How to make cheekbones in a week. The best ways to remove cheekbones. Reasons for changes in facial oval

The face is the most important part of one’s appearance, capable of making a lasting impression and endearing oneself to oneself, or, conversely, turning one away from a person. Every girl wants to turn her face into her most powerful weapon, but the current rhythm of life and lack of time for self-care make this task much more difficult. It is a common belief that people first become acquainted with sagging cheeks after crossing the forty-year mark, when, due to age, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, and the muscles that support and stretch the skin from the inside weaken.

And as a result, one can observe the appearance and excessive rounding of the cheeks, to such an extent that the cheekbones become poorly visible or almost invisible and the face becomes shapeless. However, this opinion is wrong. A similar problem can be encountered not only by older people, but also by young girls who have inherited rounded cheeks, which is possible even if their figure is hereditarily slender.

Another possible option, in which this unpleasant phenomenon can occur - rapid and improper weight loss. Then the body simply does not have time to adapt to the changes that occur to it, as a result of which the body loses weight according to plan, and the face remains the same as it was. Below you will find some simple tips on how to remove cheeks and create cheekbones using physical exercise and how to prevent such a problem from occurring.

Correction methods

Among the techniques that explain how to remove excessively voluminous cheeks and make beautiful cheekbones, you can really get lost. Modern cosmetology offers correction procedures in salons, during which various gels will be injected under your skin to model the facial frame, or special masters will massage your facial skin. Surgical correction methods themselves can be dangerous; they provide a temporary effect, although it manifests itself quickly, and the intervention is irreversible.

Video exercises:

Home measures are painless and safe, but you will have to wait a very long time for results. Home correction methods include: cleansing the body, due to which the skin tone will increase and it will tighten on its own; compliance with sleep and facial care using a variety of cosmetic techniques; Monitoring your posture will also help you correct your cheeks - the oval of your face can be tightened if you walk with your back straight, and when walking, raise your head up, lifting your chin.

Proper nutrition is also one of the ways to correct your face. Quite effective and long-term effective, it, however, also does not give results in a week. Reviewing the diet and adjusting it to include more natural products will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin and body as a whole, but for the effect to become obvious, you will have to wait.

Other fashionable cosmetology products, for example, have a local effect and only on the surface of the skin, that is, the condition of the skin may improve, but it is unlikely to tighten, since there is no effect on the cause of the problem - weakened facial muscles. The effect will also not appear in 1 day; a long wait without a guarantee of results will most likely disappoint you.

The maximum result should be expected from the last method of correction - exercises.

They not only have a deep local effect on the facial muscles, but are also able to shape the contour of the neck and chin, cheekbones, which is especially important due to the fact that correcting the condition of the neck muscles, for example, is difficult in itself, and becomes even more difficult with age. Of course, the effect will not appear in a day, but you will notice changes much earlier than would happen if you used another type of fix for the identified problem.

How to sit on a chair, do nothing and become more beautiful?

Exercises to correct the face are a method for those who do not want to strain themselves too much, but want to strengthen their frame, eliminate as much as possible a double chin or the possibility of its appearance, restore chiseled cheekbones and a clear jawline.

  • Sit upright on a chair, place a rolled towel under your neck, tilt your head back and move your chin, as if “pushing” the lower jaw over the upper. This exercise works the neck muscles and those that support the skin around the cheekbones.
  • While sitting, clench your teeth tightly and move your lower lip so that it protrudes downward.
  • Sitting straight, tilt your head toward your chest so that your chin touches it, and move it from left to right and back again as if you were trying to reach your right or left shoulder.
  • Take some thin object in your teeth, like a brush or pen, and try to draw some shapes in the air by rotating your chin and neck. Try to do this as accurately as possible.
  • Take air into your mouth, roll it there, puffing out your cheeks, and then sharply release it from your mouth, strongly tensing the muscles of your mouth.
  • Pull your lips into a tube, then squeeze them tightly. Make movements as if you were chewing a large piece of something that is difficult for you to chew. Try to make your actions as hypertrophied as possible.

  • Sitting on a chair or standing straight, tilt your head back deeply, so as to try to touch the back of your head. Then return your head to its original position and tilt it forward, touching your chin to your chest. Then straighten up and tilt your head first to the right, then to the left, in both cases trying to touch your ear to your shoulder. This exercise develops and tones the neck muscles well.
  • Stand up straight, grab your left shoulder with your right hand, and your right shoulder with your left hand. Hug yourself tightly, lift your head up and take a big, deep breath. Hold your breath for as long as your physiology allows, and then exhale sharply.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly. Place your index finger behind your cheek and pull it away from your teeth, while trying to press it back with muscle tension. Repeat the exercise for the left and right cheek.
  • With your lips stretched out, repeat all the vowels of the alphabet several times. This way, it influences the formation of a clearer cheekbone line, which will visually make your face more expressive.

A simple complex for the face that will help get rid of cheeks and make cheekbones.

A toned face with a clear contour and chiseled features looks beautiful, graceful and memorable. Having understood how to make cheekbones on your face using simple exercises and methods, you can not only make your face more attractive without surgical intervention, but also visually look several years younger.

There are many reasons that lead to loss of cheekbone shape.

These include:

  • natural age-related changes associated with insufficient amounts of collagen and elastin in the muscles and skin.
  • sudden weight gain or loss, which leads to sagging skin in the lower part of the face and the appearance of a double chin;
  • hormonal imbalances leading to an uncontrolled increase in the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • eating poor diet and drinking too much fluid;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • abuse of natural and artificial tanning, as ultraviolet rays lead to loss of firmness and elasticity skin;
  • low quality cosmetics and perfumes that do not provide complete skin care.

Why do you need facial exercises?

There are many muscles on the human face that are responsible for facial expressions, closing and opening of the eyes and mouth. In order for them to work actively, they need to be trained, just like the muscles of the body. Special exercises are used to work the facial muscles.

After classes, the following positive changes appear:

Before starting to master facial gymnastics, get acquainted with the contraindications and rules for its implementation. Correct actions will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from the exercises.

Absolute contraindications for facial gymnastics include:

  • the presence of Botox and subcutaneous fillers;
  • problems in the functioning of the facial nerve;
  • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery(a preliminary consultation with a plastic surgeon is required);
  • the presence of malignant tumors.

Perform exercises with caution in the following cases:

General rules for performing facial exercises are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face, neck and hands. Increased blood flow helps to expand pores and saturate the skin with oxygen. To ensure this process, the face and neck are cleaned of dirt and decorative cosmetics (if possible, eye makeup is removed). Some exercises require touching your fingers to the oral mucosa, so your hands must be clean (you can treat them with a disinfectant solution).
  2. To avoid unwanted stretching of the skin, it should be moisturized during training with plain water. The area around the eyes is covered with a rich cream.
  3. Training should be carried out regularly, gradually increasing the load. This leads to an increase in the amount of elastin in muscle tissue, giving it elasticity.
  4. Exercises can be performed at any time of the day, but the most effective are evening workouts, taking place 2-2.5 hours before bedtime. At this time, you can completely cleanse the skin and complete the complex without haste.
  5. After completing the gymnastics, rinse the face with clean cool water and apply nourishing mask and then moisturizer.

How to remove cheeks with exercises

Will help to form a beautiful oval face and reduce cheeks simple exercises.

Among them are:

How to shape cheekbones

How to make cheekbones on your face: exercises for beginners are as follows:

How to lift your cheekbones

How to make cheekbones on the face: exercises for raising the cheekbones, aimed at activating the work of the zygomatic muscle:

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones from Evgenia Baglyk

Evgenia Baglyk is the author of a method of performing facial gymnastics, based on many years of practice and study of the anatomy of the human muscles and skull. The author's course of a famous trainer consists of a set of balanced exercises for different groups of facial muscles.

How to make cheekbones on your face: exercises from Evgenia Baglyk:

After each exercise, stretch and relax the muscles involved, puffing out the cheeks several times.

Gymnastics di Maggio

Carol DiMaggio is the developer of a popular set of facial exercises called “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face.” As a result of daily training, the oval of the face is tightened, the number of shallow expression wrinkles is reduced, and the condition of the skin improves.

The technique is not designed for a quick effect, since the first results will appear only after 6 months. But the results achieved will be sustainable.

The facial gymnastics complex of an American cosmetologist includes three courses:

  1. The basic course is intended for beginners. His exercises activate facial muscles that are little involved in everyday life. It includes 14 exercises, the effects of which are aimed at different areas of the face.
  2. The main course, consisting of 9 exercises, strengthens and pumps facial muscles that have already received some stress. Some exercises repeat the entry-level exercises, but have a more complex method of execution.
  3. A set of adapted exercises is designed for outdoor activities that do not require careful preparation.

How to make cheekbones on your face: exercises using Carol DiMaggio’s method:


The effectiveness of facial exercises is increased by massage sessions.

It has the following effects on the face:

  • relaxes facial muscles;
  • removes excess liquid;
  • lifts cheekbones;
  • models the oval of the face.

How to make cheekbones on your face using special massage movements that complement the exercises:

Important! You should not massage your cheekbones in the following cases:

  • poor physical health;
  • skin rashes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the facial nerve.

Special diet for the face

Exercises may not help to make cheekbones on the face, since most often the muscles are hidden under a layer of subcutaneous fat and swelling. To get rid of them, you need to review your daily diet.

The basic principles of its formation are as follows:

  • reducing salt intake;
  • regulation of kidney function;
  • the presence of calcium-containing foods in the diet;
  • refusal of street food and processed foods;
  • half the amount of food eaten per day should be fruits and vegetables.

During a diet aimed at losing weight, it is recommended to consume the following foods:

  • fast food;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sausages.

How to highlight cheekbones with makeup

You can quickly add cheekbones to your face using makeup that takes into account your face type and its individual features. Using the sculpting method using different shades foundations draw attention to the strengths and disguise the imperfections of the face.

Round face

Chubby women need to darken the following areas:

  • extreme points of the lower jaw;
  • whiskey;
  • lateral parts of the cheeks and cheekbones.

Use light-colored products to emphasize the cheekbones, applying the product in the form of a sharp triangle with vertices at the temple, corner of the lips and chin. They also highlight the T-zone. Lips are covered with neutral shade lipstick or transparent gloss.

Oval face

Cheekbones on the face oval shape are emphasized as follows:

  1. Use a dark foundation to darken the area along the hairline and the lower part of the chin.
  2. Using blush, highlight the cheekbones, shading them from the lip area to the temple.
  3. Light shades highlight the forehead area, the top of the nose and the chin.

Triangular face

In women with a triangular face type, the cheekbones initially stand out very strongly, so they need to be softened.

This is done as follows:

  • darken the area from the sides of the forehead to the extreme points of the cheekbones, shading the product from top to bottom;
  • the protruding part of the chin is highlighted in the same tone;
  • a light product is applied to the central part of the face and the middle of the chin;
  • blush that matches the color is shaded along the upper line of the cheekbones;
  • A bright shade of lipstick is applied to the lips.

Square face

Cheekbones stand out quite strongly on a square face type. Proper makeup with bright accent before our eyes.

Before eye makeup, face sculpting is done:

  1. A dark foundation is applied to the prominent points of the cheekbones, side lines of the forehead and temples.
  2. Blush in the shape of an elongated triangle is shaded towards the temples.
  3. Brighten the T-zone.

To perform high-quality, long-lasting makeup, use products suitable for a specific skin type and time of day.

Modeling hairstyle

A correctly chosen hairstyle can not only emphasize the cheekbones, but also visually reduce the volume of the face. Pick up suitable hairstyle or the haircut should be done with the help of an experienced specialist who will help you avoid mistakes. Since the wrong haircut shape or bang length can highlight facial imperfections.

For owners long hair and for extra volume on the face, a cascade haircut with long bangs is suitable.

To highlight the cheekbones, the hair is parted in the middle, leaving the elongated bangs to fall freely on both sides of the face. The rest of the hair is collected in a bun at the back or simply pinned with pins at the back of the head.


You can emphasize your cheekbones using modern cosmetology methods.

These include:

Surgical methods for cheekbone augmentation have a number of contraindications:

  • blood diseases, especially poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • infectious and viral diseases accompanied by high temperature;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • fungus on the skin.

How to make a man's cheekbones

Beautiful, toned cheekbones attract looks not only to women, but also to men.

You can make your cheekbones more pronounced using several methods:

  1. Chewing gum, used daily to freshen breath, helps improve the elasticity of the skin and muscles on the cheeks and strengthen the oval of the face.
  2. A Hollywood smile not only melts women's hearts, but also helps tighten many facial muscles. To smile correctly, you need to clench your teeth tightly and stretch your lips in a wide smile. This position must be held for a few seconds and then the muscles relaxed. Do 10-15 repetitions daily 3 times a day.
  3. Yawning widely also strengthens the muscles around the cheekbones. To perform this exercise, you need to sit down, raise your head slightly and move your lower jaw down as low as possible. During this movement, a quiet crunch may be heard, followed by no pain. To achieve sustainable results, you need to do 25-30 repetitions daily.

There are many ways to create cheekbones on the face for men and women. To do this, you can use exercises, massage and various cosmetic procedures. Their combination contributes to achieving positive, sustainable results.

Article format: Oksana Grivina

Video on how to remove cheekbones from your face

Facebuilding trainer Evgenia Baglyk talks about how to sculpt your cheekbones and tighten your cheeks:

Chubby cheeks look incredibly cute and charming on children and teenage girls, but, unfortunately, in rare cases they brighten up adult women. After all, excessive volume in the lower part of the face makes it heavier, places accents unfavorably, and looks inharmonious with the rest of its features. So, how to remove cheeks and create cheekbones? More on this later.

The main reasons for the appearance of chubby cheeks

Chubby cheeks are, rather, an aesthetic problem, and therefore can be easily corrected. The main thing is to identify the reason for the appearance of excess volume, and, starting from it, choose a method of transformation.

There are several possible reasons the occurrence of chubby cheeks, the most common of which are:

On the process of achieving perfect shape It will take more than one day or month for the face to heal. You should regularly devote time to your appearance in order to maintain it in good condition. Girls who want to gain pronounced cheekbones instead of chubby cheeks should follow the following tips every day.


Regardless of your daily routine and workload, it is important to try to monitor your own diet. If the body does not receive the amount of vitamins or microelements it needs, this will have a significant impact on the skin of the face.

It will be subject to dehydration, dullness, and the contours of the face will begin to gradually decrease. As a result, it will be possible to return raised cheekbones only through injection or other surgical methods.

A balanced diet includes the consumption of foods necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body, as well as a certain regimen. It is worth accustoming yourself to fractional nutrition, which involves consuming food in small portions throughout the day. So, the number of doses should be 5-6 times a day.

A significant role in the preparation of the diet is played by the exclusion of salty foods. After all, as mentioned earlier, excessive salt consumption leads to swelling of the body and face, which increases their volume.

But you should drink clean, still water in large quantities throughout the day, but not before bed.

If the opportunity to eat properly disappears under the influence of a complex daily routine, then you can supplement the diet with the use of a complex of vitamins. But it is worth remembering that food additives will not be absorbed by the body in the complete absence of a diet, they are only auxiliary substances;

Skin care

The clarity of its contours depends on the firmness and elasticity of the skin, so to achieve chiseled cheekbones you will have to devote a lot of time to caring for it. This can be done using ready-made store-bought or folk remedies.

Facial care should consist of several stages, the main of which is nutrition and hydration. Vegetable and essential oils and vitamins in capsules have an excellent effect on the skin, and for every day care you can limit yourself to day and night cream, as well as thermal water.

The main thing is to regularly pay attention to such procedures.

Gymnastics and facial massage

Specially gymnastics facial massage helps to lift the contours of the face. The essence of these procedures differs in some way. Gymnastics are exercises for the face, during which the muscles are necessarily involved.

Massage involves rubbing the skin to stimulate blood circulation, which also has a positive effect on the firmness and elasticity of tissues;

Daytime makeup using special techniques will help you visually correct your face shape, emphasize or cover up natural lines, and set accents.

The main techniques for shaping cheekbones in makeup are contouring and backing.

They allow you to add volume to the face only in the necessary parts (the center of the forehead, the bridge of the nose, the area above and below the cheekbones, the chin), and thus give it the famous “Hollywood” look.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: exercises

As noted earlier, facial gymnastics helps to tighten it, which has a beneficial effect on the clarity of contours. It is advisable to carry out exercises at least 3 times a week, and you should also alternate it with a relaxing massage.

For daily gymnastics, you can use the following selection of exercises.

This exercise should be done for a minute, then give yourself a break. Doing it regularly will rid your face of a double chin, which means it will make your face thinner.

  • sit up straight;
  • close your jaws;
  • try to lower lower lip as far down as possible, as if sticking it out.

When performing this exercise, tension should be felt in the lower part of the chin. Execution time – from 1 minute.

The exercise should be completed with a relaxing massage, because it puts tension on the facial muscles. Constantly doing it will lift your cheeks up, which will form a clear and attractive shape of your face and cheekbones.


  • sit up straight;
  • take the handle with your mouth perpendicular to your head;
  • draw letters, numbers or symbols in the air with a pen.

During the exercise, tension should be felt in the lower part of the chin. You can even do it at work instead of exercising your eyes.

The exercise tightens the cheeks, giving them a more collected and elastic shape.

  • stretch your lips out as much as possible with a tube;
  • slowly pronounce any vowel sounds one by one.

Performing such gymnastics will not take more than 10 minutes a day, and its constant implementation will help you achieve high cheekbones, getting rid of chubby or sagging cheeks.

Diet for losing weight

Since one of the most common reasons for the appearance of chubby cheeks is overweight, to achieve an ideal face shape, you should switch to a new diet.

However, it completely eliminates hunger strikes, because as noted earlier, a lack of vitamins and microelements can lead to weakening of the facial muscles, loss of its elasticity and healthy color. And this one appearance, even with pronounced cheekbones, is not suitable for many people.

The diet for losing weight includes the following principles:

  1. Fractionated nutrition;
  2. Restoring water-salt balance in the body;
  3. Limiting the consumption of foods containing saturated fats;
  4. Consumption of food rich in microelements;
  5. Refusal of alcohol and tobacco products.

A diet based on the above rules, unlike fasting, makes it possible to lose weight without significant stress on the body, however, it requires more time. Supplement proper nutrition should physical activity, then the noticeable effect of losing weight in the body and face will appear sooner.

A low-calorie diet menu for one day may look like this:

  1. Z: 1 soft-boiled egg;
  2. Z2: 1 cup green tea no sugar, 175 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  3. A: a small plate of soup cooked in vegetable broth without meat, 150 g of cottage cheese, 1 cup of black tea without sugar;
  4. P: Any fruit;
  5. U: Salad based on tomatoes, bell peppers, herbs and cucumbers, seasoned with flaxseed oil;
  6. U2: A glass of low-fat kefir, 1 milk cookie.

Where Z is breakfast, Z2 is second breakfast, O is lunch, P is afternoon snack, U is dinner, U2 is second dinner.

As already noted, the diet should be supplemented with a complex of vitamins and water.

Beauty treatments

Skin care through cosmetic procedures is an auxiliary method for achieving defined cheekbones. In addition, some homemade masks can dissolve body fat under the skin, thanks to the components they contain.

The main ingredients of homemade facelift masks are:

  1. Vegetable oils (almond, peach, apricot, castor, olive, flaxseed, etc.);
  2. Essential oils (lavender, tea tree, cinnamon, orange, grapefruit, lemon, fennel, geranium, etc.);
  3. Vitamins in capsules (A, E);
  4. Fruit pulp;
  5. Dairy and fermented milk products with high fat content;
  6. Oatmeal;
  7. Chocolate;
  8. Cosmetic clay (white, blue, black, green, yellow, red, pink).

As an example, here are a couple of recipes for making tightening face masks.

Clay rejuvenating:

  • mix a tablespoon of green clay and two tablespoons of heated milk;
  • apply to skin until completely dry;
  • rinse with warm water.

Based on oils for a firming effect:

  • mix a teaspoon of castor, olive and almond oil, and also add a couple of drops of fennel and lavender oils;
  • apply to the skin and perform gymnastics and massage;
  • leave overnight or rinse with warm water.

Such home procedures can be carried out daily or 3-4 times a week, the main thing is that they are used regularly.

You can also visit a cosmetologist for injection under the skin. hyaluronic acid, which will have a tightening effect on her.

Secrets of proper makeup for beautiful cheekbones

The art of makeup is not only an opportunity to experiment with your own appearance, but also to radically change it, because if you learn the technique of contouring, you can make yourself a completely different person.

Thus, popular beauty bloggers on YouTube regularly transform into celebrities and movie characters, changing their facial features with a few strokes of their brushes.

To do basic makeup for chubby cheeks, you should have the following cosmetic products:

  • beauty blender (sponge);
  • beveled brush;
  • fluffy eyelid brush;
  • voluminous fluffy brush;
  • eyebrow brush;
  • gel eyeliner for eyebrows;
  • eyebrow gel;
  • primer (makeup base);
  • foundation half a tone lighter than skin tone;
  • light concealer;
  • cream stick bronzer;
  • light loose powder;
  • lip balm or hygienic lipstick;
  • lipstick or lip gloss;
  • coffee-colored shadows.

Basic makeup for chubby cheeks is based on contouring and correct placement of accents. You should highlight your cheekbones and also emphasize the upper part of your face, shifting attention from the lower part. Makeup is performed in this order:

Summing up

So, we can come to the conclusion that chubby cheeks are a defect that can be corrected:

  1. Its appearance may depend on a number of reasons, depending on which a set of measures is selected to achieve an ideal face shape;
  2. You can correct your face with diet, cosmetic procedures, gymnastics, massage or makeup;
  3. A diet for losing weight in the face implies adherence to its basic principles, as well as a list of prohibited and permitted foods;
  4. Makeup for chubby cheeks involves the use of contouring techniques and the correct placement of accents.

And a few more exercises in the next video.

Refined cheekbones look expressive, but few women naturally have such lines. How to get rid of chubby cheeks, bypassing expensive procedures, and correct the contours of your face at home?

We must admit right away that cheekbones are amenable to weight loss with great difficulty. Losing extra centimeters is difficult in relation to any part of the body, wherever fat is deposited. But, for example, the muscles of the legs or abdomen are constantly involved in movement, naturally acquiring clear outlines - but the muscles of the face do not have much mobility.

How to remove chubby cheeks? The process is similar to any other weight loss. You need to carefully analyze your diet schedule, sleep regularity, organize regular physical activity for the corresponding muscles - in other words, do special exercises. Of course, auxiliary procedures will be useful - toning masks, creams, washes. They will not help you lose weight, but they will remove excess fluid and waste from under the skin, which also cause chubby cheeks.

If you are too busy to correct your cheekbones at home, cosmetic procedures are always available to you. Let us briefly list the most effective of them.

Professional cosmetic treatments

Professional cosmetic procedures that help correct the contours of the cheeks are recommended to be carried out exclusively with the help of specialized salons. The main disadvantage of cosmetic procedures is, of course, the high cost. And the main advantage is that an experienced cosmetologist will assess the condition of your face, choose the most successful strategy for its correction, and prescribe the most effective course of procedures.

Most often, the following is done to correct the cheekbones and cheeks: toxins and excess fluid are removed from under the skin, muscles are toned, activated, and the skin is tightened. By what methods are these goals achieved?

  • Massage. There are points throughout the body, the impact of which helps improve blood circulation, better oxygen supply, and rapid skin renewal. A skillful facial massage performed by a professional has a healing effect on the muscles and skin at the same time. Thus, regular procedures remove swelling of the cheeks, correcting the line of the cheekbones.
  • Mesotherapy. The specificity of the technique is as follows: the scalp is affected from the inside by introducing a special mesosolution into the subcutaneous layer. The method most effectively saturates the skin with oxygen, improves blood flow, and removes accumulated toxins.
  • Cosmetic peeling. This procedure is designed to renew the upper layers of the skin. Using special strong but gentle means, cosmetologists remove the old, keratinized layer of skin and remove emerging expression wrinkles, nourish the young delicate skin- it tightens, becoming fresh and elastic.

The listed procedures are carried out maximum once a month - otherwise the effect will be the opposite, they cannot be done weekly. However, for maximum benefit, it is recommended to use peeling, mesotherapy, and massage regularly, in courses. It turns out that the costs are still multi-use. Since each of the procedures is expensive, the methods listed are not suitable for everyone.

Special “charging” for cheekbones and special makeup

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones without resorting to expensive services of beauty salons? Is it really possible to make do with improvised means? Yes - it is quite possible, although it may take quite a few weeks and require considerable effort.

First of all, every day you will need to find at least fifteen minutes for a kind of “gymnastics” for your cheekbones. What exercises does this original exercise consist of?

  • Tilt your head back, sticking out your lower jaw, and freeze for a few seconds. When you feel the tension in your cheek muscles, relax your chin and then return to your original position.
  • Sit upright, straighten your back, throw your head back, clenching your jaw, and then lower your shoulders as much as possible, carefully keeping your neck motionless. If the exercise is performed correctly, you should again feel a strong tension in the muscles of the cheeks.
  • Take a breath with your cheeks, squeeze your mouth tightly, and then place your palms on both cheeks, covering your ears with your fingers, and slowly press with your palms from the sides. Feeling the resistance of the muscles, continue pressing with your palms for a few seconds, and then release the air.
  • With your lips stretched out, as if in a kiss, try to draw an imaginary circle in front of you with smooth movements of your neck - left, right. Can also be placed over upper lip pencil held under your nose.
  • Opening your mouth slightly, retract your lips, sticking them around your teeth, tense your muscles, and place your fingers on your cheeks. Begin to gently pull your palms upward. You will first feel tension, and then even a slight burning sensation in the muscles - this will mean that the exercise is being performed correctly.

These simple exercises need to be repeated more than once, but at least ten approaches - gradually the number of repetitions needs to be increased. Such gymnastics will have a positive effect not only on the cheeks - the double chin, which upsets many women, will also noticeably decrease. After just a few weeks, the outline in the mirror will become thinner, more graceful, and much more attractive.

When telling how to remove a double chin and cheeks, one cannot remain silent about the possibilities of cosmetics. Moreover, in this case, we mean inexpensive professional procedures - the most common cosmetics that any woman uses every day. With proper application of shadows and blush, you can slightly correct your facial features - although, of course, cosmetics will give the greatest effect precisely together with weight loss exercises.

To visually make your cheeks smaller and make your cheekbones more distinct, you will need to carefully apply the right shadows to certain areas. To begin with, a foundation is applied, which helps to easily cope with the shading of cosmetics, while at the same time protecting the skin from drying out. Powder is applied over the foundation - not daily, but a slightly darker shade.

It is the powder that will create the desired visual effect. Run your hand along your cheek to find the line of your cheekbones, then use a dark powder to make the skin underneath that line slightly darker than the rest of your skin. The main thing to remember is that the shadow should lie clearly along the cheeks, do not lead it towards the lips. Otherwise, you will suddenly look much older than your real age.

After carefully applying the shadows, add regular powder, natural color along the upper line of the cheekbones, the makeup will receive a natural contrast. Of course, in order to avoid too sharp a color transition, the powder must be thoroughly shaded. It is best to treat the cheekbones with a wide brush with soft bristles.

When applying makeup, make sure that it does not look too “artificial.” In particular, the rule applies daytime makeup- for evening it is permissible to use darker and clearer tones, since it will most likely be accompanied by a corresponding bright eyeliner and rich lipstick.

What causes chubby cheeks to appear?

We have listed the main methods to help effectively remove swollen cheeks. What are the reasons that cause the very appearance of the deficiency?

Unfortunately, most often chubby cheeks are a genetic “gift” - i.e. appear in a hereditary manner. If your parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents have similar rounded features, it will be difficult to correct the line of your cheekbones. You will have to continuously maintain your carefully sculpted outlines, spending a lot of effort and hours on cosmetic procedures and special exercises.

However, heredity is far from the only reason. Often, fatty deposits on the cheeks appear in people who are generally not at all inclined to be overweight. This is most likely the culprit poor nutrition, and also a disrupted daily routine.

For example, drinking too much fluid in the evening has a detrimental effect on your appearance. If you are used to drinking coffee or tea shortly before going to bed, you will have to reconsider your existing traditions. Water, accumulating in the tissues, forms some swelling overnight, which is especially noticeable on the cheeks.

Equally negative impact caused by irregular nutrition, abuse of junk food, and improper sleep. The above leads to the fact that the body's metabolism is disrupted - toxins do not leave the body and accumulate in the cells. The breakdown of fats slows down, immediately resulting in characteristic swelling of the cheeks, eyelids, and chin.

If you decide to see a completely healthy, great-looking reflection in the mirror with pronounced cheekbones, get ready to do more than just exercise - you will need to completely reconsider your daily routine. However, the result is worth all the effort - once you achieve the desired shape, you will always be satisfied with your own appearance.

Owners wide face very often people wonder how to remove cheekbones without resorting to plastic surgery. Prominent cheekbones can deprive the appearance of femininity and sophistication, so girls resort to various tricks. You can visually hide your cheekbones with the help of well-applied makeup or a properly chosen hairstyle, and regular performance of special exercises will reduce the protrusion of your face.

With makeup

The main rule that you need to follow to remove cheekbones using decorative cosmetics is not to focus attention on them. Therefore, first of all, you should avoid bright blush.

Focus on the eyes

By drawing attention to the upper part of the face, you can divert attention from the swelling in the cheekbones, thereby visually removing them. It is better to use lipstick in natural light shades. The best solutions for eye makeup are to apply a thick layer of mascara, use bright shadows (you can even use glitter), draw arrows with liquid eyeliner, or perform unusual makeup using one of the suggested techniques: smokey-eyes, cat-eye, cut crease or banana.

Correct application of powder

Wide cheekbones can be removed if you choose responsibly color palette facial cosmetics. As a base, apply a bronze-colored product (you must take into account the color type of appearance so as not to make a mistake with the tone: brunettes should use a darker one, blondes should use a lighter one). Further using foundation highlight the following areas a couple of shades lighter:

  • center of forehead;
  • center of the chin;
  • back of the nose.

A dark foundation is applied under the lips, on the area between them and the nose, as well as on the temples. On the cheekbones and area under the eyes - powder of a natural color, 2 shades darker than the natural complexion. Lightly sprinkle the lower jaw with dry powder. All transitions should be well shaded.


A special technique for disguising parts of the body where attention is not desired is called contouring. It is performed using foundations of various shades.

  • The entire face is covered with a foundation close to natural color faces.
  • Bronzer is applied to the center of the cheekbones and temples.
  • The cheekbones are carefully shaded towards the chin.
  • The same should be done with the temples.
  • Pale shimmering shadows are applied under the eyebrow and on the outer corner of the eye.


Special exercises will help remove cheekbones at home. Their action is aimed at redistributing subcutaneous fat and tightening sagging cheekbones. They will not be able to reduce the bone, but they can make the face slimmer and more impressive, and add beauty to its lateral parts.


A daily massage will help narrow your cheekbones, tone your lower muscles and remove your double chin, making your face slimmer.

  1. Open your mouth, exposing your teeth.
  2. Use your fingers to make circular movements in the direction from the cheeks to the temples.
  3. Having reached the temples, fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward.
  4. Massage in the opposite direction - from the temples to the cheeks.
  5. Repeat 10-12 times.

Set of exercises

Another way to help remove cheekbones is intensive training of the facial muscles. They lead to weight loss and visually stretch the oval.

  1. Inhale air by stretching your lips into a tube. Hold for 10-12 seconds.
  2. Tightening all your muscles, sing with tension all the vowels.
  3. Take air into your mouth and hold it inside, creating an air bubble. Roll it from side to side.
  4. Place your palms on your cheekbones, apply pressure, pointing your fingers up towards your ears.
  5. Make movements with your head that resemble diving. Lower your chin to your chest, then lift your head in a circle.

Exercises with improvised means

Some devices are used during face-building exercises and help remove cheekbones.

  • Wrap a long scarf around your head. Try to wrap it around. As close to the base of the skull as possible. Leave the ends of the scarf on the forehead side. Having fixed your head, pull the ends of the scarf up without creating sudden movements.
  • The use of roller massagers can tighten the skin and make the appearance more slender; the cheekbone area is also significantly tightened. The lower jaw and adjacent areas need to be treated more intensively.

With hairstyle

Perhaps the most effective method for hiding wide cheekbones is a haircut or hairstyle made taking into account all the protruding parameters of the face. In general, it is better to give preference long curls, but for amateurs short haircuts There are also several tricks that help to give a slim appearance and hide its angularity.


Girls with wide cheekbones are more suited to light, weightless haircuts, and it is better to avoid clear and strict lines in their hairstyles. Hair should fall in soft waves, covering the sides. Therefore, the effect of raggedness and slight negligence is welcome. This principle also dictates the choice in favor of asymmetry, but again not geometric, but blurred. This can be achieved by processing the ends of the strands with thinning scissors.

Short haircuts It is better to style it by tucking the ends inward, framing the lower part of the face with them.


The rejection of straight, strict lines also applies to bangs. The best way to hide cheekbones is to have thin, sparse bangs towards the bottom. It is ideal if there is a side parting leading to it. Lush bangs with straight ends and a straight parting that goes with it are not suitable for girls with prominent cheekbones. Sometimes the absence of bangs can work to your advantage and successfully remove massive protrusions on the sides.


One of the most successful options for camouflaging protruding cheekbones using a hairstyle is high curls. This allows for lengthening of the face and neck as opposed to width. Even better is to let soft wavy curls on the sides. Finally, a bright and catchy accessory in the hairstyle will help to distract attention from the lower part of the face - a hairpin with crystals playing in the light, big flower, a fancy tied scarf or an interesting headband.

Tip: the principle of diverting attention from a problem area with the help of a bright accessory applies not only to hairstyles. An unusual brooch on the chest or a necklace can also remove unnecessary emphasis from the problem area.

There are many ways to avoid plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures that reduce cheekbones. They all allow you to save a lot of money and will not cause any harm to your health.