How to protect yourself from foul odor. The smell of the soul. Why does a person smell bad?

Summer. Heat. Stuffy rooms. Even air conditioners often don't help. In transport, taxis and just on the streets of the city there are many sweating men and women who smell terrible. How I don’t want to be like those women who smell like that! It’s very annoying and amazing when you see a woman, pretty, dressed up, with makeup and manicure, and then you find yourself next to her and realize that she smells…. Then. And this despite the fact that according to her appearance It’s immediately clear that she spent more than one hour in the salon and spent a lot of money on her clothes! It remains a mystery to me, how can you leave them at home if you smell like that? Is it really that difficult to shower and use deodorant? I'm incapable of this. I can’t wrap my head around this, I keep sniffing myself suspiciously all the time. But I take a shower every morning and use deodorant.

I know a lot of stories told by my colleagues, girlfriends and friends about how families are destroyed, it is impossible to build a career, and normal relationships with people simply become impossible. Before my eyes, one of my colleagues had to leave her job precisely because the attitude of the employees became unbearable for her. She is not at all stupid and quite a pretty young woman, but she did not use deodorant. Never. Being in the same room with her was unbearable. But everyone was silent, the topic is delicate - you can offend a person. But the men still couldn’t resist and gave her deodorant on March 8th. And then she understood everything. The smell of sweat disappeared, and two weeks later she quit. This unpleasant situation could have been avoided if only she had used antiperspirant. This is not at all difficult and requires minimal investment of time and money. For example, stories like this scare me and make me think.

But... According to a study conducted by GFK, only 52% of Russian families buy women's deodorant! It turns out that 48% of Russian women do not use deodorants at all. Now it’s clear where this terrible smell comes from, which regularly overtakes us in transport, in the elevator, in the office, in the supermarket! 40% of families buy women's deodorant once a year (even though one bottle lasts for 3-4 months if used every day). This is also a very shocking statistic. It also turns out that our compatriots use deodorants on special occasions. Do you think sex with the man you love is a special occasion? Probably yes, if it happens twice a year. But in fact, this happens much more often! For example, English women use deodorant 8 times more often than you and I, and German women use 6 times more often. Do they sweat that much? I don’t think so, because their climate is moderate, and in England it always rains. Here the matter is different. Maybe we are just not used to following the rules of daily hygiene? But this is simply necessary.

There is a myth that only people with metabolic disorders smell of sweat, but this is not true at all. Sweating is an important process of thermoregulation of the body. A healthy person must sweat. Moreover, sweat is released through almost the entire surface of the skin. But sweat itself has no odor: it consists of 99% water and 1% minerals! Where then does this come from? bad smell? It turns out that from some secluded places, for example, from the armpit area, sweat does not evaporate for a long time, and bacteria live and multiply in it, which is why the sweat acquires such a specific smell. Taking a shower every day is not enough to get rid of sweat odor. Some measures need to be taken.

Today, the most common way to combat the smell of sweat is deodorant. But cosmetology does not stand still, and medical centers offer a new service - Botox injections in the armpit area. I found this interesting and decided to make inquiries. It turned out that everything is not as simple as we would like. The first thing the cosmetologist told me over the phone was that neither Botox nor an operation with a complex name can help to finally get rid of the smell of sweat. That the validity period of a Botox injection is a maximum of 6 months, and it costs from 20 thousand rubles. But to prevent you from smelling sweat, you will still have to use deodorant every day. At least that's what cosmetologists say. It turns out that, nevertheless, it is cheaper and more reliable to use a long-proven method - antiperspirant.

Why isn't just a daily shower enough to get rid of the terrible smell of sweat? The answer is simple: showering does not help deal with the cause of sweat odor - bacteria. Only an antiperspirant, which is designed to combat them, is capable of this. It must be applied dry clean skin underarms, immediately after shower. And this is the only guarantee that the smell of sweat will not cause trouble. Moreover, now there are a lot of different deodorants - sprays, sticks, roll-ons, mini-antiperspirants, with different scents and additives for different purposes. Agree, there is room for choice and experimentation. By the way, according to statistics, today every third woman in Russia uses Rexona antiperspirants. "Rexona" is the No. 1 antiperspirant in the world, has proven its leadership in Russia, and is the favorite brand of Russian women who trust these antiperspirants to take care of their beauty. By the way, I also use Rexona, and it has never let me down. In general, I relaxed and calmed down, now I know for sure that I am always impeccable, and the men around me confirm this. But still, I really want to tell our women: “Stop ruining the lives of yourself and those around you, use antiperspirants! Be on top!”

It may appear indoors for various reasons. It can fill the entire apartment or concentrate in only one room. It becomes unpleasant to be in the room. This can ruin the mood of the owners of the house.

There is no need to despair. There are many ways to get rid of unpleasant odors of various types. Professional advice will help with this. in the house on your own, will be discussed later.

Root cause

In search of a solution to the problem, how to remove smell in the apartment, it is necessary to find the root cause of this unpleasant phenomenon. Depending on the factor contributing to the spread of stench throughout the apartment, a method of combating this phenomenon is developed.

Finding the source of an unpleasant odor is sometimes easy. But sometimes you can spend a lot of time and effort before the cause is discovered. First you need to perform a series of actions. You should check the trash can. Perhaps the day before the owners threw spoiled food into it. It gives off a stench. It is also recommended to check the ashtray and toilet of your pet.

In some cases, it will be necessary to clean ventilation or sewer pipes. If the cause of the smell is not found, you will need to walk around the premises and inspect the carpeting. You need to inspect the oven, refrigerator, microwave, dish sponges and other similar items. The technology for eliminating stench depends on what item is emitting an unpleasant odor.

Ways to fight

Considering ways how to remove cat smell , cigarette smoke absorbed into all objects, etc., you should familiarize yourself with all possible options. The first approach to combating this unpleasant phenomenon is to use special aerosols. They do not eliminate the cause, but only mask the smell. It should be noted that such substances can cause headaches, asthma attacks and other physical disorders.

To effectively deal with stench, you need to find the cause. Only by eliminating it can you get rid of this phenomenon forever. The indoor microclimate will become healthy again. In most cases, you can solve the problem yourself.

Sometimes the appearance of an unpleasant odor can be caused by reasons that cannot be eliminated on your own. For example, the owners of an apartment rented it out to tenants. After the residents moved out, it turned out that they had been smoking in the apartment for a long time. Cigarette smoke permeated the walls, finishing materials and furniture. In this case, only professionals will help. They will treat the apartment with special substances. The cost of such a service is about 3 thousand rubles. for an apartment.

Eliminating the source of odor

There are several ways how to remove odor at home. First of all, you need to determine what caused this problem. By smell you can determine which things and interior items most likely emit a stench. If there is a moldy smell, you need to wash all your clothes and bedding. If there is fungus on the walls, it must be removed.

If an unpleasant odor comes from the drain, it needs to be cleaned. For this purpose, special chemicals are used. You can add a few tablespoons of baking soda to the drains and then pour vinegar over them. After the mixture reacts, you will need to rinse everything off with warm water. All plumbing fixtures should be thoroughly washed.

Upholstery and carpets should be thoroughly vacuumed. If necessary, treat foul-smelling fabric by special means. The trash needs to be thrown out. The bucket must be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Kitchen appliances should be thoroughly washed if they are the cause of the odor. You may also need to give your pet a bath. Very often they are the cause of the smell.

Urine smell

Sometimes the room may smell like urine. There are many reasons for this. To understand how to remove urine smell, it is necessary to determine the cause and then promptly eliminate it. The faster you remove the stain, the less the fabric, carpet or other surfaces will become saturated with such an odor.

When choosing a product, you should also consider the root cause of the odor. For example, a child's urine will not emit a strong odor. However, this statement does not apply to repeated soaking of the fabric. If urine repeatedly gets on the sofa or bed, the smell can become quite strong. It is advisable to cover furniture with oilcloth. Urine will not be able to saturate the fabric.

If the oilcloth was not laid on the sofa, and the trouble has already occurred, you need to take laundry soap. Use a sponge to treat the surface. If the stain is old, you can soap the fabric with soap without a sponge. After 20 minutes, the treated area should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water. The surface of the furniture needs to be dried.

Pet Urine Smell

Pet owners may have a question: how to remove urine smell your pet. This is a rather pungent odor that is difficult to remove. Especially if the stain was left by an adult cat. In this case, you will need to not only remove the smell, but also make sure that the animal does not repeat this action again.

If your pet went to the toilet in the wrong place, you will need to mix 0.5 liters of water with 100 ml of vinegar. Protective gloves should be worn on your hands. The surface is treated with the solution. After this, the fabric needs to be dried with a hairdryer. After this, the treated surface should be sprinkled with soda.

Next, mix water and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. You need to add dishwashing detergent (0.5 teaspoon) to the mixture. Using a spray bottle, apply the product to the baking soda. The product will foam. This will take about a minute. Then the surface is left for 1 hour. Afterwards the fabric must be cleaned with a brush or wet wipe. To prevent the animal from going to the toilet again on the sofa, you need to lay out several lemon or orange peels here.

Unpleasant smell in the kitchen

Some owners ask how to remove bad odor in the kitchen. It can be caused by certain foods, such as fish, garlic, and onions. They are absorbed into the surface of the tabletop and the skin of the hostess’s hands. Odors from dishes and surfaces can be easily eliminated using dishwashing detergent. You can rub your hands with salt and then wash it off with soapy water.

If an unpleasant odor has filled the entire kitchen area and you need to get rid of it quickly, you can boil water and vinegar on the stove in an open pan. After this, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room. You can roast coffee beans. This is a strong flavor. It won't eliminate, but it will mask the smell.

If the cause of the stench is the refrigerator, it should be thoroughly washed with a mixture of water and vinegar, and spoiled food should be thrown away. Next, black bread (cut into pieces) is laid out on the shelves. You can place an open packet of baking soda inside the refrigerator.

You can eliminate the smell inside the bread bin using water with citric acid. The interior is wiped with the solution.

Smell of tobacco

In some cases, home owners may be interested in how to quickly remove odor tobacco, smoke. If the room is smoky or some food is burnt on the stove, you should open the windows. You need to place wet towels in different places in the room. Wet fabric quickly absorbs smoke and tobacco smoke.

If the room is smoky, you need to open the windows and light a few candles. Hot air will lift the smoke upward, speeding up the convection process. Smoke will escape through the open window. At the same time fresh air will fill the room faster. In the kitchen, you can turn on the stove and hood for the same purpose. Chad and smoke quickly leave the room.

This method will allow you to quickly get rid of the smell in one go. If people constantly smoke in the room, you won’t be able to remove the yellow stains and acrid stench on your own. You will need to call specialists.

Unpleasant smell in the bathroom

Choosing a method how to remove smell from an apartment, You need to pay attention to such a room as a bathroom. Such troubles appear here quite often. If appropriate action is not taken in time, the stench will spread to other rooms.

To quickly get rid of the problem, you will need to place about 25 tablets of activated carbon inside the bathroom and toilet. They need to be changed once a month. You can also pour coffee beans into a small glass. They need to be placed in the corners of the room. You need to change coffee beans every day.

In addition to the above approaches, you should thoroughly wash the room with soapy water. If the smell comes from the plumbing, it needs to be cleaned and washed well. If a pet toilet is installed in the bathroom, you should wash the area under and around it with bleach. After this, the product is washed off generously with warm water. You cannot wash the tray in which the cat goes to the toilet and the area near it at the same time. If the smell is completely removed, the animal may stop going to the toilet here.

Chemical smell

Synthetic odors can be harmful to health. They are emitted by pieces of furniture and low-quality finishing materials. They harm the health of people in the room. How to remove smell from a sofa, linoleum, chipboard and other surfaces, expert advice will help.

It is recommended to install a photocatalytic filter in the room where the chemical smell appears. It is a titanium oxide plate. It is irradiated with ultraviolet rays. Such a filter will allow you to get rid of not only harmful chemical odors, but also various viruses and bacteria.

The presented device must work around the clock. If it is turned off, harmful substances from low-quality finishing materials or furniture will be released into the environment.

There are several more ways to get rid of unpleasant odors in different rooms. It is necessary to periodically ventilate the room. This will help maintain a healthy microclimate. The room must be entered sun rays. You can grow flowers in your room that purify the air. These are, for example, dracaena, climbing plants, ivy and indoor palm.

Considering how to remove smell from carpet, there are several to consider folk recipes. They advise using regular soda. It is poured onto carpets, sofas, chairs and armchairs. After 30 minutes, the surfaces must be thoroughly vacuumed.

Vinegar and charcoal placed in different parts of the apartment also effectively combat this unpleasant phenomenon.


Choosing a method how to remove smell, should be considered various options flavorings. They are able to mask the stench. However, they are used only after the cause of the problem has been identified and eliminated.

Purchased aerosols can be used as flavoring agents. As mentioned above, this is not the safest way for health. You can make your own flavoring. In the kitchen, place a pot of water on the stove. You put your favorite herbs and spices in it. You can add lemon or orange peel to the water. Basil, cranberries, ginger, and bay leaves are suitable for such purposes. The aroma from the kitchen will fill the entire apartment.

Suddenly you notice a pungent smell, immediately put blessed salt on a heated frying pan and read a prayer over it (preferably against spoilage).

Plant crease- This is also a type of damage. If you see plants in your garden or vegetable garden that seem to be twisted into a knot, then do not touch them with your hands. Go around them three times clockwise, cross them three times, sprinkle with blessed water and sprinkle with salt, then carefully cut them off, trying not to touch them with your hands, take them outside your area and burn them with prayer, being careful not to get caught in the smoke. Read the Lord's Prayer and say : “Your business - yes to your body”.

It happens that in front of your windows you can see such twists on trees, bushes; Hair, threads, rags, etc. may be twisted. Do the same in this case.

Signs of a crease are a feeling of fear, constant scandals, frequent illnesses... Go through the pillows and feather beds, everything that you find in them (and this can be feathers, bones, earth, grains, needles - mostly tied with threads in the form of a wreath, this is also a hall), burn it outside the house and with prayer, but try not to get caught in the smoke of what is being burned.

If you you feel uncomfortable in the house, then carefully check all the corners. You can find soil, needles, and other debris. Take everything you find out of the house and burn it with prayer.

It happens that damage is caused via letters. If you notice that when you receive a letter from a certain addressee, you feel unwell, scandals or some events are happening in the family, then, having received another letter from this addressee, burn it without opening it, with prayer. This way you will save yourself and your family from troubles.

In a women's group, women often ask each other to try on something or wear perfume and lipstick. Politely refuse them. Firstly, it is unhygienic, and secondly, damage can be done to you.

And sometimes strangers ask you for a drink of water. Do not under any circumstances allow you to drink from your family mugs, because scandals may break out in the family. Give someone a drink from a can or from a mug that you don't use. This does not mean that everyone who asks wants to damage you, but it is still better to be careful.

It happens that you are offered a drink. Be careful in such cases. Cross your mouth three times before accepting the treat.

A lot of damage is usually done at weddings. Be careful. Try to avoid this so you don’t have to suffer for the rest of your life.

In the old days, the groom carried the bride over the threshold in his arms. This was done so that she would not step on damage that could be placed under the threshold.

Sometimes, after getting married, you suddenly discover that something is happening to you and your loved ones. It turns out that either the husband is a sorcerer, or the wife is a witch. To prevent this from happening to you, go to church in advance, before the wedding. There you need to defend the service and receive communion. If the future wife or husband does not want to take the sacrament, then they are doing “dirty” things.

It may happen that they go under the sacrament, but do not swallow it, but put it under their tongue and then spit it out somewhere at a crossroads. Be careful.

If you are getting married in a church, also be careful, under no circumstances allow anyone to pass between you. This is done in order to family life yours was short-lived.

Have a wedding only after the harvest.

You cannot get married on major church holidays.

Young people should be careful with food, because it is through it that they can cause damage.

Never get married until a year has passed since the death of your mother or father.

Try not to get married on a leap year or in the month of May.

Before the wedding, be sure to go to church, confess and receive communion.

To protect young people from damage, put rowan leaves in their shoes and the fruits in their pockets.

Before the newlyweds sit down at the wedding table, check that nothing has been poured or poured on their chairs or under the chairs and that no one is sitting in their places.

Do not give anyone the towel on which the newlyweds stood during the wedding ceremony, as well as the tablecloth from the table at which they sat.

Do not let anyone into the room where the newlyweds will have their wedding night.

Sprinkle the wedding bed and room of the newlyweds three times in the shape of a cross with consecrated water.

And if needles, earth, scattered wheat or anything else are found on the wedding bed, the newlyweds should under no circumstances lie down on this bed.

Most of the damage to infertility and impotence is done at weddings, be careful.

If a woman has been damaged by infertility, then in this case a tincture of Kirkazon seeds will help well: pour 50 g of Kirkazon seeds into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for ten days in a warm place. Take 1 teaspoon mixed with 100 ml of water 3 times a day.

If a man has been made impotent, 100 g of galangal roots should be poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 10 days and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

You can also boil carrots in water and eat them with the water in which they were boiled.

In general, at all kinds of celebrations: weddings, christenings, name days, etc., you need to be especially careful, because they are the easiest to damage.

Very often, many, when creating families, fascinate their chosen ones and chosen ones. They use ropes from the gallows, sweat, menstrual blood... Over time, such marriages fall apart. And very often in such families children are born with mental disorders.

Most often, women add menstrual blood to the glass of their chosen one, while reciting a special spell. The man develops a fever and begins vomiting.

Remember that enchanting or drying is a very big sin. And it won't bring you happiness. But you will have to answer for this. Think about this and draw appropriate conclusions.

Damage can wait for you where you don’t even think of getting it. Most often it is induced at crossroads. Never lift anything on the street, especially at intersections. Otherwise, you will bring trouble into your home. Many people transfer their illnesses and troubles to you through things.

And there are things said in rooms. Sometimes it’s a book, a pen, a pencil, gloves, or a hat “forgotten” by someone in the locker room, banknote or just trash.

There is also this type of damage when people come to women at night unclean and live with them sexual life. As a rule, this damage is done by one woman out of envy of another. After such “meetings,” a woman begins to melt away like a candle.

To prevent this from happening, sleep with a cross on your body, place pieces of incense at the four corners of the bed, hang an icon in the room and light a lamp before going to bed.

It happens that a person is infused with some kind of essence that does not give him peace. Such people are often called possessed. A person does not find a place for himself, does not know what to do, does not understand what is happening to him. And only by turning to God does he begin to see clearly.

A lot of damage is caused at the funeral, using this sad event to harm you.

First of all, remove all silver objects from the deceased so that the unclean do not disturb the body of the deceased (silver is used to fight evil spirits).

Perform your ablution with warm water, then put clean clothes and a cross on the deceased, if he was not wearing one.

Be careful with water after ablution: it also causes damage, so you need to dig a hole where people do not walk, and pour every last drop into the hole and cover it with earth.

Do not give this water to anyone, if they ask you for it, try not to spill it around the apartment so that those living in it do not get sick.

Do not place two needles crosswise on the lips of the deceased, supposedly to preserve the body from decomposition. This will not save the body, and the needles will definitely disappear, because they are used to cause damage.

It happens that wires are tied to the arms and legs of the deceased, which are lowered into a bucket of water standing under the coffin, supposedly for grounding. In fact, this water is used to cause damage.

The hands and feet of the deceased are tied; The ties must be untied and placed in the coffin before lowering the coffin into the grave. Otherwise, they are also used to cause damage.

Make sure that someone else's things are not placed on the deceased. If this happens, take them out and burn them.

Before burial, remove from the deceased wedding ring. This will save the widow (widower) from illness.

Do not put photographs in the coffin of the deceased. Otherwise, the one shown in the photo will get sick.

Do not put your clothes on the deceased, you will get sick.

It happens that they sprinkle you with earth from a grave, citing the fact that after this you will not be afraid of the dead. This is done to cause damage.

In the first seven days from the date of death of the deceased, do not take any things out of the house.

Do not take anything home from the cemetery.

It happens that damage is caused through flowers. They give you a bouquet of flowers that was lying on the grave overnight. These flowers will not bring you joy.

At a wake, do not drink from a glass poured for the deceased, no matter who advises you. And make sure that children do not drink water or eat food intended for the deceased.

After the death of a person, immediately order a magpie in the church, that is, daily commemoration at the Divine Liturgy.

Now many people are being treated by psychics, they themselves attend psychic courses, they treat their loved ones using their photographs, hoping that they will put barriers to evil forces and help get rid of envy, jealousy, failures in love and business. You will spend a lot of money, but will not get any benefit. Do not believe that you can be healed in several, or even in one session.

The most terrible spiritual intoxication now are sects. They take people, especially young people, away from their families, intoxicate them, bringing great grief to those close to them, sometimes force them to take things out of the house, instill in them hatred towards their loved ones, etc. Beware of this, turn your face to Orthodox Church, do not take sin on your soul.

Do not get carried away by spiritualism to find out your destiny without knowing the consequences. Engaging in spiritualism, that is, invoking spirits, is a great sin. This can end very sadly; sometimes the spirit can strangle the spiritist.

In church they may walk around you counterclockwise and poke their hand at you to suck the energy out of you. If this happens, hit the witch or sorcerer with your left hand so that the damage comes back.

The consecrated poppy protects well from witches and sorcerers. With its help, you can determine who is doing the damage. To do this, sprinkle this poppy in your office or room, witches and sorcerers will immediately leave, they will not be able to be there.

In every house and in every apartment there lives a brownie. They believe that the brownie is cousin trait. And yet it cannot be expelled, since it is an attribute of our everyday life, even to some extent a protector of the home.

At the same time, brownies and devils, as a rule, do not get along in the same apartment. If things begin to move around your apartment randomly or dishes break in the cupboards, and sometimes at night you hear some noise, it means that the brownie is at war with evil spirits.

And here you can help him, thereby making life easier for yourself.

Do not leave salt, pepper, garlic, onions and knives on the table or windowsills overnight. Hide them away in closets. The brownie can't stand them.

To appease him, on the night of February 10, leave a glass of wine, a slice of bread, a piece of lard and something sweet on the table. If the brownie accepts your treat, then the next morning you will notice traces of his feast, and you will feel how the atmosphere in the house will change.

It happens that a brownie crushes a person on the bed. You can directly feel his presence. To prevent it from bothering you, put thyme in your pillow.

The prayer “Our Father” can also help, during the reading of which you need to baptize not only yourself, but also the brownie.

Sometimes during a visit the brownie tries to tell you something. Try to ask him the question: “For worse or for better?” You will hear in response: “Hu...”, which means he is warning you of some kind of misfortune. If he is silent, then everything will be fine.

Among the brownies there are also evil ones who do more harm than good. It's best to get rid of them. To do this, invite a priest to consecrate your home three times.

Related information.

Please tell me if the unpleasant smell that suddenly appears out of nowhere could be caused by spoilage. I heard it myself before unpleasant odors, which appeared and disappeared, but yesterday our whole family heard the terrible smell of cat urine, BUT THERE IS NO CAT IN THE HOUSE!!. They ventilated everything and looked through it, but the source was never found, then the smell disappeared just as it appeared, suddenly and completely

Maria, good afternoon.

The first thought that comes to mind after reading your letter concerns your fear of damage. You are ready to pay attention simply to the smell, but not to any facts indicating a real otherworldly threat.

Perhaps you have some experience, have encountered the evil eye and damage before, or simply feel afraid for some reason. Well, are there any reasons?

The fact is that a person who suddenly smells an unusual smell that is not typical for a given room will most likely want to contact the utility workers, because they are the ones responsible for the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the house.

The smell of cat urine and their hormonal marks is generally intense and persistent, and it is very difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, it is likely that in the basement of your house the cats have set up a hostel with amenities, as they say, wherever they need it. And one day the ventilation duct refused to perform its direct functions and the “aroma” spread far beyond its source.

It makes sense for you to talk to your neighbors to see if anything similar happened in their apartments.

On the other hand, inducing damage and the evil eye, although very rare, can still be accompanied by certain odors. Do not think that black conspiracies are accompanied by the smell of sulfur, not at all. But most often you can smell something burnt, a burnt cork or something similar.

Cleaning the house

Therefore, in parallel with interviewing neighbors, it would be good to conduct a ritual of cleansing your home. So, first of all, go to church and ask the priest to come and consecrate the house. Before he appears in the house, walk around the entire house with a lit church candle, bringing the fire to every corner and bend of the walls. Make sure there are no drafts. If everything is in order, the candle will burn calmly and evenly. If the candle light begins to tremble and crackle, it makes sense to rejoice that the priest will soon appear and set things right.

After the consecration of your house, at night closer to 12 o’clock, open all the windows, even if it’s cold, read a prayer you know and say the phrase:

“How the fresh wind blows through my house,
So let the air in the house be cleansed from all evil spirits, from bad words and evil slander.”

Then close all the windows and go to bed. But you should not drink or eat anything until the morning, and for all members of your family. I assure you that bad smells will no longer bother you. Well, unless it’s a matter of ventilation.