Masks for evening out complexion at home. How to improve your complexion once and for all? A mask that adds color to the face

The main secret of the magical charm of any woman is delicate color skin. But in the conditions of our life, a beautiful shade of the epidermis is becoming a rarity. No problem! Effective masks to improve your complexion at home are coming to our aid. Together with them, you need to improve your own lifestyle, namely:

  1. try to forget about bad habits (cigarettes, alcohol, coffee addiction);
  2. take long walks on a regular basis fresh air;
  3. learn how to properly care for your skin;
  4. get enough sleep and don’t get overtired.

Masks for good color facials at home will not be effective unless you change your habits. After all, these factors first of all rob us of the beautiful color of the epidermis.

Enchanting skin

A mask to improve complexion, created from natural, fresh ingredients. Each product has its own effect on the shade of the epidermis:

  • Tomatoes, carrots, coffee, honey give a gentle blush.
  • Whiten cucumbers, parsley, lemons, dairy products and potatoes.

If you choose the right recipes for yourself, don’t be lazy and constantly use masks to refresh your complexion, then within a week your skin will delight you with a soft and healthy look. Such procedures can be carried out daily until the result satisfies you.

For shine

The mask for restoring complexion and giving it radiance is aimed at restoring the shine of the skin. These treatments are ideal for faded and. They should act on the dermis for 15-20 minutes.

  • Pumpkin

Mix pumpkin puree (22 g) with yogurt (18 ml), melted honey (36 ml). For dry skin, use a cooled mixture; for oily skin, use a heated mixture.

A mask that improves complexion will increase its effectiveness many times over if the skin is constantly wiped with a decoction of sage and linden (20 grams of each herb per glass of water).

  • Carrot

Mash boiled small carrots and mix with melted honey (12 ml).

  • Yogurt

Make a mixture of orange juice (5 ml) and yogurt (30 g). It is advisable to wash off such a mask with milk.

To even out the tone

A mask that evens out the complexion will help if there is redness. Its ingredients are designed to enhance the protective functions of the dermis from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This is especially true in the summer. The time of such procedures is 20-25 minutes.

  • From the bodyagi

Dilute bodyagi powder (15 g) with boiling water until thick and apply a thick layer to the skin. During the mask you will feel a tingling sensation.

A mask to even out the complexion at home is carried out in the evening. This is the best period for its more effective impact.

  • Cabbage

Grind several fresh cabbage leaves in a blender. Add yogurt (36 ml) to the mixture.

  • Potato

Add finely mashed carrots (12 grams), yolk and ¼ glass of warmed light beer to the boiled potato puree. You need to remove the leftovers with the same beer.

For velvety

A “velvet” mask for an even complexion at home requires mandatory cleansing of the skin. The cleansed dermis perceives and reacts much better to such procedures, which will take only a quarter of an hour of your time.

  • Protective(in frosty weather)

Melt chicken fat (100 g) and add to it orange zest (25 g), a decoction of St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile (5 ml each), Aloe juice (5 drops) and (4 drops). The mass is stored in the refrigerator. It must be used every day during the winter.

A mask for a beautiful complexion at home in combination with a rejuvenating bath (for a bath of water: 2 liters of milk, 90 grams of liquid honey and essential oil Jojoba 10 ml) will give simply amazing results.

  • Yagodnaya

Grind 2 cups of strawberries. First, wipe the epidermis well with berry juice, then apply the strawberry mixture to your face.

  • Herbal

Pour boiling water over the crushed mixture of dill, chamomile, linden, mint and sage (3 grams each). After 20 minutes of infusion, apply to the skin.

Express means

Sometimes we need to refresh the epidermis very quickly, especially the day before important meeting, romantic date. If you don’t have time for course procedures, express masks for a healthy complexion at home, which are applied to the skin for just a quarter of an hour, will help you.

  • Bearberry for oily dermis

Mix natural ground coffee (8 g), liquid honey (5 ml), oatmeal (12 g), milk (5 ml) and butter (10 g). Coffee will give the skin a matte, slightly dark tint.

An express mask for complexion at home has a short-term effect. It only lasts 6-7 hours. Remember this!

  • Yeast for dry skin

Dilute fresh yeast (8 g) with juice sauerkraut(16 ml). Pour (4 ml) into the mixture.

A smooth and fresh complexion is of no small importance for beauty. But not all women can boast of this skin condition. Often the skin of the face loses its freshness and elasticity and becomes spotty. What determines the condition of the skin? How to restore attractiveness and healthy appearance to the skin, even out its color?

What factors influence skin condition?

The condition of the skin depends on:

    proper skin care;

    food quality;

    volume of water consumed;

    duration and quality of sleep;

    walks in the fresh air;

    impact sun rays;

    bad habits (smoking, excessive coffee and alcohol consumption);

    diseases of the digestive system;

    genetic predisposition.

Ways to even out your complexion

There are 4 known methods for improving facial skin:

    by changing lifestyle;

    applying makeup;

    with the help of professionals;

    folk remedies.

Changing lifestyle

Helps make your complexion even and get rid of blemishes healthy way life: proper nutrition, water regime, exercise and quality sleep.

Maintaining water balance

To improve the condition of the skin, it needs water, because the human body contains 70% water. To provide skin cells with moisture, you should drink more than 2 liters of fluid daily. It is recommended to add lemon or cucumber juice to the water. Water will help the skin acquire fresh look and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

You should limit your consumption of soda and alcohol. The sugar in sweet drinks causes acne and oily skin. Alcohol deprives cells of moisture, leading to premature aging skin.

Nutrition and complexion

Diet significantly affects complexion. It is necessary to include in the diet fish, lean boiled and chicken meat, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, soy, vitamins A and E. These vitamins are found in large quantities in liver, eggs, dairy products, herring, chum salmon, carp, sturgeon caviar , carrots, broccoli, new potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, melon, apricots, plums, papaya. Juices from carrots, beets, citrus fruits improve and even out complexion. green tea.

The complexion deteriorates from canned food, sausages, margarine, mayonnaise, hot spices, sweet carbonated drinks, chips and fried foods. Therefore, their consumption should be reduced. Alcohol, coffee and cigarettes have a negative effect on the skin.

In order to even out and improve your complexion, it is recommended to prepare vegetable soup from zucchini, broccoli, leeks, celery, tomatoes, carrots and sweet peppers. There is no need to add salt to this soup. They drink it instead of dinner.

Skin color directly depends on nutrition

Instantly refreshes and rejuvenates facial skin, evens out its color energy drink. To prepare it, you need to mix green tea with cardamom, ginger and cinnamon and pour boiling water over it. When the drink is infused, honey is added to it.

It is recommended to take activated charcoal and yeast to even out and improve complexion. They drink them in the morning on an empty stomach: 4-6 tablets of activated carbon should be consumed, and 10 grams of yeast. Take for a week, then take a break for 2 weeks. This course is repeated several times.

Sports and skin health

You should constantly exercise. Exercise promote skin cell renewal, which helps smooth out wrinkles and even out skin color.

Healthy sleep

It is imperative to sleep at least 7 hours. Lack of sleep leads to the formation of bags under the eyes, loss of facial freshness and attractiveness.

Applying makeup correctly

Since uneven complexion and spotting are often caused by exposure to sunlight, it is necessary to systematically use sunscreen.

Be sure to cleanse your skin: twice a day with lotions, and once every 7 days, use a scrub. Cleansers can be purchased at the store or made yourself. Sugar and honey give an excellent result: the mixture is rubbed into the skin of the face using circular movements, and then washed off with water.

A concealer pencil, liquid or cream will help even out your skin color. Pencils are not only brown, but also yellow, green, lavender. These shades are essential to neutralize redness and scarring.

Proper makeup will make your skin perfect

To apply concealer, you should use a brush, not your fingers. If you rub them with your fingers, bacteria will be introduced and red spots will appear on the skin.

Concealers should not be too dark, otherwise they will camouflage age spots and sun spots, but will cause orange spots.

Then apply the foundation: powder, liquid, cream or spray. Powders have the longest lasting effect.

After complexion using concealers and foundation leveled out, it is recommended to add color and volume to the face with blush and eye shadow.

In the store, with the help of a consultant, you can select special cosmetics: creams, lotions, scrubs that will help get rid of blemishes and make your complexion even.

Professional help to even out your complexion

If you can’t get rid of stains on your own, professionals: a dermatologist and a cosmetologist will offer their services.

After examining the skin and conducting tests, the dermatologist will recommend special medications: tablets or medicinal creams. In some cases, it is possible to use a laser.

Another option - cosmetic procedures at the spa. The cosmetologist will select a set of procedures that most effectively solves the problem.

We turn to folk wisdom

An effective method for evening out complexion – time-tested folk remedies. They won't cost much and won't harm your skin.

Water treatments will improve your complexion

A contrast bath will have an effective result. It will even out the complexion, restore freshness and elasticity to the skin, and get rid of wrinkles.

To prepare the bath you will need 2 containers. Ice water is poured into one container and a decoction of lavender or mint is added, and into the other - hot water, in which lemon zest or citrus essential oil is diluted. Take 2 towels: one is soaked in ice water, and the other in hot water. Towels are applied to the face one by one.

Water treatments are the way to improve skin

Herbal lotion: preparation and action

Herbal lotion will make the skin color even, whiten the skin and give it elasticity

Chopped parsley, linden blossom, oak bark and sage are mixed: 5 grams of each herb are taken. The mixture is poured with vodka (250 milliliters) and infused for 12 days. The strained infusion should be wiped over the face.

Preparing masks to smooth out facial skin

Homemade masks have an excellent effect on evening out the complexion. They are cheap, natural and effective.

Masks made from cottage cheese, sour cream and cucumber whiten the skin, while masks made from coffee grounds and carrots make it darker. Masks made from watermelon and melon give the skin a fresh and healthy look.

They will get rid of wrinkles and acne, excessive dryness or oiliness.

Cucumber mask

A medium-sized cucumber is chopped using a grater, and nourishing cream is added. The mixture is applied to gauze pads and placed on the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water. If your skin is oily, it is recommended to add alcohol or vodka to the mask.

Another recipe: grate the cucumber and mix with starch. Keep on face for 20 minutes.

You can simply put cucumber slices on your face for 20-30 minutes. Another way: wipe your face with a piece of cucumber.

The mask will even out your complexion, whiten it, and make your skin clean and silky.

Cucumber mask with thyme

Cucumber and thyme leaves (fresh or dry) are crushed using a blender and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.

The mask evens out the complexion and relieves redness.

Cucumber mask - a famous remedy for beautiful skin

Carrot mask

Grate the carrots and mix with egg yolk and oatmeal (3 grams). If desired, add lemon juice. The mask is placed on the face for 20 minutes. Remove with cool water.

You can apply grated carrots without additives to your face.

Carrot and potato mask

Carrots (20 grams) are finely grated and mixed with yolk, warm mashed potatoes (20 grams) and warmed light beer (20 grams). The mask is placed on the face and washed off after 20 minutes with warm beer.

The mask will even out your complexion and give it freshness.

Watermelon mask

Watermelon juice is mixed with lemon or lime juice in equal proportions, honey is added (a few drops). Keep the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes. Remove with warm water.

This mask will make your complexion perfect.

Cabbage mask

Cabbage leaves are crushed using a blender, curdled milk (40 grams) is added and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Remove with warm water.

The mask will even out your complexion and whiten it.

Peach mask

Peach or apricot are mashed and mixed with oatmeal. If you have dry skin, it is advisable to add vegetable oil(5 grams). The mask is spread on the face in a thick layer and left for 20 minutes.

Orange mask

Mix orange juice with wheat flour in equal proportions. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Remove with warm water.

Banana mask

Ripe banana (one third) is mashed, add rice flour (20 grams), oat flour (30 grams) and chopped walnut(1 piece). The mixture is mixed and spread on the skin of the face. Wash off when the mask dries and the skin feels tight. Then lubricate the face with nourishing cream.

The mask will have an immediate effect. It will even out the complexion, soften the skin, give it nutrition, and have a lifting effect.

A banana mask will quickly tighten your facial skin

Honey-lemon mask

Honey is mixed with lemon juice (a few drops) and applied to the face for half an hour.

The mask will even out the complexion, whiten it, and provide nutrients.

Parsley mask

Chopped parsley (20 grams) is mixed with sour cream (20 grams), yeast (pinch) and aloe juice (3-5 grams). The mask is placed on the face for a quarter of an hour and then washed off with warm water.

Another option: chop the parsley and mix with olive oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

You can prepare this mask: chop the parsley in a blender and mix with lemon juice.

A parsley mask will have an amazing effect. It will make your complexion even, remove age spots, will lighten freckles, give the skin freshness and silkiness.

Celery mask

Leaf celery is crushed using a blender. Add lemon juice (a few drops) to the resulting puree. Keep on face for 20 minutes.

Dandelion mask

Dandelion root and stem are crushed using a blender and applied to the face. After 15-20 minutes, the mask is removed.

The mask perfectly evens out the complexion and whitens freckles and age spots.

Cottage cheese mask

For the mask, you need to stock up on fatty homemade cottage cheese. It is placed on the face and kept for 15 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water, and apply nourishing cream to your face.

This mask will not only even out your complexion, but also give it a flushed and radiant look.

Sour cream mask

Homemade thick sour cream is applied to the skin of the face and neck for half an hour. Remove the mask with warm water.

Raspberry-sour cream mask

Fresh raspberries (a handful) are mixed with soda (2-3 grams) and sour cream (20 grams) in a blender. The mask is applied in several layers for 25 minutes.

Improve your facial skin with raspberries

Flax seed and oatmeal mask

Dry flax seeds (5 grams) are poured with boiling water (100 milliliters) and left for 20 minutes. The infusion is brought to a boil and poured into oat flakes (20 grams) to cover them. When the flakes swell, they are applied to the skin of the face and neck for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with warm water.

Oatmeal and honey mask

Oatmeal (20 grams) is mixed with honey (a few drops) and yogurt, sour cream or kefir to form a thick mass. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

The mask removes dead skin cells, revitalizes complexion, whitens, restores freshness, and makes the skin soft and velvety.

Mask with honey and cinnamon

Honey (10 grams) is mixed with cinnamon (5 grams). Add oatmeal (20 grams), kefir or yogurt to the mixture to make a thick paste. Apply the mask to the face for 10 minutes. Remove with warm water.

Cinnamon and red pepper mask

Mix cinnamon (5 grams) and red hot pepper (2-3 grams) with fat sour cream (40 grams), add dry yeast (5 grams). Mix everything thoroughly. Keep it on for no more than 5 minutes, as the mask burns strongly.

The mask has an amazing effect after the first use, as its action causes blood to flow to the skin. It has a nourishing, smoothing and tightening effect.

Mask with mustard powder

Mustard powder (5 grams) is mixed with olive oil (20 grams) and water (5 grams). Keep the mask on your face for 5 minutes. Delete cold water and apply moisturizer to the skin of the face.

Yeast mask

Raw yeast is diluted with water so that the mixture resembles thin sour cream. If the skin is oily, then it is advisable to add oxygen peroxide, and if it is dry, then milk. Apply the mask in several layers for 10-15 minutes.

The mask will even out the complexion, whiten and cleanse the skin, nourish and moisturize it, improve blood circulation, tone the skin, make it elastic and ruddy. It will also relieve signs of fatigue and sleepless nights. The mask is recommended to be used when you need to get quick results.

Coffee grounds mask

Brew coffee and cool. Coffee grounds are applied to the face and neck. After 10 minutes, apply cleansing gel on top of the mask and massage the skin. Then the mask is removed and the face is smeared with nourishing cream.

Badyagi mask

To prepare the mask, you will need to purchase bodyaga powder at the pharmacy. The powder is diluted with water to obtain the consistency of sour cream. The mask is kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then the face is lubricated with moisturizer.

Under the influence of the mask, the face becomes red and tingles due to the fact that blood circulation increases and the performance of capillaries increases.

Beeswax mask

Beeswax is melted in a water bath and spread on the facial skin in several layers. After removing the mask, apply a nourishing cream.

Clay mask

Pink or white clay(60 grams) mixed with rose hydrolate or rose water to get the consistency of sour cream. Add rosehip oil (5 grams). The mask is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté area. Cover with polyethylene. Keep it for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with warm chamomile infusion.

After the mask, the color and tone of the skin becomes even, the skin is whitened, moisturized, receives nutrients, becomes matte and radiant, and wrinkles disappear.

If you regularly use the masks described above, your skin color will become even. It will become smooth, soft and silky, and will shine from the inside.

You can make effective and simple masks to improve your complexion at home, using ingredients from the refrigerator and first aid kit. Even for young and problem-free dermis, uneven tone is a common phenomenon. This deficiency will make you appear tired and unhealthy, and it can mislead people and make you appear older than you actually are.

Well prepared home remedy will help you look younger, not older, and even with general fatigue, hide this detail. Proper facial care allows you to be young and beautiful in any circumstances.

What ingredients will help improve skin color?

First, let's look at the issue of selecting ingredients that will relieve redness, pigmentation and simply uneven, unhealthy shade for the skin of the face.

Nature has provided us with many components that stop the aging of the dermis, treat it, and also help improve complexion. The following products most effectively restore a healthy tone:

  • cereals;
  • seafood;
  • all types of fish;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oils;
  • clay;
  • cottage cheese.

Important: negatively affect color skin coffee and black tea.

When using masks for a healthy and even complexion, help the epidermis return to normal by consuming at least 2 liters of clean water per day. It is advisable to start the day with a glass of warm mineral water mixed with lemon juice.

  • cool compresses;
  • rubbing with ice cubes;
  • washing with cold water;
  • dermal massage carried out in courses.

In addition to all that has been said, you should provide reliable protection from sunlight, which contributes to spring and summer time the appearance of freckles and pigmentation. In the summer, when going outside, use SPF cream 40, in winter SPF 15 will be enough.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Contraindications may be associated with individual intolerance to certain components or allergic reactions to the ingredients used.

Since there are a lot of options for ingredients to include in masks, even those with hyper sensitive skin can choose the optimal and most effective composition for themselves.

The face mask should match the skin type and preferences of its owner. If you are not sure that the product is suitable, check its effect in the wrist area. If you do not find any reaction within half an hour, feel free to apply the composition on your face.

All of the above is recommended by cosmetologists to maintain a healthy complexion. In addition to the above, experts recommend not to forget about providing the dermis with a sufficient amount of oxygen. It is advisable to regularly take walks in the fresh air. Sports training has a positive effect on the color of the skin, since thanks to sports, metabolism improves, blood circulates more intensely, sweat pushes out fatty contaminants and the remains of dead cells from the pores.

  • go to bed on time and get enough sleep;
  • give up bad habits;
  • control emotional state;
  • eat a balanced diet.

As for the facial skin itself, it needs to be cleansed twice a day: morning and evening. Also, one should not forget about regularly supplying the dermis with hydration and nutrition.

From time to time, depending on the age and type of skin, more deep cleansing peelings and scrubs. It is advisable to consult a cosmetologist first.

The best masks to improve your complexion at home

Now let's turn to how to prepare your own compositions that improve complexion. There are many effective masks. We have selected the most popular recipes, proven over decades, completely safe and most effective:

Healthy tone with citrus

The recipe allows you to restore the lost tone of the skin in several steps. Those with sensitive skin should test the product on the wrist before applying to the face. Algorithm:

  1. Add 2 teaspoons of white clay and tangerine oil to grapefruit juice (1 tablespoon).
  2. Mix the ingredients well.
  3. Clean the surface of your face from dirt and cosmetic residues and apply a citrus composition.
  4. Leave the mask on for 15-30 minutes.
  5. Wash your face with coltsfoot decoction.

A product that will make your complexion glow

This recipe is easy to make at home. It is especially good for those who find it difficult to get rid of oily shine on their faces:

  1. Prepare a paste from one peeled persimmon.
  2. Mix the fruit mixture with 1 dessert spoon of natural honey.
  3. Add about the same amount of citrus juice, preferably lemon.
  4. Mix everything and apply to cleansed face.
  5. Lie down for 20 minutes.
  6. Carefully remove any remaining product with a napkin, and then rinse the treated surface with cool water.

A few treatments are enough to make oily shine a thing of the past. It will be replaced by an even, pleasant tone.

Vitamin mask that improves skin color

Homemade masks with oats not only restore a healthy tone to the epidermis, but also saturate it with vitamins. The actions are:

  1. Soak a teaspoon of flax seed in boiling water (100 ml) for 20 minutes.
  2. Bring the infusion to a boil.
  3. Pour the broth over 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.
  4. Wait for the flakes to swell and spread the mixture over your face.
  5. Remain at rest for 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse off any remaining mask with warm water.
  7. Apply nourishing cream to your face.

Improved complexion and rejuvenation

To make your skin glow and free from wrinkles, use the following recipe:

  1. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. You need one tablespoon.
  2. Mix the vegetable with one chicken egg yolk.
  3. Add warm mashed potatoes - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Apply the prepared mixture to a cleansed face.
  5. Keep it for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Wash off the residue with warmed beer.
  7. Then alternately wash the treated surface with cool and warm water.

The described recipe has a powerful rejuvenating effect.

Recipe for dullness and flabbiness

For a beautiful complexion and rejuvenation, this mask is suitable:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of kelp tea with any fruit tea. It should still be warm.
  2. Leave the solution to sit for 20 minutes.
  3. Add powder 1 tablet of ascorutin;
  4. Pour in 20 drops of peach oil.
  5. Steam the dermis and apply the composition to it.
  6. Rest for 20-30 minutes.
  7. Withdraw the remaining funds wet wipe or sponge.

Bodyaga from redness

You can get rid of red spots like this:

  1. Dilute 2 tablespoons of bodyaga powder (sold at the pharmacy) with warm water to obtain a sour cream consistency.
  2. Distribute the composition over the dermis, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  3. Stay at rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the product with cold water.
  5. In modern conditions, for a complexion that indicates health and youth, it is not enough to simply wash your face. A whole range of caring measures is needed to maintain the dermis in good condition. Face masks will be effective in combination with proper nutrition, sports, sleep and other important components of a healthy lifestyle. External beauty always indicates internal health. Healthy skin- a sign of a healthy person.

    Here is another useful video recipe for improving skin color:

Facial masks at home can help you restore your attractiveness by evening out your skin tone; they minimize the effects of stress, lack of sleep, and bad habits. Depending on their composition, they solve different problems. This includes a sallow complexion, redness, and areas of hyperpigmentation. A healthy glow and smooth glowing skin will remain unchanged after their use.

Creams with SPF protection will prevent the appearance of age spots.

What ingredients will help even out skin color?

Smoking, nervous tension, and a disrupted daily routine have negative influence on the state of the epidermis. Insufficient fluid intake or poor nutrition cause a gray, dull, lifeless complexion, or the appearance of redness. Lack of UV protection causes age spots, an overall yellowish tint to the skin.

Homemade masks for evening out complexion allow you to restore attractive skin without leaving home. appearance. The ingredients for their base will depend on the type of problem:

  • Masks with parsley, kefir, lemon juice, or the pulp of any sour berries, cucumber, mint will help whiten your skin by one or two tones.
  • Mixtures with ascorbic acid and potatoes will help reduce redness caused by dilated capillaries.
  • Compositions with carrot juice, pumpkin, tomatoes, coffee grounds or cocoa powder.

In addition to evening out the complexion, masks help reduce inflammation, moisturize the epidermis, and nourish it with vitamins and beneficial microelements. They will make your skin smooth and even, and all the necessary components can be found at home.

In ancient Rome, pallor was considered a sign of aristocratic origin. Women used various formulations to lighten their skin. The easiest way is to wipe your face with fresh donkey milk.

Contraindications for use

You should avoid home whitening procedures if your skin is damaged - open wounds, burns.

A direct contraindication is an allergic reaction to one of the components of the composition.

Rules for using leveling masks

A course of leveling masks will help restore a healthy complexion. It can be a month or a month and a half. Masks are made no more than twice a week.

  • The composition is applied only to cleansed skin. Even if there was no makeup on your face, you need to wash your face with a special product.
  • All ingredients must be fresh.
  • Ready-made mixtures for smoothing facial skin are not stored in the refrigerator; masks are used immediately. For the next procedure, mix again.
  • Exposure time is no more than a third of an hour.

Experts recommend applying the compositions with a special brush or cotton pad. And remove the mask using warm boiled water or a decoction of herbs. You can wash your face with them or use a cotton sponge to cleanse. After removing the mixture, wipe your face with toner and apply cream.

If you add fresh green vegetables, fruits, nuts, and lean fish to your diet, your complexion will be healthier and fresher.

General rules for applying masks are presented in the video:

The best mask recipes to even out skin tone

A mask to even out your complexion and get rid of age spots can be prepared from full-fat kefir (30 milliliters), flower honey (20 grams), and freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. All ingredients must be mixed.

You can relieve redness and lighten your skin with thyme and cucumber. Chop a bunch of fresh herbs. You can also use dried thyme (2 teaspoons). Peel the cucumber and grind the pulp with a blender or grater. Mix everything thoroughly.

In the 18th century, whitening powders were made based on lead salts. And in the 19th century, to maintain aristocratic pallor, ladies drank vinegar or used products containing mercury.

A mixture of potatoes, carrots, chicken yolk and 20 milliliters of light beer will help give your skin a healthy color and a natural glow. Grind the vegetables in a blender and mix with beer.

A berry mask will refresh your complexion and make your skin more elastic. It is necessary to puree strawberries, strawberries, and raspberries. You can use one type of berry. Rub the juice onto your face with a cotton pad two or three times. Then apply the berry pulp on your face.

A mixture of full-fat cottage cheese (two tablespoons) and juice + pulp of one cucumber can soothe irritated skin and relieve redness.

Helps restore skin tone and even complexion coffee grounds. You need to brew coffee in a java at the rate of 6 teaspoons per cup. Filter the grounds through cheesecloth. Let it cool. Then apply it slightly warm to your face.

Residents of Ancient China brightened their faces with a mixture of decoctions of medicinal herbs and rice water.

A mask made from yogurt and white cabbage. Chop three cabbage leaves, add 30 milliliters of yogurt.

You can even out your complexion and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands using the pulp of one persimmon, 60 milliliters of honey, and the juice of half a lemon. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

A mixture of a tablespoon of rich sour cream and cucumber allows you to get rid of age spots. Grind the peeled vegetable until mushy and mix with sour cream.

A mixture of chopped parsley, dill, mint and 10 milliliters of olive oil can whiten the skin.

A mask of watermelon and lemon juice will even out your complexion. Mix them in equal proportions and apply to the face with a cotton pad.

Cleopatra lightened her facial skin using honey and milk, as well as whitewash and crocodile droppings.

Dilute oatmeal with freshly squeezed orange juice at a ratio of 1:1. Mix and apply to face. The mask will refresh your complexion.

A mixture of a tablespoon of honey and 15 drops of freshly squeezed lemon or tangerine juice will help moisturize the skin and even out its tone.

A mixture of crushed dandelion leaves and roots and lemon juice can help remove freckles and tone the skin.

A mixture of the crushed pulp of one peeled green apple, one cucumber and 10 milliliters of freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon will remove signs of fatigue and restore freshness.

A homemade apricot mask will help even out your complexion. Mix the pulp of three fruits with two teaspoons of oatmeal, stir until smooth.

A mask made from parsley (one small bunch), juice and pulp of aloe vera (one leaf of the plant), and rich sour cream (1 tablespoon) will help restore smoothness and tenderness to the skin and remove age spots. Chop greens and aloe, add sour cream.

From time immemorial, Korean women have whitened their faces with a mixture of honey and crushed ginseng root with the addition of egg white.


To even out your complexion, you can use homemade masks. It is important to maintain drinking balance and sleep patterns. The combination of these factors allows you to forget about a dull, unhealthy complexion for a long time.

You will learn how to improve your complexion from the video:

A beautiful complexion is possible only on healthy, well-groomed skin. The condition of our skin worsens if we indulge our bad habits. Excessive consumption of coffee, soda, salty and smoked foods, as well as smoking and alcohol leaves an unhealthy yellow or gray tint on the skin.

To improve your complexion, you can use proven homemade masks.

Recipes for masks for complexion

Strawberry mask for complexion. Mash ripe red strawberries and apply to cleansed face for 15 minutes. When the mask dries slightly, rinse with warm water. The skin becomes soft, moisturized, and the complexion becomes rosy.

Strawberries + sour cream: If you add a little sour cream to strawberry puree, your skin will become soft, smooth, and velvety.

Strawberry + honey: This combination will increase blood flow to the cheeks, cleanse skin pores of dirt, and work as a lifting agent.

Aloe mask. Suitable for any skin type. Refreshes, tones, improves color. Beat 1 yolk, add a teaspoon of fresh aloe juice to it. Apply to face and leave for 10 minutes until the dry crust begins to tighten the skin. Wash your face with warm water, then cold, for contrast.

Face mask with lemon. Refreshes, whitens, softens the skin. Beat 1 egg white, mix it with a teaspoon of natural semi-liquid honey and the same amount of lemon juice. Spread the mixture in a thin layer on your face and leave for 10 minutes; a dry crust should form. Wash your face with warm water or herbal infusion.

Drink for skin: let it become younger!

Beer for complexion. Measure 50 ml of light beer, heat it up, add grated carrots (1 tablespoon), the same amount of potato flour, raw yolk. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with beer. And only after that, refresh the dermis with water at room temperature.

Coffee + butter. Grind the used coffee grounds with a spoon of olive (castor, almond) oil. Leave for 10 minutes (it can be applied everywhere except the skin near the eyes). Wash and treat skin with rich cream. Interestingly, this composition serves not only to improve complexion, but also as a light “self-tanning”, since after coffee the skin will be slightly darker.

Coffee mask with cream. To prepare the mask we need coffee grounds. It can be mixed with your favorite cream or applied pure to the face. Leave the mask on your face for 10 minutes. The caffeine contained in the grounds helps improve blood circulation and also gives a barely noticeable tan.

Sweet honey is good for the skin!

Honey + turmeric. The mask will not only improve skin tone, but also strengthen blood vessels. If you have turned pale due to “nerves” or lack of sleep, make 5 masks for the same number of days in a row. If your skin is delicate, start with an allergy test. Ingredients: 10 g honey, 3 g turmeric, 8 g starch, 8 drops tangerine juice. Apply for 8 minutes, wash with green tea, and then “feed” the skin with cream.

Honey + ginger. Nourishes, moisturizes, prevents creases and wrinkles. Mix 40 g of honey, 25 g of dried ginger (found in powder form in the supermarket), 2 large spoons of sour cream, a capsule of vitamin E and A. Keep for 10 minutes.

Honey + milk + cinnamon. Heat 120 ml of milk with a cinnamon stick for about 5 minutes. It is important that it does not boil! Strain the milk, mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. Moisten a cotton scarf (a piece of gauze, a thick piece of cotton wool...) and “water” the skin. Lie down so that it absorbs as many useful substances as possible. When your face is dry, you can wash your face.

Vegetables in the garden - everything is fine with the skin

Carrot mask for complexion. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Mix 2 tablespoons of carrot puree with the yolk, add a spoon mashed potatoes. Apply the mask for 20 minutes.

Carrots + oil. Grate this vegetable onto a fine grater to make 2 teaspoons. Add 1 spoon of olive oil, 0.5 spoon of starch. The mask is applied not only to the forehead and cheeks, but also to the neck. After 20 minutes, wash your face.

Beet. Wipe the skin of your neck and face with a piece of this vegetable, let the healing juice absorb for 2-3 minutes, and then treat your face with your usual cream.

Natural fruits - premium masks

Apricots. Finely chop (you can help yourself with a blender) a large apricot or half a juicy peach. Mix with oatmeal in a 1:1 ratio. If you have dry skin, add a small spoonful of olive or sunflower oil. Apply the mask sparingly, in a generous layer, leave on for 20 minutes, rinse off.

Banana. Mask for dry skin! Mash half a banana with a fork or grate it. Add 2 medium spoons of honey, a yolk, a tablespoon of fat sour cream. Apply for 15 minutes, wash with warm water.

The recipes are unusual, but the reviews are great!

Oatmeal. The mask will not only refresh the skin color, but also cleanse it. Pour yogurt over the cereal (of course, without sugar and fruit), add a little honey.

Yeast. Pour milk over yeast. When they rise into a foamy cap, apply them to the skin.

Seaweed. Laminaria saturates the dermis with iodine (and not only), improves blood flow in it. Mix a large spoon of dried ground seaweed (they must first be steamed with slightly cooled fruit tea), 20 drops of peach oil, a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Steam the skin, apply the mask, and after 20 minutes wipe off with a damp cloth.

P.S. You can buy a face mask in any store, and the assortment will please even the pickiest: domestic, European and even Korean-made, clay, films, with fruit and even berry aromas... However, all these products are united by the presence of a certain “chemistry” in their composition, added for long-term storage without refrigeration. Those with capricious skin, as well as those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, don’t even want to look at this! However, you shouldn’t neglect yourself because of your delicate skin. Therefore, these days, natural homemade recipes for complexion masks, time-tested and 100% healthy, are gaining popularity.

Face masks. Simple recipes for every skin type.

To provide the skin proper care, you must first test its condition, find out what type it is, and based on this, choose suitable face masks.