Oil from dry rose petals. How to make rose petal oil at home? Who is contraindicated for rose oil?

Tender and beautiful rose- this is not only a delightful flower, but also a real natural storehouse that stores useful elements for human skin. Squeezes and extracts from velvety petals have long been used not only in “industrial” cosmetology, but also in home beauty recipes. Of course, these two technologies are not comparable in terms of the final result, but there are certain benefits from rose oil “from the kitchen”. So, let's look at how exactly to prepare homemade petal extracts and what the results of your efforts will be.

Any variety of flower growing in the garden is suitable for preparing rose oil, but there is a strong opinion that you should give preference to buds of bright and rich colors. Petals must be collected from open inflorescences early in the morning, before sunrise. If collected differently, the aromatic raw materials will contain fewer useful extracts: they will simply evaporate with dew. You can make rose oil using a simple technology: the petals are collected in an ordinary transparent jar and filled with any oil, and then moved to a dark place for a period of 15-20 days. The main thing is to remember to mix the contents of the container and close it tightly, since the essential components evaporate very easily. As for the oil, then ideal option- olive: it is gentle on the skin and smells pleasant, but sesame is also suitable. A more complex option for making a homemade extract involves heating the contents of the jar and frequently replacing the rose petals with new ones (once every 2 days). Previously, the old aromatic raw materials are carefully squeezed out, but otherwise, the technology for producing homemade oil does not change. The resulting extract is ready. All that remains to be done with it is to strain and not violate the storage rules. You can use rose oil as a stand-alone product (lotion, compresses, etc.) or as an additive to other homemade products (masks, creams, etc.).

Of course, the rose essence obtained using old-fashioned methods does not have the power professional means, but it can strengthen any line of facial and body skin care.

Hello, my dear readers and guests!

Yesterday I accomplished a feat for myself, I decided to make oil from rose petals. It turns out that rose oil is quite easy to make at home. There would be a wish and roses :)

I collected petals from our country roses and started preparing this nectar of youth and beauty. If you don't have roses, you can take rosehip flowers. And in general, you can prepare any flower oil.

The main thing is to choose flowers that have the properties you need. This could be marigold, chamomile, apple tree, etc.

Of course, you won’t be able to make real 100% rose oil at home, but what you can get is also very useful and surpasses a lot of industrial ones. cosmetics.


ABOUT medicinal properties Rose oil has been legendary since time immemorial. In Ancient Greece, pink petals were placed on the face to give it a youthful freshness. Today they have been studied quite well by doctors.


It has been established that the main medicinal component of roses is essential oil, which has a whole range of positive effects on the body:

  • restores and rejuvenates cells
  • healing mucous membranes.
  • stimulates the body's immune and nervous systems,
  • eliminates the phenomena of dysbacteriosis and enzymatic insufficiency of the stomach and intestines
  • Relieves cerebral vascular spasms
  • strengthens the heart muscle
  • normalizes intracranial pressure
  • improves the functioning of the endocrine glands

All chemical elements of the periodic table were found in rose petals. Rose petals have high bactericidal activity, so they are used to treat many skin diseases.

Therefore, rose oil has found its recognition not only in the field of folk medicine, but also in official medicine. And books can be written about its positive and rejuvenating effect on human skin.

It increases blood circulation, tones the skin, eliminates all rashes and unevenness, removes acne, smoothes wrinkles, has a lymphatic drainage effect and gives the skin youthful freshness.

It’s not for nothing that Japanese women consider rose oil the number one product for facial skin care.


  • To prepare rose oil, take petals from red fragrant roses.
  • It is advisable to use fresh petals, but dry petals can also be used.
  • They need to be collected early in the morning, in dry weather, from the opening buds, and then lightly dried on a paper napkin.
  • Fold pink flower petals into glass jar, fill them with warm (50-70C) odorless olive oil, put them in a dark place for two days.
  • Strain the rose oil, squeeze out the petals and pour it into fresh rose petals placed in a jar, leave again for a day in the dark.
  • Repeat the operation until the oil acquires a strong aroma of roses (10-15 times).
  • Rose oil can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for 3-5 months.

Ready-made rose oil can be added to various creams, face masks, lubricate hair with it, wipe the face, add to

Women are beings of a subtle soul who always want to remain young and desirable for their other halves. Men help us in every possible way in this difficult matter, inventing, developing and introducing new skin care products. In all centuries, humanity has enjoyed the benefits of nature, which gave the world medicinal plants having miraculous properties.

IN modern world little has changed. Science has learned to process natural resources more efficiently, from which excellent cosmetics are obtained. Manufacturers of the 21st century have achieved great achievements. These include essential rose oil - a universal liquid with high therapeutic activity.

In Russia, they began to produce it on the territory of Crimea. Entire plantations were created where fragrant roses were grown. But most of the herbal remedy is exported mainly from Italy, Bulgaria and Moldova. The price of the products is quite high, since at least 5000 kg of petals are consumed to produce a kilogram of flower liquid.

But believe me, the end justifies the means. It is surprising that rose extract is considered almost a panacea for physical and mental adversity. The product of plant origin has been known since the time of Cleopatra, which is probably why it is in enormous demand among the female population of the planet. The oil is widely used in the cosmetology, household, and culinary industries. He is favored by both popular aesculapians and people of science. Let's find out the truth of the above!

Rose oil: application in cosmetology

One aroma of a fragrant extract lifts your spirits and inspires you. It cannot be confused with anything else. However, before applying to the skin, we recommend testing the product for an allergic reaction. True, it rarely provokes rashes and is well tolerated. Professional cosmetologists say that if you want to maintain youth for a long time, use rose oil.

It is easy to use at home, for example, for tired and strained eyes, swelling of the eyelids. It is enough to apply a tampon soaked in flower liquid to the eyeballs at night and hold for several minutes. The next morning there will be no trace of fatigue left. The product has a lymphatic drainage effect, tightens, moisturizes, and tones.

The extract is recommended for use for deep cleansing, getting rid of excess sebum secretion and narrowing pores. You need to wipe your face with essential oil every day or add a few drops to the cream. From such procedures, the upper layer of the epidermis will become velvety and smoother.

Over time, the skin will become smooth, noticeably tightened, and cleared of inflammation. For older ladies, cosmetologists advise regularly applying this mask: combine yellow clay, a drop of olive oil, rose oil and water. Apply the thick paste with massaging movements onto the face and décolleté area.

Amazing properties are attributed to the flower extract. It has long saved people from viral and fungal diseases. Rose oil has a hemostatic, astringent and antiseptic effect. The use of the product is indicated for dental problems. Helps heal cuts, wounds, burns.

Used internally to strengthen blood vessels and lower blood pressure. The healing liquid normalizes heart rhythm and eliminates spasms. Can be used for prevention against respiratory diseases. Traditional healers prescribe it for respiratory diseases and coughs. Essential liquid is an excellent assistant in the fight against nervous disorders and depression. It eliminates weakness, dizziness, headaches, elevates mood and restores strength.

How to use for treatment?

You can relieve the symptoms of ARVI with inhalations based on rose oil. The sore throat is gargled with a solution of water in which a drop of essential extract, salt and honey are dissolved.

For a runny nose, you should prepare the following remedy: mix rose oil (2 drops) and St. John's wort oil (3 drops). Instill three drops every two hours.

You can get rid of migraines using the same remedy: every half hour, lubricate the temples and forehead with a mixture of pink (3 drops) and base oils (10 drops).

You can normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the intestines and eliminate the manifestations of dysbiosis by taking the following medicine orally: take 5 drops of extract per 100 grams of honey. Drink 5 ml 4 times a day, washed down with any fermented milk drink (kefir, fermented baked milk, ayran).

Lifesaving remedy for women

Rose oil is suitable for the treatment of gynecological pathologies, especially in complex therapy. Douching with floral liquid destroys pathogenic bacteria, relieves itching, discharge, and inflammation. The procedures are indicated for cystitis, candidiasis, urethritis, and vaginitis. It is not prohibited to use it to restore the menstrual cycle. The product is recommended during menopause: it relieves symptoms. It has found application in the treatment of endometriosis, endometritis and adnexitis.

How to make rose oil with your own hands?

If you don’t have the money to buy a high-quality extract, you can prepare an analogue yourself. Of course, the medicinal properties of such a drug will be much weaker. Rose oil is made at home from any variety of roses. Remove the petals from the buds before sunrise, place in a glass container, pour in olive or sesame oil. It should be left in a dark room under a lid for about two to three weeks. Shake the container periodically.

What do people say about the properties of the flower remedy?

Rose oil receives only positive reviews from specialists and satisfied patients. Women claim that the liquid is absolutely safe, does not contain dangerous chemical additives, and has rejuvenating and tonic qualities. It emits a pleasant aroma and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. Using a herbal remedy can prevent depression and avoid nervous tension.

The queen of the heart rose, a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite, has conquered the world not only with its divine beauty and delightful aroma, its essential oil has healing properties and can cure many diseases, bring peace, harmony and peace.

The famous Arab scientist was the first to obtain essential oil from rose petals. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) using the distillation method. Essential oil is still extracted from roses in this way today. Freshly picked petals of the essential oil rose (Rosa Damascena) are treated with steam, carefully controlling its temperature, since even a slight excess of it can destroy the delicate aroma. The oil yield is very insignificant and amounts to 0.02-0.05% of the volume of raw materials. This means that to obtain one kilogram of essential oil, about 4 thousand kg of flowers must be processed, which is why rose oil is one of the most expensive.

Don't be tempted to buy cheap oil as it may be rose absolute or palmarosa oil, which is often used to counterfeit rose essential oil. You can check the authenticity of the oil by placing it in a cool place.

In the cold, the natural waxes contained in the oil begin to thicken and the oil hardens. It will melt quickly if you hold the bottle in your hand or put it in warm water.

Rose absolute is much cheaper than pure essential oil, but is not suitable for medicinal purposes and skin care because it contains impurities in the solvent used for its extraction. Absolute is used only for aromatizing rooms and clothes. In medicine and cosmetology, exclusively pure rose essential oil is used.

Healing effect and application
Aphrodite presented a precious gift to her heirs - women: rose essential oil, like a magic elixir, takes care of preserving their youth, health and beauty.

Rose oil– one of the best means for face and body skin care.

It helps cleanse and heal inflamed skin, eliminate stretch marks, scars and acne marks, and is recommended for skin care sensitive skin. Rose essential oil is especially necessary for mature women, as it softens dry skin and effectively prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Due to its excellent antiseptic properties, rose oil is used to heal wounds, scratches, abrasions, treat eczema, minor burns, boils, acne, allergic skin diseases and other skin diseases.

In its pure form, rose essential oil is not applied to the skin. A few drops of oil are added to face cream or vegetable oil- a base, for example, jojoba oil in a ratio of 0.05:1. To care for the body, you need to mix 10 parts of the base oil and 1 part of rose oil.

For cooking Cleopatra's baths A few drops of rose oil are mixed with milk and melted honey, and then this mixture is added to warm water. After the bath, the skin becomes surprisingly silky and acquires a pleasant aroma.
Massage with rose essential oil effectively treats problems of the female reproductive system: normalizes the balance of female hormones, regulates menstrual cycle, relieves pain during menstruation and menopausal symptoms; the oil is an anti-inflammatory agent for infections of the reproductive system.

Rose essential oil has been used since ancient times as erotic stimulator, it can cure frigidity and impotence.

Rose oil tones and strengthens the nervous system, making it more resistant to stress and various age-related disorders. A massage with rose essential oil relieves stress and anxiety, lowers blood pressure and soothes headaches. Rose oil helps cope with negative emotions, improves mood, increases self-esteem and self-confidence, promotes a feeling of joy and hope.

Rose oil also helps with sleep disorders. To get rid of insomnia, just drop 2-3 drops of rose oil on a napkin or cotton wool and put it in the pillow.

Rose. How beautiful she is! It is impossible to stop looking at it, it is impossible to breathe enough, because this is the favorite flower of women, the queen of flowers. For many centuries they have praised her, they write poems and songs about her, when they give a rose they say “I love you.” But they value it not only for its beauty, but also for its healing properties.

Rose oil was first obtained many centuries ago by Avicenna. He was the first to isolate essential oils by distillation. Ether was worth its weight in gold, and even now it is in great demand, despite the cost. Rose oil is used in perfumery, medicine, and cosmetology.

Pink story

The first mentions of this plant appeared in China. It was from there that this wonderful flower began its journey around the world, winning the hearts of people. It was brought to India, Africa and the Middle East, it conquered France, where Damask and capital roses appeared through hybridization, from which precious ether is obtained.

Natural rose oil, produced experimentally, became widely known in Arab countries, and mass production began in Europe much later. Its main supplier during the rapid growth of perfume production was Bulgaria. Rose oil was used by all famous perfumers of that time.

Pink Ether

In the modern world, there are two methods for producing rose oil - distillation and extraction. Natural oil can only be obtained from the petals. To do this, flowers are collected early in the morning, before the sun has risen, and processing begins immediately so that the flowers do not lose their ether. Within 24 hours, a picked flower loses about 30% of its essential oils.

By the way, during distillation too little of them is released, less than 1%. And to get 1 kg of rose oil, you need to process about 5000 kg of petals. Therefore, the extraction method is used in the perfume industry. During this process, an absolute oil is formed, dissolved in alcohol.

Due to the difficulties of production, this substance is so highly valued and is one of the most expensive. Nowadays, the main suppliers of rose oil are Bulgaria and Turkey, which are used for production. Turkish oil is developed with the participation of industrialists from Grasse and is highly valued in the perfume market.

Oil properties

The uses of rose oil are very diverse. It is widely used in cosmetology, adding to various creams, lotions, emulsions and other cosmetics. Aromatherapy is not complete without this ester; the oil is also widely used in medicine.

Depending on the scope of application, the main properties of the substance being described can be identified:

  • During aromatherapy, it relaxes and relieves fatigue, gets rid of complexes and helps improve mutual understanding between people, relieves stress and improves mood.
  • In cosmetology - rejuvenates, enhances restorative functions, improves skin texture, removes fine wrinkles, refreshes, enhances the protective properties of the skin.
  • Therapeutic effect expressed in anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, sedative, tonic, laxative, antispasmodic, vasodilator, antiseptic and bactericidal functions.

Precious oil for facial skin

In our country, rose oil has received excellent reviews in cosmetology. It is added to almost all products for the care of sensitive, dry, aging and mature skin of the face and body. The oil is widely used both on an industrial scale and in home care for the skin.

Many women use rose oil on their face. It is added to cleansers, masks, and used to make ice cubes. Cream with rose oil has a healing effect on the skin and helps fight various types of problems:

  • Relieves pigmentation.
  • Increases firmness and elasticity.
  • Enhances skin regeneration.
  • Reduces the number of rashes.
  • Helps fight rosacea.
  • Eliminates dryness and flaking.
  • Rejuvenates and smoothes wrinkles.
  • Evens out skin texture and improves complexion.
  • Controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Rose oil for body care

The amazing properties of this product are also used in body care. It is added to existing cosmetic products or various mixtures are made with the addition of a few drops of essential oil. It is also added to scrubs, used while taking a bath, or made into wraps with the addition of this miraculous elixir.

When used regularly and in combination with massage, rose oil helps fight stretch marks, and also promotes weight loss and the elimination of cellulite. After using such products, the skin becomes elastic, smooth and velvety.

Rose extract for hair care

Lovers of beautiful silky hair have not been spared rose oil either. It has excellent moisturizing and restorative properties and can solve most problems associated with hair and scalp in a short period of time.

But it should be borne in mind that the described oil in this case is not used as an independent product, it is added to products daily care(in shampoos, conditioners, balms, masks) or use cosmetic oils as a base (for example, jojoba, burdock, olive, shea butter, etc.), and only a few drops of rose elixir are added. These mixtures have excellent properties:

  • Prevents hair loss.
  • Fights split ends.
  • Nourishes hair follicles.
  • Accelerate hair growth.
  • Improves blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Eliminate dandruff and seborrhea.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Gives hair elasticity and healthy shine.

Rose water, salt and ice

It is quite simple to prepare rose water at home - for this you need 3-5 drops of oil, diluted in 100 ml of clean water. It is an excellent replacement for store-bought lotions. With regular use rose water tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, removes oily shine, and relieves swelling.

Pink bath salt also has a simple recipe. Spray rose water onto coarse sea salt from a spray bottle and, after drying, store the salt as usual. Before use, several tablespoons of salt are diluted in water and poured into the bath. Such water procedures relax, uplift and make the skin soft and velvety.

Rose ice is rose water frozen in molds. It is used to wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. This procedure gives excellent results - the skin becomes elastic and toned. Elasticity improves, color and texture are evened out, the skin becomes younger every day. You can also make rose ice from fresh rose petals. To do this, petals from 2-3 buds are poured with a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, filtered and poured into molds.

Rules of use and contraindications

Despite the excellent properties of rose oil, we must not forget that it is a highly concentrated product with a large number chemical elements in the composition. To prevent an allergic reaction, you must first apply a small amount of the cosmetic mixture used to any area of ​​the skin. If no redness, rashes or peeling appears at the treatment site within 24 hours, you can start using the composition. The use of rose oil is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • people with allergies;
  • suffering from high blood pressure.

Rosewood oil

When using a variety of recipes for preparing cosmetics at home, confusion in the choice of oils often occurs. Rosewood oil has no relation to the product described above. They're completely different essential oils. They are similar in consistency and color, even in some properties, but completely different in origin.

Rosewood oil is extracted from valuable tree species that have a unique pink hue (hence the name of the oil). Its use is also very wide: in cosmetology, perfumery and medicine.

Beneficial properties for facial skin

In cosmetology, the properties of rosewood oil are used in the manufacture of products for hair, face and body. At home, it can significantly improve ready-made creams, enhancing their functions, and those prepared independently from natural ingredients can easily replace the most expensive cosmetics.

So, when using rosewood oil for the face, you can get rid of various problems and significantly improve the condition of your skin. It has regenerating and wound-healing, restorative and soothing, as well as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The oil is used for aging and dry skin, flabby and sensitive. Its use is especially recommended in the presence of cosmetic defects such as acne, age spots, dermatitis, rosacea and dull, uneven complexion. With regular use, the skin becomes tightened and velvety, its texture is smoothed and wrinkles become less noticeable.

Therapeutic body and hair care

Very often this healthy oil cosmetologists use during body treatments. This product is especially popular in home care for its excellent properties and affordability. The oil is very effective in combating the following problems:

  • loss of elasticity;
  • psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, peeling;
  • spider veins;
  • cracks and rough skin on elbows and heels;
  • acne marks, scars and cicatrices;
  • stretch marks.

After using cosmetic compositions with rosewood oil, the skin regains its elasticity, it becomes noticeably younger, and inflammatory processes disappear.

Dermatologists recommend using it for hair and scalp. A few drops are added to shampoos, balms and masks. This helps get rid of dandruff and flaking, reduces inflammation on the scalp. It is also recommended for use in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. Rosewood oil normalizes sebum production and strengthens hair follicles. Moisturizes and nourishes hair, makes combing easier.

Contraindications to the use of oil

It is important that rosewood oil is considered a hypoallergenic product. It can be used by both children and pregnant women. Although an allergy test is mandatory, it is necessary to exclude individual intolerance to the components. Contraindications are only for oral administration: it cannot be used for ulcers, gastritis and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural oils are nature's gift for beauty and youth; their use gives unforgettable sensations and excellent results.