How to stretch leather boots. How to stretch uncomfortable shoes: professional and folk methods

When buying new shoes in a store, we carefully inspect them, put them on and “walk”, looking at ourselves in the mirror. Subsequently it turns out that the pair is small. It's easy to stretch your shoes at home. To maintain the quality of the shoes, stretching should be done no more than one size. It is important to make sure that it is really small. It is recommended to put on a pair of shoes several times at different times of the day. The choice of stretching method depends on the model, material, and the need to increase length or width.

Stretch patent leather shoes It’s not easy at home. The most common methods:

  1. Wearing shoes by a person with feet one size larger. It is important to follow logical rules. If you need to break in women's shoes, ask a woman with a larger foot size. It is strictly forbidden for men to stretch women's shoes; they will lose their attractiveness.
  2. Hairdryer Warm the surface thoroughly with a hairdryer; do not touch the varnish with hot air, it will crack and the shoes will be damaged. Next, treat the inner surface with cream or Vaseline. Put a pair of thick socks on immediately. It is recommended to wear it in for up to two hours, but it is important not to overdo it. At night, treat the couple again with cream or Vaseline.
  3. Alcohol. Thoroughly clean the inner surface of the shoe with an alcohol-containing liquid.
  1. Steam, boiling water. Exposure to high temperatures will damage the varnish, so the method is more of a backup than a primary one. Pour a glass of boiling water into the boots, leave for 3 minutes, pour out the remaining water. Place your shoes along the stream of steam from the spout of a boiling kettle. Protect the varnish surface. Immediately after the procedures, put on thick socks and walk around.
  2. Terry towel. Get it wet hot water, squeeze, wrap the required pair in it and place everything in plastic bag. The next day, dry at room temperature.
  3. Professional means. You can stretch patent leather shoes at home using special means. Any exposure is carried out strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging. Ignoring these rules of use leads to best case scenario to the futility of the procedure, or, at worst, to damage to the shoes.

There are many ways to stretch shoes, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. What they all have in common is the need to wear thick socks and wear a pair for several hours. Afterwards you need to carry out proper care. You can stretch your shoes yourself or trust a professional. The workshop will tell you how long you can stretch patent leather shoes.

Ways to break in suede shoes

The most effective and easiest way to stretch out suede shoes is to walk in them for as long as possible. The pair will adjust to the shape and size of the foot and over time the discomfort will disappear. Suede is a material that can be worn in due to its elastic structure. This method leads to calluses and discomfort in the feet, so it is recommended to resort to special methods.

Stretching by another person is dangerous due to excessive force. Therefore, this method is used with extreme caution, as there is a risk of overdoing it and ruining the pair.

How to stretch suede shoes by half a size or size at home:

  1. Walk around in your shoes, wearing cotton socks soaked in water, until your shoes or boots are completely dry. Dose the amount of liquid so as not to affect the quality.
  2. Treat the inner surface with a sponge and water, and then put on the shoes. The liquid will slightly soften the rough material and prevent chafing on the feet.
  3. A safe way is to stuff a couple with newspapers. This action must be carried out very carefully, as there is a risk of changing the shape of the sock.
  4. Steam. Keep the shoes over a pan of boiling water until they are well heated, do not wait until they get very wet. It is recommended to wear heated boots on natural socks only indoors to avoid sticking to a wet surface.
  5. Beer. In practice, it has been verified that moistened alcoholic drink the inner surface becomes softer faster. When choosing a drink, avoid those containing dye, otherwise the pair will be seriously spoiled. Shoe deodorant will eliminate the smell of alcohol. Thoroughly clean the areas that rub your feet with alcohol.

You can dry suede only under normal room conditions; exposure to heat worsens the condition and quality of the shoes. Impact high temperatures and hot water negatively affects the glue that connects all the elements of the boots, so all procedures are carried out very carefully. A special stretcher will make shoes the right size without harming them.

Special compounds for stretching suede shoes

When nothing helps and the shoes do not become more comfortable, it is recommended to purchase special stretching agents at a shoe store. suede shoes. Follow the instructions for use. After spraying liquid or foam onto problem areas, the chemical composition will begin to act and soften the material. It is enough to walk around the house in it for an hour for the discomfort to disappear.

How to stretch faux leather shoes

Stretch the shoes out artificial leather easy at home. The elasticity of the material allows it to be given any desired shape. Leatherette is worn in the following ways:

  1. Laundry soap. A budget-friendly product that is absolutely safe for the appearance of the material. Treat your favorite pair inside for a few hours. For this, prepare a solution with water and grated soap on a fine grater. Rinse off the soap paste and leave to dry. You can put them on without fear of rubbing your feet.
  2. Hairdryer Wear a pair with a thick cotton sock and warm it up with warm air, paying attention to the part of the shoe that causes the most problems. Carry it around the apartment until it cools down.
  3. Water. Wet the pair well and wear until completely dry. Just walk around the apartment. Hot water causes the glue to dissolve.
  4. Alcohol. Mix alcohol or vodka in a 1 to 1 ratio with water, treat the inner surface, especially on seams and other places that can rub. Put on a thick sock and walk around the house until completely dry.
  5. Corn. Pour grain inside the shoe and fill it with water to swell. After 12 hours, remove contents and wear until dry.

Leatherette shoes stretch very well at home.

How to stretch leather shoes

A pair of thin leather will be very easy to wear. There is no need to resort to chemical or home methods, just wear it for a while and from the warmth of your feet it will acquire the desired and comfortable size. Stretch the shoes out genuine leather a size made from thick material will be more difficult, but you don’t have to worry about damaging such material.

Most of the methods have been described above, they are all excellent for affecting natural skin. The most effective are the following:

  1. Worn in by a person with larger feet. It will take longer, but it will be gentler on the skin.
  2. Alcohol. After treatment with an alcohol-containing product, it is necessary to moisturize the skin well, for example, with Vaseline, since the natural material will dry out, which will reduce the wear time.
  3. Boiling water. Preferred for rough boots.
  4. Freezing. Pour water into a sealed bag and freeze it along with the pair you want to break in. The ice inside the pair acts as a natural stretcher.
  5. Hairdryer Put on your shoes, warm them up well, and walk around the apartment until it cools down completely. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Any impact on the skin must be compensated. After the stretching procedure, lubricate the outer surface with Vaseline, vegetable oil or a special care moisturizer for natural leather. The product is left in this form for a day. Before leaving the house, wipe the greasy surface to prevent dirt and dust from settling on it.

It's important not to overdo it. You should not stretch any model more than one size, as it will lose quality. Any method harms the structure of the material and the wear time is reduced.

All methods of increasing size are aimed at expansion; shoes cannot change in length.

Choose your shoes carefully in the store, as an uncomfortable and tight pair can lead to various health problems.

Often new shoes are a little tight, rub calluses and cause a lot of discomfort. Of course, you can wait - hobble around for a while, wait for the corns to burst and the bloody calluses to heal, but why doom yourself to such suffering when there are several ways to quickly break in shoes at home? We'll tell you how to do it yourself and share the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Before getting to the heart of the matter, we want to emphasize that it is better not to experiment with stretching fabric slippers and oilcloth clogs, because there is a high chance that the shoes will come apart at the seams or tear. The same rule applies to cheap Chinese models - choose shoes exactly in size, or better yet, with a margin and be glad that such “consumer goods” will last at least one season.

Genuine Leather

If you are a happy owner or owner of a pair leather shoes, then you probably know that this pleasure is not cheap. High-quality shoes made of genuine leather are equipped with instructions for use (look carefully at the box and look for icons on it). If the manufacturer has written that the model must be protected from moisture, then there is no need to stretch it with boiling water or soapy water.

Another warning: if you choose the method of breaking in using special chemicals, then test them on a small area of ​​the shoes, otherwise you risk hopelessly ruining your expensive new thing - strange stains or stains may appear.

Excessively stretched shoes cannot be restored to their former “tightness” in any way, so don’t overdo it! It is also impossible to make 40 from size 37! The most you can hope for is to stretch only 0.5-1 size!

Now let's move on to several ways to stretch leather shoes.

Specialized means

In many stores you can find special shoe stretchers - liquids, foams or aerosols. If you follow the instructions, this is the simplest and safest method. It is enough to generously apply the product to the “problem area” and walk around in shoes for about half an hour. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.


  • simplicity;
  • rapidity;
  • safety.


  • high cost;
  • lack of versatility - leather products are contraindicated for suede, and useless for leather substitutes.


  1. Make a kind of foot pattern - to do this, simply trace the outline of the foot on paper and on problem areas (as a rule, these are thumb or little toe, heel, valgus, i.e. bump on the foot near the big toe) add a couple of millimeters.
  2. Select a last of the appropriate size from a shoe repair shop or store. It can be either plastic or wooden - it doesn’t matter.
  3. Start stretching the discomfort zones using rubber pads (secure with tape or glue) and leather masks.


  • relative cheapness;
  • safety.


  • dreary method;
  • long in time.

"Drunk" method

  1. This, one might say, ridiculous name is explained by the fact that it is based on the use of alcohol or vodka diluted in water. If you have neither one nor the other (or your beliefs do not allow you to touch the “fire water”), then you can replace it with glass cleaner.
  2. Soak cotton wool in alcohol and generously wipe the inside of the shoes in problem areas or around the entire perimeter. Do this as soon as possible, because... the alcohol evaporates quickly.
  3. Put your shoes on the last and leave them for several hours; if you don’t have them, and you have remarkable patience, then put them on your feet in socks, and walk as much as you have the strength and ability to do.

By the way, if you dance, the delivery process will go faster and more successfully! This is not a joke! It’s just that in dance steps the foot takes on a wide variety of positions - it bends, stretches, and, therefore, the shoes will stretch at different angles.


Not suitable for expensive products or for samples where special substances are used during tanning, which under the influence of alcohol may lose their elasticity, structure and strength, and the appearance may also suffer.

Wet or soapy business

  1. Soak woolen or terry socks in warm, or best of all, soapy water.
  2. Put them on your feet and leather shoes on top.
  3. Dance for about an hour or use the services of a block for the night.
  4. Try again if necessary.


  • unpleasant process (if there is no pad);
  • the method is contraindicated for suede shoes;
  • useless for leatherettes.


  1. Lubricate your shoes with cream to protect them from drying out.
  2. Put on your shoes.
  3. Direct the hot air stream to the areas that need to be stretched.


Cereal method

This porridge stretching method is great for lightweight summer or spring designs that are made from thin, stretchy leather.

So, prepare your shoes, pour grain into it that absorbs moisture well and swells, for example, it could be rice or buckwheat, and pour in water. The grain will gradually absorb water and expand, thereby gently and gradually stretching the skin.

Ice Challenge

This method is similar to using cereal - it's a slow and gentle method of stretching the shoes, except you only need water and a few whole bags.

Insert the bags inside the shoes, carefully spread them over their entire size and fill them with water. The packages must be intact. Place your boots in the freezer overnight: water, turning into ice, expands in volume and, therefore, will stretch the leather.

Tip: Before putting them in the freezer, be sure to fasten all the zippers or lace up your shoes to prevent them from becoming deformed. The ice can be removed only when it melts a little and resembles snow - this is again done for reasons of preserving the integrity of the leather product.

There are also quite labor-intensive, costly, and most importantly, unsafe methods of stretching leather shoes using glycerin or castor oil. The essence of these methods comes down to the following: the leather product is generously lubricated with oil or glycerin, and sometimes this is done 3-4 times, and then steamed in a water bath (must be kept over steam), or covered with a rag soaked in boiling water. After this, the skin becomes soft and pliable, so that it can be stretched by putting it on the leg. A significant disadvantage of such methods is that many leather goods They cannot withstand such execution and become covered with stains.

Expensive fashion products

Let's imagine that you have become the happy owner of leather shoes related to fashion products, i.e. This is a one-piece and very expensive product. One problem - the new thing is a little tight and rubs, is it really necessary to develop bloody calluses and tear the skin off your legs a couple of times in order to feel comfortable later? But no, even such shoes can be stretched if you act carefully and stick to some secrets.

Method of stretching dress shoes

  1. Take a toothbrush and moisten problem areas with water, both outside and inside the leather product.
  2. Insert the block divided across.
  3. Drive in a spacer, which will also stretch the product.
  4. Dry your shoes at room temperature for 2-3 days. Make sure that the shoes do not dry out, so you can periodically slightly moisten the problem areas. This is done so that the skin does not lose its characteristics - elasticity and rigidity of shape.

It is better to entrust this stretching method to a specialist, because... only he has the necessary set of suitable pads and spacers. In this way, the shoes can be slightly expanded, and also if the product is tight due to the high instep.

Length stretch

Be prepared for the fact that shoes can only be lengthened by half a size, and this will be done by “selecting” the desired millimeters from the width.

In this case, you can try to use the above-described “drunk”, “hair dryer therapy” and castor method, but with the obligatory use of a block. At the same time, it should completely follow the shape of the sock, and for branded leather shoes it should be rounded; It is also good to use a configuration that mimics the big toe.

Patent leather shoes

If you purchased patent leather shoes and they turned out to be too small for you, then it is best to exchange them for a larger size or sell them. If this is not possible or you don’t want to part with a shiny new thing, then get ready for a fairly long stretch: put on wet cotton socks and put on your patent leather miracle. Walk like this for several hours, periodically wetting your socks, be prepared to do this for 2-3 days. All other methods are not suitable for patent leather shoes, because... she is very capricious: varnish is under the influence cold temperature It will probably crack, and because it is high, it will bubble and peel off. Chemicals also have a detrimental effect on the varnished coating - it will not only lose its signature shine and specularity, but may also become stained.

Velor, suede or nubuck

These are also quite capricious materials that require delicate handling, especially for natural samples, so decide whether this is a natural or artificial material. How to do this? Take a close look at the product.

Faux suede. If she good quality, it will look even better than natural material. Artificial suede has a perfectly smooth fabric; for example, you will never find unusually smooth natural suede - there will definitely be some small scratches and pores. In artificial material the villi lie in one direction, while in natural material they lie in different directions.

Natural suede is a capricious material that is afraid of excess moisture. But it is easy to wear, so you don’t even have to do anything special - just put on thick, wet socks and walk around for several evenings in a row.

By the way, be sure to read about how to properly wear suede shoes.


It is a material made from treated goat or pig skin; By appearance very much like velvet. It should never be wetted with water, so velor shoes are not suitable for rainy weather. If you want to stretch them, then lubricate the product with inside any alcohol-containing liquid (cologne, perfume, vodka, diluted alcohol and even beer), put socks on your feet, or insert pads and leave overnight.


This is cow skin processed in a special way; very similar to suede, but less elastic, but stronger. It also does not like moisture, but such shoes can be stretched a little by stuffing them with wet and crumpled newspapers, and then wait until the paper is completely dry.

All of these are quite delicate materials, so proceed very carefully; you can use stretchers specially designed for them, but not various chemicals or methods using water, ice or steam.

Faux leather and other pseudo leather materials

It is worth understanding that not every similar material can be stretched, especially for those made on the basis of fabric, but with leatherette, on the contrary, there will be no problems.

Method No. 1

Pull the shoes onto the last and thoroughly walk over problem areas with a stream of hot air from a hairdryer. In this case, before such a procedure, we recommend covering the leatherette with a damp cotton cloth (or any natural, but not synthetic) so as not to dry out the product. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate your shoes with a special cream.

Method No. 2

Fill the shoes to the fullest with wet and clean potato peels, place the product in a cool place away from sources of heat and light and leave it to dry naturally. In a couple of days the model will “grow up” and also get rid of unpleasant odor rubber and other “flavors”.

Method No. 3

Heat the paraffin and run it through the inside of the product; under the influence of temperature, the leatherette will expand slightly, and the frozen paraffin will fix the result. The next morning you will be able to appreciate this method of carrying new shoes.

Also remember the following tips:

  • if your fingers constantly rub, then wipe the problem area with vinegar from the inside;
  • If problems arise with the heel - constant calluses - then lubricate the heel with paraffin or laundry soap.

We hope all these tips will be useful to you, and you will be able to stretch out your slightly too small shoes to fully enjoy your new clothes.

A couple of times in my life I was faced with a situation where the shoes I bought stung a lot and did not fit my feet, although everything was fine in the store. I think many women are familiar with this unpleasant situation. And to solve it as quickly as possible, today I will tell you how to stretch shoes made of genuine leather, faux leather and patent leather models.

Features of stretching

Even if you notice that your new shoes are too tight for you, don’t rush to despair - you can increase them by at least one size. But before you take action, you should familiarize yourself with a few nuances:

  • Be patient. No matter how much you want to stretch your shoes faster at home, you need to act gradually. If you do not want to spoil the product, you need to break it in a little at a time.

For example, you should not do this in the evening - perhaps your shoes or boots are tight because your feet have become swollen during the day. Try them on in the morning.

  • To prevent the formation of calluses wearing uncomfortable shoes, cover all problem areas on your feet with adhesive tape in advance.
  • Pay attention to the material. If you want to stretch tight textile shoes, proceed with extreme caution. Otherwise, you may damage the fibers and permanently damage the product.

After wearing shoes in width or length, be sure to treat the product with a special polish. This procedure will allow us to record new size and prevent further stretching of the material.

How to stretch shoes: 8 proven methods

The way you change your shoe size directly depends on the material from which it is made. It is easiest to stretch natural leather shoes - almost any of the methods listed below are suitable for this. But for varnished products or leatherette accessories, not all methods can be used. But first things first.

Genuine leather: 3 ways

Leather shoes can be stretched quite easily. There are several ways to do this.

Illustration Instructions for action

Boiling water
  • Place a pair of shoes in the sink, basin or bathtub.
  • Pour the inside of the product for a couple of seconds, then pour out the hot water.
  • Blot the moisture paper towels and wait until the product cools down a little.
  • Put on warm socks and shoes. In this form, walk around the apartment a little. If you are afraid to wet the product in hot water, pour it into bags and tie them tightly. And insert the packages themselves inside.

  • Fill two small bags with cold water.
  • Drop them into your shoes or boots.
  • Place the product in the freezer; when the water turns into ice, remove it.
  • When the ice has melted slightly, remove the bags from your boots. After this procedure, natural skin will stretch well.

Vodka or alcohol
  • Thoroughly treat the inside surface of the shoes with alcohol or vodka.
  • Then put on a pair and wear it for several hours. This effect will help expand the shoes exactly to your feet.

    Please note that alcohol is an aggressive substance, so first apply it to an inconspicuous area of ​​the shoe and check if the paint will rub off.

Leatherette: 3 options

It is much more difficult to stretch non-leather shoes with your own hands - they easily crack and lose their shape. But still, do not despair, there are several safe methods.

Non-natural leather is more difficult to stretch than its natural counterparts - it can easily crack and lose its shape
Illustration Instructions for action

  • Lubricate the inside of a pair of shoes with Vaseline.
  • Wait a couple of hours until it is absorbed into the material.
  • Put on your shoes and walk around in your shoes for 20-40 minutes.

  • Stuff your boots or shoes tightly with wet newspaper. But don’t overdo it; you won’t be able to compress the leatherette back.
  • Leave the product until the material is completely dry.

    There is no need to try to speed up drying with a hairdryer or battery - excess heat may damage the material.


An option for those who want to stretch the top of high boots.

  • Insert a regular plastic bag into your boots.
  • Pour small grains into each of them and fill it with water.
  • Leave the shoes for 8-10 hours - during this time the grain will swell and stretch the boot.

Varnished: 2 methods

Perhaps, patent leather shoes the hardest thing to stretch. There is always a risk of spoiling the coating: it may lose its shine or crack. So you need to act extremely carefully.

Illustration Instructions for action

  • Dilute alcohol in water in a ratio of 2:1.
  • Wet thick socks in the resulting solution.
  • Put them on and then put on your patent leather shoes.
  • Walk like this for 1-2 hours until the socks are completely dry.
Fat cream
  • Apply any thick cream to the inside of your shoes. Pay special attention to the most problematic dense areas - toes and heels.
  • Insert the lasts into the shoes as in the photo (approximate price from 350 rubles).
  • Let the shoes sit for a couple of hours, but don't overdo it.


I told you several ways to stretch your skin at home. Choose the one that suits your situation and be sure to try it out. Don't forget to also watch the video in this article, which clearly shows how you can change your shoe size.

It often happens that you order shoes from an online store or buy them at a vintage market, but they feel a little tight. And if you start wearing new work boots, you will generally have to endure the pain for several weeks. Before you put your shoes on the shelf with sadness in your eyes or start torturing your feet, we recommend that you try to stretch them yourself. FURFUR offers several options for softening shoes and talks about all the pitfalls.

1 Army method

Perhaps the simplest, but, oddly enough, quite effective way. Thick cotton socks should be soaked in warm water, thoroughly wrung out so that they are damp but not dripping, and shoes that require stretching should be put on. Walk around in it until your socks are dry or until you get tired of it. After this, put newspaper in the shoes to absorb moisture. Extreme version: take a shower in your boots (in fact, this is, of course, not recommended - you risk killing yourself. But, according to rumors, this was once practiced in the US Army).

2 Chemical method

You can buy a shoe stretcher at a good shoe store. This is usually a foaming spray that needs to be sprayed from the inside into in the right place. After this, you must wear shoes. In principle, this is similar to the army method, it’s just that the chemicals soften the skin more effectively. But this comes at a cost: leather may change color, especially on light-colored shoes, so it's best to carefully test the product on an inconspicuous area (such as the edge of the tongue). Alternative: Instead of stretching agent, you can wipe your shoes with alcohol. In the USSR, for example, cologne was often used for this.

3 Ice method

It sounds pretty crazy, but it works effectively. You need to put a plastic bag with water in your shoes and put it in the freezer. The water will freeze and turn into ice, expanding in volume and stretching the shoes. The main thing is to approach the task responsibly: choose a bag without holes, tie it carefully, and better yet, put it in another bag. We recommend that you wash the shoes themselves first - after all, they will lie next to your dumplings. Do not forcefully remove the ice pack - let the water melt.

4 Prof. way

If you are too lazy to tinker, you can take the shoes to a specialist. Most good shoe repair shops provide a stretching service. As a rule, this works quite effectively - the shoes are put on heated metal blocks and gradually stretched. The catch is that the shoemaker may overdo it and the shoes will blister or the seams will come apart. And craftsmen usually do not bear financial responsibility.

5 Mechanical method

You can buy special shoe stretchers at a shoe store or on eBay. They are similar to regular wooden blocks, but have a screw mechanism for forceful expansion. They often come with small convex stickers that can be used to pinpoint tight spots. The lasts can be replaced with tightly packed newspapers, but it is important not to deform the shoes - this is too easy to do if you stuff too large a wad of newspapers.

8 Cowboy way

It’s hard to imagine that anyone really uses this, but nevertheless there are legends that cowboys stretched their boots this way. You need to fill your shoes to the top with bran or oats and add plenty of water. The cereal will absorb water, swell and stretch the shoes. We definitely don't recommend this for lined shoes. And we don’t recommend it at all unless you’re a cowboy.

The first thing you need to understand once and for all: shoes cannot be stretched in length. Shoes only stretch in width. If your toes rest on the toe, then the seams are bad. Don’t waste your time on this pair, it’s better to return it to the store right away or.

All of the above methods are best suited for shoes made of genuine leather. Synthetic materials stretch much worse. And some of the methods - say, hot air - will not have any effect on leatherette or nylon at all.

If you're stretching Red Wing or Dr. Martens, then there is nothing to be afraid of. But you should be careful with expensive shoes made of thin leather. Delicate shoes should not be subjected to forceful methods such as freezing.

After stretching, the skin loses its natural fats and becomes more brittle, so after the procedures it is necessary to treat the shoes with conditioner or cream. This is especially important after warming up with a hairdryer.

Do not rush to stretch your shoes using harsh methods. Maybe you should just be patient a little longer, walk around in it, and everything will go away on its own.

Sometimes new shoes feel tight and cause discomfort. In order to break in a new pair, in addition to special store-bought products, there are many folk remedies. Before you give up tight shoes, give her a second chance!

How much can you wear new shoes in?

Products made from genuine leather. You can increase your shoes without harming them by a maximum of one size in width and half a size in length. If the boots are too small, it is better not to try to stretch them, as this will lead to deformation of the leather and torn seams.

Purchased stretching products

There are many on sale special means for stretching leather shoes: foams, creams, sprays. The method of application is simple: just apply the product to your shoes several times and wear them in. Some effective remedies:

  • “Salamander” – 200 p.
  • “Salton – 200” p.
  • “DAMAVIK” – 150 rub.
  • “Rainbow” – 50-70 rub.
  • “Every day” – 50 rub.
  • “Stroke” – 150 rub.

How to soften narrow shoes using folk remedies

Breaking in tight shoes. To do this, you need to wear shoes a day for 20-30 minutes in thin, wet socks. However, the result will be obvious only 1-2 days later, and walking in wet socks can lead to a cold.

Hot air treatment. Put on your thickest socks and then shoes. Using a hair dryer, blow hot air onto the toe part of the boots, moving your feet back and forth for 20-30 seconds. This will help soften the skin.

After turning off the hair dryer, do not remove your shoes until they have cooled down. Repeat several times until desired result. Afterwards it is recommended to apply shoe conditioner.

Use carefully on old, vintage shoes, as hot air can weaken the adhesive layer. Also, this method is only suitable for shoes made of genuine leather, since leatherette cannot withstand high temperatures.

Using fabric. Roll the socks into small balls and carefully fill the toe part of the shoe with them. Leave it overnight and in the morning you will notice a clear difference.

Using cereals. An ancient method that has not lost its relevance today. Fill your boots with oatmeal, rice, or other water-swelling grains. Then fill the oatmeal with water until it completely covers the cereal. Leave to swell overnight. In the morning, clean the oatmeal and after drying, feel free to put on shoes that will immediately adapt to your feet.

Using alcohol. You can use alcohol to expand your shoes. It is necessary to make a spray with proportions of 50% alcohol and 50% water. Spray the resulting liquid into each shoe and put it on for 20 minutes. Alternatively, soak a pair of cotton socks in alcohol and put them on your feet, then put on your shoes and wear them until the socks are dry.

Using potatoes. Peeled potatoes are tightly inserted into the toe part of the shoe and left overnight. The next morning the potatoes are pulled out and the boot is thoroughly wiped from the inside.

These are simple folk recipes suitable for leather shoe products, and for artificial leather.

Stretching shoes in the workshop

If you do not risk carrying out such manipulations yourself, fearing for the deformation of your shoes, you can use a professional service in shoe workshop. Special machines carefully apply pressure and heat and stretch the shoes to the desired condition.

Significant disadvantages of repairs in a workshop: loss of time and money. Stretching the shoes will take several days and will cost at least 400-500 rubles. The more expensive and better quality the shoes, the higher the cost of the service.

So, there's nothing wrong with your new pair of shoes being a little tight. You can easily give it the shape of a leg, both at home and in a shoe workshop.