Safety measures during bioenergetic influence and treatment for healers, bioenergeticists, psychics, Reiki practitioners and other methods of assistance. Human bioenergetics - secrets Bioenergetics doctor

The importance of bioenergy as a healing practice is great. Experts believe that at birth a person has three types of biofield. When a patient gets sick, one of his biofields is damaged, which is reflected in the state of the aura. It is the bioenergetics psychotherapist who is responsible for restoring the biofield. By looking through a person’s aura, he determines which organ is suffering at the moment and what is the cause of the disease.

When working with aura, a diagnostician most often uses two main techniques:

  • With the help tactile sensations the specialist determines the state of the biofield. Diagnostics is based on the specialist’s own feelings. If the diagnostician feels heat or, conversely, tingling and coldness in his hands while working, it means the patient is sick;
  • Healing the patient. Bioenergetics directs its own energy flows to treat the patient. Thanks to this process, the patient feels improvement, and the healer’s energy potential is temporarily reduced.

You can practice healing on your own and get rid of ailments only by learning the basic exercises. In fact, bioenergy involves treating a disease with the help of hands, namely directing living energy to the problem organ. Everyone is capable of healing themselves. Any person has the ability to accumulate energy and redirect it to a diseased organ.

What is biotherapy?

According to experts, a person has a clear relationship between body and soul. The patient's negative emotional state can be reflected in his physical well-being and vice versa. With the help of energy channels, data is exchanged between soul and body. The healing technique involves the use of special exercises, thanks to which a person independently learns to normalize the functioning of the channels. Carrying out a few simple manipulations will allow you to find harmony between soul and body at home.

Bioenergy is of great importance for medicine. Thanks to the use of this method, it is possible to early stages identify the presence of the disease and cope with it. During the process of biotherapy, the aura is cleansed, after which the patient’s state of mind and physical health. Previously, this practice was used only to eliminate neurotic disorders (improving well-being in schizophrenia). Having learned what diseases biotherapy treats, many will be surprised that this practice helps to cope with psychosomatic problems and other serious diseases.

What diseases does it treat?

It is important to use bioenergy treatment for such ailments as:

  • Gynecological problems. Biotherapy improves the patient’s condition in diseases of the appendages and uterus, infertility, erosion, etc.;
  • Alcoholism. During the session, the healer eliminates energy holes in the patient’s biofield and helps to cope with the illness;
  • Back diseases. When exposed to a problem area, bioenergy can achieve a full effect, as after the manipulations of a massage therapist;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Therapy helps reduce tumor formations in the throat, helps with sinusitis, asthma, etc.;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies. For chest pain, hypertension and hypotension, coronary heart disease, treatment is effective;
  • Digestive tract diseases, allergies, hearing and vision problems, diseases thyroid gland etc.

It is important to use biotherapy if a woman is pregnant in the first trimester. During this period, biocorrection will help cope with mild forms of illness. Using meditation as a form of biotherapy is also important if the woman is pregnant (in this case, illnesses and nervous breakdowns will bother the patient less).

Types of Bioenergy Treatments

There are several ways to examine the patient and identify possible pathologies. In parapsychology, it is believed that biocorrection can be carried out using:

  • Collective session. The patient sits in the middle of the circle, and specialists carry out diagnosis and treatment thanks to the group direction of energy;
  • Subject. The diagnostician pre-charges the object with his energy and uses it in the treatment of the patient’s pathology (from a photograph or live);
  • Look. It is a long look into the eyes of a specialist that can help cope with the disease. The bioenergetics person directs his gaze to the problem area and acts on it (few people have such abilities);
  • Breath. Thanks to his hot breath, the healer conducts a session and corrects the biofield;
  • Remotely (by the power of thought);
  • From the photograph. When the patient is not around.

How to develop your bioenergy talent?

A person from 25 to 50 years old can become a healer, since at this time his body has already managed to form at the energy level. Obtaining a license to practice bioenergy will allow you to practice treatment legally. A person must have good health, without chronic pathologies. Numerous reviews confirm the fact that first it is important to learn how to engage in self-healing, and only later move on to treating loved ones and other people.

First of all, it is important to familiarize yourself with the literature on yoga, biorhythmics and magnetism. The future healer must be calm, kind, and without a thirst for monetary enrichment. It is important to learn how to relax so that every part of the body can rest and recover. Concentrating your attention (while in the lotus position) will also help you tune in to the right mood. You need to learn to visualize and feel how energy accumulates in the body. Meditation will help you understand your body and energy.

In order not to harm themselves, novice healers must learn the technique of internal protection. Thanks to this technique, the specialist will not feel sick or have health problems, giving his energy to the patient through his hands.

In conclusion, it should be said that it is important to combine biotherapy with standard treatment, as well as massage. Beginning healers are recommended to devote no more than 30 minutes per day to treating people (up to 3 patients per day). Thanks to meditation and the Lowen position (the main pose in bioenergetics), everyone will be able to direct the flow of their internal energy to heal mental and physical problems.

Bioenergy treatment

In the old days, man was a spiritual being who sought to understand the meaning of his existence through invisible forces and energy. Knowledge has been transformed, and today there are many practices that work with human bioenergy. There is a positive effect from bioenergy treatment, which should be learned and the secrets learned.

So far, the invisible side of human life has not been fully studied. However, the connection between soul and body and their influence on each other is gradually being confirmed.

What is bioenergy?

Medicine is only for recent years begins to accept the spiritual side of a person’s life. What is bioenergy? This is a complex of processes for the transformation of energy, which is located inside the body and is responsible for the functionality of each of its cells. There are many practices that offer different ways to transform energy and influence it.

People have different understandings of what bioenergy is. Some perceive it as an aura that surrounds a person and performs a protective function. Others view it as the energy that is responsible for human activity. Still others compare it with the internal sensations that a person evokes with his energy in those around him. There is still no clear concept of what bioenergy is, since it performs many functions, which include all of the above.

In scientific circles, bioenergy refers to the invisible part of the body, which is responsible for the balance and harmony of all its functions. When examining a person’s aura, areas are visible that do not glow as desired. In this case, they talk about a gap, which becomes a window for the penetration of various demons, demons and other energy creatures. Also, gaps in the aura and changes in its color indicate the state of the body.

Man himself is an energetic being. So far, this area is little studied and unclear. The harmonious functioning of the body is regulated by the energy processes that occur in it. If there is a shortage of a component, it can be replaced with another type of energy. For example, there is the practice of eating sunlight. If a person does not eat food, then he dies over time. However, there are people who have learned to transform sunlight into the very energy that the body receives from food.

It is worth remembering here energy vampires, a concept that many people are familiar with. After communicating with certain people, a person may feel tired, drooping, and exhausted. If this state occurs every time after communicating with the same people, then we are talking about energy vampires. These are people who can subconsciously feed on the energy of those around them when certain situations arise. Typically, energy vampires consume other people's energy in moments of scandals and other stressful situations.

Human bioenergy

Practices for regulating human bioenergy are aimed primarily at restoring internal balance. At the same time, a person learns to feel his own body, understand it, regulate it, and even help it in certain situations.

Human bioenergetics refers to energetic processes that participate in the life of the entire organism. If there is not enough energy, this leads to various disorders and diseases. This is why it is recommended to study practices to restore your energy field.

Body and soul are one in this science. Just as one’s state of mind can affect a person’s health, physical well-being can also affect one’s mental state. That is why there are many techniques that help influence one or another area of ​​a person in order to restore balance.

The most remarkable science can be called psychosomatics, which examines the influence mental state on the development of a particular disease. This issue was actively studied by Louise Hay and Valery Sinelnikov, who wrote books that examined in detail the internal experiences, beliefs of people and the diseases that develop against their background.

Today's medicine actively uses various spiritual techniques that are aimed at restoring mental balance and physical health. Of course, complete elimination of diseases is not possible without medications. However, spiritual practices speed up the healing process.

To achieve balance and gain energy, practices such as:

  1. Work with the aura, where a person can individually concentrate on points or allow a specialist to influence him.
  2. Meditation, where what a person imagines affects what he perceives from the world around him.
  3. Yoga is a system of poses that regulate the flow of energy within the body.
  4. Acupuncture.
  5. Reflexology.

Massages are also used here, essential oils, imaging and other therapies.

Bioenergy training

Human life is completely subordinated to the bioenergetic processes that occur in him. When a person gets sick, other areas of life also decline. Loss of energy leads to loss of interests and activity. That is why every person must undergo at least basic training in bioenergy, which can be done on the psychotherapeutic assistance website.

The modern world is full of various situations that constantly break through the human biofield and upset its balance. These include hereditary diseases, postpartum injuries, problems in relationships with loved ones, stressful situations, disasters and other factors. A person is constantly under stress, which depletes his energy field. It is necessary to study practices that help in its restoration.

Bioenergetics training was previously considered secret. Knowledge was passed on only by gender or there were certain institutions into which the chosen ones were accepted. Today, there is a lot of literature, schools and practices in the public domain that talk about how to achieve harmony in your body.

The main directions are:

  • Control the course of your thoughts.
  • Mental influence on your own body.
  • Working with internal feelings, sensations, thoughts.
  • Focus on the goal.
  • Self-healing.
  • Cleaning energy channels.
  • Energy replenishment.
  • Restoring energy protection, etc.

A person who knows how to manage personal energy flows is able to help other people. Knowledge comes only with practice. If a person can help himself, then he becomes able to help others. This allows you to avoid surgical operations and the use of medical methods, which, in parallel with treatment, also cause harm to the body. A person who knows how to influence the functioning of his body is able to get rid of diseases in the early stages of their development.

Bioenergy treatment

Since in ancient times people believed more in the existence of otherworldly and invisible forces, they actively used various bioenergy treatment practices. The most common is yoga, when a person performs breathing exercises and takes certain postures that help in regulating the circulation of energy.

People who are highly sensitive can diagnose others by penetrating their biofield with their hands or seeing the color of their aura. In healthy people, the biofield is intact and the color of the aura has certain warm colors. When a person gets sick, then he feels a gap or the aura changes color to a colder one. All this can be felt by healers who have high bioenergy.

In addition to diagnostics, the healer deals with the treatment of diseased organs. This occurs through the transfer of energy from the healer to the patient, which is expressed in the filling of the patient’s energy and the loss of it by the healer. Accordingly, after each procedure, the healer requires special rest to replenish the energy expended.

By and large, every person can heal himself, only to do this you need to know how to do it. All people have energy. Special exercises, which can be learned from literature available on the Internet, help in concentrating energy on the diseased organ. Healing from a disease leads to the restoration of bioenergy as a whole.

Additional practices will include exercises to restore energy and gain inspiration. Fatigue comes when a person struggles with problems, thinks about troubles, and remembers the past. But energy appears immediately after you set the final result that you want to achieve after solving problems, define goals, and think about the future.

How to get rid of fatigue and gain energy? You need to stop fighting. Accept the fact that trouble exists. Stop thinking about the past, especially if it doesn't make you happy. You feel tired because you want to cope with all your problems. But how can you deal with them if you think about the reasons for their occurrence, and not about the end result you want to get when you solve them?

A person often gets stuck at the stage of searching for the causes of problems: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Who is to blame for this?” In other words, it is as if a person is trying to find some kind of “magic wand” in the causes of the problem in order to use it and eliminate the problem. He doesn’t want to have a problem, but he doesn’t set a goal for what final result he wants to achieve. That is, you think about the problem itself, and not about what you want to achieve when you solve the current situation. It takes energy.

Inspiration comes when you think about what you want to achieve. You are not stuck in the causes of the problem, although you analyze them; your attention is focused on what you want to get as a result of your actions and decisions. Your thoughts are directed to the future, which you want to achieve using the experiences of the past. In other words, you don’t “burden” yourself with past mistakes, but remember them so as not to make them again.

“Running away from what I don’t want” causes fatigue. You don't want to have problems or unpleasant memories of the past, so you want to run away from them. But it just makes you tired. You don't know where exactly you want to run. You already know what you are running from. What do you want to run to? If you don't know it, it causes fatigue. “I want to get to...” generates energy because your attention is focused on the direction of movement, on what makes you happy, and not on what you are running from (which makes you sad).

Secrets of bioenergy

Bioenergy has many secrets. Man has not yet fully explored his own capabilities, which allows everyone to take care of themselves and discover new secrets.

Bioenergy is considered a protective shield that protects a person from the influence of the outside world. It is often discussed in topics about energy vampires or the influence of evil spirits and creatures. As long as the energy shield is intact, the person is protected from any negative influence.

The most important secret of bioenergy is that it can be influenced. Sergey Ratner has developed a whole technique that allows you to learn how to manage internal energies. This happens through meditation, which can consist of simply calming your breathing, thoughts, and sensations. The most effective exercise It becomes a good idea to do meditation before bed, when the body is a little tired. Right before entering sleep, a person must give himself a command that will be sent to the subconscious. In this way you can influence the functioning of the body.

Treatment with bioenergy is possible through imagination, which helps direct energy of the desired nature to the diseased organ. A person who knows how to control his imagination is able to master these practices.

A person is a body and his soul. An amazing thing happens with flowers that are given to a person. It was noted that the lifespan of flowers in a vase depends on the internal attitude of the giver to the one to whom the flowers are given. If the bouquet does not last more than a day after it was presented, it means that the attitude of the person giving it is frivolous or even negative. This is clearly demonstrated by fading flowers. But if the bouquet lasts two or three days or more, it means that the person treats it with warm and bright feelings.

Similar patterns can be seen in many things. For example, there is a belief that in the hands of a person with negative energy everything breaks. And food prepared with bad thoughts quickly spoils.

Soul connection can happen in various ways: through sleep, during a meal (when a person eats, his subconscious opens) or through writing phrases and text with his left hand.

Previously, there were dolmens - small closed structures. They put people there who saw the world around us only through a small window. It is not known why the dolmens were built. However, they are scary to people because the person remained in them in complete silence, alone with himself and his soul. After spending some time there, you could hear your own thoughts and the voice of your soul. That is why a person so diligently surrounds himself with various noises (TV, music, friends, etc.) so as not to hear his soul, bad thoughts and conscience. However, only after spending a few days in complete solitude, you can hear not only the soul, but also the whisper of the Universe.

The soul always speaks to its human owner. But not everyone can hear it. Knowing this, you can avoid many problems and troubles. If, after the occurrence of an event, situation, news, you have a negative attitude not immediately, but over time, this does not come from the heart, but from the mind. Remember that the soul reacts immediately to the situation that arises. The mind reacts late, after some analysis of the situation. Therefore, if a negative attitude appears some time after the incident, then it is far-fetched. This is the “woe from mind” effect.

Bottom line

Man is a far unknown creature, whose body gradually reveals its secrets. Multiple spiritual practices allow you to influence yourself, becoming more conscious and purposeful. A person is given the ability to influence himself, even the development and state of his own body, which happens not only through food or clothing, but also through thoughts, emotions, and sensations. The result of the ability to manage your bioenergy is health of the body and balance in the soul.

Many factors can disrupt the harmony of body and soul. Firstly, there are people who do not believe in the existence of a soul, limiting their knowledge only to exact knowledge. This only prevents you from fully understanding your body and how you can influence it.

Secondly, there are many situations that provoke mental and physical imbalance. A person often uses only those methods that are familiar to him, forgetting to take an interest in what is not yet familiar to him.

Thirdly, the inability to cope with one’s own experiences. Emotions arise in all people. If a person does not know how to consciously transform the energy that arises into something useful for himself, then it negatively affects him.

It should be remembered that a person influences not only himself, but also those around him. The environment also influences one person. It is necessary to have the skills to restore your own energy protection, which is constantly pierced by other people and invisible energy. This will get rid of many problems, illnesses and bad moods.

Alexander Abramovich, you are a professional doctor. How does this fit with such concepts as psychic, bioenergetics? Doesn't one contradict the other?

Not at all. But I came to bioenergy in several stages. I really am a doctor, I graduated from the Military Medical Academy, worked for four years as a senior doctor in a fighter aviation regiment, and then in four different military hospitals. He served for 31 years, and when he retired, he worked as a cardiologist in two clinics at once. But back in the early 1970s, I began to take an active interest in traditional medicine and even use it, although it was not accepted then. One hero of the Soviet Union managed, with the help of leeches, to save his toes, which had turned black as a result of a serious vascular disease - obliterating endarteritis.

- And as a cardiologist, have you used any natural treatments?

In 1975, I worked in a military hospital in Karelia, and a high-ranking official came to me for treatment with coronary heart disease (CHD). He had up to 84 angina attacks per day, and for each attack he took a nitroglycerin tablet. 84 tablets a day! Naturally, there was no effect. And then I came across an appeal from some grandfather from the Urals to the Institute medicinal plants, so they tested his method of treating coronary heart disease with pumpkin seeds. Such seeds are usually used to treat helminthic infestations, and in large dosages - up to a glass. And here are small doses - 40-50 grams, with the aim of influencing IHD. And I suggested to this person: the method has not been tested, but it is clearly harmless, the costs are small, let's try it. He took these seeds (raw, of course) for a week, then was discharged. The painful attacks, however, did not go away completely, but they became much less frequent: instead of 84 attacks a day, only 7-8 occurred. The effect was convincing. I even made a report about this at a conference at the Military Medical Academy, but a lot of funds were being created at that time, and all my information fell on deaf ears.

- What other contacts did you have with traditional medicine?

Quite a lot and in different areas. For example, we had to deal with the removal of stones due to cholelithiasis. I once had successful experience using the well-known technique of tubage with olive oil. But this method is very difficult and is not suitable for everyone. I was looking for something milder and even conducted research on the method of treating gallstone and urolithiasis with a decoction of wheatgrass rhizomes. We had to carry out some scientific work: take gallstones and urinary stones removed from people, weigh them on pharmacy scales, measure them, and determine their configuration. Wheatgrass rhizomes are a well-known remedy in folk medicine. They use it like this. You need 2 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of wheatgrass rhizomes with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour until it cools, strain, and then drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons three times a day. Indeed, the pebbles become smaller and are able to come out. But the course of treatment here is long, three months.

- And yet, how did you come to bioenergy?

In 1990, I, together with two other doctors from our medical unit and a group of people from different professions, began to engage in rebirthing. It's 15 minutes of slow and deep breathing without pauses, then 15 minutes of fast and deep breathing without pauses and, finally, 15 minutes of “dog” breathing (frequent and shallow). The task is to worsen (!) the blood supply to the cerebral cortex in order to stop its inhibitory influence on the subcortex, and then the subcortex will be able to give out all the many thousands of years of experience of humanity. Already in the 2nd lesson, I felt a babbling stream across my forehead, and in the 3rd lesson, a hallucination arose, which made me, an absolutely unbelieving person, rethink all my ideological positions. I was so shocked that I didn’t tell anyone about it for a long time, and when I finally told it at work 3 months later, everyone laughed at me. After the 4th lesson I quit rebirthing. But then I began to notice interesting things behind me. For example, a woman who was sitting on the bus with her back to me turned to me when I was looking at her. This incident was later repeated. And one day our masseuse brought a photograph of her mother, who lived in a Ukrainian village, suffered from headaches, and no one could help her. Looking at this photograph, I suddenly saw the image of a woman whose right middle was pulsating and glowing red. cerebral artery, and I say: this is a typical hypertensive patient, the woman has hypertension. This was my first experience of remote diagnostics.

- What diseases can be treated in this way?

I had to work with many. Each human organ has its own bienergetic characteristics. The condition of the blood vessels is especially well determined. Working with atherosclerotic plaques now does not present any difficulty in terms of complete restoration of the heart arteries, even if they are seriously damaged by atherosclerosis. But I want the results to be verified by hardware research methods - at least by comparing the volumetric blood flow on the device. Unfortunately, there are great difficulties with this. That's why I was attracted simple techniques, when in five minutes you can get both the result and its confirmation. For example, glaucoma is increased intraocular pressure. It returns to normal literally 5 minutes after exposure, and the numbers speak for themselves - here is the official protocol. Here my task is to mentally restore the drainage system of the eye. You can work on the vessels of the heart, brain, find narrowings and plaques and eliminate them, relieve bronchospasms in asthma, cleanse the liver in hepatitis, eliminate discogenic disorders in the spine... This is work on phantoms - mental images, a common thing, everyone can do it. But, of course, a good knowledge of the structure of each organ is required.

Please, be more specific about the fact that “everyone can do it.” Most people are convinced that they can’t do anything like that...

Do you feel like you are carrying on your head every day, from morning to evening, an atmospheric column weighing at least 30 kg? No. And the cosmonauts who returned from the flight lie like dolls and feel. That is, our sensations do not coincide with the outside world. The task is to increase your sensitivity enough to sense what is in the real world.

- Can you develop this in yourself?

Elementary. Stand straight, press your elbows tightly to your sides, arms bent at the elbows, palms facing each other at a distance of about 20 cm. Eyes half-closed. Now imagine that there is nothing, there are only your palms. Listen to your palms and begin to slowly move them towards and away from each other. Slowly and calmly. How do you feel? There is some kind of obstacle between them that prevents them from being brought together and separated. This is how you begin to feel the atmosphere. Now imagine that there is a soccer ball under your palms. Start moving your palms around the circumference of this ball, feel that it is elastic and does not allow your palms to get closer. Do you have a feeling? Eat. All palms can initially be psychic in terms of increasing sensitivity. And then you need to try to sense the biofield of a person, cat, dog.

- What does it mean to feel the biofield?

You've probably seen: when a cat runs away from a dog, and suddenly there is a building in front of it, there is nowhere to run, it turns around, and the dog cannot approach it. Runs in circles and barks. That is, the cat has created a biofield around itself that the dog cannot enter. These things are common to both animals and humans. You have already started to feel something. And now you go to the wall and imagine that, say, a woman is standing against the wall. Here is her silhouette: head, shoulders... Your eyes are half closed. You carefully extend your hands towards her and feel some kind of obstacle. All your attention is on your palms: won’t some sensation appear there? U different people it can be different: tingling, a feeling of warmth, etc. Having mastered this, you will then begin to check the biofield of individual organs, say, the heart. Place your palms in front of your heart, focus on the sensation in them and, with your eyes half-closed, trace the mental image of your heart and its configuration with your hands.

- Can we help ourselves bioenergetically?

To do this, you need to learn to “pump yourself up.” In a diseased organ, the biofield is always weakened. Increasing the biofield in this area helps the diseased organ recover. You can find out which organ is sick using a ring and a weight on a thread. You just need to agree with him in advance that, say, clockwise circles or longitudinal oscillations of a pendulum mean “yes,” and counterclockwise circles or transverse oscillations mean “no.” And the bioenergy pumping itself is performed with the help of breathing. Stand in the priest's pose (legs slightly apart, one slightly in front of the other, arms bent at the elbows, hands at forehead level), facing north, eyes half-closed, shallow breathing. As you inhale, draw energy from the Cosmos to your fingertips. inside, increasing this amount of energy with each subsequent inhalation. And as you exhale, send this energy inside your hands, then (with the next exhalation) fill your arms to the elbows, to the shoulders, fill your neck, face from bottom to top, brain, back of the head, spine from top to bottom, all internal organs, legs and, finally , feet. Finally, bring your palms together for 5-6 seconds. At the same time, mental guidelines for health, strength, calmness, and creative power are pronounced.

- What would you like to advise our readers?

For some reason, all people want treatment, attention, etc. They say - love yourself, and everything will be fine. And I think this: just pay less attention to yourself. There are many people around who need your help. Pay attention to them, help them, forget about yourself! And all your illnesses will disappear.

Interviewed by Alexander GERTS

We all receive energy from the external environment, process it and partially assimilate it. Otherwise we could not exist. But in addition to the task of “existing,” some people set themselves other tasks, for example, “to be healthy,” “to be happy,” to discover paranormal abilities in themselves, and so on. All this requires energy. Lots of energy.

Firstly, bioenergy is our defense against diseases. Why in the Middle Ages, during the most terrible epidemics that claimed millions of lives, some people got sick and others did not? They didn’t know about any vaccinations in those days... It’s just that different people had different bioenergetic “shields” that protected them from diseases.

Secondly, bioenergy is our protection from any unfriendly external influences, including magical ones. The denser the energy field around a person, the more difficult it is for all vampires, sorcerers and other evil spirits to reach him.

Thirdly, it is bioenergy determines the quality of our life. It is human energy, its sufficiency or, conversely, deficiency, that gives us feelings of joy, happiness, strength, self-confidence, or, conversely, boredom, irritability, apathy, laziness, depression. Energetic people, as a rule, are successful in life, they achieve what they want, because they are able to invest a lot of energy into their desire. People who have little energy spend it all on maintaining an existence that is, as a rule, boring and sluggish. They are annoyed by the need for any effort, they are weakened by any communication, any surprises, they prefer to dream of an interesting and successful life than to create it and live it. People with energy deficiency are always losers.

Fourthly, to discover paranormal abilities you need significantly more energy than just living. If you want to receive information extrasensually (clairvoyance), influence people, including for the purpose of their healing (extrasensory perception, healing, magic), eliminate problems, including karmic ones, and control fate, you will first of all need a completely different bioenergy resource , significantly more than what you have now. Bioenergy provides you with this resource. That's why bioenergetics is the beginning of all parapsychology studies. If a person’s energy channels are cleared and nothing interferes with the free flow of energy, he is, first of all, healthy. About 70% of all human diseases occur due to improper or insufficient flow of bioenergy through his energy body. And this means that it is precisely this number of problems that we can save a person by working only energetically, that is, with his so-called “etheric” body. In other words, bioenergy is, in essence, healing on the energy (etheric) plane. And you will feel it for yourself when every day of classes you become healthier and happier.

Bioenergy, cosmoenergetics, reiki, qigong, wushu, pranayama, etc. – different ways mastering and managing energy. You will learn how they relate to each other.

WITH energy vampires we all meet all the time. Bioenergy will help you deal with them easily.

Bioenergy therapy is not only the treatment of the spine, joints, heart or kidneys, but also the prevention of illnesses. By putting energy fields in order, the healer strengthens all the processes occurring in the patient, revealing the hidden reserves of the body and the organ affected by the disease. By acting with his field on acupuncture points, the bioenergy therapist achieves an effect comparable to acupuncture and massage combined with warming. By stimulating them with the help of special electrical impulses, the doctor achieves improved blood circulation, relieving muscle fatigue and tension.

Treatment without hands

The bioenergetic therapist is able to make a diagnosis without touching the patient’s hands. By influencing the patient’s biofield, he captures its energy by simply moving them near the head or other parts of the body.

His task is not only treatment with his field. The healer triggers natural processes in the body of the ward, which are inherent in nature, which activate hidden reserves and trigger self-healing.

  • During sessions, the therapist achieves the following goals:
  • changes the patient’s attitude towards his body and organism;
  • changes the patient’s attitude towards himself as a person;
  • awakens health stereotypes, removing disease stereotypes.

Upon completion of the course of treatment, the healing effect is achieved through physical improvement of the patient’s condition and recoding of the “code” of the disease, raising the level of quality of life.

Bioenergy massage

Unlike sports or simple therapeutic massage, a massage from a bioenergy therapist harmonizes the biofield and improves the condition, filling all body systems with health at the physical level. During this procedure, the patient experiences unusual sensations. Muscle pain that occurs at the beginning of the first sessions is replaced by lightness and peace, the person completely relaxes.

This massage is classified as bioenergetic due to the use of a number of techniques that affect not only the muscles, but also the biofield. In his work, the specialist uses techniques that include the following elements:

  • classic massage;
  • Eastern techniques for influencing the human biofield;
  • Chinese acupressure;
  • osteopathic massage;

Essential oils and special creams used in the work of the healer allow you to achieve the maximum relaxing effect. The number of sessions and their duration are selected by the bioenergy therapist individually for each patient, based on his psycho-emotional and physical condition.

Bioenergy massager

It is not always possible to get professional help from a specialist due to various life circumstances. At such moments, you can massage yourself using a bioenergy massager. This simple universal device is used for point impact on the muscles of the back, neck and other parts of the body.

The device is a cross with 4 legs, at the ends of which there are balls of various diameters. Two of them are about 2 cm, another two are about 4 cm. The massager fits comfortably in your hand and allows you to easily perform the necessary manipulations. Positive Feedback and it has earned widespread popularity due to its simplicity and cost, which starts at 200 rubles.

Besides this simple solution There are more expensive and complex models that combine massage with heating and electrical impulses. With their help you can fight excess weight or massage your feet.

Bioenergy therapy cannot be classified as traditional method treatment, although doctors recognize its positive effect. It's more of a combination psychological impact, work at the level of invisible matters and a scientific approach. Therefore, it will not be possible to completely replace the work of a specialist with a massager, but positive dynamics can be achieved.

Bioenergy training

Such knowledge was previously passed down by family and was considered secret. There were even institutes to which only a select few were admitted. Now this is a thing of the past, and there is enough necessary literature in the public domain. Large quantity schools and practices allow anyone to achieve harmony in their body.

Main directions of bioenergy training:

  • self-healing;
  • mental impact on the body;
  • cleaning energy channels;
  • concentration on the goal;
  • restoration of energy protection.

If a person can learn to control energy flows, then he will be able to help other people heal. In many cases, the ability to influence the functioning of the body, understanding its energy will allow us to identify various diseases in the early stages and avoid serious medical intervention.


The capabilities of the human body extend far beyond its physical capabilities. Understanding and the ability to master your inner world is an unconditional gift. However, you can develop your abilities and achieve mental balance through multiple practices, learning to manage your bioenergy.

A bioenergy therapist is a person who holds the key to physical health and mental harmony. With its help, you can overcome any depression and find a way out of difficult life situations.

Having learned to independently restore your own energy protection and manage your inner world, you will be able to extinguish negative emotions and improve quality of life.