in brown rice has a positive effect on strengthening the nervous system (the signal is transmitted better and faster from the control center to the muscles) and muscle tone. In addition, magnesium acts as a calcium channel blocker, which helps keep nerves (as well as blood vessels) in a relaxed state.

If a person's diet contains too little magnesium and too much calcium, nerve cells can become overactive, sending too many messages and causing excessive muscle contractions.

No. 5. Long lasting energy source

Thanks to the average ( 50 units), the blood glucose level remains at a stable level for a long time, without causing any dips or peaks (i.e. there are no insulin spikes). This allows you to use rice as an excellent energy fuel both before and after a workout.

Well, in conclusion I will give some practical advice How to get the most out of using this carbohydrate:

  • include rice in your diet, especially during the period of gaining muscle mass - this is a high-calorie food that will allow you to maintain a positive caloric balance;
  • It's best to eat most carbohydrates during the day, when you are most active and your body needs energy. In particular before training (before 1-2 hours) it is better to eat brown/brown rice, white - after its completion;
  • eat rice with vegetables (broccoli, sprouts, green beans, etc.);
  • for efficiency and convenience, it is best to buy rice packaged in bags of 60-100 gr;
  • to save everything beneficial properties rice, it must first be soaked in boiled water - put 1-2 bags into a pan and fill them to the top with water, adding liquid as they are absorbed;
  • It is extremely undesirable to add salt when cooking rice, therefore, to reduce the blandness, you can use spices, for example, dried garlic;
  • read the ingredients on the box of rice (there must be only one ingredient);
  • avoid various “rice vinaigrettes” - rice with mushrooms and sauce, home-style risotto, etc., usually in addition to the highlight of the program, various goodies are also added in the form of E-additives, preservatives, etc.;
  • give preference to rice: brown/brown, basmatti, wild, a mixture of 4 -x types.

Actually, I have everything, I don’t even know how or what else to do :), so we’ll close the shop.


Today we dealt with the topic - rice in bodybuilding. I am sure that now you will be happy to include this product in your nutritional diet and will appreciate all its beneficial qualities.

That's all for now, bon appetit and see you again!

PS. We don’t hesitate to write comments, everyone will be heard!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Rice is one of the main sources of carbohydrates in a bodybuilder’s diet. Unfortunately, many beginners, when trying to gain muscle mass, make one serious mistake - they make rice the main and only (!) source of carbohydrates. Natural bodybuilding limits not only the rate of muscle growth, but also the capabilities of the gastrointestinal tract. Only an athlete who uses anabolic steroids or special supplements that significantly improve digestion can eat half a kilogram of “dry” rice per day. The extreme case is the “monsters” of genetics, which 95% of those reading these words are not.

Today we will talk about how to properly use rice in bodybuilding, and also learn how to combine the “main carbohydrate in bodybuilding” with other cereals. Yes, combine it in such a way that a gag reflex does not appear from food within a week, and the pancreas does not require urgent treatment after a month of “mass gain”.

Reasons for the popularity of rice

Rice is one of the best carbohydrate foods for gaining lean muscle mass. In the bodybuilding community, this white carbohydrate has gained popularity due to:

Rice in bodybuilding. Main disadvantages

Rice is an ideal food only for chemical bodybuilders who are not limited to:

Ability to absorb nutrients from food. High testosterone levels significantly increase the capabilities of your gastrointestinal tract. If a natural person can’t even fit 300 grams of dry rice per day, then the same athlete, having started “cursing,” will be able to easily eat 500 grams of rice a day and not feel discomfort.

Anabolic hormones. Constant consumption of unpalatable food increases cortisol levels and decreases testosterone. A hypothetical straight man who “uncannily” crams a bowl of rice into his womb every day will gain 10 kilograms in 2 months. 9.5 of them are fat. Rice in bodybuilding will help you gain muscle mass only if normal level testosterone and other anabolic hormones. The chemist is not limited in testosterone. He receives it from the outside, in doses that are several times, tens, or even hundreds of times higher than the natural production of “dough.” Food does not affect his hormonal balance.

There is no need to focus on one source of carbohydrates. To the rice we add buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, pearl barley, wheat and any other cereal (to taste). At the end we get a complete, tasty, varied and inexpensive diet. In practice, your long-term carbohydrate intake throughout the day might look something like this:

Time Food Calories Carbohydrates Squirrels Fats Dietary fiber
7:00 Oatmeal (100 grams) 342 59,5 12 6 8
10:00 Barley porridge (100 grams) 315 67 9 1 8
13:00 Buckwheat + rice (50 grams each) 173+166,5=339,5 32,5+37=69,5 6+3,5=9,5 1,5+0,5=2 5+1,5=6,5
16:00 Corn porridge (100 grams) 328 71 8,5 1 5
19:00 Buckwheat + rice (50 grams each) 173+166,5=339,5 32,5+37=69,5 6+3,5=9,5 1,5+0,5=2 5+1,5=6,5
Total 1664 336,5 48,5 11 34

We easily ate 500 grams of cereal, 1664 calories, 336.5 grams of carbohydrates, 48.5 grams of plant protein, only 11 grams of fat and 34 grams of dietary fiber (closes daily norm fiber for the athlete).

Rice in bodybuilding is best used together with other cereals. This way of eating increases the absorption of protein from all cereals.

Rice in bodybuilding. For gourmets

For gourmets, I note that “rice in bodybuilding” is not only the white carbohydrate that we are all accustomed to. There are 9 types of rice that can be obtained in domestic stores.

Yes, black rice costs about 4 times the price of a standard “white carb.” But the difference here is not only in taste, but also in the quality (and quantity) of protein and the amount of dietary fiber. If rice is the only grain that “goes down your throat,” then you don’t need to force your body. Rice in bodybuilding can be used like this:

Time Food Calories Carbohydrates Squirrels Fats
7:00 Black rice (100 grams) 314 69 8 3
10:00 Red rice (100 grams) 345 77 7,5 3
13:00 Basmati rice (100 grams) 322 71 7 0
16:00 Jasmine rice (100 grams) 368 78,5 7 0,5
19:00 Parboiled rice (100 grams) 341 75,5 7,5 0

It is not necessary to eat only rice, even if you are a rare rice gourmet, and your financial condition allows you to eat rare varieties rice on an ongoing basis. You can have a “rice day” once every 7 days, and use standard sources of carbohydrates for the rest of the week. Remember: the more varied your diet, the better the nutrients are absorbed, and the faster muscle mass grows. For an athlete who does not use anabolic steroids, variety in nutrition is the basis for anabolic hormonal balance.

Rice is a complete source of slow carbohydrates, a good source of vegetable protein and dietary fiber at a low price. But this is only one of the slow carbohydrates that a natural (!) athlete should use in his diet.

Rice in bodybuilding is used not only for gaining muscle mass. Next time we will talk about how to use rice for weight loss, and also create a weight loss diet based on different varieties of rice.