How to grow your hair color: tips from experienced people. Hair care at home (masks, peelings, etc.) - “How to grow natural hair color. The story of my hair and advice for beginners. Lots of colorful photos of me.” How to dye your hair to grow it

Nowadays there are many different ways, allowing you to return to the original color of your curls, without harming them at all. All you have to do is choose the one that’s right for you.

How to grow your hair after dyeing?

Depending on the paint color and the original color of the strands, there are several effective ways return your natural shade.

One such way is growing natural color. This option is suitable for those who no longer want to spoil their hair with harmful chemicals.

Pros of growing: simplicity and harmlessness(no chemicals). Minus: you'll have to come to terms with and get used to the bad color. Growing is quite a long process, during which you will have to cut off the ends regularly.

If you don’t want to see the unsuccessful result of hair dyeing every day, and you want to return your natural color as soon as possible, then in this case the methods that we will consider next will help.

After lightening/blonding

The lightening process is very damaging to the hair structure., and therefore it’s doubly disappointing if the color doesn’t suit you or turns out completely different from what you imagined.

In this case, you can use the following ways to grow your hair color.

  1. Repaint or tint in a color that is closest to your natural color.
  2. But in no case should you do this immediately or a couple of days after unsuccessful painting: this can greatly harm your hair. There should be at least 2 months between paintings., and it is better to entrust the coloring itself to a professional. He will select the most gentle dye and the most suitable color that is closest to your hair.

    After re-staining strands will need extra care. Use special shampoos and masks for colored hair, reduce the frequency of using hair dryers, curling irons and straighteners for styling strands.

    Remember that color fades quickly from bleached locks and you will have to re-dye them from time to time.

  3. Another popular method is ombre coloring.

This coloring does not affect the entire length of the hair. As a result, you can gradually return to your original color, only slightly adjusting the shade of the lightened strands.

After dyeing dark/black

How to grow your hair color out of black? From dark colors returning to your natural color is much more difficult, but even in this case you should not give up. A little patience, and you will succeed, and these methods will help you with this.

  1. Contact the salon to make a dark pigment wash.
  2. A professional hairdresser will select the softest and most gentle composition, and also tell you how to care for your hair after this procedure.

    If you have blonde hair, and the unsuccessful paint color is very dark or black, then washing will have to be done more than once. The first one is recommended to be done in the salon, and all the rest can be done at home using special shampoos.

  3. Eat affordable home remedies to help remove dark pigment, for example, natural honey, a kefir mask, a mixture of soda and salt, which is used during washing.

After such natural washes, the hair needs increased nutrition and hydration.

How to grow highlighted hair?

When highlighting, we get hair with strands of different colors.

If for some reason you need to change the color again, then it's not that easy to do.

After all, any paint will lie unevenly.

What to do in this case?

1. If you want to dye your hair your own natural color, then definitely consult a professional hairdresser. At home, any paint can give an unpredictable shade to highlighted strands.

Important! Never use henna or basma to color highlights.

2. In the salon they can show you tinting highlighted strands. This procedure is much safer than dyeing and does not damage the hair.


Look at the photos of girls who are growing their hair color:

Natural remedies to accelerate hair growth

To grow your natural hair color as quickly as possible, there are many effective and safe natural remedies. However, please note that some of them may change color slightly.

Coffee scalp peeling. Coffee gently removes dead skin cells and improves blood flow. As a scrub better use coffee grounds or fresh finely ground coffee, so you don’t injure your scalp.

Coffee can be used pure or mixed with any vegetable oil. Remember that such coffee scrub only suitable for dark-haired girls.

One of the most popular and inexpensive means for growing curls is, which can be bought at any pharmacy. This acid causes a rush of blood to the skin and thereby affects the functioning of the hair follicles.

To obtain a noticeable result, you need to distribute the contents of 1 ampoule over the scalp after washing your hair. 2-3 times a week.

Very effective for hair growth with the addition of or vodka.

All these components have a warming and irritating effect, due to which blood quickly flows to the roots, delivering oxygen and nutrients to them.

On our website you can find a huge number of recipes for homemade masks for hair growth: , or , , and .

Helps strengthen curls and accelerate their growth aroma combing procedure with application.

A couple of drops of the desired ether (citrus, lavender, mint or rosemary) are dripped onto a comb (preferably wooden) and rubbed through the strands for 5-7 minutes.

We told you about the most famous methods of how to quickly grow your hair color. But would you agree that it is better to prevent a problem than to struggle with its solution? Therefore, choose only high-quality paints or get your paint done by professionals.

This way you can avoid unwanted color after dyeing. If you want to change an unsuccessful shade, then take care of your hair and do not injure it even more. And the integrated use of professional and folk recipes to accelerate the growth of curls will help you grow out your natural color faster.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on the topic of growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls or something else, speed up growth.
  • Main reasons

Hello girls! I, like no one else, know what a long dream is. natural hair because I went through all this myself. Back in school, I had thick hair that was below my chest and it was wonderful. For some reason, at that time I didn’t appreciate it; both my mother and sister wore makeup in the family, and I also wanted to try other shades. I had a complex at school and it seemed to me that with a new hair color I would look more impressive.

I started my experiments with blonde. Well, how can a fair-haired girl not try to become a blonde? After all, the entire Internet shouts with one voice that if you are fair, then paint your makeup lighter and you will be gorgeous! So I became white-white. I didn’t have much money of my own back then, I was just finishing school, so I painted myself with light palette paint several times in a row (can you imagine what that is, right?)

Closer to the age of 19, I bleached 9 tones! And it started to look like this:

Meanwhile, my length was getting shorter and shorter and thoughts came to me of switching to natural shades. I wanted to grow my color. And every time I painted myself light brown tone I sincerely began to grow my hair, but I didn’t have enough patience. The growing roots were annoying, and my hands were reaching for the paint on the store shelves. And what happened when I fell in love... Actually, in those moments I did the most stupid things with my hair.

By 2011, there was nothing left of my hair, and in 2012 to 2013 my hair thinned out a little and I dyed it blonde again.

I finally decided to grow my hair on September 9, 2013. I went to the hairdresser and cut my hair down to my shoulders, cutting off all the bad parts. She dyed her hair medium brown.



1. If you decide to grow your hair, forget about it for at least half a year. I read this advice a long time ago on some website. At that moment I thought that this was nonsense - how can you forget about your hair if every day you make masks for it and buy products for its growth?

This is a wrong opinion and thinking about your hair every day will not save the situation.

2. Dye your hair 2 shades darker than your natural hair color. Especially if you are blonde. Most likely, in this case, you will have to dye your hair even 3 times to get the color into your hair. Remember that the paint washes off quickly. The last photo above is just after painting. All photos below – I didn’t wear makeup! The color washed out and evened out on its own.

3. Enlist the support of friends or someone close to you. You will need this for those moments when you want to paint again. Let this person remind you on a difficult day how much you want your color back and how many times you have already regretted and painted. This desire to paint again can be either immediate or obsessive. Remember, it will get easier.

4. Straighten the ends at least once every 3 months. Especially if they split. The split ends go up and then you will have to cut off even more.

5. When they say that nutrition is the main thing, it is true. But I won’t write you diets and stuff. I myself eat “as it happens,” so no matter what you eat, buy vitamins. These can be vitamins for growth (take a closer look at Perfectil) or simple ones, for example COMPLEVIT. A package of complete kit for half a year costs only about 200 rubles.

Basically, these are all the main tips from me. In terms of care, you can choose your own shampoos and conditioners - it doesn’t matter. When the quality of your hair is good, then the usual clean line will suit you, giving your hair softness and shine.

What do I recommend for hair cosmetics?

✔ Gliss kur hair elixir. It will help your ends a lot. I buy it twice, it lasts a long time.

✔ Energy tonic

Marina Nikitina

If you want to return the natural, original color of your dyed hair, you should follow some rules. Our tips will answer the question “how to grow your hair color?” and do it quickly, with minimal losses.

What to do if you need to return to your natural color?

Often girls and women come to the realization of their natural beauty at the moment when their hair and those around them have already “accustomed” to a certain tone of dye on your curls. What to do if you want to give up coloring, but don’t want to lose your presentable appearance? How to grow your hair color? Here are some tips to eliminate such inconveniences.

How to grow natural hair color:

Be patient if you have, but don’t want to part with such curls.
Use a shampoo that gives color to dyed hair (the main thing is to choose the right color that is as close as possible to yours).
Use a hair band to cover the growing roots for a while. Also suitable for this role are scarves and headbands that cover as much of the hair area as possible and its roots.
Have you decided not to use coloring agents? Then you should resort to cunning techniques for styling your hair that will hide all the unpleasant moments. Do your styling every day so that the roots are not visible (or not too visible). Reviews on women's forums indicate the popularity of this method of masking growing roots.

Be sure to use hair growth and strengthening products.
You shouldn't wear it, even if it suits you very well. The roots are much better visible in this case.
Do not wear braids, African, Uzbek, Russian - they will equally expose your problem, which you want to hide from everyone.
Massage your hair roots by combing with a soft brush specially designed for hair care twice a day: morning and evening. This process is extremely beneficial because it increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the scalp.

Replace the hot, traumatic curling iron with good old curlers.
Actively use products that stimulate your hair growth. These include factory-made masks and shampoos, homemade products (masks).
Eat more products, supplying the body with calcium (kefir, green beans, milk, cottage cheese, carefully crushed egg shells, slaked with lemon juice), calcined vitamins from the pharmacy. Then the hair will enter “rapid growth mode.”

Solving a problem at a hairdresser

If your appearance is not inspiring at all, but rather frustrating, dye your curls in a color that is closest to your natural one, then the border will be less noticeable. You may be experiencing a greenish or bluish tint after bleaching. Why is this happening? It’s just that the hair has lost the pigments that give it color (dye pigments) after numerous dyes. How to grow your hair color out of blonde? To solve this difficult issue, you will have to go to the hairdresser or beauty salon again for repigmentation.

This simple procedure is performed by dyeing your strands in the desired color that best suits your natural color, but with the addition of water in a proportion that can only be determined by an experienced hairdresser. When carrying out this procedure, the oxidizing agent is added only after thirty minutes, so its effect will be much more gentle.

In case of coloring in more dark color than your natural one, it’s worth trying to do light highlights with a gradual increase in the lightened curls. If your hair can withstand light coloring, which you should check with a hairdresser you trust, try to restore your natural color in a salon.

How to grow your hair color from blonde to brunette? There is an option to do the so-called color stretching. What does it mean? The hairdresser, who is already familiar with the structural features of your hair, selects the most similar to the natural and artificial tone of the strands and performs coloring in a gentle manner.

Another option that helps you grow your hair color as quickly as possible is constant regular hair coloring. This way you will “kill” two birds with one stone: you will prevent brittleness, splitting and quickly get rid of unnatural colored parts. Although the most drastic way to eliminate the problem would be a haircut that completely or partially cuts off the strands that you no longer need.

Masks to improve regeneration and growth

Burdock mask.

To prepare such a health mask, take it with the addition of red pepper and rub it in your palms. All that remains is to apply the solution to your hair. Next, to get a “greenhouse” effect, be sure to wrap the top of your head with the oil applied in a warm terry towel, having previously wrapped it in cellophane. Then the mask will work in the near future and its effect will be as positive as possible. It takes an hour to hold such a burning solution on your head. After this, remove the towel and cellophane, rinse off the entire applied mixture with warm water. It is advisable not to use any special chemicals, including shampoos.

“Washing out” mask.

Try to “wash” the color previously absorbed by your curls with oil, as the girls advise in their reviews (a washing-out mask may not help the blonde). It will also heal and strengthen your exhausted hair. What should I do for this? It is possible to contact a hairdresser who already knows a specialist, but additional chemical manipulations often damage hair weakened by constant coloring. Remember the following: apply two, or preferably three times a week. Apply it to your scalp and rub. Do not overdo it so that there are no difficulties with subsequent rinsing off the homemade hair mask. The good thing about this method is that there is a double effect: removing paint and improving the health of curls.

“Lemon-oil” mask.

This mask is suitable for those girls and women who have a sufficient amount of patience and a chestnut or other dark color. Take equal parts (preferably freshly squeezed) and vegetable oil(olive), mix. Distribute all over your head and leave for two to three hours. The effect does not appear very quickly. You need to do this type of rehabilitation two or three times a month. Only with diligence on your part will the effect become noticeable after some time.

Mask “Ultra-oil”.

You need to take burdock, flaxseed, olive oil and mix them in equal proportions. It is allowed to add sunflower if there is no other option. This mask will preserve and increase the health and beauty of your hair and help restore roots faster. Keep it on your head for an hour or longer until you get tired of it.

“Honey-kefir” mask.

Mix one glass of full-fat kefir with a spoon. After preparing a homogeneous solution, apply it to damaged hair, remembering to distribute the solution over the entire length. After waiting one hour, wash off with your favorite shampoo.

Mask “Soapy”.

As strange as it may sound, ordinary tar soap. Apply to your head, first washing it over the entire surface. After this procedure, the curls will begin to smell not very pleasant, but this should not scare you. After finishing the procedure, wash your hair with warm water and apply the usual amount of shampoo.

April 13, 2014, 11:56

Hello my dears! I decided that it was worth making a separate post about how I was able to grow my color, but 13 months have already passed, so I can safely say - more than a year! -How did you stand it? - I don’t know myself)))

Already in the process of growing out its color.

in the process of growing its color.

February 14, 2017 was the last time I dyed my hair. Well, why not celebrate Valentine's Day and the upcoming wedding anniversary with grown roots?!
Last time I enjoyed the thickness and density of freshly dyed hair - oh, how wonderful this effect is!

I love my hair here:

This time, the process of “merging” the painted length was done without washing. For that, thanks to the soft dye. — It began to wash off so smoothly from the length that even I personally, even under sunlight, cannot say with accuracy where my dyed hair ends, and where my color begins?!

?Why did I stop dyeing my hair?!

The reason for this is probably not even such a strong desire for naturalness, but practical inconvenience.
I always paint myself. In the salon it costs somewhere between 5-7 thousand and it ruins all the fun. And with the birth of Lera, it became inconvenient to dye my hair every month.
Firstly, I simply realized that I didn’t want to do this myself. I just don't have the strength. I had time, but I couldn’t bring myself to stir the dye and start the procedures. Even spending 7 thousand at a salon seemed less unpleasant than getting paint on yourself. — Fortunately or not, 7 thousand was not for this)))

The second moment, when I still forced myself to paint, when I had the strength, for some reason it always coincided with the fact that Lera was nearby. And for about an hour I couldn’t pick her up, because I had paint on me, and everything would have been fine - I would have survived, but for some reason it always coincided with her crying, which no one could cope with...

For a long time I didn’t admit to myself that I really wasn’t going to dye my hair anymore. It seemed to me that if I said this out loud, I would definitely lose my temper. But after about 6 months, I suddenly thought that I liked the color, I was comfortable with it and I really just didn’t want to put on makeup.

?How has the quality changed? Hair thickness.

At first, I switched to very, very gentle washing of my hair to reduce the frequency and severity of pigment leaching. I knew that as soon as my hair lost the lion’s share of the dye, it would become terribly thin, very brittle and generally unkempt. And I always advise others in such situations - do glazing! This is a good way out of the situation, but as you have already read above, I had neither the strength nor the desire to do this on my hair.

I must say that this stage, when I tried to reduce the frequency of washing and make it softer, really became a good and correct decision.

1. I used sebum-regulating ampoules in my care to reduce oily skin.
2. Dry shampoo to push back the wash day by 1-2 days.
3. Mild shampoo without sls or co-washing, which I also practiced for a long time.

And from washing every day, I switched to washing once every 4 days. And for a very, very, very long time I was surprised to note that there really was no significant hair thinning.

I only noticed that my hair had become very thin when Lera was about a year old. I touched my tail and couldn’t understand whether I finally noticed the consequences of postpartum loss from 2-4 (5) months after birth, or whether it was non-critical but noticeable loss against the background of breastfeeding, which was repeated 2 times a month at those moments , when I didn’t have anti-hair loss tonics in my care, or the dye washed off critically... - But I touched my tail and it just became sad!
So that you understand the degree of sadness: before pregnancy my hair girth was 9cm, at the end of pregnancy 10cm, about a year after giving birth - 7cm! — And I’ll get ahead a little, saying that recently I did glaze and the thickness became 8 cm. “So washable dye from previously multi-colored hair takes away a lot of volume.

?Hair fragility

This is where a big surprise awaited me. I expected increased fragility. But in fact, with well-chosen care, my hair has greatly revived in terms of softness and elasticity. About 4-5 months after dyeing, I just touched them after using the balm and couldn’t believe that before I had achieved such softness with very multi-layered care, but now I just washed my hair. Hair fragility has decreased greatly, one might say it has gone away completely.

For example, in the photo, the last haircut was 7 months ago, and the thickness of the cut is better than after 6 months of breaks with regular coloring.

Of course, care has also changed. If during dyeing I leaned more heavily on keratin and proteins. Now I mainly use hyaluronic acid and other moisturizers.

? Hair shine.

My regrown roots certainly shine perfectly. And all care products only enhance their shine, which simply fades away on the previously colored length. Making undyed lengths shine is more difficult.

? Hair color.

The color has become the most disgusting now - in the second year of growth. And I think that I will probably do something about it and will definitely share it with you.


Hair has become less manageable when styled. They hold a straight shape worse; when straightened, they lie less advantageously than when they were painted. But the curls curl on their own and quite beautifully (in the photo above - this is the natural look of hair without styling)

? Do I want to dye my hair again?

In all this, only one thought scares me - it must take more than one year for the hair to become again not only no worse, but also better than it was before. 1 year has already passed, it seems to me another 2 years at least. - And what a shame it will be to walk around for 3 years with not the best hair, only to suddenly dye it again after 3 years. In general, honestly, I don’t know. I definitely won’t touch them for the next year, but I’ll start tinting the painted lengths soon!

Today I decided to talk about my hair story, it’s quite long but I’ll try to write everything clearly, without water.
Let's get started.

♡Where to start growing hair?
Where did I start?

A short introduction to let you know where it all started
I have always had long hair, since childhood - my mother braided my hair in various ways, washed my hair and combed it, until about 8-9 grade I washed my hair with only shampoo, without using balms, and I had never heard of masks. And what’s most interesting is that everything about the hair was simply gorgeous, it shone with health, shone, was easy to comb, and did not fall out.

But adolescence- this is the age of self-discovery, experimentation, you want to look new, and I was no exception. I wanted, I just desperately wanted, to become a blonde!
You can read how this turned out for me in this post.

In 8th grade, I got my first highlights in my life. At that time my hair was still long, waist-length, naturally light brown, my mother did the first highlighting for me, like the second and third, with the cheapest highlighting paint, what we were thinking about then, now we can only guess. But, the strangest thing is that the hair was not damaged, but this is for the time being. By the 9th grade, I wanted a uniform light color hair, I chose Garnier sandy blonde dye.

My mother also dyed my hair with highlights, well, I think you can imagine what happened, where the roots were grown, the hair began to turn red. Well, of course, I didn’t like it, after 2-3 days after dyeing, I took the remaining highlighting paint and mixed it with white strands on top. My poor hair, now I understand it, but then I didn’t care. But the experiments didn’t end there, I wanted a ladder. The coloring still didn’t go anywhere - the hair was straight and it would have been possible to grow it out, but the ladder, that was the last straw. I wanted a ladder for long hair, but the hairdresser did not understand me: in the end they cut off the length of my hair, and then I saw how they began to cut off the remaining hair, quickly wielding scissors - I did not have time to watch as my hair fell to the floor.

Horror story, by God! But when I looked in the mirror and saw the bob, I liked it! Oh those teenagers. When I came home, my mother opened her mouth and couldn’t close it for a long time because of what I had done to my long hair. But I liked everything. True, not for long. After just half a year, I began to notice that my ends began to break, the ends would inevitably split, my hair began to fall off in strands when I was getting a haircut, I thought that if I wanted to, I would quickly grow my hair back, but that was not the case.

After that, throughout my college years, I tried to grow the length, I dyed my hair about a couple of times, maybe 3-4, I don’t remember exactly, and I didn’t understand how it could turn into a panicle after a couple of dyes, by the way, my mother dyes her hair she's been blonde all her life, and she's in good condition, probably my hair doesn't suit her
I couldn’t grow my hair; my hair grew, of course, but because the ends were breaking and falling off, no growth was noticeable. The thought crept into my head that I was destined to have short hair.

The turning point was the condition of my hair, I’ll describe it - I washed my hair, applied conditioner (at that time I had already started using it), my hair dried naturally and turned into one big tangled ball. I didn’t know what to do with it, to be honest, sometimes I just wanted to take scissors and cut off these tangles, because without negativity and sometimes even tears, I couldn’t untangle my hair after washing at all; after combing it, it looked like fluff or a broom. The hair was empty inside, so I finished it off.

I didn’t even think about leave-in washes at that time. It got to the point that after washing, I just waited for my hair to dry, divided it into 2 parts, and curled it into soft curlers, then I let it down and walked around without combing it, because when combing I was tearing out so much hair, just scraps, that I was afraid to touch it, I was afraid to remain bald. when my hair was in this state, I found the SHKV group, a group of hair, having entered it, having seen enough beautiful photos long, well-groomed, shiny hair - a toad, envy began to choke me. I looked at my stubs - the ends, I cursed the moment when I started coloring/highlighting my hair and the moment when I went to the hairdresser with the idea of ​​making a ladder. Thoughts about growing my hair color began to creep into my head, but I really didn’t like it, all this time I considered it mousey, gray, nondescript - and how can you even walk around with something like that and feel confident?

And yes, I was probably used to being blonde, fair, I matched my makeup to the color of my hair - I felt like a blonde, I liked it.

I found a recipe for an onion hair mask, I was still laughing at the topic of “homemade hair masks and lotions”, I thought at that time. What is given by nature is what will be, no matter what - that’s my hair philosophy, but you can argue with that. In some ways I still agree with this phrase, since by nature I, in principle, had good hair, until I ruined them and killed them with my own hands. I sat down, thought and a brilliant idea came into my head - I should try to return my hair to its former appearance, I had good hair, so why do I walk around with a broom on my head? My hair at that time did not suit me at all, even if I managed to bring it into divine shape with curlers, as soon as I went outside, this light fluff would fly in all directions, I was terribly uncomfortable living with such hair on my head, it might seem funny - but that's how it is. I found an onion mask on the Internet, printed out its recipe and in January 2013, from the beginning of the year, I started making an onion mask for the roots. I’m thinking about the masks I’ve tried, I’ll write separate posts in the future

This is what my hair looked like when I started.

After the onion mask, a mustard mask was used, as well as oils - castor, peach burdock, jojoba. I believe that my departure received a start in its formation, but it was far from ideal. At that time, I had not yet found my ideal shampoo, not my ideal mask, I read a bunch of reviews and I wanted to try everything, I got hooked very quickly and became a hair maniac quickly, without noticing it, I started purchasing more and more new products after noticing the first results on my hair, it started to comb, I won’t say it was easy - but for me it was a great result, which means the masks work and this is not just stupid advice.

My beginning to hair mania was purchasing products that I didn’t understand at that time.

I started with this:

And yes, as you can see, this is a broken nightmare.

I had the same awkward ladder.

And these were my first intermediate results; my joy knew no bounds then.

♡How to avoid mistakes in care if you decide to grow your hair?
Again, what did I do? I came to these tips after three years of care, but I will describe them at once, covering them entirely.
♡ First of all, I decided that the hair dryer and hot air were ruining my hair. At that time, my porous, dry, blonde hair - after every wash, I mercilessly burned it with a hairdryer, it was easy for me to refuse a hairdryer, I just moved away from my parents at that time, only my mother had a hairdryer, I couldn’t buy one for myself I began to dry my hair naturally, whether you like it or not, at first it was unusual for me when wet strands were scattered over my shoulders on a towel. But then my hair began to dry without me noticing, after washing I made a turban on my head from a towel, walked like that for about 15 minutes, then took it off and started combing, I know it’s absolutely forbidden to comb wet hair! I combed my hair when it was wet, and continue to do so to this day, as sometimes my hair gets tangled after using the wrong products, even now. Soon I completely lost the habit of using a hair dryer; at the moment I don’t use it at all.

Incorporating leave-in products into your routine. At first these were mass market sprays, such as “Gliss Kur”, “L"OREAL ELSEVE”, but later they grew into, for example, Kapus - a professional brand. Then I started using silicone oils, my favorite to this day is Garnier Fructis Elixir Transformation oil - it really transforms the appearance of the ends, and of course silicones do not treat hair, but only give it an external shine and sleekness, and this is a topic for a separate post. But with them, my hair really almost stopped falling out, breaking and began to look much better in appearance.

Next, of course, is an equally significant step - changing the combs, I looked at them and gasped, they were all in terrible condition, our combs completely affect the condition of our hair, look at your combs, if you have broken ends? Could it be the comb? quite possible. I threw away the bad combs, bought a wooden comb and a comb with natural bristles, at the moment it is still alive, in good condition and I use it. My comb is from Deval.

Oils are my love in hair care. I started using them almost from the very beginning of hair care and use them to this day, and even if many will say that hair cannot be restored, I agree in some ways, it is impossible to kill it in the trash, it can only be cut off, but so that the rest the hair did not turn into that, it pleased me with its healthy appearance - it needs to be nourished and moisturized, especially in the summer, when the sun is scorching outside, and in the winter, when we have hats, heating and a sea of ​​other nuances. Here I will draw attention to the winter, and I will say - many girls let their hair out from under their jackets in winter, it’s so beautiful - I was guilty of this too, but after reading many articles I want to say - this way you will kill your hair quickly, wind and cold are destructive for hair, Do you need hair beauty in the cold at this price? I don't. I always put my hair under my jacket, in my hood, and I don’t complain, my hair is protected. Pay attention to this nuance.

I began to buy oils in huge quantities, it all started with burdock and castor from the pharmacy, then I ordered butters (solid oils) for the first time, such as coconut and cocoa, these oils did not make a splash on my hair, it was difficult for me to wash them off, my hair quickly I felt dirty after such masks, but - I didn’t say no to oils, I thought that I had bought a bad brand of oils, and other girls wouldn’t praise the oils just like that - I was not mistaken.

Having bought “parachute” coconut oil, my doubts about the effectiveness of oil masks were destroyed, my hair after this oil was shiny, nourished, moisturized and elastic, it had never been like this after balms and homemade masks, my hair began with this oil. coconut love. I've tried a lot so far coconut oils, and I was captivated by La Taranguel oil, which I purchased at an Indian fair. My favorite is also argan oil, oil grape seed and palm oil.
What I liked most about homemade masks was gelatin lamination, which makes your hair simply amazingly beautiful in one use. I have been doing it for 1.5 years in courses.

List of masks that helped me

  • Mask with pepper tincture for hair growth.
  • Mask “Russian field” with red pepper for hair growth.
  • Onion juice mask.
  • Mask with aloe juice.
  • Mask with mayonnaise (homemade or store-bought)
  • Mask with egg yolk. Mask with yeast.
  • Hair lamination mask with gelatin.
  • Mask with burdock oil.

Refusal of blow-drying, using oil and other homemade masks, changing the comb, adding silicone leave-in products to my care gave me the fact that my hair began to increase in length, but apparently it was so damaged that as it grew, the ends still broke off, in my care a lot of interesting commercial products appeared, I started trying organic masks, I bought new shampoos, conditioners, masks, but my hair still broke, so what was the problem? In paint.

I needed to give up dye, and I was so used to being blonde, I had a choice - either beautiful hair your own color, or a rat's tail blond, of course, many may disagree and say if you dyed and tinted your hair, and used a professional one, such a problem would not have arisen at all, but! For my fine hair dye is destructive in any case, especially blonde, I decided not to risk it and forget about blonde. This was not easy for me, I wanted to dye or highlight, which I actually did 2 times after restoring my hair almost completely, which I really regret. This proved my theory, dye is contraindicated for my hair.

I gave up highlighting and dye for a year - my hair thanked me and pleased me with shine and reduced fragility, but only the grave will fix the hunchback. And in May 2014, I went for highlighting, decided to get it done in the salon, at that time my hair was half of its original color, it was time to trim the ends, I had seen enough of a program about highlighting, and there the girl was dyed very beautifully, she was simply transformed, like this I was influenced, I think it’s clear! Now I’m already sitting in a chair and leafing through magazines, waiting for my turn, doubts tormented me, but I got it into my head that nothing would happen after 1 highlighting, and I was going to highlight only that part of the hair that had grown back, that is, my color, white tips - previously highlighted, we did not touch, This is my last fatal mistake. When I got highlighted, I liked everything, my hair was shiny, elastic, soft and beautiful, everyone liked my new image and my transformation, I became brighter - of course, I liked it, I no longer smelled like a gray mouse and I was blooming and fragrant, but how long did my joy last? no, exactly a month.

My hair after highlighting (last)

This is how my hair has changed - before and after highlighting.

A month later, I began to notice a bunch of lost hair, a bunch of broken hair, not only at the ends, along the entire length, which provoked panic, I had been fighting for the beauty of my hair for so long, would I really lose everything in a month?

I quickly dug out the hair maniac inside me who had fallen asleep for a while, and began to take care of my hair many times more actively than before, my goal again was to bring my hair back to life and maintain its length, first of all, I was afraid for it, of course I didn’t need it a ratty, but long tail, I think everyone understands that it looks very poor and long hair should not have translucent ends, at that time I had not yet managed to grow my hair to the end, and she trimmed the ends for me and trimmed it - making a new one. It probably won’t be difficult to guess why I don’t like hairdressers and don’t go there anymore, now my mom cuts my ends, and I’m happy with everything.

I’ve been growing my color out again for 1.5 years now, the thought of doing highlights doesn’t arise, I can proudly call myself a hair maniac, I love my hair and really want to grow it to the desired length. I’ve started growing out my color many times already and I’m constantly frustrated either by dyeing it. , or for highlighting. I hope this time I can grow it out and enjoy my light brown color :)