How to wash a mirror yourself so that there are no streaks. Cleaning mirrors: how to wash a mirror without streaks Using abrasives

On a mirror surface, even slight dirt is immediately noticeable. We suggest you learn how to wash without streaks and clean from specific contaminants so that you spend less time. We will introduce you to folk and industrial remedies that can cope with various dirt.

Read in the article

How to properly wash a mirror without streaks at home: current solutions

Making your home cleaner is the dream of every housewife. Let's look at how to wash a mirror without streaks at home, so that the result will please you for a long time.

How to wash a mirror without streaks without products with plain water: the simplest methods

In the absence of serious contamination, you can get by. This will require soft fabric and thin paper. Let's look at how to wash without streaks without a product. Wet the cloth in water and wash off the dirt. Crumple the paper into a ball and wipe the surface dry, making circular movements. The main disadvantage of this method is its complexity.

How to wash a mirror without streaks using household chemicals: ready-made formulations and reviews from housewives

Manufacturers offer large assortment ready-made products that many housewives have already been able to appreciate. The most popular include:

  • Mister Muscle, characterized by ease of use and affordable cost;

  • Spectrum-Profi, demonstrating excellent results, but having a high cost;
  • Clin. Relevant for severe contamination;

  • Aquapel, cleanses the base and gives it shine. Includes isopropyl alcohol. Aquapel in green packaging contains ammonia;
  • Help. A budget option that allows you to cope with unstable stains.

Remember! Algorithm for how to wash the mirror without streaks using special products, step by step instructions on the packaging! Be sure to read the instructions before using chemicals; in some cases, you may need to wear a mask to protect your respiratory tract.

When choosing a household chemical product, read the reviews of housewives who have already used it:

Review of Faberlic product

More details on Otzovik:

Review of the CLEANER cleaner (HXK energy)

More details on Otzovik:

How to wash a mirror without streaks using folk remedies: proven methods

Due to the high cost of household chemicals and their harmfulness, many refuse to use industrial products in favor of folk ones. If you know how to wash a mirror without streaks folk remedies, it is possible without special effort Get a clean surface at home in a short time. We invite you to get to know them.

Product used Cleaning procedure

First you need to brew tea. After half an hour, add a teaspoon of salt to the present tea leaves. Using a nylon cloth soaked in the prepared composition, we first wipe the surface and then wipe it dry. This method not only removes dirt, but also makes the base shine.

The vegetable is cut in half, and then the entire surface to be cleaned is rubbed. Potato is washed off cold water, and then wipe everything dry.

Mix 1 tbsp in a glass of water. spoon of chalk and vinegar essence. Stir and infuse for at least 20 minutes. The water is drained, and the resulting sediment should be washed off the mirror. After washing off the product, wipe it dry.


Smeared stains appear on poorly washed mirror surfaces. A variety of dirt quickly accumulates on this piece of furniture. Greasy fingerprints and lipstick marks are covered by settling dust. The glass is infested with insects and gets dirty by pets.

If the mirror is located in the kitchen or in its immediate vicinity, it will be exposed to the vapors generated during the cooking process. Surfaces in the bathroom are covered with dried marks from drops of condensed hot steam and splashes constantly flying during bathing. Removing such contaminants is not so easy. Especially if cleaning is done occasionally. Simply wiping the mirror surface with detergent leads to the smearing of accumulated dirt on the glass.

Stains can be left by soap solution or other detergents not intended for cleaning glass. Some low-quality glass surface cleaners can also leave stains.

Smeared white streaks remain if the detergent was not washed off well with water or the cloth used to wipe the surface dry was not clean and dry enough.

The appearance of streaks after cleaning the surface of the mirror can be caused by impurities in tap water.

Drips occur if the cleaning tools were chosen incorrectly. The material for wiping the surface dry must be soft and highly absorbent.

Effective cleaning methods

You must first remove accumulated dirt from the surface. The surface can be cleaned with soapy water. To prepare it, it is better to take baby or laundry soap. The solution is whipped until foam forms and applied to the glass. Dishwashing liquid, shower gel or hair shampoo are also suitable for cleaning the mirror surface.

To get rid of dirt, it is better to use a soft foam sponge. Do not use abrasive sponges, brushes or remove dirt with a knife. This can scratch the glass. Surface defects will become constantly contaminated, and it will be almost impossible to clean them. A scratched mirror always looks untidy. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use cleansing powders or creams with solid particles.

To remove old, stubborn stains, it is recommended to pre-treat them with detergent and let it absorb. If the stain is not removed after treatment, the procedure should be repeated. Under the influence of the detergent, the dirt will gradually soften and can be removed without much difficulty.

When the dirt has been removed, the mirror must be washed from the detergent and wiped dry. It is advisable to repeat the rinsing procedure several times. Each time you need to use a clean sponge and water, and it is better to wipe the surface with a clean microfiber cloth or a piece of rag. Some housewives advise washing glass with boiled water.

How to make a mirror shine

Once the mirror is clean, you can treat it with glass cleaner.

There are many glass cleaning products available on the market that come with a spray bottle for easy application. However, preference should be given to products that do not contain ammonia. Ammonia has been proven for a long time effective means for washing glass. However, it is not recommended for cleaning mirrors. The reflective layer of the mirror, consisting of silver amalgam, can react with ammonia. This chemical reaction can cause stains to appear on the mirror.

Using professional cleaning products for mirrors and glass will allow you to clean surfaces less frequently. These products have an antistatic effect, so less dust will settle on the mirrors.

It is not recommended to clean home mirrors with car glass cleaners due to the high toxicity of such substances. Monitor cleaning liquid can be used as a last resort if nothing else is available.

To make the mirror sparkle, you can use a self-prepared product by adding 1 tbsp. water 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. The effect of the solution will be enhanced by adding 1 or 2 tbsp. l. alcohol or vodka. The product is sprayed onto the glass with a spray bottle and wiped dry with clean paper napkins or a cloth.

A mixture of 1 tbsp is no less effective. l. crushed chalk and ammonia. Alcohol is added to the chalk and the mixture is allowed to brew. Then the excess liquid is drained and the remaining slurry is rubbed onto the mirrors. When using ammonia, it is important to ensure that its concentration does not damage the reflective coating. Try it on a small area first.

Industrial products for cleaning glass and mirrors give excellent results. However, they have a pungent odor and are highly toxic. When processing large areas of mirror surfaces in enclosed spaces, the housewife may be poisoned. She may feel dizzy, nauseous and have allergic reactions. Young children, by touching mirrors and subsequently licking their fingers, can thus “swallow” toxic substances. That is why many housewives prefer to clean glass the old fashioned way, using improvised means. How to clean a mirror without modern chemicals?

Traditional cleaning methods

Until recently, almost all household mirrors were washed using ordinary newspapers. The contaminated surface was cleaned with a soap solution, washed off with water and rubbed with crumpled pieces of newspaper. You can only use newspaper in its classic form. It absorbs moisture perfectly and does not leave particles or fibers behind. The glossy surfaces of magazines and some modern newspapers are not suitable for this purpose.

A piece of newspaper was rubbed over a section of the surface until it became dry. If the newspaper got wet before, it was replaced with a new one. The already dry surface continued to be polished until the desired shine appeared. After this, we began to process a new area of ​​the surface. This work is labor-intensive, requires a lot of effort and time, but gives amazing results. It is completely safe for health.

A slightly less popular solution was a mixture of vinegar and chalk. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. l. crushed chalk or tooth powder and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. The ingredients were mixed, slightly heated and left to infuse for half an hour. Excess water was drained, and the remaining slurry was carefully rubbed onto the glass. The dried layer of chalk was cleaned off with a piece of newspaper. This cleansing gives excellent results.

Milk will restore the shine of the mirror. The surface, cleared of dirt, was wiped with a piece of soft rag dipped in milk. Then the mirror was wiped dry with a clean cloth.

An ordinary potato will restore the beauty of an important piece of furniture. It is cut in half and the cut is rubbed onto glass. It will not only make the surface shine, but also clean it. After treating the glass with raw potatoes, wash the surface with boiled water and wipe dry.

Helps you clean your mirror without streaks green tea With salt. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of strong infusion of green tea. l. table salt. The solution is applied to the glass with a nylon cloth, the surface is washed and wiped dry with a piece of clean soft rag.

If you dilute the blue with green tea, the mirror surface will not only be cleaned, but will also acquire an unusual sparkle with a blue tint. This treatment will give new life to even a very old, tarnished dressing table.

You can clean the mirror at home using old nylon tights without detergents. Wipe the surface with nylon until the desired overflow appears.

Removes various types of stains

Grease stains and traces of hairspray splashes from the mirror can be removed with alcohol, vodka or cologne. The product should be applied to the surface in a thin layer and wiped dry with a clean cloth.

Limescale deposits remaining after drying drops on the surface in the bathroom can be removed with a mixture of vinegar and water taken in equal parts. The glass must be treated until the stain disappears. After this, the surface is wiped dry.

Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid. Adding 4 tbsp. l. citric acid in 1 liter of water, you can prepare an excellent cleaning agent for mirror glasses.

Insect waste products on glass are removed with an onion cut in half. After a few minutes, wipe the onion juice dry with a clean cloth. To eliminate the pungent onion smell, the surface is additionally treated with a vinegar solution and wiped dry with crumpled newspapers.

Very dirty glass can be cleaned with a starch solution. Dilute 2 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. powder. The solution is applied to the surface foam sponge. The cleaned glass is washed several times with clean water and wiped dry.

After cleaning, it will help to give the mirror a shine linseed oil. They lubricate the glass with it and polish it with a woolen cloth until the entire greasy layer is removed. A mirror surface treated in this way will fill the room with shining reflections. We wash and clean your home safely and effectively.

Mirrors are integral accessories of any residential and administrative premises. In any apartment there is usually not one, but several mirrors in different rooms.

Each of them needs to be looked after: wiped regularly, cleaned with various modern means. And this is not a whim, but a necessity, since without proper care, mirrors will look ugly and to some extent sloppy: with numerous spots, dust particles and stains.

Thus, a dirty mirror's reflective ability is reduced several times, and the product ceases to perform its main functions.

Therefore, it is so important to always keep all mirrors in the room clean. But often when washing mirrors, a problem arises that stains remain on them. How to avoid this and clean as carefully as possible? There are several popular methods.

To clean a mirror, many people prefer to use proven methods - household chemicals.

In any store you can find a huge selection of cleaning products that will help you deal with the most difficult stains without leaving any streaks.

It is important to pay special attention to their composition. It is recommended to give preference to products that contain alcohol, but do not contain ammonia. It is believed that they are of the highest quality and cope better with divorces.

But far from all the products presented on store shelves are as effective as they say in advertising.

In addition, specialized formulations are quite expensive, and then folk remedies, which our grandmothers told us about, come to the rescue.

The main ones include the following methods.

  1. Wash mirrors with plain water and then wipe with newspaper. The thing is that paper absorbs liquid perfectly. This method is one of the most budget-friendly, simple, but at the same time effective. It is perfect for dealing with simple stains. To achieve perfect cleanliness, you first need to use a damp cloth to wash off the dirt and dust, and then take the crumpled newspaper and polish the mirror in a circular motion. In this case, you will have to put in a considerable amount of effort.
  2. You can clean the mirror with a mixture of water and vinegar, diluted in equal proportions. You can use paper or napkins.
  3. Oily stains or marks from cosmetics can be removed with vodka, which is used to treat the mirror. After which the mirror surface is wiped dry.
  4. In case of severe contamination, for example, after repair work, you can try using a mixture that contains vinegar (10 ml), warm water (200 ml) and tooth powder (1 spoon). Apply the resulting slurry to the mirror for about 2 minutes, after pouring out the excess liquid. Clean the surface of the mirror using newspaper.
  5. To clean the mirror without streaks, it is also recommended to use alcohol colognes, which cope well with various stains, even the most severe ones.

Popular folk remedies for cleaning mirrors without streaks

So there is some folk ways combating streaks when washing mirrors.

  1. Brew strong tea, add a glass of water and a teaspoon of salt. Wipe the mirror nylon tights. After such cleaning there will not be a single stain left on the mirror.
  2. Mix ammonia with a tablespoon of honey. This mixture will help you clean the mirror until it shines.
  3. Use raw potatoes, which must be cut into 2 halves and begin to process the surface of the mirror. Wait 5 minutes and rinse off the potato juice with cold water. Wipe the mirror dry with a napkin.
  4. Take an onion, cut it into 2 halves and rub it on the mirror, wait 5 minutes. Then wipe the mirror with paper or a napkin. With the help of a bow you can achieve the desired shine and smoothness from a mirror surface.
  5. Use turpentine and melted wax. This option is suitable in cases where the room in which the mirror is located changes frequently. temperature regime and humidity level.

Of course, these are not all the ways to clean a mirror, but they are the most popular and in demand among housewives.

In addition to all the above methods, you can also use special wipes to combat stains on mirrors. Today they can be found on sale in any household chemicals store.

With their help, you can properly clean not only the mirror, but also windows, laptop screens, tablets, etc.

The main advantages of these napkins are that with their help you can quickly clean even the most difficult stains. These products are antistatic and repel dust from the newly treated mirror surface. You can choose any napkins, both domestic and imported.

To carry out high-quality cleaning with these wipes, you will need to use water, in which you will first need to moisten these products.

After washing, there is no need to polish the mirrors, since the water drops will dry safely and there will be no streaks or dirty marks left on the mirror.

In addition, to clean the mirror, you can use wipes that are used to clean glasses and office equipment. They have increased softness and cope well with stains of various types.

How to properly wash a mirror?

To ensure that after washing mirrors there are no unwanted stains left on them, you should follow simple rules. Cleaning mirrors should begin with removing grease stains and dust. If you neglect this advice and immediately apply a special product to the mirror, then streaks will definitely appear.

Therefore, initially you will need to take a soft sponge, dishwashing detergent or simple shampoo. Prepare a soap solution, add mirror cleaner, lather the resulting mixture and start washing.

After treating the surface with a soapy mixture, treat the mirror with a clean cloth and remove any remaining cleaning products. To prevent streaks, you will need to wipe the mirror with a gauze cloth.

To get rid of traces of grease on a mirror, use a blade to carefully remove dirt. After which the dirty area should be washed with a cleaning agent, rinse a large number water and wipe with a dry cloth. There will be no trace of grease or stains left.

If the dirt on the mirror is very strong, then you can try using a powder that is used to clean dishes. You should not apply it dry to the mirror; you will need to initially wet it with warm water, achieving a mushy state in order to avoid scratches. To avoid any soap stains, you will need to thoroughly rinse the mirror with clean water.

Are you still struggling with the streaks that appear on your mirrors after every wash? Try one of the methods suggested in this article, and you will forever forget about dirty mirrors.

Every year more and more mirrors and mirror surfaces appear in our homes. They are used in bathrooms, hallways, bedrooms and living rooms, built into wardrobes, and used in the design of other interior items, finishing walls, ceilings and even floors. Every housewife strives to maintain her mirrors in perfect condition and is proud of their perfect shine. In this article we will show you how to wash a mirror without streaks at home.

Sources of mirror stains

Knowing the reasons for the appearance of stains, it is easier to choose a method for removing them. The nature of stains on the mirror surface can be:

  • limescale;
  • splash marks in bathrooms;
  • fingerprints and grease marks;
  • traces of flies;
  • traces of cleaning products;
  • dust and dirt;
  • soap residue.

Let's look at options for cleaning a mirror without streaks. Depending on your preferences in using household chemicals, you can choose special industrial products or folk methods proven by time and experience of housewives.

To ensure that the mirror serves you for a long time without losing its functionality and attractiveness, do not forget about the following rules:

  • Clean it regularly from dirt and dust.
  • Do not place the mirror in direct sunlight as it will begin to fade over time. The light should fall on a person, and not on a mirror surface.
  • Provide access fresh air in rooms with high humidity, in which mirrors are placed so that they dry faster.
  • Mirrors intended for bathrooms can be covered with back side paint that will protect them from moisture and damage to the amalgam.

Industrial mirror cleaners

Today, store shelves are replete with glass and mirror cleaning products. You can use both regular, traditional preparations like “Mr. Muscle” and special professional products, for example, “Spectrum-profi”, with which you can quickly remove dirt and give mirrors an antistatic effect.

Important! Some people use car mirror cleaners and monitor cleaning liquids. However, these methods are not recommended for use at home due to their high toxicity.

Experts recommend giving preference to substances that do not contain ammonia, as it can react with the silver amalgam that makes up the reflective layer and lead to stains.

How to properly wash a mirror?

To wash a mirror without streaks to a perfect shine, you need to follow a certain washing regimen.

We will roughly divide the cleaning into three stages:

  1. Remove dirt from the surface. Add dishwashing liquid or dishwasher liquid to the water and wash with a soft cloth or sponge.

Important! To avoid scratches, do not use abrasive detergents or harsh scourers. You can try to carefully remove dried droplets of fat with a blade.

  1. Wash off the cleaning solution with clean boiled water. For this we use wet wipe microfiber, washing it thoroughly each time in water. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Wipe dry, bringing to shine. Spraying the surface with one of the products suggested above to add shine, a dry microfiber cloth or regular newspaper, previously crumpled, in a circular motion, rub the mirror surface.

Important! Newspaper is considered one of the best tools for adding shine, as it perfectly absorbs moisture and does not break into small pieces.

We use traditional methods

And yet, using industrial products you are not immune from the appearance of stains, especially if the product you choose is of low quality. So how can you wash a mirror without streaks at home?

You can easily cope with this task using traditional methods:

  • Ammonia. Dilute 1 tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of boiled water. Spray the surface with the resulting mixture using a spray bottle. Wipe dry with newspaper or napkin.

Important! When using this solution, be careful not to get the product on reverse side mirrors

  • Green tea + salt. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt with a solution of strong green tea. Apply the resulting solution to the surface and wipe dry.
  • Potato. The mirror will shine like new if you wipe it with half a raw potato, then rinse with cold water and rub with a dry cloth.
  • Milk. This way you can restore the shine of the mirror. To do this, dip a cloth in milk, wipe the surface with it, then wipe dry.
  • Blue. Using an aqueous solution of bluing will help you wash your mirror without streaks to a perfect shine.
  • Alcohol, cologne or vodka will help if you need to remove traces of hairspray from the mirror. Apply a thin layer of the substance to the glass and wipe dry with paper or a microfiber cloth.
  • Vinegar will help remove limescale. It is necessary to mix vinegar and water in equal quantities, wipe the surface with the solution, and wipe dry.
  • Vinegar+chalk. To add shine, mix 1 tablespoon of chalk or tooth powder with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, add 1 glass of water. Heat the mixture, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, drain the water. Wipe the mirror with the resulting slurry using a cloth, newspaper or napkin.
  • Onion. By wiping the surface of the mirror with a cut half of an onion and then polishing it with a napkin, you can not only clean the mirror, but also scare away the hated gnats, flies and other insects that regularly “linger” on it.
  • Capron. It is enough to moisten a nylon flap with water and wipe the mirror with it to make it shine again, like new. For these purposes, you can use old nylon stockings or tights.
  • Wax + turpentine. Mix 1 part melted wax with 2 parts turpentine and work the back of your mirror until the wax hardens. In this way you can protect it from exposure to dampness.
  • To prevent your mirror from fogging up, simply rub it with a cotton cloth soaked in fabric softener or shaving foam.

People say: “Eyes are given to see others, and a mirror is given to see oneself.”
It is difficult to imagine modern housing without mirrors. They are hung in the bathroom, hallway, dressing room and bedroom. Mirrors are used to decorate furniture, walls, ceilings and even floors. To ensure that the reflection is always perfect and realistic, you should properly care for the mirror, eliminating the appearance of streaks or stains.

Why stains don't wash off: 3 reasons

Before you wash your mirror without streaks or stains, it is important to find out why such marks sometimes remain. Most often this happens for the following three reasons.

  1. Complex contaminants. Sticky hand prints, traces of flies, and cosmetics are quite difficult to wash off. Therefore, even after thorough wet cleaning they remain noticeable.
  2. Low quality detergent. The result of using cheap and low-quality industrial glass cleaners is soap stains. And contrary to advertising promises, after such products, repeated washing is required.
  3. Impurities in water. If the level of water purification in the water supply system is not high enough, lime deposits may remain on the surface of the mirrors.

Correct cleaning order

To wash a mirror without streaks to a perfect shine, you must follow a certain procedure.

Remove dirt

First of all, you need to remove dirt, greasy marks, and dust from the reflective surface. If you skip this step, stains and stains will certainly remain. To remove heavy dirt, you can use dish gel or hair shampoo. It is prohibited to use powder products - scratches will remain. Proceed in two steps.

  1. Wash. Drop the selected product onto a sponge and rub the surface thoroughly. It is important to do this with the soft side so as not to damage the glass.
  2. Remove soap. Rinse the sponge thoroughly and use it to remove foam and remaining product.

If drops of fat, wax, glue or other hard dirt are found on the surface, carefully pick up the “blots” with a knife or blade. Then wipe the sticking area with a sponge.

Wash with water

After removing the detergent, you must thoroughly wipe the mirror with a cloth soaked in clean water. Better - boiled. After each wipe, rinse the napkin thoroughly.

Remove moisture

The time has come to rub the surface until it shines. Before you rub the mirror to avoid streaks, you should choose a product with which to do this.

  • Paper . An excellent tool for completely removing moisture, so the ideal solution for finally wiping the mirror would be a lump of newspaper. Not recommended for use toilet paper: lint will remain on the surface.
  • Squeegee for water. Many housewives prefer to use a water squeegee purchased at a hardware store. This is an analogue of car wipers. If the rubber band that trims the edge of the device fits tightly to the glass, not a single streak will remain. However, don't expect much shine.
  • Microfiber cloth. Modern, soft product. Absorbs moisture perfectly and does not leave lint.

Household chemicals for shine

To quickly clean a mirror without streaks and make it truly sparkle, you can use products produced specifically for this purpose.


The hardware store has a huge selection of similar products.

  • Without sprayer. You can purchase not only special means for mirrors, but also used to treat the surface of glass dishwashing liquid. It is necessary to dilute the drug in clean warm water, following the instructions. After this, wipe the surface of the mirror with a napkin.
  • With sprayer. A more convenient option for washing is a liquid in a spray bottle - applying the cleaning composition to the surface is even easier. You can remove any remaining product using a special water squeegee with a rubber edge.


You can wipe the mirror without streaks or dullness using glass wipes or office equipment.

  • Wet. Some of them are impregnated with antistatic agents, so the mirror will remain clean longer. Popular options are “Freken BOK”, Domol. By the way, they can also be used for windows.
  • Dry. Among the dry wipes, you can choose reusable ones that can last for more than one year. According to reviews, the “miracle rag” from Smart, despite its high price, is in high demand. In order to remove stains from the mirror, you need to moisten the napkin, squeeze out excess moisture and wipe the surface. After using these wipes, there is no need to rub the glass, since no marks remain. Melamine sponges are also praised.
  • For optics. Wipes for glasses and other optics are no less popular for polishing mirrors. These products are soft, so they do not damage the surface. And the composition of their impregnation does not allow dust to settle on the surface for a long time.

How to wash a mirror without streaks: “grandmother’s” recipes

More recently, housewives had not even heard of industrial glass care products, but the mirrors in their homes always sparkled. Each family had its own secrets that allowed them to achieve perfect cleanliness.

  • Ammonia and tooth powder. Teeth care powder and ammonia are mixed in equal proportions and the surface is cleaned with the resulting substance. At the end, you need to thoroughly rinse the mixture and rub the mirror. This method is good for removing dirt and old stains.
  • Water with vinegar. Proceed similarly to the previous method, but there is no need to rinse off the product. All that remains is to rub the surface with paper or napkins.
  • Green tea. Brew tea, wash the mirror. This liquid will remove streaks, dirt and stains, making the glass shine. The remedy will be more effective if you add a tablespoon of salt to a glass of tea.
  • Capron. With nylon tights you can quickly clean the “reflector” to a shine without much effort.
  • Alcohol . Both pure and diluted (including colognes) removes a variety of difficult stains: hairspray, tape, styling foam.
  • Potato . It is necessary to rub the mirror with a raw root vegetable cut in half. Rinse off the juice and wipe thoroughly.
  • Milk . Brings back the shine to old, worn-out mirrors. Simply soak a cloth in milk, wipe the surface, then wipe thoroughly.
  • Blue. This product will make a new, just purchased mirror sparkle. Add blue to the water (by eye) and wipe the glass.

It is very important to ensure that the ammonia composition does not get on the back of the mirror (unless a protective layer is applied). If the mixture comes into contact with the silver layer, the main - reflective - function may be seriously affected.

Rules of care

A good housewife should know not only how to properly wash a mirror without streaks, but also how to prevent the appearance of dirt and stains of various origins on it. You can use both industrial products with special additives and folk remedies without chemicals. So, at home you can extend the life of the “magic glass” and increase the period during which the mirror remains clean by following some rules.

  • Keep away from dampness. Mirrors in the bathroom are exposed to moisture, which negatively affects their lifespan. To prevent the backside from coming into contact with water, you must protect it using one of the following methods. For example, wax and turpentine are taken in a ratio of 1:2. The wax is melted and mixed with turpentine. The resulting substance, warm (until it has hardened), is applied to the back of the mirror. The second option is to cover the back with two or three layers of oil paint, creating an additional dense protective layer.
  • Protect from insects. This can be done in an unusual way: Rub the surface with a cut onion. The juice is allowed to dry, and the mirror is rubbed with a dry cloth. This product removes insect blackheads. In addition, the smell of onions repels flies and midges in the future.
  • Choose right place . "Magic glasses" are afraid of straight lines sun rays, therefore, they must be hung or placed so that the light of the sun falls on the person looking at them, but not on the piece of furniture.
  • Do not use abrasives. Coarse fractions of powder products will harm the surface, leaving scratches. Therefore, you cannot wash glass and mirror objects with soda or powder cleaning agents. Also keep in mind that baking soda can dull and darken surfaces.
  • Prevent fogging. This can be done using shaving foam, laundry conditioner or gelatin solution (use a teaspoon of dry gelatin for half a glass of water). The product should be applied to the surface using a napkin. Then the surface needs to be rubbed. Also for these purposes, glycerin and ammonia are used in a ratio of 1:20.

Knowing how to clean a mirror without streaks and care for it in the future, you can make cleaning much easier. By the way, esotericists believe that if a person looks at perfectly clean surfaces, he attracts positivity. Thus, by eliminating divorces, you can “kill two birds with one stone”: improve your energy level and always be sure that your home is in perfect order.