How to raise a girl to be a real lady. Raising a little lady. How to raise a feminine girl. Etiquette for a real lady

How to raise a lady?

It is no secret that many women dream and see how they will have a daughter, and then they will make every effort to raise her, if not a princess, then at least a real lady. Men are also not lagging behind in this regard and, if a tiny girl appears in their family, they treat her in a special way - with trepidation. It is important to develop a sense of beauty in a child, which will lay the foundation for the development of femininity in the future.

If you have set your goal to give the girl all the best, necessary and necessary, one of the important points will be to master the rules of decency in society. To do this, try to be (or become) such a person yourself, because children, especially at an early age, take on the image of adults, copying them in everything. Show that people need to be treated with respect, be friendly and moderately responsive. Explain that if she attends events, she must fit in and look decent.

A particularly important person in a girl’s life is her mother, so it is important for women who have a daughter to watch what example she sets for the girl. Encourage her to cook or participate in other household chores. There's no need to get angry if things don't go smoothly. Even an adult doesn’t always succeed the first time. Show that her help is important to you and encourage her to participate in preparing dinner for the whole family. Having received your approval, the girl will begin to show more diligence and will definitely achieve success in the difficult housekeeping.

Pay attention to the games, try to take part in them and gently guide them. If you play mother-daughter, unobtrusively show the correct model of how to treat your family. The same requirements are imposed on dad, because the way he treats mom greatly influences the choice of a future companion.

Teach your girl to show compassion, the ability to empathize and help loved ones when necessary. And again, personal example is required. For clarity, get a pet and let the girl try to take on some of the pet care responsibilities.

It is also important to notice as early as possible. Watch the girl - perhaps there are things for which she shows special zeal. It is worth considering that children's hobbies and interests change at a fast pace, so try to cover several areas of her interests so as not to miss one important one.

Any woman, of course, is proud that she has the good fortune to raise and educate her daughter. Girls, as you know, are very affectionate and gentle creatures, surrounded by a lot of cute trinkets, bows, hairpins and other feminine “things”. In the house where a little princess grows up, there is always a special atmosphere - an atmosphere of happiness, hope, faith in fairy tales and magic. So let’s not disturb this subtle harmony of childhood, but let’s try to delicately and tactfully develop the best feminine traits in a little girl.

1. Femininity in behavior and manners.
If you want your girl to evoke enthusiastic remarks from those around her from a very early age, take up the issue of etiquette. Young children are open to any incoming information, they perceive it well and understand it correctly - don’t miss the moment! Let etiquette classes at first be more reminiscent of developing a polite, respectful attitude towards others - teach your daughter to say “hello” when meeting both acquaintances and strangers. Show her how important it is to ask your family and friends how they are doing, and ask your grandmothers how they are doing. Tell her about such a powerful magic as an ordinary smile - let it become an invariable decoration of her sweet childish face.

A little later, tell your child about the rules of behavior at the table, at a party, in a public place. Explain to the girl that she, as a true representative of the fair sex, is always in the center of attention of others, so she should closely monitor her manners.

2. Femininity in appearance and clothing.
A sense of style and good taste are rarely innate qualities - they must be constantly developed. While your daughter is very young, the right to choose clothes, hairstyle and various accessories remains entirely yours. But even a tiny “lady”, whose outfit so far consists of a diaper, a vest and a cute cap, should not be dressed up “anyhow”; choose “outfits” in at least one color scheme, stick to a single harmonious style.

Well, and even more so, do not allow sloppiness, untidiness or negligence. If a girl is constantly pointed out flaws in her appearance (a disheveled hairstyle, a stain on her dress, soiled tights), the habit of taking care of her appearance will continue for the rest of her life.

3. Thrift and practicality.
Any woman raising a daughter is very lucky, because she has a little inquisitive assistant. Every girl shows a keen interest in what her mother is doing. The most important thing is not to kill all these timid attempts to feel like a mistress. Welcome the girl's endeavors if she volunteers to help in the kitchen or starts cleaning on her own. Her inept and not always correct actions should only cause encouragement and praise from you.

4. Preparing for the thought of future motherhood.

You can clearly show what the main meaning of your little princess’s life is and accustom her to the idea that someday in the future she will definitely become a mother, without any effort on your part. Just be the most affectionate, most caring and most loving mother in the world for her - she will certainly become exactly the same for her own children.

Your girl's best friends are dolls, and they can also teach her a lot. Encourage the game of daughter-mother, show with a “doll” example what it should look like successful family model.

5. Humanity, humanity, kindness.
A real woman will never pass by someone who is currently feeling bad and who is in dire need of her help and participation. Explain to your baby in her early years what is “good” and what is considered bad and unworthy. Develop in her tact, delicacy, and the ability to sympathize and empathize.

6. Comprehensive harmonious development.
In this matter, everything will depend entirely on you! Decide which sides of personality You will develop your child, but do not forget that a truly interesting person must:
- understand art, painting, literature;
-have a good humanities education;
- have excellent physical shape and love sports;
-understand modern technical innovations, be able to use a computer and the Internet;
-be an interesting conversationalist, defend your personal point of view on what is happening around you;
-respect other people's opinions, take them into account.

The list goes on and on. Only one thing is clear - if you want your little princess to turn into a real Queen after just a few years, you are required to put in maximum effort, patience and love!

Once upon a time, the ardent feminist Monica Wittig said: “Women are not born, they are made.” And no one will dare to argue with this statement. After all, a woman learns the ability to give warmth and affection, to love, to take care of her closest people, to dress with taste from an early age, and loving parents are the main helpers in this.

Every girl, starting from 4 to 5 years old, tries to be completely like her mother. She imitates her in everything, imitates her gestures and gait. For the first time, interest in cosmetics appears. If a mother takes care of her appearance and regularly uses cosmetics, then the little girl will strive to put on a beautiful dress and powder her curious little nose.

A girl should be instilled with a love of beauty, and from infancy she should be surrounded by beautiful and delicate things: toys, clothes, jewelry, children's tables, desks, chairs, interior items.

But in a family where a woman does a man’s work and has thrown her cosmetic bag into the far corner, the girl will grow up rude and sloppy. In the future, such a baby will prefer to dress in boyish clothes and have a short haircut. The girl will also strive to fulfill the role of a man in her own family.

From an early age, the baby should be instilled with a sense of pride that she was born a girl. The work of cleaning the house, washing, cooking should be perceived as an honor to care for your family. And in order to instill such feelings, the mother must show by her own example that all housework gives her pleasure.

You should never complain about your “cruel” female fate. Otherwise, the girl will perceive household chores as punishment from heaven. As the girl grows up, you should gradually assign her simple housework: dusting, watering flowers, walking the dog, etc.

In addition, doing household chores is much more interesting together. After all, you can sing your favorite song while washing. While cleaning, you can make a new decorative element with your own hands, which will definitely decorate the interior of the house.

A small woman needs to be involved in purely feminine leisure activities. Surely mother and daughter will enjoy a shopping trip together or a trip to the hairdresser or beauty salon. Over a cup of tea with your favorite sweets, you can gossip from the heart about the boys you know. All these nuances are very important in raising a real woman.

However, not only the mother should be involved in raising the girl. A lot depends on a father’s attitude towards his daughter. Dad should praise his clever girl, while not forgetting to unobtrusively mention that she is female.

In addition, dad’s interest in what events are happening in the baby’s life plays a big role. Attending the first matinee in kindergarten or a daughter’s performance at a school concert is very important for a little lady. At the same time, you should sincerely rejoice at the success of your baby.

We are raising a young lady from a little baby

A little wonderful creature is growing up in your family - a daughter. Words associated with a girl include tenderness, elegance, angelic appearance, naivety and, of course, good manners. Every mother wants her daughter to be a good helper around the house, an excellent housewife in the kitchen and an excellent educated conversationalist.

But how to raise a girl into a young lady, “an athlete, a Komsomol member and a dazzling beauty.”? For some reason, there is an opinion that girls should not play in the sandbox, climb trees and come home with skinned knees. And by doing this we deprive them of their childhood. Without meaning to, we drown out girls’ sense of curiosity, don’t allow them to explore their environment, and constantly remind them of this with the words: “You’re a girl.”

Before you make a remark to your baby, think about whether it is justified or whether it is better to remain silent.

Raising a good housewife and assistant

Unlike boys, girls are more willing to help around the house. They are ready to help mom with cooking or cleaning. Therefore, you should not drown out these children’s impulses, but, on the contrary, encourage them in every possible way and give your daughter the opportunity to participate in household chores. There is nothing wrong with the fact that at first the baby will not succeed, the floor will be flooded with water, and cleaning will take several hours. But in any case, you must give your daughter the opportunity to help; she will feel that her help to her mother is simply necessary. If at the initial stage this desire is suppressed, then at an older age it will be very difficult for you to get her to clean the room or help you in the kitchen.

But you shouldn’t focus your child’s attention only on cleaning and cooking, and you don’t need to remind her that a woman’s role is to take care of the home and raise children.

Which section or circle should I choose?

When my daughter grows up a little, I want her to study in some section. But you shouldn’t choose a club for your daughter that is considered traditional for girls. Many people believe that a girl should study dancing, drawing or music. Naturally, in such sections the girl of the table would be more graceful, flexible and with developed aesthetic taste. But this does not mean that girls should study exclusively in “girl”-oriented clubs. Not all babies love dancing. Some people prefer swimming or wrestling.

You must provide your child with the opportunity to study in different circles, then he will develop diversified.

And of course, you should not force your child to study in the section that you like; you must give him the right to choose.

A little about toys

A doll is the most common toy among girls and performs several important tasks.

Baby doll - with this toy, a girl feels like a mother, because she needs to be looked after, swaddled, put to bed, in general, she needs to do what her mother did with her at an early age or if she has a younger brother or sister, who are a clear example for the girl. This toy is a kind of “rehearsal” for the role of the expectant mother, which is why its social significance is so great.

Thanks to the existence of Barbie dolls, the girl plays at becoming an adult. With the help of “uncle” dolls, you can create a toy family in which roles are clearly distributed. In this way, the girl learns and prepares for her future family life.

In addition, girls are interested in various household items: iron, vacuum cleaner, dishes.

At the same time, the girl should have toys of a different direction. For example: puzzles, cars, etc. Modern ladies know how to drive cars and serve in the army, so the girl needs to be developed in all directions.

Clothing for a young lady

Many mothers who are raising girls, what should they dress their little princess up in? If the baby is indifferent to clothes, then in this case, it is the mother who decides everything. You can choose a dress with ruffles or opt for unisex clothes. When your daughter begins to show preferences in clothing, then follow her choice, and do not strive to buy those things that only you like.

If your daughter's wardrobe consists of jeans or trousers, then you should make sure to have several skirts with sweaters. This is necessary to instill in the baby taste and sense of style. Pay attention to hair clips and elastic bands; they should be harmoniously combined with clothes.

But you should not forget that all women are very different, but each in society is an individual. Therefore, it is important, first of all, to raise your child to be a good educated person and an interesting personality.

Today, October 11, is International Day of the Girl Child. The holiday was adopted in 2012 by the UN General Assembly. The secrets of education and advice from a psychologist are in the material “AiF-Chelyabinsk”.

Aikido and weasel

Every parent has their own approach to raising their daughters. Some focus on affection and tenderness, others on strength and independence. Still others place politeness and grooming at the forefront.

Mother of three daughters from Chelyabinsk Ekaterina Jost believes that the starting point in developing polite behavior are “magic” words: “hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”, “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “permit” and others.

“But a girl should be polite not only in public, but even in a close family circle,” says Ekaterina. - Parents are the main helpers in this. If children see mom and dad’s courteous attitude towards each other at home, then they try this behavior on themselves.”

Girls must be well-groomed. And again, we are talking not only about going out, but also about home.

Another South Ural large family is raising their daughters in the style of martial arts. Instead of the usual macrame and cutting classes for girls, mother Irina Andreeva sent her child to the aikido section.

After three it's too late

Psychologists agree that the period from three to five years provides more opportunities for “working” with a girl.

“Here it is important to take into account that what is primarily stored is the experience of what has been done, and not the abstract instructions of adults, which are still incomprehensible to the baby,” says a child psychologist Natalia Prokopyeva. “It is the experience acquired by the baby at this time that will become the basis for the development of her psyche and will manifest itself in the future.”

The specialist advises focusing on gameplay when determining a strategy for raising a three-year-old girl. The game will allow the child to unconsciously develop important abilities, including the ability to think, imagine, understand words and emotions.

From the age of four you can start thinking about clubs and sections. Dancing, gymnastics, drawing and other areas will only be beneficial at this age.

Until the age of 7, psychologists recommend laying the foundation for sex education. The daughter should be explained the differences between the weaker and stronger sexes and talk about the rules of behavior with boys. But before raising a girl in the sexual sphere, it is necessary to instill in her the norms of cultural and ethical direction.

Already at 11-12, you need to carefully monitor the girl’s health, since at this age physiological changes begin that affect the teenager’s appearance. Intensive growth, development of secondary sexual characteristics, possible skin problems - all this cannot but affect the psychological state of the child. Accordingly, the young girl needs support in the fight against complexes.

Ethics and chastity

Teacher of the school of chastity and moral and aesthetic development Natalya Yatsemirskaya In her lessons, she develops certain practical skills in girls. Natalya Vladimirovna believes that every girl should have a dowry. Only these are not pots and pans, but decent behavior, knowledge, skills, family traditions, says the school’s mentor.

“The future lady should be able to carry on a conversation on any topic, know etiquette well, set the table correctly, and sing at the level of a lullaby for the unborn child. In addition, lady girls must know how to manage a house and have skills in caring for a future husband, for example, we teach them how to fold men's socks and iron trousers. Girls need to be taught chastity, explaining to them that this is not a black scarf and a monastery, but the art of presenting oneself to society with dignity and with a sense of great self-respect.”

Experts highlight several basic rules that parents should adhere to when raising their daughter.

Formation of femininity

Instilling standards of personal hygiene and self-care

Intellectual development

Teaching mercy and compassion

Instilling business skills

Supporting the child's individuality

Notice and praise successes

Warning against excessive gullibility, concern for safety


Famous Russian mother of many children, founder and owner of a well-known network of children's development clubs in Russia Evgenia Belonoshchenko I read in the book of the Japanese scientist Masaru Ibuki “After Three It’s Too Late” about the importance of developing and raising children at a very young age.

“This book changed my life, my idea of ​​education. It turned out that all the knowledge and lessons of education need to be instilled into the child from early childhood. I obviously do not strive to deprive my children of the joys of the first years of life, but I teach them to make the right choice almost from infancy,” says Evgenia.