How to take care of your face stages. Basic facial skin care at home. For dry skin

Every woman dreams of flawless facial skin. Studies conducted by Russian scientists have shown that anti-aging creams are not suitable for young skin, and in older women they are addictive and have an adverse effect on health.

In order not to cause harm or spoil your appearance, you need to learn how to properly care for your delicate facial skin. Our article will help you with this daily care behind the face solder simple rules.

Skin cleansing

Proper facial care includes. The skin should be cleansed with mild means: gels, foams, the selection of which is carried out depending on the skin type.

When washing with soap, the skin becomes dry, as the pores quickly tighten and do not have time to cleanse. Cosmetologists recommend using special cleansers: gels, creams, milk, creams.

The named cosmetic products help expand pores, cleanse the skin of impurities, and remove makeup well.

Skin toning

At this stage, you need to use a toner to care for delicate skin. It does an excellent job of removing residue from cosmetic products, gently cleanses pores and closes them. Tonic refreshes the skin, soothes and maintains normal pH balance.


If you use either cream or tonic to cleanse your skin, then this is wrong and even harmful. The fact is that the cream opens the pores and leaves them open all day.

The skin gets dirty faster. Therefore, after the cream you need to use a tonic, it will remove excess cream and close the pores.

Skin hydration

One of the main points of skin care is adequate hydration. The dermis consists of 70% water, and its content in the epidermis is 15%, so daily facial skin care consists not only of applying creams and using moisturizing masks, but also maintaining normal water balance.

And this is possible with proper nutrition, fluid intake, and the presence of juicy fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Therapeutic aggressive cosmetics often lead to dehydration. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to use lotion for oily skin, and regular creams are suitable for dry and normal skin.

Skin protection throughout the day

During the day, the skin is exposed to negative environmental influences and suffers from sun rays. Both factors lead to excessive fat production.

Appear age spots, which, firstly, do not decorate a woman, and secondly, they become darker every year and are difficult to get rid of. Therefore, the skin needs daily protection.

Evening recovery and nutrition

The concept of proper facial skin care also includes daily skin care in the evening. It needs nutrition, restoration and additional hydration.

When choosing care products, it is better to opt for products from one particular company. In this case, the creams complement each other and the skin receives proper nutrition and hydration.

To prevent your skin from getting used to the same cream, it is recommended to buy new care products every 2 months.

The choice of cosmetic products depends on individual characteristics body, skin structure, season and age.

IN modern world There is a wide selection of products and cosmetic procedures that will help make your dream of perfect and healthy skin come true.

We must not forget about daily care, this is the only way your skin will shine with beauty and youth.

If you want to become the owner of a perfectly smooth dermis, you need to know how to properly care for your facial skin. There are many secrets: peelings, masks and massages. The surest way to care for your face includes 3 stages. We will teach you all the tricks of taking care of your appearance.


The first thing that those who want to own need to understand is beautiful skin– the dermis needs cleansing. And often simply washing with soap is not enough. You need to scrub your skin at least twice a week. You can use folk remedies For example, wash your face with water and sea salt; it will gently cleanse your skin of blackheads. Or wipe your face with a mixture of honey and coffee; this combination of products will perfectly cleanse the dermis of acne.

The most difficult thing to care for is oily and combination skin of teenage girls. It is necessary to regularly clean and dry the skin. One of the main assistants in this matter is sour cream or blue clay. In general, these two tools should always be at hand. In both cases, the application is very simple, apply an even layer on the face, leave the sour cream for 15 minutes, and leave the mineral until dry, and then rinse. Sour cream can be replaced with any dairy product; it is a natural analogue of cosmetic milk.

In addition to all of the above, do not forget to wash your face before going to bed, this is especially important for teenagers whose skin, in addition to the daily negative impact of the environment, is also subject to an influx of hormones.


This is the second step to beauty - regular masks, they must be done to prevent acne and to improve the quality of the dermis. Masks are divided into several categories, depending on which mask recipes vary:

For problem skin For oily and combination For dry and sensitive For normal skin
Patients with rosacea or acne You need to make film masks every day. These can be egg remedies, say, beat one egg with milk and honey, apply to the skin, remove after hardening.Masks for this skin type should be done morning and evening. One of the most effective is green tea and kefir. Green tea grind, mix with kefir (3:1), apply to the skin for 30 minutes.To avoid pimples on dry skin, you need to mix:
  • flax oil;
  • black tea leaves;
  • fish oil

All in equal parts. Apply the resulting oily mass to the face and décolleté, do not rinse off, but wipe off with napkins after 40 minutes.

If the skin is normal, too much care is not needed, just maintain its condition with various nutrients. In winter, carrots and cottage cheese will help. Boil the vegetable, mix with cottage cheese, apply to the face for 20 minutes. The complexion becomes like after a solarium.
Good reviews about gelatin masks, but before using them, be sure to apply cream to the skin, especially during the period of adolescence - 15-22.A yeast mask will provide care for oily young skin. Three spoons sour milk mix with crushed yeast, leave to brew for half an hour, then apply to the skin, rinse after 20 minutes.A cucumber mask will come in very handy in the spring, and it’s easy to make. You can grind the cucumber into puree and apply this paste to the dermis (expert opinion: this method is much more effective than putting the vegetable into slices), or cut the cucumber and spread its pieces over the face. Keep the porridge for 20 minutes, and the cucumber slices for 10 minutes, then change their sides. This mask perfectly moisturizes the dermis after 29 and helps it maintain the right amount of collagen in the epidermis.In summer you need to take advantage of the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities. Sometimes it happens that with normal skin you have to fight with freckles; strawberries and honey will help out here. Press the berries into a puree, mix with a spoonful of flower honey, slightly warmed in a water bath, and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Can be done daily if you are not allergic to the components.
It will help cure problem skin at home; it reduces pores and cleanses the skin. Pour the cereal with milk or a decoction of herbs, leave it overnight, and apply it to the dermis in the morning. This type of neck care will ensure youth and elasticity, and facial skin will become noticeably cleaner after just 3 sessions.Combination skin care most often occurs between the ages of 15 and 20. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that part of the face has oily dermis, and part is dry. In this case, green clay will help. Mix it with a decoction of herbs (chamomile, plantain, sage - whatever is on hand), and apply it to the face until it hardens.The simplest moisturizing mask that will come in handy in the fall:
  • butter - spoon;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 3 tablespoons.

Fill the plant with a glass of water, let it sit for a short time, according to the clock it’s about 40 minutes. Afterwards, pour the water into a separate container, and grind three spoons of it with little water. Apply the mixture to the skin of the face and body (if your elbows or knees are dry), rinse off after 20 minutes.

Tonic for the care of normal skin: mix chamomile decoction - a glass, calendula tincture - 3 spoons, honey - one spoon. Apply the resulting liquid to the face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Masks for aging dermis:

  1. The most famous and useful (especially in winter) is a mask made from boiled potatoes. Boil vegetables in their uniforms, peel, chop, mix with yogurt, apply to the skin of the face and neck for 30 minutes. After 32, it is recommended to do this mask every day.
  2. A mixture of cranberries and aloe will help take care of very dry, aging skin. Grind the berries into a puree, cut the plant in half and take out the middle. Mix and apply to face. The skin around the eyes and mouth remains clean. Wash off after half an hour.
  3. Prevention of wrinkles is the most necessary procedure after 30. Prepare olive oil and lemon juice in equal parts, mix, apply to the skin, remove after 50 minutes with a cotton swab.

In addition to all the above procedures for each skin type, you need to follow some skin care rules:

  • Before applying cosmetics, be sure to cleanse your face, this includes any makeup;
  • it is very important to use high-quality decorative products;
  • follow 3 stages of facial care: cleansing, toning, nutrition;
  • after 25-27, be careful not to confuse night and day products, especially cream. This is the secret of Brigitte Bardot's beauty and youth.

It is believed that the stronger half of humanity does not need care, but masks are no less important for men than for women. The best options: buy a gezatone electroplating and microcurrent device, regularly clean and protect the dermis with cosmetics, make blue clay masks at home (cheap and easy).

It is important to eat right and take care of your entire body. Take vitamins and minerals, visit often fresh air, and then you can boast of not only elastic skin, but also thick and shiny hair.


Photo - Girl with cucumber for face

Once a day, to prolong youth, do facial muscle exercises and skin massage. It can be performed using frozen green tea cubes or herbal decoction. Thanks to this technique, a geisha woman will look 23 even at 30. Run the ice cream along the contour of the face, along the wings of the nose and around the eyes.

Massage using a mesotherapy roller has proven itself very well. This solution is perfect for women who are sorely short of time. You just need to buy a roller, treat it with special products (for example, those produced by the Tiande company or simple natural ethers), and regularly perform a light massage of the face and contour.

We highly recommend massaging your skin with aloe juice or olive oil once a week; this is very useful for girls with transient acne and pregnant women with skin toxicosis. After 26-28 this simple procedure will slightly slow down the process of skin aging and collagen loss.

We hope our free recommendations on how to properly care for your facial skin at home have helped you. But remember, the reasons why acne appears can be completely different, so be sure to consult a dermatologist.

It is thanks to the skin that we are saved from various injuries and damages. Since it protects us, we do not have to worry about various pathogenic viruses and microorganisms entering our body. Additional skin abilities:

  1. It is lubricated with a special secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands.
  2. Maintains thermal conditions due to the ability to produce sweat.
  3. It removes excess moisture on its own.
  4. Thanks to her stable.

At a young age, all cells are constantly renewed, so the skin retains its blooming appearance.

With age, they gradually lose their ability to regenerate, the skin becomes dehydrated and becomes not as elastic as before. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles, it is necessary to regularly care for your skin properly.

Skin types and how to determine your type

Normal skin. Even without decorative cosmetics like this. It is quite smooth and elastic, because it contains enough fatty lubricant and is enriched with water.

Its owners never flake off and respond well to any care products. If you wash your face with regular soap, your skin will feel a little tight for a few hours, but after that it will return to its normal state and no discomfort will be felt.

The pores are invisible on it, but it is very thin, and therefore very sensitive. You need to take care of it very carefully, because if you use incorrectly selected cosmetics, it can age prematurely.


In some women, dry skin may be covered with small blood vessels or red spots. If you use regular soap or too aggressive cosmetics, you may experience an allergic reaction.

Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing cosmetics and buy only products to which the skin reacts well. If, despite careful care, the skin still remains dry and begins to peel, it makes sense to think about the state of your health.

The body may need vitamins and microelements, or various diseases may progress. In the cold, such skin practically does not chapped, and after washing with soap, you must lubricate your face with cream and only after that does it return to its normal appearance.

Oily skin. Caring for it can be a real torture for many women - even a few hours after thoroughly washing your face, an oily sheen can appear on your face. It is almost impossible to get rid of, and when Not proper care they can become inflamed and pimples appear on the face.

The pores are enlarged, the skin is thick and tends to shine. But there are also some advantages. Thanks to the abundance of fatty lubricant, the skin remains young longer, because nutritional moisture does not evaporate so quickly.

In older women, oily skin can give way to a combination type, which is also quite difficult to care for. This type can be determined by a simple sign - in the cold the skin does not freeze for a long time, and even after washing with soap there is no feeling of tightness.

Mixed skin Most people have it, but not everyone knows how best to care for it in order to have a blooming and attractive appearance. In this case, some areas of the face may become shiny with fat, and in some areas the skin will peel off. Therefore, it is recommended to use two types of cosmetics at once in order to take care of your skin as effectively as possible.

With age, the skin loses its attractiveness, regardless of what type it has, the restoration processes in skin cells slow down and stop altogether. Blood supply also deteriorates greatly, so the skin soon becomes flabby and wrinkles begin to appear on it. Each type needs to be properly cared for.

You can choose cosmetics yourself, but it is best to consult a cosmetologist to make the right choice.

Additionally, you need to protect yourself from cold and strong winds during the cold season, try to visit the solarium as little as possible (it greatly worsens the condition of the skin, burns and pigmentation may appear). Cosmetics and care products should be suitable for the skin type and be tailored to the woman’s age.

Comprehensive facial skin care

  1. Cleansing. It is better to do this with warm water, slapping it on the face. This way you can perform a light massage and blood circulation in the vessels will improve. It is better to use gentle lotions and never use abrasive peeling, no matter what skin type you have. You need to wash your face at least twice a day and be sure to remove all makeup before going to bed.
  2. Toning. You can wipe your face with a light toner before going to bed to remove any remaining impurities from it. Also, thanks to such a simple procedure, you can further disinfect the skin and prepare it for the next stage of daily care.
  3. Nutrition. Before this, you can carry out small procedures, apply a mask to your face or perform a light peeling. Then the cream will be better absorbed and the effect will be much stronger.
  4. Hydration. Afterwards, it is advisable to pat your face slightly dry. paper napkin to remove excess. This is a mandatory step if you have oily skin, because it needs additional hydration like no other type.
  5. Additional protection. It is necessary in the cool season and this cream should be applied at least half an hour before leaving the house in a not too thick layer. In summer, the skin needs to be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation with special cosmetics containing sunscreen filters.

How to properly care for your facial skin? Things that are strictly prohibited

When caring for your skin, you need to adhere to certain rules and the principle of “do no harm.” Therefore, in order not to achieve a result opposite to the desired one, you absolutely cannot:

  • Falling asleep without washing off your makeup is strictly prohibited, regardless of your skin type or age. This has a very negative impact on appearance and may cause premature aging skin. You can make it a rule to wash your face immediately after coming home from work and not wait until you have to go to bed.
  • Washing with regular soap is prohibited. Contrary to popular belief that this can dry out the skin and get rid of acne, it is better not to experiment on your appearance. The aggressive substances contained in soap can destroy the acid-base balance of the skin (even oily), subsequently the skin will try to restore it and sebum production will only increase. A “pleasant” bonus can be dehydration and peeling of irritated skin. For washing, you need to use only special, non-aggressive products.
  • It is better to immediately throw all lotions and other cosmetics that contain alcohol into the trash. It is also not recommended to wipe your face with alcohol, because instead you will only get disturbed skin microflora. The face will look irritated, become very sensitive and sebum production will increase significantly. Modern cosmetics are made using special technology and no longer contain alcohol. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to carefully study not only the price tag, but also the composition of the product.
  • Many girls love. Doing this is strictly prohibited! The remaining red spot will take at least twice as long to completely disappear after such surgery. Additionally, you can only spread the infection all over your face and after a while the number of acne will increase significantly.
  • You cannot wash your face with hot water. Girls with oily or dry skin should especially heed this advice. Such manipulations provoke the sebaceous glands to produce more fat, and with regular procedures a network of veins may appear on the face. It is better to use slightly warm water to wash your face and then wipe your face with an ice cube to tighten the pores and refresh the skin.

Factors that can affect the appearance of your skin

The appearance is negatively affected by the abundance bad habits: addiction to caffeinated drinks, alcohol, smoking, etc. Even periodic drinking of coffee or smoking just one cigarette a day does its job and after a while the condition of the skin (and not only) will begin to rapidly deteriorate.

It is by flabby skin, covered with fine wrinkles, with an unhealthy tint, that one can identify a person who indulges his weaknesses.

It is impossible to eliminate all these consequences with the help of cosmetics, so it is better to completely abandon bad habits and lead healthy image life. In combination with comprehensive care For the skin, this gives good results and the freshness of the skin can be preserved for longer.

Constant stress and anxiety, as well as chronic lack of sleep, will also not have the best effect on your appearance. You need to learn how to behave correctly when you get into stressful situation, and also plan your day in such a way that your schedule includes at least 8 hours of sleep.

At first, a slight lack of sleep does not affect the condition of your facial skin or your well-being at all. Only after a few months can you see bags and a dull look in the mirror. Therefore, you need to set aside time not only for work, but also for healthy sleep and regular walks in the fresh air.

What is the best way to take care of your skin?

Without a doubt, every woman has her own ritual and some secrets that she has been using for several years. At the same time, there are general recommendations, which will only help in this difficult matter and which it is better to read carefully.

If you periodically wipe your face with an ice cube or a frozen decoction of calendula and chamomile herbs, you can keep your face youthful and fresh for longer, and wrinkles will begin to bother you much later.

Nourishing face cream should be applied only at night; using it during the day as a makeup base is not recommended - the effect will be zero. When buying a cream, you need to pay attention to its composition (it should contain as many natural ingredients as possible and less chemicals), its consistency and color.

Cream would be a good choice white and the thickness of sour cream, other shades or too thin a consistency may indicate dubious quality.

There is no need to purchase a product from a popular manufacturer for a lot of money - they are often of little use and are only suitable for showing off your expensive cosmetics to your girlfriends.

For skin care, you can use natural products - yoghurt, fruits and vegetables, etc. Such masks will help refresh your face, make your skin smooth and healthy. Before applying any mask, you need to do an allergy test.

The product is applied to a small area of ​​skin for 5-7 minutes, then washed off and the result is carefully studied. If the skin reacts well, you can use the selected product or mask in the future.


If you have been using a cream or lotion for more than a year, it makes sense to change them. You can purchase cosmetics from another manufacturer, but you need to carefully listen to the skin's reaction.

With irritation and peeling, it can signal that the chosen product is completely unsuitable and its use is strictly prohibited, even if it is a product from a well-known brand.

All care procedures must be performed regularly, especially for aging skin. Then the result will not be long in coming and you will always remain beautiful.

Our nature is so interesting - we are born with a different set of genes, in fact, each person is unique. This applies to everything from the size of your nose to how you will look at 20, 40 and 60 years old.

We cannot change what is given to us beyond recognition (unless we spend money on plastic surgery, but you and I all know that this deception only disfigures women). We can only learn how to properly care for our appearance, in particular our facial skin, at home.

Some people have naturally oily skin, others have dry and thin skin, it is believed that in modern conditions normal skin very rare, more often combined - The skin can behave differently depending on the time of year and temperature and weather conditions.

We cannot completely change our skin type - so DO NOT believe the tricks of advertisers who assure you that your skin will forever stop being oily with their miracle product! But, if you choose cosmetics that suit your skin type and take care of it properly, it will look healthier and actually become much less oily.

So, let's figure out how to make your daily skin care more effective.

1. Determine your skin type

Oily skin

This type of skin is usually thicker, the pores are clearly visible and enlarged. The skin has an oily sheen, due to which it collects all the dirt and dust - this is why oily skin more often suffers from rashes and pimples. The advantage is that due to its thickness and protection from overdrying, oily skin is not prone to wrinkles, so owners of this skin type (if they learn to care for it properly) will look young for a long time.

Dry skin

In order for your skin to be protected from environmental influences and look flawless, you need it - the first is to cleanse, the second is to tone, and the third is to moisturize\nourish. All this facial treatment can be done at home.

All these actions need to be performed in the morning and in the evening, with the only difference being that in the morning, after cleansing and toning, we moisturize the skin, and in the evening, we nourish it. Don’t think that in the morning you can do without the first two points and just start applying cosmetics to the cream(or without it!).

After all, while we sleep, the sebaceous glands also work, we rub our face on the pillow, and collect dust and bacteria on it, which will gladly give you inflammation and acne if you do not carefully carry out all the morning procedures. Products for these care processes should be selected according to your skin type (have you already decided on it in the previous paragraph?).

3.Your skin type is not forever

Skin type can change throughout life, so cosmetics should be selected based on how your skin feels and looks now. In summer, usually any skin type produces more oil, in winter it is drier. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is also affected by hormones and nutrition. For example, with the advent of menopause, the skin becomes dry, and adding polyunsaturated fatty acids to the diet makes dry skin normal.

4.Features of facial care by skin type

If you use mass-market cosmetics, check the ingredients of the products. Try to choose the most natural (read in this case - harmless) products.

IMPORTANT! For oily skin, we don’t use tonics with alcohol (this is exactly what inexperienced young girls do - after all, you really want to degrease oily skin, but this can only aggravate the problem). Also, oily-based creams and those without a non-comedogenic label are contraindicated for oily skin.

IMPORTANT: For dry skin, choose mild, non-aggressive cleansers and toners. But fat-free creams are not suitable here. Dry skin is especially important to protect from ultraviolet rays and frost. Therefore, in summer, do not go outside without a protective moisturizer, and in winter, without a rich, nourishing one. Moreover, 30 minutes should preferably pass before going outside.

IMPORTANT: For combination skin Proper care of its various areas is important.

Any skin type should not be overly rubbed when cleansing or toning; all movements should be light and smooth. You need to wash your face first with warm water, then you can reduce the temperature a little - we do not injure the skin with ice water.

After all, temperature promotes the opening of pores; in warm water, they will open easier and you will be able to cleanse your skin much better.

The cream should be applied with gentle patting movements (do not rub or rub!), in certain directions:

  • on the forehead: with both hands towards the temples, from bottom to top;
  • areas around the eyes: on the eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the eyes, under the eyes - in reverse side with both hands at the same time;
  • on the cheeks: from nose to temples;
  • around lips: on the chin - from the center in both directions, from above - from the corners of the mouth to the bases of the wings of the nose;
  • on the neck: first in the middle, then gently rub in both directions onto the side surfaces.

It is also important to observe the correct application of creams. Creams and serums are recommended to be applied to damp skin, but sunscreens are recommended to be applied to dry skin. In addition, you cannot wipe your face with a towel - only blot it, preferably with napkins.

Mass market cosmetics, that is, advertised cosmetics sold in regular perfume stores, as a rule, contain toxic petrochemical products. 90% of the cost of these properties goes to forming an advertising campaign and popularizing products.

All these beautiful girls with shining peach faces that smile at us from screens and labels, forcing us to buy these products. We also want to look just as stunning. And at this moment we don’t ask ourselves at all what is included in such cosmetics? What is included in this remaining meager 10% of the price?

7. Go for an examination

Problematic skin directly indicates problems in the body. Therefore, no matter what wonderful means you apply to it, it will only help eliminate the consequences a little, but will not solve the problem.

Instead of buying another “acne toner”, consult an endocrinologist- more often problematic skin the result of hormonal or nutritional disorders.

8.Use a scrub

In order for moisturizing and nourishing creams and serums to better penetrate the skin structure and work there, you must remove all possible obstacles to this. This means thoroughly cleansing the skin of dirt (using milk, foam, gommage, gel) and dead epithelium (using scrubs).

For oily skin To do this, you can use exfoliating scrubs quite often.

But when dry- no more than once a week, and it is better to choose only soft scrubs - so as not to damage thin skin.

9.Make face masks at home

Several times a week, apply natural oils to your skin for rejuvenation (argan oil, rose masketta, immortelle, evening primrose). This should be done in the evenings, applied to damp skin with massage movements, and moisturizer on top.

Do not wash your face with tap water!

Ordinary tap water can be hard - it contains magnesium and calcium salts, which dry out the skin with prolonged use. This is especially dangerous for dry skin; it may begin to peel, even though you have chosen all the care products correctly.

In order to soften the water, you need to boil it and add a quarter teaspoon of soda (optional - half a teaspoon of borax, one tablespoon of glycerin or lemon juice - for oily skin). If the skin is too sensitive, it is good to dilute boiled water in half with milk (temperature 24-25C).

Modern cosmetology is developing rapidly, releasing new products designed for skin care onto the market. Each of these means at the beginning of its existence could be advanced, since its creators used the latest scientific achievements in this area.

Over time, such cosmetics lose their novelty, because new, more advanced products come to replace them. For example, we can recall how quite recently oil-free cosmetics were considered especially useful and effective.

The packaging of such products said “Oil free”, and buyers were seriously confident that science was guarding their beauty and health. And now jojoba, shea butter or others are present in almost every cosmetic product.

The best specialists in our catalog:

Such rapid development of technology has led to the fact that a huge amount of information about skin care, in particular through cosmetics, has accumulated in the minds of consumers.

Some of this information is already outdated, but continues to exist and even inspire confidence. Below we will consider 15 strong opinions about proper facial care.

The first belief is that the skin is too susceptible to environmental influences, that is, fluctuations in temperature and humidity, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and so on.

This is partly true - the skin reacts to negative influence from the outside, but don’t think that she is completely defenseless. In fact, she is able to fend for herself for a while. For example, the pigment melanin will protect the skin from small doses of solar radiation. If it is cold and windy outside, the skin will protect itself with the help of sebum, and in dry air it will be able to maintain moisture for some time due to the fluid present in the body.

Of course, specialized care should not be neglected. You need to take care of your skin and, if possible, help it, using special cosmetics that protect from cold, wind, sun and environmental dust.

2. Skin needs to be cleansed as often as possible

This is a misconception and is most common in people with acne-prone skin. They believe that acne is caused by dirt and bacteria, so you need to cleanse your face at the first opportunity.

In fact, it's the other way around. Dirt, of course, can clog pores, but to maintain normal cleanliness of the face, it is enough to wash your face twice a day, morning and evening, not counting those cases when the skin is really dirty. To wash you need to use special remedy, suitable for a specific skin type. This will help remove all contaminants without washing away the natural microflora.

Frequent washing, even with the right products, dries out the skin, causing oily skin to begin to secrete even more sebum. Dry skin, deprived of the already meager layer of natural fat, will become even more dehydrated.

3. Hot water makes skin loose and accelerates aging

This is not true. Impact high temperature accelerates blood circulation, and before some cosmetic procedures The skin is deliberately prepared with contrasting compresses with cold and hot water. This preparation allows you to better absorb the beneficial substances from creams and masks, and also tightens the pores.

As for washing, it is better to wash with warm or cool water, since hot water causes the sebaceous glands to actively produce their secretions. The procedure should be completed with a cold one, which closes the pores.

4. The same remedy affects different people differently.

This statement is true. It's not just about people with different types skins on which the same cosmetic product will certainly have different effects. Each body is individual and has its own characteristics, so people with the same skin type may find that the same product affects them differently. This circumstance creates certain difficulties when choosing cosmetics: neither advertising nor recommendations from friends guarantee that the purchased cream will suit you exactly the same as others. There is only one way out - carefully read the composition and monitor, remember which specific ingredients are not suitable.

5. Thick, keratinized part of the dermis, prevents the penetration of beneficial substances

This is a true belief. If the skin has not been exposed to scrub or peeling for a long time, then dying and already keratinized particles of the epidermis interfere with the penetration of valuable components.

There is only one way out - the skin must be exfoliated regularly. by suitable means. The main thing is without fanaticism, otherwise there is a risk of thinning the skin and making it vulnerable. You need to choose soft products, since coarse abrasive particles can lead to microtraumas of the skin, and in response to this it will produce keratin.

6. Not a single cream can cope with wrinkles, so in order to save money it is better to buy inexpensive products

This is not true. New generation creams produced by well-known cosmetic companies are expensive not only because of advertising and beautiful packaging. Scientists are working to create effective formulas that can solve various skin problems, including age-related changes. The production of such creams sometimes requires expensive components, and in principle all substances in high-quality cosmetics undergo deep cleaning, and this is also not a cheap procedure. But when you pay money for a jar of cream from a trusted manufacturer, you can be sure that under its lid there really is quality product, which is certainly capable of at least part of what the advertising promises.

7. Good cosmetics must contain a sun protection factor.

Not at all. Sun protection is more of a publicity stunt and a small additional benefit. Of course, it's nice to know that, for example, foundation not only performs a decorative function, but also protects the skin from harmful radiation, but there are several conditions.

  • First of all, the usual sunscreens, which are usually used on the beach, need to be applied in a fairly thick layer. None of the daily morning care or makeup products are applied in such quantities.
  • Secondly, layer protective cream needs to be updated every three hours. How realistic is this to do with cosmetics for daily use?
  • Thirdly, sunscreen filters are not the healthiest substances for the skin.

Hence the conclusion: whether or not to buy cosmetics with a sun protection factor is a personal matter, but its presence or absence does not in any way affect the quality of the cosmetic product.

8. The sooner you start using anti-aging cosmetics, the longer you will be able to maintain youthful skin

Nothing of the kind! Skin that does not yet need anti-aging support will not look better. And by the time she needs it, she will become accustomed to the active components, and they simply will not be able to act on her.

9. The longer you refrain from using anti-aging cosmetics, the more effective its use will be in the future.

A belief that is the opposite of the previous one, but just as far from the truth. Apparently, the authors of this misconception are very afraid of the addictive effect, so they try to delay the inevitable moment. In fact anti-aging cosmetics you need to use it when the time is right. The rate of skin aging is influenced by many various factors, so some people discover their first wrinkles before the age of thirty, while others don’t even know what they are even at thirty-five.

There are no specific age recommendations for starting use. Anyone who still wants to get them can go to a cosmetologist, but everyone else is advised to read the labels. As a rule, the packaging of anti-aging products contains instructions on what problems their contents are intended to solve.

10. If the cream contains oils, then it is not suitable for oily skin

This is not true. Vegetable oils light and perfectly absorbed into the skin, supplying it a large number valuable nutrients. Oily skin will not become even oilier, since it will not have to restore the damaged sebum layer - it will be replaced by cosmetic oils.

11. It is best to apply the cream before bed, as its beneficial components are most actively absorbed at night.

This is true, only with a small caveat. The cream is actually better absorbed at night, when the body is resting and its recovery mechanisms are launched. You just need to apply night care about an hour before bed so that it is absorbed into the skin and not into the pillow.

12. The cream will be most effective if applied to damp skin.

That's how it is. Application to a damp face promotes a kind of emulsification and better penetration of the active substances of the cream deep into the skin. In this regard, after evening cleansing, you need to wipe your face with lotion to tone and remove any residual detergent, and then, without waiting for it to dry, apply night care.

13. If the skin tingles a little after using the product, it means that the active substances are well absorbed

This is not entirely true. Many manufacturers honestly warn their customers that a slight tingling sensation may occur after using their cosmetic product. This is due to the presence of some active component in the composition, for example, hyaluronic acid. It’s good if the consequences of applying such a product are limited to tingling. The danger lies in the fact that such sensations indicate the presence of some kind of reaction, and it may well be allergic. You need to pay attention to such tingling, possible redness or swelling. It is possible that cosmetic product didn't suit the skin.