How to win at table hockey. How to learn to play hockey: playing technique, necessary skills and abilities, tips. A hockey goalie's equipment consists of:

STIGA table hockey is a game that requires special attention and some knowledge. On the one hand, table hockey is just a plastic toy, on the other hand, it is a rather complex mechanism that requires preparation before starting the game and some care to extend its service life.

On the website Russian Federation A whole section of table hockey is devoted to this topic:

  • Repair and operation of table hockey on the RFH website

But over time, the view on many issues related to site preparation changes. We, with the help of our experts, will help you understand the nuances of the STIGA standard, which is the official game of the ITHF (International Table Hockey Federation).

Alexey Krinov, one of the organizers of the MLNH, who has a diploma in mechanical engineering, an impressive work experience with a degree in design engineering and extensive experience in “communicating” with glades when purchasing and preparing table hockey for tournaments, brings to your attention the author’s series of stories and advice.


Notes of mechanical engineer Alexey Krinov


So, what is table hockey? First of all, it is a mechanism and therefore requires certain preparation and prevention for reliable operation. In addition, there are a number of requirements that must be observed when preparing hockey for table hockey competitions.

Where does table hockey preparation begin? For brevity, we will call it the term “clearing”, which is familiar in player circles. Of course, from the purchase. You can buy it in Russia in several ways:

  • firstly, by contacting the RFH:
  • secondly, in the SPORTMASTER store:
  • thirdly, in the online store (Google can help you)
  • fourthly, and this, in my opinion, is a very good option - to go to a table hockey competition in Latvia and buy a new field from the organizers for 50 euros. Why is it cheaper there? Latvia is located within the EU, so the price there does not take into account our Russian surcharge for customs clearance.
  • fifthly, at RFNKh tournaments you can buy a used clearing that has already undergone pre-tournament preparation. Prices vary depending on the number of tournaments held in the clearing from 2000 rubles. up to 4000 rub.

But in any case, it is necessary to pay attention to the absence of possible defects. Table hockey - no sports equipment, manufactured to strict standards, and a toy. And the attitude of the manufacturer, unfortunately, is corresponding.

You can’t grab the first box offered and, squealing joyfully, jump home. You are a serious person and should behave accordingly. Do you remember? This especially applies to an online store. I signed for receipt, which means there were no visible defects. But this is not always the case.

Let's start checking the product. Open the box and check the contents...


Did you run away? Sorry, I didn’t warn you, if you’re going to play table hockey with friends over a beer once a month, then you don’t need to bother preparing the clearing. It will happily lie on the cabinet in a box for twenty years and die a natural death due to the trivial aging of the plastic. If you want to give her a bright life, full of “starters”, “coconuts”, “nails”, “maltsev” and other enchanting combinations, then read on.

A small digression. I in no way claim to be a pioneer in the field of clearing preparation. Almost everything was invented before I even picked up the Stygi poles. This is my personal experience.

As I already said, table hockey from an engineer’s point of view is a mechanism. The main enemies of any mechanism are shock loads, friction and dirt. My goal is to reduce the influence of these factors as much as possible.

So, shock loads.

Hawkers are reckless and are not always able to stop the movement of their hands in time. As a result, they have damage to both the fingers and the clearing. Hockey designers did not anticipate such fanaticism and did not provide sufficiently reliable limiters. The most damaged areas are the ends of the center forward and left back lanes (see photo below).

With the help of erasers we will correct the shortcomings of the Swedes.

To avoid damaging the ice during modifications, carefully remove the cover and hide it in the box. Be careful - the ice is glued to the frame at several points with an unknown substance...


Stiga “loves” its consumers very much and does not let them get bored!

Last season, rubber bands twisted (sometimes at the very first tournament) and glade bodies were deformed. As soon as we learned to deal with this, the restless producers of our favorite game threw up new problems.

The first is “biting” the mechanisms.
The reasons for this have been identified, but a complete correction of the defect, other than replacing the mechanism, has not yet been achieved. Attempts continue.

The second is “pulling out” the poles from the gears.
The reasons are banal (my opinion). This is the manufacturer’s desire to reduce the cost of the product by using cheaper (and, as a result, lower quality) plastic. Plus the natural wear of the tool (knurling).

Table hockey is considered to be a “gentleman’s sport.” Its popularity has reached such proportions that since 1989, along with regular hockey, official World Championships have been held, where the best team of the tournament is selected. Accordingly, a clear set of rules has been developed for competitions of this level, which are also suitable for home competitions.

Preparing for the game

The rules of playing table hockey begin with preparation for the tournament. Before starting the competition you should check the following:

  • the hockey field must be firmly installed on a flat surface or table at a comfortable height for the players;
  • the plastic protective recesses must be removed from both gates;
  • Hockey players' sticks are all turned to one side;
  • And one more rule, mandatory for all participants: honesty and a good, sporting mood. This is the key to an interesting and exciting fight.

Match rules

Here are the basic match rules that are used in international competitions. They can be adjusted according to your wishes:

  • The duration of each match is 5 minutes. Time is not paused even if the puck leaves the hockey rink. The duration is monitored using an audio timer;
  • Every match starts with the puck in center ice. Goals begin to be counted only from 4 seconds after the start sound signal;
  • a goal is counted only if the puck does not fly out of the playing field. Otherwise, the competition continues without stopping; You can only score goals with a stick: goals scored with your body do not count;
  • Possession of the puck is prohibited unless there is an active attempt to score a goal. This equates to passive behavior on the field. In this case, the opponent must say "passive play" and the second player must change the method of attack. Otherwise, a throw-in may be called for. To deal with such situations, it is best to have a neutral referee who will honestly assess the situation and make the right decision.

Cases when the game can be interrupted

The rules of table hockey mean some cases when the battle can be temporarily stopped. They are associated with all non-standard situations: breakdowns, displacement of the goal, the appearance of an extra puck on the playing field, as well as other distracting moments. It is important to remember that a player who is temporarily unable to continue the battle must loudly say the word “stop” - because the enemy may not notice the reason why the game should be paused.

The lost time is added to the duration of the match and is played out after the end of the main match. The game resumes from the position in which it was stopped. Goals scored during the interrupted time do not count. Although it is possible to interrupt the game, opponents must understand that there must be a valid reason for doing so, otherwise the results of the match will be unfair.

If you want to buy table hockey for yourself or as a gift, then right now!

1. Players must adhere to the following Player Code of Conduct.

All players must behave fairly and in a good sportsmanship manner in all situations. Table Hockey is a sport played with a true sense of fairness, ethics and respect.

2. Game Model and Glade Preparation

2.1. STIGA fields must be used to play

2.2. The plastic recesses in the gates must be removed.

2.3. The fields must be fixed on the table.

2.4. Coating speed should be maintained at factory speed.

2.5. A player is allowed to place a puck deflector into the opponent's goal. In this case, the player must also provide the opportunity for his opponent to use the reflector, that is, have the same reflector with him for the second goal.

3. Game Pieces

3.1. For the game, the pieces of the PLAY-OFF version of the STIGA company must be used (all figures have a stick on one side).

3.2. The ITHF may permit the use of other versions of STIGA figures if there are compelling reasons for doing so.

4.1. The match lasts five (5) minutes.

4.2. Game time continues to run even if the puck has left the playing field.

4.3. All matches must use an audio timer.

4.4. A clear and unmistakable signal (music or sound warning) indicating the imminent start of the match must be given at any time no earlier than 30 and no later than 15 seconds before the start of the match. The audio timer must sound unambiguous signals at certain intervals (either thirds of the match time or every minute of the match); the music shall indicate the last thirty (30) seconds of the match. The match ends with a clear signal indicating the end of the game.

4.5. If the match is stopped, the game starts from the score at which the match was stopped.

4.6. If a player is not in front of the field ready to play within thirty (30) seconds of the start of the game, he/she will automatically lose the match by the score specified in the competition rules.

4.7. If a player refuses to continue during a match and his opponent insists on continuing, he/she automatically forfeits all goals scored during the match, while the opponent may add an additional five (5) goals to his/her score.

4.8. During knockout matches, if there is a tie after five (5) minutes, overtime will occur. Overtime begins with a throw-in. The winner of the match is the one who scores the first goal (sudden death).

5. Throw-ins

5.1. All matches start with the puck in the center of the ice. The game begins with the starting signal. If one player moves the puck before the signal, a face-off occurs.

5.2. Throw-ins are performed by releasing the puck over the center of the ice.

5.3. The center and left defensemen must be on the player's side of the ice (closer to the red center line), outside the center circle, before a face-off can take place, and may not touch the released puck before it touches the ice surface.

5.4. The puck must be released from a height of approximately five (5) centimeters above the heads of the figures, with the releasing hand remaining stationary and both players must be able to see the puck before releasing it. The flat side of the washer should face down.

5.5. Before releasing the puck, the player must ensure that the opponent is ready to play. If the throw-in was not completed correctly, the opponent may request a new throw-in or perform the throw-in himself. If a player makes a lot of invalid throw-ins in a knockout game, his opponent may request a neutral throw-in.

5.6. Three (3) seconds must elapse after the throw-in before a goal can be scored. This rule remains in effect even if the throw-in is performed by a neutral participant.

5.7. Before a goal can be scored from a throw-in, one of the following must occur:

(a) the puck touches the boards.

(b) three seconds after the throw-in

(c) a meaningful pass is made to the center forward. If it is not obvious whether the center forward received the pass by accident or as a result of a meaningful pass, the defending player (or the referee if assigned to the game) can decide whether to allow the center forward to attack the goal directly. If it is decided that the center forward cannot directly attack the goal, a goal can only be scored in accordance with (a) or (b).

5.8. When a playoff game goes into overtime, the players may ask a neutral to take the faceoffs, or they may agree to an alternative method of putting the pucks in play: the neutral will place the puck in center ice, ask both players to signal "ready" "), and then says "go".

6. Scoring (goal)

6.1. For a goal to count, the puck must remain inside the goal. If the puck leaves the goal, the goal does not count and play continues without interruption.

6.2. The puck must be removed from the puck container (if there is one in the goal) before the next faceoff.

6.3. A goal scored by pressing a stationary puck against the goal net or the goalkeeper of the attacking player is not counted if, on its way into the goal, the puck does not touch the boards or one of the pieces other than the goalkeeper of the defending player. This rule also applies if the stationary puck does not touch the goal net at the beginning of the pressing movement.

6.4. It is not allowed to score a goal with the body of the figure (not the stick) after handling the puck. However, a goal scored with a piece's right foot counts if it was used as a stick (i.e. by turning the piece). A goal scored by the body of a figure is counted if the puck was not stopped (handled) by this figure.

6.5. If a goal is scored during the final buzzer, it does not count.

6.6. If any piece or goalkeeper breaks while a goal is being scored, the goal is counted.

6.7. A goal scored by moving the entire field does not count.

7. Gate Area Rule

7.1. If the puck is completely stationary, touching the goal line, and not touching the goalie, the defending player may call a "block" and a throw-in will occur.

7.2. If the puck is completely stationary, in the goal crease, but not touching the goal line, the defending player must continue play.

8. Rule of Possession

8.1. Possession of the puck is prohibited unless there is a visible attempt to score a goal. This behavior is seen as passive play.

8.2. If there is a tendency to play passively, the opponent can give a warning by saying "passive play". Within three seconds of the warning, the player with the puck must either shoot at the goal or pass to the center, otherwise his opponent will receive a face-off. In this situation, within three seconds after the warning, it is possible to make other passes before passing to the center or shooting at goal.

8.3. If the puck is in the possession of one piece without passing or shooting, a warning may not be given until five (5) seconds have passed. Within one (1) second of a legitimate warning, the puck must be in the control zone of at least one of the opponent's pieces, otherwise the opponent may call "stop" and call a throw-in. If a referee is present at the match, he can use a special timer that sounds after 5 and 6 seconds respectively: in this case, the referee (or other official) can reset the timer each time the puck passes from the possession of one figure to another piece's possession zone and may call a throw-in if the 6-second possession signal has elapsed.

8.4. If, in a playoff series, there is disagreement between the opponents regarding the application of the Possession Rule, or if several players at any stage of the tournament accuse a player of passive play, a neutral participant by agreement of both players (the referee) may be appointed to oversee subsequent matches. If a referee is appointed for the match, the players do not give warnings themselves, and in a passive game the throw-ins are carried out by the referee.

8.5. If a player repeatedly ignores the Rule of Possession during a tournament, tournament officials may order a replay of the matches affected by the violation, with a referee appointed. If the number of such matches is too large (more than three (3)), the tournament judges may decide that the player will lose all such matches by the score specified in the tournament rules.

9. Interference in the game.

9.1. The player is allowed to adjust (press) his pieces only if the puck is under his full control.

9.2. If the opponent scores a goal while the player is pressing his pieces, the goal is counted.

9.3. If a player notices that one of the opponent's pieces is raised on a pin, he can ask the opponent to push the piece down, and he is obliged to do so. The game can continue when the opponent is ready to play.

9.4. If a player makes a pass between his pieces while pressing his pieces, a throw-in is made.

9.5. Rough play that causes the rink to shake and cause the puck to move is prohibited.

9.6. If any piece loses the puck as a result of the rink being shaken (by an opponent), the puck must be returned back to that piece.

9.7. During the game, players are not allowed to place their hands near the surface of the clearing in such a way as to interfere with the game. If a player's hand touches a moving puck during play, his opponent can either place the puck where it would likely go (i.e. in the goal or near one of the pieces) or call for a throw-in and drop the puck. If there is ambiguity about the point at which the puck should have arrived, the decision is made against the one holding the puck.

10. Interruption of the game

10.1. In case of any trouble (violation, malfunction) obvious to both players, or making normal play impossible for one of the players (for example, breakdown of a mechanism, pin, figure or support of the clearing, turning off the lights, the appearance of additional pucks on the clearing, obvious interference with the play of one of players from the third party), the match must be interrupted immediately. Any goal scored in such a situation does not count. If a minor nuisance occurs that is obvious to only one player, or only slightly impedes his play (for example, a rubber tip slips off a pin, a goal moves, a pin bends, a clearing support moves slightly), the player must interrupt the game by saying “stop,” or any goal is scored. the goal will be counted. The match continues when both players are ready to continue.

10.2. If play is interrupted and significant time is lost, the lost time is added to the time remaining in the game and the match is played out.

10.3. Goals scored while play has been interrupted do not count.

10.4. If a player was clearly in possession of the puck before the match was interrupted, the match continues with the puck in the place where it was before the interruption; otherwise, a throw-in occurs.

10.5. If the sound timer fails, the game must be stopped. It is necessary to determine whether it is necessary to finish the game for some time and, if necessary, then determine the time of the completion of the game as accurately as possible, so that the length of the match is as close as possible to 5 minutes and so that goals scored after 5 minutes of the match are not counted. If technical means cannot facilitate the resolution of disputes, then the competition organizer is responsible for compliance with the rules at the group stage; during playoff matches, the referee is responsible; in the absence of a referee, the players must make their own decision on the episode.

11. Pass "defender-goalkeeper-defender":

If a player makes a pass as a defenseman to a goalie so that an opponent cannot intercept the puck, then the player who made that pass cannot make a goalie pass to another defenseman so that the opponent cannot intercept the pass. If the player still successfully completes these two passes, then the opponent can call and perform a throw-in.

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1 International Rules of the Game of Table Hockey according to STIGA edition - January Players are required to behave in accordance with the following Player Code of Conduct. All players are required to behave honestly and in good sportsmanship at all times. From its inception, table hockey has been and will always be a “gentleman’s sport.” 2. Playing field: model and preparation 2.1. STIGA fields must be used for play. The plastic grooves in the goals must be removed. The fields must be secured to the table. The sliding speed on the surface of the field must be maintained at the same speed as on the field received from the factory. 3. Figures 3.1. STIGA PLAY OFF version pieces must be used for the game (all pieces have a stick on one side). The ITHF may allow the use of other versions of STIGA pieces if there are compelling reasons for doing so. 4. Matches 4.1. The match lasts five (5) minutes. Game time continues to run even if the puck has left the playing field. An audio timer must be used for all matches. A clear and unmistakable signal (music or audible warning) indicating the imminent start of the match must be given at any time no earlier than 30 and no later than 15 seconds before the start of the match. During the game, the audio timer must indicate certain intervals (thirds of the match or minutes) in different 1

2 signals; Music plays during the last thirty (30) seconds of the match. The match ends with the final signal If the match must be replayed from the beginning (for example, if the timer is faulty), play will restart from the score at which the match was abandoned If a player is not in front of the field ready to play within thirty (30) seconds of the start of the game , he/she automatically loses the match with the score specified in the competition rules. If a player refuses to continue during a match and his/her opponent insists on continuing, the goals scored by him/her during the game are automatically voided and his/her opponent may add an additional five to his/her own. (5) goals During knockout matches, if there is a tie after five (5) minutes, overtime will occur. Overtime begins with a throw-in. The winner is the one who scores the first goal (sudden death). 5. Throw-ins 5.1. All matches start with the puck in the center of the ice. The game begins with the starting signal. If one player moves the puck before the signal, a face-off occurs. Throw-ins are performed by releasing the puck over the center of the ice. Centers and left defensemen must be on their side of the red center line, outside the center circle, before the face-off, and must not be introduced into the center circle until the puck touches the center point The puck must be released from a height of approximately five (5) centimeters above the heads of the figures, with the releasing hand must be stationary and the puck placed flat side down and visible to the players Before releasing the puck, the player must ensure that the opponent is ready to play. If the throw-in was not completed correctly, the opponent may request a new throw-in or perform the throw-in himself. If 2

3 Player makes many invalid throw-ins in a knockout game, his opponent may request a neutral throw-in. A goal scored within three (3) seconds of the throw-in will not count. This rule also applies if the face-off is made by a neutral. The puck must deflect off the boards or one of the players other than the center must gain possession of the puck before a goal can be scored. During overtime in elimination games, players may request a neutral person to take the face-off, and they can agree to the following face-off option: The neutral face-off person places the puck in center ice, asks both players to call “Ready,” and then calls “Start.” 6. Scoring a goal 6.1. A goal is scored if the puck remains in the goal area. If the puck leaves the goal, the goal does not count and play continues without stopping. The puck must be removed from the puck box (if there is one in the goal) before the next faceoff. A goal scored directly as a result of pressing a stationary puck against the goal frame or goalkeeper will not count. If, after such an action, the puck on its way into the goal is reflected from the boards or from another figure, the goal is counted. It is not allowed to score a goal with the body of a figure (not a stick) after handling the puck. However, a goal scored with a piece's right foot counts if it was used as a stick (i.e. by turning the piece). A goal scored by the body of a figure is counted if the puck was not stopped (handled) by that figure. If a goal is scored during the final signal, it is not counted. If any figure or goalkeeper breaks while a goal is being scored, the goal is counted. the account of shifting the entire field does not count. 3

4 7. Gate Area Rule 7.1. If the puck stops in the goal crease and touches the goal line, the defending player may call a "block" and make a throw-in. If the puck stops in the goal crease but does not touch the goal line, the defending player must continue play. 8. Puck Possession Rule 8.1. Possession of the puck is prohibited unless there is a visible attempt to score a goal. This behavior is considered as passive play. If there is a tendency towards passive play, the opponent can give a warning by saying “passive play”. This allows the player with the puck to change his attack to avoid losing the puck. If passive play continues, the opponent may call for a throw-in. If the puck is in the possession of one piece without passing or shooting, a warning may only be given after five (5) seconds have passed since the piece gained control of the puck. If there is a difference of opinion regarding Passive play occurs during knockout matches, or if multiple players during any stage of the competition accuse one player of passive play, a neutral person (referee) agreed upon by both players will be appointed to supervise the ensuing game(s). If a referee is appointed, players do not give the warning signal themselves, and throw-ins due to passive play may only be administered by the referee. If a player repeatedly ignores the passive play rule during the tournament, the competition officials may decide to replay such plays under the supervision of the referee. If the number of such games is too large (more than three (3)), the competition judges may decide to award losses to that player in all of these games by the score specified in the competition rules. 4

5 9. Interference in the game 9.1. Pinning of pieces is only allowed if the player has full control of the puck. If an opponent scores a goal while the player is pinning his pieces, the goal is scored. If a player notices that one of the opponent's pieces is raised on a pin, he can ask the opponent to pin down the piece, and he must do so . Play may continue when the opponent is ready to play. If a player passes the puck to another piece while pinning the pieces down, a throw-in occurs. Foul play, which involves shaking the rink so that the puck moves, is prohibited. If any piece loses the puck as a result of the rink being shaken (by an opponent) , the puck must be returned to that figure. 10. Interruption of the game In the event of any unusual situation (for example, a broken mechanism, pin, or field, a goal being moved, a light going out, multiple pucks appearing on the field, someone or something distracting one of the players), the game is immediately interrupted. The player can interrupt the game by saying "stop" if the opponent has not noticed extraordinary situation. Play is resumed when both players are ready to play again. If play is interrupted and significant time is lost, the lost time is added to the time remaining in the game and the match is played out. Goals scored while play is interrupted do not count. If the player was clearly in possession of the puck before the interruption. game, play continues with the puck at the point where it was; otherwise, a throw-in takes place. 5

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Draft Regulations on the holding of the XXIV Republican Championship in Intellectual Games among schoolchildren. The final of the XXIV Republican Championship in Intellectual Games (hereinafter referred to as the championship) is held with

Rules of the game 2008/2009 INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL FEDERATION President: Secretary General Joseph S. Blatter (Switzerland) Jerome Valcke (France) Address: FIFA FIFA-Strasse 20 P.O. Box 8044 Zurich Switzerland

2011/2012, 2012/2013, 2013/2014 () (6 30 2011), (21 29 2012, 28 8 2013, 30 23 2013), 2013 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP... 5 Article 1. Goals of the Championship... 5 Article

Contents Introduction...1 Topic 1. Dame... 5 Topic 2. Capturing stones... 12 Topic 3. Saving stones... 19 Game of forty stones...23 Topic 4. Counter-terrorism... 24 Topic 5 Forbidden moves... 34 Topic 6. Life and death

TAG RUGBY RULES Moscow, 2014 1 This information manual “Tag Rugby Rules” was developed by the National Charitable Foundation for the Development of Children's Rugby and recommended for use by the All-Russian

1 Chapter I Rules of the game Article 1. Basic provisions and goals of the game 1.1. A game of chess is played between two opponents who alternately move pieces on a square board called

Clash Series Tournament rules 1. Basic rules of the tournament 1.1. 12 teams are allowed to participate in the tournament: 12 teams that participated in the first season of WGL RU 2016 2017 Golden Series; Teams that took

The Central Real Estate House is the new champion of the Mosstroy Cup IX. On July 26, the summer football event “Mosstroy Cup IX” took place on the fields of the Fyodor Cherenkov Academy. This tournament is one of the oldest

UDC 796.966 BBK 75.579 P68 The Kontinental Hockey League thanks Konstantin Komissarov for the materials provided Konstantin Komissarov Manager, Officiating International Ice Hockey Federation

Problem book II General information... 1 Topic 9. Connection... 2 Topic 10. Cutting... 7 Topic 11. Gripping atari... 12 Topic 12. Be careful, samoatari!... 16 Topic 13. Pressing atari to the first line.. .20

INTERNATIONAL ICE HOCKEY FEDERATION RUSSIAN HOCKEY FEDERATION OFFICIAL RULE BOOK 2010 2014 RUSSIAN VERSION July 2010 International Ice Hockey Federation No part of this publication may be reproduced


WGL RU I Season 2015-2016 Open Qualification Silver Series Tournament Rules 1 General Provisions 1.1 Concepts and Definitions 1.1.1 Regulations or Rules for the Tournament or Rules rules,

2014/2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017 (38 19 2014.), 2014 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP... 5 Article 1. Goals of the Championship... 5 Article 2. Objectives of the Championship... CHAPTER 5

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal Correspondence School of Physics and Technology at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) COMPUTER SCIENCE Elements of theory

"CHEMICAL CUP 2016" April 23 in Moscow, on the territory of the Academy. F.F. Cherenkov at Spartak Sports Complex, 16 industry teams gathered to identify a leader not only in professional activities, but also in

Rules of the board game “Loch Ness” Author: Ronald Wettering Game for 2-5 players Translation of rules into Russian: Svetlana Kuptsova, Igroved LLC For several decades, journalists from all over

“APPROVED” Head of the FHR Judging Department M.M. Karpushin “01” August 2016 “APPROVED” KHL Chief Referee A.E. Gorsky “01” August 2016 (based on the regulations on the Chief Referee of the KHL) In the book

2 1. General provisions The St. Petersburg Football Championship (11x11) among veterans 45+ (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held in accordance with the Plan of official physical education and sports events

New Junior Tour Tennis Europe 2010 Since 2010, the Tennis Europe Junior Tour has undergone big changes. Read on to get ready to play on tour! last update of information 11/23/09 Structure

Rules of the board game “Ticket to Ride: Marklin Edition” Game composition: Author: A.R. Moon (Alan R. Moon) Translation into Russian: Vladimir Maksimov, Lifestyle LLC 1 playing field with the image of railway

HACKERS Rules of the game Future. Megacorporations control every aspect of everyone's lives. Computer hackers seek to change the order of things. Purpose of the game Both players strive to collect 7 data points. Corporation

General rules of the main category 1. Procedure. 1.1. An attempt is the completion of a task by a robot on the field after the start of the judge and before the end of the maximum time for an attempt, complete completion

Irkutsk Regional Sports Bowling Federation Bowling Center “7 Mile” BOWLING CENTER PRESENTS the 18th traditional bowling tournament “BAIKAL CUP 2016” prize fund 600,000 rubles GENERAL PROVISIONS

Rules of the board game “Safranito” Author: Marco Teubner Game for 2 players Translation of rules into Russian: Svetlana Kuptsova, Igroved LLC Rajiv’s tent, famous for its spices, is the main

Game composition: Rules of the board game “Ticket to Ride: Europe” (Train ticket across Europe) Author: A.R. Moon (Alan R. Moon) Translation into Russian: Lifestyle LLC 1 playing field depicting a map of Europe;

Futsal Rules of the Game 2010/2011 Futsal Game Rules 2010/2011 2 3 4 NOTES TO THE FUTSAL RULES OF THE GAME CONTENTS 5 6 RULE 1 - COURT RULE 1 - COURT 7 8 RULE 1 - COURT RULE

1. The purpose and objectives of the All-Kuban football tournament among street teams for the Governor's Cup of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the tournament) is held with the aim of organizing leisure time for children and adolescents during

I. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES International children's and youth football Festival "Petersburg Cup" (hereinafter referred to as the Festival), - a football competition according to simplified rules of the game among children's and youth teams is held in

WORLD NOMAD GAMES 2016 RULES FOR ORDO COMPETITIONS Cholpon-Ata, September 3-8, 2016 - 2 - Rules for ordo competitions. I. General provisions. Ordo is one of the most common

SEASON PREMIERES v National Hockey League (NHL) - perhaps the strongest professional hockey league in the world, founded in 1917, unites clubs in the USA and Canada v In the regular season (games from October

Safety precautions in physical education lessons Contents I. General requirements security. 2. Safety requirements before starting classes. 3. Safety requirements during classes. 4. Requirement

POINT DRAWING SYSTEM (up to 2 won from 3 games) 1. BEFORE THE MATCH a) At the top of the first page of the protocol 1.1 Name of the competition 1.2 Match number (from the schedule game day) 1.3 Venue