Mental arithmetic - what is it and what is its essence? Possibilities of mental arithmetic for children Preparation for classes

Good afternoon, my dear readers! We, as real and correct parents, always strive to give our children a diverse education, and are always on the lookout for fashionable innovations in education, trying to try them on ourselves. And this is not bad at all, the main thing is to do it in moderation and wisely, without fanaticism.

Today there are a lot of different methods for the non-standard development of children, and we try to always keep abreast of events. Recently, it has become popular to send children to learn mental mathematics. Haven't you heard of this one? If you want your child to learn to count in his head like a calculator, then join the discussion! We will look at what mental arithmetic is and whether our children need it.

Lesson plan:

Where did the mental technique come from?

As always, the origins must be sought from ancient ancestors. It turns out that the methodology contained in menara (also called mental mathematics) is based on the competent and confident use of an ancient calculator.

Wondering what kind of outdated machine this is? Yes, these are ordinary bills! Like our Russians, on whom Soviet times counted in cafes and shops. They are called abacus and look like a rectangular frame in which 13 vertical strings-sticks are stretched, and each has 5 bones.

The first abacus appeared among the Babylonians and Egyptians, and then about 5 thousand years ago the Chinese began to use them for addition and subtraction. The birthplace of mental arithmetic, thanks to which it is possible to make complex mathematical calculations without a calculator and paper, is considered the land of the rising sun - Japan, where the abacus has taken root since the 16th century.

The Japanese have a different name for this tool for developing mathematical skills - soroban.

Noting the effectiveness of the method, the wise Japanese by the 20th century developed a whole system of brain training using soroban. Today, the ability to mentally count is widespread in Germany, many Asian countries, Canada and the USA.

How to count mentally?

What do you need to do to quickly and without errors learn to count in your head? Mental mathematics has a whole algorithm. And, of course, it will take time and daily training.

In total, the training consists of 10 - 12 levels, each of which takes up to four months. Moreover, it is recommended to practice at least twice a week without skipping, so as not to lose skills. Have you calculated how much effort and time? At least two and a half - three, or even all four years! Is it worth it?

In general, as far as I understand, this is a worthwhile endeavor, and the benefits of mental arithmetic, of course, are obvious. Why is it bad to develop the left hemisphere, responsible for logic, counting and writing, and then immediately train the right hemisphere, on which fantasy and creativity depend?!

Teachers are confident that mental arithmetic will become an indispensable assistant when passing final tests at school, since the student will be able to save time on calculations by redistributing it in favor of other tasks.

But you and I are already experts in research, and we are always ready to look for the fly in the ointment so that the study of the topic is not one-sided. Are all reviews about the program so positive or can you still find negative aspects?

Do you need to learn mental math?

Firstly, it is recommended to start learning this method of counting from 4 to 12 years old. Reviews from parents claim that doing this earlier, and sometimes even after turning four, is not always correct. Not every child is ready to cope with such intensity and often this brings cooling and loss of interest in learning in general.

The second age limit is limited to 12 years, since psychologists believe that by this age the final formation of the human brain occurs. However, some schools accept children up to 16 years old and recommend “turning on the brain” even for adults.

Secondly, not everything is as smooth as the teachers present it. Some parents are faced with the fact that bringing counting to automaticity puts such accountants in a stupor at the elementary rearrangement of the underlying logical chain. The child does not understand how to practically apply bare calculations that work like a charm to solve other problems.

And the point, most likely, is not that the advanced Japanese made mistakes in their calculations and conclusions. In Russia, this is one of the new techniques that they teach, but they forget to talk about how to use it.

Thirdly, the much-promised simultaneous development of both hemispheres is also failing. For some, this process begins to work like clockwork, while for others, on the contrary, the logical left side of the brain refuses to work at all. Who else but us knows that every organism is individual, there are no templates here.

Well, don’t forget that mental arithmetic is not suitable for homeschooling in principle. You won’t be able to teach a child this at home - everything is too difficult, unless, of course, you are a menara teacher. And for each lesson, teachers take money, so anyone who can pay can become a brilliant accountant. Which is also important, because the course is not designed for a year!

Looking for a middle ground

Having weighed all the pros and cons, we can say with confidence that mental arithmetic is an amazing technique that really works wonders. But, as in any other matter, especially when it comes to the upbringing and development of children, it is necessary to know when to stop and try on know-how solely in the interests of the child and according to his abilities.

  • If your child is a mathematician by nature and doesn’t mind running pros and cons through the labyrinths of the brain, then this is a good chance to teach him an additional skill. You shouldn’t strain a humanities student and “bend him over your knee” just so that he “stays on topic.”
  • Mental arithmetic will certainly help in everyday situations, but to reduce all mathematics only to mental arithmetic and devote most of the time to abacus in the hope that it will lead to mathematical glory is not only wrong, but also blasphemous.
  • Whether to translate the children's world into the language of numbers and whether to strive for first places at the Olympiads is a purely individual matter. If you and your child are not ready for this, do not despair, because there are also foreign languages ​​and crossword puzzles to train the child’s brain. Mental arithmetic is not an end in itself, but only one of the interesting methods that you can take note of.

And now I propose to meet a boy whom calculators can’t keep up with)

I would really like to hear from you whether you are ready for such experiments. Or maybe someone has already plunged into this mathematical world and calculates worse than a calculating machine? I'm waiting for your comments!

Well our VKontakte group is waiting for you among its subscribers! Join us)

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Hello dears!

One of my favorite areas to study in depth is child psychology and education. In addition, I receive many questions related to these topics.

I study from time to time latest news in these areas, and recently discovered a new phenomenon - mental arithmetic. This new way teaching children to count, as a result of which after a few months the child is able to perform mental calculations of large multi-digit numbers.

The method uses both hemispheres of the brain, learning is gradual and deep, and in addition to the ability to quickly count, the student becomes more patient, diligent and attentive.

I thought that learning more about this would be interesting to many parents who read my blog.

If you are interested in this type of training idea, you will find this article useful. In it I will tell you what mental arithmetic is, what its features are and how to teach your child this way.

It will be difficult, but interesting! If you like the material, like and share the links - I will be glad for your feedback!

What is it?

Mental arithmetic is a program mental development, which gives children aged 4 to 12-14 years the opportunity to learn how to perform mathematical operations at high speed in their minds - without the use of a calculator, paper and pencil.

The child learns to perform mathematical operations faster than a calculator, using the abacus (abacus), a clear image of which is fixed in his memory. Thus, he no longer needs additional devices to solve simple and complex problems. mathematical problems.

We have repeatedly heard the statement that a 2-year-old child can be taught a lot more than an older child, which is associated with the most active development of the child’s brain in early childhood.

The neural connections that determine brain development are formed during the first years of a child's life. And if these connections are not stimulated at this important stage, then they die off forever.

What is the action based on?

The mental arithmetic program ensures synchronous work of the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for creative activity, and the left hemisphere, responsible for logical activity. Thanks to this, the child, while solving mathematical problems, can simultaneously sing and even listen to the interlocutor and answer his questions. In the learning process, the oldest computing tool, the abacus (abacus), is used - a device consisting of a rectangular frame with bones that can be moved on knitting needles.

Using abacus develops fine motor skills and allows the child to clearly see the counting process. Gradually, children begin to count in their heads, working with imaginary abacus - this is how the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagination, intuition, and creativity, is connected.

Let us recall that a child can learn mental arithmetic only at the age of 4 to 12-14 years, since it is at this age that the most intensive brain development occurs. Then the brain loses the ability to acquire complex skills.


Basic Concepts

Recently, there has been a strong increase among parents. We all want our baby to cope with learning easily and become successful person in the future.

Mental arithmetic is a relatively new direction in additional education. Working with numbers gives amazing results. They not only teach the child to count quickly, but also force thinking to work more extensively, using both the right hemisphere of the brain and the left.

What does it give?

Our achievements largely depend on our mental abilities. Many people know that their formation begins to a large extent at an early age. More and more centers practicing various techniques development of a child from 1.5 years and older.

The purpose of such classes is to develop attention, memory, creativity etc. The school of mental arithmetic gives more extensive results. Teachers in this area work with the mechanism of thinking.

They train neural connections using mathematical calculations on special Chinese abacus - abacus. This develops both hemispheres of the brain and allows you to use your capabilities more productively.

About classes

During childhood, a child's brain is more plastic. Mental arithmetic classes are exercises that use both hemispheres of the child’s brain, thereby developing imagination, memory, creative thinking, the ability to make decisions and concentrate when necessary.

The program is designed for children aged 4 to 12 years. The results of such training are high. Children who have undergone training improve their academic performance, discover new opportunities in themselves and show greater interest in learning. This is confirmed by the rapid spread of the method (it already works in 52 countries around the world).

Practicing mental arithmetic using abacus trains the brain. This happens thanks to a number of exercises:

Is it possible to study at home?

Many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to conduct mental arithmetic classes with children at home? Of course, there is such a possibility. However, it is necessary to understand that in order to teach a child, we first need to master the method ourselves.

It will be difficult to teach yourself, because most of us were trained in a traditional program based mainly on the involvement logical thinking. Fortunately, today mental arithmetic courses have been opened in many large cities, where not only future teachers, but also mothers can study. Having mastered the method, we can teach our children at home. It should be noted that such activities are quite interesting and will certainly captivate the child.

In addition to knowledge, for training you will need a special subject - an abacus. This is a calculation tool that appeared more than 3 thousand years ago. First, the child learns to work directly with abacus. Thanks to them, he quickly masters addition, subtraction, division, and even the method of extracting square roots.

Then, learning moves to another level, where the child works without counting, only imagining the instrument in his imagination. While studying at home, you can independently buy an abacus for mental arithmetic and download books (manuals from the educational company XiangLiangEducation).


So that children grow up smart and well-rounded developed personalities, you must definitely study with them before school. Yes, and during training in primary school You shouldn’t give up on this either, since the education system is not aimed at revealing the creative potential and unique abilities of each student.

Most schools focus on a template methodology, which is not suitable for all children. So parents should take the initiative into their own hands and help their heirs become more erudite.

Mental arithmetic has been an excellent development method for children aged four to 15 for more than two millennia. If used correctly, you can teach your child to carry out operations with four-digit numbers in his head even before school, and not even all adults can do this.

What else should you pay attention to?

In mental arithmetic, all calculations are performed using the abacus, a Japanese device for counting. It is similar to the traditional trading accounts that merchants used before the advent of calculators, except that you need to use both hands. This allows you to actively develop both hemispheres of the brain at the same level.

So the child will be fine not only with rational thinking, but also with the creative component. After some time, the baby will begin to perform computational operations without the abacus, simply imagining it in his head. This looks amazing, but hundreds of examples show that it is quite possible to learn this at home if you really want to.

Children's memory will improve, and they will be able to store all data in a clearly structured form so that they can easily cope with lessons and engage in any creative activity. Parents can teach their kids on their own if they simply download lessons on the Internet and purchase the necessary parts for classes. It will be necessary to develop an effective system of encouragement and motivation so that the child tries hard during lessons and actually learns, and not just serves a number.

In many Western schools, mental arithmetic is the basis of education, so that in ordinary schools children are taught using this technique. The domestic system has not yet reached this point, but it is possible to start using this without centralized instructions effective methodology at home.


Further - more interesting!

People started talking about mental arithmetic in Russia quite recently: a new unique method for developing mental abilities has come to us. Parents discuss their children’s successes on forums; on Channel One, children appear in Malakhov’s program and amaze viewers with their skills.

It seems incredible, but thanks to this technique, even kindergarten-aged children solve problems with three-digit numbers in their minds. And quickly and correctly! However, the “salt” of the technique is not at all in the skill of quick counting. This is just a beneficial side effect.

The main meaning of the classes is deeper: mental arithmetic helps to form neural connections in the brain and steadily develops the speed and quality of thinking. Moreover, this requires very little involvement: one full-time lesson a week plus homework for 15-20 minutes a day.

We turn on both hemispheres

Mental arithmetic harmoniously develops both hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and high IQ, the ability to concentrate on a task, memory and observation skills. The right hemisphere – gives high creative potential, intuition, imagination, self-confidence, independence. And only the active inclusion of both hemispheres helps to maximize intellectual and creative potential.

The modern education system is aimed at developing the left hemisphere, so for most modern people it works better, they are good performers, responsible workers.

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And only a lucky few use both hemispheres at the same time: they become proactive, creative, inspired figures and at the same time collected and attentive. But this is precisely the path to success, to a rich and joyful life.

What are we learning?

Of course, parents do not bring their children to classes so that they can learn to count faster than a calculator. The technique helps solve a whole range of problems: concentration of attention; photographic memory training; perseverance and self-discipline; instantly counting multi-digit numbers in your head; training the skill of simultaneously solving several problems; rapid mastery of foreign languages; self-confidence; creative thinking.

Busy with classes?

Sometimes parents complain that their children are already busy getting ready for school, or with homework, a tutor, music school, sports training... And one more activity seems like an extra burden. If it were not for one “but”: mental arithmetic teaches the brain to “unload” and concentrate at the right moments, optimize thought processes, distribute the load, and handle multitasking easily.

This way, children cope with their studies easier and faster, save time and effort, and gain self-confidence. IN modern world this is a very important competitive advantage. And if we consider that by the time our girls and boys grow up, the world will only become more complex, then it is all the more important to give children a good foundation for a successful and happy life.

When is the best time to start?

Mental arithmetic classes are held for children from 4 to 16 years old. When is the best time to start? The family decides, but how? earlier child starts practicing, the more effective the process will be. This is due to the fact that with age, the activity of neural connections decreases, and their work has to be restored.

Neuropsychologists have long been talking about the plasticity of the brain: we can develop it at any age, but it will be easier for kids with a more plastic and “living” neural structure to learn new skills. Moreover, in mental arithmetic there is an opportunity to work with “special children”.

There are examples of significant successes in teaching children with dyslexia and autism spectrum disorders. In the West, older people also practice mental arithmetic to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

How are classes going?

The training is structured as follows: once a week, for 2 academic hours, the child studies in mini-groups of 6-8 people using teaching materials and abacus (abacus), and also uses special software. During classes, children move the bones on the abacus with their fingers (fine motor skills) and thus learn to physically perform arithmetic operations.

They then learn to imagine the abacus in their mind ( figurative memory) and solve problems by moving imaginary bones. So the child is given a task, he “puts” numbers into the left hemisphere, then instantly moves them to the “high-speed” right hemisphere, where the numbers are converted into a picture - an imaginary abacus is created.

A decision is made on it, and the information moves back to the left hemisphere, which converts the picture into numbers and produces an answer. Thus, both hemispheres of the brain are involved and the connection between them is strengthened. It is very important to strengthen the skill of mental arithmetic every day, and the computer program allows children to do this at home, spending only 15-20 minutes a day on training. Completion of homework is monitored and, if necessary, corrected by the trainer.

The first results will not be long in coming, and after 2-3 months of classes, parents will notice changes: children become more collected, count and learn poetry faster, remember foreign words more easily, and cope with homework more easily.

Duration of training – 2-2.5 years, depending on individual characteristics. During this time, the child develops the skill of holistic perception and rapid processing of information.

Currently, mental arithmetic is used in 52 countries around the world. Two leading world powers, Japan and China, using special abacus - abacus, teach children in state elementary school. And in Russia this is not a “newfangled curiosity”, but just a well-forgotten old thing.

Modern observations show that abacus helps students achieve excellent results in mathematics, and the absence of abacus in school education reduces mental agility.


In today’s article we will talk about mental mathematics, which has recently become popular, we will understand what mental arithmetic is, its pros and cons according to reviews from parents and teachers, and we will also give recommendations on how to organize mental arithmetic classes at home. Free video lessons on mental arithmetic, presented at the end of the article, will help you organize mental arithmetic classes for your child at home.

Recently, there has been an increasing tendency for parents to increase the requirements for their child’s education. Fathers and mothers want their child to be not just smart, but also to have special skills and knowledge that will always be useful in one area or another of life. For this reason, many send their children to specialized colleges and centers, where training is carried out using specific methods that are not similar to school ones. Of great interest is mental arithmetic at home for a child who is 4 years old. It is at this age that unusual activities should begin.

What is mental arithmetic and how does it help develop thinking skills and creativity in children from an early age? Basic education begins at age 4 and continues until age 16. IN Russian Federation The method has just begun to spread and is gradually becoming more and more popular. The main goal is to teach children to rationally use the capabilities of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Any inclinations that are genetically inherent in a little person, thanks to this training, receive active development. Mental arithmetic originates in ancient Japan, where even then, with the help of abacus and special abacus, children could improve their memory, perform complex calculations in their minds, and train attention and concentration.

The fact is that, unlike such a well-known device as a calculator, which can only inhibit brain activity, abacus or sorbana, on the contrary, increases mental development.

You should understand in more detail the concept of mental arithmetic, what it is in comparison with mathematics studied in the school curriculum, how classes are conducted and whether they can be done at home.

Since we are talking about raising and educating a child, it is important for parents to know what the benefits of a special program are.

Having mastered the basic knowledge of the ancient discipline, the child will receive the following benefits:

In addition to learning, during classes children learn to communicate correctly. The development of sociality makes it possible to work actively and fruitfully, to be adapted to modern society, to feel needed and significant for others, while at the same time helping the weaker. A witty, sociable person is successful at work, is able to create a good family, and benefit his state.

Based on all the listed advantages, it is extremely useful for a child to learn the basics of mental arithmetic. This is necessary not only to improve academic performance, which is quite natural when undergoing a developmental program, but in order to awaken his interest in understanding the world around him. At the same time, children learn perseverance, hard work, responsibility for their affairs and actions.

Where to buy abacus abacus for mental arithmetic

After parents have decided to study mental arithmetic with their child at home, a completely logical question arises - where to buy abacus abacus for mental arithmetic? Inexpensive abacus can be purchased, which is what I did when I decided to do mental arithmetic with my children.

Mental arithmetic: pros and cons

When the question arises whether it is necessary to study mental arithmetic, parents have to calculate the advantages and disadvantages of the method. After all, an important decision must be made taking into account all the pros and cons.

The specific benefits are as follows:

However, there are some disadvantages that parents note, in addition to the high fees for tuition and abacus. At first, a child learning according to the Japanese method may temporarily become less attentive and make mistakes even in simple tasks.

Fortunately, this phenomenon is reversible, since the reason lies in the fact that the child is in a hurry, trying to show himself as best as possible, despite the fact that knowledge is still clearly lacking. Some experts, in general, believe that children with mathematical abilities should be educated. Then the results will be more pronounced, and the child will not have such unpleasant failures.

But this fact has not yet been scientifically proven, and not only children with a talent for mathematics have managed to show clear success, so most parents are inclined to believe that in such a discipline as mental arithmetic, the pros and cons are not as clear as they seem at a superficial glance. Only time can show the effectiveness of these activities, however, different children will experience different levels of progress due to their individuality.

How is training in mental mathematics carried out?

Currently, training in mental arithmetic takes place in fifty-two countries. There are about 70 such specialized centers in Russia. There are 10-12 levels that a child must complete in 12 years. Typically classes are held once a week. In addition to computational exercises, children can engage in drawing, dancing, and singing. The combination of mental and physical activity does not allow them to get tired, and they are always interested in discovering something new. To learn how to operate with numbers for each student educational institution must have his own abacus, which his parents purchase for him.

Over time, the levels become more difficult, but this is done gradually so that the child can adapt. Within six months you can notice positive results– easy mental calculation of complex mathematical problems, increased communication skills, concentration.

As a rule, the interior of a classroom for children is carefully thought out. The desks and chairs are comfortable for the child, and the visual aids are selected to arouse interest and a desire to learn as much as possible about unfamiliar subjects.

A prerequisite is high qualification of teachers. After all, they have to not just dryly present information, but lead the student along, give not only knowledge, but also food for thought. Young children get tired quickly and become distracted. To prevent this from happening, children are given the opportunity to actively move - play, jump and dance. In general, the atmosphere of the class is always cozy and friendly, so children are always happy to rush to class, because this is a completely new interesting world for them.

It is important that the teacher does not scold the student if he makes mistakes while completing the task. The peculiarity of the development program is that the child must find them himself and correct them on his own.

Also, teachers from a developmental institution give homework assignments. Even the youngest children should learn to make them without the help of mom or dad. A child’s reluctance to do homework for school, in most cases, is explained by a psychological barrier that arises from the fear of doing something wrong.

The centers of mental arithmetic have a completely different approach to this problem. Teachers explain to students that they have the right to make mistakes, but they are obliged to identify them themselves and then correct them. This creates a different, more responsible attitude towards learning. And if you teach your child from childhood, he will not have a negative attitude towards homework and will be able to perfectly control himself.

Starting mental arithmetic classes

As a rule, the first lesson in most development centers is free,

indicative. The teacher needs to take a closer look at the child, understand his desires and needs. This is a kind of diagnosis, recognition of a child’s inclinations towards one or another type of activity. In addition, it is important for the teacher to feel that the future student feels comfortable, is psychologically ready to study, and does not feel embarrassed or even afraid of his teacher. The main principle of work of the team of mental arithmetic teachers is calm mutual understanding between student and teacher, the absence of any pressure.

Main points of the first lesson:

  1. Introducing the teacher to the students;
  2. Children will learn what an abacus is - an abacus;
  3. The teacher talks about the number “5” and shows how to put it together on an abacus.

Not all adults will immediately be able to understand how to count using this device, but children grasp the essence very quickly.

First, the child learns to place increasingly complex numbers on the abacus, then to count on an abacus. Gradually getting used to the image of abacus in his head, in the future he can completely do without them, carrying out calculations mentally.

When working with children, it is important to teach them to concentrate, because this is what makes it difficult for schoolchildren to study. First, the teacher conducts a special exercise that helps to cope with hyperactivity, calm them down, and set them up to perceive new information.

Abacus exercises aimed at developing the motor skills of each finger and the hands as a whole give good results. At the same time, the brain is trained. Studies have shown that the method of mental arithmetic has a beneficial effect on increasing neural connections in the cerebral cortex of children. And the age from 4 to 16 years was not determined by chance - during this period, intensive formation of its tissues occurs.

During exercises, children learn to alternately raise and lower their fingers without confusing them. When movements reach automaticity, we can talk about some progress.

On average, after a year and a half, children are able to solve computational problems with 5-digit numbers. However, experts note that mental arithmetic at home is undesirable for a child who still has little understanding of the basics of working with numbers. Training, at least at the very beginning, should be carried out by a professional. Later, when dad or mom can master the features of the program themselves, it is possible to teach the child at home. At the same time, you need to understand well how and what needs to be done so as not to harm your own child.

In our country, this subject is taught by specially trained people. Lessons are held in development centers, schools and even on the Internet. These people understand the peculiarities of teaching, as well as the psychology of children, which is why in some cases vocational training is preferable. But parents are different, and home lessons also have a right to exist.

Programs for young children and schoolchildren

The system for acquiring knowledge in a non-standard discipline is carefully thought out - each age has its own development program. If a schoolchild already has an idea of ​​numbers, then children at 4-5 years old only have to develop this knowledge.

The initial task is to teach the child the concept of number and a systematic transition from counting on the abacus to the mental representation of abacus. At first, when children begin to do calculations, they instinctively move their fingers through the air, but soon counting becomes easier and easier and they no longer resort to this. It takes about a couple of years to master mental calculations. Preschoolers learn addition and subtraction in the first year, and division and multiplication in the second year.

At an early age, babies are very susceptible to perception different types creativity, so studying numbers is combined with other activities. For example, a teacher can ask a student to pronounce his actions in English or German. Thus, a child in a natural environment simultaneously comprehends two subjects at once. It is noted that he does this with great pleasure and enthusiasm.

The gaming moment is very important, both for young students and schoolchildren. During games, they themselves come up with something, design, in fact, learn to generate new ones. interesting ideas. And when this happens unobtrusively on the part of the teacher, the process of assimilation is much more successful.

During classes that last 2 hours, the child game form covers several disciplines at once, except for mental arithmetic:

  • Drawing with pencils and paints;
  • Modeling from plasticine;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Physical education classes;
  • Dancing and singing.

The teacher can additionally include other subjects that are interesting to children of a certain age. Very often they are sincerely disappointed that the lesson is already over.

Among those who come to learn mental arithmetic, there are many children who do not like mathematics. Of course, this program is far from classical school discipline, but teachers manage to completely change their attitude towards this issue in a few lessons. And, as a result, schoolchildren significantly improve their performance in their least favorite subject.

Compulsory homework is given only to those who are already studying. But the fact is that all the children are happy to do them themselves. The only requirement is that their parents do not help them. The child, feeling a certain responsibility, will very soon learn independence.

Mental arithmetic at home for a child

The early development of their beloved child has long been of interest to many parents - everyone wants happiness and success for their child.

Mental mathematics at home is quite feasible. But first of all, parents must ask themselves what goal they are pursuing. If the point is only to feel proud of the abilities of your son or daughter and show everyone your miracle baby, then such motivation is not entirely consistent psychological aspect training. First of all, it is necessary to respect the desires and needs little man. At a developmental school, he will receive much more than simply calculating complex numbers in his head. And this will help him adapt as best as possible to modern society.

Many experts in this field are against homeschooling. This can be explained very simply - children cannot always perceive their father and mother as their teacher. Because of this, the quality of achievements may be lower than when studying with a professional and, at the same time, a stranger.

Moreover, parents will need to first study the methodology themselves and know it thoroughly. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired success. The emotional aspect must also be relegated to the background. Any irritation or pointing out mistakes will put an end to normal psychological state child, and then there is nothing to say about his desire and interest.

Mental arithmetic reviews from parents

Parents have different opinions on the issue of developmental programs. If you look at it on the one hand, the goal of the teachers is a noble desire to develop a versatile personality in the child, to prepare him for difficult conditions modern life, teach how to make non-standard decisions in situations where the other person simply gives up.

But do not forget that all this is not done for free, and teachers are just like living people who need to earn their living from something. That is why many fathers and mothers perceive the new trend more as a business idea for squeezing out money.

Not every parent, with all their love for their child, will be able to shell out 5-6 thousand a month, not counting the cost of various textbooks and abacus. In big cities, competing centers also charge higher prices. And everything would be fine, but such training does not always achieve its goal. It is much more difficult for children who do not have mathematical talents to comprehend this science. They begin to get nervous and study worse.

When discussing such a concept as mental arithmetic, the reviews of many parents are frankly negative. In our country, even without unusual methods, many great and brilliant people have grown up, only thanks to personal determination and perseverance.

Sometimes there is even some resentment, because it turns out that wealthy citizens can afford to make prodigies out of their children, and the rest of the children must continue to vegetate in this cruel world, where there is no longer any honor left, and the main value is money.

But if you look at the situation differently, is it generally right to impose your own desires on a child, trying to make him into what we want? Isn’t it better to ask him himself what he wants, is such a life interesting to him?

Many fathers and mothers, being in this position, enroll their child in all sorts of courses, sometimes just because it is fashionable now. Or maybe you shouldn’t deprive him of simple joys and playing with his peers in his home yard for the sake of the unpredictable results of advanced learning. Who knows what this study will turn out to be, especially for a baby who is only 4 years old?

Trying to protect their child from the dangerous and bad influence of the street, parents are increasingly ensuring that restrictions force him to protest and make a lot of mistakes in the future. The constant spirit of competition between parents can bring the child’s psyche to sad consequences, and then there will be no need to show off the unique abilities of the daughter or son to others.

The growth and development of a child is ideally thought out by Mother Nature, and it is very easy to harm him by imposing certain attitudes. Instead of genius, you can get the exact opposite result. This is confirmed by authoritative scientists in the field of psychology, because everything is good in its time.

Mental arithmetic at home can become an important stage in the development of a child’s personality or disrupt the normal course of his development. That is why experts always warn about a certain risk and advise proceeding from the genetic capabilities of children.

Mental mathematics is not a separate subject, as it seems at first glance. This is a harmonious system for the harmonious, natural development of children. Thanks to mental comfort and the absence of pressure, they can fully unleash their creative potential, broaden their horizons, and make maximum use of their brain function.

Gradually becoming a versatile personality, the child gets the opportunity to choose one or even several professions, which raises him in the eyes of society and improves his quality of life. In the future, the emergence of such specialists in the country will help to significantly increase progress in all areas, so teaching mental arithmetic should not be underestimated.

However, it should also be overestimated, and before taking your child to a developmental school, you should think carefully about possible consequences. And for those parents who would really like, but cannot, send their child to a school of geniuses, I would like to quote the words of the famous Italian writer M. Bontempelli “A truly outstanding person can only be one who is able to remain an ordinary person in everyday affairs.”

Mental arithmetic: video lessons

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Surely many people have heard about mental arithmetic lately. In almost every city, clubs are opened in which children are taught a special way of adding, multiplying, dividing and subtracting sometimes huge numbers. But not everyone knows about calculation methods and the history of this science. In this article we will look at what arithmetic is.

Description of arithmetic

Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics that studies numbers, their properties and relationships. Science studies measurements, computational processes, and counting techniques. This is one of the oldest parts of mathematical sciences; it is closely related to algebra and geometry. Every child in the school curriculum receives a basic knowledge of what arithmetic is.

Ancient scientists used numbers to try to explain all the phenomena and patterns occurring in the world. With the development of civilization, new laws of arithmetic were discovered, discoveries were made, and the counting system was improved.

Mental arithmetic - what is it?

This is a science that originated in Japan in the 5th century BC. e. She teaches children from 4 to 12 years old a special method of mental counting, starting with ones and ending with five-digit numbers. In addition to mathematical abilities, classes stimulate the development of interhemispheric interaction and analytical thinking, improve logic, concentration, perseverance, and imagination.

At the initial stages of learning, children carry out calculations on the abacus; mental arithmetic at a more advanced stage requires calculations in the mind.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Many parents are interested in what this subject is and whether it is worth teaching their children this. To answer the question, it is worth assessing the pros and cons of the discipline.

The undeniable advantages of home exercises in mental arithmetic are:

  • lack of stress for the child, classes are conducted in a calm, playful manner;
  • When planning a lesson, the personal characteristics of the child are taken into account;
  • saving time and money;
  • self-development for parents and children.

As disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • lack of teaching experience among parents;
  • insufficient amount of necessary information; as a rule, teachers hide the subtleties of the information presented, and books on mental arithmetic are not always possible to purchase.

On homeschooling little-known science is quite difficult to decide; the determining factors here should be the presence of good methodological training of parents, desire, time and didactic material.

What is an abacus?

Abacus is a special abacus; it facilitates learning arithmetic at the initial stage. They look like the device we are used to, only upside down and with fewer beads. Translated into Japanese, "abacus" sounds like "soroban". It consists of a wooden frame and knitting needles with beads attached to them.

The counting part is divided into two, one larger and the other, respectively smaller:

  1. The upper block consists of one domino on each spoke, they are called “brothers”. Each row is equal to 5.
  2. The bottom block consists of four dominoes on each spoke, they are called “friends”. Each row is equal to 1 and has a digit digit.

They begin counting on the abacus in mental arithmetic from right to left: units, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. During counting, the dividing strip is located on top, horizontally. To indicate a number, the beads are raised up; if all the dominoes are at the bottom, the number is 0.

It is difficult to understand this device only theoretically, but in practice it is enough to set a few numbers to understand the principle of working with it.

Preparation for classes

By following all the stages of preparation for homework, you can make the process of teaching mental arithmetic for children more productive and interesting:

  1. You should go through the basics of the subject yourself, learn and consolidate the material with the help of a self-instruction manual.
  2. It is necessary to purchase abacus, teaching aids and books.
  3. It is advisable to draw up a detailed plan for mastering the program for the next 2 months.
  4. From the very first lesson, the student should have the opportunity to get acquainted with the abacus, touch it, study it.
  5. It would be a good idea to watch a video lesson with your child on the principles of mental arithmetic for children, on how to add numbers on the abacus.
  6. In your notebook at each lesson you should sketch diagrams and combinations of numbers.
  7. Counting should be done with the thumb and forefinger.
  8. After mastering the principles of operation, they begin to add simple numbers.
  9. There's no need to rush. The initial stage needs to be properly consolidated, only then can you proceed to a more complex level.
  10. They move on to subtraction after solving addition examples “automatically”.
  11. Lessons must be conducted according to the schedule; scheduled classes should not be rescheduled or missed.
  12. On average, a mental arithmetic lesson lasts about 30 minutes.
  13. You need to spend 10 minutes counting on your fingers. at every lesson.
  14. When drawing up a plan, be sure to take into account the child’s age and mathematical abilities.
  15. Multiplication and division are carried out in more complex stages.
  16. The most advanced stage is visualization, that is, counting without abacus.

Addition and subtraction

In mental arithmetic, only after the child has learned to lay down numbers on the abacus and has mastered the principles of operation can one begin to add prime numbers.

First, you need to download examples from the Internet, solve them, and then invite your child to try adding the numbers on their own. If there are not enough bones in the lower block, you must use the upper block - brothers. You can always refer to video tutorials for tips.

  • Counting begins with a larger number of digits (in three- and two-digit numbers, these are hundreds and tens, respectively).
  • We must not forget about the top row of beads.

To make counting easier, you can print out calculation diagrams and use them during classes; after mastering the principles, the child will learn to solve examples without prompts.

Multiplication and division on abacus

Learning the basics of multiplication with this device will require more effort than solving addition and subtraction examples. Start multiplying with large numbers, gradually moving to smaller values.

Initially, you need to master the technique yourself and only then teach arithmetic to children in a more understandable form. To make new material easier to remember, it is necessary to conduct regular classes, otherwise the progress gained will be lost and you will have to start all over again.

After thoroughly studying multiplication, you can move on to division. The operating principles here are:

  1. The calculated field is mentally divided in half by width. One part is for the denominator, the other is for the answer.
  2. The number for division is on the right, respectively, the answer is on the left.
  3. The result of the division is written in the outer column.

At first, the division result can be checked using a calculator.

Counting without abacus

The final stage of learning mental arithmetic is counting on fingers without using the abacus. You can teach this method starting with basic exercises. Counting on fingers is performed as follows:

  1. Mentally imagine the hand as an abacus.
  2. Fingers of the left hand - numbers that are multiples of 10, thumb equals 50.
  3. The fingers of the right hand are units from 1 to 9, the thumb is 5.
  4. Clenched fingers are 0.

This is the result that training in this discipline should lead to. A child, without using an abacus, a calculator, or a pen and paper in mental arithmetic, should be able to solve problems involving simple and complex numbers. Over time, finger movements become automatic and calculations are made almost instantly.

Textbooks on simple and mental arithmetic

Teaching progressive methods is impossible without selecting appropriate literature. Below is a list of the most popular books that are written simply and clearly:

  • “Mathematics. Secrets of Mental Mathematics,” by Arthur Benjamin. After reading the manual, parents will understand more clearly how to work with their child. The author reveals some mathematical tricks that allow you to learn to count quickly and accurately.
  • Solver's book "Mathematics. Arithmetic. Geometry” Bunimovich E. A. The manual presents examples of homework solutions in an accessible form.

  • Notepad-simulator. “Not mental arithmetic”, author Shamil Akhmadullin. According to the author, following his method, you can teach a child to count independently in 21 days. The book contains theoretical information and test tasks. The book is intended for children 8-12 years old.
  • “Mental arithmetic. Addition and subtraction”, author S. Ertash. The book combines a simulator and didactic material. The manual clearly explains the principles of quick counting and contains a lot of useful information for children and parents.
  • “Mental arithmetic. Getting to know each other”, authors R. Bagautdinov, R. Ganiev. This book is intended for teaching children from 5 years old. There are many illustrations with subtraction and addition formulas, which allows the child to perceive information not only verbally, but also visually.

The article discusses what arithmetic is and its subsection, which is taught to Japanese children. If desired, anyone can master this counting technique.

Recently, a new method for developing intelligence in our country has begun to gain popularity in Russia. Instead of the usual chess sections, parents send their children to mental arithmetic schools. How kids are taught to count in their heads, how much such classes cost and what experts say about them - in the material "AiF-Volgograd".

What is mental arithmetic?

Mental arithmetic is a Japanese technique for developing a child's intellectual abilities through calculations on special soroban abacus, which is sometimes called an abacus.

“When performing actions with numbers in their minds, children imagine these abacus and in a split second they mentally add, subtract, multiply and divide any numbers - even three-digit, even six-digit,” says Natalya Chaplieva, teacher of the Volga club, where children are taught using this method.

According to her, when children are just learning all these actions, they count the numbers directly on the soroban, fingering the bones. Then they gradually move from counting to a “mental map” - a picture depicting them. At this stage of learning, they stop touching the abacus and begin to imagine in their minds how they move the bones on it. Then, the children stop using the mental map and begin to completely visualize the soroban for themselves.

Abacus soroban. Photo: AiF/ Evgeniy Strokan

“We recruit children from 4 to 12 years old into groups. At this age, the brain is most plastic; the child absorbs information like a sponge, and therefore easily masters learning methods. It’s much more difficult for an adult to learn mental arithmetic,” says Ekaterina Grigorieva, teacher of the mental arithmetic club.

How much does it cost?

The abacus has a rectangular frame that contains 23-31 spokes, each of which has 5 bones strung on them, separated by a transverse crossbar. Above it there is one domino, which denotes “five,” and below it there are 4 dominoes, denoting ones.

You need to move the bones with only two fingers - the thumb and forefinger. The counting on the soroban starts from the very first knitting needle on the right. It stands for units. The knitting needle to the left of it is tens, the next one is hundreds, etc.

Soroban is not sold in regular stores. You can buy such accounts on the Internet. Depending on the number of knitting needles and material, the price of soroban can range from 170 to 1,000 rubles.

At the first stage, children work with abacus. Photo: AiF/ Evgeniy Strokan

If you don’t want to spend money on bills at all, you can download a free application for your phone - an online simulator that simulates an abacus.

Mental arithmetic classes for children in Volgograd cost about 500-600 rubles per hour. You can buy a subscription for 8 classes for 4,000 rubles and 16 classes for 7,200 rubles. Classes are held 2 times a week. The Volga school gives abacus, mental maps and notebooks to children free of charge, and students can take them home. At the end of the course, the child can keep the soroban as a souvenir.

Children have to learn mental arithmetic for about 1-2 years, depending on their abilities.

Assignments for students. Photo: AiF/ Evgeniy Strokan

If you don’t have money for classes at a special school, then you can try to look for video lessons on YouTube. True, some of them are posted on the website by organizations providing lessons for money for the purpose of self-promotion. Their videos are very short - 3 minutes long. With their help you can learn the basics of mental arithmetic, but nothing more.

What do experts say about this?

Teachers who conduct mental arithmetic classes are confident that the training is worth the money spent on it.

“Mental arithmetic develops well the child’s imagination, creativity, thinking, memory, fine motor skills, attentiveness, and perseverance. Classes are aimed at ensuring that the child develops both hemispheres at the same time, which is very important, because the traditional preparation of a child for school develops only the right hemisphere of the brain,” believes teacher Natalya Chaplieva.

Psychologist Natalya Oreshkina believes that in the case of children 4-5 years old, mental arithmetic classes will be effective only if they take place in a playful way.

“Children of this age generally have difficulty concentrating for such a time, unless it is about watching a cartoon,” says the expert. - But if the lesson is structured in a playful way, if children practice abacus and color something, then they will learn knowledge while being in their natural environment - in a game. In addition, it should not be difficult for children; they should not exceed the permissible load level. For example, for 4-year-olds, classes should last no more than 30 minutes. I can say that mental arithmetic for children is very interesting. But if a child lags behind his peers in some way, then such activities will be too difficult for him. If a child does not have an internal resource for activities, then it will be a waste of time, effort and money.”