Whether ethereal. Is etheric vision, clairvoyance, the same as spiritual vision? Reading feelings and thoughts

Using essential oil internally. Is it possible to drink essential oil? What is the opinion of experts on the internal use of essential oils?

Aromatherapy specialists - aromatherapists, doctors, Pharmacists and Ayurveda adherents have long been arguing about the benefits and harms of internal (oral) use of essential oil. Some believe that this is almost a panacea for a number of diseases, while others say that ingestion of essential oils is deadly. Which one is right and is it worth risking your health?

Arguments and facts “Pros and cons”.

1. Not all aromatherapists and not in all cases prescribe internal use of essential oils to their patients. There are others effective ways use of essential oils.

2. Not all essential oils on the world market are 100% natural and suitable for Aromatherapy, not only for internal, but also for transdermal and respiratory use. Many oils contain impurities, others are fully synthesized. Not everyone has the confidence to use high-quality essential oils... unfortunately.

3. It is quite difficult to enlist the support of a competent specialist in the field of Aromatherapy, who has experience in the internal use of essential oils, since there are negligible numbers of them in Russia. Aromatherapy has been around as a healing practice for about 30 years. It is carried out by enthusiasts healthy image lives, ascetics, for which we must express great gratitude to them.

4. According to experts, only 4-5 positions of essential oils can be completely harmless for internal use, provided they are natural.

5. You don’t need to believe everything that is recommended on the Internet and even in popular literature on Aromatherapy, since each essential oil is used taking into account individual characteristics person. And what is good for one person is completely unsuitable for another person.

6. fact: In Japan, in 1963, experiments were conducted on the effects of essential oils on the digestive system. It turned out that their action is more effective in the form of inhalations... 20 times...

Two expert opinions on the internal use of essential oils.

1. No, it’s better not to, they help a lot anyway.

The World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend taking essential oils orally. It has been proven that oils act 20 times faster when inhaled.

The main rule of modern Aromatherapy is to use oils only externally or by inhalation. Since essential oil has a high concentration of substances, the use of which inside the body can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and stomach. The toxic nature of some essential oils can increase the load on the kidneys and liver, thereby triggering an exacerbation of diseases.

Interestingly, the nature of essential oils is such that under natural growing conditions they are released from the stomata of the plant in microscopic doses and hang in the air. This is due to the volatile properties of essential oils. With extraordinary ease, essential substances penetrate the human body through the respiratory system.

Thanks to the fact that humanity has learned to isolate plant essences, we have the opportunity to use them for therapy. Through breathing, oils penetrate the bloodstream, quickly reach diseased organs, and put disordered body systems in order. The uniqueness of essential oils lies in the fact that, while correcting emotional and spiritual states, they simultaneously cause physiological changes.

Essential oils are fat-soluble and easily mixed with any lipid emulsion, and can also be dissolved in egg yolk, sour cream, wax, and sea salt. They are mixed with natural vegetable oils intended for cosmetic use. Vegetable oil performs not only a basic function for dissolving esters, but also a transport and carrier function. Based on a base oil, essential oils easily penetrate the pores of the skin, then enter the lymphatic and bloodstream, after which they are released through the body's excretory system.

Patricia Davis, aromatherapist, author of popular books on Aromatherapy, believes that

“I am convinced that essential oils should not be taken internally, but it is interesting to consider the reasons for this difference of opinion.
One branch of aromatherapy follows the tradition of Mme. Margaret Maury which created the first aromatherapy clinics in Paris, Great Britain and Switzerland. According to this direction, oils for treatment can only be used externally, that is, in the form of massage, baths and inhalations, and as a secondary method used in creams, lotions and other skin care products. The effectiveness of these treatments has been proven experimentally over the centuries of essential oil use, and in recent decades, scientific research has demonstrated how quickly oils can penetrate the bloodstream when applied through the skin or inhaled through the lungs. With these methods, oils enter the body bypassing the digestive tract, where they could pose the greatest danger, irritating the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach. Oils also enter the bloodstream through the skin and lungs much faster than if they passed through the digestive system.
Another tradition advocating the use of essential oils internally originates in France, where almost all aromatherapists have medical degrees, and this is an important factor to keep in mind. These doctors have a complete understanding of both the pharmacological properties of essential oils and human physiology. They also have access to pharmacists who know how to select the right solvents for oils. (For comparison, you can take at least the garlic capsules available in most stores healthy eating. They are made from garlic essential oil dissolved in vegetable oil, usually soybean or sunflower. It would be too difficult to swallow garlic oil alone, without vegetable oil and not encapsulated.)
In the UK, USA and other countries where few aromatherapists have medical training, the situation is completely different. Without having the knowledge that our French colleagues have, and offering our clients essential oils for internal use, we risk damaging them great harm, and in many countries this can also lead to a violation of the law. The general consensus now is that oils should only be used externally, and even doctors who practiced using oils internally began to curtail this practice several years ago due to its obvious dangers. The International Federation of Aromatherapists specifically instructs its members to use essential oils externally only.
An even more pressing problem is self-medication. There are many popular books that recommend taking essential oils internally with a lump of sugar or honey, usually 3 drops or even more. Since essential oils only dissolve in alcohol or other oils, sugar does not dissolve the oil, but simply makes it easier to swallow. Evidence obtained Robert Masson in about France, indicate that pure essential oil can cause severe irritation and even damage the gastric mucosa. An even greater danger is that many people, especially if they do not know how concentrated essential oils are, believe that even if such small quantity essential oil helps them, the more oil the better! They are used to measuring medicines with teaspoons, and 3 drops seem like sheer nonsense to them. In addition, they mistakenly believe that natural remedies, such as essential oils, must be safe. If you introduce too much essential oil into the body, then the organs that remove waste - the kidneys and liver - are greatly affected. heavy load. In some cases where people have died from an essential oil overdose, the cause of death was massive destruction of liver cells.
It is equally dangerous to add essential oils to fruit juices and herbal infusions, as they do not dissolve in liquid and can damage the gastric mucosa.
Resume. I recommend NEVER taking essential oils internally..." Patricia Davis

Like this! Worth thinking?!

Conclusion: it seemed that it would be much easier to take the essential oil internally - and it’s there. But, unfortunately, according to Patricia Davis, this is not the case. The reason is that, first of all, the essential oil travels a long way through the digestive tract, and that it is difficult for an ordinary person, not a specialist, to decide on the composition of the oil and dosage...

2. Yes, you can, but only carefully.

Many famous Aromatherapists and adherents of this technique believe that it has a right to exist. They are convinced that internal intake of essential oil, thanks to the complex chemical composition and natural perfection is able to quickly and effectively establish all processes in the body. For example, when consumed internally, esters actively affect all systems and organs: circulatory, genitourinary, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine.

The method of internal use of essential oil is used for sore throat, difficulty breathing, digestive problems, indigestion, constipation, as well as for disorders of the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis.

Proponents of the internal (oral) use of essential oil believe that if the oil is of high quality, “pure”, without chemical impurities and is produced by water-steam distillation and pressing, then it is safe. The main thing to consider when taking oil internally is compliance with the dosage and the use of 100% natural living essential oil. If you correctly follow the rules of administration and the recommendations of an aromatherapist, then it is impossible to harm the essential oil.

Scientists argue, but the caravan moves on...

It is up to you to decide WHAT is right for you, but it will be correct to first consult with a specialist, a general practitioner or an experienced and competent aromatherapist, preferably with a medical education.

Consider that

  • It is quite difficult to independently calculate the dosage, taking into account individual characteristics.
  • Only spectral analysis can guarantee that your essential oil is natural.
  • The essential oil inside your digestive tract may react with medications.
  • It is important not only what quality the essential oil is, but also what condition your body is in. Is it possible to subject him to such a test?
  • Remember that essential oils are poisonous in their chemical composition!
  • Incorrect ingestion of essential oils can lead to exacerbation of kidney disease and allergies.

When using Aromatherapy in your life, act wisely and try to find out everything about essential oil, which we decided to try “on the tongue”.

Olga Sharova

If we go to a store with a companion of the opposite sex, we will notice that each of us will see completely different things there. What we notice is determined by our interests. However, when we observe something, we do not only look. We also hear, taste, smell, touch and imprint all this in our consciousness. If during a concert we hear a false note, we note this fact to ourselves; We also observe the performer and notice whether he puts feeling into his performance. In this case, observation becomes experience. “Something” can be witnessed, that is, it can be subjected to further investigation, it can be perceived. For example, a prophet testifies to the future.

Observation is a kind of perception, and not just looking with the eyes. By observing someone, you can notice, for example, how a person behaves in a given situation. Is he able to cope with stress at work? How does she behave in company? Is he up to his job? Is she a good manager?

Thus, the word “see” has multiple meanings. Moreover, the way we look and what we see is determined by the degree of brain development and what the heart brings. Thanks to his experience and knowledge, an adult notices things in things that are completely different from what a child pays attention to. And, conversely, due to his openness, a child can often perceive more deeply and clearly than an adult.

Simultaneous perception of internal and external

The medical encyclopedia describes in detail how the visual organs of our physical body work. But, besides them, there are organs that are capable of seeing the so-called subtle plans. Thanks to etheric vision, one can see life processes in and around the physical body. The etheric body is a subtle vehicle that permeates and surrounds the physical body of the Earth, people, animals and plants. One who has etheric vision can observe how the vital fluids rise within the plant, nourish it and return to the roots.

In this case, the plant appears as a single whole. Front and rear views, outside and inside are perceived simultaneously.

“Clairvoyance” refers to the vision of various astral bodies: Earth, people, animals. The astral body is larger than the etheric body and, in turn, surrounds and penetrates it on all sides. A clairvoyant cannot constantly observe the power flows and processes occurring in this body; for this it is necessary to concentrate. Although sometimes a vision can arise by itself - spontaneously. The opinions of “clairvoyants” regarding what they see often differ significantly. This is especially true for predictions. It often happens that what is perceived is not completely clear, or is partially clear. The clairvoyant is powerless to influence this.

On the astral planes everything is in constant motion. “Form” is constantly changing radiation. That is why it is so difficult to get an accurate picture, at least if this applies not to the everyday concerns of the individual, but to such objects as the microcosm, the cosmos and the macrocosm. Only an initiate can have a pure perception of these plans, but even he knows that errors in recognizing such images are inevitable. That is why he will always be very correct in his conclusions. He will invariably add: “as far as it has been revealed to me...”

Reading feelings and thoughts

An ordinary clairvoyant cannot consciously control his ability. It either shows up or it doesn't. Children in the first years of life, as a rule, have the ability to clairvoyance. But do parents understand this? In addition, many animals can distinguish the movements of the astral field. For example, a dog may react to a “ghost” that no one but it can see. Dogs also know how to “read” the feelings and thoughts of their owners.

Etheric vision is often found among primitive peoples, but man modern world with a highly developed individuality is deprived of it. Often this ability is the result of development carried out in previous incarnations of the microcosm. Universal Wisdom states that Divine guidance has deliberately suppressed these faculties so that man can better concentrate on the task facing him at the moment.

It is important to understand here that etheric vision and clairvoyance exist within the limited confines of natural life. Pure spiritual vision can develop in microcosm only with a renewed magnetic firmament. In Hermetic philosophy this ability is called pemandic consciousness. It is not supported by the seventh cosmic region, but is based on the renewing and healing powers of the sixth cosmic region.

Purely spiritual or omnipresent vision is available only to those who seek to walk the path of transmutation and transfiguration. Little is known about this “vision”, for it surpasses all sensations available to us. It is not possible for the earthly consciousness to comprehend it. It appears when the Soul reaches a level where the Divine Spirit can touch it, connect with it, sanctify it and teach it. Then the Soul will be able to “see” and internally experience spiritual impulses.

This vision is called “third eye vision.” On Buddha statues this ability is often represented by a hemisphere at the top of the head - this is an image of the parietal chakra, associated with the pineal gland. Often this hemisphere is decorated with many “eyes”, symbolizing the omnipresent vision. This chakra is usually shaped like a funnel, but is often depicted as a hemisphere surrounded by flames, indicating that this vision results from the union of Spirit and Soul in the pineal gland. This flame is called the Pymander in Hermetic philosophy. When the new insight, or spiritual vision, is sufficiently strong, the process of transfiguration begins to occur.

Perception of the fourth dimension

It is called omnipresent awareness because what is observed in this way becomes visible in all aspects at once and is perceived as perfect completeness. The so-called perception of the integrity of micro- or macrocosmic life is sometimes called “fourth-dimensional vision.” This is the absolute ability to “penetrate” everything that exists. The big problem for a seer at this level is that he instantly perceives everything he sees in all its significance. And this huge number of aspects is so fascinating that it is unclear where to begin with your interpretation of what you see.

Perhaps it is precisely for this reason that many great minds have tried so hard to clearly convey what they perceived with the help of words. The picture retold can never be complete. Jacob Boehme says: The Divine Light dies in words. Moreover, spectators or listeners usually do not rise to the same level of perception as the clairvoyant himself. Often those who must spread the Divine message in order to remove the veil of illusion from the eyes of those who seek the Truth suffer and experience disappointment because they cannot express what they see in words. Again and again, with different words, they try to awaken in other people an understanding of what they themselves were able to see so clearly.

In the New Testament, achieving the state of omnipresent consciousness is called the return of Christ. Then if anyone tells you: “here is Christ”, or “there” - do not believe. [...] So, if they tell you: "Behold, He is in the wilderness"- don’t go out; “Behold, He is in the secret chambers,”- do not believe... (Matthew 24:23, 26).

For we should not look for the returned Christ outside of man, but only within. And then the force of Christ becomes active, it acts as the force of Light of the microcosmic heavens on the basis of the personality. And when the time comes, it will also become effective in space.

The difference between light and darkness

A person hesitates between two starting points. On the one hand, he is, albeit unborn, but a god, and this aspect constantly pushes him to search for his divine origins. On the other hand, he is a personality born and supported by earth, matter. The presence of these two aspects constantly misleads a person. He is either attracted to God's Spirit, or thrown back into matter. Between these two forces lies the path of those who can learn to distinguish between Light and darkness, for them this path is open. It is important to take the first step on this path leading to comprehensive consciousness and the vision associated with it. This new spiritual vision may become a reality for many in the very near future.

Etheric body located around the physical. It is otherwise called an aura or an electromagnetic field. Sometimes it is called the etheric twin. This name did not appear by chance. The fact is that the etheric body completely repeats the physical body. It seems to be his outline, an exact cast.

The etheric subtle body is a storehouse of energy. All the forces that are necessary for the functioning of the physical body are concentrated inside it. They are responsible for our feelings, thoughts, life itself. Thanks to the etheric body, the flesh receives universal energy, develops, and grows spiritually. Even our illnesses begin, oddly enough, with changes in the aura. And only after they have already been formed at the energetic level, we begin to feel them physically.

Psychics and healers know: if you influence the etheric body correctly, you can change a person’s destiny, cure him of diseases, and correct negative behavior patterns. Why is this possible? Because the aura is a subtle biofield that passes through the entire body and interacts with other biofields. Finally, it contains the so-called meridians. These are unique channels through which energy from the Universe enters the body.

Ordinary people who are not endowed with supernatural powers cannot see the etheric body. In order to recognize it, it will take years of training, spiritual practices, and also a great desire. The most amazing thing is that the invisible, it turns out, belongs to our physical world. Yes, yes, the etheric body also consists of matter. But why then does the human eye not see it? The fact is that the frequency at which the aura operates is much higher than the frequencies of matter. That is why we can only sense the etheric body on an intuitive level. Those who have seen the aura describe it as a dense fog that surrounds the flesh at a distance of three to ten centimeters.

The ethereal twin is responsible for transmitting emotions, thoughts, and spiritual information to the body from other subtle bodies. It is his work that is hidden under the concept of “intuition”. Everything that happens in the etheric body is a very subtle and complex process. We can't observe it. An ordinary person can only see the consequences of this work. These are the thoughts that appear in his head, the actions that he unconsciously performs, the clues that come to him on an intuitive level.

The etheric body is a conductor of the energy of the sun and earth. The first comes to him through the chakra located in the solar plexus area, the second - through the root chakra. Next, the energy disperses (just like blood through the veins and vessels) through other chakras and meridians and enters the body. Thanks to the combination of the energy of the sun and the earth, the body's cells are able to live and breathe.

Sometimes it turns out that the amount of incoming energy is more than the body needs. In this case, excess energy leaves the flesh through the pores of the skin and chakras. Excess energy does not go into the Universe, it remains in the human aura, creating that same etheric body. The aura is a very powerful energy shield that protects a person from diseases, bacteria, viruses, and harmful substances. In addition, it emits energy into the environment and interacts with the biofields of other living beings.

Professionals who study the aura have long discovered that a person with a healthy aura cannot contract any disease from the outside. The protective layer simply prevents germs and viruses from entering the body. If the disease does strike, it means that the cause lies within the person himself. These may be negative thoughts leading to insomnia, severe stressful situations, bad habits(drinking, smoking, drug addiction), unhealthy lifestyle. By the way, the disease can even provoke a long-term denial of your body what it wants. In other words, if you really want something sweet, it’s better to forget about diets and eat candy before your body becomes depressed.

All of the above sooner or later leads to a change in the etheric body. The fact is that an exhausted body, under constant stress, requires a huge amount of energy. And he begins to literally suck it out of the etheric body. As a result, the etheric twin becomes thinner and small holes form in it. If you look closely at the energy shield at this moment, you will notice that it has become uneven and distorted. He seems to be unstable, just like his owner. The negative result affects very quickly. Through the resulting gaps, viruses from outside enter the body, penetrate negative energy hostile biofields.

The worst thing is different. Through disturbed areas of the etheric body, vitality leaves the body. important energy. A person becomes less strong, constantly wants to sleep, and becomes weak. If you notice these leaks in time (and this can only be done by people with special abilities), you can prevent serious illnesses and global (negative) changes in fate.

Etheric body is not only a source of energy, but also a kind of transmitter of information between the flesh and higher subtle bodies. Thus, our feelings and thoughts, passing through the etheric body, enter the mental and astral bodies. Information and energy also flow from them to the body. When the etheric double is weakened, this connection weakens and is often completely broken. In this case, a person may lose interest in life, he loses the opportunity to experience sincere feelings. All that remains is the flesh, which mechanically consumes food, moves, and works. At the same time, this flesh has no goals in life.

Psychics have long noticed that etheric bodies are very receptive to thoughts transmitted through mental bodies. That is why they advise people with health problems to work with mantras, mentally formulate positive attitudes towards recovery and repeat them.

The etheric body is the second body and the first sentient body. It is also called the body aura. It is shaped like the physical body, which is why it is sometimes called the “etheric twin” or the “inner physical body.”

Aura - Etheric body

Within the etheric body are the forces that form the physical body, the life energy that creates movement, and all the physical senses. The human physical body receives nourishment, develops and exists thanks to this subtle energy field; diseases begin to develop in it, which then manifest themselves on the physical level. Therefore, by influencing the etheric body, it is possible to influence physical states, since the etheric body is a subtle biofield that passes through all matter. This subtle body is responsible for the overall health of a person and various activities. It contains meridians through which vital energies are transmitted and charge the body.

Although the etheric body is not accessible to ordinary observation (however, with some effort, one can develop the ability to see it), it is composed of matter and belongs to the physical world. It is invisible because its vibrations have a higher frequency than the vibrations of matter. Often we unconsciously absorb it and absorb it into ourselves. It is described as a nebulous substance surrounding the body at a distance of 2.5-10 cm.

The etheric body carries emotions (which influence and are influenced by the emotional body), thoughts and intuition (which connect to the mental body), and spiritual information. Ultimately, the overall result is expressed in the material world.

The etheric body receives its energy from the sun through the solar plexus chakra and from the earth through the root chakra. It stores these energies and feeds them to the physical body through chakras and meridians. These two forms of energy - the energy of the sun and the energy of the earth - ensure the life and sustainable respiration of the body's cells. When the body's need for energy is satisfied, the etheric body releases excess energy through the chakras and pores of the skin, and it flies away at a distance of 2.5-10 cm from the physical body. This creates an etheric aura around the body. The rays of energy emitted by the body envelop it in a protective layer. This layer protects the body from bacteria and viruses that carry diseases, as well as from harmful substances. At the same time, it radiates vital energy into the environment.

When studying the protective property that the etheric layer creates, it is not difficult to understand that when the etheric body is in optimal condition- or even falls short of it - a person is unlikely to get sick from any disease caused by external causes. The cause of the disease, if any, will come from within: unpleasant thoughts, negative emotions, unbalanced, stressed unhealthy image life, ignoring the needs of the body, consuming harmful substances such as nicotine and alcohol, and so on.

All this leads to a weakening of the etheric body and absorbs the energy stored in it, due to which the protective shell becomes thinner and a “window” is gradually formed through which diseases with external causes can pass. This is how “weakened” areas and “holes” are formed in the aura. The flow of energy emanating from the body to create a kind of energy shield around it does not appear smooth, but distorted, disordered and unbalanced. This is how voids, holes, or, on the contrary, centers are created in the human aura, in which a large amount of energy accumulates and is retained. In this condition, negative energy and various diseases caused by external factors, viruses and bacteria can penetrate into the human physical body.

Meanwhile, the problem does not end there: vital energy can “leak” through holes in the energy shield. This makes it possible to identify disease states by observing or sensing the etheric body before they manifest in the physical body. Moreover, it is possible to treat them while they exist only in the etheric body.

The etheric body connects higher order energy bodies with the physical body. It transmits information that is perceived by our physical senses to the mental and astral bodies and at the same time carries out the transfer of energy and information from higher bodies to physical body. When the energy of the etheric body weakens, this connection is disrupted, and a person can become indifferent, lose mental interests, and become impoverished emotionally.

The etheric body, like the physical body, responds well to thoughts that are transmitted through the mental (conceptual) body. For this reason, working with mantras or positive attitudes has such a powerful effect on the health of the body.

Kirlian photography showed that plants, especially trees and flowers, emit energy very similar to that emitted by the etheric body. This is apparently one of the reasons why plants in different types and forms so effectively help us replenish our energy reserves. This energy can be found in aromatic oils, Bach flowers and various medicinal herbs. When a person is outdoors, the plant kingdom pours its beneficial energy onto him, which strengthens and renews his strength.