How to teach a lesson to a work colleague: effective ways that will put anyone in their place. When a colleague is a sneak What to do with an informer

IN kindergarten we called informers snitches, and it was a terrible insult. But since we became adults, this phenomenon has not been eradicated. Some people still run in the same way to a more influential person and try to use his hands to punish a colleague they dislike.

What motivates an informer?

“How do you get a snitch to quit? She has no more strength, she sits in the same office with us, warms her ears, makes “mines”, then goes knocking on the boss about what she heard or imagined, besides, she regularly spreads gossip and weaves intrigues, spoils the whole atmosphere in the team, now she’s also trying to recruit new make friends with employees. It’s impossible to work like this anymore, there’s no reason for management to fire her, she’s not going anywhere herself either, she’s happy with everything. The atmosphere is clearly unhealthy, and working with such a rotten person is not at all a joy...” – complains one of the forum users on the Internet.

This situation is probably known to many. According to various surveys, 84 percent of people have informers at work. 86 percent know who is engaged in denunciations, the majority condemns such “informants”, but at the same time every fourth considers this to be normal practice. And the informers themselves, as an explanation for their behavior, give the following arguments: “I can’t live without this, it’s part of my character,” “I hope for a promotion,” “I suck up to management,” “I fight for justice,” “This is revenge, I do this out of harmfulness." But whatever the reasons for the informer, his presence in the team creates an alarming and unpleasant atmosphere.

There are different types of office snitches. In addition to those who like to write official slander, there are so-called psychologists. They are unlikely to write a denunciation, but during a casual conversation with their boss they will drop “random” phrases, remarks turned at the sharpest angle. This is mainly a female tactic. The employee will not directly say that engineer Ivanov is not fulfilling his duties, but rather will say that Ivanov said something bad about the boss himself. And it will unmistakably hit the very sore spot boss - his conceit. A couple more such well-timed phrases, and the boss subconsciously begins to treat Ivanov less loyally.

The second type is the silent ones. They will express their apt remark not in the management’s office, but as if by chance. For example, like this - a silent man stands in the smoking room next to the boss, listens with an understanding look to what he says about the employees, and as soon as the conversation turns to the victim, the silent man exhales cigarette smoke, characteristically winces, says barely audible, “He doesn’t work at all.” ...”, puts out the cigarette butt and leaves. This denunciation tactic also works well, and the more effective the more authoritative the informer looks.

Another type of denunciation is self-affirmation in the eyes of the collective at the expense of the victim. Such a brawler in front of his superiors begins to shout at his colleague, blame him and point out his own merits. It turns out as if from the heart: “Well, I can’t keep all this inside myself anymore!”, and the troublemaker himself, in the eyes of management, looks like an honest employee who sincerely cares about the quality of the work and is ready to lay down his soul for it.

Fighting methods

How to deal with office snitches? You can try to survive the informer from the company. “We had one like that - she snitched on the bosses, and made things up, and did nasty things, and threw open accusations at people in the face for things that they didn’t even do,” one employee says on the forum. – The four of us sat in the office, and as a result, the three of us did not communicate with her. For example, she will ask something not related to work, everyone is silent... she will ask something else - silence again. She starts talking about herself (she loved her very much) - no one reacts. After six months, she quit herself.”

You can also try to get ahead of the informer. If you see that the informer is preparing to go to the director with another slander, visit the “carpet” earlier and openly report that Marfa Ivanovna initiates conflict situations during working hours, which will certainly lead to a decrease in labor productivity and an unhealthy atmosphere in your friendly team. And that, despite all this, you understand that she is a valuable employee, and you want the situation to be resolved in an amicable way. This will not be sneaking on your part, because the director will hear polar opinions on one issue.

In fact, only the manager can guarantee that an informer will be eliminated. To do this, it is enough just to punish the subordinate for slander and not take his words into account. Unfortunately, such a policy does not occur often - few people admit it, but usually management wants to know what is happening in the organization, so behind the scenes, gossip is encouraged.

Informers, informers, sneaks - these are all somehow not typical representatives of our soil. If in the West such behavior is treated absolutely normally, then our attitude towards informers has always been and is sharply negative. But if in one case this needs to be done in the name of people’s safety (in Switzerland, if a person drank and got behind the wheel, then the owner of the bar where he was drinking will immediately report this to the police), then as for encouraging internal corporate denunciations, this can provoke an atmosphere of mistrust between employees and completely destroy team spirit. In addition, most often those who “look closely” at the work of others are those who are not confident in the quality of their own work and are looking for someone to whom they can shift responsibility for their own mistakes.

Prepared by Alexandra Bilyarchik,
based on materials

Today we will talk about office snitches. I am sure many of you have encountered this phenomenon and, moreover, almost all of you, willy-nilly, have become informers. The atmosphere in the office is very conducive to this.

Why is the psychology of people such that they have little hope in their superiors, in the fact that they themselves will see and understand everything. Apparently, in most cases, the manager simply doesn’t give a damn about who is doing their best and how much, he monitors the indicators and results, not paying attention to the preponderance of work in favor of one or another employee. Or he turns him, but not into a workaholic, but into an imitator of activity.

In kindergarten we called informers “snitch”

It was a terrible insult. That is, it was as if we, three-year-old assholes, were on one side of the barricades, and the teachers were on the other. Do you think psychology has changed since you became an adult? Don't think. In the same way, we run to a more influential person and try to use his hands to punish an employee you dislike.

There are different types of office snitches

It very much depends on whether the knocker is a man or a woman. The specifics of snitching are simply fundamentally different.

So it knocks woman. Yes, a woman knocks constantly, it’s in nature female psychology. “Random” phrases are dropped during a casual conversation with the boss, alternating flirting with denunciation. It is unlikely that a woman will write an official denunciation. No, most likely it will just be a replica, and turned at the sharpest angle.

A woman will not say that someone is not fulfilling their duties, she will say that someone said something bad about the boss himself. What does the female employee play? That’s right, on personal qualities, on a person’s psychology, on his weaknesses. It unmistakably hits the boss’s most painful spot - his conceit.

It is very difficult to prove that an employee is doing nonsense instead of working. Sometimes this is simply impossible. An experienced freeloader imitates hectic activity, piles papers on the table and constantly fusses in front of his superiors, picking up the phone or sending himself SMS and immediately running out.

Therefore, the tactic of female denunciation most often hits the target, and a couple more such snitches, and the boss subconsciously begins to treat the unwanted employee less loyally.

Men are divided into two types. Men always knock, but there are two fundamental differences. The first ones seem to be silent and most likely will make an apt remark in the smoking room. For example, this is how a silent man stands next to his boss, listens with an understanding look to what the boss says about his employees, and as soon as the conversation turns to the victim, the silent man exhales cigarette smoke, frowns in such a characteristic way, and says, barely audible, “He doesn’t work at all.” ..”, puts out a cigarette butt in a bucket with saliva and leaves.

That's it, the snitch has done his job, the snitch can leave. This is less effective than the female denunciation tactic, but it also works well. It works more effectively the more authoritative the informer looks.

The second type of denunciation is self-affirmation in the eyes of the collective at the expense of the victim. This hidden form does not always work, especially if the informer has already earned the image of a quarrelsome and hysterical person in the eyes of the team. Such a brawler begins to shout, accuse and point to his own merits. Moreover, it is not the troublemaker’s health that suffers at all; on the contrary, he throws it all out and calmly feels how his nerves go away and life improves. The victim and the entire team suffers.

This form of denunciation seems to come from the heart and seems to be like, “Well, I can’t keep all this to myself anymore!” not very effective. A heart-to-heart conversation with your boss always gives the effect several times better.

How do we deal with all these informers?, if in fact we work normally and do our job better than an informer?

Well, there is no need to fight with women. What good attitude to you that it’s bad - in principle, it doesn’t play a special role. This attitude can change several times a week. Most often, a woman is envious, so even just having achieved good results in work, you cannot count on her favor. A person who tries to play along with an “influential” lady in a team, instead of gaining experience and defending his line of behavior, looks truly pathetic.

Understand, this opinion is the same as the opinion of a grandmother from the entrance. She may mess up sometimes, but it's unlikely to be serious.

I am not considering options with a female boss. No matter what anyone says, a woman cannot (or simply cannot resist) be in a position of authority if she does not know how to think above her emotions. So we clearly separate these concepts and do not confuse the clerk Marina and the head of the sales department Olga Olegovna. The boss's chair leaves its mark, and it can no longer be erased.

So, in the case of a woman, just work and don't pay attention to her.

The case with a hysterical person - don’t be afraid to have a heart-to-heart talk with him and sort things out outside the office. Most often, the thought comes to mind that such an act is uncivilized, and it’s just too lazy to get involved...

No matter what anyone says, the method of force and threat is the most effective. People come up with new technologies, try to conquer at least a little space and mess with nanotechnology, but human psychology does not change. A child will never improve if a belt is not used, this is the truth of life. A person will never realize that he is doing something wrong until he comes across a limiter in the form of a fist.

Conversations, persuasion and attempts to listen to the voice of reason of the troublemaker are simply turning your attention to him. See how quickly a spoiled child rolling on the floor calms down if you just go into another room and don’t pay attention to him. Or you can take out the belt and do calming movements a couple of times.

Exactly the same here. Outside the office, try several times to turn the conversation into a fight - and you will see how this toilet becomes white the next day and even without germs. Do you think force is a method for stupid people? Drop these stereotypes.

What remains is the most influential and most difficult type of informer - authoritative, old, honored worker. Or he’s just silent, doing everything on time. I think that such informers in a rotten office environment are even useful as a “Mashenka” chalk that drives out cockroaches.

This office orderly sees right through you and if he says that you don’t work for shit, then most likely you don’t work for shit. The method of struggle is work and asking for advice from such an authority. You won't be able to make friends, just believe me. But it definitely deserves attention.

Key words:

1 -1

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 5 minutes


For many people, work is not only a source of replenishment family budget and an anchor of stability, but also a favorite activity, which is a way of self-expression and brings a certain joy in life. Unfortunately, work is not always associated only with rosy and pleasant emotions: relationships with colleagues can force even a calm person to slam the door.

How to put arrogant colleagues in their place?

5 answers to a colleague if he is constantly nagging at work

Does your “comrade” at work vigilantly watch your every move, groundlessly find fault with every little thing, and exhaust you with attacks, reproaches and jokes? Don’t rush to throw lemonade in the face of an impudent person or send him on a long journey to a known address - first make sure that all cultural methods have been exhausted.

  • “Would you like a cup of coffee?” And have a heart-to-heart chat. You will be surprised, but goodwill sometimes not only discourages an impudent person and deprives him of his “thorns,” but also quickly solves the problem. In the end, adequate adults are always able to find a common language.
  • Be flexible and seek compromise. Even if nothing works out, your conscience will be clear - at least you tried.
  • “You have parsley stuck in your teeth.” Reduce all attacks to a joke. With a smile, but categorically “move out” of any reproach. And continue to do your job calmly. According to the “smile and wave” principle. By the 10th time, your colleague will get tired of your retaliatory jokes and “inaction” (the best answer to boorish people is precisely inaction!) and will find another victim.
  • “What are your suggestions?” But really, let him show and tell. Give the person the opportunity to express himself, and give yourself the opportunity to move on to a normal dialogue with a colleague. Calmly listen to his objections and suggestions. Also, calmly agree or, in case of disagreement, reasonedly and, again, calmly voice your point of view.
  • “And indeed. How come I didn’t realize it right away? Thanks for noticing! We'll fix it." No need to go into the bottle. The most bloodless option is to agree, smile, and do as you are asked. Especially if you are wrong, and your colleague is a more experienced person in your work.

5 correct steps if a work colleague is spying on you and informs his superiors

Is there a “misplaced Cossack” in your team? And more and more to your liking? If you are an exemplary worker and have a strong habit of keeping your mouth shut, then you don’t have to worry. However, it doesn’t hurt to know about the rules of behavior with “informers.”

  • We place a colleague in an information vacuum. We discuss all important and personal issues only outside of work. Let a comrade starve without food for denunciations. And, of course, we take a responsible approach to our work. If you arrive before noon, run away long before the end of the working day, and spend most of your working time in the “smoking room,” then your boss will assign you an indefinite vacation without any backlash.
  • Let's do the opposite. We calmly and confidently launch the “misinformation” and let the informer warm his long ears and spreads this misinformation throughout the company. The minimum that awaits him is a reprimand from his superiors. The method is radical, and may well turn out to be a double-edged sword, so choose the material for the “misinformation” very carefully.
  • "Who's here?" We ignore the colleague himself and his attempts to ruin your life. As for the authorities, there is no need to worry: no one likes informers. Therefore, do not even think about running after your fellow informer to the manager and inserting your 2 cents. Just "sit on the river bank and wait for the corpse of your enemy to float past you."
  • “Well, let's talk?” A heart-to-heart conversation is a very real option for solving the problem. But without superiors and in the presence of witnesses - other colleagues. And preferably, those colleagues who are on your side. During an intimate conversation, you can explain to your colleague that everyone knows about his actions, that no one supports these actions, and that at all times the fate of informers has been unenviable (everyone chooses the tone of the conversation and epithets to the best of their intelligence). It is worth noting that as a result of such conversations, informers very often realize their mistakes and take the path of correction. The main thing is to convey to the person that in your friendly and strong team with such life “principles” they do not stay long.
  • Delicacy be damned, let's count the snitch's ribs! This is the worst case scenario. It will not definitely increase your “karma”. Therefore, emotions aside, sobriety of thinking and calmness are above all. Even better, humor can help relieve tension. It is humor, not sarcasm, and skillfully inserted “pins”.

In the matter of denunciations it is always more difficult than with ordinary rudeness. You can, if desired, win a boor over to your side, calm him down, bring him into conversation, turn him into a friend from an enemy. But pride, as a rule, does not allow anyone to be friends with an informer. Therefore, if there is a snake in your friendly team, deprive it of poison immediately.

A colleague is openly rude - 5 ways to put down an insolent person

We meet boors everywhere - at home, at work, on public transport, etc. But if a boor on a bus can be ignored and forgotten as soon as you get off at your stop, then a boorish colleague is sometimes a real problem. After all, you won’t change jobs because of him.

How to stop an insolent person?

  • We respond to every boorish attack with a joke. This way, your nerves will be healthier, and your authority among your colleagues will be higher. The main thing is not to cross the line in your jokes. “Below the belt” and black humor are not an option. Don't stoop to your colleague's level.
  • Turn on the recorder. As soon as the boor opens his mouth, we take the recorder out of our pocket (or turn it on on the phone) and with the words “Wait, wait, I’m recording,” press the record button. There is no need to scare the boor that you will take this audio collection to the boss, write down “For history!” - demonstratively and always with a smile.
  • If a boor asserts himself in this way at your expense, deprive him of this opportunity. Does he pester you during your lunch break? Eat at another time. Does it interfere with your work process? Transfer to another department or work schedule. Isn't there such a possibility? Ignore the lunges and see point 1.
  • “Do you want to talk about it?” Every time they try to piss you off, turn on your inner psychiatrist. And look at your opponent with the forgiving eyes of a psychiatrist. Specialists will never contradict their violent patients. They pat them on the head, smile affectionately and agree with everything the patients say. For the particularly violent ones - a straitjacket (the phone camera will help you, and the entire series of videos on YouTube).
  • Growing personally. Take care of yourself - your work, hobbies, growth. At personal growth all boors, informers and gossips remain somewhere outside your flight. Like ants underfoot.

5 Answers on How to Deal with a Gossiping Colleague

Of course, everyone is unsettled by false rumors spread behind their backs. At this moment you feel “naked” and betrayed. Especially if the information about you spread at the speed of light is true.

How to behave?

  • Pretend that you are not aware of the situation and continue to work calmly. They will gossip and stop. As you know, “everything passes”, and this too.
  • Join the discussion about yourself. With humor and jokes. Take part in the gossip and boldly add a couple of shocking details. Even if the gossip doesn't stop, at least relieve the tension. It will be much easier to work further.
  • Point your colleague to specific articles of the Criminal Code on libel which he violates with his gossip. Doesn't he understand well? File a claim for protection of honor and dignity.
  • Every day, deliberately and demonstratively present your colleague with a new topic for gossip. Moreover, the topics should be such that after a week the team is completely tired of them.
  • Talk to the boss. If all else fails, then this is the only option left. Just don’t rush into your boss’s office and do the same thing your colleague is doing. Calmly turn to your superiors for help, without naming names - let him advise you on how to get out of this situation with honor, without harming the general microclimate in the team.

If you have not yet encountered such a phenomenon as snitching at work, then you will inevitably become familiar with this type of struggle for a “place in the sun.” This is a frequent and unpleasant phenomenon for the entire team, because it introduces a tinge of nervousness into both the production and personal relationships of employees. And if you yourself have become a victim of such an earphone, it would be very good to know how to prevent it from ruining your reputation in the eyes of your superiors and team, how to punish an informer at work, so that no one else would be discouraged from engaging in this type of “solo creativity.”

So, how to punish a snitch at work?

Identify the scammer possible by external signs: He likes to initiate conversations, but never expresses a clear opinion on the issue under discussion. Speaks in general phrases, in the third person (“there is an opinion that...”, “they say that...”). He is pleasant to talk to, sociable, always in the center of events. If someone’s bones are being washed over or a conflict is brewing somewhere, he’s right there. He has no time to work - he is on duty.

About the good: if they snitch on you, it means that in the eyes of your superiors you represent something, otherwise why would the “woodpecker” try to denigrate you? If an informer denounces you, it means that he is offended by the very fact of your existence, and this is already the beginning of a successful career. And although this is little consolation in a situation where, thanks to a “well-wisher,” you are under the close attention of management, you can still benefit from this: work with passion, and your superiors will have to notice it. And then your boss will think about how to punish the informer himself, who misled him about you.

Some people think that by offering their friendship to an informer, they will protect themselves from the results of his activities. Alas! Those born to inform make no exceptions for anyone. He will regard your friendship as a chance to get to know you better in order to snitch more about you. And it is useless to appeal to his conscience: he will not understand you, he does not consider snitching something shameful. If you don't want the boss to gossip about you, don't tell anything unnecessary about yourself . Do not feed the curiosity of your employees, do not give food for speculation and fiction to the informant.

Provide information in doses and for your own benefit. Tell us, for example, that in your free time you study foreign language that you read specialized literature in order to improve your professional level. Hint in passing that you have strong patrons, this will add points to you in the eyes of the boss. But don’t overdo it: your boss may ask you to solve a serious problem through your connections, and you may not be able to help him.

By thinking through moves, like in chess, you can put the informer in a puddle. Drain , for example, in a general conversation in the presence of a “woodpecker” some misinformation , with which he will immediately run to the authorities. When it turns out that there was a “misinformation”, the wrath of the authorities will fall on the head of the informant. A couple more mistakes like this, and the informer’s reputation in the eyes of the boss will perish irrevocably.

If the informer does not hide his vile nature and runs to the manager’s office without being embarrassed by anyone, the method of dealing with him should be just as frank: ignore the woodpecker at all levels except production. Don't talk to him, don't make any requests, don't answer his questions, look through him. No one can withstand such an attitude for long. Usually, six months are enough to get an informer fired.

In fact, only the boss can ensure that the “woodpecker” is eliminated. All he needs to do is stop encouraging denunciation and punish the informer. But there are few such principled managers; most of them, although they do not like “masters of artistic knocking,” want to know what is happening in the team behind their backs, and secretly encourage this type of office art. It’s difficult for an ordinary employee to deal with an informant, but you can try to deprive him of reasons for creativity: don’t be late, don’t skip work, don’t hang out on social networks during working hours. In short, observe labor discipline, and the “office orderly” will simply have nothing to charge you with.

If you have not yet encountered such a phenomenon as snitching at work, then you will inevitably become familiar with this type of struggle for a “place in the sun.” This is a frequent and unpleasant phenomenon for the entire team, because it introduces a tinge of nervousness into both the production and personal relationships of employees. And if you yourself have become a victim of such an earphone, it would be very good to know how to prevent it from ruining your reputation in the eyes of your superiors and team, how to punish an informer at work, so that no one else would be discouraged from engaging in this type of “solo creativity.”

So, how to punish a snitch at work?

Identify the scammer it is possible by external signs: he likes to initiate a conversation, but never expresses a clear opinion on the issue under discussion. Speaks in general phrases, in the third person (“there is an opinion that...”, “they say that...”). He is pleasant to talk to, sociable, always in the center of events. If someone’s bones are being washed over or a conflict is brewing somewhere, he’s right there. He has no time to work - he is on duty.

About the good: if they snitch on you, it means that in the eyes of your superiors you represent something, otherwise why would the “woodpecker” try to denigrate you? If an informer denounces you, it means that he is offended by the very fact of your existence, and this is already the beginning of a successful career. And although this is little consolation in a situation where, thanks to a “well-wisher,” you are under the close attention of management, you can still benefit from this: work with passion, and your superiors will have to notice it. And then your boss will think about how to punish the informer himself, who misled him about you.

Some people think that by offering their friendship to an informer, they will protect themselves from the results of his activities. Alas! Those born to inform make no exceptions for anyone. He will regard your friendship as a chance to get to know you better in order to snitch more about you. And it is useless to appeal to his conscience: he will not understand you, he does not consider snitching something shameful. If you don't want the boss to gossip about you, don't tell anything unnecessary about yourself . Do not feed the curiosity of your employees, do not give food for speculation and fiction to the informant.

Provide information in doses and for your own benefit. Tell us, for example, that in your free time from work you study a foreign language, that you read specialized literature in order to improve your professional level. Hint in passing that you have strong patrons, this will add points to you in the eyes of the boss. But don’t overdo it: your boss may ask you to solve a serious problem through your connections, and you may not be able to help him.

By thinking through moves, like in chess, you can put the informer in a puddle. Drain , for example, in a general conversation in the presence of a “woodpecker” some misinformation , with which he will immediately run to the authorities. When it turns out that there was a “misinformation”, the wrath of the authorities will fall on the head of the informant. A couple more mistakes like this, and the informer’s reputation in the eyes of the boss will perish irrevocably.

If the informer does not hide his vile nature and runs to the manager’s office without being embarrassed by anyone, the method of dealing with him should be just as frank: ignore the woodpecker at all levels except production. Don't talk to him, don't make any requests, don't answer his questions, look through him. No one can withstand such an attitude for long. Usually, six months are enough to get an informer fired.

In fact, only the boss can ensure that the “woodpecker” is eliminated. All he needs to do is stop encouraging denunciation and punish the informer. But there are few such principled managers; most of them, although they do not like “masters of artistic knocking,” want to know what is happening in the team behind their backs, and secretly encourage this type of office art. It’s difficult for an ordinary employee to deal with an informant, but you can try to deprive him of reasons for creativity: don’t be late, don’t skip work, don’t hang out on social networks during working hours. In short, observe labor discipline, and the “office orderly” will simply have nothing to charge you with.

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Corporate "woodpecker"

Proponents of corporate denunciations refer primarily to the experience of Western countries. Almost all large American enterprises have so-called hotlines. By calling the specified number or sending a letter to the desired address, any employee can anonymously and without any risk to himself report that his colleague or boss is violating corporate ethics or abusing his authority.

In addition, many Western corporations employ professional “informers”—employees who receive regular additional payments for informing their superiors about what is going on in the company. Classic example corporate snitching: several years ago, a Coca-Cola employee was fired simply because he drank Pepsi in front of his colleague.

Certificate of registration of mass media El No. FS77-67721 dated November 10, 2016 Issued by: Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) Editor-in-Chief - Sergey Taranov ()