Minimum old-age pension in Bashkiria. Pension in Ufa. Dear visitors of the portal “Pension Expert”

Lives in the Republic of Bashkortostan 1 147 579 pensioners. They all receive income from the Pension Fund (PFR) budget. The Government of the Russian Federation regulates the incomes of socially vulnerable groups of the population in order to prevent the impoverishment of large sections. This is done at the legislative level.

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Conditions for assigning pension benefits in Ufa

Pensions in Bashkortostan in 2019 will be brought up to the subsistence level, as in previous years. This preference is provided:

  • only for non-working disabled persons;
  • on the personal initiative of the applicant;
  • in two versions:
    • the federal supplement brings the pensioner’s maintenance to the minimum wage throughout the country;
    • local to the standard of living of a given population group in the Republic;
    • The applicant himself can choose the largest additional payment.
For information: PM is the cost of the consumer basket. It includes goods and services without which human life is impossible. It is determined quarterly:
  • Government of the Russian Federation (national average);
  • local authorities (for the region).

Criteria for 2018 are:

  1. benefits are provided to workers:
    1. who have accumulated such minimum indicators:
      1. 9 years of experience;
      2. 13.8 points;
    2. at a certain age:
      1. women over 55 years of age;
      2. men over 60;
      3. otherwise, if there are preferential grounds (for example, work experience in difficult and dangerous conditions);
    3. disabled people
  2. Content is provided to those who do not have the minimum experience:
    1. women over 60 years of age;
    2. men who have celebrated their 65th birthday;
    3. disabled people;
    4. disabled people who have lost their only breadwinner.
  3. intended for:
    1. civil servants and test pilots with a certain length of service;
    2. soldiers injured in the line of duty.
Hint: the right to pension benefits must be documented. An application to the Pension Fund of Russia branch can be submitted one month before the date of eligibility (date of birth, for example).

Peculiarities of pension calculation in Bashkortostan

Minimum payments are strictly tied to the PM. And the last indicator depends on the conditions in the region:

  • economic development;
  • natural conditions;
  • state of infrastructure;
  • pricing policies;
  • workers' earnings and other things.

For 2018, indicators influencing the formation pension payments in Bashkortostan were as follows:

Hint: all social benefits are increased by the northern coefficient. In Ufa and the entire Republic it is 1.15.

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Components of pensions

The formation of subsidies for pensioners is carried out according to a new formula. It involves several separate parts that make up the amount to be issued. They are:

  1. Fixed- the same for everyone. This is a guarantee that a disabled citizen will not be left without income in any case.
  2. Insurance the component is individual. Its size depends on the recipient’s contribution to the development of the country’s economy:
    1. length of service;
    2. the total contribution to the Pension Fund for all years, converted into points.
  3. are appointed taking into account preferential grounds.
For information: in the Republic of Bashkortostan, some beneficiaries receive additional payments from the local treasury.

Methods of supporting pensioners

An important principle of social policy is the limitation of the minimum benefit amount disabled citizen. It cannot be lower than PM. To increase the income of non-working pensioners, it is legislatively established social supplement. Workers are not entitled to it.

Attention: the recipient is required to report the fact of employment to the Pension Fund so that he does not receive excess funds. They will still have to be returned:

  • voluntarily;
  • by court decision.

The local social program provides a number of preferences for this category of citizens. They depend on the applicant’s preferential rights and are formalized by the social security authorities:

  • to all pensioners relies:
    • discounted travel on public transport;
    • compensation for travel to a place of recovery using a voucher provided on a preferential basis (once a year);
  • disabled people are provided:
    • travel benefits;
    • means of rehabilitation;
    • telephone installation of residential premises;
    • additional payments:
      • 1st group - 3,538.52 rubles;
      • 2nd - 2,527.06 rubles;
      • 3rd - 2,022.94 rubles;
  • labor veterans financing planned:
    • health voucher (once a year);
    • urban transport services;
    • dental prosthetics according to medical indications.

How pension benefits are issued in Bashkortostan in 2019

An applicant who has received the right to state benefits must follow a few simple steps:

  1. Collect supporting documents. The main list includes:
    1. passport and SNILS;
    2. work book:
    3. additionally right confirm:
      1. certificate from a medical and social examination confirming the assignment of a disability group;
      2. death certificate of the breadwinner;
    4. additional charges are made on the basis of:
      1. information about the presence of disabled dependents and their identity documents;
      2. preferential certificate;
      3. certificates about the need for additional care and an agreement with the person who will provide it.
  2. Take the papers to the Pension Fund office for verification.
  3. Get an answer via ten days:
    1. on the purpose of payments;
    2. on extension of the consideration period;
    3. about a justified refusal.
Hint: SNILS is also issued to the Pension Fund. To receive it, you need to come to the office with your passport and fill out a simple form.

Where to contact

For pension questions, you should contact the territorial Pension Fund office. The list of government institutions is given in the table:

Service areaAddressPhone number for inquiriesWorking hours with the public
Demskyst. Levitana, 22/4+7 347 281-09-33 9:00 - 18:00
Kalininskyst. Mashinostroiteley, 21A+7 347 283-95-00
Kirovskyst. Sovetskaya, 13/15+7 347 273-45-05
st. Kommunisticheskaya, 59+7 347 272-37-26
Leninistst. Sultanova, 2+7 347 251-31-99
Octoberst. Stepana Khalturina, 28+7 347 223-73-71
st. Richard Sorge, 33+7 347 223-16-71
Ordzhonikidzevskyst. Mira, 13+7 347 242-43-31
Sovietst. Stepana Khalturina, 28+7 347 282-44-55
Ufast. Gafuri, 19/2+7 347 251-18-25
Hint: reception hours for citizens are reduced on Fridays and on holidays until 16:45.

Dear readers!

February 20, 2018, 20:48 March 3, 2019 13:38

Let us say right away that there is no such definition as a “minimum pension” in the legislation. But it’s clear that we’re talking about an amount less than insurance pension due to old age it cannot be. How is the minimum size determined?

To do this, let us pay attention to the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020. It says that the minimum level of pension is set not lower than the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of his residence (Part II of the Concept, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17 .2008 No. 1662-r).

Thus, the cost of living of a pensioner in his region can be conventionally called the size of the minimum old-age pension.

What does the minimum old-age pension consist of?

It happens that a person was assigned an old-age pension, but its amount turned out to be lower than the pensioner’s subsistence level. In this case, he is entitled to an additional payment up to the “minimum wage”. It is correctly called “social supplement to pension” up to the pensioner’s subsistence level. The right to it arises when 2 conditions are simultaneously met:

  • absence of work or other activity during which the person is subject to compulsory pension insurance;
  • failure to achieve the total amount of material support for a pensioner equal to the minimum subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of his residence.

Keep in mind that in order to calculate the “total amount of material support”, almost everything is taken into account - all cash payments, including pensions and cash equivalents of social support measures to pay for telephones, housing, utilities and travel on all types of passenger transport (city, suburban and intercity) , as well as monetary compensation for the costs of paying for these services.

The value of the PMP for determining the size of federal and regional social supplements to pensions is established in the whole of the Russian Federation and in each subject of the Russian Federation. So, for 2018 in the Russian Federation it is 8,726 rubles, and, for example, in Moscow – 11,816 rubles.

Are indexations taken into account when determining the minimum pension amount?

Insurance pensions of non-working pensioners were indexed from January 1, 2018 to 3.7. The cost of one pension coefficient after the increase was 81.49 rubles, and the size of the fixed payment was 4,982.9 rubles.

Social pensions have been indexed since April 1, 2018 by 2.9%, taking into account the growth rate of the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation over the past year.

As a result of indexation of insurance and social pensions in 2018, the average amounts of old-age pensions in Russia were:

  • old age insurance – 14,151 rubles;
  • social pension – 9,062 rubles;

The presence of a pension suggests that in Bashkiria things are going no worse than in Russia. Indeed, in some cities and states such a word is completely absent. For example, these are Africa and Asia. In some countries, pensions were abolished because the government decided to allocate more money for benefits and raising children. Other countries have even decided to send a pensioner to another world if he has become a burden.

Instability in the world entails a reduction in payments. That is why in the country represented, citizens have a question, what is the minimum pension in Bashkiria in 2017.

As life expectancy increases, there is an additional burden on the pension fund. And you shouldn’t think that all the money earned and transferred lies in some personal account, waiting for the employee to become a pensioner. In fact cash constantly work throughout a person's life. Those that were listed earlier have depreciated and have long been spent on other needs.

Solidarity pensions have been going on for a long time, in which the working generation pays for the old age of pensioners. But in modern world many citizens work unofficially, and some simply do not want to pay taxes. This gives additional ideas to the state to introduce new sources of replenishment while limiting payments.

The government of the represented country approved the amount of the subsistence minimum. A legal document was recently released stating that the cost of living for 2017 will be around 8,839 rubles.

The indicators can be divided into groups as follows:

  • for working citizens this figure will be 9,363 rubles;
  • for citizens retirement age– 7167 rub.;
  • for minor children the amount will be 9018 rubles.

This indicator is an assessment of the minimum acceptable food basket and other components necessary to provide for each person. The same amount includes medicines, mandatory fees and payments, such as utilities.

The indicator is needed to assess the standard of living of citizens in the represented country during the implementation social programs co-financing and subsidies. It is also necessary when making social payments to the population, preparing and distributing the country’s budget and implementing social protection for low-income families.

In Bashkiria it is reported that 1.73 million citizens of retirement age, as well as 381 beneficiaries, receive funds from the Pension Fund. Every year these indicators are indexed to the amount of inflation. This year it was 7%.

Statistics show that:

  • more than 65% of citizens receive pension payments at home with the help of postmen;
  • 40% are served in financial institutions and receive money there;
  • 0.6% receive funds through other organizations.

According to the law, a pensioner has the right to choose the organization that will transfer his pension. He can also change it by notifying the local Pension Fund in writing.

In order to survive in difficult times, citizens of retirement age are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • study the benefits and actively use them;
  • look for additional income;
  • control income and expenditure;
  • use grocery store bonuses;
  • study legislation.

And then pension payments will be much higher.

The highest pension in Russia, as it turns out, is paid in Chukotka. There, its average amount as of July 1, 2018 was 25,173 rubles.

Pensioners in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug receive slightly less - 22,050 rubles. This is followed by the Magadan Region - 21,508 rubles, the Kamchatka Territory - 21,342 rubles, and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 21,008 rubles.

The average pension in Russia as of July 1, 2018, as noted by the Pension Fund, was 14,144 rubles. Residents of 46 regions receive less than the average Russian pension. The smallest old-age payments are noted in Kabardino-Balkaria - an average of 11,413 rubles, Dagestan - 11,653 rubles, Kalmykia - 12,137 rubles.

Let us note that in Bashkiria as of 2018 there are 1 million 186 thousand pensioners. This is 1.5% more than in 2017, when there were more than 1 million 168 thousand people receiving pensions in the republic. Medium size pensions as of August 2018 amounted to 12,791.8 rubles. The average old-age pension is 13,498.7 rubles. It follows that the pension in Bashkiria is less than the average pension in the country.

According to Russian legislation, pension provision unemployed citizen, receiving a pension through the Pension Fund, cannot be less than the regional subsistence minimum for a pensioner (PMP). Due to climatic conditions and differences in the standard of living of the population, this value is established for each region separately and is being revised annually from January 1. In 2019, its sizes vary from 7811 rubles. (Tambov region) up to 19,000 rubles. (Chukchi Autonomous Okrug) - see. It is noteworthy that the size of the minimum pension in Russia with an increase in the minimum wage (minimum wage).

If the pension amount is less than the PMS, it is provided in the form of the difference between the PMS and the amount of accrued pension provision. The surcharge can be financed from the regional or federal budget. Unfortunately, Working pensioners are not entitled to social supplement, since their income also takes into account wages in addition to pensions.

February 20, 2019 V. Putin in his address to the Federal Assembly instructed to review the methodology for indexing pensions, not exceeding the living wage of a pensioner. Previously, indexation concerned only the basic pension amount, which is why the amount social supplement decreased, but the amount actually paid to the pensioner did not change. The President proposed indexing pensions above the subsistence level, that is, bring the pension amount to the PMP, and then index it by the appropriate coefficient. You can read more about the President's instructions.

Now each region has its own methodology for calculating PMP. However, during 2019, unifying calculations may be introduced. Due to these changes, in some regions, the size of the PMP in 2020 (and therefore the size of the minimum pension) may either increase or decrease. But pensioners should not worry about this: according to the law, the amount of the already accrued pension, taking into account the social supplement they can't downgrade.

What is considered the minimum pension in Russia?

Social supplement to pensions for non-working pensioners in 2019

If the amount of income (material security) of a pensioner is less than the minimum monthly wage in the region, he is assigned a social supplement. It was introduced in 2010 with the aim of improving the material well-being of low-income pensioners. Only pensioners who meet the following set of conditions can count on additional payment:

  • the pensioner does not work after receiving his pension;
  • lives on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • has a total income less than the amount of PMP.

Depending on whether or not the size of the regional PMS exceeds the value of the pensioner’s subsistence minimum established in the country as a whole (in 2019 it is 8,846 rubles), the pensioner may be set one of two social supplements towards retirement:

  • federal- if the PMP in the region is less than the federal one (paid through the Pension Fund);
  • regional- if the established regional PMP is greater than the federal one (paid by the Social Security authorities).

It happens that after the announced indexation of pensions, pensioners do not notice any increase. As a rule, social surcharge is to blame for this:

The fact is that during the year only the pension size itself is indexed, and the PMP level for establishing the minimum pension does not change throughout the year. In this regard, after the next indexation, pensioners continue to receive a pension in the amount of the regional PMP (in this case, the amount of the social supplement simply decreases).

Thus, we can say that the annual indexation of pensions is felt only by those pensioners who do not receive social supplement to the subsistence level - and this is:

  • non-working pensioners whose pension itself is greater than the regional PMP;
  • working pensioners (they are not entitled to either social supplements or annual indexation; in total there are 9 million of them in Russia).

It should be noted that the social supplement to the pension is established only on an application basis. This is usually done immediately at the time of registration of the pension after calculating its size. However, in practice, sometimes the pension is less than the PMP! In this case, the pensioner you need to apply yourself with a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of Russia or Social Security at the place of residence.

Table - Minimum pension in Russia in 2019 from January 1 by region

Minimum pension in Russia in 2019 for non-working pensioners will correspond to the minimum subsistence level of a pensioner, effective from 01/01/2019 and calculated on the basis of the consumer basket for food and non-food products.

The amounts for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation differ significantly; they are shown in the table.

No.Name of the subject of the Russian FederationSize of PMP in the subject, rub.
Central Federal District
1 Belgorod region8016
2 Bryansk region8523
3 Vladimir region8523
4 Voronezh region8750
5 Ivanovo region8576
6 Kaluga region8708
7 Kostroma region8630
8 Kursk region8600
9 Lipetsk region8620
10 Oryol region8730
11 Ryazan region8568
12 Smolensk region8825
13 Tambov region7811
14 Tver region8846
15 Tula region8658
16 Yaroslavl region8163
17 Moscow12115
18 Moscow region9908
Northwestern Federal District
19 Republic of Karelia8846
20 Komi Republic10742
21 Arkhangelsk region10258
22 Nenets Autonomous Okrug17956
23 Vologda region8846
24 Kaliningrad region8846
25 St. Petersburg8846
26 Leningrad region8846
27 Murmansk region12674
28 Novgorod region8846
29 Pskov region8806
North Caucasus Federal District
30 Republic of Dagestan8680
31 Republic of Ingushetia8846
32 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic8846
33 Karachay-Cherkess Republic8846
34 Republic of North Ossetia-Alania8455
35 Chechen Republic8735
36 Stavropol region8297
Southern Federal District
37 Republic of Adygea8138
38 Republic of Kalmykia8081
39 Krasnodar region8657
40 Astrakhan region8352
41 Volgograd region8569
42 Rostov region8488
43 Republic of Crimea8370
44 Sevastopol8842
Volga Federal District
45 Republic of Bashkortostan8645
46 Republic of Mari El8191
47 Republic of Mordovia8522
48 Republic of Tatarstan8232
49 Udmurt Republic8502
50 Chuvash Republic7953
51 Kirov region8474
52 Nizhny Novgorod region8102
53 Orenburg region8252
54 Penza region8404
55 Perm region8539
56 Samara region8413
57 Saratov region8278
58 Ulyanovsk region8474
Ural Federal District
59 Kurgan region8750
60 Sverdlovsk region8846
61 Tyumen region8846
62 Chelyabinsk region8691
63 Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra12176
64 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug13425
Siberian Federal District
65 Altai Republic8712
66 Republic of Buryatia8846
67 Republic of Tyva8846
68 Republic of Khakassia8782
69 Altai region8669
70 Krasnoyarsk region8846
71 Irkutsk region8841
72 Kemerovo region8387
73 Novosibirsk region8814
74 Omsk region8480
75 Tomsk region8795
76 Transbaikal region8846
Far Eastern Federal District
77 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)13951
78 Primorsky Krai9988
79 Khabarovsk region10895
80 Amur region8846
81 Kamchatka region16543
82 Magadan region15460
83 Sakhalin region12333
84 Jewish Autonomous Region9166
85 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug19000
86 Baikonur8846

Note: On average, the country's PMS in 2019 was set at 8846 rub. according to paragraph 5 of Art. 8 of the Federal Budget Law of December 5, 2017 No. 362-FZ.

Minimum pension in Russia from January 1, 2019

In January 2019, the minimum wage was increased to 11,280 rubles. In this regard, there were many expectations about raising pensions. However, they were all unfounded - from January 1 minimum pensions in Russia increased for a different reason.

The minimum pension is related only to the pensioner's subsistence level (PLS), but not to the minimum subsistence minimum for the working-age population. Increasing the minimum wage does not affect the size of pension payments in any way, since this value sets the minimum level of income only for working population.

Let us remind you that pensions can be increased only in 3 cases:
  1. Due to indexing by the coefficient established by the Government:
    • insurance (labor) pensions - from January 1, 2019 increased by 7.05%;
    • government, including social pensions- from April 1, 2019 they plan to increase by 2.4%.
  2. Due to recalculation according to pension legislation:
    • for working pensioners - they increase annually from August 1 on a non-declaration basis (in accordance with the insurance contributions made);
    • at any time at the request of the pension recipient, if there are grounds.
  3. By increasing the regional PMP, which is carried out annually from January 1 (in this case, other things being equal, the amount of social supplement for non-working pensioners, whose pension is less than the minimum subsistence level established in the region, increases).

Thus, from January 1, 2019, pensions were increased only due to, and not due to an increase in the minimum wage. As a result, pensioners received This amount of additional payment is determined relative to the average size of the insurance pension in the Russian Federation (RUB 14,414 at the end of 2018). Accordingly, those who receive the minimum pension will not experience a significant increase in payments from 01/01/2019.